The Hood River Glacier. It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. VOL. IX. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1898. ' NO. 41. Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. TERSE TICKS FROM THE WIRES Vn Interesting Collection of Items From, the New and the Old World In Condensed and Comprehensive Form David Seeley has been arrested in Kalamazoo, Mich., accused of bigamy. Since his arrest nine wives have put in . an appearance. All but one were widows, whose property he had sold. In the United States supreme court 1 an opinion was handed down in a case involving the constitutionality of ..the territorial law fixing a day's work in - smelters and mines in the territory at eight hours. The court held that the law was an exercise of the state's police powers. The decision '. of the Bupreme court of, Utah was affirmed. The entire system of the government inspection of meat wVich has been established in the packinghouses Of the United States was declared to be uncon stitutional, ineffective and void in an opinion handed "do vn in (the United States district court by Judge John P. ; Kogers. lederal judge at Fort Smith, Ark., Bitting for Judge Phillips. ' Thei navy department has just com pleted the allotment among the states of the appropriation of $50,000 made for the assistance of the naval militia organizations. The allotments are smaller this year than heretofore, ow ing to the fact that while the organiza tion are increasing in number, hence , the effort now, being made to secure from congress an inorease of $60,000. Senator Wilson, of Washington, says that the amendment of Representative Ellis, which has been proposed to his bill to settle the land claims and con tests with the Northern Pacific, will result in defeating all legislation rela tive to the matter. Neither bill can . go through, he deolares, if they are to be amended. The senator hopes to get his provision made a part of the sundry civil bill. ' According to a report plaoed before President McKinley there are now , available for military ,duty in the United States 10,073,716 able-bodied , men, and of these 112,083 are already in the militia, forming the nuoleuB of a tremendous fighting force. This is without considering the 'keleton United States array, whioh' could on short notice recruit up to 100,000 men. : , It can be stated positively no river and harbor bill will be reported at this session of congress. The house lead ers are opposed to more river and har bor bills, and the friends of the bill on the committee believe it will be better to wait until the short session after the congressional elections next fall, when a complete and comprehensive bill can be reported, rather than attempt to pass an inadequtae bill at this session. Senator MoBride of Oregon, has re ported from the committee on oom- , merce his amendment to the diplo matic and consular appropriation bill, providing for a consulate" at Vladivo etock, with a salary of $2,500, and also for a oonsulate at Rossland, B. C, at a' salary of $2,000. These amendments Senator McBride intends to urge before the senate when the diplomatio and consulate appropriation bill is consid- ered. , In view of the warlike preparations being made by Chile, the government of Argentina has decided to purchase three , warships and arms for 150,000 men. The people of Argentina are en thusiastic over the possibilities of war. Many public officials have offered to give part of their salaries for buying ; warships. It is not generally believed that war is imminent, but the people consider it their duty to prepare for an emergenoy in case Chile should refuse to fulfill her promises in the boundary treaties. '' The steamer El ler plying between ' Portland and Alaska ports, reports an " exoeedinly rough trip down. The Bea was the worst the crew and officers of the Elder have ever e'nooontered, and, owing to her being without ballast, all control of the vessel was lost, and it ;. was only owing to the vigilance of the officers that she was saved from going with a crash on one of the thousands of small islands in this district. She was forced to remain at sea for 86 hours. The gale, while it lasted, was terrific, and attained a velocity of at least 100 miles an hour. The vessel's propeller blades were broken and slid was cora pelled to lay over at Nanaimo for .repairs. . ' At Philadelphia the birthday' anni versary of George Washington was com memorated with appropriate exercises at the Academy of Music. The feature - of the day was an address to the stu . dents of the university of Pennsylvania, delivered by, President MoKinley. The president paid an eloquent tribute, to the memory, of the Father of Our Country, and from his life and deeds drew a lesson as to the duties of the American people of today. At Chi cago, ex-President Harrrison delivered . an address before the Union League Club, ohoosing as his subject, "The Duties of Wealth." At numerous other cities the occasion was appropriately observed. CORBETT CASE ENDED, The Senate Decides Against the Gov ernor's Appointee. Washington, March 2. Former Vioe President Stevenson was a visitor on the senate floor at the opening of the session today. A bill extending the time for the construction of a bridge across the Missouri at Yankton, S. D., was passed. i ' Hoar, chairman of the judioiary com mittee, moved the senate nonconour in the house amendments to the bank ruptcy bill, and that a committee of conference be appointed. Stewart objected to the appointment of a committee on conference and the matter went oyer until tomorrow. Hon. H. W. Corbett was today de nied admission to the senate as a sena tor from Oregon on the appointment by the governor, by the decisive vote of 60 to 19. Speeohes were made to- day against the admission of Corbett by Bacon (Ga.) and Burrows (Mioh.) and in favor of his admission by Mor gan (Ala.). After disposing of the Corbett case, the senate began the con sideration of the Alaska homestead and railway right of way bill, and had not concluded it when it adjourned. i The house passed the sundry civil ap propriation bill today after a four days' debate. . The most important action to day was the elimination of an appro priation for representation at the Paris exposition on a point of order. The sudden change of - sentiment in the house, whioh is often witnessed when members go on record, was twioe illus trated today. Ou Friday last the house in committee of the whole, where there is no record of the vote, knocked out a provision in the bill for an appropria tion to pay those who furnish the gov ernment with information ' relative to violaters of the internal revenue laws, and today, in committee an extra month's pay was voted to the employes of the house. Both of these proposi tions commanded a very respectable majority in the committee, but when the members voted on roll calls in the house, both of them were overwhelm ingly defeated. - . Several minor bills were passed after the sundry civil bill was passed. I Millions for Defense.. Washington, March 2. Representa tive Bromwell (Rep. O.) today intro duced in the house the following reso lution: ; "That the secretary .of the navy be and is hereby authorized, whenever in his judgment it shall become expedi ent for the best- interests' of the coun try to do so, to seoiire options upon and consummate the purchase of such battle-ships, cruisers, rams, 'torpedo-boats or other form of naval vessels as are of the most modern type, and ready for immediate use, together with tbe nec essary armament and equipment for the same, as In his judgment are neo essary to plaoe the naval strength of the country upon a proper footing for immediate hostilities with any foreign power with which the same may be threatened, and for the purpose of con summating such purchases there is hereby appropriated the sum of, $20, 000,000 to be immediately available." The resolution was referred :. to the naval committee. SEVENTEEN ARE DEAD. An Epidemic Sweeping Over the City of Skagway. Nanaimo, . B. C March 2. The eteamer Oregon arrived here this after noon from Skagway and Dyea. She had a number of passengers who are re turning home disgusted with Alaska. Before the Oregon - left ' Skagway, 17 deaths from cerebro spinal meningitis 'were reported in 24 hours." Among the dead, the only names as certained were B. . Austrander, of Port land, Or.; . Monte41o,of Des Moines, la. j .Jones Hawbacher, of Astoria, Or.; George Baker, of Everett, Wash.'; a child named Atkins, of Albany, and a boy named Anderson. Dr. O. B. Estes, of Astoria, who was a passenger on the Oregon, predicts that the number of deaths will soon run into the hundreds. The steamer Mamie reports that a steamship oaught on fire in Semour narrows. Her name was not obtaina ble, but it is thought that she was from Vancouver, B. C. The fire was extinguished and the steamer proceeded north. Behrlng Sea Seizures. . . .- Washington, March 2. The presi dent today sent to the senate a full rec ord of the 1 proceedings between the United States and Great Britain in the arbitration relating to the compensa tion for the seizure of British ships in Behring sea under the treaty of 1892. The collection of documents inoludes the correspondence and notes of a dip lomatic character bearing on the sub ject, but most of these bear date prior to the making of the award. A state ment of the government counsel, Don M. Dickinson, Robert Lansing and Charles B. Warren, is appended, in which they say: ' "If there are serious questions as to the validity of the award in the light of precedent and authority, in view of the history of the controversy, and in the exitsing conditions, as well as be cause of the comparatively small amount of the aggregate awarded, we venture to express the hope that the re sult will be accepted by our government." in liiE-Mi Belief GrowingThat the Maine Disaster Was Design. PRESIDENT DESIRES A DELAY Wants Time to Make Necessary Prepar- atlons for "War Congressmen Discuss Subject With Much Seriousness. Chicago, March. 1. The Tribune has this dispatch from 'Washington: It is a significant fact that within the last two days there has . been a remark able change of opinion in the navy de partment in regard to the explosion of the Maine. : When the first news ar rived here last week experts at the de partment were nearly evenly divided as between an accident and design. But today, after studying the later re ports, and especially the photographs sent from Havana, nine out of ten of the officers at the department express the belief that the Maine was anchored over a submarine mine. The ' only difference of opinion seems to be as to whether . that mine was exploded by Spanish offloers acting under orders or by some enthusiast. The latter opin ion is generally held, but it is said that this does not lessen in any great degree th responsibility of Spain for the horrible catastrophe. If the Span ish officers allowed the warship to be moored to a buoy which was attached to a submarine mine they thereby be came responsible for the result, whether the mine was exploded by official or ders or not.., The placing of the mine in an exposed place in a harbor, if it was done at all, was done by Spanish officers, and if the mine Was exploded by anybody at all they were directly responsible. . . ;'- The Chromole's ' dispatches of the same day are even more specific, as fol lows: The- president is striving to postpone as long as possible the crisis whioh is almost certain to be precipi tatedby the report of the board of in quiry . commissioned to investigate the destruction of the battle-ship Maine. In the inner circles of the adminis tration it is no longer pretended that the Maine was blown up by accident. Good authority is given for the as sertion that Mr. McKinley has had in his possession for three days positive evidence showing that the Maine was destroyed by external agencies. The Spanish authorities are aware of the faot that the president has this evidence in his possession, and they have sent messages which have been kept from the public, disavowing all responsibility for the act and offering to make humble apology, as well as monetary compensation for the damage inflicted; and, in short, to do anything which may be done honorably to pre vent war between Spain and the United States. . The evidence in the president's hands fails to disclose the identity of the men who are responsible for the awful crime. At least three persons are concerned, ffnd one of them Is known to be a Span ish officer. It is not doubted that all the guilty parties will be identified and promptly put to death by - the Spanish officials at Havana. .' This' information has come to 'me, says the correspondent," from a reliable source. I firs.t learned it . yesterday; but at that time I could not be sure of its accuracy. Developments during the last 24 hours have convinced me of its truth. President McKinley desires delay for two reasons. First, he wants the present excitement to subdue. Second, lie wants time to prepare , for war, whioh may be .caused at most any day by act of congress. ' . It is hardly necessary to say that the president will do all he can to avoid war. While he expects the finding of the court of inquiry to corroborate the evidence now in his possession,' he still holds to the belief that Spain's offer to make full satisfaction will be accepted by the American people. " The change of sentiment in the de partments is plainly evident. The' screws have been loosened and subor dinate officials are permitted' to talk. They no longer argue that the Maine was destroyed by accident. , r They say: "Oh. it will not be nec essary for us to fight even if it turns out that the ship was destroyed by de sign. Spain will be asked to make amends, and if she complies in the right spirit, that ought to satisfy the people." . - But that kind of talk is not. heard at the capitol. The senators and repre sentatives in cloakrooms and corridors disouss the question with more serious ness as it becomes more apparent that they will soon be called upon to faoe a grave responsibility, They insist that if the Maine was blown up by design, it was due to Spanish treaohery and that blood alone can atone .for the crime. They regard was in such an event as inevitable. Lebanon. Mo.. March 1. Yesterdav the boiler at Bunch's mill at Ryan, 25 miles southeast of here, blew out, knocking Bnnch 80 feet into the saw- bit. He crawled out of tbe sluioe of hot water, and walked a quaiter of a mile to his home with the flesh falling from his body. After Buffering inten sely for 10 hours he died. A CLASH MAY FOLLOW. Inflammatory Circulars Being Scattered .Broadcast New York, March 2. The World prints the following circular, which it says is being distributed on the streets of Havana: "Spaniard Without Conditions Long live Spain with honor. ' It is time we leave at one side lying decep tions and puerile fears. It is neces sary, Vven if we all succumb in the fight, not to stand the impositions of that proud and ' ambitious ' nation which at'every moment, taking advan tage of the weakness of the liberal gov ernment, menaces its and throws down the gauntlet. , Providence is taking our part, and if not, see what has hap pened to that vessel to which they con fided all their power. "It is necessary to go to the ballot box to offer all obstacles to autono mists, because with them and their coming into power things have occur red that never happened when we (con servatives) were in power. "Under the new colonial system has occurred the accident to the Maine. They have allowed the dead of a hos tile nation to be placed in the palace and a thousand other things to bring us conflicts. So we repeat the phrases of the orator Romero Rubio, We will go anywhere except to autonomy; and let us also take note that the valiant General Weyler, whom we ought to elect a deputy for Havana, second us. We have on our side the army, the volunteers, the navy and the people. "What do you do, that yon allow yourselves to be insulted in this man ner? Do you not see what they have done to us by removing our brave and beloved Weyler? . At this hour he would have made an end of this vile insurgent rabble that tramps on our flag and on our honor. They force au tonomy on ua to cast us aside and give the positions of honor and command to those who initiated this rebellion these iH-born autonomists, ingrate sons of our beloved land. And last, these dirty Yankees,' who meddle in our affairs, humiliating us to the last de gree, as a further taunt send us one of the war vessels of their rotten navy, after insulting us in their newspapers in our own house. ' "Spaniards, the time of action has arrived. Slumber not. Let us show those vile traitors that we have not yet loBt honor, and that we know how ' to protect it with energy of a worthy and strong nation. . ; , "Death to the Americans! Death to autonomy II Long live Spain! Long live Weyler 1" . ' : BUSINESS IN HAVANA. The Maine Court of Inquiry Will Return .to Cuba. Washington, March 2. At the clojae of office hours a telegram came to the navy department from Admiral Sicard at Key,West, in the following terms: "Key West, March 2. To the Secre tary of the Navy, Washington: Court of inquiry will commence session at Key West today. .They must resume session at Havana to receive reports from divers, after further work on the wreck." ' ' SICARD." :. The important feature of this is the declaration that the court will return to Havana. It sets at rest the rumors that have been current for days past, that the court was not to rethrn to Havana, for the reason that it had dis covered the cause of the sinking of the Maine, which was not an accident, and that they had consequently no further business in Havana. One important deduction to be drawn from the message was that the report of the. court of in quiry .can soaroely be expected for sev eral weeks to come. , , The court will be occupied at Key West for peveral days at least in taking the testimony of the survivors there. Then, upon the return to Havana, it . is expected that a good deal of time must elapse before the divers can get through the mud which now encompasses the lower pait of the wreck of the Maine, and examine the bottom. After this is done, the court must deliberate in order to secure an agreement upon their find ings. The prevalent belief at the navy department is that up to this moment the court has not undertaken to com pare notes and endeavor to reach such an agreement. LITTLE WORK DONE. Divers Experience Great Difficulty in Recovering Bodies. r ' - Havana, March 2. Little work was done today by the divers from the tug Right Arm. Captain Magee, who is in charge, seemed to lack authority from the wrecking people or others, and is indisposed to work on his own judg ment, exoept in smaller details. Captain Sigsbee was on board the light-house tender Fern until 2 o'olock this afternoon. He waited for the Spanish divers but they did not appear. Captain Sigsbee thinks Spain has a moral and international right to make an independent examination, and he will give the Spanish divers such facil ities as are possible. Captain Sigsbee hopes the survey steamer Bachewill re turn to the Tortugas tomorrow or the next day with all the Maine's wounded left here, and he also hopes to send on the Bache hereafter the remains of the dead recovered in a condition making it possible to place them, in coffins. The difficulty experienced in recovering the bodies is not understood by any but thedivers. i Fate of Newspapers ' and A Statesmen in France. THE REPUBLIC IS IN DANGER Army Officers Expelled, . Lawyers Dis .'Charred and Correspondents Warned What It Will Terminate in. Paris, Feb. 28. The new dictator ship has decided to suppress the free dom of speech and the freedom of the press. '-, ' ' This deoision was announced by Meline in the chamber of deputies thU afternoon. ; Four newspapers tonight were not! fled that anuless they cease discussing the Dreyfus oampaign tomorrow they Will be rigorously prosecuted. V A number of correspondents of ' for eign newspapers were warned that un less they abandon their hostile dis patches they will be expelled from France. ' .-, It is even asserted that Blowitz, the correspondent of the London Tim es, was also warned.. ' Because of his courageous action as an officer in the ; war department and in the Zola trial, Colonel Plcquart, by a decree issued tonight. was expelled from the army and placed under three years of police surveillance. ' vThe lawyer who advised, him has been suspended from the bar; Esterhazy has received official per miesion to prosecute Mathieu" Dreyfus. '. The announcement was made that more rigorous measures . of the .same high-handed policy will soon beprom- -i j - -. ' - Concluding his official warn ing, Me line said: "I trust it will be understood that if tbe agitation continues after' yester day's verdict we shall be in the pres ence of a party issue. Enough evil has already been done internally. . The life, of the nation has been checked. A part of the foreign press denounces us. -This must be stopped, in the in terests of peace, of the army, and of our foreign relations. The government must deal with the wound it desires to heal, and it will impose silence upon everybody. It will take such dis ciplinary measures as the circum stances demand. Nobody can continue the agitation in good faith, and after tomorrow the government will' sup press all attempts to continue it. The government is applying, the laws at its disposal, and if the weapons are Insuffi cient, it will ask for more." (Gpat tumult). "The vote of this house will prove that when patriotism is Involved, thereare no parties. Everybody ral lies under that flag." A CUT AT SAN FRANCISCO. The Canadian Pacific Makes Low Rate to the East. San FrancLco, Feb. 28. The ana dian Pacific threw a bombshell into the camp of the 'American railroad agents this morning by announcing that tick ets would be sold from San Francisco to New York via Vancouver at $40 first-class and $30 second-class. The lowest first-class rates by the Central and -. Union Paoiflo are $79.' Agents here say that east-bound : business by the Canadian road is slight at this sea son, and they don't fearjdemoralization, but they recognize the danger to Klon dike business if these rates are enforced in tbe East., In fact, 'the Southern Pacific will have to meet the cut or see all Klondike travel go to Victoria and Seattle. - Everything depends on the Chicago meeting. If the Canadian Pa cific cannot be placated then the South ern Pacifio will be compelled to cut the present rates nearly in half. - Crushed to Death. San Francisco, Feb. 28. Charles Lapan, superintendent of construction on the Call building,' was instantly' killed this afternoon, in the freight elevator on the Third-street side of the building. , i Lappan was at work in the' base ment, and stepped on the freight eleva tor. It is believed he pulled the wrong rope, and when the elevator started up, attempted to jump out. His body was caught between the floor of the eleva tor and the first floor and was terribly crashed. Death must have been in stantaneous, for his whole chest was crushed to a pulp. Will Not Sell Cuba. , , London, Feb. 28. The Standard's Madrid correspondent says that he has found by an exhaustive canvass that all parties are amazed and indignant at the suggestion that Spain should sell Cuba, saying that it meant that tbe monarchy would be menaced by an ir resistable popular movement. supported by the army and nary. The financiers make the practioal objection that, vas tbe Cuban debt is almost entirely held by Spaniards, the ' price suggested would not satisfy half the compensa tion required. None of the minister! would entertain the suggestion. . . Shipments From Canadian Points. ' Ottawa, Feb. 28. The Canadian government has decided to permit Can adian goods to be shipped from Van couver and Viotoria in American ves sels free of duty by St. Miohaels to the Xkon for the coming season THE PRESIDENT'S VIEWS. War With Spain Not Inevitable, but th , Situation Is Grave. Chicago, Feb. 28. The Tribune this morning prints the following peoial from Washington: To a senator who called upon him yesterday in order to ask some serious questions as to the policy of the admin istration, President MoKinley, with the utmost frankness, uttered the following words: . . . "I do not propose to do anything at all to aocelerate war wifih Spain. Up to the. present I do not think war is either necessary or inevitable. I would be lax in my duty, however, if I did not prepare for the future. The situa tion is grave, and the policy of the ad ministration will be determined almost entirely, by the course of events from time to time. There is no necessity of alarming the people, but congress must be ready to assist the administration without making too many inquiries as to the course of current events." '. There is no doubt oi the fact that the government of the United States is actually preparing for war with Spain. It is not inevitable that war will follow, but the activity is too unmistakable to be 'concealed. The president and lis cabinet unite in the belief still, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, that the explosion of the Maine was an unfortu nate acoident, but they reoognize the fact that the contrary may prove true at almost any hour, and that if it is shown even inferentially that Spain had a hand in the oatastrophe there will be but one thing to do, and that will be to seize the island of Cuba by force of arms. At no time since the war of the rebellion has the military branch of the government been so active as it is today. . It is a significant fact that within the last two days there has been a remark able change ot opinion in the navy de partment in regard to the explosion on the Maine. When the first news arrived here last week experts at the depart ment were nearly divided as between accident and design, but today after studying the late reports, and especially photographs sent from Havana, nine out of ten of tbe offloers of the depart ment express the belief that the Maine was anchored over a submarine mine. The only difference of opinion seems to be as to "whether the mine was ex ploded by Spanish officers acting under orders, or by .Borne enthusiast. The latter opinion is generally held, but it is said that this does not lessen in any degree the responsibility of Spain for the horrible catastrophe. ; , If the Spanish officers allowed the warship to be moored to a' buoy which was attached to a submarine 'mine, they thereby beoame responsible for the result, whether the mine was ex ploded by Offioial orders or not. The placing of the Maine in an exposed place in the harbor if it was done at all, was done by Spanish officers, and if the, mine was exploded by anybody at ' all, they were directly responsible, and will be so held by President McKin ley 's administration. RELIEF FOR MAINE VICTIMS. Bill for That Purpose Introduced Into the House. : Washington, Feb. 26. Representa tive Boutelle, of Maine, chairman of the house committee on naval affairs, introduced a bill this afternoon provid ing for the relief of the victims of th -battle-ship Maine. It follows generally the lines of the Samoan disaster relief bill of 1890, and is the result of sev eral ' days' conference , in committee, and embodies the views of the admin istration. Boutelle had a-conference with President McKinley today,, at which he went over with him the pro posed legislation, and later submitted the measure at an informal, meeting of some of the committee. It will be re ferred back to the committee immedi ately, and its passage expedited. The bill provides for the payment of 13 months' pay to the widows or child ren, or, if there be no such, to the parents, or if neither of these, to the brothers and sisters of each of these killed in the Maine disaster. In addi tion, the legal heirs of each ot the vic tims shall receive any arrears . of pay due at the time of death. It is pro vided also that any allotments previ ously made by any of the deceased to any relatives of the men montioned shall be continued for' three months, the amounts so paid to be deducted from the 13 months' pay otherwise al lowed. . .. THAT SUBTERRANEAN PASSAGE. Spaniards Confess There Is a Mine Under the Harbor Entrance. ; Havana, Feb. 26. In ' connection with the olaim made by the Cubans that there are mine galleries under the harbor of Havana, leading from sub terranean passages and known to have existed for years,, between Fort Caban as, Morro castle, nd this port, the Spaniards explain that for over a cen tury, a subterranean passage about two miles long and eight feet wide at its narrowest diameter, oapable of giving passage to a column of troops, has ex isted from the navy-yard to Castillo del Principe. But, the Spaniards further assert, the existence of this passage was not known to the present authorities, or to those who have been in power for many years past. The entrance and exit, it is added, have been closed for years past, by thick walls now oovered with debris, and their exact location il aid to be lost. - -: : , -. ...-.'