The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 08, 1898, Image 4

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Trade Condition! In tne Leading. Ultieg.
of the World.
'. v Leiter furnished proof last week of
'''the moat convincing kind that his
( wheat deal is to bo carried" through to
; the last day of , May. Ap enormous
:. loan was made $9,000,000 of the
. amount borrowed waa away beyond any
present necessities; but the wheat bull
decided it waa better financiering to
pay interest on unuaed funda than to
risk a demoralized money . market at
"the' very moment when borrowing
. might be necessary. Leiter now haa
the funda in bank to pay for any possi
ble wheat deliveries during the next 60
daya. Aa important as the financial
arrangement waa the completion of
plane to nurry tne grain controlled Dy
him. abroad . and. .into consumption.
, Every bushel of contract wheat now at
.- Chioago will be on its way to Europe
within the next four weeks. Up to
the middle of Maroh the railroads were
loading Leiter wheat out ' of only 'one
system of elevators the Armour. The
closing of additional shipping con
traots "with the east-bound roada for
8,000,000 bushela started loading at
every elevator system in the city. On
r on day last .week," cars were taking
wheat simultaneously at .the Armour,
the wears, the uounse'man, the .National,-
the Central and the; Keith
houses. That means the all rail ship
ments of 8,000,000 bushels per week.'
Some day this week, unless the open
ing of navigation is delayed beyond the
expectation, the fleet of: 80 vessels
. carrying 1,700,000 bushels of the Lei
ter wheat will start down the lakes
toward Buffalo. Weather ? permitting,
. 8,000,000 bushels of wheat will start
:from Chioago thia week eastward; will
be at the seaboard by April 15, and
. This Leiter movement of cash grain,
how under way for 60 days, is evident-
. ly going Btralght into consumption
TOltVinnt oil iamnralinn) h ttvnctn
. markets. Tha tmnt No. 1 Northern at
Liverpool Saturday was 7s lid, equiva-
- lent to $1.14 per bushel there, and
g' 'which means better than ;85o. here in
" Chicago) and the spot No., 3 rod there.
Saturday was 7s 7d, which at the low
wjratos oi ireignt paid Dy seller, is Detter
than 90c at Chioago. Leiter has been
mnkinff Rnlna nt fitFiirns hotter than"
,;j these. w ' , '....:
' it.v . Portland Market.
. Wheat Walla Walla, 78379e? Val
ley and Bluestem, 81o per bushel.
' ' Flour Best eradoR. S.R5: praham.
f $3.40; superfine, $2.85 per barrel.; ' " ,.'
Oats Choice white, 8889ci choice
gray, 858Gc per bushel.,.
(. Millstuffs Bran, $17 per. ton; mid
" dlings, $28; shorts, $17. . . , .-,
- Hay Timothy, $12.60; clover. $10
11; Oregon wild hay, $9 10 per ton,
Eggs-j-Oregon, llo per dozen.; . ;
' " Butter Fancy creamery, 4550o;
fair to good, 40 45o; dairy, 8540o
per roll. ; . - , '
- Cheese Oregon full cream, ' 12o;
Young America, 18 14o)
I Poultry Chickens,' mixed", '. $8.50
. 4.00 per ' dozen; hens,. $4.004.50; :
.'Si geese, ; $8.007.00;: ducks, $6.00
7.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 18 18o
. per Sack; sweets, $1.753 per cental.
unions oregon, qv.xovsa.w per
sack.: ' ; ;
'' Hops 1416o per pound for new
crop; 1896 crop, 4 60. -
r- Wool Valley, 1416o per pound;
' . Eastern .- Oregon,: r:,712c; ' mohair,
' 25o per pound;, '";
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
ana ewes,- 40; aressea mutton, - ofto,
spring lambs, $3.50 3 each. ;
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, i $4.25;
" light and feeders. $3.004.00; dressed,
" $5.'005.50 per 100 pounds. , .
' l e ' - -- . . An -
...... jDtioi uruttHi lup .- eiders, - $o.ouis
- n rrer . an r- r: it . j j 1 t r, t
7c jier pound. '' c -;
Seattle" Markers .;.-" ''
Potatoes Yakimas, $18 14 per ton;
natives,$ll12;sweets, 2)c per pound;
box of 60 pounds, $1.75. .
Butter Fancy native creamery.'
brick, 25c; ranch, 14 15c; dairy,
16c; Iowa fancy creamery, 28o.
Cheese Native Washington, c 12
' - 13c; Eastern cheese, 12 o. '
I . Eggs resh ranbh,.- 15o; "California
;.' ranch, 14o. iv;.,;-,'-; ::;';':j
.1 ' Meats Choice dressed beef steors,
8c; cows, 77c; mutton, 8c; pork,
7c; veal, small, 8o. ' '- ' " '." .
1 Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,
- hens, 18c; dressed, '14cp turkeys,
live, 12c;, dressed, 16c.,' -'.
Fresh. Fish Halibut, 6 7c; steel
"heads, 78c;salmon trout, 12c;'floun
durs and solo, 84o'; torn cod, 4c; ling
cod, 45o; rock cod, 5c; smelt, 8
5c; herring, 4o. . ; ' ( '
, Oiympia oysters, per sack, $38.60.
Corn Whole, $28; cracked, per ton,
t $23; feed meal. $28 por ton. . : .
Barley Boiled or ground, per ton,
$23; wholes $23. .
v Flour Patents, per barrel, -$4.25
4.50; straights, -$4.00; .; California
brands, $4.75;5 Dakota brands, $5.40
V96.76; buckwheat floury 96- i .
:'" Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $10; shorts,
per ton, $17 18. . .
Feed Chopped feed, $1820 per
on; middlings, per ton, $24; oil cake
.meal, per ton, $35. !,, :'
. Hay Puget Sound, new, per ton,
$1118; Eastern Washington timothy,
; $16.17; alfalfa $12rstraw, $r. - ,
Wheat Feed wheat", per ton, $28; "
Oats Choice, per ton, $23. . ;J
San Francisco Market.
Wool-Nevada, ll13o; Oregon, 13
14o; Southern coast lambs, 78o.
-Millstuffs Middlings, '"$32. 5025;
t California bran, $19.0019.50 per ton.'
. J . pnions-T-Silverski'ns, $2.503.15per
cental. ; ' . 4.-'-'i
V Eggs Store, 18K13o; ranoh, 14'
lSo.', K.-j'p v '-f r o ' ".." '?", '.
" Butter Fancy "creamery, .'19o; do
seconds, 18c; fancy dairy,. 17o; good
to ohoice, 15 16o per pound, . . I
.Complete' Suooeas of the Mining and
Irrigation Congress at Baker City. '
The mining and irrigation congress
which met. in Baker City, last week,
will prove of much benefit to the
Northwest. Much enthusiasm was
manifested throughout its sessions, and
when final adjournment was taken, it
was with a feeling that the convention
had been a success. It was Baker
City's first experience In entertaining
a crowd of that oharaoter, and its citi
zens bad cause to be gratified At the re
sult. The town surprised itself by its
achievement. As the oitizens and vis
itors became better acquainted, more
informality came into the proceedings,
and miners and capitalists got oloser
together, and the vastness of the min
eral resources of the region was better
appreciated. All felt a personal in
terest in mining and irrigation, and no
one was so wise that be did not get
new and broader ideas, and perhaps
more special knowledge of those mat
ter's so essential to the industrial de
velopment of the groat Northwest. " t
' The last day a oonsitution and by
laws for a permanent organization was
reported,' and, after some disoussion,
adopted.. .The name chosen ... was the
Mining and - Irrigation Congress; ob
ject, to promote and foster mining and
irrigation-enterprises and other kindred
industries; the offloers to be a presi
dent, a vice-president from each state,
who shall choose the . seoretary and
treasurer; the meetings to be held , an
nually, at a time and plaoe to be; se
lected by the congress; the congress to
be composed of delegates from Oregon,
Utah, Colorado, "" Wyoming, Idaho,
Washington, Montana, California ;and
Nevada, to be appointed aa follows:
Seven by the governor of each state;
one by the mayor of each city; three
by each chamber of commeroe, com
mercial club, board of trade or other
similar s organization' in .. "each "." city;
three from each county, to be appoint
ed by the county judge or chairman of
the oounty board; three from each reg
ularly organized mining distriot within
the states." The committee on legisla
tion will consist of two members from
each state,- who will present a written
report at each annual congress.
iWhenitcame to selecting a place
for the next meeting, J. F. Batchelder
named Portland as the commercial and
financial metropolis of the Northwest,
whore facilities for accommodating a
great gathering and - for . a - display of
mining machinery and methods of re
ducing ores could be found. K. W.
Paris proposed Boise as able- to handle
a big convention, it being more central
ly located with respect to the. mining
states, being itself in the center of a
vast region, whose chief industries - the
congress would relate to. C. A." Johns
named Baker City. A dozen speeches
were made by partisans of the different
places. A ballot resulted as follows:
Portland, 41; Boise, 14; . Baker
City, 6. .
Portland was made the unanimous
choice. ' . , .' , - ...
" The time for holding the next meet-'
ing was fixed for the first Tuesday in
December, 1898, after a long discussion,
bringing -out seasonable,-demands of
placer and quartz mining. and irrigation
farming and after reference to a oom
mittee of three whose report was adopt
ed. Albert Geiser, of Baker City, waa
unanimously elected permanent presi
dent of the organization. The follow
ing vioepresidents were chosen: - f '
Oregon Ole J. Olsen, Grants Pass;
Idaho State Engineer F. J. Mills,
Boise; Washington Dr. J. M. Boyd,
Spokane; Utah Thomas D. Lee, Og
den. The executive committee is com
posed of the following:. - '7." 'V ;
Oregon Fred R. Mollis, Baker City,
and J. F. Batchelder, Portland; Idaho
A. D.-Morrison, Idaho Falls, and J.
F. Hunt, Downey; Washington G. B.
Dennis and A. P. - Curry, Spokane;
Utah R. S. Campbell, Salt Lake City,
and R. C, Lund, St. George. .
Members of the legislative committee:
Oregon C. A. Johns, Baker City,
and E. J." Frasier,'-Eugene;' j Idaho
John C. R.ioe, Caldwell, and Edgar
Wilson, .' Boise; ; Washington J.' J.
Browne and Colonel Lindsley, Spokane;
Utah David Keith, Salt : Lake City,
and H. H. Rolapp, Ogden. !
The governors of California, Nevada,
Colorado, Wyoming and Montana will
be asked to make appointments for their
respective states. .- " '
, A .committee presented resolutions to
the effect that only questions pertaining
to mining and irrigation should be dis
cussed before the oongress; nrging im
mediate action for a mineral exhibit at
the Trans-Mississippi exposition from
the several states represented in the
congress; acknowledging appreciation
of and extending hearty thanks to the
citizens of Baker City for the many
courtesies and attentions received. : ,.:
Captain Robley D. Evans, who goes
into; command ' of the war ship Iowa,
vice Captain Sampson, has no rival for
popularity -in Washington, or in the
navy department. The captain is
quoted as having said recently that if
he t had his way ''there would,, be
nothing but Spanish talked in for
the next five years." Evans was in
command of the Yorktbwn during tha
late trouble with Chile, and he wanted
to blow Valparaiso off the earth, because
of the insults put upon Amerioa by the
citizens of that town." ' But the navy
department refused, and Evans waa
commended . ' for the admirable . self
restraint tie exercised.-. -. Since then he
has no love for Spain.., Evans is gener
ally known as '"Fighting Bob'!". Evans,
a pseudonym which ho dislikes very
much. ' He has a limp which he earned
during his . service, with Uncle Sam in
the '.60s,, and other marks of -war -on
his person. ' Evans belongs to a Vir
ginia .family, ' and when the South
Boceded, bis mother, without his 'con
sent, sent his resignation to' Washing
ton. , - The young officer, however, per
suaded. th'4,,depa'r.tment to;. abrogate, it,
and promptly rejoined the service..- ' He
has been in the. navy 88 years. .
How Ar You
"This Spring?.;
IHred, nervous?'"' : . . . .
Can't get rested? ' ; - "
Tor toted with bolls, humors? "
That Is not strange. Impurities have been
accumulating In your blood during winter and
It has booome Impoverished.- This Is the ex
perience ot moat people. Therefore they take
Hood's Sarsaparllla to purity their blood In
spring.; ' :- '-
L M. . White, ' Salem, Or., says:
"The members of our family have de
rived muoh benefit from the use of
Hood'B Sarsaparilla.' ' My father was
severely troubled with humor, but it
readily yielded to Hood's Sarsaparilla."
Thomas A.i Coleman, Davidson, Or.i
"Four or five years ago' I had sores
on my feet so that I was unable to wear
shoes. - I saw Hood's Sarsaparilla ad
vertised to oure scrofula, and I prooured
two bottles. By the time I had taken
them my feet were well." ,' ,
9 Sarsa-
O pari. la
Is America's Greatest Medicine. Sold by all
druggists, (1; six lor 5. Be sure to get Hood's.
HrtrwH'c Dillc core liver Ills; easy to
1 1UUU flll take, easy to operate. 26c.
r. " Swallowing His Words. '
"While I was at Moscow," writes a
traveler, whose words are reproduced
by the Detroit Free Press, . "a volume
was published in favor of tbe liberty of
people. In this book the iniquitous
conduct of the publio functionaries,
and even of the sovereign, : were cen
sured severely. The book created in
dignation, and the offender was at once
taken Into Custody. After being tried
in a summary way, he . was condemned
to eat his own words. A scaffold was
erected in a public square, tbe imperial
provost, the magistrates and the physi
cians of the czar attending, the book
Was separated from the binding, and
the margin cut off. The author was
then served, leaf by leaf, by the pro
vost, and was obliged to swallow . this
unpalatable stuff on pain of the knout,
more feared in Russia than death. Ab
soon as the medical . gentlemen were of
the Opinion that he had eaten as much
fes he could with safety, the transgressor
Was returned to prison. This punish
ment was renewed the following dayB,
until after several hearty meals, every
leaf of the book was aotually : swal
lowed." '' ; i ' - -
.'. IT TVIIX PAT. ..-'-'.-v -
It will pay to carefully read the doecrrp
tlve advertlsenient of Alabastlne appearing
in this paper, explaining the difference be
tween those goods and. kalsomlnes.
Consumers should, bear in mind that
Alabastlne is unlike all the various kalso
mlnes sold on the market under different
names. ' A'tabastine stands pre-eminent
and alone as a durable wall coating, and
all consumers lu- buying should see that
theoods are in packages and properly
' Captain Cuttle In Safety.
Many are the . prayers that are
breathed for those that have gone forth
to brave the dangers of the open ocean,
remarks a writer in The Illustrated
American, yet catastrophes on - record
have occurred in still water within
eight, almost within touch of land.
The Episcopal prayer book contains a
formula of prayer for - those at sea,
which may perhaps inolude those that
are upon the waters of rivers or an
chored in. harbors. The horrors that
have occurred within - close range of
land make more grewsome than humor
ous the remark of Captain Cuttle, who,
when ; in a stress of ;wWther,' . under
close-reefed foresails, with the hatches
battered down, used to retire to his
cabin and murmur as he sipped his
grog, "God help the poor creatures on
shore tonight I". , .: ;
All Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually very
light colored and oi heavy body, Is made lrom
lucose. "Tea Qardm Dript" is made from
ugar Cane and Is strictly pure." It is (or sale
bv first-class grocers, in cans only, Manufac
tured by the Pacific Coast Strot Co. All gen
vine "Tea Garden Dript" have the manufac
turer's name lithographed on every can. - -
King 'is - the most ancient of titles.
It, or its equivalent, is found ' in every
known language. . ... ; . .
- I believe my prompt use of PIso's Cure
prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lucy
Wallace, Marquette, Kans,, Dec. 12, '05.
Pictures can be adjusted at any
height by a new device consisting of a
rod : with a flat hook at the upper end
to fasten it on the molding and a series
of ratchet teeth on the back side of the
rod, with a sliding member to engage
the' teeth and support the picture. ;
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet.
It cures painful, swollen smarting feet and
instantly takes the sting out of corns and
bunions. It's the greatest comfort discov
ery of the age.- Allen's Foot-Ease makes
tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a
certain cure for chilblains, sweating, damn,
callous and hot,- tired aching feet. ; We
have over 10,000 testimonials of cures. Try
it today. - 8old by all druggists and shoe
stores. By mail for 25c. in stamps. Tria
package FREE. Address Allen 8. Olm
ted, Le Roy, N. Y.
f " '. 'j .
The largest "hoteifh the world is the
Waldorf-Astoria, in New York city,
a 110,000,000 establishment, built , by
millionaires for millionaires.
Xlabastine is a durable' and natural coating
for walls and oeillhgs entirely different from
all kalsomine preparations, made ready for use
In white or twelve beautiful tints by the simple
addition of water (latest make being adapted
to mix with Cold water) put up in-"ry Tpowder
form, in 6 pound paokages, with full directions
on very package. -
rrr " rr- -
Kalsomlnes arecheap temporary preparations
manuiaotured from chalks, glayB, whiting, etc.,
Work In the Patent Offlxr.
In 1897 there were received 4S;0ei
applications for patents, and in addi
tion a large number of applications for
designs, trade-marts, eta. . patents
granted numbered 28.729. including
designs; 65. patents were reissued, 1,671
trade-marks registered and 14 labels
and 16 prints. Tbe number of patents
that expired was 12,936. The total ex
penditures, 11,23,843; the receipts over
expenditures, 1253,798. The total bal
ance to the credit of the patent office In
the treasury of the United States Jan
uary 1, 1898, was $4,970,488.
: , In- proportion to population more
patents were issued to citizens of Con
necticut than to those of any other state
one to every 786 inhabitants. ; Next
in order are the following! . . Massachu
setts, District of Columbia, New Jer
sey, Bhode Island, New York. ',. '
To residents of England 706 patents
were issued; to residents of Germany,
651: Canada, 286, and Franoe, 22.
The number of applications received
for examination during the year was
greater than for any other in the his
tory of the office. Applications await
ing action December 28 last numbered
11,882, due to the inadequacy of the
office force. - For the 10 yeara ' begin
ning in 1840 the average number of
application was 1,186, and for the eight
years beginning with 1890 it haa grown
to 41,479 per year. -: , .
With the bloom and beauty of the season,
its balmy airs and delightful temperature,
we feel like living with new life, and are
therefore often very Careless in taking care
of ourselves, i It is this forgetfulness that
lays us liable to attacks of rheumatism, the
more liable because we think there is little
danger of Its coming on, but rheumatism is
an easy thing to take and sometimes a hard
thing to get rid of unless we take the advice
of others and learn that the best way pos
sible Is to use St. Jacob's Oil. It has been
used so long as a sure cure that this advice
is given in iood faith from the testimony
of thousands. ;
-. If an Egyptian dies before noon the
funeral must take place the same day.
If death occurs after noon the funeral
may not be delayed after the next day.
I . .
I' " I suffered for eight years, and
could find no permanent relief until
one year ago. My trouble waa Change
of Life. I tried Lydla E. Pinkha.m's
Vegetable Compound, and relief came
I have taken
bottles of
n Vegetable
three boxes
of Pills,
- and have
also need
. the Ban
atlve Wswfti, and
mttst say 1 have
sever had any
thing help so much. I have better
health thdn I ever had In my life. I
feel like a- new person perfectly
strong. - I give the Compound all the
credit. I have recommended It to sev
eral of my friends who are usinjf it
with like results. It has cured me of
several female diseases. I would, not
do without Mrs, Pinkham's remedies
for anything. There is n6 need of so
muoh female suffering. Her remedies
are a sure oure." Mas. Ella Kbiner,
Knightstown, Henry Co., Ind.
By the way, the leading- druggists
tell us that tha demand for Lydia E..
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is
simply beyond their power of under
standing and, what is best of all, it
does the work promptly and well. -
- There died reoently in the village of
Mauvages, Alsace, a man by the name
of Been, who is the last of the family
from which Mme. du Barry sprang.'
Her real name was Becu, and she was
born in Vaucouleurs, a short distance
from Mauvages. ' :
It is said ' that one '"person in 800 is
blind to the X rays: that is, when
looking through the fluoroscope they
oannot see the bones of the hand, coins
in a book, etc - This is no doubt an
alogous to color blindness. r-
We art Msertiny In the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word V CASTOR.IA," and
" mCHER'SCAsrORlA,"'as ourTrade Mark.
I, ftr. Samuelpitcfief, of Hyahnia, Massachusetts,
was the 6riginator of " PITCHSR'S CASTORIA,"
the same that haa borne and does now bear the
lac-simile signature Of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on
every wrapper.. This is the original " PITCHBR'9
CASTORI A which has been used In the homes
of the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always, bought, and has the
signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. No one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chas. H. Fletcher Is President.
i George Sewell Bontwell, the youngest
man ever elected governor ' of Massa
chusetts, and now the oldest of her ex
governors, has just celebrated his 80th
birthday. It is 47 years slnoe he was
chosen governor. ;.' ' ;
There are 805 miles of street" rail
ways in St Louis how, and they carry
100,000,000 passengers a year. r ,
are stuck on the wall with decaying animal
?juo. Alabasnne is a cemeni, which goes
hrough a process of setting, hardens with age,
can be re-coated and re-deoorated from flme to
time witheut having to wash and scrape oft its
old coatB before renewing, .
. " ':. much : sickness v"-
Particularly1 ' throat and lung difficulties,
wrongly other causes Is the;-result
of unsanitary conditions ol walls aud'celi
ings, Think of having bedrooms covered with
layers of molding flour paste to feed vermin,
what effect alum has upon the stomach. Then
make up your mind whether you will put any
more low-price bak'poWier into your husband'?
or children's food. : ; . - ;.v..':' ,
Schilling's Best As pure cream of tartar and
soda. Nothing else. ""'wr' i'yiiv-.I-vivr'J
Want to Feel What They Are Eating.
The inhabitants of Sikas, Turkey,
owing to ' the . oppression of - the , tax
gatherer, who, the more industrious be
finds them the more he demands, and
that out of proportion to tbe means,
have no ambition to lead other than a
hand-to-mouth existence. ' Their prin
cipal food is made from unsifted whole
wheat, that has been threshed on the
ground by means of a drag drawn re
peatedly over il by oxen, and nsusally
has a large admixture of dirt and
stones. : The people prefer this to fine
grade flour, because they Bay they oan
feel they are eating something. . ,
In tha great cities of the United States the
condition ol the metropolitan poor is con
stantly being ameliorated by the grand ben
evolences of wealthy people. Sanitary reiorrne
are frequently suggested and carried out witah
earnestness and intelligence. Among sanitary
reforms those produced by Hostettor's Stoifi
ach Bitters in dyspeptic stomach, disordered
liver, bowels or nervous system are very con
spicuous. ... .
Tha finnhnrv tIvat nnnorliict in RKQ
days, has delivered 15,857,300,000 gal
lons to Chestnut Hill reservoir, and
85,600,000 to Iake Oochituate. ,
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
case of Catarrh that can not be cured by llall s
F, J. CHENEY 4 COv props., Toledo, O.
Wb the undersigned, have Known E. J. Cheney
for the past 15 years, and believe Mm perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and fitr
anotally able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm. -
VOcst jk Tttrx,
- Whblesale DruftJsts, Toledo, O.
WAym, Kinsak S Mar vis.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Q.
Hall's Catarrh Onrs is taken internally , acting
dlreotly on the blood and muoous surfaces oi
the system. Price 750 per bottle. Sold by all
druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills exo the best. '
An r Oregon inventor has devised a
steam plow which he thinks capable
of plowing 15 acres a day. - , . -
rT$ Permanently Cured. No fits or nor
il I v after first Say's use of br, xiim
Nerve Restore. Bead ror FKK B .
line's Great
UU1UH UIU UniUHn 1 1 n A. 1 1. A I.I l t'
... . . . . i . . v. .. ; T . --- -v-
Ji, UA., m
Area street, Pbuadeipbia, ra, ,
- Waterloo, la., has a church for which
one glaoial boulder furnished practical
ly all the material. :V - .. . '
Aftet henv swindled by all others, send s ctamf
Ar narUonUrs ef Knur Solomon's Treasure. Ut
ONLY reneWM (J Knanly strenffth. BiBflS
CHBillOAt CO., S. Q. Bw W, Philadelphia, Pa.
The law wMoh at present governs
the praottc of raw hi France forbids
the aimoltaenous practice ot .medlolne
and pharmaoy, even by a person who
maybe in possession of diplomas in
both subjects. - .
TjBe Dr.. Plunder's 6regon Blood Purifier now.
They Rejected Money. -V 1 :"
In this country and in, the civilized
world generally we are so accustomed
to the circulation, of coins that we are
apt to fprget that there are millions of
human beings who know nothing what
ever of coins; and conduot their transac
tions by means of cowries, brass tods,
pieces of cotton or -.cloth and . .divers
other artioles. On the West coast of
Africa brass and copper rods' are in
vogue, and form an important article
of oommeroe from the Birmingham dis
trict of England. Recently an effort
has been made to displace this form of
currency by forcing the ; natives . to use
silver coins, but without success.
"A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of
Excellence in Manufacture. " '
Absolutely Pure,'
.. Nutritious. -
V.. Costs Less Tftan DFE CENT a Cop.
Be sore that yon get the Genuine Article,
mads at DORCHESTER, MASS. by ;
Estabushbd ijSo,
with paper to hide them and absorb the mois
ture ol respiration, and aa animal glue culture
ground on its lace for disease germs; this hav
ing strong colors added, like a oolored shirt, to
hide the. dirts then think - of "the nasty
praotiee" of repeating this papering, without
removing the old, and a- numbsT of times, at
that, as many do. Then think .of a foom coated
with pure, porous, permanent: Alabastlne,
which is retinted with but little trouble orex
penge, and Is purlfytnej and sweet-smelling and
Alls cracks: "Waljpaper free would be dearer
than Alabastlne if cost 61 removing paper Is
considered. -; - ,
1 Best Cough Byrnp.'kaates Good. Use Rj
Your Doctor
.'Improved Plumb-Bob.
.: In a new plumb-bob the center is
hollow and contains a horizontal shaft
oarrying a spring drum on whloh - the
oord is wound, with a central hole in
the top for its passage in unwinding.
In the spring cleanse your system by
nslngPr. Pmnder'g Oregon Blood Purifier.
Js the working capital
of humanity. He who
Iohgs that i wrecked
indeed. la your health
faVling you, your am
bition, vigor, vitality -wasting
away f
When others fall con
sult . '
ror the spuedy, sate and permanent cure of all
Nervous, Chronic and Special diseases, even
in their most aggravated forms. There Is no man
In the. world who lias effected so many permanent
cures In both" Men and Women of troubles which
other physleans of acknowledged ability Uad given
up as hopeless as this eminent specialist.
JTBKVOUB IKBItIT5T and all its attending
ailments of YOUNG, M1DDU5-AGBD and OLD
MEN. The awful eftVots of neglected or Improp
erly treated cases, causing drains, weakness of
body and brain, dlzp.tness, falling memory, lack of
energy and confidence, pains In back, loins and
kidneys, and many other digressing symptoms,;
unfitting one for study, business or enjoyment or
life. I)r Katdlffe can cure you, no matter who or
what has failed. . . .-
WEAK MEN. He restores lost vigor and vl- .
tality to weak men. Organs of the body which
have been weakened through disease, overwork, '
excesses or Indiscretions are restored to full power,
Btrrohgth and vigor through his own successful sys
tern of treatment.
VARICOCEI.B, hydrocele, swelling and ten
derness of the glands treated with nntallliig success.
SFKCIAL DISEASES, Inflammation, dig.
charges, ettw, whloh. if neglected -or Improperly
treated, break down the system, cause kidney and
bladder diseases, eto,
I)I8EA8E8 OIP WOMBN. Prompt and es
pecial attention given to all their many ailments.
WB1TK If yap are aware of any trouble. DO
NOT DELAY, Call on pr. Batcllffe today. Ifyou
cannot call, write him. His valuable book free to
all sufferers, CONS01TATIOH FREE and confi
dential at office or by letter. . .
:'' It Is Known i '
Write to ns abont It. ' Our book on
- ' painting SENT FREE. . .
Cleveland Oil Paint Mfg. Go.,
. . How to go, when to go,' where
.. . to go,, what to take and '
- i . where to- get it. ..
With mapsflhowing trails, etc.. FREE for asking.
- : rNOTE THE If A ME.
Make money by succesful
speculation in Chicago. We
buv and sell wheat nn mir.
' Cins. Fnrtnn(.R liftv. An
made on a small beginning by trading in iu-
tnreB. vr riie lor iuu paruoniars. jiest oi ret
erence given. Several years' experience ou the
Chicago Board ot Trade, and a thorough know
ledge oi the business. Send for our Jree refer
ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINS A Co.,
Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Offices In
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash, '
Is it Wrong?
Get it Right.
Keep it Right.
Moore's Revealed Remedy will do It, Three
doses will make yon feol better.' Get it irom
yonr druggist or any wholesale drug house , or
trom Stewart & Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. " "
WLLt F1HCK CD.'S bag 'nee d les.!!'
Plain or with Cutter. The best needle In the mar
ket. Used by all Sack sewers. For sale by ail ijeu
eral merobafldlse Stores, or by i . - s - 1
. . ;- '-' 11.1. & FINCtt CO'., ' .
- A Market Street, Ban Francisco, ; CM.
fbr tracing and locating Gold or Silver
re, 'lost or mined treasures.- m. if.
OWLEB, Box 837, SouthliiKton, Conn,
H. P. N. B.
No. 15, '98.
. mentioa this paper.
'labastine is sold by paint dealers every
where. Ask your dealer for card of tints, f .,
- - .TO DEALERS. .-' ; .'J
Do not buy a law suit or an injunction with
cheap kals6mines, which are all 'imitations of
Alabastlne.-' Dealers assume the rftk of a suit
for damages by selling an infringement. ; i Ala
bastlne Company own the right, -covered by
letters patent; to, make and sell wall, coatings
adapted to be mixed with cold water, Alabas
tlne Co., Grand Kapida, Mich, '