The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 08, 1898, Image 2

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    jHced tSlaciSr.
e- ' r
Published every Friday by
Terms of Subscription $1.60 a year when
paid In advance; $i If not paid In advance.
The excitement over the prospects
' 1 for war has been intense all over the
country during the past week. Mass
meetings are being held in many places
and citizens are pledging their moral
support to the president and their ser
vices In the army If necessary... . Jas. R.
Campbe'1, democratic, congressman
from Illinois, has placed his resigna
tion with the governor of his state and
will raise a regiment if war is declared
Preparations are under way in the
treasury department looking .to the
, raising of revenue, and congress will
be called upon to levy taxes on tea,
r conee and beer, and other measures
will be adopted to raise large sums of
money for war purposes. The legisla.
tureof Iowa has voted $500,000 to be
: used in case of war, the money to be
placed at The disposal of the governor,
Ohio's legislature follows suit witn a
bill to appropriate $1,000,000. The out
bursts of patriotism throughout the
country are repetitions of the days
of '61.
1 The Prineville Review, independent,
endorses the nomination of Hon. W.L.
Bradshaw for circuit judge of this judi
cial district.-' It suys: "No better nom
ination could have been made. For
several years he has presided over our
circuit court, and the people of this
county, regardless of party, want him
re-elected. Crook county' will give
him a rousing majority, next June
against any man that. Can be pitted
against him. His decisions have been
just and equitable; he dispatches busi
; ness promptly; he is courteous- and
obliging to ail, and in consequence the
voters of this district would like to see
him elected. This is not a political of
fice, and when a man has been tried
and has met the test it is not the best
to make 'a change."
Our Dumb Animals for April, edited
by Geo. T. Atigell, the great human
itarian, is full of pleadings for peace.
He thinks the whole trouble between
the United States and Spain should be
settled by arbitration and not by more
murder; . that abundant provisions
should be sent to the starving Cubans,
thereby doing more for our national
honor than the killing of a hundred
thousand men. 1' ..: '
If we "have war, young men now
holding good positions in the counting
rooms and workshops of the country
will be the first to enlist. Industrious
men make the best soldiers; loafers and
hoodlums, when they do enlist, are of
no more use in the army than they are
at home.
It is ftated from Washington that
enlistments in the navy are a disap
pointment to the authorities. They
wanted 1,500 able-bodied seaman, and
after th-ree weeks of drumming secured
but 450.
. " The Institute.
At the educational meeting held in
Hood River on Saturday last an active
interest was shown in educational mat
ters. "Importance of the first day at
school," presented by Miss Kate Da v.
en port and discussed by Principal John
f-Jxvin u'mh rhfi firttt. tnnln ff Mih nivlrn.
..... .. - I
ingV' Miss Davenport illustrated plain
ly the necessity of a systematic outline
for the first day's work in the school
being' prepared before the opening of
school. A number or goon suggestions
were offered along this line by other
teachers present.
"Language in the primary grades,'1
by Miss Ida Koss, developed the neces
tity of more active work along the line
of observation and reproduction. Val
uable suggestions were offered by other
teachers; especially one by Mrs. Rob
erts: that or "tulking the new words"
by, teacher and pupils, until their uses
aie comprehended.
''Music In the public school," by Miss
Anne smith, brought out some gooa
Ideas about the teaching of music in
.the public schools, and why; teachers
agreeing that more or less singing
should be done each day where prac
ticable. .Principal Uavin thought It
well,, when -the time should arrive for a
musical education to be required or all
teachers. - , - -
Lunch was served In oneof the lower
rooms of-the building. The room,
which had been in the hands of a spe
cial decorating committee consisting of
pupllsol the seventh and eighth grades,
was beautifully decorated with wild
flowers, Oregon grape and fern. The
tables were verv Drettv and contained
an abundance of good things to eat.
The ladies of Hood River are noted for
their excellent cooking, and this lunch
was: no exception: '' ' -.
At 1:30 p. m. the meeting was called
to order and "Penmanship" was pre
sented by H.L.' Howe, who brought
forth some pertinent points upon the
teaching of this branch in the public
Prof. A.-P.'Armstrong was not pres
ent to lead In the discussion, as busi
ness detained him in Portland.
The humorous song rendered ; by
Messrs. Melville Fojey, Seely Rand,
M.- W; Bartmess. E. K. Bartmess and
P. ('. Logsdon was fine. The song it-'
self was highly appreciated, and the
manner in which it was rendered prom
ises something excellent in the iuture
along the line of vocal music.
"Rtadintr In the fourth, fifth and
sixth grades,'. 'by Miss CJrace Graham,
was terse and contained some valuable
suggestions. ; ,
vPfiarv-Nwnier Work." bv Mis
Eliza Stevens, nutilneri'jtrlearly .work to
l e done along this-jine in the first nd.
feccond grades; this work' to be basedj
upon the use of objects and in connec
tion with the four fundamental prin
ciples. -'-
"Number Work in the Higher
Grades," by J. T. Neff, consisted of a
number of black-board illustrations
showing wherein many of the formulas
found In the present text book in use
in our schools are at fault. He thought
that a great deal or worb presented
today was too briet lor clearness ana
did not contain enough of the analyt
"How to Beautify School Rooms and
Grounds," by R. R. Allard, contained
some severe criticisms upon the pre
vailing condition and apnea ranees of
tar too many or the school buildings
and grounds of this state and an earn
est plea for better work along this line
by teachers, patrons and pupils.
A vote of thanks was tendered by
the visiting teachers to the local teach
ers and patrons of Hood River for the
hospitable manner in which they were
entertained, lhe meeting then ad
journed. ' '
There were 28 active teachers pres'
ent. - Sixteen of these were from The
Dalles. Lunch was served to about
125 persons.
The leading features of the entertain
ment in the evening at the M. E
church were the addresses by Dr. Hines
and J. H. Ackerman, principal of a
Portland school.
From the Lone Star. .
The subjects of King Kotton are in
anything but au amiable mood. The
continued low price of the staple don'
set well on their "stummicks" by any
means, and all sorts of plans are sug
gested to (oree higher prices. All are
agreed that "suthin' must be did;" just
what that suthin' is is not so clear.
The attempts of enthusiasts to so unify
the sentiment among cotton raisers to
the extent that only one-halt the usual
amount will be planted is, to my mind
au idle dream. It is impossible to hold
the millions of cotton producers In any
bond looking to a large reduction in
acreage. Supposing some section could
be largely held by any such agreement
it would, as many argue, but be the
incentive and stimulus to greater acre
age in other places, and the grand total
of cotton bales would roll up the same
as before. - But the condition of the
South under the pall of 5-cent cotton is
being vigorously discussed from every
standpoint, and this extra ventilation
will certainly accomplish some good
even if the present status be not ma
terially changed. A settled conviction
is worth a great deal in bringing about
a more or less contented pursuit or
business. All the various leagues of
renters, laud owners, separate or in
combination, rebellious or otherwise,
with the discussions ot crop diversinca
tion (uow considered, I think, by most
persons as the greatest factor ot relief),
all these are but the different agencies,
from different standpoints, sometimes
bit terly opposing, preaching the gospel
of the industrial emancipation of the
South, even as Christ was preached
through bitter contentions, jealousies,
pretense as well as sincerity and truth.
It makes "we uns" down in Texas
smile when we think of the attempt
about to be made to raise cotton by
'you uns" up In Oregon and Washing
ton, especially when we are trying to
cut loose trom cotton and all say .it
costs more to produce it than we get
out or it. Hut. those laugu best who
laugh last, and if you bide your time
you may laiigh and crow,too probably.
Alter two weeKs or good summer
weather a norther swooped down on
Texas last Tuesday and Wednesday,
paying his compliments to all portions
of the state, stiowing his hand in sleet,
snow, trost and tunous blizzard as suit
ed bis fancy, leaving many sickly look
ing corn fields and garden spots In his
wake.. Corn planting began in this
section the middle of February, and
some Of It had been plowed over when
the wrecker came along and blew uls
icy breath on it.
l picked my first mess of strawberries
this morning one week sooner man
last year and three weeks sooner than
the year before. The weather here is
usually so hot during shipping season
that strawberries do not carry well to
market as a rule. By the way,. will
some one inform me through the GiAt
CIER as to the best method of classify
ing berries to make speed and save as
much as possible the bruising of the
berries. . Has any one tried a screen to
separate the small berries? And, if so,
what was t he lesson learned? d. t. tl.
March 27th.
. Hood River Apples at Seattle.
Seattle, Wash., March 30, 1898.
Mr. H. Prigge, Hood River, Or. Dear
Sir; Enclosed please find account sales
and check, which we hope will prove
satisfactory. Your last lot of apples
have not come to haud as yet, but we
hope they will be in good condition
Some of your neighbor's apples are go
ing to pan out very poorly on account
ot there being such a prejudice against
the Ben Davis. People will not buy
them.- We are glad that yours turned
out so well and hope we shall have
more from you. J.M. Hixson & Co.
- -...-STATEMENT. "'. V '. :. .
Mar. 2& 7 bxs Spitz, 4-tier. at $2 ...$14 00 .
19 bxs Spitz, 5-tter 14 at
$1.75, 6 at $2.... 84 80
Total 48 50
Freight-, $5.10; com., 4.S5 9 5-S38 55
Mar. 14 7 bxs Hpitz, 6-tler 5 at $2
2at1.75 13 50
6 bxs Spitz, 4-tier 1 at
H2.25; 1 at $2 - 11 00
Total.:. "
. Freight, J2.35- com., $2.45
Mar. 18-3 bxs Spitz, 4-tier, at $2.25 8-75 .
. . - 9 bxs Spitz, S-tier,at $2 J8 00
Total .....: 24 75
.. Freight, 2.45; com. ,2.50
Mar. SO Check .... .........
So Factions.
Hood River, April 5, 1808. Editor
Glacier: Your article regarding re
publican primaries is misleading. . We
do not recognize any . factions in the
republican party, and the delegates
elected do not recognize any faction
but stand squarely with the national
republican party. The so-called free-
silver republicans claim to represent a
taction or the republican party, but we
class them with the populists.' I do
not think there is a single man on t lie
delegation who proposes to vote for the
"friends" of any man. The entire del
egation stands for republicanism first
and Will consider men only incidentals.
ft. i,...!,., G. J. Gessling.
Edacnt. Your liowels Willi Citucaret.
Candr Cathartic cure const inarioii forever.
11 tOo, S5c. It C. C.-.C. full, druBRists refund money.
Washington, . April , 6.t- It - can . be
stated authoritatively that after a con
ference with the members of the for
eign affairs committee of both houses,
the president has decided not to send
in his message until Monday. -
The cause of this decision was a dis
patch from Consul General Lee, re
ceived at the "state department this
morning, saying that it would be im
possible to get all the Americans safely
out of Cuba before Sunday. ' '
The cablegram said that General Lee
was loading 2,500 Americans, and that
it would be impossible to get them out
of the island before Sunday; He said
the condition of affairs was inflamed,
and the transmittal of the message
might cause trouble. - ' :;-1
1 The president frankly explained the
situation. He said the message would
have gone In today had. it. not been for
General Lee's cablegram. The safety
of Americans in Havana, and especial
ly General Lee's personal safety . made
the delay imperative. The democrats
all expressed themselves as satisfied;" :
..-. . Ileauty In Ulooil Deep. ..'
Clean blood means, a clean skin. - No
beauty without .it. Casearets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and. keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads;
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Casearets, beauty for ten cents. All drug-i
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. i
. - To Cure Cointlpiii Ion Forever.'
Take Casearets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
If C C. C. full to cure, druggists refund money.
In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon
for the County of Wasco.
Mary Catherine Klser Backus, plaintiff, vs.
Joseph Backus, defendant.
To Joseph Backus, the above-named Defend
ant: - - - -
In the pame of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint filed against yon in this suit in the
above entitled court on or before
Monday, the 23d day of May, 1898, "
that being the first day of the next regular
term of said circuit court following the ex
piration of the time prescribed In the order
neretoiore maae lor ine nuoucauon or saia
summons; and if yon fail to appear and an
swer said complaint, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
prayed for therein, to wit: for a decree forever
dissolving thf bonds of matrimony hereto
fore existing between lhe plaintiff and de
fendant, and that plaintiff may retake and
assume her maiden name, and for such other
and further relief as the court may deem J ust
and equitable. '.-"-The
service of this summons is made upon
you by publication thereof In the Hood River
Glacier, a newspaper of general circulation,
published weekly in Wasco county, Oregon
(by order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw. Judge of
said court, which order was duly made at
chambers, In The J'alles, Oregon, on the 8th
day of April, A. D. 1SIM), for seven consecu
tive issues thereof. ..-.';. -
a8m20 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Light Brahmas.
Noted for size, early maturity, and acknowl
edged by all poultrymen to be the best winter
egg producing bird In existence. -These birds
often dress 7 pounds at 9 months old, thus
combining both egg-producing qualities and
meat in one bird, Ihls grand breed of fowls
should be on every farm in, the valley.. I have
spared no time nor money In securing the
best stock obtainable, and by careful mating
for a number of years I now have a fine lot of
these grand birds.
- Eggs. 81 per 18: after June 1st. 75o per 18
all securely packed and delivered anywhere
in iwoa uiver. ,asu mum accompany oraer.
Direct ail orders to A. E. IMBLER, i
mil .. Hood Kiveb.
Plaiiet J liniOr hand and horse
Studebaker Wagons.
Canton Clipper chlllesdte. d
Plows & Cultivators,
'All styles and sizes. . .
For Repairs
Give me a calL'l
Extra Shares .
and Plow Parts
. Always In stock. : :-, v; '"..
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County, v
Matthew Duty, plaintiff, vs. Amanda L. Duty,
defendant. .
To Amanda L. Duty, the above named de-
In the name of the state of Oreeron. yon are
hereby required to appear -and answer the
complaint tiled against you In this suit In
the above entitled court on W before .. .
. Monday, the 23d day of May, 18H8, .
that being the first -day of the next regular
lerm or saia uircuu conn lonowmg me ex
piration ol the time prescribed In the order
heretofore made for the publication of said
summons; and if you fall so to appear and an
swer said complaint, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
demanded therein, to wit: for a decree forever
dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore
and now existing between plaintiff and de
fendant, and such other ana further relief us
the court may deem Just and equitable.
The service of this summons is made upon
yon by publication thereof in-the Hood- River
Qlaoier, a newspaper ot general circulation,
published weekly in Wasco county, Oregon,
by order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of
said court, which order was duly made at
chambers, in The Dalles, Oregon, on thetfltu
day of March, 1898. T. B. KENT. jr.
uUuiS Attorney foni'Uiipftflk. '.'.i
Let U s S p ray S
You Have the
" J,
No. 1. Combined Spray (lime, sulphur
and salt !
No. 2. Combined Spray (sulphur, lime
blue vitriol)............:..........
No. 3. Combined Spray (whale oil soap,
caustic soda and caustic potash.....
No. 4. Compound Spray (resin-and
sal soda)
No. 6. Combined Spray(whale oil soap
No. 7. Combined Spray (Bordeaux
mixture, blue vitriol and lime).....
Acme Compound
. " -----
Blue Stone (blue vitriol) ,..
Besin.... ...U.i....... a
Sulphur, ground...............
Sal Soda ...........
: r; . ' - I lots.
Paris Greentrictly pure '
6 S lota "
Our cash price is yours for the effort. We Invite your
inquiry of prices in any other market.
" The Corner Drug Store."
Successor to
Keeps constantly on hand CHOICE HAMS,
FEES II BACON, purest of kettle-rendered
LARD, and FRESH MEATS, at lowest mar
ket prices. Dealer In and shipper of
K:i3.d -
Highest Cash Price Paid for Stock.
. . (Successors to A. S. Blowers & Son)
Second door East of Glacier office. -
Hard Ties Prices
' Hereafter I will sell for CASH only or its equivalent. Regard!
defy competition. I am not afraid to meet competitive prices at a
land lines and I Will meet you with Portland prices. Call and see
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., March
7.18U. Notice is hereby given thatthe
following named settlers have filed notice of
their intention lo mane nnai prooi in support
of their claims, and that said proofs will be
made before W. H. Dunbar, U. o. Commis
sioner for District of Washington, at Uolden.
dale, Wash., on April 20th, 1898, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 8245. for the west yt of
soutnwest anu lot a, section 2, lownsuip o,
north of range 1? east, W. M.
: She names the foil wing witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion or, saia lana, viz:
A ntrtist. Rprff. Aupiist RotKoll. Thomas O.uler-
ley ana r rancis t . wyne, an 01 uienwooa 1
V; wasnington
Homestead Entry No. 9015, for the south yt of
northeast yt ana soutnj 01 nortnwost m, sec
tion 21, township fl, north range 12 east, W. M.
' He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
August Berg, August Rotzoll, Thomas Quig
ley and Francis F. Wylie. all of tilenwood P.
O Washington.
Homestead Entry No. 8797. for the southeast
section 8, township 6 north, range 12 east
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Robert Barker, Mnry A. Barker. August
Berg and Francis F. Wylie, all of Olenwood
P. O,, Washington. :
Homestead Entry No. 8975, for the southeast,
H of section 81, township 6 north, range 12
east, W. M. - . - '
He names . the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Mary A. Burlier, Robert Barker, August
Iteiiir and August Rotzoll. all of tileowood P.
A., .Washington.. . :
raUUD v.-. . a. t. ua w, negisier. '
"We Have the Sprays
Barrel lots,
100 lb lots, about 700 Bis.
10 lots. 25 B lots.
03 regular
Vi casu
04 regular
Vi-i casu
05 regular
U4$ casu
05 reguia
04 cash
05 regular
mi casn
ZEPstclrliELg: , Co.
s of TTood.-
06 051 05
05 04 .: 03
07 06 06
06 - : 05 .. 04
08 , 07 06
07 - 00 05
08 . 07 06
07 06 05
07 06 06
07 06 05
08 07 07
07 06 05
15 . 12 . 10
10 09 08
06 05 ' 05
05 : 04 ' 04
07 ',-''; 08 05,
05 , 04 04
04 ' 03 ' ' 02
03 02 :." '01
07 06 05
05 04 03
Sells on commission all kinds of FRUIT
and PRODUCE. Growers will find it to their
advantage to see us before consigningelsewhere
will say that I
me. 1
L eel me on von-
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March
14. 1898. Notice is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has riled notice of his
Intention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on jrriaay, Aril z, usas, viz:
Of Mosler, H. E. No. 4122, for the north
norineasi m ana norm y, normwesi section
24. township 2 north, range 11 east W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion or saia lana, viz:
- William Johnson. Samuel E. Flsher.Adolph
H. Oodberson and John Wellberg, all of Mo-
sier, Oregon. - - JAS. F. MOOKK,
ml8a22 - - - Rgister.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March
14, 1898. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his
ten tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Friday, April 29, 1898, viz: - -;
Of Mosler, H. E. No. 8822, for the northeast ii
section 13, township 2 north, range 11 east,
W. M. -
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: -
AdolDh H. Uodberson. Axel E. Peterson.
John MUcr and Lark In Lamb, nil of Mosier,
Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, Register. ,
30 Acres for Sale.
Five miles southwest of town: one mile from
good school; 85 acres in cultivation; 2 acres In
strawDerries; Dearing nrcnaras; gooa improve
ments: Can all be irrigated from a ditch on
highest part or the farm. Will sell all or part.
Address box 114. Hood-River, Or. - ml
Nursery Stock for Sale.
I have for sale 6,000 two-year-old apple tree,
of the best quality, consisting of Yellow New
town, Hpitzeiiburg. Baldwin, Lawver. Hyde's
King, King of Tompkins County, Gravensteln
and Wealthy. N. C. EVANS,
slO Hood River Fruit Gardens.
Mt.Hood Sax? Mills,
Of the best quality always on hand at prices
to suit the times. jy24
Fresh Milk,
Areated and deodorized, 5 cents a quart. .
Bargains in Real Estate
20 acres fine fruit land, is also good farm
land; all cleared or under contract. 400 fenc.
post. 5,000 feet fence lumber. Cabin, etc.
Price $900. Make me a spot cash offer. - --
The Glacier
Post Office Building, Hood River, Or.
. work.
' All work
60cta. and
1L00 Bottle.
One cent a dose.
This Gbbat Couob Cure promptly turn
Where all others fail. Coughs, Croup, or.
Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and -Asthma.
For Consumption It has no rival:
has cured thousands, and will CURB YOU If
taken in time. Sold by Druggists on guar
antee. For a Lame Back or Chest, use
i ave vou Catarru ? l inn remedv u onmran-
teed to cure you. Price, 60 eta. Injector free.
For sale by H. A. YORK.
Future comfort , lot present
seeming economy, tut buy the
sewing; machine with an estab
lished" reputation, that guar
antees you long- and satisfac
tory service. j j i j
1 y
-' . AMD . .
(devices for regulating and
showing the exact tension) are
a few of the features that
emphasize the high grade
character of the White.
Send for our elegant H.T.
White Sewing Machine Co.,
Skin Diseases
For the speedy and permanent cnre of
tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham
berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment la
without an equal. It relieves the itch -:
ing and smarting almost instantly and
its continued use effects a permanent :
cnre. It also cures itch, barber'i itch,
scald head, sore nipples, itching piles,
chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and
granulated lids.
Dr. CadVs Condition Powder for
horses are the best tonic , blood purifier
and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Sold by
Forsale by Williams & Brosius.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oreeron. Slarch
11. - ..1 1a kuiwhw " ' ...... .).... 1 1
following-named settler has filed notice of -
ni intenuon 10 - muKe nnai )rooi in
support of his claim, and that said proot
will be made before Register and Receiver at
'j netaiies. ureicon. on f naay. April -a. ims.-
vl: . .,-...
.: ' ILA C. NEALEIGH, . ."..
Of Hood River. H. E. No. 4643. for lhe south
east Yt section 7, township i north, range 10"
east,V.M. - - , ..
He names the following wttne'-es to prove
his continuous residence ujx n and cultiva-. j
tion of said land, viz:
Oeoree W. Williams. Frank Caddy. Joseph- -c.
Pnrserand M. II, Ntckclsen, all of Hood,
Ulver, Oregon. JAS. F. MOOKK. .. i-
mjsuxs Kramer.
vrvia r mm