The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 20, 1898, Image 3

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    2Xood-I$ver lacier.
FEIDAY, MAY 20, 1898.
The mil arrive from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
clock A. M. Wedacsdays and Saturdays; de
parts came days a, noon.
for Chenoveth, leaves at 8. A. M. Tuesdays
and Saturdays arrives at 6 P. M.
for White Salmon teaves dally at 1 P. M.;
arrives at 8 o'clock P. il.
From white Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Oil'
mar. Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays,
w eanesaays and trriaaya.
Laurel Bebekah Decree Lodjre. No. 87. 1. 0.
O. K Meets first and tfalrd Mondays In eacU
O. G. Chamberlain, Secretary.
Canby Post. No. 16. . A- R-. meets at A. O.
! V. W, Hall, first Saturday of each month
at t o'clock p. m. All . A. R members In
vited to meet with us.
FRANK NOBLE, Commander.
T. J- CCNNINO, Adjutant. .
Canby W. R. C, No. 18, meets first Saturday
or eacn montn in A. o. v. w. nan, at x p. in.
Mrs. AumiLa uujnmwu, rreuoent,
Mrs. Ursula Dukes, Secretary.
Hood River Lodge, No. 103, A. F. aad A. M.
Meets Saturday evening on or before each
full moon. F. C. BROSIUS, W. M.
W. M. Yates, Secretary.
Hood River Chapter, No. 27, R. A. il.
Meets third Friday night of each month.
O. E. Williams, Secretary.
Hood River Chapter, No. 15, 0. E. 8. Meets
Saturday after each full moon.
Mrs. Rachel Hekshhbr, Secretary.
meets second and fourth Monday nights of
eacn monui at. r raternny nan. rouiersana
sisters cordially Invited to meet with us.
' A. P. BATEHAM, M. A.
8. 8. Gray, Secretary.
Waucoma Lodge, No. SO, K. of P., meets in
A. O. U. W. Mall on every Tuesaay ntgnt.
G. T. Prather, K. of R. & S.
Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. 0. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
. J. F. Watt, Financier.
H. L. Hoick, Recorder.
Idlewilde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. F meets
In Fraternal hall every Thursday night.
H. J. HIBBARD, N. (i.
O. O. Chamberlain, Secretary.
Tennis sboes at the Racket Store.
Ladies' shirt waists at the Racket
Store. '
A full line of hats and caps at the
; Backet Store.
Mr. R. R. Allard is shipping clerk at
the box factory.
Mr. Pratt Whitcomb of Portland
came up Mouday.
Wakelee's squirrel poison, 25c a can,
at Williams & urosius'.
Bradley, photographer; gallery open
Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Win., P. M., is authorized agent
for all newspapers ana periodicals
F. E. Denzer of Stevenson has open
ed a restaurant opposite the Glacier
; Rev. Ross man, who is now located
at Tygu Valley, was in town during
me weeK.
Melville Foley went to Celilo on
'Tuesday to secure Indians to pick
t raw berries.
Bromide of Quinine Compound, cures
colds while you sleep. 10 and 25 cents
at Williams & Brosias, pharmacists.
A buckskin glove was left at Dallas'
atore on Tuesday by some one who has
probably discovered his loss by this time
Mr. A. B. Jones arrived here Mon
day from Grand Forks, B. C, and will
remain for a week or two to look after
(is berry crop.
The steamers of the Regulator com
pany now land' near the depot, Where
they made the first landing for this
year on Monday.
Clyde T. Bonney's market received
three fat beeves during the week from
Judge Davenport of Mosier, one of
which dressed 685 pounds.
Among those ' reported sick with
measles during the week were Mrs. J.
B. Hunt, Mrs. Allen and daughter
Nettie, Maud and James Parker.
Mr. W. H. Arbuckle, candidate for
county treasurer on the union ticket,
visited Hood River last Saturday. Mr.
Arbuckle is a merchant in The Dalles.
Among those who went to the en
campment at The Dalles were T. J.
Cunning and wife, H. H. Bailey and
wife, Frank Noble, J. B. Rand, Mrs.
Harry Bailey.
Mr. Albert Hansberry arrived here
last Saturday from Custer county, Ne
braska, to visit his brother, W. T.
Hansberry. The two brothers bad not
met for 19 years.
F. H. Watts, general agent for the
Monumental Bronze Co., Dufur, Or.,
will make periodical visits to Hood
River. See his work in the cemeteries
tnd then see him for terms.
' Times are improving. . Credit, if not
money, is getting easier. J. W. Ena
mel, the other day, ventured to go se
curity for A. W. King, the apple King,
for the payment of 10 cents for lime.
The Spring Water Co. has finished
laying the new mains, which will
double the water supply of the town.
The new reservoir has a capacity six
times greater than the old one, giving
that much more pressure on the mains.
New Millinery. We have added to
our dry goods department a full line of
ladies' trimmed bats, sailors, walking
bats and sun shades. We have secured
the services of Miss Alice Graham us
trimmer, which will warrant our work
with neatness aud dispatch.
R. Rand A Son.
Hon. S. B. Howard of Portland de
livered the first political speech of the
campaign in Hood River Monday even
ing. He is a silver republican and said
to be a very pleasant speaker, but his
audience was small. Hood River peo-
, pie will not enthuse over politics this
campaign; too busy with , our straw
berry harvest.
Many old soldiers now feel the effects
of the hard service they endured during
. the war. Mr. Geo.S. Anderson of Ross
ville, York county, Pa.; who saw the
hardest kind of service at the front, is
now frequently troubled with rheuma
tism. "I had a severe attack lately, "
lie says, "and procured a bottle of
Chamberlain's Palm Balm. It did so
much good that I would like to know
what you would charge me for one
dozen bottles." Mr. Anderson Wanted
It both for his own use and to supply it
.to his friends and neighbors, as every
family should have a bottle of it in their
home, not only for rheumatism but
lame back, sprains, swellings, euts,
bruises aud burns, for which it is un
equal led. For sale by Williams &
, Brosius.
Mr. G. D. Woodworth has leased the
Davenport mills. Besides furnishing
all kinds of lumber, he will make a
specialty of manufacturing railroad
ties. Mr., Woodworth conducts one
of the largest general merchandise
stores in town, manages a fruit ranch
in the valley that is a model in every
respect, owns and manages one of the
largest grain randies in bnerman coun
ty, and now has reached out for more
business to conquer and lias leased a
saw mill and flume that under his
management will be one of the most
profitable businesses in the county
JNotnlng succeeds like success.
Hood River has been badly served all
round In regard to the G. A. It. en
campment at The Dalles. In the first
place the date of the encampment was
nxea ror a time wnen everyooay in
Hood River is supposed to be too busy
to leave home. Ana Tuesday even
ing, when all who could go were ready
to board the Regulator, the boat passed
ine town ana maae a innaing three
quarters of a mile above, at the low
water landing. Some of those who
got left took the. night train, while
others gave up the trip and went home.
Six Hood River volunteers passed
the examining board of regular army
surgeons and are on their way to tiie
Philippines with the Oregon regiment.
Their names are Dr. F. C. Brosius,
Maltie Dukes, David M. Gibbous,
Howard Isenberg, Clarence C. English
and Marcus W. Robertson. May each
and every one of them win glory in the
service and come back with com
missions, is the wish of this commu
nity. Mr. John L. Henderson, who en
listed to go to Cuba and fight the Span-
laras, came home fcaturuay oetore be
ing examined and mustered into the
service. Mrs. Henderson expected to
go as hospital nurse, but it was found
that her health would not permit or
her going, and Mr. Henderson, who
had purchased a complete outfit for a
soldier in a tropical climate, reluctant
ly changed his plans aud came home.
Strawberry pickers are not numerous
as yet. The Japs will not be here this
season, as they have found work else
where. Many or the Yakima Indians
who In former years came to pick ber
ries have gone salmon fishing, but it is
expected the Warm Springs Indians
will be here in force by the time pick
ers are most needed.
Mrs R. E. Wands will be pleased to
meet the citizens of Hood River and
surrounding country on Saturday, May
2l8t, on -Wood worth's corner, at I p.m.,
to crive a talk on carmine- fruits, veg
etables and meat by steam. Will have
on exhibition the Acme steam fruit
and vegetable cauner. Ladies are es
pecially Invited to be present.
May 11th, W. A. Slingerland re
ceived account of sales and check for
$72 fur 86 boxes apples shipped to J. M.
tlixsnn & LO (Seattle. The apples
were Yellow Mew towns and Winesaps,
and the Winesaps sold as well as the
Newtowns, from $2.25 to $2.75 a box
The promotion exercises of the pub
lic school, held at the M. JU. church
last Saturday eveuing, were attended
by a full bouse, and the pupils taking
part In the programme acquitted them
selves well.
Mr. M. V. Rand is badly crippled.
He was kicked ou the hip by a cayuse
about two weeks ago, and since then
i , , r u! jj I i j
ins leg, iroi a iue uip uuwu, uas lurueu
black in spots aud at times is quite
The war news received by telephone
and bulletined at Copple'sstore.tuough
not always satisfactory because too
meagre, is the best we can tret aud is
cheap enough at 50 cents a day. -
Mr. A. W. King fired his shotgun
at the retreating form of a man who
was round prowling around bis prem
ises one night last week. - He was
probably after more canned fruit.
Smith's box factory is selling straw
berry crates to the Hood River Fruit.
(Growers' union this year at 15 cents a
crate, and the union is supplying them
to growers at the same price.
Doug Langille is clerking in Will
iams & Brosius' drug store. He is fast
getting on to his job, and the man who
called on Wednesday tor benzine in
bulk hasn't benzine since.
Hon. A. R. Byrkett of White Sal
mon is said to have the fittest patch of
strawberries in this section. He has one
acre that good judges say will average
a pound to the plant.
High winds in Hood River during
the first part of the week blew clouds
of dust in the streets and made it very
uncomfortable tor people who had to
be on the streets. .f
A report was circulated .last week
that Doug Payton, who is sick in Mon
tana, had died, but the report proved
to be unfounded aid at last accounts
he was improving. '
The weather for the past week has
been cool aud very favorable for the
berry crop. Berries are ripening slow-
but are good size and ot excellent qual
ity. Mr. and Mrs; Lyman Smith came up
from 'Astoria Sunday. Mr. Smith re
turned Tuesday, but Mrs. Smith will
remain for awhile at Hood River.
Mr. Jerome Wells has had quite a
serious time with the grip and came to
town Saturday lor the nrst time in
three weeks. v . - i
' Mr. Knnpp, from South Bend, Wash.,
has rented the Crockett house and
moved into it with his family on Tues
day. Rev. H. W. Young, pastor of a Con
gregational church in Portland, is
spending a few days in Hood River.
Mrs. J. D. McCully of Joseph, Or., is
in Hood River for a short visit with
her friends, Dr. and Mrs. Shaw.
Mr. A. M. Kelsay, candidate for
county clerk on the republican ticket,
was in Hood River Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hibbard went
to , Roseburg,- Monday, to attend the
grand lodge of I. O. O. F. '
Mr. George Rordan has had a very
serious time with pneumonia and is
still confined to his bed.
Mr. E. J. Middles wart went to Mon
tana, last week, to look after his busi
ness interests there. . ;
Smith's box factory shipped a car
load of fruit box material to Milton on
Monday. , , ;
Dr. Bonham of The Dalles was in
town Saturday, attending to dental
work. ,
There were four accessions to the
Valley Christian church last Sunday.
The Regulator has resumed her trips
on the river.
Fresh cow for sale by Geo. Rordan.
Mr. Abe Foley returned from his
trip to Crook county on Tuesday. He
went after bis team of horses, but sue
ceeded in finding only one, and it was
being worked by a man who had taken
the horse up on the range.
W. A. Langille is in Portland and
was interviewed on Wednesday by a
reporter or the Telegram, who evident
ly thought Will had just arrived from
Alaska and gave half columu of "late
Dawson news."
Mrs. Geo. P. Crowell went to Port
land to see the Oregon soldiers leave
for the war on Monday, and to bid
good-bye to her son, Clarence C. Eng
lish, who is a member of Company ifi.
Dr. E. T. Cams, dentist, will visit
Hood River June 1st aud remain three
days, 1st, 2d and 3d. Office at Mt.
Hood hotel. All work at. Portland
Hood River valley got a light shower
or rain Wednesday night, just enough
to lay the dust. In the Willamette
valley it has been raining for several
The Epworth League of Belmont
will trive a literarv entertainment and
social on Saturday, June 4th, at 8 p.m.
Mr. J. R. Nickelsen is now time
keeper at the Davenport mills. E. W.
Udell is at work at the same place.
Clyde T. Bonnev yesterday received
a carload of ice from North Powder
aud is storing it in his ice house.
Mrs. Chas. Reed is visiting in the
valley. Mr. Reed is teaching the
school at Chenoweth.
Mrs. Walter M. Cook of Portland is
visiting Mrs. C. M. and Miss Marion
J. H. Zane, publisher Oregon A.O.U.
W. Reporter, aud family are in the city.
Rooms to Let Apply to Mrs.Palmer.
Mr. Wm. Boorman is in town.
Commencement Exercises.
Commencement exercises of : the
Hood River public school will be held
in the M. E. church tomorrow even
ing, May 21, at 8 p. m.
March, "Tannhauser" Wagner
miss Anna smnn ana Mr. Henry i oik.
Invocation Rev. Dr. Jllnes
Duet, "Salute the Old Defender"-
Fay LaFrunce and Carrie Shute
Salutatory (Louisa M. Alcott) Grace Howell
"Education Maud Stranahan
Violin solo, selected..... E. K. Bartmess
"What Shall We Read?" Carrie Copple
.uisunguisnea Americans 01 me r resent
Era".... Fay LaFrance
The Red Cross" Erallv Palmer
"Decisive Battles of the World"
- E. K. Bartmess
Vocal solo. "Ui with Old Glory"..Agnes Dukes
"Cuba" Clara Blythe
"Present. Past and Future" ...M. W. Bartmess
Valedictory, "Purpose In Life"... .Agnes Dukes
Address to the Class Rev. Mr. Hirsbner
Class Song ,
Presentation of DiDlomas C. M. Wolfard
Closing Prayer of the Emergency Corps.
The following prayer has been adopt
ed by the members of the Emergency
Corps, Hood River, to be repeated at
the close of their meetings:
' "Our Father who art in heaven, hal
lowed he Tby name. Thy kingdom
come. Tby will be done on earth as it
is done in heaven. Urant Thine ap
probation to the work of this society
which tries to lighten the woes of those
patriots who have left us to battle for
the rights of man, to emancipate Tby
children from the yoke of cruel op
pressors, aud to plant our flag, emblem
of liberty and human rights, on every
hill top where Thine emancipated
children shall in their rejoicing give
Thee glory now and ever. Amen.'
By order of the committee of three.
Mrs. W. L. Adams, chairman.
Mrs. O. L. Stranahan,
Mrs. A. Mays.
Courage of the Stay-at-Houte.
Washington Post.
. It sometimes requires more and bet
ter courage to stay at home than to go
to war.- Many a man who, if duty
would permit him to volunteer, would
be glad to go, is compelled by the most
solemn and binding of all human ob
ligations to stay at home. It Is not a
manly, a wise or heroic thing for a cit
izen to leave his wife, children, parents
or sisters in want in order to go where
he is not needed. So long as there is a
surplus of men who want to enlist,
and whose presence at home is uot es
sential to the support of families, no
man whose presence is thus required
has a moral right to enlist. .
. Teachers' Certificates.
The following received certificates at
the examination last week:
First Grade Hoyl Green and Mar
garite Shelley of Hood River.
Second Grade Edna Brown, The
Dalles; Emma Bonney, Tygb valley;
Alice Powell, Margaret LeDue, Dufur;
C. R.' Deems, Wamic; Madge Warren,
Hood River.
Third Grade Mrs. M. D. Wheeler,
Wamic;' Anna Powell, Lottie Covey,
Dufur; Mrs. Alice Provins, The Dalles.
- Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke lour Life Awar.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netlc. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bac,
the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, SOo or tl. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co, Chicago or New York,
. Bora. ,
In Hood River valley, May 12, 1898,
to Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Harbison, a
Church Notices.
Elder J. W. Jenkins will preach in
the Valley Christian church Sunday
morning and eveuing, May zza. :
There will be preaching in the Odell
school house at 3 o'clock, Suuday, May
22d, by Rev. J. W. Jenkins.
Congregational Church. The La
dies' aid society will meet today (Fri
day) at . Mrs. J. L. Hershner's, at 2 p.
m. rue usual services win oe conduct
ed on Sunday by the pastor. Subject
at morning service, "Lessons from Our
leaves." Aitnougn ine interior im
provements will not be completed by
Sunday, this will not Interfere with
the public service. A cordial welcome
to all who do not worship elsewhere.
Rev. J. T. Merrill will return to
Hood River in time to fill his pulpit
next Sunday.
Services will be held in the Bethel
A. C. church Sunday, at 11 a. m. El
der W. H. Warner of Portland will be
present ou Tuesday aud contiuue ser
vices during the week.
Odell School House. Sunday school
at 1 1 o'clock. First Sunday, preaching
by pastor and communion. . Meetiug
at pastor's house at 7 every Sunday
night. " All invited. y
Memorial Day.
Committees from Canby post,G.A.R.
aud W. R. C. have made arrangamenU
for the memorial sermon ou the Sun
day preceding and the exercises on
Memorial day, as follows:
Sunday, May 29th, post and corps
and Sons of Veterans will assemble at
A. O. U. W. hall, at 10:30 a. m., and
march together to the U. B. church,
where memorial services will be con
ducted by Rev. J. T. Merrill.
Canby Post and Canby Corps, with
Sons of Veterans and citizens, will as
semble at Idlewilde cemetery at 10 a.
in. on Mouday, May 301b, where the
impressive services of the Grand Army
will be conducted according to the rit
ual, and the graves will be decorated.
Details will be sent by the Grand
Army to decorate the soldiers' graves
in Irving cemetery and at Pine Grove.
All old soldiers and their families are
requested to be present.
The pupils of the public schools in
the valley are especially invited to par
ticipate in the patriotic, exercises.
By order of the Committee.
Ko-Ts-Bae for Fifty CnU,
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. Me, 11. All druggist.
Whooping Cough. .
1 had a little boy who was nearly
dead from an attack of whooping cough.
My neighbors recommended Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. I did not think
that any medicine would help him, but
after giving him a few doses of that
remedy 1 noticed an improvement, and
one bottle cured him entirely. It is the
best cough medicine x ever naa in the
house. J. L. Moore, South Burgetts-
town, Pa. For sale by Williams k
The St. Louis Republic is the leading
paper for news, it comes twice a week
for $1 a year, or three times (34 Dutresl
for $1.50. The Glacier and twice-a-
week Republic $2.25 a year.
Rules for Picking and Packing Straw
''' berries.
All berries must be fully three-fourths
red when picked, with stems from one-
quarter to one-half inch long.
All berries to be packed from bottom
tier up.
Haflocks to be oval full, so . top of
crate justtou cnes nernes.
jno berries roust be packed that are
less than one-half inch in diameter.
All berries packed must be sound
and perfect in shape.
An instructor ana inspector will visit
berry fields' and packing houses. He
will also inspect fruit at warehouse, as
tar as practical. .
Hemes uot coming up to this stand'
ard will bring returns accordingly, as
an nernes win be sold on their merits.
Freiirht and exnress charges are
much on poor fruit as they are on the
best rruit. H. K. . U. v.,
N. C. Evans, Secretary.
Deaaty la Blood Deep.
Clean blood means clean akin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body, ltegin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 100,250,500.
Strawberry shipments: May 12th.
10 crates; 13th, 81; 14th, 27; 15th, 28:
loth, SO; 17, 147; 18, 15 total, 454.
Total shipments to date, 467 crates.
Up to date the record shows that 372
American boy bubtes have been named
"George Dewey" and 64 girl babies
have been named "Columbia Manila."
Considering-the fact that we are hav
ing a late spring, this is doing quite
well. St. Louis Republic.
I have been a sufferer from chronic
diarrhea ever since the war and have
used alb kinds of medicines for it At
last I found one remedy that has been
a success as a cure, and that Is Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. P. E. Grisham, Gaars Mills,
La. For sale by Williams & Brosius.
The Mountaineer says J. H. Aldrlch,
union candidate for assessor, is not a
stranger to the duties of the office, hav
ing served three terms as assessor du
ring his life. .
Ive gentlemen or ladles to travel for re
sponslble.established house In Oregon. Month
ly f 5 and expenses. Position steady. Refer
ence. Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope.
The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago.
Planet Junior hand and horse
Studebaker Wagons.
Canton Clipper chlllesdr
Plows & Cultivators,
All styles and sizes.
. . -
For Repairs
Give me a call;
Extra Shares
and Plow Parts
Always in stock.
In the best and most artistic styles at the Old
Reliable Shoe Jhop one door west of post office.
Ladies' fine work a specialty. All work war
ranted. C. WELDS, Prop'r.
$5 Reward
For Information leading to the arrest and
conviction of persons stealing wire or other
wise maliciously injuring the Mount Hood
Telephone line. H. D. LANOILLE,
a8 . Manager.
. It is a Fact
That you can't afford to buy land In Hood
River valley without first seeing what t have
for sale. Call on or addresa
S. &
Of Hood River can furnish comfortable
iieavy uraying ana transferring done
(Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In the valley.
33x37- G-oods, ; Clotln.IrLgy
Flour, Feed,
25c 50c ""V ""-
. Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc. r
We have a new and com Die te stock of hard
ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will
Keep constantly aauing. uur prices wm con
tinue to be as low as Portland prices.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty
Columbia Nursery
Offers a laree stock of Fruit Trees and all oth
er kinds of nursery stock. All trees are well
grown, carefully dug, free from pests and true
to label. Whether you want one tree or 1,000,
It will pay you to examine this stock. Re
member, trees grown here give the best satis
faction, no trouDie lo snow gooas. uraers
filled on short notice. H. C. BATEHAM,
Hood River, Oregon.
Three miles south, on Mt. Hood Road.
Harbison Bros., Prop'rs,
Manufacturers of
Oregon Into
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and all kinds of cereals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham
a specialty.
Is now located in Portland, at 113V4 Russell
street. Will make regular trips to Hood
River on the nrst of every month and remain
three days.
If. F. SHAW, M. D.
. (Successor to Dr. Morgan)
All Calls Promptly Attended
Office and residence, second door north of
Nickelsen's store. uX
Hood River Nursery
We have closed out our stock of trees for
this season and wish to thank our many cus
tomers for their liberal patronage. We will
be In the field again next fall with a fine lot
of nursery stock.
Also, agents for the sale of some desirable
real estate, including the Jones ranch.
4 Acres, Well Improved
For sale. II miles west from town: 60 bearing
fruit trees; balance in garden and strawber
ries: fine spring of water for house use; plenty
of water for irrigating. This is one of the
earliest strawberry places In the valley, well
protected from late frosts. It Is y, mile from
graded school. Will sell cheap for cash only.
Apply w x . r . tynxiTj,
f25 Hooa Ulver.
Do You Want
To buy land In Hood River
Valley. If so, don't fail to
See Tucker!
Fruit Land. Berry Land, Grain Land, or
Hay land, at prices you can't equal in the
valley. B. R, TUCKER, Tucker, Or.
In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon
for the County of Wasco.
Mary Catherine Klser Backus, plaintiff, vs.
Josenh Backus, defendant.
To Joseph Backus, the above-named Defend-
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint tiled against you In this suit in the
above entitled court on or before
Monday, the 23d day of May, 1898.
that being the first day of the next regular
term of said circuit court following the ex-
(ration or tne lime prescriDea in ine oraer
eretofore made for the publication of said
summons: and If you fall to appear and an
swer said complaint, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
dissolving the bonds of matrimony hereto-
prayea ior merein, to wu: lor u uecree mrcver
fore existing between the plaii
fendant, and that plaintiff ma
ntin i
and de-
retake and
assume her maiden name, and for such other
and further relief as the court may deem Just
ana equitaoie.
you by publication thereof In the Hood River
Glacier, a newspaper of general circulation.
ine service oi mis summons is mnoe upon
flUUllBUVU WCCKI 111 nBBTO UUUIltJf, lMuil
by order of Hon. W. L. Bradsbaw, Judge of
said court, which order was duly made at
chambers. In The alles, Oregon, on thetlth
day of April, A. D. , 1893), for seven consecu
tive Issues thereof.
aSm2U Attorney for Plaintiff.
L. CO.'S
conveyances to all parts of the valley and vlcln-
witn care ana promptness.
Etc., Etc.
To tlxe lEast,
Gives the choice of
Norton Br. SM Li.
Spokane, Salt Lake,
Minneapolis, Denver,
St. Paul, Omaha,
Chicago, Kansas City.
Ocean Steamers
Leave Portland every five days for
Alaska Points.
No. I, Oregon Short Line 4.23 A. tiu
No. S, Spokane 7.45 A. M.
No. 4, Spokane... 4.33 l M-
No. 2, Oregon Short Line 10.48 V. hi.
I eave Portland every five riny (or
Steamers monthly from Portbiml to Yoko-
boma and Hone Konr. via the Northern l1-
ciflo Steamship connection wilJi O.U.AN
For full details call on O. R. A N. Acrut
flood River, or address
W . il. II Ult 1-15U it i
Gen'l Pass. Agent. Portland. O
Uen i Agta. IN or. rac . uo., I'oniuna, uc
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
Daily Dalles ainWM
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
Leave Tbe Dalles.. 8.45 A. x.
Leave Portland .....7.(10 a. u.
One way........ ..$1 TA
Mound trip z mi
Freight Rates Greatly
w. c.
General Agent
Fruit Ranch for Sale.
40 acres, 2 miles from town. All kinds of
fruit; 2 acres in strawberries; natural water
privileges; bearing orchard. Terms reason
able. W. J. CAMl'BELL.
160 Acres of Land
Located on Hood river, 3 miles from Iowa
of Hood River. Free from wind and frost.
Will sell whole or In part, from one acre to 1U0.
Inquire of - J. H. FERGUSON.
J . .
For Sale or Exchange.
The best Hay ranch, or an appla ir draw
berry farm, already In bearing. Cheap for
rush or exchange for stork mere handlsa.
J.'i A. 3. BLOWER.