The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 13, 1898, Image 3

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    3food Iftver lacier
FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1898.
Th mall arrive from ml Hood at 10 n
lock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de-
pru -jo same unffl w. noon. - t
For Chenoweth, leave at 8 A.M. Tuesdays
ana Saturdays: arrives at o r. M.
For White Salmon leaves daily at I P. M
arrives at 6 o'clock P. M.
. . .u 1 llim KPE1UUU MIQB IUI M, U1U, Ull'
mer. Trout Lake and Olenwood Mondays,
vr eanesaays ana rnaavs.
Laurel Rebekah Decree I O litre. No. 07. T. O.
O, F. Meet first and third Mondays in each
O. G. Chamberlain, Secretary.
Canby Post, No. 18, G. A. R., meets at A. O.
V. W, Hall, first Saturday of each month
jft.t. 0 rvnlmtlr n m 11111 A T? mam Kara 1.
vlted to meet with us.
FRANK NOBLE, Commander,
T. J. Cunning, Adjutant.
Canbfr W . R. C, N o. 16, meets ilrst Saturday
or eacn raonin in a. u. u. w. nan, at a p. m,
Mrs. Auat uujnjniinu, president,
Mrs. Ursula Dukes, Secretary.
Hood River Lodge, No. 105, A. F. and A. M.
Meets Saturday evening on or before each
full mnnn SV ft RRnslIllH W M
W. M. Yates, Secretary.
Hood River Chapter, No. 27, R. A. M.'
Meets third Friday night of each month.
G. E. Williams, Secretary.
Hood River Chapter, No. 25, 0. E. 8. Meets
naturaay alter eacn run moon.
Mrs. Rachel Heushneu, Secretary.
meets second and fourth Monday nights of
acn moBtn at raternity nan. Brothers ana
sisters cordially invited to meet with us.
8. 8. Gray, Secretary.
Waucoma Lodge, No. SO.K. of P., meets In
A. o. u. w. nan on every i-uesaay nignt.
G. T. Prattler, K. of B, fe S.
Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. U. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
J. V. Wait, Financier.
H. L. Howe. Recorder.
Idlewilde Lodge, No. 107, 1. O. O. F meets
(D Fraternal nail every Thursday night.
, H. f. HIBBARD, N. G.
O. G. Chambeblain, Secretary.
ienni9 snoes at cue nacKet store.
Seed corn at Dallas & Spangler's.
' Ladies' shirt waists at the Racket
A full line of bats and caps at tbe
Backet Store.
' A complete line of artist material at
rork's drug store. ;
- Wakelee's squirrel poison, 25c a can,
at Williams & Brosi us'.
Bradley, photographer; gallery open
Thursdays, J ritiays ana Saturdays.,
Mr. George Mcintosh finished sow
ing ten acres of clover last Monday.
Wrn. Yates, P. M., is authorized agent
for all newspapers and periodicals
Haying commenced on J. W. Mor
ton's ranch last Friday. Tbe crop is
fair. .
A ladles1 cloak was found by L. D.
Blount and left at this office for tbe
Bradley photographed views last
Monday at the places of T. J. Cunning
and J. I. Miner.
The ladies of tbe emergency corps
furnished some excellent ice cream on
Tuesday afternoon. ,
Little Ruby Barn hart was taken
down with measles Monday. Joseph
Morris has recovered.
J. I. Miller spent last week in Sher
man county, where be. was called by
t he i 11 uess of h is mother.
Bromide of Quinine Compound,cures
colds while you sleep. 10 and 25 cents
at Williams & Brosius, pharmacists.
The York Drug Store has just re
ceived a full line of artist material
paints, oils, varnishes, academy boards,
brushes and canvas.
Mr. J. T. Neffof the board of exam
iners for teachers' certificates, went to
The Dalles Tuesday, where tbe exam
ination is now being held.
Mr.' J. W. Morton, republican nom
inee for joint representative, is now
busily engaged making hay. After bis
hay harvest he will make a canvass of
this and Sherman counties.
. F. H. Watts, general agent for the
Monumental Bronze Co., Dufur, Or.,
will make periodical visits to Hood
Biver. See Lis work in the cemeteries
and then see him for terms.
A big excursion of two full trains
passed up to . Tbe Dalles last Sunday
from Portland. Parties from Hood
Biver who were in Tbe Dalles on that
day say the excursionists painted the
town a beautiful crimson.
A force of men ts at work for the
East Fork Irrigating Co. grubbing out
big fir trees on the line of the ditch
near Sam Hess' place. Seaman Cox is
in charge, running his grubbing ma
chine and doing good work.
"Miss Carrie Poor, who has been vis
iting at Paradise farm, returned to
.roriiauu oaiuruuy. JjIluo xjenore
Adams accompanied ber and will re
turn in about a month, when Miss
Poor will come up to spend tbe sum
mer at Hood Biver.
New Millinery. We have added to
our dry goods department a full line of
ladies' trimmed bats, sailors, walking
bats and sun shades. We have secured
the services of Miss Alice Graham as
trimmer, which will warrant our work
with neatness and dispatch.
B. Band & Son.
Comrade E. D. Calkins is canvassing
for t he sale of a work that should be
popular these times. It is entitled
'Cuba's Great Struggle for Freedom,"
written by Senor Gonzalo de Quesada
and Henry Davenport Northrop, the
well-known author. The book also
contains a full account of the destruc
tion of the Maine and tbe report of the
naval board of inquiry,- the hurried
preparations for war, etc., and is pro
fusely illustrated.
Many old soldiers now feel the effects
of tbe hard service they endured during
the war. Mr.Geo.S.Anderson of Boss
ville, York county, Pa., who saw the
hardest kind of service at the front, is
now frequently troubled with rheuma
tism. "I had a severe attack lately,"
lie says, "and procured a bottle of
Chamberlain's Palm Balm. It did so
much good that I would like to know
what you . would charge me for one
1ozen bottles." Mr. Anderson wanted
it both for his own use and to supply it
to his friends and neighbors, as every
family should havea bottle of it in their
home, not only for rheumatism but
lame back, sprains, swellings, cuts,
bruises and burns, for which it Is un
equalled. For sale by Williams &
Ti . , . . j n . . i r J... t
.The patriotic ladies of Hood Biver
organized an emergency corps, last
Saturday, whose duties will be to lend
aid and comfort to tbe soldiers in the
field by sending the hospital camps
supplies in tbe shape of luxuries that
will not he furnished oy the govern
orient. The following officers were
elected:1 Mrs. Muttie Oiler, president;
Mrs. JVi. sue Adams, vice presideut;
Mrs. M. F. Shaw, treasurer. Exec
utive board. Mrs. Wm. Thompson,
Miss Alice Cleaver, Mrs. Mattie Wi-
nans. Miss Eliza Stevens, Mrs. E. B
Clark, Mrs. F. C. Brosius, Mrs. J. L.
Hershuer, Miss Cora Mays, Miss Grace
Uranam, Mrs. C. T. Bonney, Mrs. V.ti,
Bone and Mrs. W. B. Sbute.
Dr. F. C. Brosius came up from
Camp McKinley Monday evening to
visit his family and returned Tuesday
morniue The doctor has received an
appointment as steward of the hospital
corps, and knowing that there were a
great many applicants anions tne pnv
sicians or tne state wno naa oeen con
nected with tbe militia for the few ap
pointments at tne governors disposal.
is well satisfied with bis position. Dr.
Bros! us came borne lu bis uniform.
He makes a good-looking soldier, is en
thusiastic and would have gone as a
private. It is our private opinion that
he ought to be coiunei or tne regiment.
Amonsr tbe six or more physicians
who made application and were exam
ined for appointment as surgeons in
the regiment at Camp McKinley, Dr.
Brosius stood head and shoulders above
all of them in his qualifications as a
member of his profession, and owing
to this fact he could not be turned
down without an appointment. The
Wasco county boys of Captain Booth's
company became very much attached
to Dr. Brosius during tbe time they
were together in Camp McKinley, and
at their request we cheerfully publish
this item.
Mr. Eph Winans is borne again. hav
ing been rejected by the examining
surgeons for enlistment in the army.
it seems he failed to meet tbe require
ments of the service by being too tall for
his weight. When such men as Eph
Winans fall to pass muster it shows
that tbe examination is exacting. Mr.
Winans is known by bis acquaintances
to be a man of strong constitution and
great endurance. He earnestly desired
to serve his country as a soldier, and
we regret to see a good man like him
rejected. '
Mr. C. L. Morse made a trip through
tbe southeastern portions of tbe coun
ty along with A. J. Brlgham and other
candidates, last week, going as far as
Wannnitia. Mr. Morse will soon start
for Montana as agent for the sale of
tiood Kiver strawberries, and ir bis po
litical enemies outside of Hood Biver
(he has none here) should spring any
falsehoods during bis absence, making
out tbat he is responsible for tbe A. Jr.
a., or is in tbe pay or Mark Hanna, or
acting as a Spanish spy, don't believe a
woru oi it. . --
Mr. Oscar Stranahan, 1 who only re
cently took bis right arm out of a
sling after recovering from blood poi
soning caused byfe cut on the band,
now carries nts leit band in a sling
from t he effects of his band getting in
close quarters with a buzz saw while at
work hi his factory. A couple of fingers
were cut into the bone. Oscarcan gen
erally lie relied upon to furnish an item
ior tne u lacier.
The entertainment at the old armory
ball. Tuesday evening, given bv the
emergency corps, drew a large and en
thusiastic audience. Patriotic addresses
and songs were the order of the even
ing. Tbe ice cream and oyster rooms
at Mrs. Thompson's netted $20, which
was forwarded to the secretary of the
state emergency corps at Portland.
Clarence English, who went to Port
land to join the array, passed the ex
amination all right and is now a ser
geant in Company E. Sergeant Eng
lish is the best drill master in the regi
ment and possesses two gold medals
for being the best drilled man In the
O. N. G. ' '
The Skamania Pioneer says: "The
facts as stated by the Glacier! are
correct enough about one of the Wil
kinson boys being drowned at the Cas
cades and another being killed by a
horse In Sherman county, but these
boys, were no relation to the. man who
was killed in the log shute." . ''
Dr. Bonham, tbe famous dentist
from The Dalles, and graduate of Chi
cago dental college, will visit Hood
Kiver professionally, May 13th, and re
main three days, and In future will
make regular visits.
May 6th, Mr. Bicbard Klrbyson
brought tbe first ripe Hood Biver
strawberries to the Glacier office for
the season of 1898. Mr. Klrbyson has
an acre or more of early berries that are
looKing nne.
Mr. Doug Langille returned from
McCoy Creek mines on Wednesday In
company with bis mining partner, Ed
Wilson. They came by way or Trout
Lake and found deep snow on the
Hon. Malcolm A. Moody is having
40 acres grubbed and cleared on his
ranch, the old.Corum place, which,
with 10 acres already cleared, will be
put Into timothy and clover next fall.
Mr. B. F. Gerking and daughter
Nannie arrived here last week -from
South Bend, Wash., and expect to'. re
main all summer. Mr. Gerking is a
brother-in-law of M. N. Foley. .
The millinery department of Wood-
worth's store was well patronized last
Saturday, when the town was full of
people. Crowds of ladles came to see
the hats of latest pattern.
Henry York, not to be outdone In
patriotism, is having bis drug store re-
papered throughout in honor of
Dewey's victory. J. B. Hunt is the
artist doing the work.
Strawberries are ripening in the
early patches along Hood river and the
Columbia river front, and by next
Monday, or sooner, shipments will be
gin in earnest.
The sales of the Oregonian have mora
than doubled in Hood Biver since the
war began. The Bartmess boys now
sell from 75 to 85 copies daily, i
Melville Foley was a close second with
Mr. Klrbyson in ripe strawberries,
bringing in four nice berries in tbe af
ternoon of May 6th.
J. F. Howe and family and his fath
er-in-law and family came up on tbe
boat from Portland Tuesday.
Mr. M. Willis has been confined to
hie house during tbe week by sickness.
Mr. F. H. Stanton is clearing twenty
acres on the Forbls tract, East Side, ,
Bradley photographed the Crapper
school Tuesday.
f r F?nh Wlnnna aava creat. rlinsntlfli
faction existed among tbe soldiers in1
Camp McKinley over the way some of
tue old omcers or tne u. is. w. nave
been treated. Capt. Booth's Wasco
county company consisted of 68 men
and they were consolidated with a frac
lion ot a company irom roriiana,
Harry L. Wells was made captain and
Booth was given the second lieuten
ancy, which he rightfully declined to
accept. Capt. Wells promised to be
liberal to tbe Wasco county boys in
dealing out the non-commissioned or
flees, and out of 18 he generously gave
4 to Booth's men, two or which were
corporalships. The boys threatened to
go home if Captain Booth' was turned
down, but they were sworn in and
then divided up among the other com
pauies. It takes a mighty good patriot
to retain his patriotism wben favorit
ism creeps into the appointments in t
company or regiment.
Canby W. B. C. held an interesting
meeting last Saturday. The members
were vitally interested in plans for the
aid of our countrymen who are called
out in tbe defense of our flag, and the
following motion made by Mrs. U.
Smith was unanimously carried. "It
is moved, that a committee of five, the
president to act as one member of said
committee, be appointed to be ready to
call the members together, and notify
those members in the country, as
soon as any work is known to be need
ed, or in case of any emergency where
tbe services or tbe W. a. u. can be
used, and further that this committee
is empowered to act at any time in be
half of the corps to aid in extending
help to our brave volunteers. Tbe
president appointed this committee,
Mrs. A. Stranahan, Mrs. U. Smith,
Mrs. M. Crowell, Mrs. C. Bailey and
Mrs. Hi. Cunning.
A pleasant party for the little folks
was given on Monday, May 9th, at the
country residence of Mr. and Mrs. L.
JNerJ, tbe occasion being the 6th birth
duy anniversary of their son Beed.
The little folks enjoyed themselves
greatly. Lunch was served. Those
present were: Dorothy Neff. Bell Wol
fard, Geneva Wolfard, Florence Hanna,
Buth Hanna, Gocbia Smith, Eva
Yates, Anna Jackson, Vera Jackson,
Leuora Wait, Sallie Bartmess, Gladys
Hartley, Beed Neff, Jay Wolfard, Ells
worth Hanna, Willie Foss, Leslie Foss,
Walter Howell, Everett Hand, Archie
Liockman, Mrs. Jj. JNetr, Mrs. ti. W.
Wait, Mrs. Liockuian, Miss Muddiesou
The state encampme-it, G. A. B. and
W. B. C, will be held at Tbe Dalles
next week, May 17th, 18th and 19th.
The date of the encampment could not
have been held at a more Inopportune
time for Hood Biver. : The delegates
from Canby post at the encampment
last year worked and voted for The
Dalles, and being so near by, it was the
intention or tbe post to go in a body
The date of the encampment was first
set for tbe 20th to 22d of April, but af
terwards changed to May. As most of
the members of Canby post are engaged
in strawberry culture,' it will not be
convenient tor them to attend.
The W. C. T. U. medal contest will
be held Monday evening, May 16th,
at 8 o'clock p. m., at the M. . church
The contest will be in declamatious by
several young lady and gentlemen con
testants for a prize, which will be a sil
ver medal, to the one adjudged No. 1
by three selected judges. The pro
gramme will be interspersed with mu
sic. A collection will be taken for the
benefit of tbe Willard temple.
The boys of the hospital corps from
Hood Biver accompanied tbe first bat
talion of the Oregon regiment, which
left Portland on Wednesday for San
Francisco. All the boys passed tbe ex
amination but O. J. Cluni, and he was
to be given another trial on Wednes
day, when it' was hoped tbat, under
the modified rules, he would pass. Dr.
Brosius will not go to San Francisco
till Saturday or Sunday.
Mr. W. E. Newcombjsold one acre of
strawberries, planted one year ago, to
Mr. G. D. Woodworth for $50. It is as
film an acre of strawbery plants as can
be found in the valley. Mr. Wood
worth gets the use of them for this year
only. Fifty dollars an acre is a pretty
fair price for a crop. H
Mr. E. L. Bood of Paradise farm re
ports tbat an army of green worms, re
sembling the cabbage worm, is work
ing on his strawberry plants, eating
the leaves, acd they have about ruined
the patch near his house.
The first Mt. Tabor berries came into
Portland the same day with first Hood
Biver, but it will be several days yet
before they will affect Hood Biver ber
ries in tbe Portland market.
Hood Biver strawberries have been
selling in Portland during the week at
35 cents a pouud. California berries
sell for 10 cents.
Mr. M. H. Nickelsen Is building a
residence on his ranch. Dallas is mak
ing up valleys and tin shingles for the
Tbe pews for the Congregational
church arrived Tuesday and have been
placed iu tbe church. ,
Mr. B. S. Andrews is down with the
measles and his old friend M. N. Foley,
is caring for him. .
The Absten family have recovered
from the measles iu good shape.
Little Ethel Smith is sick with
measles. .. ' .
Doa't Tobaec Spit sad Smoke Your I.U Anar.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netlo. full of life, nerve and vleor, take No-To-
Bac, the wander-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 50c or (1. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co, Chicago or New York.
Church Notices.
There will be preaching in the
ley Christian church Sunday
at the
usual hours by tbe pastor.
Elder J. W. Jenkins will preach in
tbe Odell school-house Sunday at 2:30
p. m, v
Owing to improvements being made
in the interior of the Congregational
church, there will be no services of any
kind next rjunday. The regular ser
vices will be conducted on Sunday, tbe
20th lust.
' Mormon Meetings.
' Elders Barnes and Jensen of the church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will hold
meetings 'In Hood River next week., Bills
will be printed, giving time of holding the
meetings. Articles of Faith 5 and 6 of said
church are as follows:
5. We believe that a man must be called ot
Ood, by "prophecy, and by the laying of
hands," by those who are In authority, to
preach the gospel and administer In the ordi
nances thereof.
0. We believe In the same organization that
existed in-the primitive church namely,
Anostiest rropnets, I'ostors, Teacners, livan-
gelUis, etc. '
Memorial Day.
Committees from Canby post.G. A.B.,
and W. B. C. have made arrangameuts
for the memorial sermon on the Sun
day preceding and the exercises on
Memorial day, as follows:
Sunday, May 29th, post and corps
and eons or veterans will assemble at
A. O. U. W. hall, at 10:30 a. m., and
march together to tbe U. B. church,
where memorial services will be con
ducted by Bev. J. T. Merrill.
Canby Post and Canby Corps, with
Sons of Veterans and citizens, will as
semble at Idlewilde cemetery at 10 a.
m. on Monday, May 30tb, where the
impressive services of tbe Grand Army
will be conducted according to the rit
ual, and tbe graves will be decorated.
Details will be sent by tbe Grand
Army to decorate tbe soldiers' graves
in Irving cemetery and at Pine Grove.
. All old soldiers and their families are
requested to be present.
The pupils of the public schools in
the valley are especially invited to par
ticipate in the patriotic exercises.
By order or the committee.
Good Platform for Local Politics.
I Sunday Welcome.
A' Tennessee paper announces this
most sensible and therefore unique
platform for local politics: "Graveled
roads; diversified farming; stock and
poultry raising; first-class country
schools " This would be very sensible
pronunciameiito for tbe country press
or Oregon, tnougn not exactly political
inese demands are iar more reason
able and useful than those for initiat
ive, referendum, imiierative mandate,
free silver.tarift, biali or low, or most
of the other clamorous braying one
bears if he hasn't sense enough to
stop away on the stump every two
years. ; ,
Ko-Ts-Bm for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit care, makes weak
iubu strong, oioou pure, ouo, SI. All druggists.
Whooping Cough.
1 had a little boy who was nearly
aeaa irom an atiacs oi wnooping cough.
My neignoors recommended Chamber
Iain's Cough Bemedy. I did not think
that any medicine would help him. but
after giving him a few doses of that
remedy i noticed an improvement, and
one bottle cured him entirely. It is tbe
uest cougn medicine x ever bad in the
house. J. L. Moore, South Burgetts
town, Pa. For sale by Williams &
Mrs. A. K. Dufur of Dufur recently
received a letter that was written eight
years ago at her former home in Wis
Tbe St. Louis Bepublie is the leading
paper tor news, it comes twice a ween
for $1 a year, or three times (34 pages')
tor The ulacier and twlce-a-
week Bepublie $2.25 a year.
" lve gentlemen or ladles to travel for re-
sponsible.established house in Oregon. Month
ly tbb and expenses. Position steady. Refer
ence. Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope.
ine uomimon uompany, uept. x,i;oicago,
Beautiful Birthday Cards.
Elegant Styles in Box Paper,
Sewing Machine Needles.
Planet Junior hand and horse
Studebaker Wagons.
Canton Clipper ch,1,eid
Flows & Cultivators,
All styles and sizes. . '
For Repairs
Give me a call.
Extra Shares
and Flow Parts
Always in stock. 1
In the best and most artistic styles at the Old
Reliable Hhoeahopone door west of pout office.
Liaaies' nne worK a
i specialty. All work war-
C. WELDS, Frop'r.
$5 Reward
For Information leading to the arrest and
conviction of persons stealing wire or other
wise maliciously Injuring the Mount Hood
Telephone line. H. D. LANGILLE,
as manager.
It is a Fact
That yon can't afford to buy land In Hood
River valley without first seeing what I have
for sale. Call on or address
maris V. INCHELL.
Do You Want
To buy land tn Hood River
Valley. If so, don't full to
; See Tucker!
Fruit Land. Berry Land. Grain Land, or
Hav land, at prices vou can't equal in the
valley. B. K. TUCKER, Tucker, Or.
In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon
for the County of Wasco.
Mary Catherine Klser Backus, plaintiff, vs.
Joseph Backus, defendant.
To Joseph Backus, the above-named Defend
ant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer thej
complaint niea against you in hub suit in we
above entitled court on or before . ,
Monday, the 23d day of May, 1898, . '
that being the first day of the next regular
term of said circuit court following tbe ex
piration of the time prescribed In the order
heretofore made for the publication of said
summons: and If you fail to appear and an
swer said complaint, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
prayed for therein, to wit: for a decree forever
dissolving the bonds of matrimony hereto
fore existing between the plaintiff and de
fendant, and that plaintiff may retake and
assume her maiden name, and for such other
and further relief as the court may deem Just
and equitable.
The service of this summons is made noon
you by publication thereof in the Hood Kiver
Glacier, a newspaper of general circulation,
published weekly In Wasco county, Oregon
(by order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of
said court, which order was duly made at
.chambers, In The J -alien, Oregon, on the 6th
day of April, A. D. 189d), for seven consecu
tive Issues thereof.
a,Sm Attorney for Plaintiff.
M. S. & L.
Livery and
Of Hood River can furnish comfortable conveyances to all parts of the valley and vicin
ity. Heavy draylng and transferring done with care and promptness.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House in the valley.
3Dr3T G-o3.(3, ClotlIrxg:,
Hour, Feed,
25c 50c 5., Ifj5l DRUGGISTS
Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc
We have a new and complete stock of hard
ware, stoves ana tinware, to wnicn we will
keep constantly adding. Our prices will con
tinue to oe as low as r oriiana prices.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Columbia Nursery
Offers a large stock of Fruit Trees and all oth
er kinds of nursery stock. All trees are well
grown, carefully dug, free from pests and true
to label. Whether you want one tree or 1.000.
it will pay you to examine this stock. Re
member, trees grown here give the best satis
faction, mo trouoie to snow gooas. iraers
filled on short notice. H. C. BATEHAM,
Hood River, Oregon,
Three miles south, on Mt. Hood Road.
Harbison Bros., Prop'rs,
. Manufacturers of
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and all kinds of cereals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham
"a specialty.
Is now located in Portland, at 113 Russell
street. Will make regular trips to Hood
River on the first of every month and remain
three days.
M. F. SHAW, If . D.
(Successor to Dr. Morgan)
All Calls Promptly Attended
Office and residence, second door north of
Nlckelsen's store. 3.
Attoniey-at-Law, Abstracter, Notary
ublie ana Jieai Mate Agent.
For 21 years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Has had many years experience In
Real Estate matters, as abstracter, seareher of
titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or
no charge.
umce witn ueo. x. miner, ihj
Hood River Nursery
We have closed out our stock of trees for
this season and wish to thank our many cus
tomers for their liberal patronage. We will
be in the field again next fall with a fine lot
of nursery stock.
Also, agents ior Baie oi some aesiruoie
real estate, including the Jones ranch.
4 Acres, Well Improved
For sale. Smiles west from town; 60 bearing
fruit trees; balance In garden and strawber
ries; fine spring of water for house use; plenty
of water for irrigating. ThlB is one of the
earliest strawberry places in the valley, wel 1
protected from late frosts. It is mile from
graded school. Will sell cheap for cash only.
Apply to r. r . ujiuiio,
25 Hooa Kiver.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County.
Matthew Duty, plaintiff, vs. Amanda L.Duty,
defendant. '
To Amanda L. Duty, the above named de
In tbe name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint niea against you in mis sun in
the above entitled court on or before
Monday, the 23d day of May, 1898,
that being the first day of the next regular
term of said Circuit Court following the ex
piration ot the time prescribed In tne order
heretofore made for the publication of said
summons; and if you full so to appear and an
swer said complaint, for want tnereor uie
lalntiff will apply to the court for the relief
emanded therein, to wit: for a decree forever
dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore
and now existing between plaintiff and de
fendant, and such other and further relief us
the court may deem Just and equitable.
The service of this summons Is made upon
you by publication thereof In the Hood River
Glacier, a newspaper ot general circulation,
published weekly In Wasco county, Oregon,
by order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of
said court., which order was duly made at
chambers, In The Dalles, Oregon, on the z9th
dav of March, 1898. T. B. KENT,
almia Attorney for Plaintiff. ;
Etc., Etc.
To tlb-e East,
Gives the choice of
Spokane, Salt Lake,
Minneapolis, Denver, r
St. Paul, Omaha,
Chicago, Kansas City.
Ocean Steamers
Leave Portland every five days tor
Alaska Points.
No. 1, Orejron Short Line... 4.23 A. M.
No. 3, Spokane 7.4-3 a. Jl.
No. 4, Spokane 4.33 v. M.
No. 2, Oregon Short Iine 10.-JS p. w.
I eve Portland every llc ifciys for
Steamers monthly from rnrtli:i:: m Yoko-
horna and Honir Koner. via the Northern !'-
citlc Steamship Co, in connection u tiliO.U.AN
For full details call on O. R. ft N. Atnit
Hood River, or address
w. ft. HUid.r.i; -i:t,
Gen'l Pass. Agent. Porllnml. O
tien i Agu. Ivor. 1'ac. s- s. Co., roraumi, or.
TfieDallBSJortlanfl &Asioria
. Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
Leave The Dalles....'i A. m. ,
Leave Portland.... 7.00 a. si.
One way .....
Round trip
.1 oO
Freight Rates Greatly
W. C. ALL A WAY, 1
General Ajjelit.
Fruit Ranch for Sale.
40 acres, 2 miles from town. A1I kinds of
fruit; 2 acres in strawberries; natural water
privileges: bearing orchard. Terms reason
able. , W. J. CA.MI BELL.
160 Acres of Land ;
Located on Hood river. miles from town
of Hood River. Kree from wind and frost.
Will sell whole orjn part, from one acre to 110.
Inquire of J.-H. FERGUSON.
For 'Sale or Exchange.
The best Hay ranch, nr-an apple or straw
Iwrry farm, already in bearing. Cheap for
cash or exchange foratoek merchandise.
. Jit - A. S. KLOWLES..