The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 04, 1898, Image 3

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3oH liver Slacier.
FBIDAY." MARCH 4, 1898.
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; Ae
narta t ie nnmfl ilnvti at. noon.
For Cnenoweth.'teaves at 8 A. M. Tuesdays
ana Saturdays; arrives at tf r. M.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.:
arrives at 8 o'clock P. M.
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda. Gil
mer. Trout Lake and Qlenwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and rldavs.
Laurel Rebekah Decree Lodge. No. 87. 1. 0.
O. P. Meets first and third Mondays In each
month. MRS. FLORA HAKl'LEY, JN. U.
O. O. ChambkblaIn, SecreUu-y.
Canbv Post. No. 10. G. A. R.. meets at A. O.
V. W, Hall, first Saturday of each month
at 2 o'clock p. m. All G. A. R. members in
vited to meet witn us.
fkajnk JNUBLUi, uommanaer,
, T. J. Cunning, Adjutant.
Canby W. It. C, No. 16, meets flrst Saturday
of each month In A. O. U. W. hal I, at s p. m.
Mrs. AGNES CUNNING, President,
Mrs. Ursula Dukes, Secretary.
Hood River Lodge, No. 105, A. F. and A. M.
Meets Saturday evening on or before each
full moon. F. C. BROSIUS, W. M.
W. M. Yates, Secretary.
Hood River Chapter, No. 27, R. A. M.
Meets third Friday night of each month.
G. E. Williams, Secretary.
Hood River Chapter, No. 25, 0. 1J. S. Meets
Saturday after each full moon.
Mrs. Rachel Heushner, Secretary.
rtlAta A nam hit Kr. 1H4 TTwItort Aftlcnnc
meets secoud and fourth 'MondRy nights of
each month at Fraternity nan. urotners ana
sisters cordially invited to meet with us.
S. 8. Gray, Secretary. j
Waucoma Lodge, No. SO. K. of P., meets in
A. O. U. W. Hall on every Tuesday night.
J. B. Hunt, K. of R. & 8.
Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. U. W., meets
flrst and third Saturdays of each month.
J. V. Watt, Financier.
ji, ij. iiowE, Kecoiaer.
Idlewilde Lodge, No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets
In Fraternal hall every Thursday night.
O. G. Chambkelain, Secretary.
Prof. Allurd has movejl into the
Hcald cottage.
For all kimls of lumber call on F. E.'
Jackson, at the Racket Store.
Mr. E. D. Calkins returned to his
Onion sets, fresh garden seeds, poul
try netting, at Dallas & fcipangler's.
Quarterly meeting nt the
Sunday; Jtev. Bell will be present.
Win. Yates. P. M.. is authorized airent
for all newspapers and periodicals.
Revival meetings are. being held at
Crapper seliool tiouse by the Method
ists. Mr. Bert Stranahan, now located at
Pendleton, spent Sunday in Hood
.River. .
Mr. F. M. Simpson, travelimy agent
for the Examiner, was in town last
week. -
Mr. and Mrs. E, B. Miller have gone
to Moro, where they will take up their
nprimment. rpmftnrfl. ' .
i ' ,
Mr. Pickard has gone out of the wall
paper business and turned his samples
over to S. E. Bartmess.
': Thos..H. Kent, who has been em
ployed at the railroad station at South
Bend, Wash., came home Tuesday.
Bromide of Quinine Compound.cures
colds while yon sleep. 10 and 25 cents
at Williams & Brosius, pharmacists.
' The regular annual school meetings
will lie held next Monday, March 7th.
Iu the town district the' meeting will
be held at the school house at 4 o'clock.
- F. H. Watts, general agent for, the
Monumental Bronze Co., Dufur, Or.,
will make periodical visits to Hood
River. See his work in the cemeteries
and then see him for terms.
Canby post will meet on the second
Saturday in March, on account of the
horticultural institute being held in A.
O. U. W. hull this week.
Tillett & Galligan have been selling
a great many or their Yakima apple
trees, but still have some left. The
Yakima is the leading apple for com
mercial orchards.
A farewell dance will be given by
Mr. William Copple at his residence in
Duke's valley, tricky evening, March
11th. Music will be furnished by
Wheeler and Murphy.
The silver republicans of West Hood
River will hold their primary meet
ing at the armory, March 12th, to elect
4 delegates to attend the county con
vention March 19th.
Mr. Howard , Isenberg came home
yesterday from Victor, where be is
teaching school. He is also editor of
the "Gold Bug," a paper gotten out by
the McKinley club of Wapinitia.
March Morse had a birthday Tues
day, and his school mates to the num
ber of a dozen or more followed him
home from school and gave him a sur
prise party that lasted late into the
evening. ""- .
M. P. Isenberg represented Hood
River at the wool convention. Hood
River has no sheep, but the wild and
wogy aphis deserves some recognition,
anaif doubt our M. P. was equal to
the occasion. .
Miss Kate Helfrich, canvassing for
the Howland Nurseriesof Los Angeles,
was in Hood River last Friday and
gave the Glacier a call. Miss Hel
frich is an old typo and lately held
cases on the Prineville Journal. . .
The flrst strawberry of the season of
'98 was brought in last Friday from
John Walker & Son's patch, on O. L.
Stranahan's place. The berry was
about one-third the average size of ma
tured berries. Mr. Waiker found sev
eral blooms, 1
H. C. Bateham has rented the J. S.
Tendick farm and orchards, opposite
the nursery grounds, for a term of four
years. He will plant in orchard about
8()( trees this spring, and will be
able to furnish fruit as well as trees in
the future.
Quite a force of woodchoppers are at
work on Ike Nealeigh's place, cutting
wood for Clyde T. Bouncy. Among
the number are John, Frank and
Charley Rogers, Mr. Fleener, Ike and
Dick Nealeigh, C. Tyler and two boys,
Will M.wllu.r unA Rclui,rli Pliul r,a
Mr. L. E. Morse of White Salmon
was in town Tuesday. He reports that
the itew road leading to the new wharf
is about completed and lumber for cov
ering the wharf has beeu ordered. A
petition is being circulated asking the
county court to declare the new road of
Capt. Cook's a couuty road.
Mrs. J. F. Armor invited her Sunday
school class to spend the day with her,
last Saturday, at her cheerful home at
Belmont. The day was delightfully
spent with music, gathering wild flow
ers und tatty pulling. An excellent
dinner was served at 12:30. Those of
Mrs. Armor's class present were: Anna
Wo lard. Aenes Dunes. iuaua tran
ahan, Laura Hill, Ida Hunt, Bertha
Prather, Maude Cushin, Urace Camp
bell, Lydia Crowe, Fay LaFrance.Clara
Blythe and Mellie Olinger. All en
joyed themselves and extend a vote of
thanks to Mrs. Armor for her kindness.
A potato social was given to the
Christian Endeavor of the Congrega
tional church at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Cook last Friday even
ing. A very enjoyable evening was
spent with music, recitations and sing
ing.. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Cook, Rev. and Mrs. Hershner, Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Batehttm, Mrs. Bone,
Mrs. Bert Graham, Mrs. Brosius.Grace
Graham, Fay LaFrance, Marlon Cook,
Mellie Olinger, Winifred Marsh, Alice
Graham, Clara Blythe, Eliza Stevens,
Agnes Dukes, Ida Hunt, Bunnie
Olinger, Ralph Savage, Hervey Cook
and Henry York.
A telegram was received Monday by
Mrs. Langille, conveying the sad news
of the death of Mrs. Joseph A. Wilson,
which occurred at her home in Grant,
Pennsylvania, February 21st. She
was aged 29 years. A cliild was born
to her lust 23 days previous to ber
death, which is alive and doing well.
Mrs. Wilson was a most estimable wo
man aud bad many friends in Hood
River who will mourn her untimely
death.' Her husband, now in Dawson
City, will learn of her'death by an ac
quaintance who recently came from
Klondike ana started oacK on tne
steamer Elder, which sailed Tuesday.
Messrs. Pineo and Harlow, who have
been looking over the ground herewith
a view of putting in a saw mill, have
gone to, the Bound country to see if
they etui find a better location. We
understand that Mr. A. Winans, rep
resenting the Hood River Lumbering
company, asked these. gentlemen $86,
500 for the interests he represents,
which include 3,800 acres of timber
land at the head of Hood river, the
franchise of the river,- dam site and
mill site and considerable land at the
mouth of the river.
One of our old soldiers was approach
ed by a book agent, theother day, who,
seeing that he wore the button, said he
had a uook that was intensely inter
esting to old soldiers, as it was all about
the war. Our lriend, who, by tne way,
is un "original gold-standard man,"
was persuaded to buy the book, and
when he got home and put on his
specs, tounu it was all uoout me war
on . silver, a regular campaign text
book, with special articles by all the
well known advocates of free silver.
The third meeting of the Travers
club will be held in A. O. U. W. hall,
Monduy. evening, March 7tb, at 8
o'clock. Prof. H. L. Howe will act as
chairman ot the meeting, and the sub
ject for the meeting will be Prescott's
"Conquest ot Mexico." A collection
will be tuken up to defray expenses.
All are invited to be present.
Populist primaries will be held Sat
urday, March 12th. East Side will
meet in old post office building and elect
5 delegates. West Side will meet at
the armory, at 3:30, to elect 9 delegates
to the county convention.
The ladies have concluded not to set
a lunch at the hall during the insti
tute. .People troni the country in at
tendance are invited to make use of the
kitchen during the two days of the in
The St. Louis Republic Is the leading
pnper for news. It comes twice a week
for $1 a year, or three times (34 pages)
for $1.50. The Glacier and twioe-a-
week Republic $2.25 a year.
The democratic primary for West
Hood River precinct is called to meet
in the armory, March 12th, at 3:30 p.
m ., to select 4 delegates to the couuty
Supt. Gilbert came down from The
Dalles yesterday and is visiting the
schools in the valley. Mr. Gilbert, we
are glad to note, is much improved in
Mrs. E. E.' Savage returned from
Portland Monday evening. Mr. Sav
age is still improving and is expected
to be able to come home iu about two
weeks. i
Rev. J. T. Merrill has been helping
with the revival meetings at Dufur du
ring this week, but will All his pulpit
here next Sunday.
The weather has been fine for the
past week or two and spring is here:
Peach trees are showing their bloom in
i ;
xji. ouaw was cuneu in vhiuhs rrai
rie, last week, to attend the wife of
Dau Cline, who was dangerously sick.
Geo. T. Prather is painting the Pra
ther block and making things look
quite snug on that corner.
Mr. H. D. Langille is in Portland at
work on the now boat for the Regu
lator company.
George Loy and Jack Nealeigh are
grubbing 14 acres for J. H. Eggert, on
the East Side.
Mr. H. .Readell, representing the
Singer Sewing Machine Co., was in
town Tuesday. '
Fresh cow for sale. Inquire of or
call and see B. R. Tucker, Tucker, Or.
Early Rose potatoes for sale by Neff
Bros, at one cent a pound.
Mr. J. F. Armor took in the wool
convention at The Dalles.
Dr. Brosius went to Portland yester
day. T ot 1 1 . 1 ... - .
Dorcas Supper and Male Entertainment.
At the Dorcas supper and male en
tertainment to ' be given under the
auspices of the Congregational church
at A.;0. U.W. hall, on Thursday even
ing, March 10th, (the following novel
and interesting programme-wiir be pre
sented: 1. Duet by Dr. Brosius and Ralph Savage.
2. Pnper, by fl. C. Bateham.
8. Competitive quartette singing (a) by
MessiH. Dr. Brosius, 13. C. Bateham, Ralph
Kavago and Maltie Duties; (b) Messrs. J. F.
Armor, C.J. Hayes, J. JN. McCoy and O. R.
4. Prize to best quartette club.
6. Recitation, Edward Benson.
6. Violin solo, Henry York.
7. Recitation, G. R. Cnstncr.
8. nolo, o. J. ranee.
9. Paper, R. E. Haroison'
10. Recitation, J. N. McCoy.
Jl. Song, all male voices.
12. Supper.
Gentlemen will be hosts; all ladies will be
trusts. reeolvluK flow thuKcntlenien tbe roost
gallant uttentlon. In anticipation of a large
croivd, come early. Admission at door, lucta.
The Farmers' Institute.
The following interesting programme
has beeu arranged for the institute to
be held in Hood River, Friday and
Saturday, March 4th and 5th, under
the auspices of the State Agricultural
College, assisted oy local talent, ine
college committee on institute consists
ofH. T. French und A. B. Cordley.
Local committees: Reception and En
tertainment E. L. Smith, P. F. Brad-
fordt L. Henry, 11. C. Bateham, S. r.
Blvthe, W. J. Baker. Decoration-
Mrs. Geo. Crowell, Mrs. J. B. Hunt,
Mrs. E. J. Kand. Music S. E. Bart
mess, S. J. LaFrance.
FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1:30 P. M.
Opening address Hon. E. L. Smith
Response Prof. H. T. French
"Crimson Clover for Orchards"
7:30 P. M. Music
"The Weather Bureau and Its Relation
to Agriculture" B. S. Pague
Discussion ,
Illustrated Lecture on "Breeds of Live
Stock1 ..Prof. E. F. Perr
Music '
'Grasses and B'orage Plants"..Prof.H.T.French
Music '.
1:30 P. M. Music
"Chicken Raising" ,.Geo. Goodhue, Salem
Discussion s
7. 80 P. M. Music
General discussion on "Marketing Fruits"
"Fruit Pests." illustrated lecture
Prof. A. B. Cordley
Closing remarks -
This programme subject to change. .
A Barbcrous Joke.
The great attraction for gentlemen of
leisure in Hood River during the past
week has been down at Rand's block
where the excavating is being done for
the bowling alley. It is such an un
usual sight to see men at work in this
town that everybody deserts his place
of business and sits around guying the
workmen or advising them how things
ought to be done. ' Wednesday, while
Grant Evans was called away from his
barber shop to watch proceedings at
the howling alley, some ot the hoys
amused themselves by carrying every
thing out of his shop and scattering
histurniture and nxtures in the diner
ent stores along the street. Tbe ex
pression on Grant's countenance when
he returned and found he had moved is
said to have been one of blank astonish
ment: but he went'around and gather
ed up his traps with a determination
that seemed to indicate tliat there
would be a drug store moved some of
these tine days when the proprietor is
found to be absent.
Dr. and Mrs. Hines desire in this
way to express their gratitude to the
large' company of their friends who
made their home a scene of so much
real pleasure on the night of last Fri
day. Thev will have substantial occa
sion to remember this visit for many
days to come iu the enjoyment of the
good things left by the visitors; but
will much longer remember and much
more highly prize the friendship and
love that found such ample expression
iu the kindly words and cordial saluta
tions of nil who were present. These
kind people of Hood River will live in
the memories of un eternal friendship
iu our hearts. : H. K. Hines,
O. M. Hines.
Franktou Notes. -'
Prayer meeting was held at Mr.
Koplin's Tuesday evening.
W. S. Boormaii has rented his place
to Ralph Ellis and will in a few days
start for Eastern Orjgon.
S. Koplin's blacksmith shop is now
open for business, and Frankton can
bo:istof the finest blacksmith sp.op in
the valley.
Supervisor Campbell had a force of
men at work the other day and put in
a new bridge across Phelps creek at
Imbler's place. The timbers of the old
bridge had rotted away.
In Hood River valley, February 28,
1898, to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wait, a
daughter. ' "'
' Church Notices.
Odell School House. Sunday school
at 11 o'clock. First Sunday, preaching
by pastor and communion. Meeting
at pastor's house at 7 every Sunday
night. All invited.
M. E. Church. Monthly appoint
ments on1 Hood River circuit:
IstSunday Hood River, 11a. m Hines.
Hood River, 7:30 p. m Archer.
Belmont, 7:30 p. in Hines.
' Pine Grove, H a. m Archer.
2d Sunday Hood River, 11 a. m.;.... Archer.
Hood River, 7:30 p. m. ...... Hines.
Belmont, 11 a. in ..Hines.
Crapper, 2:3U p. m Archer.
3d Sunday Hood River, 11 a. m Archer.
. Hood River, 7:30 p. m Hines.
'Belmont, 7:30 p. m Archer.
Pine Grove, 11 a. m...i...Hines.
4th Sunday Hood River, 11a. m Hines.
Hood River, 7:30 p. m Archer.
Belmont, 11a. m Archer.
' ' Crapper, 2:30 p. m Hines.
6thSunday Hood Klver, 11 a. m Hines.
Hood River, 7:30 p. m Hines.
Mount Hood, 11 a. m Archer.
( List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in Hood River
postoffice March 1, 1898.
Bushnell, Col G E Guivge, Maria
Cooluton, John Johnson, Wm '
Gratves, Mrs M M Reiner, Albert
Gooch, N W W. M. Yates, P. M.
In Mi'iiiorium.
At a meeting of the W. C. T. U., held at the
residence of Mrs. W. H. Bishop, Thursday,
B'ebruary 21th, plans were made to 'hold a
memorial service at the home of Mrs. Hart
ley, on Thursday, March 3d, at 2 p. m., in
honor of Francis E. Wlllard. The following
resolutions were adopted:
Whereas, God in his Infinite wisdom and
love swung back the portals of heaven and
called our beloved leader, Frances E. Willard,
into that rest that "remaineth to her;"
Resolved, That while we rejoice that she en
tered into that rest so triumphantly, yet we
realize that not only does the W. C. T. U. of
the nation sustain a great loss, but her death
is a world wide calamity; and "Though be
Were dead yet shall lie live." The influence
ot her noble life will live forever.
Resolved, That we can In no better way
show our appreciation and love for her than
by being steadfast and faithful to the cause
she loved and for which she has given her
life. May we be faithful as she was faithful,
and uccept our share of the responsibility
which she has left to those that love and re
vere her memory.
"God lives and reigns," and He who caused
the mantle of Elijau to fall on Elisha will
raise up some one to- take u p the work- where
she has laid It down and carry It on to its ul
timate success. "Blessed are the dead which
die In the Lord from henceforth. Yea, salth
the Spirit, that they may rest from their ki
bors, and their works do follow them.
Mrs. Fi.oka Hartley,
Mrs. Uksdla DUKgs.
To Cure a ('old in One Pay.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabluts. AH
druggists refund th immcy it it fails tocure.'25c
Portland, March 3. A late dis
patch says it is known positively that
the board of inquiry has reported, but
it is unable to determine the cause of
the disaster to the Maine. The pres
ident is determined to find out the facts.
Two Klondikers were frozen to death
on an Alaskan trail with $100,000.
"Independent as a Hog on Ice.M
Hood River, Feb. 28, 1898. Editor
Glacier: As the strawberry harvest is
fast approaching, we, as growers, are in
a state of nervous prostration in regard
to the different methods by which the
two unions propose to marketour truit
First it was generally supposed we were
to have but one union, but now it
seems we are to have two or more., as
the case demands, with a score or more
detectives at from $4 to $7 a day, cigars
and other delicacies included. Then,
when the fruit is shipped, we are told
the berries are selling for good prices
aud not to sell on the street at home,
but ship all to our detectives, as they
can sell for more .than we possibly can
get here. Of course, we send the fruit;
but how is it when the returns are
handed us with a bland smile that
reaches quite to the ground. We read:
"Hood River, June 12: A. B. Fruit Co,
sold for acct. of M. R. ; where sold, Mil
waukee: 20 crates, $000: net. S0OO."
After reading the above we do not face
about manfully, but take several steps
backward until we regain conscious
ness, then turn several corners in order
to avoid the stores where we have
traded for several years aud have never
been able to pay on account ot hign
water. We unhitched our cayuses and
made a bee line for home, passing the
$8,000 school house, which is ornament
al as well as useful, and so are the
bonds, which are a first-class mortgage
on all tbe property in the district, and
as many claim a national debt is a na
tional blessing, Hood River Is doubly
blest. In a few days we receive an
other statement, which reads: "June
15, Helena; 6 crates, $10.60; freight,
$4.16; com., $1.06; union-charges, 60c;
marketing, in all, $5.82; net $4.78."
Now we feel hHppy, take home a load
of crates and a shoemaker's kit of tools
to half-sole the fumily. Then, iti a
short time we are handed another
statement: "20 crates sold for $10;
freight, $10; commission and union
charges, $10"leaving us $10 in the
hole. This last statement forced us
into the populist party. We have con
cluded to market our own fruit and areJ
receiving letters daily from commission
men who tell us they have a friendly
feeling in their throbbing bosoms for
us, that they will give us the highest
market price; send us statements every
day, and that we. must break up both
unions, do away with middle men and
save the commission and expense of
the detectives; and further, they will
be good to us and remit occasionally, as
the case requires, in order to pay for
crates, pickers and hay, then will send
the balance (if there is any) after self
and family return from their seaside
outing. No, sir! wei don't want any
connection with the'unions unless we
can be an officer, as we are all invested
with talent (that is, enough of it) to
travel from town to town, watch com
mission men, draw pay, return
home and report as to condition of ber
ries. We could say as others have said,
"Some hard, some soft; commission
men the same." Our next meeting
will be held at the red school house; all
invited. We, Us & Co.
Hood River, Feb. 26, 1898. Editor
Glacier: Please allow me space in
your pnper to give a word of warning
for the necessity of watchfulness lest
the American Book company continue.
to load its interior books on the people
of Oregon at outrageously high' prices.
This concern is greedy and unprinci
pled and will stop at nothing to ac
complish its ends.' Candidates for the
positions ot state and county superin
tendents to be chosen at the general
election in June are being groomed al
ready to do its bidding. Whoever re
ceives the nomination for slate super-
iiireiicu'ML Biiouiu oe cuaiieugeu us in
his attitude toward the American Book
company, and unless uncompromising
ly opposed to it, lie-should he promptly
set aside as an enemy to the people;
ihe ballot artorcis the sure means ot
escape from the grasp of monopolies.
One of the swindled, M. V. Rand.
Educate Tour ISowbIs With Cascarets.
. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
Chamberlain's Cougli Keineuy.
This remedy is intended especially
for coughs, colds, croup, whooping
cough and influenza. It has become
famous for its cures of these diseases.
over a large part of the civilised world.
The most nattering testimonials have
been received, giving accounts of its
good .works; of the aggravating and
persistent coughs it lias cured; of se
vere colds that have yielded promptly
to its soothing effects, and of the dan
gerous attacks of croup it has cured,
often saving the life of tbe child. The
extensive use of it for whooping cough
has shown that it robs that disease of
all dangerous consequences. Sold by
Williams & tsrosi us.
Democratic, populist and silver republican
primaries. March 12.
Democratic, populist and silver republican
county conventions, March lit..
Democratic, populist and silver republican
state conventions, Portlnnd, March 23.
Republican primaries, Marcli 2J.
Kepublican county convention, April 7.
Republican state convention, Astoria, April 14.
Weekly Excursions to the East.
Another through tourist car to the East has
been arranged to run out of Portland, giving
four each week. Hereafter the car leaving
Monday will run through without change to
Kansas City and Chicago, over the O. R. & N.,
Oregon Short Line, Rio Grande Western, Den
ver & Rio Grande, Missouri Pacific and Chi
cago & Alton. That car has just been arrang
ed for, and the one previously scheduled for
Monday has been changed to Thursday. It
runs through to St. Louis, via the Union Pa
cific line.- The car leaving Portland Tuesday
goes through to Boston, and Is promoted by
the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific. Wednes
day' s car runs to St. Joseph, Kansas City and
St. Louis, over the Burlington. All these spe
cial through cars are receiving a gratifying
Eatronage. Consult O. R. & N. agent before
uying tickets to the East.
No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, nialtes weak
men strong, blood pure. 6uu. 81. All druggists.
ive gentlemen or ladies to travel for re
sponsibletestablished house in Oregon. Month
ly $ 5 and expenses. Position steady, liefer
ence. Inclose self-uddresscd stumjied envelope.
The Dominion CVinpnny, Dept. Y, Chicago.
IX. S. & L.
Of Hood River can furnish comfortable conveyances to all parts of the valley and vicin
ity. Heavy draylng and transferring done with care and promptness.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House in the valley. J
3Dr3T G-oodc, : Clotla-IinLg:,
, AND ' .','"'
Flour, Teed, Etc., Etc.
HOOD RIVER, - - - - - - OREGON
Deal only in first-class Nursery Stock. Send forCataloguo and Price List. They are eol
proprietors and make a specialty of the now celebrated .
25c 50c MiB1
Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc.
We have a new and comDlete stock of hard
ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will
keep constantly adding. Our prices will con
tinue to be as low as Portland prices.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Columbia Nursery
Offers a laree stock of Fruit Trees and all oth
er kinds of nursery stock. All trees are well
grown, careruliy dug, free trom pests ana irue
to label. Whether you want one tree or 1,000,
it will pay you to examine this stock. Re
member, trees grown here give the best satis
faction. No trouble to show goods. Orders
filled on short notice. H. C. BATEHAM,
noaa River, Oregon.
Three miles south, on Mt. Hood Koad.
Harbison Bros., Prop'rs,
Manufacturers of
0101 Lite
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and all kinds of ceieals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham
a specialty. v
Is now located In Portland, at. IV RuRsell
street. Will make regular trips to Hood
River on the flrst of every month and remain
three days.
Hood River,
Painter & Decorator
ISH. I make a specialty of my trade, and or
der will receive prompt attention. Satisfac
tory work at live and let live prices guaran
teed. Estimates gratis. Jy2
M. F. SHAW, M. D.
(Successor to Dr. Morgan)
All Calls Promptly Attended
Office and residence, second door north of
Nickelsen's store. s'i
Attor'ney-at-Law, Abstracter, Notary
Jfublie and lieal Estate Agent
For 21 years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Has had many years experience in
Keal Estate matters, as abstracter, searcher of
titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or
no charge.
Office with Geo. T. Prather. f25
In the best and most artlstlo styles at the Old
Reliable Shoe .shop one door west of post office.
Ladies' fine work a specialty. All work war
ranted. - , C. WELDS, Prop'r.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Feb. 8,
1808. Notice Is hereby given thafci the following-named
settler has Hied notice of his In
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
W. K. Dunbar, United States Commissioner
for District of Washington, at his , office In
Goldendale, Wash., on March 21, 1898, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 8592, for the north of
southwest i, southwest of southwest sec
tion 35. and northeast of southeast y sec
tion 'M all, township 3 north, range 12 east,
Will. Mer.
He names the fNllowlng witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Robert A. fttruthers, Chris Kranlen. John
Knreand William O. A. Murkmann, all of
Lvlc P. O., Washington. - v
f.lmlS, . B. F. SnAW, Register.
To tlb-e East,
Gives the choice of
GM. (tel
NorimEi. SWIM
Spokane, Salt Lake,
Minneapolis, Denver,
St. Paul, Omaha,
Chicago, Kansas City.
Ocean Steamers
Leave Portland every five days for .
V Alaska Points.
No. 1, Orecon Short Line..... 4 23 A. M.
No. 3, Spokane 7.45 a. M.
No. 4, Spokane 4.83 I. M.
No. 2, Oregon Short Line 10.48 P. M.
Leave Portland every live duys for
Steamers monthly from Portland in Ycifco
lioma and Hong Kong, via the Northern 1
cific Steamship connection with O. K.4N
For full details call oft O. R. A N. Agent
Hood River, or address
Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, O
Gen'l AgU. Nor. Pac. S- S. Co., Portland, Or
THE- -
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
L Dalles ai WW
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
Leave The Dalles 8.4o A.' M.
Leave Portland 7.00 A. M.
One way...
.$1 50
.. 2 50
Round trip,
Freight Rates Greatly
;;. :y General Agent.
To Rent or Lease.
TUCKER'S MILL, for one year or number
of years. Power for 20.000 to 23.000 fi-at of lum
ber ncr dav. Can he increased to anv amount
i desired. Would posibl v sell if cannot rent.
I J 14 P.. It. TIHl'KLR, Tucker, Or. ,