The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 27, 1898, Image 3

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    ioo'd Iftver (Slacier.
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1898.
Th mall arrive from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts ti0 ame days at noon.
for Chenoweth, leave! at ft A. M. Tuesdays
and Saturdays; arrives at 6 P. M.
For White Salmon leaves daily at 1 P. M.;
arrives at o'ciock r. m.
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Oil
anar. Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays,
w aaaeaaays ana r riaavs.
Laurel Kebekah Degree Lodge, No. 87, t. O.
O. F. Meets first and third Mondays in each
O, O. ChambkhlaIn, Secretary.
Canbv Post No. 1(1 G. A. B.. meets at A. O.
IT. W, Hall, first Saturday of each month
at J o'clock p.m. AUG. A. R. members in-
vlted to meet with us.
FRANK NOBLE, Commander,
' T. J. Cunnino, Adjutant.
Canby W. B, C, No. 18, meets first Saturday
or each raoncti in A. O. u. w. hall, at V! p. u,
Mrs. Ajxt uvziisibhj, rresiaenc,
'. Mrs. Ubscla Dukes, Secretary. j
Hood River Lodne. No. 105. A. F. and A. 1.
Meets Saturday evening; on or before each
tUll moon. F. C. BROSIUS, W. M.
W, M. Yatbs, Secretary.
Hood River Chapter, No. 27, R. A. M.
Meets third Friday night of eaeh month.
-.: G. E. Williams, Secretary.
Hood River Chapter, No. 25, 0. E. S. Meets
etaiuraay Mwr eacn iuii moon,
f ' Mrs. EMMA BROSIUS, W. M.
Mrs. Kacsbl Hbmhneb, Secretary.
meets aeeoud and fourth Monday nights or
eacn tnontn at raternity nan. Broiners ana
sisters cordially invited to meet with us.
A. P. BATE11AM, M. A
S. 8. G. ay. Secretary.
Waucoma, Lodge, No. SO, K. of P., meets In
A. u. u. w. nan on every i uesaay nignt.
. O. T. Pratber, K. of R. t S. I-
Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A. O. U. W., meets
Brat and third Saturdays of each month.
J. T. PRATHElt, M. W,
J. K. Watt, Financier.
H. L. Howk, Recorder.
ldlewilde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. F meets
In Fraternal hall every Thursday night.
O. . Chamberlain, Secretary. .
Bead Wolfard fc Bone's ad.
Fresh cow for sale by Geo. Rordan.
Tennis shoes at the Racket Store.
Rooms to Let Apply to Mrs. Palmer.
Ladies' shirt waists at the Racket
A full line of hats and caps at the
Backet Store.
Wakelee's squirrel poison, 25c a can,
at Williams fc Broslus'.
Mrs. A. S. McAllister of The Dalles
' Is visiting Mrs. Parker.
Mr. Bert Graham is clerking in the
. store or Mr. ueorge tr. uroweii. :
Mormon preaching will be held in
A. O. U. W. hall this evening.
: Bradley, photographer; gallery open
inursaays, imciayaana Saturdays.
k Mrs. C. C Peck of Taconia Is visiting
uer parents, Judge and Mrs. T.B.Keut
- Wm. Yates, P. M., Is authorized agent
for all newspapers and periodicals
Miss Pearl Calvin of Toledo, Wash.,
Is visiting Mrs. A. Mayes and daughter.
Mr. J. H. Cradlebaueh is in The
Dalles, having come down from his
mine on Wednesday.
v-Mfi. W, If.. West,' who has been lo
cated at Viento for nearly a year, has
returned to Hood River.
. Miss Mary Frazler has been danger
" onsly ill for a week or two aud is at
Good Samaritan Hospital.
KMr.' D. McDonald, a merchant of
Biggs, has bought an interest in the
. store of Wolfard A Bone.
'' ' Mary Catherine Kiser Backus was
griMited a divorce from Joseph Backus
in the circuit court on Monday.
One of Capt. Blowers' fine colts was
badly cut on the legs last Friday by
getting into a barbed wire fence. ".
' Bromide of Quinine Compound, cures
- colds while you sleep. 10 and 25 ceots
at Williams t Broslus, pharmacists.
. Mr.J. .W. Morton' started Tuesday
forBherman county, where he will be-
gin his canvass and expects to begone
a, week.
' Col. O. B. Hartley returned from
Eastern Oregon last week to remain at
borne. He will have charge of a tim
i tererew for G. D. Woodworth. -
Strawberry pickers have been scarce
? during the week. Two cents a box
Is being paid for picking and packing,
and good pickers have made good
I wages.
Dr. E. T. Cams, dentist, will visit
'Hood River June 1st and remain three
days, 1st, 2d and 3d. Office at Mt.
, Hood hotel. All work at Portland
'I The strawl)erry patches of M. N.
i Foley and son Abe make the best show
ing for berries of any we have seen this
season. The vines are well loaded and
the berries large. ,
J -Look here! That fellow forgot to
'. say that the ladies would serve ice
cream, cake and strawberries on Sutur--:
day, June 4th, at 8 p. m., at Belmont.
Come and have a good social time.
Mrs, Stanley, Widow of John Stan
ley, a pioneer of Hood River, who has
' been a county charge for several years,
v was adjudged insane at The Dalles, last
' week, aud sent to the asylum.
' The uicest box of strawberries we
have seen this yar were sent to the
editor of the Glacier by our old
4 friend, H. C. Hengst. Three tiers of
. v them filled a pound box. Mr. Hengst
' .. has one of the best places on Hood river
for berries.
New Millinery. We have added to
our dry goods depariment a full line of
' ladies' trimmed bats, sailors, walking
hats and sun shades. We have secured
V the services of Miss Alice Graham as
trimmer, which will warrant our work
with neatness aud dispatch. ' v
R. Rand & Son.
Many old soldiers now feel the effects
, of the hard service they endured during
' the war. Mr.Geo.S.Anderson of Ross
ville, York county, Pa., who saw the
hardest kind of service at the front, is
now frequently troubled with rheuma
tism. "Iliad a severe attack lately,"
lie says, "and procured a bottle of
Chamberlain's Palm Balm. It did so
much good that I would like to know
what you would charge me for one
doeen bottles." Mr. Anderson wanted
it both for bis own use and to supply it
to his friends and neighbors, as every
family should have a bottle of it in their
home, not only for rheumatism but
lame back, ' sprains, swellings, cuts,
bruises and burns, for which it is un
equalled. For sale by Williams &
Indian Sam, known as a cultus. I
dial), Is no inure. "; He died last week
at his home in Dry canyon, near
White Salmon, and is mourned by his
people, irood and. bad. The Indians
In the berry patches all quit their work
and went to the tuuerai, ana in conse-
auencc a cood many patcnes
aia not!
get nicked last Friday, and the rain on
Saturday spoiled the ripe berries. At
Byrkett's place the big skiff that bring!
the berries to Hood River for shipment
was missing Friday evening, but was
returned to Its moon tiers Saturday, ana
it is supposed that some of the noble
red family had taken the boat to trans
port the mourners from this side, of ,the.
Columbia who wished to pay their last
sad respects to the departed, brave.
Dr. Hines and wife leave Hood River
today to attend the commencement-
exercises of Portland University Satur
day and Sunday, and the annual trus
tee meeting Tuesday or next week.
Thursday, June 2d, Dr. Hines delivers
the address at the annual meeting of
Eastern Oregon Pioneers at Milton,'
Umatilla county, and on the 15th of
June an address at the annual meeting
of the Oregon Pioneer Society at Port
Boys are selling a good many, boxes
of strawberries every day to passenger
on me cars ana ooacs. Bomeiinies
they do not have the best ofberriefl for,
sale. We noticed one little fellow. atJ
the train .Tuesday with berries . that
were simply wretched specimens of
Hood River berries. ' Good ppel)?rfie8,.
neatly packed, of which there is plenty
to be had of the growers, should be the
only kind exhibited at the trains.;' . '
The home of Rev. J. W. Jenkins was
the scene of a very pleasant social event
on the evening of May 18th, when
Wm. Orwin O. McNeal . and ; Miss An
nette F. Davis and Mr. Edward C.
Mahany and Miss Lena Davis, esteem'-::
ed young people of The Dalles, were
joined in wedlock. Rev. Mr. Jenkins
Is an old acquaintance or the contract;
ing parties, and they made the' trip to
Hood River overland. h
Mr. H. C. Bateham says the small
green worm complained t of by Mr.
Rood are the climbing' cut worm.
Plenty of Irrigation is the only prevent
ive -practicable. The state experiment
station recommends sowing lime' or
salt on the ground. These worms come
at odd. intervals ana It may be several
years before we are bothered much
The voters of the Barrett school dis
trict held a meeting last week and de
cided to build a new school house. The
directors were authorized to borrow
$800 to build a two-room house, i The.
building will be erected on the high
ground south of the site of the present
building. Mr. D. G. Hill donates half
an acre of ground.
A sad accident happened Benty
Hand, last Saturday, while at work In
the box factory. He was working near
a circular saw when a knot flew out of
a pine board and hit him in the eve.
lie was taken to a .Portland hospital.
Monday, by Dr. Watt, and physicians
say he will lose the sight of the in-
Dr. Jones came up from , Portland
last Wednesday, remained until Sat
urday, returned from The Dulles on
Monday, fluished up work here and
went to Portland Tuesday. : Business
good, but collections will be better
later. .,
The residence of Rev. J. G.' Allord ol
Gilmer, Wash., pastor of the,,M, E.
church on the Gilmer charge, with all
its contents, was consumed by tire a
few days ago.- The loss was very se
vere on Mr., Allord and family, as thev
are left eutirely destitute.
Circuit court convened at The Dalles
on Monday. 'The. grand jury was
chosen as follows: Geo. W. Miller.fore
man; R. D. Fisher, W. A. Cates, Leon
Rondeau, L. J. Klinger, B. F. Laugh
Un aud H H. Learned.
Mr. Levy Monroe returned last week
from Kansas City, where, he weritifor
treatment by specialists for stoppage in
his speech. His friends will be glad to
learn that he came home much im
proved. '
A family by the name of Noble, from
Portland, are camped at the Tendk-k
place. Mrs. Noble is threatened with
consumption and has beeu greatly ben
efited by camp life at Hood River.'
Dr. Bonham, The Dalles deiMistvvU.l
be in. Hood River' June 18th. -'I'hose
desiring the services of a first-class, L
. 1 I I - I ! II. . I II , . T
luorougniy reuavie ueuust suouiu wait
for Dr. Bonham. '
Adolpb Velguth died in Portland,,
May 11th, aged about 60 years. De
ceased had a homestead at Mt. Hood
aud was a member of the G. A. R. and
A. O. U. W.
The Oregon emergency corps of Hood
River will serve ice cream and straw
berries at the old K. of P. hall, Satur
day, June 4th, at 7 p. m.
Rev. J. T. Merrill returned from
Sherman county last week and occu
pied his pulpit Suuday. , His family
win return today. -
Paul L. Aubert of Mt. Hood was
made an American citizen before Judge
Uradshaw last Monday. I), li. Cooper
was his witness. ,
Dr. Eliot, Mrs. Eliot and son Tom
have come up from Portland for the
summer to enjoy their beautiful coun
try home. -
Mr. James E. Hanna is canvassing
Sherman county for the universal re
pair machine aud is doing quite well.
Bread, fruits and vegetables, and all
supplies for berry pickers, at Bohney's
niurKet. ice, 14c a pound.
A little son of Dan Smith of the
East Side fell off a horse aud broke his
arm one day last week.
Mr. J. H. Eggert is walking with a
cane. He had a fall last week and dis
located his knee cap.
Clyde T. Bonney pays ca9h for poul
try and eggs. This week he is paying
12 cents for eggs.
Mrs. L.' Gee and Mrs. J. E. Ross of
Portland are visiting their mother,
Mrs. A. Mayes.
The families of F. V. Sherrieb and
R. J. Ellis were afflicted with measles
last week;
Wheat, oats, rye, barley and corn
crops on the East Side are very prom
. Aug. Paasch of the East Side com
menced work bu his new house Tues
day. E. L. Rood is engaged painting H.
F., Davidson's big barn and warehouse.
The Glacier is nine years old and
with this issue begins volume X.
Leave orders at Bnney's market for
our Sunday chicken.
Commencement Exercises. I
Coftfmentkpent exercises of TJVq&I,
River school called out a large iaadii
ence at the M. E. church last Saturtlay.;
j evening. The bouse .'wvis beautifully
aecprajaa iwtun,Mn? enujcest Bowers,
tne worK iiifhh1?; uann
field. Mrs. . lack-
soil, M5rs.:JCVowell, Mrs. Bartmess aji;
Mrefc Watbt .Eoclleni music was ftir-
nliedfbylH.V-' Yrk id Miss Anned
Smith.DrT HTnes opened the exete
cises by an eloquent prayer. Missjew
Fay Laf1 ranee and Carrie Shute sang a
duet. .EajjJLHr1'1688 rendered a soloS:
on .ijue!.,jiy(yu,. hihs Aguess .uukcjs
sanjV.splo,, ..tjierejraduating class de1-
Ji vexed their, .'.orations from
and ',afl tdidJ;,$e1L;. Coquets were - Wo
fepteij jn-gjreatjjprprusiou at tDejsoirnmjr'na tn
,cluipil ,of .each, .pation
sies of the futufe for the gradu'ating-
Class, !y . Melss Miartmess, captured the
applause of:.3b.e-atidtence if it was con
sidered rather personal by some oftjrjg;
ciass. ( tev. j. oj. iiersoner gave, a.
Cxcelleilfc 'adUress to the class, rafter
which'.-Prof.-It-'Ri; . Allard nresehte'tf
diplomas to. the following pupils of 'the
i?:. T'ti.. s' tt 11
Maud Stranahan," E. K. Bartmeks,.'''
ClaraBlyihe, .V M. W. Bartmtesl w
Agnes. DuUea',:.. ) f-:'!.'Carrie Copplei
Jimiiy Calmer. ,'?
; Tfr tlitfaiftifment at The l)allfp'";f,'j
The state-encatjuptmfit-or nie" tr-."L'i'i
R. andjrWFR'oOlJ&WMt-fk was sreJlii
tettendeaW'tlTe ld' ?leiaTi8 and their
families from all points of the statt and
was successiui iivavery Aamcunr.
A. K; Officers 'eletfteai'-rtie tl4u4ig
loway of Poal7. ''
rD.' v.- uepintuiieni. ..ommanuerTHar;!
Departiaent MbffiS$WrSkto$
of.rpst.Ju i.t.r
Councir vf"S
dministration Rj Hli4
Miller, of Post 7; M. P. lsenber-HC
A. Harding.of .Post 2; G. W. RtaH
Pt)st 31.?
Deleiaiiiites'foKational Encampment
u. m. israasnavj
if PoKt. Til: E. Mtiiili!..
of P&st fefifPfSmith of Post 81. ':;.;t
Alternates H. E. Dosch, of Pofet..3:
Department President, KrrerMraziery
of The.Dkfsi:4HrfioJs'ce, SfrM JJizzfe
c it. ... - ( .--,
Ross, of SielliaaitJlli 0,?.ly,
btranawin, of Hood River: treasurer.
Mrs. Higgins, of Eugene; execuj.Vy,e'J
board, Mrs. Adair, of Euuene : 'MiSu.
Clark, of Oorvallis : Mrs MoreheSd';1
Junction; Miss Gertrude Gwilt, Port
land; Mrs. Stanton, Roseburg ; dele:
Kate at laree. national convention. Mi's.
Musi d-
at leMinn ville,
M8. AHC 'ifetHWiMathRINaithft'ilVli .'Wfi' tfild tlifi fullowinu- from
i. ic wciii. aik jixiiK:a uii nuiui uuv -1U1-
a duui . 1.-51 wz I ,
Mr. Doug Langille made a trip to.
Cloud Cap inn last week. returtiiEjr
oa.iuraay.- rjje.muna. aoou,WiW-TVat!,iM.i
"'Mr.' Milton utfderland cahie urTfwii.i!
Portland qn,.the JAnlatgjr Monday.
-VMrs.-'R. 'E.!HVaidsWnitJited a model-;
of the Acme steam canner at W6od
worth's corner last Saturday, wtiieh
interested many of our people, efeggj
dally the ladies.
E.. W. Udell is buildinftajean-tdifuf
a stnnmer Rngifty-at-uisBMidence. i
R. 8. y.e.Qa-lawuaack-ing
house and barn combined. ' '-A
jf.E. C. MbonejiJkas built a neat paekd
ing house for the comfort 'of Bis aroiy-t
oi strawberry picKers. t
,0. H. Stranahan was working 'his
fiill force last week in building a flifttifl1
for4herJiood River Supply Co. fiKfuJ
wrapper place east. tint
it. il. Howens is bM'K tmm Burhp-,t
JH. HfRafeaJ h urfefasfl the
Kanrr place on foreclosure of mortgage,
WelcomvOi shotv-Wiil fell thrnucrhlilTt:
thefvMley'liist Satwday. i
Fred Frazier. a- Sfoi. River voune
rapiuiy uuuer me iii,uiience. oi jine
' pet-ts to .opfeh t heiWn! "1 if att&itU her
monthv? u:U. t 'tAai
task, eon'". Mr? Asti fn-azier, tKf!tlMi1tlme'.'
listed iij the Ws
SeaMle ''a'lid i;'n'
at Vancouver.
Win. F.joaJCd ;vnd.wtffi,fJ?qrt
nd are stopping at Mis".' Armor's.,
,'MaW EfFrazier wa
much 6ei
j i.
ei oii I'tiesdajy. ;
Tbe Hood
iriu i li
UhiMi shipped ifsi'staiirmid l'?'aMi-J
kberns for this fceaSon .yeatldfy.
Strawberry slii
145 crates; 2(lth, 259; 21st, 158: 22d, 4pai
23d, 495; 24th, 732; 25th, 678. Shlffl
men is ior tne ween, j,uy; , total ship
ments for' ;t)ieeag(inV B.33,5"";;. '. ,
-tlnrrch Jiotiffes. "" j M
Odell School House. Sundav school
by pastor and communion Meeting.
at pastor's bhati 7 eypjwS&npay
night. Alfinvill. tmmr j
M. .E. Churab. iMoiifchlvoppoiiit-
mentwoh Hood Ritef etfeu!f: f
1st Sunday--HodJUffir,. .11 ttjtnjtvt&iMk.
, ' . M;, .. . . Boodj.Kvferf. 99MVi4ietivr.
... . f; "" y,' -;?,.J'I ' ffWMfr'WMIU":1.
2d Sunday Jljioa Rj,vw:,;jJJ.a., m,i.4Hiinr.
llna .-..II ... ...i . - . -i ...... .
,. Jj.iou iiivei', iw
lielmont. .11 av;s.
(JrauDRr.1 S'ft:l?.XrubAr.
8d Sunday Httixt WitfT.''? llWl'iffl'-
jiooa,,T:9u p. irn... - lriue?.
VUia Groves' .3fcft'(It.':d6joc.
4th 8nhday-riHo6;'WvenTl'ri?.2.iimv.
J190U tx ver, v:su
Belniont, i 11 a..m...t-.Areher.
Cai&Kcr.t. f 2:B-bi: Alines.
othStfnday IIoSdRhW, 11 a.'m Hines.'
Hood River. 7:30 p. m .Hines.
- -; " , . Tyliij,toVv It a..ngther..
Itoat Tofca)d4.i&V'-p!',
To. auit tobaacoeosily, and-ldrevigve toaie
netic, lull of llfefncrviaiWi vigor, .tiliWiJfeTo
Bao, the wonder-warlter, that makes weak men ;
strong. All,aruprists5Qcior lf Cure afSPan
teed. . Booklee ;and ' samjile free. Aaafess
Sterling Reiiiey.-Cp., Chicago or,. Nw,,y oik.
.. i .''- r-f.:.i; tr. I'.... si i'.j uiv
Mancliest-er -...Hi',.2 ';Uition:.;J it
comes to choosing leWen.'.y (9' SJc9tWoe.
doctrine, and the Piiifippirie isla.ti&ailet
us by all means retain the former.- ;
Phaeton ,or; SaJLe,
'A ;:
Good as new. jtjVi 1 1 &il(freri p for onxfe
1 ' ' - ' Wil. TILLE
t la
v.-. Vi'.ri'.;Meinorlal Day.
' 'TCjjrriqj i t tees' from Call by post,G. A. R.
aud AVR. ('. have made.arrangaments
for the (-memorial' sermon on the Sun
day preceding and the exercises on
Jtftittjorijil day, as:fo.llpws: .
Sunday, May 20th, post and corps
and Sons of Veterans will assemble at
A. O. ;U.' W. hall, at 10:30 a. in., and
march together-to the U. li. chureii
iwlierefifietnorial services will be coU'
"ducted bv Re v.. J. T. Merrill.
. "ahfiy Poat"aiid, Oanby Corps, with
.ttotis nt. Veterans and citizens, will as
."semble at.Idlew.Ude cemetery at 10 a
m; ofi 'Monday,' "May 30th, where the
UHi-pressvve'Services of the tirand Army
- 'wRf beacon due ted 'according to the rit-
e graves will be decorated
The prcMaUr-.l)etaLls wiir. he sent ly the Grand
Army to decorate the soldiers' graves
in Irving cemetery and at Fine urove.
. All' did'soldiers and their families are
tea uesrf'e'd ti) be nresent.
S Theiptipils of the public schools In
the valley are especially I uvited to par
irftSjttg j'ri' tlie.'lpatriotic exercises.
By order of the . . . Committee.
At'ti . ' '. . :
,i-;'urr. Nb-TosBac for Fifty Cents.
Guai'iinted tqbaccqliabit cure, makes weak
I'!" J'.OLltt J Vieiito Items.
L Tha-navrriaster for the O. R. & N.
K.9P;W'fe-jl4t;We.k and, made the boys
. i,'o'iip'of"'itlie Hnnil' T?.i ver ladies tem.
LHa' is said
partial to civil engineers.
Two'boxes bf't'iu'ars and twenty tral-
Tlqiis oj beer', hftvevpeen received so tar
by (he .boys Jiere from candidates.
Perrx(Mr))ry, AVho has been run
tiinii IheiUla'ner for the. Oregon Lum
ber company, has leased the Tucker
',iniir6ndi,box, factory and moved his
lamiiy to Tucker on Wednesday,
WCurfatv is going around with
tftlMlUtfrv gear on iiis nose. Don't know
how had the other tellow looks. His
cliffy' A, that' he struck the table in get-
.MiK igowu;....oii' .ilia Knees lur lamiiy
Uenalf la llloud Deep..
Clean-"blood means a clean skin. No
beautjj,ifvUviit it C'ascftrets, Candy Cathar
tic clean .vour blood and keen it clean, hv
tiVriiig up tfieiay liver and driving all im
purities irom tne oocly. Uegin to-day to
OaBishiDrninles. - boils, bl'otchea. blackheads.
iiaiid that sickly bilious complexion by taking
yom;an: UBiluty lur .l,C" Cents. All OrUg'
pgtsi satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
. . itWliooping' Cough
ji hadj a ililtle ..bny who was nearly
dead from an attack of whooping cough.
'M'uieighbors reebnluiended Chamber
lufii's.Couglj Remedy. 'I did not think
i imt anv meaicine wouui iiem nim.out
4!ftr.tving:hiitJr tv few doses of that
remay.i.noiiceir a,n improvement, ana
one-liuttle cured Kirii entirely. It is the
,hes.t;t5ugli mediciiie I ever had in the
d,touse. ,, ,i . jj. oiooip, nouin uureetts-
wffi,:'iPa; : FOr sale by -Williams &
'Patents for iiiidWve been received
?ftt'Thej DstlleS ' hirtd orrlce. and anions'
i-his Mti:i hiii : r iiiihi lis r . r iiiiim. 1 hi.iim.ii
Hackett3;Pet.i! D) .inrichs, Elizabeth
P. Cockel. Richard S. Andrews. An-
rai'P; Afisfer()d; Kewell. Harlan.
t ta:a, v..,n.;. a ..ff-..H..M iiimntn
,frtr :l fl. Urvl :V -DUill.C:i-C- f IUUI V1IIUIIIU
Umrrlit'bveftrtit-e -t he war and have
ruse'd "a; kiiuisof .Biedicines for it. At
last 1 wirwa-'oh'e remedy tnal lias been
a success as a cure, and that is Cham-
MUierltilii'a CoHcrCholefa' and Diarrhoea
Remedy. P.:E. Grwhahi. Gaars Mills,
blitfAHFar :ale by Williams & Broslus.
.s. . ' --11
sponHible.estahlished house in Oregon,
ett'ier-'iftwies w travel wr re-
ty 8ii5-iTiili-expeses.losltlon steady,
ence." Inclose sell-addressed stamped e
ce." Inclose sell-addressed stamped envelope.
L'i'iie Doiiilnion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago.
You are especially invited to call at mv
re.'uiiu see tne;-:new andv latest patterns in
r'r.r-.Uefv nml e-iMSRwnre while vnn wftlt. for
wait for
the wiirim.
You will, ttnd this an interest-
ti gifi lit, tinl'6
Yours for pretty dishes,
t v' .. Strayed. ,.,; v;
'1',A rsmairb.a'y mare with star In face, white
hind tobt'branded combination HP on shoul
der. Last seen near M'. V. Hand's.' Informa-
l Utou lad,in,to his reaoyery will be rewarded
Ptnt '0 I' 1 ' - ''H.D.' LANGILLE.
-160 Acres of Land
H'X miles from town of Hood Biver. Will sell
iH iMiiMtrti'OT tl-aile for City property. Terms
and Settle.
vilijpersons knowing themselves indebted
"to t he nnh of Williams & Broslus are request
ed, to come and settle and save costs, as the
;W-ori(fS! iH 'be placed for collection by the
'iJfHlrwf Jiine. " '-' . ' ' .
Horses for Sale.
Tliree Work horses Coi- sale. Will take wood,
lumber or work in exchange.
"'::'-'u:-s.-i:r. . E. ij. SMITH.
. V;; Tto Sinall Farms
For Sale. Qlose to Hood River; all improved.
Seveii acres- set-'-' to ".'strawberries,' Houses, or--etkrU;1Bai-n,sj,'sHeds,'
wells, etc. Terms easy.
Address ..!. . T. R.OON.
bSclial-War Book.
'.';RSi0pni'9S1MKan(Jaiies Bankln Young. All
.about VVrHr-with Sxiain, the Navy, all defenses
Battle'HIiips, etc. Portraits and biographies
of Dewey and all prominent officers. Nearly
tiOO pages, Masste, volume. Marvelously
cheap. Ufcst autBOTs'ljip. Only authentic,
officials book. Bjfpei'ience not-. necessary.
Anybody can sellvit. '.adies as successful as
gentlemen. We?are the largest snbscriptlon
booklirm in Anieitch: vlWrite us, Fifty per-
in die cmpi.l c 111 ' 0111 wuropiruuiiu
r-tment al' j-ou. Our book is
rmw uei ijiil-'iiow ttiiu uu 1111,1, 111 i,iie
l. lJOTKe 50c War map in colors free with
k or oulnt.i.Other valuable premiums,
niendous ielfer. -Bleeest money maker
fpt'kiijvn. M"st llberul terms guranteed.
A'KMke. to tj&i0 per day. Twenty
daWfrc('en. Freight paid. . Full book
seflft, prepaid to agents, 1.46. Splendid sam
pkViUnt ahif full instructions free for nine
2-cViSA stamps'to pay postage.. ..Mention this
inpi-r:: - ' .' ', - !: . -.1"
'."sytOE lt()4.liii'0., :Jy.p'U M, Chicago, 111.
"'V.-.i-.,, .!t..-':' ; .-tf.'iilIM-f'
' Land Office at Vancouver., Wash., May 16,
18'.I8. Notice', is"' hereby given ttiRtithe follow
ing niitrtedsettlet has filed notice of his In-.
.tention to piake final proof in support of his
cJafiri, and that said proof will be made before
ttie Register and Receiver U, , 8 Land Ofiice,
at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, June 28,
1898; vi; '
.. . CHARLES. W.-GILMER. .",
'liSlOJffl, foV the -soutliwekt southeast
section ii;!, township 5 north, range 11 east w.
M., and lot 2, southwest northeast anl
northwest southeast section 5, township
4 north, range U east, W. M
-He niHiies the followinn witnesses to prove
h is conti nuous .residence upon and cultivation
,jt'.-a!Ud land, via:; . -'
noiipnald iJ-('ilinernn- and Jacob 01atrbos of
W-ir-iXealifion, .Wash.;--John N. Colo and
GtM'i5:?'VY-.-Gilmei.of Gilmer. Wash.,
mOj'Jl B. F. SHAW, Register.
M. S. & L.
Of Hood River can furnish comfortable conveyances to all parts of the valley and vicin
ity. Heavy Uraying and transferring done with care and promptness. ' ;
Successor to E. li. Smith Oldest Established House In the valley .J .
Br 37- G-bods, ' Clotlilrig, '.
Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc. ' ;!
HOOD, RIVER, - - - - - ', - ' OREGON
,0c SffP ALL
.... 1 1 1 ' 1 , II Mil" II I'll... ' '
and mm
Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc.
We have a new and complete stock of bard.
ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will
keen constantly addinc. Our prices will con.
tinue to be as low as Portland prices.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty,
Columbia Nursery
Offers a large stock of Prait Trees and all oth
er kinds of nursery stock. All trees are well
grown, carefully dug, free from pests and true
10 laoei. w ner.ner you want one tree or i,uuu,
it will pav yon to examine this stock. Re
member, trees grown here give the best satis
faction, iv o trouoie to snow gooas. orders
filled on short notice. H. C. BATEHAM,
Hood River, Oregon,
Three miles south, on Mt. Hood Road.
Harbison Bros. , Prop' rs,
Manufacturers of
Dm Lite
Dressed and
Undressed .
Flour, Feed and all kinds of cereals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham
a specialty.
Is now locnted In Portland, at 113 Russell
street. Will make regular trips to Hood
River on the first of every month and remain
three days. - . ,
M. F. SHAW, M. D.
(Successor to Dr. Morgan)
All Calls Promptly Attended
Office and residence, second door north of
Nickelsen's store. s3.
Hood River Nursery
We have closed out our stock of trees for
this season and wish to thank our many cus
tomers for their liberal patronage. We will
be In the field again next fall with a fine lot
of nursery stock.
Also, agents for the sale of some desirable
real estate, including the Jones ranch.
J 1 1 . 1 . r. 1 1 o. vt 1.1 .1 v, ; .
4 Acres, Well Improved
For sale. 8 miles west from town; 50 bearing
fruit trees; balance in garden and strawber
ries: fine spring of water for house use; plenty
of water for irrigating. This is one of the
earliest strawberry places in the valley, well
protected from late frosts. It is mile from
graded school. Will sell cheap for cash only.
Apply to P. F. CORDE8,
f25 Hood River.
Do You Want
To buy land in Hood River
Valley. If so, don' t fail to
See Tucker!
Fruit Land, Berry Land, Grain Land, or
Hay land, ak prices you can't equal in the
valley. B. R. TUCKER, Tucker, Or.
Planet Junior hand and horse
Studebaker Wagons. ;
Canton Clipper ohmfA
Plows & Cultivators,
All styles and sizes.
For Repairs
Give me a call.
Extra Shares
and Plow Parts
Always In stock. . ,
- The St. Lo6is Republic is the lending
nnper for news. It conies twice a week
for $1 a year, or three tini'es (34 pages)
for ft SO. The Glacikk am) twice-u-week
Republic ?2 25 a year.
ZTo t3a.e
Gives the choice of
Mini If . fctLii.
Spokane, Salt La&e,
Minneapolis, Denver,
St. Paul, Omaha,
' AND . ''; 1 ASl)' -
Chicago, Kansas City .
Ocean Steame:c3
OHEGON, '':v.;;;;.';"i
, . Leave Portland every five djiysor
Alaska Points
No. 1, Oretron Short Line...
4.23 A. M.
7.45 A. il.
No. 3, Spokane
No. 4, Spokane
. 4.33 1.
.10.48 P.
No. 2, Oregon Short Line...
I eave Portland every llc fays for .
Steamers monthly from PortHm5 .fi) Yirko-
lioma and Homr Kone. via the Northern Pa
cific Steamship connection with O.IC.&N
For full details call on O. R. & Nl Ati-nt
Hood River, or address
Gen'l Pass. Agent. Portland. O
Gen i Agts. Nor. pac s- s. Co., Portland, or.
THE-- .
Navigation Co.; ;f
Through Freights &i:d
Passenger' LilfeS
All Freight Will ComeJhrouh
Without Delay. '1'
Leave The Dalles ;.4-T'AV M.'"
Lejtve Portland ..7.00 a. mc.
One way
Round trip
... 2
Freight -Rates Greatly
w. c. all away;
General Afient.
Fruit Ranch for Sale.
40 acres, 2 miles from town. All kinds of
fruit; 2 acres, lif straw berries; rmUmil water
privileges; bearing orchard. Term -reason-able.
W. J. CAMF15KLL. .
In the best and most artistic stylos nt the Old
lleiiable Khoe 3hop one door west lif pist nftice.
Ijidies' fine work a specialty. All work war
ranled. C. WKLUS, i'rop'r.
$5 Reward
For information lenrtln? to th(vn:-rest and "
conviction of persons stealing w-Tre or other
wise maliciously injuring the Mount Hood
Telephone line. II. I. LAXGII.l.K.
aS Manager.