5ood liver Slacier. ' Published every Friday by S. F. Blythe. Terms of Subscription -S1.50 a year when paiu in auvance; sss 11 noi paid in advance. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, IS98. Minister De Lome, the Spanish en voy at Washington, in a private letter to Canalejas, the Madrid editor, who recently visited the United States and Cuba, wrote very disrespectfully President MeKinley. The letter was stolen by a Cuban "patriot" in Havana before reaching the person addressed and has since teen made public De Lome did notdeny itsauthenticlty, bu telegraphed his resignation to Madrid and his successor has been appointed Our government, of course, took steps to give De Lome his walking papers. Americans exercise the right to crlt izise and condemn the president of the United Stales when they see fit, but when a representative of a foreign gov eminent undertakes to abuse our chief executive it becomes an insult that is resented by the whole people. All preliminary arrangements for the establishment of a Grand Army of the Republic colony in Matagorda county Texas, have been made, and the first Installment of eight hundred families from Minnesota and Dakota will arrive at their new home in about two weeks, The colony will occupy 22,000 ' acres of rich land. Some of the colonists will come from the New England States. The Autelnpe Herald, after copying the remarks of the Glacier of two weeks, ago on county politics, adds "Of course that section of. the county is entitled to the Commissioner and .will get it, and if Mr. dinger is nom inated for sheriff he will be elected too." .Custom-house records show that shipments of American fruit to Ger many have risen steadily from $178,421 in value in the fiscal year 1894 to $1,- 080,304 in 1897 and $1,217,439 in the first half of the current fiscal year. The Wasco county central commit tees of the democratic and people's par ties, at their, meetings in The Dalles last week, adopted resolutions favoring fusion of all parties opposed to the re publicans. Loss of the Battle-ship Maine. An explosion occurred on board the United States battle-ship Maine, lying , 111 Havana hftrhnr. An t.hfl nltrhf. nf February 15th. Over 200 of the crew were killed and many wounded and the ship is a total loss.. The explosion is a mystery, but it is. thought to have been caused by the accidental igniting or a miigr.zine on uoara. v;upt. sigsbee nun fill rn omnprs nnr. turn wpra buvmI The explosion shook the whole city and broke every window... The ship was commissioned in 1895 and cost $2,- The latest telephone bulletin received at Williams & rosins' drug store as we go to press is as follows: - , . i oktjj and, ur., jet. 17, 8 a. m. The number of dead in the Maine ex ploxion is 254. Our government has ordered an immediate investigation. There are rumors of Spanish treachery. Capt. Sigsbee is reported as saying the explosion was not an accident. Spain has expressed regret.' The news of the loss of the steamer Clara Nevada is confirmed. At Barrett School House. Editor Glacier: The Lincoln night at the Barrett school house, by the Cascade Gushers, was an overflow as far as to numbers and a general deluge as 10 patriotic tnougnt. At roll call the members responded to their names by giving a quotation from the great .cmaiicijmior, ana me readings and recitations were all on the same theme, until a good history of Lincoln could be learned at the short exercise. J. H. Shoemaker read an interesting paper on the downfall of slavery. C. E. Cop pie spoke entertainingly on the topic w me evening, and m. r. lsenoerg so captured the Gushers by his eloquence as to win a merited vote of thanks. Hood River School. The Hood River public school opened Monday, February 14th, with a total enrollment of 111 pupils, as follows: In Prof.Allard's room Eighth grade, 11 pupils; seventh grade, 13. In Miss Graham's room Sixth grade, is pupils; nnti, iu; fourth, 21. In Miss Stevens' room Third grade, an pupiis; second grade, is; nrst grade, 1 22 Tuition for outside pupils has been raised from $1.50 to $2 per month. Democratic County Convention. The democratic county central com mittee, at its meeting last Saturday, fixed the date for the county conven tion ofl Saturday, March 19th, and rec ommended that the primaries be held March 12th, to elect delegates to the convention. The convention will be composed of 91 delegates, giving the precincts representation as follows: Falls 6 Kast Hood River 6 Eight-Mile 8 Nansene 8 West Hood River 4 liiildwin 2 Mosler 4 Durur B Ramsey 2 Bakeoveu 2 Tygh 8 Oak Grove 4 Wamio , 6 Kinsley 4 Antelope 8 Vlento 2 West Dulles g Treavitt 0 Ulgolow 6 East Dalles.... 9 Columbia 2 Deschutes . 2 Walter Rice, the young man who forged F. E. Jackson's name to u check, about a month ago, has been sent to the penitentiary lor one year. The young man McBee, who was charged with purloining handkerchiefs from Wood worth & Ha nlla'ti store, was discharged by the grand jury. The County convention of the pie's party will be held March M.d I he primaries March 12th. peo 19 th The De Lome Letter. Legation De Espana, Washing ton. Eximo SeuorDon Jose Canalejas, My Distinguished and Dear Friend: you need not apologize for not having written to me; I also ought to have written to you, but nave not done soon account of being weighed down with work and nous sommes qulttes. The situation here continues tin changed. Everything depends on the political and military success in Cuba. Ihc prologue of this second method of wariare will end t lie day that the col onial cabinet shall be appointed, and it relieves us in the eyes of this country of a part of the responsibility of what may happen there, and they must cast the responsibility upon the Cubans, whom t bey believe to be so immaculate! Until then we will not be able to see clearly, and I consider it to be a loss of time and uii advance by the wrong road the sending of emissaries to the rebel Held, the negotiating with the auton omists not yet deciured to be legally constituted, and the discovery of the intentions and purpose of this govern ment. . The exiles will return one by one, and, when they return, will come walking into the sheepfold, and the chiefs will uradually return. Neither of these bad the courage to leave en masse, and they will not have thecour age thus to return. The message bus undeceived the insurgents, who ex nected something else, and has para1 lyzed the action of congress, but 1 con aider it bad. Besides the natural and inevitable coarseness with which he repeats ali that the press and public opinion of Spain has said or vveyier, 1 shows once more what MeKinley is weak and catering to the public, and besides, a low politician, who desires to leave a door open to me and to stand well with the jingoes of his party. . Nevertheless, as a matter of fact, it will only depend on ourselves whether ne will prove bad and adverse to us. J agree entirely witli you; without a mil Itary success nothing will be accom plished there, and without military and political success there is here al ways danger that the insurgents will be encouraged, ir not by the govern ment, at least by partof publicopinion, I do not believe you pay enough at tention to t tie role of Jinnlann. jNearlv all toat newspaper canaille which swarms in your hotel are English, and at the same time that they are corre spondents of the Journal, they are also correspondents of the best newspapers and reviews ot London. Thus it has been since the beginning. To my mind the only object of England is that the Americans should occupy themselves with us and leave her in peace, and if tnere is a war, so much the better; that would turtner remove wbat is threat ening tier although that will never Happen. It would be most Important that vou should agitate the question of commer cial relations, even though it would be only for effect, and that you should send here a man of importance in order that I might use him to make a prop aganda among the senators and others in opposition to the junta and to win over exiles. There goes Amblard. I believe he comes too deeply taken up with little political matter, and there must be something very great or we shall lose. Adeia returns your salutation, and we wish you in the hew year to be a messenger of peace and take this New I ear's present to poor epain. Always your attentive friend and servant who kisses your hand. .ENRIQUE DEPUY DE LOME, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Always . i-roves luieciuai. There are no better medicines on the market than Chamberlain's. We have used the Cough Remedy when all others failed, and in every instance it proved etlectuai. Almost daily we bear the virtues of Chamberlain's remedies extolled by those who have used them. This is not an empty puff, paid for at so much a line, but is voluntarily if i veil In good faith, In the hope thatsunenng Humanity may try these remedies and, like the writer, be benefited. From tie uienyuie (W. Va.) Fathflnder. For sale by Williams & Brosius. ... , . Bounty In Ulood Deep. Clean blood means a clean akin. beauty without it. Cascarets. Candv Cathar- tic clean your blood and keep' it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish oimoies.- hniU. hlnfnhea hlnrLlioli and that sickly bilious Complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satibfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. A thrill of terror is experienced when a brassy , cough sounds through the house at night. But the terror soon changes to relief after . One Minute Cough Cure has been administered. Safe and harmless for children. ' Will iams & Brosius. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke lour Life imr. To quit tobacco easily and torever. be mag netic, full ot life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Bac. the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60c or tl. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. For Sale or Rent. 120 acres, 8Vi miles from town, for gale or rent, whole or In part. Also, wheat and oats hay for sale. - JOHN SIPMA. Fruit Ranch for Sale. 40 acres. 2 miles from town. AH kinds nf iruit; 2 acres in strawberries; natural water privileges: bearing: orchard. Terms reason able. W. J. CAMPBELL. Gratis. Many choice fruit trees, nut trees, roses.etc.. are given away every year to those who favor me wltn their orders. These are Just such things as other nurserymen charge double for, out I grow them to present to my cus tomers, and shall continue to do so. 11. U. xSATEHAM. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles. Oreiron. Feb. 1A. 1898. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his lnten. tion to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be mude before the Register and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday , March 2d, 1898, viz: GUST W. JOHNSON, Of Mosler, Hi E. No. 8774, fbf the west K north- wen. ?4 mm wet suuiu wet ?4 secnon o, township 3 north, range 12 east. W. M. He names the following wUiipiuihii tr nmv. his continuous residence upon and cultiva-J won ui, nam muu, vis; Amos Hoot. Axle Peterson. Thomas Mv Clure and William- MoClure, all of Mosler, Oreiron. - -fl8ui25 r JAS. F. MOORE, Register, , BohSleds. Two good pairs of bob sleds a heavy and a light puir Ibi-jmle. Inquire of m . ii. cox,. AMl ! lilts of Pjlls. All Knights and members of the Order of tnis place are requested to assemble at tneir Castle Hall on Sunday, February 20th, at 7 o'clock, P. M., sharp, to form In line of march to M. E. church, for recognizing proper ser vices of the anniversary of the Order. , J. B. HUNT, K. B. S. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25a. It C. C. C. fail to euro, druggists refund money. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACT lve gentlemen or ladies to travel for re sponsible, established house in Oregon. Month ly (W5 and expenses. Position steady. Refer ence, Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago. Land for Rent. I have 20 acres, more or less, of good land in cultivation that I will rent on reasonable terms. Will furnish tools, team and seed. Apply to CHAS. CHANDLER, f!8 Hood River, Or. Water Notice. All persons wish I ne water of the Vallev Improvement Company must have their ap plications filed with the Secretary by the last jMonaay in r eDruary. C. E. COPPLE. 118 Secretary. 15 Acres for Sale. V 4 miles from town, on Hood rlvei- 5 acres under cultivation, balance all slashed; o acres in sirawDerries; plenty or water; nouse ana all kjiius oi iruii. rricejijuu. Aaaress fit , GEO. LOY, Hood River, Or. Hay for Sale. Oreeon wild timothy hay. baled, for sale at $i-.ou per ion. .terms casn. i III J. W. MOUTUJN. f. . OA Large Pages Every ajl Kf Week for Only pA.OV The semi-weekly Republic, the best creneral newspaper printed In the world, containing all the uews In eight pages twice a week, and The Republic Model Magazine one vear for (1.60. j. be Republic Sunday Maeazine was the newspaper success of 1897. A home journal of ine oesi class, is large pages every week, 4 paces of fun, 14 pases of the brightest and best reading printed, tt contains more high-class pictures and cartoonB than were ever attempt ed in any other publication. More noted writers and artists contribute to The Reoub- lio Magazine than to any other Western pub lication. The Magazine will be sold onlv In connec tion with the semi-weekly Republic, but is mailed separately on Friday of each week. Address all orders 10 THE REPUBLIC, .St. Louis, Mo. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver. Wash.. Feb. 8. 18U8. Notice is hereby given that thefollow-intc-named settler has Hied notice of his In tention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. K. Dunbar, United States Commissioner for District of Washington, at. his office in Goldendale, Wash., on March 2f; vm, viz: WILLIAM P. SMITH, Homestead Entry No. 8592. for the north M of southwest southwest i4 of southwest sec tion 00, anu uoriueasb 01 soutueust sec tion 34 all, township 8 north, range 12 east, Will. Mer. He names the following witnesses to nrove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Robert A. Struthers, Chris Franlen. John Kureand William O. A. Markmann, all of Lyle P. O., Washington. mnus jo. r. ohaw, register. Do You Want To buy land in Hood River Valley. If so, don' t fail to See Tucker! Fruit Land. Berry Land. Grain Land, or Hay land, at prices you can't equal In the valley. , B. R. l'UCKKR, Tucker, Or. For Sale or Exchange. The best Hay ranch, or an apple or straw berry farm, already In bearing. Cheap for cash or exchange for stock merchandise. JZl A. S. BLiUWliKS. To Rent or Lease. TtJC CKER'S MILL, for one vear or number of years. Power for 20,000 to 25.000 feet of lum ber per day. uan oencreased to any amount oesirea. would possiDiysen ir cannot rent. J14 B. R. TUCKER, Tucker, Or. New Photographer. I have ODened the NeflT sallerv in Hnod River, where I can be found on Frldavs and Saturdays of each week, prepared to do good work In Photography. My charges will be reasonaoie ana sausmeuon guaranteed, j have a new and complete set of instruments. Farm produce will be taken in part payment. Come and Settle. Havinsr cone out of business here at Hood River, I would like to see- my old customers come around once more with a smile on their faces and pay their little accounts some of uiem nave 10 seuie. . J28 .. M. H. NICKELs EN. "Up to date" PAPER HANGINGS. Just received from the Potter Wall Paner Manufacturing Co. of Chicago. ' New and beautiful designs. Harmonious combinations. Over one thousand patterns to select from. n White Blanks. Gilts. Embossed Gilts. Bronzes, Ingrains and Varnished Tiles. All at prices that should be a surnrise to residents of Hood River and vicinity. Can sell you Gilts as low as FOUR CENTS Der single roll; Borders and other styles at pro- 1ui tiuuui rus. Those contemplating papering will find It to meir interest hj see me unaersignea oerore investing. Drop a postal, and I shall be pleased to call on vou with full line of sam ples. - E. H. PICKARD. ' Farm for Sale. On the east side of Hood river, on the coun ty road, 6 miles from railroad station, I offer 860 acres all In a body; 80 acres in cultivation: 1,600 fruit trees, mostly winter apples; half of tliem bearln?: 80 acres in winter irraln. The Kast Fork Irrigating Co.'s ditch will run through the place and every acre can be irri gated. Fine spring for house use. My price is $14 per acre for the whole place; timber or uncultivated land in 20 or 40 acre lots, from 88 to (10 per acre. Inquire at Glacier office or of JOHN LENZ, Hood River. For Sale. Two small farms close to Hood River, all Improved. Seven acres set to strawberries. Houses, barns, sheds, orchards, wells, etc. Terms easy. Address T. R. COON. 160 Acres of Land Located on Hood river, SJ miles from town of Hood River. Ftee from wind and frost. Will sell whole or in part, from one acre to 1( 0, Inquire of . J. H. FERGUSON. CLYDE Co1"u.3clToIx- PACKING AND FRUITS AND Highest cash price paid for Stock, Fresh and To state right here, that which possibly has been left to inference, that our time prices are such as you pay else where on any terms. We HAVE NOT raised our time prices, and give them prominence only to show the saving TO YOU in our cash prices, which areinva i riahle reductions from the usual and in many instances ' established manufacturers' prices. r We have some new goods, just in . Tooth Brushes, from Hair Brushes, from Nail Brushes, from Shaving Brushes, from Combs in all styles, from .-. Soaps, for the toilet, from... Who shows you finer soaps than your 'druggist? Our aim has always been to' keep such soap as would, give absolute satisfaction. Come in and see this new ' , lot, cheaper thau you ever before bought. We can sell you Columbian Spirits, as good for every use except drinking as alcohol, for 50c a qtiarc bottle. Try to get It elsewhere and note the price. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS, Hood. lEiver Pliarmacy; " The Corner Drug Store." AGRICULTURAL Vehicles of all kinds. Canton Clipper Plows and Cultivators. Best you In money to give me a call. H. WOODWORTH & HANNA, (Successors to A. S. Blowers & Son) , v -DEALERS IN GENERAL SVierchasicSise. STOVES AND TINWARE, Also, Agent for OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS. Second door East of Glacier office. Hereafter I will sell for CASH only or its equivalent. Regarding prices, will say that I defy competition. Iam not afraid to meet competitive prices at any time. Meet me on Port land lines and I will meet you with Portland prices. Call and see NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver. Wash.. Jannarv lOPW. ilVMO JO tuj kivcu Mini. fcllC following named settlers have filed notice of tneir intention to make nnal proor in support of their claims, and that said proofs will be made before W. R. Dunbar, U. S. Commis sioner for District of Washington, at Golden dale, Wash., on March 15, 1888, viz: BERT C. DYMOND, ' : lllllltau i.3. lUIVf 1UI 11IC BMUll of northeast and south K of northwest section 5, township 5 north, range 12 east. Unmn.t.n rnln, Va "7VTi! ,Kn ........ 1. 1 W. M. Who names the following witnesses to nrove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Courtland Chnnman. Abl Lowell. Clans Staack and Charles W. Moore, all of Fulda r. u., w asningion. COURTLAND CHAPMAN. Homestead Entry No. 8377. for the north f. of southeast and east of south west Vi section ao, lownsiiip u norm, range ii east, w . ffi. Who names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence iitMn. and ctiltiva tion of, said land, viz: Bert C. Dymond, AbJ Lowell, Alex. Cheyne and. George '.V. Gilmer, all of Fulda P. O.. Washington. ABJ LUWELL. Homestead Entry No. 8495, for the southeast i section. 4, township 5 north, range Ueasl, W.M. Who names thefollowinv wttnpfuuaitn nrrvvn his continuous residence Upon, and cultiva- uun ui, baiq iuna, viz: CoUrtland Ohauman. Bert C. Dvmond. Roh. ert Cline and Charles W. Moore, all of Fulda . w w nsningion.- jiWml 13. V. SHAW, Register. ,T. BONNEY, Successor to ZEa.clsIri.g: Co. SHIPPING OF VEGETABLES. j Dealer and shipper of all kinds of 5 to 25c. worth 10 to 50 55 to 95c, worlh 75 to $1 50 15 to 25e, worth 25 to SO 10 to 85c, worth 25 to 50 5 to 25c, worth 10 to 50 5 to 15c, worth 10 to 25 IMPLEMENTS. Specialties: BfVe7ag- quality of goods at a low price. It will pay X F. DAVIDSON. S. E. BARTMESS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Feb. 7, 188. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notiee of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Tuesday.April 6, 1898, viz: CHARLES B. PRATHER, of Hood River, H. E. No. 8898, for the north southwest southeast section 9, township 2 north, range 11 east, W . M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: . Daniel Smith, Jason Rand, John Jackson and John Monroe, all of Hood River, Oregon. film 18 JAS. F. MOORE, Register. , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIOX. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Jan. 10, 1808. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on February 25, 18f8, viz: JAMES FOSS, TTfl V. Wa AIf (k. 1 ..T..K 1 and north yt northwest y. suction 8, township 1 south, range 10 east, W.M. no names ine roiiowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: , rnuotus p. r outs or 'ine Dalles. Oregon: J. N. Knight of Kingsley, Oregon! Peter L. Knudsen and D Oregon. R. Cooper of Mount Hood, JAS. F. MOORE, Register. 0 Nursery Stock for Sale. I have for sale 8,000 two-year-old apple trees of the best quality, consisting of Yellow New town, Spitzenburg. Baldwin, Lawver. Hyde's King, King ofTompkins County, Gravenstein and Wealthy. N. C. EVANS, slO Hood River Fruit Gardens. Mt. Hood Saw Mills, TOMLINSON BROS., Prop'rs. H MD PINE LUMBER. Of the best quality always on hand at price. to suit the times. - ,Jy24 Fresh Milk, Areated and deodorized, 5 cents a quart. F. H. BUTTON. bargains in teai estate 20 acres fine fruit land, is also good farm land; all cleared or under contract. 400 fence posts. 5,000 feet fence lumber. Cabin, etc. Price 8900. Make me a spot cash oiler. F. C. BROSIUS. The Glacier BARBER SHOP, GRANT EVANS. Prop'r, , Post Office Building, Hood River, Or. DR. M. A. JONES. First-Clas work. 'Ail work warranted This Great Cough Curb Dromotly euro where all others fail. Coughs, Croup, lor. Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it bag no rival: has cured thousands, and will curb you if taken in time. Sold by Druggists on a guar antee. For a Lame Back or Chest, use SHILOH'8 BELLADONNA PLASTKRJKo. s HILOHX CATARRH remedy; Have vou Catarrh ? This remedrisrusran. teed to cure you. Price, Wets. Injector free, For sale by H. A. YORK. Future comfort for present seeming economy, fcut buy the sewing machine with an estab lished reputation, that giiarv antees you long; and satisfac tory service, o j, -j tLMpiUULtaUWUIi ITS PINCH TENSION TENSION INDICATOR, (devices for regulating and showing the exact tension) are aa few of the features that emphasize 'the high grade character of the white. ' Send for our elegant H.T. catalog White Sewing Machine Co., CLEVELAND, 0. Skin Diseases. For the BDeedv and nermanent cnr of tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment i without an equal. - It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a nermanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching pile, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cady'a Condition Powders tor horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price , 25 cents . Sold bjr Forsale by Williams & Brosius. 1 Notice of Hearing of Final Account. In the County Court of Wasco County, State . of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Annie F. Rich, deceased. , Notice is hereby given that the final account of the Administrator of said estate has been filed with the clerk of the above named court, . and that . , Tuesday, March- 8, 1895, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, has been fixed as the time of hearing objections thereto and final determination thereof. Any person in terested in said matter may file his objection to the same In writing on or before that date. By order of Hon. Robert Mays, Judge ot said court. Dated February 1, 1898. E. E. SAVAGE, .fiml Administrator, - $1.00 Bottle. (& B A I One cent a dose. .jr' a.,if .f Jf. , . j.