The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 29, 1898, Image 3

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    $foed -Iftver Slacier
FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1898.
Tha mat! arrived from Mt. Hood at, In
elock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; Ae
Darts 'le same duv at noon.
For Cnenoweth, leaves at 8 A.. M. Tuesdays
rauu oamruavs; arriveH at. o r Al.
For White Salmon leaves daily at 1 P. M
arrives at 6 o'clock P. M.
Prom White Salmon, leaves for Fulda. Gil'
mer. Trout Lake and Qlenwood Mondays,
n eanesaayB ana rriaavs.
Laurel Hebekah Deerree Lodce. No. 87. X. O.
O. K. Meets first and third Mondays In each
month. MliS. KLOKA HAKTU1SY, iN. U.
O. G. Chamberlain, Secretary.
Canby Post, No. 16, G. A. R., meets at A. O.
U. W, Hall, first Saturday of each month
at 2 o'clock p. m. All G. A. R. members In
vited to meet with us.
FRANK NOBLE, Commander.
Canby W. R. C, No. 10, meets first Saturday
os eacn montn in a. u. u. w. nan, m t p. in
Mrs. auinks uuiNJNiinG, resident,
Mrs. Ursula Dukes, Secretary.
Hood River Lodge, No. 105, A. F. and A. M.
Meets Saturday evening on or before each
full moon. F. C. BROS1US, W. M..
w , al. x atbs, secretary.
Hood River Chapter, No. 27, R. A. M.
Meet third Friday nleht of each month.
, . F. C. BROSIUS, H. P.
G. E. Williams, Secretary.
Hood River Chapter, No. 25, O. E. 8. Meets
Saturday after each run moon.
Mrs. Rachkl Hekmhneu, Secretary.
' Ma, a . BBnmKT.r KTn ,AQ TTnl,n , ... I ....
- meets second and fourth Monday nights of
' encn monin af- r raierniiy nan. iroiuersanu
sisters cordially Invited to meet with us.
8. 8. Gbay, Secretary.
Waucoma Lodtce, No. 00, K. of P., meets In
A. O. U. W. Hall on every Tuesday night.
G. T, Prather, K. of R. & S.
Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. U. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
J. V. Watt, Financier.
H. U Howe, Reuoi der.
ldlewilde Lodge, No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets
in f raternal nail every Tnnrsnay night.
O. G. Chamberlain, Secretary.
Tennis shoes at the Racket Store.
Bonneville excursion. 8undav,'50c.
Everything fresh at Copple's grocery .
rj. fi. ricKHra, painter una decorator.
JjH dies' sin ix waists at the Ktieket
. Store.
A full line of hats and caps at the
. 1 Backet Store.
' VVakelee'M squirrel poison, 25o u can,
at Williams & Brosius'.
Mrs. J. H. CrarllebauKh came down
from The Dalles Monday.
Mrs. A. J. Jierehey Is recovering
from a spelt ot the intasles.
Win. Yates, P. M., is authorized agent
for ail newspapers and periodicals
George Rich iias leased his bowling
, alley to J. B. Hunt aud gone up the
H. L. Howe will mannare the Racket
Store while its proprietor is rusticating
at istevenson.
Brine your butter, esrss and vegetal)
les to Copple's store and get the highest
niarKei prices.
. N. W. Bone left Tuesday to deliver
. wheiit sacks in the wheat country of
me miana umpire.
T. Bishop and son' Tom went to
. UmatilU county last week, where they
, expect to remain till fall.
Bromide of Quinine Com pound, cures
" f olds while you sleep. 10 and 25 cents
at Williams & Brosius, pharmacists.
Mr. H. II. Holmes, cminty clerk of
Multnomah county, was in Hood River
last week looking for a summer board
ing place for his family.
TliQ best market prices paid in cash
at the Hood River Meat Market, Clyde
T. Bouney, proprietor, for chickens,
-ggs and Jive stock.
Clyde T. Bonney.
A letter from Mrs. Koplin, at Syra
cuse, Neb., states that her father is
very low with dropsy. A sister of
Mi's. Koplin's, also, is not expected to
r live.
A fine rain fell here last Friday,
enough to penetrate plowed ground
three or four Inches. Sunday evening
we were' treated to an old-fashioned
thund er storm, with more rain.
O. L. Strauahan returned from Sher
man county last Friday, where he had
been engaged repairing threshing ma
chinery. He tells some wonderful sto
ries of the big crops in that county.
He went there to purchase a 1,000 acre
ranch, but was too lute, it having been
sold just before his arrival. . . .
Frank McFarland and family came
down from Heppner last week and are
spending the summer in their country
residence at Belmont. Mr. McFarland
lias sold bis Heppner property and will
hereafter reside at Portland, where
Earl will attend the Bishop Scott mil
itary academy the coming school year.
S. E. Bartmess now has the Acme
steam fruit cauner in stock. This cau
ner not only saves a great del of labor
in canning fruit, but also r turns the
flavor and form of the fruit. There is
no burning or boiling over of fruit, as
the fruit, is placed in the jars before
ooking. v Peas, beans, corn and meats
may also be canned with perfect safety
aud saving of labor. Mrs. Bartmess is
making use of one and says she could
not do without it. Call and see it at
work In iier kitchen. ....
Mr. Ike Moore of Prineville is sura
. nierlugln Hood River with his family.
He lately came down from Malheur
county, where he had been prospecting
for placer mines and has some hand
Home nuggets as souvenirs. Mr. Moore
says he has been here long enough to
learn that Hood River is truly a won
derful country, and when he gets back
to Prineville will inform the editor of
. the Journal that the Glacier has al
ways been right in everything it ever
clalmedVabout its greatness.
- Persons troubled with diarrhoea will
be interested in the experience of Mr.
W. M. Bush, clerk of Hotel Dorrance,
Providence, R. I. He says: "For sev
eral years I have been almost a constant
sufferer from diarrhoea, the frequent
attacks completely prostrating me aud
rendering me unfit for my duties at this
hotel. About two years ao a travel
ing salesman kindly gave me a small
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. Much to my
surprise and delight its effects were im
mediate. Whenever I felt symptoms
of the disease I would fortify myself
against the attack with a few doses of
this valuable remedy. The result has
been very satisfactory and almost, com
plete relief from the afllk-lion.J' For
.ale by Williams & Brosius.
At a meeting of the board of direct
ors of the Valley Improvement com
pany last Saturday, arrangements were
made to procure a cable to put in a
wing dam at the head of the flume.
This improvement is now being made,
and hereafter, we are informed by the
ganger, there will, be no cause to kick
about the shortness of water. Mr. Mc
intosh and Chas. Stranaliun put in a
short wing dam Saturday, which rais
ed the water in the flume 1J inches and
was the cause of the increased head of
water since. Mr. Mcintosh, the gaug
er, has been instructed by the board to
look after the gauges, and if he finds
that any one has been meddling with
the gauges to find who is getting the
water, and then the guilty party may
be found and prosecuted a9 he deser
ves to be.'
A gentleman from The Dalles uamed
Applegate, who was camped near
Hood itiver lor a couple ot weeKs with
his familv, brought his 12-year-old boy
to Dr. Shaw to find out what could be
the matter witli the boy's ear, which
was causing him intense agony. The
doctor examined the ear and with del
icate forcip9 extracted a maggot. He
then blew in some vapor of chloroform
and pulled out five more maggots near
ly an men in length, rne tioy naci re
membered of a big fly striking him in
the ear only a few days before the pain
commenced. He had suffered for 48
hours and his parents had treated him
for earache, but it proved to be a case
of worms.
A party of Hood River folks will go
to Sievensoh next Mondav to rusticate:
In the party : will be, as far as we can
earn. JMmer Rand and family, i. K.
Jacks-oil and family, O. B. Hartley and
family, c M. woitura ana family,
Henry and family, T. II. Clark and
family, Grant Evans and family, L E.
Morse and family, Unlit. Ktind and
family and P. F. Bradford. Col. Hart
ley will take his team; others will take
along the family cow, and all expect
to lie gone for a month. The camp,
which has been honored by the name
of Dewey, Is about two miles from Ste
Mr. Peter Jochimsen of the East
Side cut 20 acres of wheat which he ex
pects will go 25 bushels to the acre this
year. He got it all m his bam last
week lust helore the ram. Mr. Joch
imsen grows the White Winter variety,
which he finds best suited for this cli
mate of any he has tried. He threshes
his wheat in his barn with the flail and
always finds ready rolfe for it for seed.
The grains are1 not broken as they some-
limes are when threshed with a ma
chine. .
Mr. Copple Hinriohs was injured in
a runaway on the East Side Monday.
He was hauling hay when he was
thrown from the load and the wheels
if the wagon, loaded with two tons of
hay, passed over his body. Dr. Shaw
was called and found no bones broken,
tint the .marks of the wheels showed
distinctly on his body, and he was suf
fering from internal injuries which the
doctor considered slight.
Grand Rally. The Oregon Emer
gency corps will hold an ice cream
festival at raraaise iarm, i naay even-
ng, July 2Htli. The band lias promis
ed to furnish music. Speeches are ex
pected from M. P. Isenberg, Dr. Adams
and others. Come one, come all, and
let us have a rousing meeting, and
how the world that patriotism in
Hood River isn't dead. '
Beginning next Sunday, Julv 31st,
he O. R. & N. Co. will run a special
train between Portland and The Dalles.
The new train "will leave Portland at
a. iik und will reach Hood River
about 10:30. Returning, the train will
reach Portland about 6:30 in the even
ing. This gives Columbia river towns
three trains daily.
Miss Marion Cook has returned from
a two week's outing at ("loud Cap Inn.
Mrs. Conk and family will leave Satur-
lay for their former home in Portland.
The Cooks take with them the good
wishes of a host of friends. Miss Ma-.
rion Cook is an accomplished young
lady that will be greatly missed in so
lely circles.
Mr. Hobt. Rand 'showed us a curios
ity last week in the shape of a hybrid
lierry that is a cross between a raspber
ry and a slrawherry. The berry Is
shaped like a strawberry, and the bush
grows two or three feet high in the
hape of a hay stack and makes a very
pretty ornamental shrub for a lawn.
Mr H. C. Hengst has good success
with clover. He plowed under some
t his strawberry plants after taking off
he crop this yqar and sowed the field
o clover. He got a good stand and
thinks the clover will head out before
bad weather comes in the fall. "
Last Thursday Mr. Goggin and Mrs.
Johnston from Armor's, Ellis Corbet t
nd Curtis Koehler from Cloud Can
Inn, aud Ralph Savage and Doug Lim
ine made the ascent of Mt. Hood.
This was Doug's 38th trip to the top of
the mountain.
Mr. Seaman Cox returned home from
Moro last Saturday. He was engaged
building a house at that place. Mou-
ay lie went to Mt. Hood, where he
will build a summer residence for Hen
ry M. Prindle. . ;
Mrs. J. M. C. Miller, who has been
isiting in Hood River during the past
wo weeks, left for Portland yesterday,
where she will visit for a week before
returning to her home at Philomath.
Subscribers rusticating at any sum
mer resort where there is a post offlice
may have their Glacier sent to them
by simply giving us the address.
Robt. Rand sold 10 aeres of land to
H. A. Tawney last week. The land is
situated on the old Husbands ranch
aud sold for 545 an acre.
A few evenings ago a bat was captur
ed In a house in the valley, and a close
inspection of this insectivorous afiimal
isclosed the traditional bed bug.
Mrs. Inez Broadbentr'M iss Mellie
Riirtiv and Miss Hulda Rankin attend
ed the teachers' institute at Guldendaie
last week. ' . '
Mrs. Clyde T. Bonney has returned
nine after a week's visit with her niece
Mrs.'M. E. Montgomery of The Dalles.
Geo. Mcintosh and Charley Strana-
hail killed a rattlesnake, last Saturday
p on the big ditch that had 10 rattles.
Mrs. Sammons and Mrs. T. Dean
from Portland anj guests of Mrs. Gee
aud Mrs. Ross.
No flies on the Racket Store man.
He has had Sam Bartmess put in a
screen door.
Henry York left Tnesday morning
for a short vacation at Port laud and
the coast.
W. II. Perry brought jn the first
rousting ears of (he season iat-t Saturday
Was made at the factory and they sent us a lot of misses' shoes all
of one. size 13, of course. We kicked, and as a result we can now
sell them at $1.45. Regular price, $1.75. Yon are in luck if your
daughter wears the unlucky number 13.
Men's Al patent leather pumps, hand turn, very swell, $1.75.
Only a few left of those elegant vesting tan shoes for ladies at
$1.85'. ; - '
And men's fine Vid ian at $3. Better get your feet into them
pretty quick; too late to order any more for this season.
First quality table oil-cloth, 15c per yard. , i
Mosquito bar keeps 'em out-Mic per yard; 45c per bolt. :
Gents' Balbriggau underwear to keep cool iij 60 and 80c per
suit. ' . ;
Splendid values in ladies' hose, at the I
' (Old Post Office Building.)
Yellow jackets have made a nest In
the eaves of C. Welds' shoe shop. When
there is a crowd collected on the Rack
et store steps to discuss the latest War
news or other topics, it gives welds
great satisfaction o pound on his wall,
arouse the yellow jackets and see the
crowd scatter, while Welds laughs be
hind his screen door. A tew days ago,
while M. A. Cook was working on the
front, of the Peoples' Store building, the
Racket Store man thought to have a
little quiet sport by stirring up the yelr
low jackets. He pounded on the shoe
shop wall and the bees formed a halo
about Cook's head; but he didn't ap
pear to notice them and went right
along with his work. Cook was too
tough for the birds with hot feet.
Labor is -scarce. Uncle Oliver Bart
mess was delegated last Tuesday by a
citizen who was called away on busi
ness to get somebody to saw wood for
his wife. Uncle Oliver went after In
dian Pat, but Mrs. Pat said he had a
job. He then called on Judge Henrv,
Col. Hartley, E. W. Wiuans and oth
ers, but no one had time to saw wood.
Tiie editor, thinking he sawa chance
to make some ready money tR9t would
help make up for delinquent subscrip
tions, agreed to tuke the job if it could
he done by moonlight, when lie had
time, but Uncle Oliver for some reason
didn't see fit to employ hhu. . We have
sidce learned that he took the job
Under the efficient management of
Prof. J. M. C. Miller as president. Phil
omath college last month closed a most
successful year's work,, its patrons
speaking of it as the best in its history,
and the prospects for the coming col
legiate year are very promising. Phil
omath college ofTeis exceptionallv good
business and normal courses, and now
that the state university and agricultu
ral colleee have cut off their prepara
tory departments, it is makiifg a special
ty of preparing students for these In
stitutions. Philomath is an ideal little
college town, situated just six miles
west of Corvallis on the Oregon Cen
tral and Eastern railroad.
Harvey Rand, son of M. V. Rand,
while hunting cows one day last week,
found some household goods covered
up in the brush on Win. Foss' land..
Mr. Rami, on examination of the
goods, found a chair with the name
'Royal" on the bottom. The goods
evidently wre taken from, the house
on the hill that was robbed some time
ago of everything it contained while
the inmates were away picking straw
berries, -i s
v Rev. D. C. Garrett, rector of the
Trinity Episcopal church at Portland,
whs in town Wednesday. He selected
the bridge across the Eaat'Forb for his
choirboys to spend tlftir vacation.
They will be up next week.
R. M. Hunt returned from Wasco
Tuesday, where he went to look for
work, but he says there is five men
there for every job there is to give out.
Mr. Hershner will join his family the
first of next week, when they will take
their summer vacation on the ocean
beach at Newport. , i: .
Until further notice, the Bonneville
Sunday excursions will be a regular
thing. Round trip only 50c.
Dr. M. A. Jones, dentist, will' be in
Hood River, August 4tti.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Altar.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netlc, full of ll(e, nerve and vitfor, take No-To-Bao,
the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 50c or Jl. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York.
"I have used Chamberlain's Xough
Remedy in my family for years and al
ways with good results," says Mr. W.B.
Cooper of El Rio, Cal. '"For small
children we find it especially effective."
For sale by Williams & Brosius. r
Come and See
The latest In waist seta; no trash, but cheap.
Nrw and stylish cuff buttons. Collar buttons
for 10c and guaranteed for 20 years. Patriotic
watch chains for 10 cents.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1
United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
eon, June 1, 1698. Notice is hereby given that
incompliance with the provisions of the act
of congress of June 3, ISiS, entitled "An act for
t he sale of timber lands in the states of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," .
Of Hood Kiver, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day filed In this office his sworn
statement No , for the purchase of the
northeast of northeast 'if section No. 21,
in township "north, range No , and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver at this office at The Dalles, iregon,
on Saturday, the lith day of August,, IS98. is
lie names as witnesses: Fred KantK. Frank
Davenport, Fred Hutu and John Nickelsen,all
of Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
tith day of August. 1S08.
JiaS JA8. F. MOORE. Register.
Three lady residents of Hood River
went cycling on Cycle avenue Tuesday
evening. One of them concluded to go
to the camp of Rev. Fix and family,
and in going about 80 rods from the
cycle track got lost and wandered
around in the woods till she finally
struck Capt. Dukes' residence and got
her bearings. It was dark when she
got home, and there was great excite
ment in the Parkliurst woods.
Dr. Joseph Kent of Aberdeen, Wash.,
arrived In Hooa River Tuesday even
ing to visit bis sick Son, who died
Wednesday morning. The funeral was
held yesterday, at 9 o'clock, and Inter
ment was made in ldlewilde cemetery.
The Portland Telegram gives an ex
cursion from The Dalles to Portland,
Wednesday, Aug. 3d, the train leaving
The Dalles at 7 a. m. and Portland at
7.30 p. in. Round trip fare from Hood
River, 50c
School district No. 4 has called an
other meeting to take action in regard
to borrowing money for a new school
house. It seems the first meeting was
not altogether regular.
Mrs. S. E. Bartmess and daughters
Sallie and Marie went to Portland yes
terday for a visit with friends and rel
atives. Miss Lela Harrison accom
panied them.
Dr. E. 1. Cams has recovered from
his late sickness and will be In Hood
River, August 1st, prepared for busi
uess aud will remain one week. .
The Davidson Fruit Co. continues
to handle fruit of all kinds that can be
marketed profitably, and have plenty
of crates and boxes on hand.
Mrs. T. J. Watson and Mrs. W. S.
Qui i) Ian of San Francisco arrived here
Tuesday on a visit to Mrs. Irwin and
started home yesterday. .
The ladies of the W. R. C; will serve
ice cream tomorrow on Mrs. Crowell's
lawn, for the benefit of the hospital
Doug Langille came down from
Cloud Cap Inn, Tuesday. He reports
considerable travel skyward this season.
Louis W. Tomlinsou hauled out the
new school desks for the Mt. Hood
school, Wednesday.
Bradley wen tout to Chas. Chandler's
place yesterday to take some photo
graphic views.
M iss Estella Calvin of Toledo, Wash.,
is visiting Miss Cora Mayes.
Church Notices.,
Rev. J. L. Hershner will conduct the
quarterly communion service nt the
Congregational church next Sunday at
11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m.'; Y.
P. S. C. Eat 8 p. m.
In Hood River, July 27, 1898, James
J. Kent, aed 18. Deceased was a
nephew of Judge T. B. Keut and eame
here from South Bend, Wash., in May
last for bis health. The cause of bis
death was an affection of the throat.
To Cure OoiintlpHloii Forever.
Tako Cuscavots Caudy Cathartic. ' lOo or 250.
If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money.
Time Schedules.
10:48 p.m.
Salt Lake; Denver,
4:23 a.m.
f t wortn.umana.
Kansas City, Sti
Louis, Chicago
aud the East.
Walla Walla, Spo-
4:83 p.m.
St Paul, Dufuth, , Kl
7:45 a.m.
cago and East.
8 p.m.'
Ocean Steamships
4 p'.ni.
All sailing dates sub
lect to enange.
For San Francisco-
Sail Aug. 2,0,10,14,18,
i, Zii, au.
. 7 p.m.
To Alaska-
S p.m.
Sail Aug. 8, 28.
Columbia Rivee
8 p.m.
Ex. Sunday!
10 a. in.
4 p.m.
To Astoria and way;
Willamette River. 4:30 D.m.
0 a.m.
Ex. Sunday
Oregon City, New-'Ex-Sunday.
Derg.saiem x way
Willamette and1
7 a.m. Yamhill Rivkks.
8:80 p.m.
Mon, Wed.
and Fri.
Tucs. Thur. Oregon Cit,y,Dayton
ana at. ana way landings.
a.m. W Ulamette River. 4:30 i .m.
Tu8, ThurJPortland to Corval-,Tue.,Thur.
ana Hat. lis ai way ianuings. ana eat.
Lv.Kl pari a.
' Uib a.m.
Mon.. Wed.
and Friday
Lv IrfiwlBt'll
Snake River. 5:45 a.m.
Rlparia to Lewis ton Sun., Tues.
nnu inur.
.' ' W. II. HURIiBURT,
fxen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, Or
E. B. Clauk, Agent,.Hood Hiver.
I have opened a choice lot of Groceries In the store room formerly occupied by the Hood
River Pharmacy. Will also deal In Flour, Feed. etc. ,
Our goods are all new and choice, and we will aim to keep the best at all times. Quick
sales ana small pronts win oe our motto,
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House in tha valley. J
DDr3T Q-oodiS, Clotlb-Ixxg:,
.... AND '
Flour, Feed, , Etc., Etc.
HOOD RIVER, - - - - - - OREGON
25c 50c ai3S? VRMSBrl "
Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc
We have a new and comnlete stock of hard
ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will
keen constantly addtnr. Our prices will con
tinue to be as low as Portland prices.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Planet Junior band and horse
Studebaker Wagons.
Canton Clipper,chlllegiae?d
Plows & Cultivators,
All styles and sizes.
For Repairs
Give me a call.
Extra Shares. -,
and Plow Parts
Always in stock.
Columbia Nursery
Offers a large stock of Fruit Trees and all oth
er kinds of nursery stock. All trees are well
grown, carefully dug, free from pesta and true
to laDet. w netner you wain uutj tree or i,uw.
It will pay you to examine this stock. Re
member, trees grown here give the best satis
faction. No trouble to show goods. Orders
filled on short notice. H. C. BATEHAM,
Hooa Klver, Oregon.
Three miles south, on Mt. Hood Road.
Harbison Bros., Prop'rs,
. Manufacturers of
Oregon Lite
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and all kinds of ceieals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham
i - a specialty.
HOOD RIVER, t'- - - - - OREGON.
Is now located In Portland, at 113 Russell
street. Will make regular trips to ilood
River on the first of every month and remain
three days. '
M. F. SHAW, M. D.
(Successor to Dr. Morgan)
All 'Calls Promptly Attended
Office up stairs over Copple's store. AU
calls left at the office or residence will be
promptly attended to.
Attorney-at-Law, Abstracter, Notary
Public and Ileal Estate Agent.
For 21 years a resident of Oregon and Wash-,
tngton. Has had many years experience in
Real Estate matters, as abstracter, searcher of
titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or
no charge.
Harness Repair Shop.
Being a practical shoemaker and worker in
leather, I nave opened a shoe shop in Hood
River and will make a speoialty of repairing'
harness. All work guaranteed to give satis
faction. F. E. DENZER.
Do You Want
To buy land In Hood River
Valley. If so, dou' t full to
See Tucker!
Fruit Land, Bnrry Land, Grata Land, or
Hay land, at priei you cHn't equal In the
valley: U. U. TUCKER, Tucker, Or.
uome ana see us.
. THE- -
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
Ml M. 1M MM
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
Leave The Dalles ......8.44 a. it.
Leave Portland....... 7.00 A. M.
One way .$1 50
Round trip.
Freight Rates Greatly
. Oeneml Agent,
Future comfort for present
seeming economy, fcut buy the
sewing; machine with an estab
lished reputation, that guar
antees you long 'and satisfac
tory service & & s& J j
. . AND . . . . '
(devices for regulating and
showingthe exact tension) are
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