The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 08, 1898, Image 3

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3f ood Iftver (alacier.
FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1898.
Th mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts ie same days at noon.
. Cor Chenoweth, leaves at A A.. M. Tuesdays
and Saturdays; arrives at 8 P. M.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.;
krrlves at t o'clock P. M.
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Glen wood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Laurel Rebekah Degree Lodge, No. 87, 1. 0.
O. F. Meets first and third Mondays In each j
O. O. Chamberlain, Secretary.
Canby Post, No. 16, G. A. R., meets at A. O.
V. W, Hall, first Saturday of each month
at 1 o'clock p.m. AUG. A. it. members In
vited to meet with us.
FRANK NOBLE, Commander.
T. J. CUNNINO, Adjutant.
Canby W. R. C, No. 16, meets first Saturday
of each month In A. O. U. W. hall, at 2 p. m.
Mrs. AGNES CUNNING, President,
Mrs. Ubsula Dukes, Secretary. . .
' Hood Elver Lodge, No. 105, A. F. and A. M.
Meets Saturday evening on or before each
full moon. F. C. BROSIUS, W. M. .
. W. M. Yates, Secretary.
Hood River Chapter, No. 27, R. A. M.
Meets third Friday night of each mont h.
O. E. Williams, Secretary.
Hood River Chapter, No. 25, 0. E. 8. Meets
Saturday after each full moon.
Mrs. Rachel Hkkshnkr, Secretary.
Oleta Assembly; No. 103, United Artisans,
meets second and fourth Monday nights of
each month at Fraternity hall. Brothers and
sisters cordially invited to meet with us.
8. 8. Okay, Secretary.
Waneoma Lodge, No. SO.K. of P., meets in
A. O. U. W. Hall on every Tuesday night.
J. B. Hunt, K. of It. 4 8.
Riverside Lodsre. No. 68. A O. IT. W., meets
rst and third Saturdays of each month.
J. V. Watt, Financier. ' ,; ,
! H. L. Howe, Recoider. : - .-"
Idlewilde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. P., meets
' la Fraternal hall every Thursday night.
CO. Chamberlain, Secretary.
' Wakelee's squirrel poison, 25c a can,
at vviuiams k tsposius'.
Mr. W. T. Jones, the tombstone man,
was In town yesterday. -
' Dallas & Spangler, headquarters for
barbed wire ana wire netting. ,
. ' Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Bone have
moved Into the Byrkett cottage. .
Mrs. J. H. Dukes has been sick with
the grip since Sunday, but is better.
' Lost A heavy hitching strap. The
finder will please leave at this office.
Early R?e seed potatoes for sale by
V. is. JNetr fe l cent a pound
Win. Yates, P. M., is authorized agent
for alt newspapers and periodicals
Mr. H. D. Langiile will start this
week for McCoy Creek, going by way
of Portland. .
Capt. Blowers came home Sunday
from Bumpier and has since been quite
sick with the grip.
Mr. Charles Copple and family ar
rived here last week from La Grande,
. intending to make this their home.
. Bromide of Quinine Compound, cures
colds while you sleep. 10 and 25 cents
at Williams & Brositis, pharmacists.
; Mr. C. M. Cook has a position in the
employ of the Northern Pacific rail
road and is stationed at Hope, Idaho.
The committee on pews of the Con
. gregational tuurch will give a Port
land firm the contract for furnishing
. C. D. Hen rich, representing the
. Mitchell, Lewis & Slaver Co., will be
v at Hood River every Saturday for the
next 60 days.
Dr. E.T. Cams will visit Hood River
May 1st and remain three days 1st, 2d
and 3d.. Good, first-class work at Port
land prices. Office at Mt. Hood hotel.
An appropriate exercise, entitled
"Mrs. Sniggles and Her Nine Daugh-
ters," will be presented bjr the ladies'
aid society of the Congregational church
iu the near future. , i :,;
F H. Watts, general agent for the
Monumental. Bronze Co., Dufur Or.,
will make periodical visits to Hood
River. See his work In the cemeteries
. and then see him for terms.
A letter was received In Hood River
during the week from Will Langiile,
at Dawson. He states that be has se
cured a half interest in a claim in Skoo
kum gulch, and that the gulch is prov
ing to be very rich. -
Mr. H. A. York went to The Dalles
Saturday night and forgot to unlock
the front door of his drug store. - The
boys didn't move his drug store entire,
but only had a good time at the club
while the drug store was wide open.
Mr. J. R. Nltkelsen came home from
Portland last Saturday. He will have
work for two or three months yet on
the steamers for the Regulator com
pany, and expects to go back to Port
land in a week or. two and take his
family with him.
Tillett & Galligan finished delivering
1500 cherry trees at the Butts place last
Saturday... The .varieties were the
Bing, Royal Ann, Lambert, Oregon
and Black Republican. Mr. Butts has
made good selections and is wise In
getting home-grown trees, which are
always the best.
Hon. ' L. N. Blowers was elected
mayor of Sumpter, Monday, by a vote
of 108 to bis opponent's 78. We con
gratulate Mr. Blowers on hh success.
The. people of the newly-incorporated
city are also to be congratulated on the
election of a man of experience and
ability to manage their affairs. -
Mm. A. Mayes has returned to Hood
River after having lived at The Dalles
about two years. She is very much
pleased . to return among her many
- friends. There was quite a celebration
at her home Sunday, when she had all
of her family at home for dinner once
more. The event was in honor of Mr.
. and Mrs. Clyde T. Bonney's wedding
aud also of Mrs. Mayes' return to Hood
Canby post, G. A. R., had a good
meeting last Saturday. W. T. Hans
berry was mustered in as a member.
Several other old soldiers have signi
fied their willingness to join, and the
prospects for building up the post to
a large membership are good. A com
mittee was appointed to make prepara
tions for Decoration day and memorial
services. Re v. J. T . Merri 1 1 was chosen
by the post to deliver the memorial
sermon, and the committee was in
structed to extend to him the Invita
tion. . . .
The Riley recital given by Miss Ma
rion Cook, last Thursday evening, was
a grand success, and those who attend
ed went away with more love for James
Whitcomb Riley and his homely poems
than ever before.' The different moods
and characteristics of the author were
well brought out by the ten or more
recitations given by Miss Cook. Her
imitations of the small boy and bis
sayings are both natural and humor
ous. The soloists were in good humor
and responded to encores. - The male
Quartettes were both thoroughly en
joyed, even though one of them was a
sextette and the otuer a solo, miss
Cook deserves the thanks of the com
ru unity for the treat she has furnished
and for her interest in the library:
Hon. C. W. Wheeler, General Or
ganizer Woodmen of the World, will
deliver & lecture in old armorv hall
this (Thursday) evening. Mr. Wheeler
is a splendid speaker, and his lecture
will please all who may be so fortunate
as to bear bitn. His subject will be
"Fraternity," and he does not attempt
to tear down or In id re other orders.
Everybody is cordially invited, and the
ladles and members or tne A. u. u. w.
are especially invited. - Come out,
friends, and hear what Mr. Wheeler
has to say. Admission free, and no
collection taken. -; -: ....
Last Sunday evening, while several
small children were playing with bows
and arrows, little Hazel uiass received
an arrow iu her left eye, which caused
a very serious hurt. -. The child was
taken to the Good Samarican hospital,
where she is being treated by the most
skilful doctors, and it is hoped the sight
of her eye will not be destroyed.
New Millinery. We have added to
our dry goods department a full line of
ladles' trimmed bats, sailors, walking
bats and sun shades. We have secured
the services of Miss Alice Graham as
trimmer, which will warrant our work
with neatness aud dispatch.
R. Rand & Son.
Comrades L. Henry, D. H. Clough,
W. T. Hanslrry and T. H. Clark,
members of the G. A. R., erected a
shed, Wednesday, on the hill "above
town, in which to house the big gun.
Mrs. D. L. Gee and Mrs. J. E. Ross
of Portland are visiting their mother,
Mrs. A. Mayes. They expect to return
home about the last of the week.
County court meets the first Wednes
day after the first Monday of every al
ternate month. The next meeting
will be May 4th.
Miss Hester Howe taught the pri
mary department or the public school
yesterday, Miss btevens beiug luuis
Dr. Jones will move to Portland next
week. He will make regular trips to
Hood ittver the lotn or every moiitu.
Mr. John L. Henderson went to The
Dalles, Tuesday, on legal business and
returned home on his wheel next day.
Supt. Gilbert aud wife attended the
institute and stayed for the evening
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde T. Bonney will
be at home to their friends after May
I, 1898.
- Eastern Star lodge meets Saturday
evening, April via.
Republican County Convention.
The republican county convention
met at The Dalles, Wednesday. E. E
Savage was elected temporary chair
man, receiving 61 votes to 81 for T. A
Hudson. N. F. Bird was elected sec
retary and W. M. Yates assistant. The
temporary officers were afterwards
made the permanent officers of the
For sheriff, E. S. Ollnger, Robert
Kelly, T. J. Driver and C. W. Haight
were placed in nomination. - Alter tne
third ballot, Olinger and Haight with
drew, and the vote resulted: iieiiy 48,
Driver 45.
A. M. Kelsay was the only nominee
for county clerk, and received the nom
ination by acclamation. .
Dor treasurer the names or 'J.JU.fhil-
lips. Dr. Tackman and M. H. Nickel-
sen were placed before the convention.
Mr. Phillips received a majority on the
first ballot and was declared the uom
Dor school superintendent and as
sessor, U. L. Gilbert and W. H. Whip
ple were respectively nominated by ac
clamation. .
N. C. Evans and J. W. Hinrichs were
named for commissioner. Mr. Evans
received a majority and was declared
tbe nominee.
For surveyor, J. B. Goit and .Wm.
Campbell were named. Goit received
52 votes and was declared tbe nominee.
W. H. Butts was nominated for cor
oner. : : -
Delegates to the State Convention
E. E. Savage, A. E. Lake, E.L. Smith,
H. L. Kuck, M.T.Nolan, J.S.Schenck,
M. P. Isenberg, T. H. Johnstou, Wal
ter Fralne and Grant Ashby.
H. L. Kuck was elected chairman of
the county central committee.
While tbe names of the Hood Kiver
delegates were unrecognizable in Tbe
Dalles papers, their races were very
much in evidence during the conven
tion. With chairman, secretary, as
sistant secretary, chairman of the most
important committee, three delegates
to the state convention and commis
sioner, the republicans of Hood River
valley sbou id teel well pleased.
It was conceded on all sides that Mr.
Savage made one of the best chairmen
that ever presided over a convention in
Wasco county.
" ; Easter Entertainment.
The following is the programme for
the Easter entertainment to be given
by tbe ladies of the M. E. church, Sat
urday evening, April 0th, in A.O.U. W.
hall: ':
1. Chorus, "Ring the Chimes."
2. Recitation, Mrs. C. T. Bonney.
3. Vocal solo, "Down In the Depths
of tbe Sea," D. E. Rand.
4. Recitation, Marion Cook.
5. Ladies' quartette Mrs. Elmer
Rand, Mrs. C. T. Bonney, Miss Anne
Smith, Mrs. F. E. Jackson. -
6. Recitatiou, Mrs. R. R. Allard.
7. Cantata, The . ; Awakening of
Admission, 20 and 10 cents. Com
mencing at 8 o'clock. Refreshments
will be served. .
Thanks. '., -.
To those who helped In entertaining
tbe visiting teachers, allow me, on be
half of the teachers of tbe Hood River
schools, to extend to each a hearty
'Thank you" for your generous . re
sponse in our call to entertain on April
2d. R. R. Allard,
Prill. Hood River Schools.
East Hood River.
Mrs. Jory Davis of Roseburg is visit
lng her sister, Mrs. uscar Cameron,
Miss Marguerite Shelley is teaching
school in the Kingsley neighborhood
Rev. Bonds, a traveling evangelist, is
holding revival services at Mt. Hood
Miss Nettie Kemp will teach the
spring term of school at Little Lucka-
L. W. Tomlinson returned, Thurs
day, from Sherman county, where he
has been wintering.
Messrs. David and George Wishart
deserve credit for the donation work
done on the county road running south
from Tomiinsorrs place.
Charles B. Prathar made final proof
on bis homestead at The Dalles land
office last Tuesday. John Jackson and
Jason Rand were his witnesses.
Serious trouble is being had in school
district No. 43. The directors refuse to
accept the new school house and school
win open in a private iiouse nearer
what the directors claim to be the cen
terof the district.
A literary programme and debate
will be rendered at the Odell school
house next Saturday evening. Ques
lion, "Kesoivea, That land veniciesare
of- more benefit than water craft." R:
S. Shelley and C D. Heuricu. chief
A pine tree on D. R. Cooper's place
measures 8 feet across the slump at its
base. An effort is being made to have
a section or this tree taken to tne um
aha exposition. Our advice would be
to save tne tree. Jt'iue trees 8 feet in
diameter are rare.
From White Salmon.
V. D. Moore is shipping asparagus to
Portland. .
Miss Mary Moore of Trout Lake is
teaching the Underwood school.
Miss Hulda Kan kin is teaching
term of school at the fails of White
Salmon. -
A wharf picnic was held one day last
week. Tbe men turned out and laid
the plank of tbe new wharf while the
ladies furnished a good dinner.
V. w. Moore of (Jamas frame has
leased the Byrkett ranch at Trout Lake
lor live years. Mr. Byrkett and fan
ily have gone to Troy, Ohio.
A man named Day, soliciting lor the
Washington insurance company, left
suddenly last week for parts unknown,
leaving unpaid Dins to the amount or
Mrs. Bell of Camas Prairie took her
12-year-old daughter to Portland, last
Saturday, to be treated for an injury to
her eye, and both are now at Good o&
maritan hospital.
C. D. Moore made a trip to Steven
son, Monday, and while there inter
viewed the county commissioners iu
session and had a new voting precinct
cut on irom unenowetn precinct,
which will be Known as underwood,
Heretofore voters from the Underwood
settlement had to go all the way to
Cbenoweth to vote.- A road district
was also made of this new voting pre'
cinct, to be known as district No. 11,
and Did Underwood was appointed su
pervisor. Mr. Moore has located a
homestead in section 5 and is for the
present making his home there.
Rheumatism Cured. .
My wife has used Chamberlain's Pain
Balm for rheumatism with great relief,
and I can recommend it as a splendid
liniment for rheumatism and other
household use for which we have found
it valuable. W. J. Cuyler, Red Creek,
New York.
Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading mer
chants of thU village and one of the
most prominent men in this vicinity
W. G. Phippin, Editor Red Creek Her
ald. For sale by Williams ABrosius.
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in Hood River
, po8tofflee April 1,18118.
Bretton, T H Han wood, C H
Ellish, Rev T L Thompson, Frank
Gray, S S , Thomas, S .
Hall, H U
VV. M. YATES, f. M.
A Word to the Wise.
To the hundreds of my Hood River
customers I would like to say just a
word through the Glacier for the
good of the planter and the success and
health of the trees:
1. Remove all labels or attach them
to an adjacent stake, else the wind will
ultimately girdle and kill the tree.
Z. All trees win do better to be bead
ed back considerably. Peach trees
need the most and cherries the least.
1. Keen the ground around the tree
hoed up loose all the time, whetheryou
Irrigate or not.
4. Kemember, that next fall I shall
have the largest stock of trees, plants
and vines in this part of the state.
Donl Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour 1.1ft AnsT.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mar
netio, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bao,
tbe wonder-worlcer, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 60c or il. Cure guaran
teed Booklet and . sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co, Chicago or New York.
New Goods.
C. H. Temnle has lust received a fine line of
watches,' alarm clocks and spectacles. He
also has an eye-tester, and can fit glasses to
suit all persons. All goods warranted.
12 In. Blssell Chilled Plow ....
.. 7 60
.. 15 00
.. 45 00
..40 00
.. 12 60
,. 8 00
. 60 00
... 27 60
60 tooth Steel Lever Harrow .
Open Buggy
Phoenix Bicyclea
16 In. Case Steel Plow...........
40 tooth Scotch Harrow
Top Buggy
Golden Eagle Bicycles...:. ,
, Lewis &
$5 Reward
For Information leading; to the arrest and
conviction of persons stealing wire or other
wise maliciously Injuring the Mount Hood
Telephone line. H. I. LANOILLE,
as Manager,
Water Notice, v
The Hood River Water Supply Co. will meet
applicants at tbe Mt. Hood hotel In Hood
River, Saturday, April 16th, to make con
tracts for water for the season of 1898.
H.J. HIBBARD, President,
Fruit Ranch for Sale.
40 acres. 2 miles from town. All kinds of
fruit; 2 acres In strawberries; natural water
privilege; boartag orchard. Terms reason
able. W. J. CAMPBELL.
Two Splendid Lectures.
Under the auspices of the M. E.
church two of the most instructive and
entertaining lectures ever given iti
Hood River will be given in the M. E.
church; one on Wednesday evening,
April 13th, and the other on Wed
nesday evening, April 20th, at 8 o'clock.
Tbe first will be ty Rev. J. J. Walter
of Centenary church, Portland, en
titled "The Walled City, or four years
among criminals." Mr. Walter was
four years chaplain of tbe state pent
tentiary at Joliet, Illinois, aud the facts
and Incidents of his lecture are taken
from that experience. Tbe lecture is
able, humorous and pathetic. It has
called forth the highest encomiums in
the DJast and on this coast.
The second is by G. W. Gue, D. D.
and is entitled "War Reminiscences.'
Dr. Gue was chaplain through the war,
His lecture is full of patriotism, pathos,
humor, and will stir your hearts as
they have not often been stirred by
anybody or any theme. Admission,
zoc to each; 10c for children under 1Z.
They both donate all the proceeds to
the church at Hood River. Further
notices and posters. Appropriate mu
sic and singing will accompany each
lecture. - H. K. Hikes
. Easter Services.
Comrreeational Church. Rev. J. L
Hershner will preach a short Easter
sermon at 11 a. m. The choir will ren
der several beautiful anthems in con
nectiou with responsive readings. Tbe
Sunday school will give an Easter con
cert at p. m miss Agnes uukcs win
represent Hope. Miss Fay LaFrauce,
Joy, and Miss Jjydia Urowe, (jinet.
Their attendants will be Grace Prather,
Annabeile Htranahan, Mary LisD ranee,
Belle and -Geneva .Wolfard. Leila
Hershner, Margie Baker, Hazel Olinger,
t ranees stranaban and Lienore Adams,
The principal characters and attend
ants will be in costume. Miss Marion
Cook will favor the audience with an
Easter selection; this will be followed
by distribution of Easter eggs.
An Easter missionary concert will be
given DJaster evening at the Valley
Christian church by the Junior society
or Christian DJndeavor. A cordial iu
vitatiou is extended to all.
, Born.
In Hood River. April 3, 1898. to Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Yates, a daughter.
In Hood River valley, April 6, 1898,
at the residence or the bride's parents,
Mr. DJ'iward Hawkes and miss Anna
Sears; Rev. Troy Shelley officiating,
A good number of the bride's most in
timate mends were present, and nearty
congratulations were showered upon
the happy couple.
"A word to the wise is sufficient" and
a word from the wise should be sOffl
cient, but you ask, who are the wise?
Those who know, l ne ott repeated eit'
perience of trustworthy persons may be
taken tor Knowledge. Mr. w.M. Terry
says Chamberlain's cough Dtemedy
gives better satisfaction than any other
u the market. Die has been in the
drug business at Elkton, Ky., for 12
years; has sold hundreds of bottles of
this remedy and nearly all other cough
medicines manufactured, which shows
conclusively that Chamberlain's is the
most satisfactory to the people, and is
tne best. Dor sale by Williams & iiro-
sius. - " ' ' " - . '
-No-To-Bsc tor Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 60o, il. All druggists.
lve irentlemen or ladies to travel for re-
sponsible.established Iiouse in Oregon. Month
ly $5 and exDenses. Position steady. - Refer
ence. Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope.
The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago.
New styles in Glassware;
tyles in Glassware: new fancy De-
ocratea Teapots: new ana pretty designs in
crepe paper for lamp shades; new candles;
new crices for DaDer nankins: new baskets for
bringing butter to market; new dates and
new tins: something new all the time. Call
and see for yourself. . ' -
S. J. LaFrance. '
Cor. Oak and 2d Sts, - Hood River, Or
Lumber wagon, VA inch
two-seated buggy;
one norse, jzou pounui
or part of my ranch.
harness. Will sell all
Hood River Nursery
We have closed out our stock of trees for
this season and wish to thank our many cus
tomers for their liberal patronage. We will
be In the field again next fall with a fine lot
of nursery stock.
A lso, agents for the sale of some desirable
real estate, Including the Jones ranch.
For Sale or Exchange.
acres nun vanvy muu, ou mue utu ui
Portland. Good cottage, barn, feuces and all
klndsof fruit. School, church and post office
handy.. Improvements all new. 2b acres
cleared; balancegood pasture. Will exchange
for small well improved ranch in Hood River
valley, or will take unimproved land and 25
to su per cent in casn. rnce, i,zuu.
ai . u. a. iwjtJi3iio, monitor, ur. .
160 Acres
Homestead Relinquishment for sale. Small
house and some clearing. Price t50 cash. See
Tlf I I?TT I- Hil l 111M
For Sale.
A nrettv. white enameled iron bedstead: al
so, new air-tight heating stove for sale. Chbap
for cash. Apply to MRS. C. R. BONE.
A ton or so of nice, clean, large roots tor sale
at 50n per 100. delivered. Speak quick to
. m25 H. C. BATEMAM.
A good, reliable man to work by the month.
I have the following articles for sale at rea
sonable prices for cash: Lumber wagon, work
harness, driving hnroess, names and chain
harness, buggy, steel scraper, stove, saddle,
riding bridle.: also, one good team of horses,
bull calf, cow and calf. G. R. CASTNEK.
It is a Fact
That you can't afford to buy land In Hood
River valley without first seeing what I have
for sale. Call on or address
marl8 V. WINCHELL.
Klondike Bakery.
I "can supply people of Hood River with
fresh bread, pies and cake after this date, and
will have on hand everything connected with
a bakery. M. II. NICKELSEN.
Maica t, im.
' Of Hood River can furnish comfortable conveyances to all parts of the valley and vicin
ity. Heavy draylng and transferring done with care and promptness.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In th valley.
Flour, Feed,
Kitchen Furniture, v
- Pruning Tools, Etc.
We have a new and complete stock of hard'
ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will
keeD constantly addine. Our nrices will con
tinue to be as low as f ortiana prices.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Columbia Nursery
Offers a large stock of Fruit Trees and all oth
er kinds or nursery stocK. ah trees are wen
grown, carefully dug, free from pests and true
to label. Whether vou want one tree or 1.000.
It will pay you to examine this stock. Re
member, trees grown here give the best satis-
iacuon. no irouuie w snow kihkik. urueni
filled on short notice. H. C. BATEHAM,
Hood River, Oregon,
Three miles south, on Mt. Hood Road.
Harbison Bros., Pbop'bs, :
. " " Manufacturers of
OraB Liter
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and all kinds of cereals ground.
- Whole Wheat Graham
a specialty. ,
Is now located in Portland, at 113 Russell
street. Will make regular trips to Hood
River on the first of every month and remain
three days.
Hood River,
Painter & Decorator
ISH. I make a specialty of my trade, and or
ders will receive prompt attention. Satisfac
tory work at live and let live prices guaran
teed. Estimates gratis. jy2
M. F. SHAW, M. D.
(Successor to Dr. Morgan)
All Calls Promptly Attended
Office and residence, second door north of
Nickelsen's store. 83..
Attomey-at-Law, Abstracter, Notary
Public and Seal Estate Agent.
For 21 years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Has had many years experience in
Real Estate matters, as abstracter, searcher of
titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or
no charge.
Office with Geo. T. Prather. f25
In the best and most artistic styles at the Old
Reliable Shoe .iliop one door west of post office.
Ladies' fine work a specialty. All work war
ranted. C. WELDS, Prop'r.
Magoon Strawberries.
' I have one acre In Magoon strawberries that
I will sell, with lease, for $50. Will sell sets of
the same at 81 per 100, or S3 per 1,000.
ml8 C. H. DARLING.
For Sale.
Two small farms close to Hood River, all
Improved. Seven acres set to strawberries.
Houses, barns, sheds, orchards, wolls, etc
Terms easy. Address T. R. COON.
Do You Want
,; To buy land In Hood River
Valley. If so, don't fail to
See Tucker!
Fruit Land, Berry Land, Grain Land, or
Hay land, at prices you can't equal In tbe
valley. B. R. TUCKER, Tucker, Or.
A Nice Little Home:
For sale. VA acres within city limits; house
28 x 28. story and a half: store house and cel
lar; 120 fruit trees, blackberries, raspberries,
currants, one acre in strawberries; jrood well
of water. Terms reasonable. Inquire of
maris T. II. CLARK, Hood l;iver.
Etc., Etc.
To tla-e East,
Gives the ehovce of . .
Spokane, Salt Lake,
Minneapolis, Denver,
St. Paul, Omaha,
- AND ; ASS :
Chicago, Kansas City.
Ocean Steamers
' And
Leave Portland every live .days for -
Alaska Points. ;
west hocnh. , .! .
No. 1, Oregon Short Line 4.23 A. M.
No. 3, Spokane . 7.45 A. M.
No. 4, Spokane.. 4.33 p. M.
No, 2, Oregon Short Line 10.4S T. .m.
Leave Portland every four days fr
Steamers monthly from Portland oToko-
homa and Hons Krnie. via the Northern l'a-
eificSteamuhipCo.liieonnectiou witiiO.K.dN
For full details call on O. R. A N. Agent
Hood River, or address
W. it. ill Ki.KVH J, .
Gen'l Pass. A cent. Portland. O
uea i Agistor. rc et- s. uo-, rwuvJ, ur.
THE- -
TUB Dalles, Poitlaifl & Astom
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line. " ;
DailyM. DallBsaBfl PortlaBl
All Freight Will Come Through ,
: ' Without Delay.
Leave The Dalles... K45 A. m. i
Leave Portland... 7.00 a. jc .
One way ,..
liouud trip.....
Freight Rates Greatly
General Agent.
To Rent or Lease. .
TUCKER'S MILL, for oue year or number
of years. Power for 20,000 tolaSm feet of lum
ber per day. Can be increased to any amount
desired. Would possibly sell if can tic K rent. .
J 14 B. R. TUCKER, Tyeker, Or.
160 Acres of Land
Loeated on Hood river, 3 miles from towa
of Hood River. - Free from wind and frost,
Will sell whole or in part, from one acre to lid.
Inquire of J. H. FERUCSON.
For Sale or Exchange.
The best Hay ranch, or an apple or straw,
berry farm, already In bearinif. Ohwp for
cash or exchange for stock merchandise.
yii A. 8. JJLOWR .
In I iOj . I '!