Helping Them Ilivea and Eruptions Cured by Rood's Sarsaparilln. . , "Two of my little boys had eruptions on their faces. I bejran giving them Hood's Rarsaparllla, and before they had finished taking the first bottle the soYea werp all Rono. We are now pivlng Hood's Snrsaparllln to our babies for hives, and it is helping thorn. Mrs- C. A.. Batks, Btay ton, (Jr. Get only Hood's because Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine, fl; six for;J5. Hood's Pills oure all liver ills. 25 cents. Revolving Seat A seat especially adapted for tiso on open trolley cars, for the overhead seats on '.busses, for benches In public parks or private country houses, etc., Is de signed upon the principle of the rolling top desk, so . that there is always a dry surface during tho rainy or snowy weather. As a covering for the ordi nary fixed rails or solid wood seat there is an endless roll, formed of flat strips of wood, riveted securely to bands of leather, pegamoid or similar materia and presenting an even surface, the usual width of a single Boat, which slipped around the seat board. By means of sunk buttons or rings laced at suitable intervals this roll oan be readily revolved, bringing any portion into position for a seat, as .rnay be re quired Thus, in the event of the seat being exposed to tho rain and rendered unfit for use, the person desiring to sit down has simply by means of tiie fin ger, holes or rings to draw the roll forwards, and a perfectly dry portion is brought Into position, whilst the roll jh oi sncn lengtn mat anotner flry por tion sufficient for a seat is still in re serve, if found necessary In addition to this as the roll is revolved in either direction it it underneath the seat; brough in contact with an india-rubber scraper whioh takes off all the heavy moisture so that even the portion of the seat which lias been exposed to the rain is very quickly dried and again rendered nt tor use. ' . FITS Permanently Cured. No fltsor nervonsnes w aner nrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great iiBi voiMjHuirer, oeoo iot UHKB JgiS.OO trial ooiue ana ireauBB. liiu a. U tr)). .Ltd.. I ArcU street, mindeiuUla, ta, A seven-foot granite ntQnument in Upper Harz, Germany, has an iron tablet inscribed: "Here, in the year 1847, the first trials were made with the cultivation of the potato." We will forfeit 1,000 if any of our pub lished testimonials are proven to be not genuine. Tub Piso Co., Warren, Ta. The death penalty is rarely enforced in Germany, Austria, Denmark oi Sweden. In New York 11 out of 12 murderers escape without any punish ment, and in the United States only one murderer in 50 suffers capital pun ishment A portable X-ray apparatus do biggei than a Webster's dictionary, but pow erful enough to enable a surgeon to look through a man's body, has been invented for-use in war by Professoi Reginald A. Fessenden, of Plttsbuia- The photographic action oS light, though not destroyed at very low tem peratures, is diminished by ay 1 per cent., the loss being greatest in the violet light which at ordinary tempera tures is the most effective. Professor Dewar. recently stated in the course of a lecture at the Royal In stitution of Great Britain that there has been a groat developmnct in the application of 'liquid air ae an ana iytical Agent.' Marigolds in North Africa reach a height of four or five feet. COULD NOT SLEEP. Mrs. Pinkham Relieved Her of ATI Her Troubles. Mrs. Madgb Uadcock.. 176 Second St,. Grand Rapids, Mich., bad ovarian trouble with its attendant achea and pains, now 6he is welL Here are. her own words: " Your Vegeta ble Compound has made me feel like ft new person. Before I be- Fan taking It was all run down, felt tired and sleepy most of the time, bad pains in my v.back and side, and such terrible headaches all the time. andcouldnot sleep well sights. I al so bad ovarian trouble. Through the advioe of a friend I began the use of LydtaB. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, and since taking1 It all troubleshave gone. My monthly sickness used to be so painful, but have not had the slightest pain since taking your medicine. I cannot praise your Vegetable Compound too much. ", My husband and friends see such a change in me. I look so much better and have some color in my face." 1 Mrs. Pinkham invites women who are ill to write to her at Lynn, Mass., for advice, which is freely offered. T Make mouev br succesfnl speculation in Chicago. Wa buy and sell wheat on mar Pius. Fortunes have heen made on a small beginning by trsdlugin fu tures. Write for lull particulars. Best of r erence given. Several years' experience on the Chicatto Board of Trade, and a thorough know ledge of tho business. endforour free refer enee book. DOWNING, HOPKINS A Co., Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Ofllces in Portland, Oregon and Seattle Wash. WHtHE AlLlLSEfilLS t Cough Syrup. Taste Good. Dae I Dime. Horn pr drutrirlptB. c ? 4 v 1 A CUEIOUS OLD CITY. SANTIAGO IS THE OLDEST TOWN IN AMERICA, , Claims to Be the Landing rtooe rjf Columbus Everybody Takes a Mid day Nap Men, Women and Children Smoke-Other Interesting features. If s a Quaint Place. The bottling up of CerveraB flee in tho harbor of Santiago de Cuba Is not the only claim to distinction possessed by that curious old' cityj for, as the In habitants never fan to remind the trav eler, It haa long been a disputed fact! whether Columbus landed first at San Salvador or Santiago do Cuba.' How ever that may be, St Jago, as the Spanish call It, le tar older than any city In North America. The peculiar narrow streets and the facades of the houses remind one of some of the old towns in Italvi but there the resemblance ceases; for the houses of Santiago are nearly all hunt around a court,- or patio, as they are in most ' Spanish towns. With their high barred windows and glaring plas tered walla, 'on the outside they look more like prisons than like the Ameri can Idea of dwelling bouses. But go Inside the patio, and everything is dif ferent There are palms and shrubs find flowers, and In some of the richer bouses even fountains. Meals ore often served In the patio in pleasant weather. In Santiago, as well as in other Co ban cities, the proprietors of most of the 6hope and warehouses live in the same building in which their business is conducted. The shops open about 9 o'clock In the morning and remain open till (rbout noon, when they close up, and everybody goes to the midday meal. After that everybody takes a nap In the heat of the day. The shops open up again about 2 o'clock to the afternoon and remain open till half past 5 or a Go to ah office In Santiago at half past 8 to the morning and no body will bo up; go again at half past 12 and everybody will bo eating; go again at half past 1 and everybody will lie asleep. In tho evening the people sit around and take life easy, and smoke, of course, for to Santiago everybody srivolies men, women and children. Bven the waiters In tho hotels and cafes pull out a cigarette and smoke between the courses. The porters and cabmen smoke at all times and sea eonsi The stevedores on the wharves smoke at their work, ond even the clerks in the dry goods stores roll a cigarette and take a puff between two customers. Tlw serwrlta blows a cloud of smoke from under the lace of her fascinating, mysterious mantOla, while negresses walk along the streets puffing away at huge cigars. Children of 8 and 10 may often be seen with cigar ettes in their mouths, and it is no un- THE CITY OF i common sight to see men and women smoking in church. All the young bloods to Santiago wear white duck suits and straw bata, and they may be seen lounging around the city and the 1 Club de San Carlos, looking cool and comfortable, and smoking, of course, for that goes with out saying In Santiago. At the Club de San Carlos, which is the Union League of Santiago, tlio Spanish officers from Morro Castle and the gilded youths of the city make their Idling headquarters. It Is a pleasant place in which to loaf, drink cooling beverages, smoke and gossip. The club-house Is only one story high, like most of the buildings in the city, and in front Is a little garden with a fountain ana flowers. Opposite the Club de San Carlo is tho Cafe Venus, where, an enthusiastic traveler de clares, as good a meal can be had as at Delmonlco's. There Is less wine" drunk to Cuba than in most Latin countries; but there Is a native rum, called bar cardi, which is made from molasses, and which, well mixed with water and cooled with ice, makes a very smooth sort of beverage and a somewhat insid ious one. A rtiart bottle of this runn costs only 50 cents, and op a good deal of It Is usually drunk at the midday meal it is not to be wondered at that a nap Immediately follows it ' At all places in Santiago where drinks are sold, as well as to the tele graph offices and postofflce, one always finds lottery1 tickets on sale, and men and boys peddle them about the streets. These tickets vary in price from 10 cents to $10, and even mora. Of all the cities of Cuba, Santiago, with its 40,000 Inhabitants, is by far the most picturesque and Interesting. It la'many years older than St Augus tine, and atfter walking for an hour or two" through its mediaeval-looking streets the most matter-of-fact Ameri can is ready to 'believe any romantic story about the place which may be told to him, except perhaps, the story of the Immense chain stretching from Morro Castle to a huge staple to the wall of rock on the opposite shore, fifty yards away, which can be hove up by a capstan till It is level with the water, eo as to form an lrrsurmountaWft obstacle to any attempt to force an en trance In time of war. The country houses around Santiago are Infested with mice and lizards. The latter are very alert and active, and Quite unlike the sluggish llfcards seen to nortuern SHERMAN'S MARCH TO THE SEA ) How and Where Major Brers Wrote Hie Fammu War Bong. won, Merman s oeetructrve proces sion through Georgia will be known to all times as "Sherman's march to the sea." Few of the younge generation knew bow this name 'was applied, but ft writer to the Detroit Free Press MAJ. 8. H- M. BTSB8, names Moj. 8. II. M. Byers, of Des Moines, la., as ks author, he having nrst used it as the title of his famous song which begins "Onr camp-fires shone bright on the mountains, That frowned on the river below.'! It ie interesting to hear MaJ. Byers tell just how and where he wrote this song, wnicn was Bung over and, over again by camp-area and by firesides. MaJ. Byers was a soldier boy when he wrote it Ho was a very young volun teer soldier in the Fifth Iowa Infantry, and bis home was to Oskaloosa, la. His regiment marched- forth 1XX) strong aad half of them fell on the battlefield. Eighty of the Fifth Iowa were captured to the battle of Mis sionary Ridge, and Mm Byers was among thia number oi onfortunates. They were moved hither and thither from prison to prison, and Anally marched to a spot nea potambta to South Carolina. A few weeks later they were moved into the town of Co lumbia and placed to the yards of an asylum surrounded by a high brick wall. Little of all that wee going for ward to the great outside world ever reached the prisoners, but they found out that Sherman was on the move and carrying everything before him. They learned Chat he had totes Savan nah, and courage and hope came to SANTIAGO. them to thelT dreary and desolate sur roundings. 1 "One night,"' says MaJ. Byers, "while pacing up and down and cogitating on the wonderful success 'of Sherman's campaign, I wondered what they would call it It was not a battle only, I reflected, but a march as well and a march to the sea. Instantly the thought struck me of a song." . . ' . While walking about In the darkness for warmth, MaJ. Byers -partly com posed the song and finished U the next day. He showed it to several of his fellow-prisoners and one of ; them, Lieut Bockwell, set the song to music. There was a glee club among the pris oners and by them it was first sung. Thence one of the prisoners carried It North and soon II was heard all rver the land. Wbeo the war was over, MaJ. Byers was appointed to a consulship in Swit eerland,v where be remained for many years. He has also been the American consul to Home. Palnfal Spanish Fetters. This Is the way Correspondent Charles XL Thrall was tied to Oorro- TBEIR WHISTS TIED. spondent Haydon Jones when the Spaniards captured them In Cuba re cently, i - , ' ' Bandwioh, England. The eleventh century Sandwich was the most famous English seaport. It la now, however, two miles Inland, owing to the sea receding. A rainy spell of weather is like the --: hard to break. i Total Disability Claim of $1. M Who The Monitor, a newspaper published at Mcaford, Out, Cnnada, first discovered this rase two years ago, and published it at length, which now seems, owing to the cure of it. to be a' miracle. . The facts were so remarkable that many people doubted the truth of them. They said : "It is too remarkable; it cannot possibly be true; the paper is mistaken, and the man. although he may think himself earfl. will soon relapse Into hi9 former condition,"" etc., etc. The accuracy of its report called into question, the Monitor determined to rind out delinitely whether the facts were as stated and whether the man would real ly Ktav cured. They accordingly kept a close watch on the case for two yean after the first article appeared, and have just now published another article about it in which tin original reports aie completely ven ded, the enre is permanent, and they riuhlish it fac simile of the check given ly the Candian Mutual-Life Association for 91 650.00 a-nount f total dualidty o'aim paid by them to Mr. Fetch. The first account stated that th natient (see address below) had been a paralytic for live years, that there was such a total lack of feellnar in bis limbs a id bortv that a pin run full length could not' fie felt; rhat he could not walk or help himself at all 5 for two years he was not dressed; fur thermore that he was bloated, was for that reason almost unrecognizable, and could not get his clothes on. The paralysis was so complete as to affect the face and pre- Engineering Under true Earth. Tire newest wonder in Amerloan en glneering has jnst been inaugurated at Haughton, Mich., viz., the Red Jacket shaft of the Calumet and Helca the greatest mining shaft, in the entire world. It is 4,900 feet deep, and, com pared with it, tite deep silver -mines of the Comstock lode In Nevada, or the wonderful mines in Austria, wotkod for many centuries past, are but shal low pits. There are six compartments. says the New York Sun, eaob equal in size to an ordinary mining shaft, four of these being used for hoisting rock and lowering timber; one is used for the ladder ways, and tire sixth and last compartment carries the wires and pipes for telephones, light, power, water and compressed air. . The under ground workings of the shaft are laid out with mathematical accuracy, the undevrating course of the copper-bearing lode allowing work to be planned thousands of feet ahead of the mineral picks.,. The great pumps which free the mine of ' water are operated inter changeably by compressed ail and elec tricity. The power drills which eat the holes for the dynamite cartridges are run by compressed air alone, and there are moreHhan 800 of these drills, each doing the work of a dozen men, work ing both night and day, in the Calumet and Helca mine. : , ' KEDUCTION IN BICYCLE PRICES. It ts said that western capitalists are con templating ttic organization ol ft great bicycle company, which hopes to make first-class wheels and sell them as low as f 10; Whether this be true or not. the fact remains that Hob- tettcr'B Stomach Hittdrs Is ft first-class remedy for tlje stomach, liver an1 blood, and the price puts it within ovtrybody's reach to be well and strong. For fever aud ague it is ft specific It is said that a Scotchman planted the first thistle in Australia out of love (or his native land, and now millions of that plant afflict the land, r . The royal crown of Persia, whioh dates back to remote ages, is in the form of a pot of flowers surmounted by an uncut ruby the size oi a hen's egg. The speed of our fastest ocean steam ers Is now greater than that of express trains on Italian railways. TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season vour feet feel swollen, ner vous, and hot, and get tired easily. If you nave smarting lect or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Ten thousand tes timonials of cures. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe Stores for 25c. Sent by mail for 25c In stamps. Trial package FREE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, fe Roy, New York. Persons residing in the District ol Columbia have no vote there, but they may vote in the state in whioh they claim a legal residence. . . WAGONS IMPROVED. ' The new improved Stoughton wagons stand the racket. Tw Two car loads have just arrived. It pays to have the best. - Write for free catalogue. JOHN POOLE, sole agent, foot of Morrison street, Portland, Or. In 1794 the habitual users of the En glish language did not number more than 80,000,000; in 1897 their number was estimated at 100,000,000. . HOITT'S SCHOOL FOB BOT3. ), At Burlingame, San Mateo county, Cal., Is one of the most thorough, careful and practical "Home School" to be found on the Pacilic Coast. Accredited at State and Stanford Universities. Thorough prepara tion for business. Send for catalogue, Ira (. Hoitt, Ph. D., Principal. He-opens Aug. 9th. fcMM5 w r jc vn - - - y "g- i v Was Afterward vented him from opening bis mouth suffi ciently wide to take solid food. The doc tors called the disease spinal sclerosis, and all said he could not live. For three years he lingered in this condi tion. Then 6v some friends be was advised to take Dr. Williams' Fink Pillsfor Pole Peo ple. He took them and there was a slight change. The first thing noted was a tenden cy to sweat fref ly. This showed there was some life left in bis helpless body. Next came a little feeling In bis limbs. This extended, follpwed by pricking sensations, until at last blood began to course freely, naturally and vigorously through his body. and the helplessness gave way to returning! strength, the ability to walk returned, ana he wa$ restored, to his old time health. The above is the substance of the first article published by the Monitor. Now fol low some clippings, taken from the same paper two years afterward, and there is uqt the slightest shadow or a doubt, in view of this testimony, that Mr. Fetch's cure is permanent. Here follows the account: On being again questioned, Mr. Petch eald: "You see those hands the skin Is now natural and elastic Once thoy were hard and wlthont sensation. You could pierce them with a pin and I would not feel it, and what is true of my bands is true of t;he rest of my body, perhaps yon have observed that I nave now even ceased to use a cane, and can get about my business perfectly well. You may say there U abso lutely no dovbt as to my cure being permanent. Anglo-Saxon Postal Cards. The Canadian people are showing a stranger sentiment towards Unole 8am at the present time, oalled out no doubt by the struggle, If such it may be called, between this' government and Spain, An instance of this ts found In new postal cards, whioh are passing through the CanadlaA mails to -this country. On one card is shown the Stars and Stripes, which cover the entire front oi the postal card, the white bars dt 6ld Glory being used to write the address upon. - Another card shows the ttplan 6f the English and American flags insoibed "Anglo Saxon, orje aim, one goal," while be low are the national shields held by Oeres and the Goddess off Liberty, guarding whom are the proud eagle bird and the lion. Both are private postals, such as are pow permissible in this country, and both are very unique. The most ancient coin in Europe, the ducat, was first struck in the mint of Venice in the year 1284. The building is still in existence. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is-due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and Bkill with which it is manufactured by scientific; processes known to the California Fio Svrdp Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the Importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Sybup Co only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fio Sintup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has glvenj to millions of families, makes the name of the Company & guaranty of the excellence of Its remedy. It is far In advance of all Other laxatives, as It acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels wlthont irritating or weaken ing them, and It does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the came of the Company v CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FHANOISOO, O.L LOUISVILLE, Kj. MEW YOKE. NiT. American Type Founded Company 650 Paid tta Cured. Tndeed lam in even belter health than when 1 gov you the fimt interview. ' "Do you still attribute vour cure to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills?" asked the Monitor. "Unquestionably I do," was the reply. "Doctors had failed, as had also the num erous remedies recommended - bv my friends. Nothing I took had the slfghtest effect upon me utitll I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pllla 2b (Mi wonderful medieine I m is my releote from the living dentin I have since recommended these pills to many of my friends, and the ver dict is always In their favor. I Bhallalways bless the day I was induced .to take them." Such ts the hlstory of one of the most re markable cases of modern tinxx. Can any Be Of TrtK pQWIMIQW BWIB ,VWI Dollars one say Dr. Wi ay, in the face of such testimony that Williams' Pink Pills are not entitled to the careful consideration of any sull'eing maiu woman or child? Is not the case iu truth a miracle of modern medicine 1 To make the evidence complete we pub lish above a fac simile out of the check re ceived by Mr Petch from tho Canadian Mutual Life Association, being the amount One him for total disability. It is unneces sary to odd that this life insurance associa tion aid not pay this large amount of money to Mr. Petch, except after the most careful examination 'of his condition by their medical experts. They must have re garded him as forever Incurable. Mr. Petch's address is as follows: Reu ben Petch, Griorsville, Out., Canada. Cookbooks for Soldiers. Cook books have been distributed through the companies of the Twenty second regiment, says "the New York Tribune, The receipts given show just how the government wants its supplies cooked. There must herenfter be an insneotion ol the food at each meal, ana an officer is to overlook the weigh ing and apportioning of supplies to as oertaip that the amount given out is guffloient ; ' fn New Zealand two persons work ing together. constitute a factory. '' Beware or Olntmenti for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smoll and completely derange tho whole sys tem when entering it through the mucous sun. faces. Such articles should never be used ex cept on prescriptions from reputable physi cians, as the damage they wJU do U ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo.O., contains no mercury, and is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. in Duying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you got the genuine. It is taken internally, and mad in loieao, unio, Dy r. J. cneney & C( o. Testiv uiuniujs iree. - Sold by Druggists, price ?5o. per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. - 1 SEW DEPARTURE ID ' .'DENTISTRY. At last the long looked for Improvement has boon nade on the IiiHtei ijb oia meinoa oi piate teetii, of wcarlnp bor teeth, by Dr. white's new method vol -ma a fMiimftv mnuthfn or a clumsy mouthful of rub- u ean nave yaur teetn replaced by crown and tirldgo work, giving the same results as your natural tcetb, ill i appearance, comfort ana durability. ...bft. WHITE.. Mobhison St., Cor. 4th, PORTLAND, OIL Urn onto loft, Me ,,Wrtd)riJ)tett'', in foldje $rcte elnjufuljren, in benen t bi8 fjcr nod) nildjt fjeniigctib fcefannt roar, fenben rolt e3 oon jeht an Di 311m 1. Saituat 1899 fret an a0e biejenigcrt, roelctye filt ba3 nadjfte Satyr unfere abonncnten roerben unb ben iPetiaq bafftr. 82.00, Jefct rinfenben. 9(J(.an laffrfid) Sj3tooesJiummem d)iifen. ; German Publishing Oo. , Portland, Or. YOUR LIVER Moors' s Revealed Remedy will do It. Three doses will make you feel better. . Get it from your druggist pr any wholesale drug bouse , or worn Stewart 4 Holmes Drug OoM Seattle. WILL i FlfiCK OH SPRlNd EYE GRAIN BAG NEEDLES. Plain or with Cotter. The best needle In the mar. kot. Used by all sack sewers. For sale by all geo Aral merchandise stores, or by WILL UNOK CO., 830 Market Street, San Francisco, CaL GPIU MORPHINE COOAINB LAUDANUM Stormed at on re Dr. J.C. Hoffman, 484 Isabella Bldg, Chicago,!!!. N. P. N. V. No. 88, '98. 117 BKN wrltine to advertiser please IT mention th: lis paper. . , .1 . . - EVERYTHMQ FOR PRINTER.... ' THB We lead and originate fashions in.... ' TYPE Cor. Second and Stark Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON