Uncle Sam Savs: This is America's Greatest Medicine. It will Sharpen Your Appetite, Purify and Vitalize Your Blood. Overcome That Tired Feeling. Get a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and begin to take it TODAY, and realize the great good it Is sure, to do you. Hood's Sarsaparilla t8 America's Greatest Medicine. All druggists. Warehouse Fired by si Metoor. . An extraordinary aocideht Is reported from Austria. Some extensive ware houses were destroyed by fire lately at Flume, the result, as was believed, of a Btroke of lightning. It is now reported that in clearing the debris a great meteorlo stone, weighing four tons, was discovered imbedded in a deep pit among the ruins, and the experts have decided that the premises were set on fire by the glowing stone. Careful measurements prove that the average curvature of the earth is 6.99 inches to the statute mile. , OCR AMERICAN POLICY. The policy of this country regarding foreign complications seems likely to remain conserva tive. The Monroe doctrine, according to the .declaration of onr leading politicians; will bo 'sustained, bntpatitnceand prudence m official iquarters will restrain the exuberance of public opinion. The wisest and most prudent course for the rheumatio and the malarious Is to use Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which also cures kidney oomplalnt and dyspepsia. It is estimated that 400,000 larks ara onlfl vnarlv fro fr,rvl at f.Kft TiAftflan. hall market, London. JOHN POni,K 19 CONSTANTLY Re ceiving large Invoices of the celebrated Htough ton wagons. These are superior to any ever put upon this market. Before buying a wagon cull and examine, or write tor catalogue. Address ' foot of Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. The time required for Niagara to cut its gorge has been variously estimated at 7,000 to 83,000 years. 1 Ptso's Core for Consumption has saved me large '(doctor bills. . C. h. Baker, 4228 Regent Sq.I'hiladelphia, X'o., Deo. 8, IB. The elephant does not amill with his trunk. His olfactory" nerves are 'contained in a single nostril, whioh is in the root ol tne moutn, near the rront. i ... The barking of a dog on the earth nan be distinctly heard by a ballonist at an elevation of four miles. . , : ;pleorisy. l; TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-KASB. A powder to be shaken into the- shoes,; At this season your foot feel swollen, ner vous, and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen and, sweating feet, blisters and callous spots.' Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Ten thousand tes-i timonials of cures. Try it (otfay. Bold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Sent by mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package FltEH. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, New York. The prefix "O" before so many of the! names of Iilsb families is an abbrevia tion of the word, "ogha," meaning grandchild. in your pocket, if you buy Schilling's Best baking pow der, and use only one heap ing teaspoonful to a quart of flour. 614 UNION PACIFIC R. ft. THE THROUGH CAR LINE. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS. FREE RECLINING CHAIR CA'RS Portland to Chicago Without Change Quick Time. ' Ifitlon Ieiot. ' Personally Conducted Excursions. ow Kates. 14irect lino to Tranft-lKfSflf ssippl and Iti&ernatloiial Exposition held In Omaha, NebrAska, June Co November. Write. undersigned for rates, time tables and ltilormatlon pertaining to Union Pacillo R. V. BAXTER, Getut Agent, 133 Third fit., Portlands Oregon. WILL t F1HCK CQS KSffio?.1" Plain or with Cutter. The best needle In the mar ket. Used by all sack sewers. Ifor sale by all gen eral merchandise stores, or by WILt, & FINCK CO., 820 Market Street, San FranclBCO, Cal. nunc L,,muL lit iTi cioc t.ili bunco'Dncnc ll elol rniLO. sr, wnign oyrup." iaates ucoa. use ft ,ime. hold by oruggtats. mmt rap tigkets w ' via nia 1 Kl Best BATTALIONS OF THE DEAD. NROLL the tattered battle Hugs, bring Out the bfo and drum; Let the funeral bells be tolled and let the voice of hate be dumb; Shut the shop and took the office, bid them stop the noisy wheels, Tor a ghostly army passes and a mourning nation kneels. Knools to pray and scatter blossoms under neath their measured tread, And stoops to bless the spectral pole bat talions of the dead. Once was weeping In the village, once were tears like winter rain, When that grand old army matched away and came not beck again, there was music In the bugle bloet and music n the air, But death was In the too of battle, battle everywhere; 'Mid the thunder ot the cannon and the shriek of shot and Bhell, In the shouting ot the bluecoots and the growsome rebel yelL "Mid the rattle of the musketry, their com rades' dying cheer, : Blory crowned the war-worn veteran and eager volunteer. And now the grim old pensioner, whose ranks are thinning fast, . Plghts all his battles ovet, from the first , onto the last. Dull Run to Appomattox, from Atlanta to the sea. Each tells a different story, but the stories air agree, And we who stand and listen feel crar eager pulses thrill. As they ten the tales of slaughter and we see tbem living still. And our hearts beat fast and fastef ret against a cruel fate, Fhat for the cause of war and anus our Souls were born too late. Out the graves are heaped with blossoms and the pensioners are fed, Por we honor still the living, and cannot for get the dead. . Edwin S. Hofiklns. , ONE MEMORIAL DAY. THOMAS JUDD, Jn., was perched on tbe school house fence, waving his arms wildly and talking, ns he usually talked, o toe top of his voice. But Tommy's ojudienoe didn't mind his voice in the least; and beside, they were very much Interested tn what be had to my, so they were all listening Intently. Little Willie Lamkin, who was lamo, at quietly on an old tree stump, his crutches by his side, and looked wistfully ftp into Tommy's fuoo as ha went on with the story. It was a Jotifl story, all about n Memo rial Day parade which Tommy had seen last year; aiiid'as none of tlcse village school children had ever seen a Memo Hal Day parade, you ean imagine bow pleased thoy wore to bear this interesting, though noisy account. Tommy had told them all Qbotit tho Unos of matching men, the bands of mu sic, the waving flogs and the swoet (low ers on a hundred Brave soldiers graves, md now wound on by asking: "I say, why:onn t we have a parade to morrow, ourselves? Tho girls can cot the Sowers, I'll bring my drum, and we'U stmj to mahe the rest of the music; and I'll borrow Vm$b Jim's Qag. Won't It be glorious?" , With the final word Thomas givvo a-n extra (lap which landed him po the wroig side of the fence, right on his back. Noth ing was ever known to hurt him, so he walked qiiictly hi through the gate, set tling his oop on bis tousled bnir, and ask ed, "Now what do you say to it?" "Pretty good." answered little Charlie Sprout; "but whore's your graves?' Buro enough, Tommy hadnt thought pf that. Ho scratched his head slowly, and went and looked over the wall which di vided the little tangled graveyard, ne they called It, from the schoolyard. The oth er children Joined him one hy one, even to little Lamkln on hie crutches. They all stood In solemn line and looked 6 ver the Bid stone wall into the peaceful place. They wore at) very still that the robins and bluebirds didn't mind them a bit, and kept on wlth'their twitter and flutter among the bushes and over the quiet mounds. Softly the children trooped back again, and it was a few minutes before A QUEEK LITTLE tny one spoke. Then it was l'ommy, who said, quite mournfully: "Yes, all the soldiers m our place eame back alive, didn't they?" "Anyhow, my father was shot in both legs!" piped np Mary Lee. "Well, he didn't die," replied Tommy; and all the children looked quite reproach fully at Mary. But ft happy thought came to one of the little girls. There was, on the main road of this village by tho sea, a square gran ite stone placed there many years borore, in memory of a young soldier who had left the war with, wounded lungs, and had Come home to die. When he could go no farther in the Jolting stago conch he beg ged to be left to lie by tbe fresh, green roadside, under a beautiful tree, and here he died in his brother's arms. The telling of his simple story had al ways. filled the children with awe. They never pnssed the place without reading on the plain headstone his name and tho date f his sad death. Thoy could not do much, but here was a little thing they could do fo one bra-ve soldlet, wnora they bad never seen but whose name they loved. So the next dny, which was Memorial Day, the neighbors looked ont on a queer little procession, headed by Thomas Judd, Jr., beating lustily on his drum, and end ed by " little lame Lamkln with his crutches. And because he had no hand free to carry his flowers, as the rest of the boys and girls did, Mary Lee had made a beautiful wreath of purple and white lilacs and placed it about hi neck. There were tn all three boys and flr girls, with arms full of flowers. As they marched they sang "Onward, Christian Soldiers," because they thought that was most appropriate. It was all about war and soldiers and marching, and they sang lustily, while the drum beat, and Charlie Sprout, in the middle of tbe line, shook Uncle Jim's flag. When Lamkln's lovely wreath was put over the top of tho stone, nnd the arm fuls of sweet flowers were strewn beneath it, they sang "The Soldier True" they had just learned in school, while the drum TOM ON TIIE FENCE. beat softly and the Stars and Stripes waved tenderly above tbe headstone.. After that they marched slowly back, with little hearts soft a"nd grateful toward all the brave soldiers in nil the brnve land. The flowers kept fresh for sevorul days, and to the birds' sweet songs nbove tbe place, 'the trees waved a soft reply. Many pnssed by and saw the work of loving hands, while eyes grew moist and voices trembled as they said that nowhere, on this Memorial Day, could a brave soldier have been more sweetly remembered than In this little village by the sea. Youth's Companion. THE GRAND ARMY. The Rapid Passing of the Organiza tion Is a Had Spectacle. "-ll-'HB passing, of the Grand Army of the Republic is a sad spec tacle in tbe brilliant panorama incident to the close of this electro glaring nineteenth cen tury, during which more hiBtory has been mndc nnd more pro gress marked than in any other era since the nets of human beings were told in written annals. ; Within the next quarter of a century the participants In the great struggles of the civil war will be known only in memory,, and the bravest army thnt defeated the bravest floe will have disbanded forever. ; The tragic drama will bo told in song nnd story, but the actors In the scenes of carnage whose charmed lives defied the whlxzing bullets nnd the screaming shell will have obeyed tho Im mutable laws of Father Time, leaving to their descendants the glorious heritage of ft valorous nnd unsullied name. Pecoratlnff Soldiers' Craves. ' The setting apart of a, day for tbe deco ration of soldiers' grnves, o custom ob served by North and South, bnd its origin with the French colonists. On Nov. 2, All Souls' day, tho mourners would re pair t the cities of tbe dead, there to twine garlands for the tombs, , Wo have made this custom our own, and on Memo rial Day nil over the land the fairest flowers are laid upon the graves of fallen heroes. In the lower suburbs of New Or- PROCESSION. leans Is the cemetery containing tho world famed shrine of St. Roque, Dainty, ten derly reared women trudge the long, dus ty road from the city to St. Roque, nnd there their costly favors are laid on the altar beside the humble offerings of the less favored sisters. Within, from the flower ' decked altar, the status of St. Roque smiles down upon the supplicant. In recognition of cures and favors grant ed through the Intercession of St. Roque many have caused tablets to be Inscribed and set in the wall. Donnhoe's Maga zine. . Our Fayen Heroes. No marble shaft It needs, with nanies en graved, To tell to whom the floral trlbttto pay; A nation recollects A nation saved, - ' And knows the mounds It decorates to-dnyl O'er graves of heroes fallen In the fight, These flowery wreaths that loving hands here spread, Like rings of adamant this day unite The memory Of the living with tho deadl Children, bring your sweetest flowersl North and South and East and West, Bring the flowers you love the best, Lay them where the soldiers rest. Children, bring your sweetest flowersl In memory of the gift they gave, JBvery noble man and brave Who sleeps within a soldier's grave. Daniel Webster was extremely fond of oxen, and all those on his farm knew him by Bight and would follow him like dogs. 1 "Jtti V 1 u lip WEEKLY MARKET LETTER. Trade Conditions In the Leading .Cities of the World. ' rRenorted by PownlnK, Hopkins" Co.. Inc.. Board of Trade Brokers, 711 to 714 Chamber of commerce building, rortiana, oregon.j . .. Not in the memory of the oldest wheat trader has there been a time when the wheat markets tbe world over exhibited as much activity and irregu laritv as chracterized them the last week. The buying furore that started in the previous week was continued with increased force. Sensational ad vances were reported evorywhere on Monday and Tuesday. May in Chicago touched 81.85; in New York it was $1.91; in Duluth $1.80; in Minneap olis $1.60; in Toledo $1.65; in Liver pool $1.64, and in Paris $1.64 May at one time was $1 over last year, and at another $1.15. These were the highest prices, with one exception, sinoo August, 1809, and that was tho September oorner rnn by B. P. Hutch inson, in 1888, when the price was put to $2. In 1877 it advanced to$l,78J4 Short eeliers suffered terrific losses, and tho tension became extreme. The bulge culminated Tuesday, and prices, de clined irregularly, Chioago showing a loss of 55c, New York 47o, Duluth 40o, Minneapolis 20c, Toledo 28c, and Liv-. erpool 8o. The advance 'has been of material benefit to farmers and millers having wheat to eell. They took ad vantage of it both here and in Europe, and the wheat was rushed to market, as there has seldom been a chance to Eell it for such prices for more than a dy or two at a time. Arrivals at pri mary points were 4,228,222 bushels or more tiian double last year s. English farmers' deliveries were 84,400 quar ters, an inorease of 84,000 quarters for the week, with an advance of 8a per quarter, the price being 45s, lid, the highest in over 16 years. Leiter sold over 1,000,000 bushels last week, and in five weeks has dis posed of about 10,000,000 bushels, How much more he owns no one but himself knows. His interests' in May have been largely reduced, but he is eo largely spread out in other markets, the wheat being held there in some in stances on joint account, that no relia ble figures can be made as to his -posi tion. His interest, however, is the lightest in a year. ' " Seattle Market). ' . Potatoes Yakimas, $11 12 per ton; natives, $810; sweets, 2cper pound; box of 60 pounds, $1.75. Butter Fancy native oreamery, brick, 21c; 1 ranch, 1013c; dairy, 1416c; Iowa fancy creamery, 20c. Cheese Native Washington, 11 12c; Eastern cheese, 12c. Eggs Fresh ranch, 15c; California ranch, 14o. . ' i Meats Choice dressed beef steers, 8c; cows, 77fjc; mutton, 8c; pork, 7jc; veal, small, 80, Poultry Chickens, live, per pound, hens, 14c; dressed, 16c; turkeys, live, 14c; dressed, 1718o. Fresh Fish Halibut, 67c; . steel heads. 78cj salmon trout; OiglOc; flounders and sole, 84o; torn cod, 4c; ling cod, 45c; rock cod, 5c; smelt, 3 5c; lierring, 4o. Olympia oysters, per saflk, $3 8.25. Corn Whole, $25; cracked, per ton, $25; feed meal, $25 per ton. . ; Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $26; whole, $25. - Flour Patents, per barrel, $5.25 5.50; straights, $5.00; California brands, $6.25; Dakota brands, . $5.00 $5.75; buokwheat flour, $6.50. ,. Millstufls Bran, per ton,$17; sliorts, per ton, $18. ' ;Feed-5-Chopped feed, $2122 per ton; middlings, per ton, $18 10; oil cake meal, per ton, $85. . Hay Puget Sound, new, per ton, $10 13; Eastern Washington timothy, $17; alfalfa, $11; straw, $7. Oats Choice, per ton, $28 30. Wheat Feed wheat, per ton, $26". Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 8788c; Val ley and Bluestem, OOo per bushel. -Flour Best grades, $5.00; graham, $4.85; superfine, $2.75 per barrel. , : Oats Choice white, 4248c; choice gray, 39 40o per bushel. I arley Feed barley, $28; brewing, $24 per ton. Millstufls Bran, $19 per ton; mid dlings, $25; shorts, $19. Hay Timothy, $1213; clover. $11 12; Oregon wild hay, $910 per ton. . Eggs Oregon, 12 12 Jo per dozen. Butter Fancy creamery, 32 85c; fair to good, 2580cj dairy, 2530o per roll. '- Cheese Oregon full cream, lie; Young America, 12)0. .. .; Poultrv Chickens, mixed, $3.50 per dozen; hens, $1 00; springs, $2.004; geese, $0.006.50; ducks, young, $4 5.00 per dozen; turkeys, live; 1012c per pound. ' Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 4050o per sack; sweets, $1.752 per cental.' Onions Oregon, $2.252.60 per sack. ' Hops 5 12)0 per pound for new orop; 1896 crop, 46o. Wool Valley,' 1415o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8 12c; mohair, 25c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 8o; dressed mutton, 7c; spring lambs, 9c per lb. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.75; light and feeders, $3.004.00; dressed, $5. 50 8. 50 per 100 pounds. . Beef Gross, top steers, . $3.50 4.00; cows, $2. C0 3. 25; dressed beef, 67cper pound. ; Veal Large, 6c; small, 80 per pound. San Francisco Market. , Wool Southern coast lambs, 7 8c; San Joaquin, 78c; Northern, ll12c per lb. Millstuffs Middlings, $21.5023; California bran, $18.50 19.60 per ton.. Onions New. 40 60c per sack. Butter Fancy creamery, ' 20c, do seconds, 19c; fancy dairy, 19c; good to choice, 16 19c per pound. - . - Potatoes Early Kose,' 40 50o. Land of garlic and tortillas, -Land of xebecs and mantillas, Land of mules and smuggled bitters, Land of raisins and of fritters, '. Land of Pedro and 8ancho, Land of Weyler and Blanco, Land of bull fights and pesetas, X Land of dusky senoritas, ;. ' V Land of manners stiff and haughty, Land of Isabella naughty, Land of Boabdil and Hamil, -; ; Don't you hear your Uncle Sam'l? . "GitP' Cleveland Plain Dealer. . As far as calculations oan decide the temperature of comets is believed to be 2,000 times fiercer than that of ledhot iron. . - '. AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS. We are asserting In the courts our right to the exclusive use of tho word " CASTOR1A," and " PITCHER'S CA3TORIA," as our Trade Mark. I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannla, Massachusetts, was the originator 0 " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear the fac simile signature of CH A3. H. FLETCHER on every wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA " which has been used In tbe homes Of the mothers of America for over thirty years. Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that It is tht kind you have always taught, and has the signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on tbe wrapper. No one has authority from me to use tny name except The Centaur Company of which Chas'. H. Fletcher is President t " March 8, 1897. SAMUEL PITCHER, MJX . If tha waieht of the bndv he . divided into 11 parts eight of these parts will he pure pater. - . - i CIT Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousnes II after first day's use of Dr. Kllue's Great Nerve Itestorer. Send for FBKlC 9 a .OO trial bottle and treatise. DA. B. H. iLLLNii, JMl,, M0 Arch street, Philadelphia, Fa, There are several varieties of flgh that - cannot swim. In every instance they are deep sea dwellers, and orawl about the rocks, using their tails and fins as legs. j State o? Ohio, City of Toledo, ' v -, Lucas Coukty. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the Senior parter of the firm erf V. 3. Cheney & Co., doing Duslness in the City of Toledo, County and mate alpresaid, and that said firm will pay the sum 01 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be oured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Curb. . . FRANK 1. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 0th day of December, A. D. 1886. t T7l - ' ' A. W. GLEASON, Hotary Public HaTlVCatarrh Cure is taken Internally and acts direotly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the syBtem. Send for testimonials, free. V. . CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. , Sold by druggists, 75c. -Hall's Family Pills are the best. . - Among the Pboenioians the wearing of earrings was a badge of servitude, the same custom obtaining with tho He brews. ' ' .' TBE LXCELLENCE OF SYBUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientiflo processes known to the California Fia Sybup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the Importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par-. ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Sykup Co. with the medf cal Profession, and the Kntisf nation which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to minions 01 lamiiies, makes the came of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of it.a mm Adv. Tt. la far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritatlno- or wealren. ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of me tympany . , CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8 AN FRANCISCO, Col LOUISVILLE, Ky. . ; SEW YOKE. N. Y. . ' WILLIAM RUFUS KING. William Rufus Kills, the Union nominee for Governor ol Oreeon. is .13 vears of af?- and is trulv a self-made man, having carved his way, unaided and alone, through trials and privations of life until his strong mentality, individuality, honesty pf purpose and devotion to principle have inspired the confidence and respect of all, and marked, alm as a fearless, safe and Intelligent leader of men. ' P THE TURN OF LIFE. V Owing to modern methods of living, not one woman in a thousand ap proaches this perfectly natural change without experiencing a train of very annoying and sometimes painful symp toms. " -Those dreadful hot flashes, sending the blood surging to tho heart until it seems ready to burst, and the faint feeling that follows, sometimes with chills, as If the heart . were going to stop for good, are symptoms of a dan gerous nervous trouble. The nerves are cry ing ont for assistance. . The cry should be heeded in time. Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound was' pre pared, to meet the needs ot woman's system at this trying period of her life. Mrs. Della Watson, 634 West 6th St., Cincinnati, Ohio, says: " I have been using Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound for some time during the change of life and It has been a ' saviour of life unto me. I can cheerfully recommend it to all wo men, and I know it will give permanent relief. I would be glad to relate my ex perience to any sufferer." : m f p i a run COTTAGE COLORS PURE PAINT HEADY MIXED , ' ' Best Reputation. Best Paint for Dealer or Consumer. Color Cards Sent Free. Cleveland Oil & Paint MfgJ Co., . PORTLAND, OREGON. . Good Health Ss the working capital of humanity. He who loses that is wreokefl Indeed. Isyonrheltb failing you, your am bition, vigor, vitality wasting away f When others fail con Suit DOCTOR RATCLIFFE, For tho speedy, safe and permanent cure of all Nervous, Ohronlo and Special diseases, even ... .iivii mug. n.,inrimu iviiu. 4 uciu in II U Ultwi in the world who has effected eo manv nermanenft cureB in both Men and Women of troubles which ower pnysicans or acknowledged ability had given up as hopeless as this eminent specialist NEKVOUS DKBILIT1T and ail its attending atlmeuw,of VOUNO, IvfinDLK-AGBD and OLD MEN. The awful effects of neglected or improp erly treated cases, causing drains, weakness of body and brain, dizziness, failing memory, lack of energy and confidence, pains in back, loins and kidneys, and many other dlfttressing symptoms, nhilttlngone for study, business or enjoyment of life. Pr RatclliTe can cure you, ho matter who or what has failed. WEAK HEN. He restores loBt vigor and vi tality to weak men. Organs of the body which have been weakened through disease, overwork, excesses or indiscretions are restored to full Dower. strengtn and vigor tnrougn Uls own successful sys- VARICOCELE, hydrocele, swelling and ten derness of the glands treated with untaillng success. SPECIAL DISEASES. Inflammation, dis charges, etc., which, If neglected or Improperly treated, break down the system, cause kidney and bladder diseases, etc DTSEAKEN oir WOMEN. PromDt and ea. pedal attention given to all their many ailments. WRITE If you are aware of any trouble. DO NOT DELAY. Gallon Dr. Batcllttetoday. Ifyoa cannot call, write him. His Valuable book free to all sufferers, QQNeULTATIOJJ latEE and confi dential at office or by letter. -E. M. RATCLIFFE, 713 Flrstln., SE1TTU, IMS1 YOUR LIVER IS Moore's Revealed Remedy will do It. Three doses will moke you leel better. Got It from your druggist or any wholesale drug house or bom Stewart Si Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. Ill III" T ' Make money by succesful InJUkll I speculation in Chicago. We IViirtl I bu? au1 sel1 wheat on mar-. II llbll I gins. Fortunes have been made on a small beginning bv tradiniHn fu tures. Write for full particulars. Best of rot erence given. Several years' experience on th-a Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough know leilne of the business. Send for our free refer. erree book. DOWNING, HOPKINS & Co-. Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Offices In- rortiana, uregon ana Seattle, wasn. . N. P. N. V. No. 83,-98. WHEN writing to advertisers pleas mention this -papier. I i .