The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 03, 1898, Image 3

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    3(eod Iiver. lacier
FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1898.
To mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
(lock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de-
fans no Sams uyts a., noon.
t or Chenowetu, leaves at 8 A. M. Tuesdays
una aturaavR: arrives at e f . M.
Kor White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.
arrives at 6 o'clock P. M.
i' From White KaJinon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, itqui Laice ana uienwooa jnonaays,
w eanesaay s ana f riaavs.
Laurel Kebekah Decree Lodere. No. 87. 1. 0.
. K. Meets first and third Mondays In each
month. . MRS. FLORA HARTLEY, N. G.
u. u. uhambkklain, oecreuu-y.
Canby Post. No. 16, G. A. R.. meets at A. O,
V. W, Hull, first Saturday of each month
At 2 o'clock p. m. Alia A. IL members In
vited to meet with s.
FRANK NOBLE, Commander.
T, J. Cunnino, Adjutant.
Canby W. R. C, No. 16, meets first Saturday
oi eacn montn in a,u. u. w. nan, at -t p. ni
Mrs. aojjnios uuimw, president,
, Mrs. Uksi;i.a Dukks, Secretary.
Hood River Lodge, No. 105, A. P. and A. M.
Meets Saturday evening on or before each
full moon. F. C. BROSIUS, W. M.
W. M. Taxes, Secretary.
Hood River Chapter, No. 27, E. A.- M.
fleets third Friday night of each month.
O. E. Williams, Secretary.
Hood River Chapter, No. 25, 0. E. 8. Meets"
(Saturday alter eacn itni moon.
Mrs. Rachel Hekshneh, Secretary.
Oleta Assembly. No. 103. United Artisans,
meets second and fourth Monday nights of
reach montn at praiernity nail, urotnersand
sisters cordially Invited to meet with us.
8. S. Gray, Secretary.
Waucoma Lodge, No. 80.K. of P., meets la
jl. v. u. w. nan on every luesaay mgnu
. G. T. Prathor, K. of R. & S.
Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. U. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
. J. F. Watt, Financier.
H. L. Howb, Recorder.
Idlevilde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets
m Fraternal nau every mursaay nignt.
H. J. HIBBARD, N. tt
O. G. Chamberlain, Secretary.
Election next Monday.
We will celebrate the 4tli.
v Fresh cow for sale by Geo. Rorrtan.
Tennis shoes at the1 Backet Store.
Rooms to Let Apply to Mrs.Palmer.
.Ladles' sunt waists at the Kacket
A full line of hats and caps at the
itaoKet store. .
Leave orders at Bonney's market for
our Sunday cimKen.
Wakelee's squirrel poison, 25c a. can,
at Williams & Brosius'.
" ' Win. Yates, P. M., is authorized agent
for ait newspapers ana periodicals
Rudy Cradlebaugh was one of the
Graduates at The Dalles high school
ust Saturday evening.
Hon. F. X. Schoon maker addressed
a small auitienee, mostly ladies, in ar-
Bread, fruits and vegetables, and all
supplies for berry pickers, at Bonney's
- niantet. ice, ljc a pound.
' . n r i .
. aim. .c iraue or uiucKaraas county
and her two boys are visiting her
uncie, josepu Muuuire, and ianuiy.
Bromide of Quinine Com pound, cures
: colds while you sleep. -10 and '25 cents
at VVJl!iums& Brosius, pharmacists.
Dr. Shaw and J. L. Henderson are
moving their offices into the second
. story of the building occupied by U. L.
i Ouppte's grocery.
School closed in the Crapper district
.- for the spring term last Saturday. Mr.'
-Hoy! Green has been re-engaged to
teach, the full term. '-. ; ' ' ;
. Klirtprvlunr I HlrmtiA wnanh itvo1 tr.
: leave hfs. work with his strawberries
-,and repair the Indian creek bridge,
which was in a dangerous condition.
. He has had a force of men at work du
ring the week making repairs. -.
Three or four trail teams and team
sters from Sherman count v are enirnired
hauling 200 cords of wood from G. V.
Williams' place for Mr. Bonney. The
teams make two trips a day and haul
. three or four cords on the two wagons.
Mr. "J. W. Morton has traded his
Tillamook DroDertv for Mr. A. E. Im-
tiler's place, and the hitler will move
with his family to Tillamook. Mr.
w.o. iioorman nas oougut Mr. w. .
, Dishnian's place, at Fiaukton, and
will make it his home.
New Millinery. We have added to
our dry goods department a full line of
ladies' trimmed hats, sailors, walking
bats and sun shades. We have secured
the services of Mi Aline firnhnm xa
trimmer, which will warrant our work
with neatness and dispatch.
i it . e. c ,
Postponed. The Travers literary
' club meeting, which was to have been
held Monday evening, the 6th Instant,
will be postponed until after the berry
. crop is disposed of and the people of
Hood Biver have 'more leisure. The
next meeting will be at the residence
of Dr. and Mrs. Watt. Due notice will
appear in the columns of the Glacier.
Dr.-Hi nee left last night to deliver
an address today before the Eastern
Oregon Pioneers at Milton, near Walla
Walla. He will be in his pulpit in
Hood Biver on Sunday, at 11 a. m.
. His daughter, Mrs. Cranston and fam-
II.. 21 . ! . 1 I I - - .
iiy win remrii wirn mm an u occupy
the resldeuce of W. H, Bishop for the
summer. . . ,
The Boys' and Girls' Sunday School
Army will give a missionary concert
at the Congregational church on Sun
day evening, at 8 o'clock. Officer in
charge, Ralph Savage; staff officer,
Mr. Barnes; officer home guards, Fay
LaFrance. Mrs. Allard and Miss Fay
LaFrance will recite. Miss Agnes
Dukes will sing a soi(; -' Six officers
and nine color bearers will, with the
above, make up the army.
Our "war correspondent of the Co-
Iumbia" reports that he has been hear
ing , heavy firing in the direction of
Viento for the past few days and fears
the long-lost Spanish fleet that Is
thought to be bottled up at Santiago
may , be even now bombarding the
towns on the Lower Columbia, or pos- j
sibly Viento, and may soon be thun
dering at the very doors of Hood Biver,
especially It tney should learn or our
Mg strawberry crop; or they might
; slip up. Hood River, enter Indian creek
and attack the town In the rear while
.our big gun is pointed to guard only
the Columbia river front. Our corre
spondent has probably eaten too much
strawberry short cake or strawberries
and cream after his light exercise of 10
hours a day iu the berry patch.
A meeting of citizeus is called for to
morrow, at 2 o'clock, to make arrange
ments for the proper celebration o the
4th of July and to invite the people of
Sherman county to join with us in the
celebration. Ladies especially are in
vited to attend this meeting, whicjh
will be held at the hall of the emer-.
gency corps. This year above all oth
ers since 1801 it is proper that we should
celebrate the anniversary of the birth
ot the republic. The preseut war is
proving that our country is united.
Never before have ex-confederate and
ex-union soldiers marched together
and decorated the graves of their dead
comrades as was done last Monday
throughout the couhtry. This of itself
should be enough to make us rejoice.
Patriotism will be rampant every where.
and Hood Biver will not be behind.
Turn out at the meeting tomorrow and
help' get up the programme.
Half a regiment of North Dakota
volunteers passed through Hood River
last Sunday on a special train, tsiiort
notice was given of their coining, but
our town turned out a big crowd to
welcome them and cheer them on their
lerilous journey to the Philippines.
rlany ladies brought flowers for the
soldiers, and they in turn gave their
badges bearing the words "Remember
the Maine" and the company and reg-:
iment. Nine crates of the best Hood
River strawberries were donated by
our town. ''
Mr. Chandler's letter in another col
umn gives a discouraging picture of
tlie situation in Montana in regard to
marketing our berries. It is no more
than we might expect. If we can't
get together and ship our berries with
out rivalry at home, it can
expected that distant commission
nouses will work In harmony to help
us keep up prices thatiiy our own pull
ing apart are kept down. , ' . ... . ,
SynimsA Dark, in charge of .the
strawberries on A. B. Byrkett's ranch,
brought over, Monday, five crates of
strawberries said to be the finest ever
shipped from Hood Rives. The David
son b nut Crr. had them packed in
Alaskan crates and they were shipped
to Tacoma for the Alaska market. No
doubt a good report will be heard from
these berries.. .'.....
Mr. A. J. Britrhani, candidate forthe
legislature on the union ticket, was
billed to speak in Hood River last Fri
day evening, but failed to get an audi
ence because everybody is busy and no
one is particularly interested in politics
this year. Mr. Brigham is a silver-
tongued orator and a good story teller
and that lie did not speak here is the
people s loss.
The strawberry crop of Hood Biver
was never better than it is this year.
The weather, has been just about right
so far through the season cool and
sunshiny to make good berries. Some
of our largest growers are shipping
over one hundred crates a day. The
union is sending off two carloads a day
V au Dfc. ausuw mu Xsia ivuuo u M J
Many of the Indian strawberry pick
s refused to work last Sunday, say
ing they didn't work on Sunday, and
then spent . the day gambling and
racing their cavuses. A few managed
to get some white man's fire-water and
got gloriously drunk. It is supposed
the whisky is brought from The Dalles.
S. E. Bart mess has the agency for
Wasco county for the sale of the Acme
steam canner, a model of which was
exhibited here by Mrs. Wands of Sa
lem a couple of weeks auo. It is some
thing that has long been wanted by
the frugal housekeeper. Ladies are
invited to call and see the model.
The strawberry patches on Mrs. Al
ma Howe's land, conducted by Frank
Davenport, who has the largest,' and
the Risers and McQiiistians. are turn
ing off some of the finest berries, for
si.e and color, that it has been our
pleasure to see. The Risers are work
ers and have their vines iu good con
dition. . ; .
Mrs. Joseph Frazier is the daughter
of a veteran of the civil war, had a
brother in the Union army, mar
ried a soldier, and now her eldest son
is a soldier in the first -battalion of
Washington volunteers, now on their
way to the Philippines
A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs.
W. Ladd, Miss Heitchu, Miss Von-
destlnon, Dr. Nichols and R. Howard,
jr., came op on the train Saturday
evening and went out to Mrs. John
Jfarker's, returning- to Portland Tues-
ay morning.
Mr. W. M. Cook, receiving teller of
Ladd & Tillon's bank, Portland, vis
ited his mother, Mrs. C. M. Cook, last
haturuay and returned to .Portland
Monday morning with his .wifej who
had been visiting here for a week or
more. "
Ladies are invited to call at Bart-
mess' store and see the model of the
Acme steam canner. It is a much
cheaper process and more satisfactory
than canning fruit and vegetables iu
the old-fashioned way. '
Miss Alice Frazier, while going home
from town, one evening last week, was
thrown from her horse and badly
bruised. The horse was frightened by a
dog at Mr. Udell's place running and
DarKlug at his neeis.
An Indian was found dead oii the
river bank below the depot Sunday
morning. Cause, an overdose of bad
whisky. It is said be mixed his drinks
once too ofte-i.
Mr. Philip Spangler brought to the
Glacier office on Tuesday a box of
Clark's ' Seedling strawberries that
would be hard to beat' for size and
The river is too high for the locks to
operate, and on Monday the Regulator
tooK down wagons to transfer Ireignt
around the portage.
Benty Rand .returned from the hos-.
pital on Monday. His wounded eye
is healing, but we regret to learn the
sight is gone.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Pueh and Mr.Thos.
McDonald returned from a ten-days'
isit to Sherman county on Wednes
day. , .,
Miss Henrietta Eliot, instead of her
mother, as the Glacier printed it last
week, is here with her father and Tom.
Hon. -C. M. Donaldson, candidate
for congress on the union ticket, spent
Wednesday in Hood River.
The picture of Will R. King, union
candidate for governor, looks like Matt
Russell. , . -
Regular monthly meeting of the G.
A. B. and W. B. C. tomorrow at 2
Bradley, photographer; gallery open
Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Miss Madge Warren is .home on
Both tickets to be voted for at the
election next Monday are printed in
another column. Study them before
going to the polls and pick out the men
you wish to vote for. And when you
make out your ballot read carefully the
instructions and make no mistake that
will lose you your vote. If for any
reason you think you can't properly
make out your own ballot, call on the
judge of election that is of your politics
and he will help you. And don't fail
to vote.-
Davidson Fruit Co. has started a can
ning establishment and has ordered
4,000 cans to begin with. The com
pany will commence at once to can
strawlierries, and with the reputation
already established for our berries, the
canned goods will sell on sight.
Mr., W. F. Woodward, who rusticates
in Hood Biver every summer, wrote a
good descriptive article on the growing
of strawberries in Hood .Biver in Wed
nesday's Oregoulan.
Dr. Cams is up from Portland at
tending to dental work.
Strawberry shipments: May 26th, 1,-
18S crates; 27th, 1,038; autti. 1,6525; 2Utb,
1,064; 30th, 1,553; 31st, 1,158: June 1st,
1,823. Shipments for the week, ,44S
total shipments tor the season, 12,785
Mrs. W. T. Hansberry went as a del
egate to the conference of the A. C.
church at Cornelius today.
Yesterday Mr. E. D. Calkins brought
down " some, fat cattle from Lyle for
Bonney's market..
The ladies' aid society, of the Con
gregational church will serve ice cream
and cake, Saturday afternoon and
evening, Juue 11th, .
Mr. Joseph McGuire presented the
Glacier office with a handsome box
of strawberries grown in his garden.
They were superb.
Hon. A. B. Byrkett will start tomor
row for his home at Troy, Ohio.. Mrs.
Byrkett will come to Oregon, iu about
six weeks.
The children or W. S. Boorman are
sick with the measles. .Master Elwood
Luckey is also laid up with the same
Decoration Day.
Memorial exercises were conducted
at Hood Biver in a fitting manner. A
large audience assembled at the U. B
church on Sunday to hear the mem
orial sermon. The Sunday school
children, under the direction of Prof.
B. B. Allard, lined up at the church
door and opened ran ks for the Grand
Army and Belief Corns to pass in and
then followed, taking seats next to the
veterans in the front pews. The
church was tastefully decorated With
flowers and bunting, the work of the
ladies' and Sunday school children of
the three churches. Bey. J. T. Merrill
delivered one of the most eloquent and
patriotic sermons ever listened to on a
similar occasion. It was full of his-
lk -------- --v. v -
- V"cal d.a,taI .w,tl? Te5
- Pf aPes that touched th
uent pathetic
he hearts of the
old veterans and caused many of them.
as well as others in the audience, to
shed tears! At the close of the services
every old soldier present grasped the
hand of Mr. Merrill and congratulated
him upon bis ableaddress and thanked
him tor the klndywords in their behalf.
Monday, at 10 o'clock, the G. A. B.
and W. B. C. and many others gath
ered at Idlewilde cemetery. The ser
vices of the Grand Army were hetd at
the grave of their late comrade, A. K.
Isenberg. Mrs. H. L. Howe of the
Belief Corps read 'Lincoln's memorial
address at Gettysburg. In 'this cem
etery is the grave of a - confederate sol
dier, Hankins, which was decorated
by the members of, Canby post and the
Belief Corps. .The newly-made graves
of Mrs. D. S. Crapper and Mrs. P. F.
Bradford were richly decorated with
the choicest flowers. ,
Mr. P. Ketch am of Pike City,' Cal.,
says; "During my brothers late sick
ness from sciatic rheumatism, Cham
berlain's Pain Balm was the only rem
edy that gave him any relief." Many
others have testified to the prompt re
lief from pain which this liniment
affords. For sale by Williams &
Brosius. -'
Beuuty la Blood' Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin.- No
beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All H ruor-
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50e.
A Good Seport.
Miss Chesiie Rankin wrote In the
bottom of a strawberry box asking
whoever unpacked the box to report
the condition of the berries. She re
ceived the following letter:
Kari.o, B. C, May 22, 1898. Miss Chesiie
Rankin Dear Madam: Your choice box of
strawberries was delicious, and we only wish
ed for more. So seldom we have such treats
here of such berries. I have eaten California
and Mexican berries, but must say that they
cannot compete with yours for that delicious
flavor. Send another box at the same price
40c. Yours truly, Mrs, L. B. Mackley.
List of Letters ,
Remaining uncalled for In Hood River
postofflce June I, 1898.
Brown, T M ' , Mason, Fred -
Clark, David L Filden, Austin
Polly, Mr Humruul, John
McClelland, John Smith, AJ ! , :
Don't Tobacco Spit sad Smoke Your Mfo Ann.
. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bae,
the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 60c or (1. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. 'Address
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
Church Notices.
Service at the Congregational church
on Sunday morning. The pastor will
preacn on tne subject, "The Debt of
Mankind to liiadstoue." .
Odell School House. Sunday school
at 11 o'clock. First Sunday, preaching
by pastor and communion. Meeting
at pastor's bouse at 7 every Sunday
night. All invited.
. M. E. Church. Monthly appoint
ments on Hood Biver circuit; .
1st Sunday Hood River, 11 a. m Hines.
Hood River, 7:30 p. m Archer.
Belmont, 7:30 p. m Hlnes.
Pine Grove, 11a. m Archer.
2d Sunday- Hood River, 11 a. m Archer.
Hood River, 7:30 p. m Hlnes.
Belmont, 11 a. in....... Hlnes.
Crapper, 2:30 p. m Archer.
8d Sunday Hood River, 11a. m Archer.
' Hood River, 7:30 p. m..:,.. Hlnes.
. .- Belmont, 7:30 p. m Archer.
Pine Grove, 11 a. m Hlnes.
4th Sunday Hood River, 1 1 a. m Hfnes.
. Hood River, 7:80 p. m Archer.
Belmont, 11 a. m.......Archer.
Crapper. 2:30 p. m Hines.
5th Sunday Hood Klver, 11 a. m .Hines.
Hood River, 7:30 p. m Hines.
' Mouut Hu4, 11 u. in Archer.
At Camp McKlnley. .
I want to say a few words about our dear,
brave boys that were stationed at Camp Mc
Klnley, Portland. I was an eye witness to
many of the sayings and doings in camp.hav-
insr visited there quite frequently. Never
since Portland has known a name has she
seen anything so grand and noble as she has
just witnessed. From every tree top, from
every house top, you can see the honored
stars and stripes floating proudly side by side
with the Cuban flag. Oh, what a grand sightl
Words cannot express the feeling in my heart
when I think of our brave bovs leavlne their
homes and friends to give their lives if need
be for their countrv. to a venire an injury and
an insult. Too much cannot be said in their
praise. Every man. woman and child in
Portland did not fail to srlve them a hearty
cheer and welcome. It was a beautiful sight
to visit the camp all strewn with nowers.
Thousands of people thronged the grounds
night and day. Home had friends there and
many did not, but it mattered little; one boy
was as much honored as another. I had
many dear friends among them, and I am
here to say for each and every one that the
kind treatment shown them at Camp Mc-
Kiiuey win oe a Drignt spot in meir mem
ories they will carry with them to the battle
field. I understand It has been reported in
this town that the boys were not treated Just
as they should have been, and I want to say
that the parties who say so do not know what
they are talking about. Look wbich way you
would you could see little squads of soldier
noys ana meir rrienas pariaKing oi a sump
tuous lunch that had been broucrht to them
At the bugle call all would fall in line and
march to the mess tents, where their meals
were dished out to them, each man having
nis own portion, 10 ao wnat ne uaea wun it.
It was real camp life tin plates to eat from.
tin cups to drink out of. They had no delica
cies, Just plain, substantial food and a great
plenty of it. The boys enjoyed it. It was the
first time, perhaps, they had ever experienced
anytning ortne Kind, ana it was quite novel.
The officers were very kind, elvinfr the boys
all the liberties they could allow them. The
saddest of all the sights were the examina
tions. The brave boys would march up for
examination so confident of going; some one
reason, some another why Ihev could not
pass, and when all hopes were gone, many of
mem, stalwart men, wouia lull on men-Knees
and weep like little children. But in my es
timation tuey should De Honored and respect
ed as much as the ones that go to face the
lead. My heart aches for the Doys that were
left behind, and my h art goes with those
wno have gone to save our great and noble
nation from disgrace, and I say thrte cheers
for the boys In blue. I think every man, wo
man and child should not forget that It is
tneir duty to neip tnem on tneir perilous way.
Let us each and every one do something for
And now I want to speak In particular
about our home boys. There were none more
nobler, braver or nicer looking than the boys
of Companies K, L and M. I went down the
line as they were on their last march Just be-
rore Doaraing itie train to say a last gooa-Dye
to my friends, and can say that 1 was very
proud to know that I had friends in all three
companies. They were healthy and rugged
looking, not so handsome, perhaps, but Just
as orave ana true, aua i am proua to claim
Co. M as mv favorite com Dan v. I hoDe thev
will each one return as safely as they went
away; out it tuey never return tneir names
will be an honored memory. And I also wit
nessed the great benefit given to the emer
gency corps oy me nrm oi Liipman, won s
Co. Never in my life did I see anything so
?rand. People flocking here and there mak
ng purchases they really did not need be
cause it was ior ire soiuier Doys. At every
counter and In every isle and everywhere yon
couia near people saying, "it s ior tne soiaier
Doys, you Know." Many iiearty gooa wisnes
were sent after the boys in blue on that day.
It was sad to say good-bye to our friends, but
it was a sadness to be proud of. I am pleased to
near mere is an emergency corps in iooa
River. I do not belong to the corns, but mv
heart is in the work, as every patriotic wo
man's should be, and 'twill not be long till my
name Is added to the list. Let us put our
siiomuer to tne wnesi so tnat wnen our ooys
return tney will not be ashamed to take tne
Hand that will be extended lu welcome.
Portland, Oregon.
No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. '
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 60o, II. All druggists.
You are especially Invited to call at mv
store and see the new and latest patterns In
Crockery and glassware while you "wait for
the wagon." You will find this an Interest
ing pastime. -
x ours ior pretty aisoes,
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.)
United States Land Office. The Dalles. Ore
gon, June 1, 1808. Notice Is hereby given that
In compliance -with the provisions of the act
of congress of June S, 178, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands In the states of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," -
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day tiled in this office bis sworn
statement No , for the purchase of the
northeast of northeast of section No. 21,
in township 2 north, ranee No. and will
offer proof to' show that the land, sought is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver at this office at The Dalies. Oregon.
on Saturday, the (jth day of July, 1898.
He names as witnesses: Fred Kantz, Frank
Davenport, Fred Hetz and John Nickelsen,nll
of Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
0th day of August, 1898.
j aua j as. i. aiuuKK, Kegister.
A small bay mare with star In face, white
hind foot, branded combination HP on shoul
der. Last seen near M. V. Hand's. Informa
tion leading to bis recovery will be rewarded
Oy llj il. 1). LAN(jllLLir.
160 Acres of Land
W- miles from town of Hood River.' Will sell
all or part, or trade for city property. Terms
part casn, part on time.
i J. i. f EttuUHun.
Come and Settle.
All persons knowing themselves indebted
to the firm of Williams & Brosius are reo nest
ed to come and settle and save costs, as the
accounts will be placed for collection by the
iotn of June.
Official War Book.
Bv Congressman James Rankin Young. All
about War with Spain, the Navy, ail defenses
Battle Ships, etc. Portraits-and biographies
of Dewey and all prominent officers. Nearly
600 pages. Massive volume. Marvelously
cheap. Best authorship. Only authentic,
official book. Experience not necessary.
Anybody can sell it. Ladies as successful as
gentlemen. We are the largest subscription
book Arm In America. Write us. Fifty per
sons are employed In our correspondence
department aione, to serve you. Our book is
Just out. Get agency now and be first in the
field. . Large 50c War map in colors free with
book or outfit. Other valuable premiums.
Tremendous seller. Biggest money maker
ever known. Most liberal terms guranteed.
Agents make J7.00 to 823.00 per day. Twenty
days credit given. Freight paid. Full book
sent prepaid to agents, 81.40. Splendid sam
ple outfit and full instructions free for nine
2-cent stamps to pay postage. Mention this
MONROE BOOK CO.. Dep't, M, Chicago, 111.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., May 16,
1808. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support 'of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver V. S - Land Office,
at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, June 28,
1898 viz
Hd. 10,739, for the southwest southeast V
section 82, township 5 north, range 11 east W .
M., and lot 2, southwest northeast and
northwest ?4 southeast Bectton 6, township
4 north, range 11 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: ,
Ronald D. Cameron and Jacob C iterbos of
White Salmon, Wash.; John N. Tole and
Georjre W. Gilinerof Gilmer. Wash
U-Mj2i B. F. SHAW, flster.
M. S. & L.
Livery and
Of Hood River can furnish comfortable conveyances to alt parts of the valley and vicin
ity. Heavy draylng and transferring done with care and promptness.
, Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In th valley.
JDoo-y Grood-S!, Clotli.ira.g:,
Greyer sil 2vercIfcLa,zs.d-Iso,
Flour Feed, Etc., Etc.
25e 50c , , . .-.-i
Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc.
We have a new and complete stock of hard
ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will
Keep constantly aaaing. uur prices win con
tinue to be as low as Portland prices.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Columbia Nursery
Offers a large stock of Fruit Trees and all oth
er kinds of nursery stock. All trees are well
grown, carefully dug, free from pests and true
to label. Whether you want one tree or 1,000,
it will pay you to examine this stock. Re
member, trees grown here give the best satis
faction. No trouble to show goods. Orders
filled on short notice. H. C. BATEHAM,
Hood Klver, Oregon.
Three miles south, on Mt. Hood Road.
Harbison Bros., Prop'rs,
Manufacturers of
Oregon Lciiibcr
Dressed and
Undressed .
Flour, Feed and all kinds of cereals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham
a specialty. .
Is now located In Portland, at 113M Russell
street. Will make regular trips to Hood
River on the first of every month and remain
three days.
M. F. SHAW, M. D.
(Successor to Dr. Morgan)
All Calls Promptly Attended
Office and residence, second door north of
Nickelsen's store. S3.
Attorney-at-Law, Abstracter, Notary
Public ana Meal Estate Agent. . ,
For 21 years a resident of Oregon and Wash-
ngton. Has had manv years experience in
Real Estate matters, as abstracter, searcher of
titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or
no charge.
orace with weorge t. rratner.
Hood River Nursery
We have closed out our stock of trees for
this season and wish to thank our many cus
tomers for their liberal patronage. We will
be in the field again next fall with a fine lot
of nursery stock. !
A lso, agents for the sale of some desirable
real estate, including the Jones ranch.
Do You Want
To buy land In Hood River
Valley. If so, don' t fall to
See Tucker!
Fruit Land. Berry Land. Grain Land, or
Hav land, at prices you can't equal in the
valley. B. R. TUCKER, Tucker, Or.
Planet Junior hand and horse
Studebaker Wagons.
Canton Clipper oh,llesU?1
Plows & Cultivators,
All styles and sizes.
For Repairs
Give me a call.
Extra Shares
and Plow Parts
Always in stock,
The St. Louis Republic Is the leadiii)?
pper for news. It comes twice a wek
for I a yer, or three times (34 pages)
for $1.50. The Gt.acier anil twioe-a-
week Republic $2 25 a year.
S Xj B
To tla-e , LEast,
Gives the choice of
Via . Via
Spokane, Salt Lake,
Minneapolis, Denver,
C4- Dn-iil HmaVia '
U l ilAA, VUiaUOf
Chicago, Kansas City.
Ocean Steamers
Leave Portland evarv fivedavi for
Alaska Points.
No. 1, Oregon Short Line. 4.23 a. m.
No. 3, Spokane 7.4-5 a. M.
No. 4, Spokane 4.83 V. M.
No. 2, Oregon Short Line 10.48 P. M-
Leave Portland every five days for
Steamers monthly from Portland to Yoko-
homa and Hong Kong, via the Northern Pa
cific Steamship connection wHliO.K-AN
' For full details call on O. R. A V. Agent
Hood River, or address
Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portlund, O
ueu i Agio. nor. pac. tr a. (jo., i-oruaua, ur.
& Aslorla
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
AH Freight Will Come Through
.Without Delay.
Leave The Dalles ...4ri a. m.
Leave Portland 7.00 a. jc.
One way $1 50
Round trip , 2 AO
Freight Rates Greatly
General Agent.
Fruit Ranch for Sale.
40 acres, 2 miles from town. All kinds of
fruit; 2 acres in strawberries; natural water
privileges; bearing orchard. Terms reason
able. W. J. CAMPBELL.
In the best and most artistic styles at the Old
Ketiable Hhoeahop one door west of postofflce.
Ladies' fine work a specialty. All work war
runted. C. WELDS, Prop'r.
$5 Reward
For information leading to the arrest and
conviction of persons stealing wive or other
wise maliciously injuring the Mount Hood
Telephone Hue. H. D, LAXUILLK,
a& Manager.
in I lb)