The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 10, 1898, Image 3

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2XooA Iftver Slacier
FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1808.
Th mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10
lock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts -ie same aayg A' noon.
For Chenoweth, leave at ft A. M. Tuesdays
na naiunarc arrives at t r. ai.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M
arrives at o'clock p. M. .
Prom White Haimon, leaves for Fulda, Gil'
mar. Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays,
w saaesaays ana r riaavs.
Laurel Uebefcah Desrree Ixvdee. No. 87. 1. 0,
O. F. Meets first and third Mondays In each
month. M RS. FLORA HARTLEY, N. (i.
O. O. ChambkblaIv, Secretary.
Canbv Post. No. IB. G. A. R.. meets at A. O,
(J. W, Hall, first Saturday of each month
at 3 o'clock p.m. All (LA. EL members In
vited to meet with lis.
PRANK NOBLE, Commander,
T. J. CrJitKiico, Adjutant.
Canby W. R. C, Mo. 16, meets first Saturday
oi eacn montn in a. o. u. w. nun, atz p. m,
xurs. auinks uuiNmaii, rresiaeiii,
Mrs. U&auuA. Dukes, Secretary.
Hood River Lodge. No. 105. A. F. and A. M
Meets Saturday evening on or before each
, W. M. Yates, Secretary. '
Hood River Chapter, No. 27, R. A. M.
Meets third Friday nicht or each month.
V. C. BKOSIUa, H. P.
G. E. Vixuain, Secretary.
Hood River Chapter, No. 25, O. E. S. Meets
eaiuraay er eacn mil moon.
" Mrs. Rachil Hekshner, Secretary.
Oleta Assembly, No. 103, United Artisans.
' meets second and fourth Monday nhrhU oi
each month at Fraternity hall. Brotliers and
sisters cordially Invited to meet with us.
A. P. BATE11AM, M. A.
8. S. Gsav, Secretary.
Wancoma Lodge, No. 80.K. of P., meets lu
a, V. u. w. nan on every ruesaay nignc.
G. T. Prather, K. of R. & S.
Riverside Lodge, No. 88, A. O. U. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
G. T. PRATHKlt, M. W,
J. V. Watt, Financier.
H. L. Howk, Recoider.
Idlewilde Lodge, No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets
in fraternal hall every mursaay menu
O. G. Chamberlain, Secretary. .
Fresh cow for sale by Geo. Rordan.
- Teonls shoes at the Backet Store.
; . Booms to Let Apply to Mrs.Palmer.
Ladles', shirt waists at the Racket
A full line of hats and caps at the
Backet Store.
Eastern Star chapter meets tomor
row, Saturday, evening.
Wakelee's squirrel poison, 25c a can,
at Williams & tirosius'.
Wm. Yates, P. M., is authorized apent
for all newspapers and periodicals
Haynes & Luckey are running the
blacksmith shop of Kickelsen &
Haynes for the summer.
Mr. Wm. Boorman moved up from
Portland last Saturday. He says this
, time he has come to slay.
Mr. Robert Copple returned last Frl
day from Eugene, where he has just
finished nis second year at ine suite
Only a few more days to get those
fine photos at the Gem Photo tent,
opposite post office. Give us a call
. and be convinced.
i Mr. V. 11. Hone Is pushing: work on
" the East Fork Iricratinir Co.'s ditch
He has a new ditching machine that is
doing good work. . .. . .
i 1 he big strawberry crop has taxed
the Hood River box "factory to Its ut
most capacity to supply the demand
for crates, and Mr. Smith was obliged
to telegraph to Portland for a couple of
carloads me nrst or tne weeR.
Mr. Jas. Cooper returned from Camas
.Prairie last weeK, where he had tieen
shearing sheep. He sheared 2,753
eheep since April 18th, receiving 6 and
7 cents a bead. Mr. Cooper intended
to start for Montana Monday but was
taken sick with the grip.
4 Bradley, photographer, secured a fine
picture of the steamer Regulator, land
ing at tiood mver, one a ay last weetc.
Mr. Bradley Is 'doing some excellent
work in photography, and now is the
accepted time to "secure your shadow
ere the substance fades." ' (-
Dorsey Scott Crapper, the Oklahoma
Boomer, 7 months old, houored the
Glacier office with a visit Wednes
day. The boy is a son of L. Z. d apper
and is a lively child for bis age His
uncle, D. S Crapper, has deeded him
25 acres of land. .
The hot weather that has prevailed
for the past week has been bad for the
! sta wherries. It caused them to ripen
rapidly and the berries did not fill out
and many were too soft for shipment.
Probably not more than half the crop
had been gathered before the hot spell
came on.
Mr. D. H. Clough presented the ed
itor with some of bis handsome Law
yer apples. They are large, deep red,
and judging from these samples, 'must
, be as good keepers as any of the red
varieties. The land on which these
apples grew was covered with oak
grubs five years ago.
- Mr. M. V. Rand showed us a box of
strawberries last week that contained
but 36, and the box was rounded out
nicely. Mr. Rand is growing straw--Jjerries
without irrigation and has been
. marketing some fine fruit. The Un
derwood brothers at White Salmon
have been doing the same thing for
several seasons and ship as many and
as good quality of berries as anybody
from the same sized patches.
Mr. Aud Winans, who started with
his brother Linn and the Buskirk
brothers for Alaska, in the spring, re
turned to Hood River unexpectedly
last week. Mr. L. Winans was taken
sick after the party had started on the
overland journey to the Copper River
mines and had to be brought back
1 and was taken to a Portland hospital.
Mr. Aud Winans will not return to
Alaska while the war lasts but will
volunteer as a soldier at the first op
portunity. I was seriously afflicted' with a cough
for several years, and last fall bad a
more severe (tough than ever before. I
have used many remedies without re
ceiving much relief, and being recom
mended to try a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, by a friend who, know
ing me to be a poor widow.gave it tome,
I tried it, and with the most gratifying
results. The first bottle relieved me
very much and the second bottle has
absolutely cured me. I have not had
as good health for twenty years. Re
spectfully, Mrs. Mary A. Beard, Clare-inoi-e,
Ark. Sold by Williams St
Brosius. '
The Davidson Fruit company has
commenced canning strawberries. The
present establishment . has a capacity
of 4,000 quart cans a day. The work fs
under tbe charge of Amos Lovejoy
who has had a dozen years' experience
lu the canning business. Tue company
is paying 'i cents a pound for berries.
which are delivered in prune baskets
and the baskets returned. The band
some label of the Davidson Fruit Co,
adorns the cans of tbe finished product
success to tne enterprise. May it swell
into proportions that will some day
give Hood Klver canned goods the rep
utauon our strawberries now enjoy.1
Mr. Jack Binns met with a serious
accident Tuesday. He was driving
along the county road near Joe rur
ser's place when be met the big teams
hauling wood for Bonney. In turning
out for the big teams some brush piled
liv the road lutertered aud Binns team
was struck by the big wagons. His
horses were knocked down and be was
thrown under one of the big wagons
resulting in a broken arm.
Mr. M. A. Cook arrived from South
ern California Tuesday. He reports
metormer Hood Klver people now lu
that part of the country all doing well.
Mr. uook has been employed tor the
past six months helping to build a
large sugar beet factory in Santa Clara
valley, i lie drouth is causing the peo
ple oi uauiornia to iook to uregou as
the laud or promise aud many are
coining this way.
-Mrs. C. O. Hornung started last
Thursday for her home in Kansas City,
after a pleasant visit of a month or
more with relatives and friends in
Hood River. A letter received from
her states that in crossing the Rocky
mountains June 4th the train passed
through a snow storm, with 4 inches
of snow on the ground.
The emergency corps will meet Sat
urday at their hall at two o'clock. All
members are requested to be present.
The nine crates of strawberries present
ed to the soldiers May 29th cost over
21 dollars. The emergency corps paid
$10 on the cost of the1 berries.
Mr. Shutt, formerly editor of tbe
Condon Globe, passed through Hood
River yesterday and gave the Glacier
a call. Mr. Shutt is on his way with
his family to Southern California,
where, be expects to engage again in
the newspaper busiuess.
Mrs. James Richardson and daughter
Stella, Harry and baby came up from
W...,at ll....,u T.,.... J A. ...
i wicon m . i ' u iucmittj w b;mu a lew
weeks lu tbeir old borne, Hood River.
They were also accompanied bv a
young lady friend Miss AlcLeod who
came to enjoy the berry season.
The Hood River meat market Is re
ceiving some of the best beef nowaday s
ever brought to the market. A beei
received yesterday dressed 768 pounds.
Tbe market has a first class refrigerator
and the meats can all be warranted.
Rev. J. L. Hershner will fill his pul
pit next. Snnday both morning and
evening. Subject at morning service,
VoKe Kesu" At evening serviie,
-r loreuce iMgntingaie." All wuo du
not -worship elsewhere are cordiallyin-
If von wish to we T)r .Tnnpa' nrliwa
see rortiuua papers, ine same tees
will be charged in Hood River. Those
wishing work done should call early
nu maKe auDOintment. Ufflee with
Dr. Shaw.
The house of a family named Roval.
living on The Dalles road just east of
towu, was roooea wune tne occupants
were away picking berries and every-
tniug Belonging to tnem was Hauled
Strawberry shipments: June 2d. -2.-
191 crates; 3d, 2,212: 4tb, 2.149: 5lh. 2.-
006: 6th, 1,670; 7th, 2,108; 8th, 2,720.
Shipments for the week, 15,116; total
shipments for tbe season, 27,901 crates.
Dr. Shaw has- moved into his new
residence. His ottice is now uo stairs
over t;o(.pies store.- He will answer
calls promptly whether left at his office
or residence.
The best market prices paid in cash
at the Hood River Meat Market, Clyde
t. Bonney, proprietor, lor ciilckeus,
eggs and live stock. -
The St Louis Republic is the leadins
paper wr news. it comes twice a ween
for $1 a year, or three times (34 pages!
for $1.50. The Glacier and twice-a-
week Republic $2.25 a year.
Mr. Miller of Grand Forks. B. C.
stopped here for a few days to visit his
trieua A. li. Jones ana see Hood River.
He is on . his way to the Willamette
alley. ' :
The' ladies of the Concreimtionnl
churchSvill serve ice cream find cake
to ine puunc next Saturday, at K. J.
lairance's corner. Uuiv lu cents per
dish. '
Mr. F. H. Black of LaCamas has
leased Paradise farm for three years
and will move his fumily here about
the first of July. ,
Mr. S. A. Knapp recently from South
Bend, Wash., will open a boot aud
shoe store in Hood 'River about the
15th inst.
Capt. Dukes' company will drill to
morrow, Saturday 8 o'clock.
in the armory hall over the box fac
The Gem photo gallery will take
strawberries in exchange for photos.
Call and see us, opposite the post ottice.
Mr. S. L. Taylor of Troutdale came
p Tuesday and is helping ou his
strawberry ranch here for a few days.
Will Langille started on the Elder
last evening for Dawson City, which
ue expects, to reach in id or w days.
Mr. Jos. Purser, who has been -dan
gerously sick with the measles a-id had
relapse, is now recovering.
"Mr. Ed Williams arrived home from
college at San Francisco ou Monday
ust in time to cast his ballot.
Mrs. L. Neff sent in a curiosity In
the shape of three well developed
trawberries on one stem. .
R. Rand & Son are receiving new
goods every week in the dry goods and
grocery line.
Mrs. Anne Hayes went to Portland
last Saturday. She will be away sev
eral weeks.
Mr. Gen. T. Prather is assisting
Station Agent Clark during the rush
at the depot.
Mrs. McFall of Portland is visiting
her son, O. P. McFall, aud family,
Dr. Jones will be In Hood River on
the 16th, 17th and 18tb. -Mr.
E. II. Pickard came up from
Portland Wednesday. '
New goods In millinery every week
at R. Rui.d & Sou's.
- , Viento Items. ,
Miss Clara Nickelsen of The Dalles
is the guest of Mrs. S. W. Curran.
Mr, Jones, who has been at work for
the U. Jj. Co., will remove trom here
with his family in a few days.
Mr. Herb. Ellsworth and family are
picking berries at tiood Klver.
Mr. Dedenburg and ' family will
leave here soon.
Chief Engineer Day of the steamer
Pearl will move his family from the
Locks to Viento this week.
Railroaders were challenged at the
election aud not allowed to vote. A
few were competent to vote the state
Mr. S. E. Lauder of Bakeoven is vis
iting Hood River and likes it so well
be may conclude to become a resident.
Mr. P. Ketch am of Pike City, Cal.,
says; "During my brothers late sick
ness from sciatic rheumatism, Cham
berlain's Pain Balm was the only rem
edy that gave him any relief." Many
others have testified to the prompt re-
iier trom pain which this liniment
affords. For sale by Wllliama &
Beauty Is Blood Deep.
Clean- blood means n. nlenn skin. tfn
beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
Danish Dimnles. boils, blotches, blackhead.
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
l' v-y: - Notice. ' '.''T
Mr. J. L. Henderson, attorney at
law, has charge of my books and is in
structed by me to collect all overdue
acocunts after .the 15th' inst. I pay
casli for meat and must sell for cash or
its equivalent. Hereafter all accounts
are due and payable the first day of
each month.. On overdue accounts in
terest will be charged at the rate of 10
per cent per annum trom maturity.
Quarterly Meeting.
The fourth quarterly meeting of the
M. E. church will be held June 18th
and 19th. Quarterly conference at
Hood River church the 18th, at 2 p, m
Presiding Elder Warner will. preach
and administer tbe Lord's Supper at
Hood River at 11 a. m. the 19th aud at
Belmont at 8 p. m. :
.Next Sunday Rev. CJ. K. Archer will
preach at Hood River in the morning
aud Dr. times in the evening.
Doa't Tobacco Spit and Smoke lour Lire Inar.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netio. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-
Bao, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 60o or (1. Cure guaran
teed Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
Shipwrecked Men Subsisted on Them
Solely for Twelve Days.
"Do you like egg-s?" was the question
4Mnt afir,rl tin n " '40-pr' tn Trtjik- srttn
ulk in a Bangor store the other day. He
was an old man, says the Lewiston
Journal, and he straightened up to
somethinglike the height of his prime as
he answered: "I had a surfeit of them
once. Twas toward 50 years when tl
was on the way home from California
We left the isthmus on a good-brisr
bound for New York, but ran into a
coral reef in the Caribbean sea and were
wrecked. It was a patch of sand just
out of the water, but you ought to see
the flocks of sea fowl that nestled on it!
They had to move out of the way to
give us room to stay there, and that
was about nil they would do. Their
nests were everywhere, and there were
eggs in abundance. We ate about a
barrel of them every day during the 12
days we were there. Some of us got oft
in a boat and went to San Junn, in
Nicaragua, where we got a vessel to go
after those we left on the reef. That
vessel was commanded by William
Lawrence, of Bath, who was killed by a
man named Wilkinson while he was a
policeman there. We tried to get to tbo
reef, but bad weather stove us up so we
had to set In for New Orleans, where
we found the rest of the men rescued by
another vessel. .But eggs" the old
man's face took on a peculiar expres
sion. , '
Predicament of the Cashier of a Down
town Resort with Ills Cash Register.
v There were three in one party uud
two .in the other. They were standing
before the white-aproned dispenser of
refreshments, says a'Chicago exchange,
and one of the three invited the entire
party to have something. The dispeiser
dealt out the order of the three, took
thedolliiroffered in payment and handed
back 35 cents in change. The other two,
standing a short distance away, were
not served, as there was a mistake on the
part of the cashier. The bill amounted
to less than a quarter according toithe
refreshments served the three. The.
host examined his coin and then looked
Burpriaed and grieved.
"I gave you a dollar, he said. . . -
"Was it a dollar? How much charge
did I give you?" ' - .
"Thirty-five cents."
"Well. I will have to wait until some
body buys. I don't dare open the regis-'
tor, as there is a false balance on it.
Every time I open it it means a purchase
charged to me. Sorry, but we will have
to wait." , "'
The man to whom;.,the change was
coming stood by and waited until the
cash purchase was made before he could
get his money. He was the only one m
the party who did not enjoy the situa
tion. Tie remarked, gloomily, that he
never had much use for cash registers,
W ive gentlemen or ladles o travel for re-
sponRlble.e8tabllRhedlioiiiutn nre-rr,n. Month
ly $i5 and expenses. Position steady1. Refer
ence. Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope.
The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago.
160 Acres of Land
KK miles from town of Hood River. Will sell
all or part, or trade for city property. Terms
pari casn, pari on ume.
; Come and Settle.
All persons knowing themselves Indebted
to tbe tlrrn of Williams & Brosius are request
ed to come nnd settle and save costs, as the
accounts will be placed for collection by the
15th of June.
Hood River Will Celebrate.
June 4th a called meeting of the citi
zens convened at the old K. of P. Hall
at 4 o'clock p. m. E. D. Calkins was
elected chairman. 8. E. Bartmess sec
Motion made aud carried that we eel
brate. Moved and carried that S. E. Bart
mess act as a committee on music,
with authority to choose aids.
Moved and carried that W. P. Wat
son act as chairman of the committee
of arrangements, with authority, to
choose assistants. .
Moved and carried that Dr. J. F.
Watt, Mrs. C. T. Bonney and T. J.
Cunning act as assistants on committee
on music.
Moved and carried that O. L. Stran-
aban, Mrs. Aud Winans and Fred
Bailey act as assistants on committee
of arrangements.
Moved and carried that the com
mittee of arrangements have full power
to appoint and select other committees
that may be necessary. , ,
It was tbe sense of the meeting that
we invite Sherman county, White Sal
mon and others to come and celebrate
with us. i
Moved and carried that the meeting
adjourn to meet again at tbe call of the
president S. E. Bartmess, Secretary,
' Ko-Th-Bm for Fifty Cants,
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
uieu strong, oioou pure, suo, si. All druggists.
You are esDeciallv Invited to call at mv
store and see the new and latest patterns In
Crockery and glassware while you "wait for
tbe wagon." You will find this an interest
ing pastime.
Yours for pretty dishes,
Time Schedules.
Salt Lake, Denver,
4:23 a.m.
Ft Wortb.Omuha.
Kansas City. St
Louis, Chicago
and tbe East.
Walla Walla, Spo-
. Flyer
4:33 p.m.
Kane, Minneapolis!
St Paul, DuluthJ
!Lril..ra(,b-aA l-ht-
7:46 a.m.
eago and East.
8 p.m.
Ocean Steamships!
4 p.m.
All sailing dates sub
Ject to change.
For San Francisco
is, n, -a, it, w.
7 p.m.
To Alaska
Sail June 7, 25.
Columbia Rives
6 p.m.
8 D.m.
4 p.m.
Ex. (Sunday
10 a.m.
To Astoria and way;
Willamette River.
4:30 p.m.
6 a.m.
Ex. Sunday
Oregou City. New-
Derg.naiem oc way
8:30 p.m.
Mon, Wed.
and Fri.
7 a.m.
Tues. Tluir,
and Sat.
Oregon City, Day ton
ana way lunamgs.
Willamette River.
6 a.m.
Tues. Thur.
and Sat.
4:30 r.m.
Portland to Corval-
Tues., Thur..
lis & way landings.
ana sat.
Lv. HI par la.
1:45 a.m.
Mon., Wed.
and Friday
Lv Lewlst'n
6:46 a.m.
Snake Riveb.
Rlparla to Lewiston
Sun., Tues.
and Thur.
Oen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, Or
E. B. Clark, Agent, Hood Klver.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore-
f on, June 1, 1808. Notice Is hereby given that
n compliance with the provisions of the act
of congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands In the states of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day filed in this office his sworn
statement No. for tbe purchase of the
northeast of northeast or section No. 21.
In township 2 nortb. ranee No and will
offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and- to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver at tbls office at The Dalles, Oregon,
on Saturday, the eth day of July, li
He names as witnesses: rrea Kantz. r ranK
T.. .. ... II ..I n r T 1. .. X- 1 .. I. 1
of Hood River, Oregon. -
Any and an persons claiming adversely tne
above-described lands are requested to file
tbeir claims in this office on or before said
6th day of August, I Wis.
J3aa j. us. t. siuuhk, tiegisier.
Official War Book.
Bv Congressman James Rankin Younsr. All
about War with Spain, the Navy, all defenses
Buttle Ships, etc. Portraits and biographies
of Dewey and all prominent officers. Nearly
600 Danes. Massive volume. Marvelously
cheap. Best authorship. Only authentic,
official book. Experience not necessary.
Anybody can sell it. Ladies as successful as
Ctlemen. We are tbe largest subscription
k firm in America. Write us. Fifty per
sons aie employed in 'our correspondence
department alone, to serve you. Our book is
Just out. Get agency now and be first in the
field. Large 50c War map in colors free with
book or outfit. Other valuable premiums.
Tremendous seller. Biggest money maker
ever known. Most liberal terms guranteed.
Agents make $7.00 to $23.00 per day. Twenty
days credit given. Freight paid. Full book
sent prepaid to agents, $1.46. Splendid sam
ple outfit and full Instructions tree for nine
2-cent stamps to pay postage. Mention this
NROE BOOK CO.. Dep't. M, Chicago, 111.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., May 16,
1898. Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver (J. S Land Office,
at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, June 28,
1898, viz:
Hd. 10,789, for the southwest M southeast V
section 82, township 6 north, range 11 east W.
M., and lot 2, southwest northeast, and
northwest M southeast section 5, township
4 north, range 11 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Ronald D. Cameron and Jacob Claterbos of
White Salmon, Wash.: John N. Cole and
Geonre W. Gilmer of Gilmer. Wash.
1U20J24 B. F. SHAW, Register.
M. S. & L.
Of Hood River can furnish comfortable conveyances to all parts of the valley and vicin
ity. Heavy draylng and transferring done with care and promptness.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House in the valley. J
- DEALER IN 1 '. . ;
Flour, Feed,
Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc.
We have a new and complete stock of hard
ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will
keen constantly adding. Our prices will con
tinue to be as low as Portland prices.
Repairing: Tinware a Specialty.
Columbia Nursery
Offers a large stock of Fruit Trees and all oth
er kinds of nursery stock. All trees are well
grown, carefully dug, free from pests and true
to label. Whether you want one tree or 1,000,
it will pay you to examine this stock. Re
member, trees grown here give the best satis
faction, no trouble to snow goods, tiraers
filled on short notice. H. C. BATEHAM,
Hood River, Oregon.
Three miles south, on Mt. Hood Road.
Harbison Bros., Prop'rs,
s Manufacturers of
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and all kinds of cereals ground.
W hole Wheat Graham
a specialty.
Is now located in Portland, at 113 Russell
street. Will make regular trips to Hood
River on the first of every month and remain
three days.
M. F. SHAW, M. D.
(Successor to Dr. Morgan)
All Calls Promptly Attended
Office up stairs over Copple's store. All
calls left at the office or
residence will be
promptly attended to.
Attorney-at-Law, Abstracter, Notary
Fublic and Meal Estate Agent.
For 21 years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Has had many years experience in
Real Estate matters, as abstracter, searcher of
titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or
no charge.
untee witn ueorge r. rrainer.
Hood River Nursery
We have closed out our stock of trees for
this season and wish to thank our many cus
tomers for their liberal patronage. We will
be In the field again next fall witti a fine lot
of nursery stock.
Also, agents for the sale of some desirable
real estate, including the Jones ranch.
iiuiji-ii x ym iiiiiurt:.
Do You Want
To buy land In Hood River
Valley. If so, don't fail to
See Tucker!
Fruit Land. Berry Land. Grain Land, or
Hay land, at prices you can't equal in the
valley. B. R. TUCKKit, Tucker, Or.
Planet Junior hand and horse '
Studebaker Wagons.
Canton Clipper chlllcsil?d
Plows & Cultivators,
For Repairs
- Give me a call.
Extra Shares
and Plow Parts
Always in stock. -
tfSk ' CANDY
(( GJ--' 'CATHARTIC V - V"
25c 50c - DRUGGISTS S
3B X-. E S
Etc., Etc.
THE- -
Tie Dalles, MiM Aim
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
Leave The Dalles v. S.4o a. m.
Leave Portland 7.00 a. m.
One way 1
Hound trip
.$1 50
.. 2 .00
Freight Rates Greatly
1 General Agent.
Future comfort for preset
seeming; economy, but buy the ;
sewing machine with an estab-;
Iishea reputation; that guar
antees you long and satisfac-;
tory service f & jfi J J '
(devices for regulatingf and
showing-the exact tension) are
a isw cl the leature,
emphasize the . high grade S
character of the while.
Send for our elegant II. T.
Write Sewing Maoune 'Co,
60c is.
$1.00 Bottle.
One cent a dose,
This Great Cough Chub Dromutlv cimea
where all others full. Coughs, Croup, Bora
Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough end
Asthma. Tor Consumption it haa no rival:
has cured thousands, and -will cuius von if
taken in time. Bold by Drug-gists on a giin---antee.
For a lame Back or Chest, 1133
Have you Catarrh y This reme'ly iesnaraa.
toed to cure you. Price, COcta. Injoctorfj-ea
For salt? In il A. Vox,!.
mm renal ryrr".
1 3M 'SmtkA
and tfJI V tvS ta Li i S ,
iJ ll. lAi