The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 11, 1898, Image 4

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Borne Requirements That Are Indispen
able Miners Food Must Be Right.
The universal article of diet in that
country, depended upon and indispen
table, is bread or biscuit. And to
make the bread and biscuit, either in
the camp or upon the trail, yeast can
not be nsed lit must be baking now
der; and the powder manufactured by
the processes of the Royal Baking Pow
der Company, miners and prospeotors
have learned, is the only one which
will stand in that peculiar climate of
cold and dampness and raise the bread
s and msouit satisiactoriiy.
f These facta are very important for
' every one proposing to go to Alaska
and the Yukon country to know, for
ahould he be persuaded by some out
fitter to take one of the cheap brands
of baking powder it will oost just as
much to transport it, and then when
he opens it for use, after all his labor
In packing it over the long- and diffi
cult route, he will find a solid caked
mass or a lot of spoiled powder, with
no strength and useless. Such a mis
take might lead to the most serious re
sults. Alaska is no place in which to
expermient In food, or try to econo
. mizo with your stomach. For use in
such a climate, and under the trying
and fatiguing conditions of life and
labor in that country, everything must
be the best and moet useful, and above
all it is imperative that all food sup
plies shall have perfect keeping quali
ties. It is absurd to oonvey over such
difficult and expensive routes an artiole
that will deteriorate in transit, or
that will , be found when required for
use to have lost a great part of ' its
There is no better guide to follow
. in thoaa mattara than rVirt alviu r(
those who have gone through similar
experience. Mr. McQuesten, who is
called ."the father of Alaska," after an
experience of years upon the trail, in
the camp, and in. the use of every kind
of supply, says: "We find in Alaska
that the importance of proper kind of ;
baking powder cannot be " overesti
mated. A miner with a can of bad
baking powder is almost helpless in
Alaska. We have tried all sorts, and
have been obliged to settle down to use
nothing but the Royal. It is stronger
and carries further, but above all
things, it is the only powder that will
, endure the' severe climatic changes of
the arotlo region."
It is for the same reason that the U.
6. government in its 'relief expeditions,
and Peary, the famous arotio traveler,
have curriod the, Royal Baking Powder
The Royal Baking Powder will not
cake nor lose its strength either on
board ship or in damp climates, and is
the most highly concentrated and effi
cient of leavening agents. - Hence it is
indispensable to every Alaskan outfit.
It can be had of the trading companies
in Alaska, but should the miner pro
cure his supplies before leaving, he
should resist every attempt of the out
fitter to palm off upon him any of the
' other brands " of baking powder, for
they will spoil and prove the cause of
great disappointment and trouble.
In Delaware two brothers lived for
40 years within eight miles of each
other, attended the same church and
frequently traded with eaoh other with
out knowing that they were related.
With local applications, as they cannot reach
the seat of the disease, ( a arrh is a blood or
constitutional disease, and in order to cure it
you must ti ka internal remedies. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is taken internally, and aetsdirectly
on the blood and muious surfaces. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was
prescribed by one of the best physicians in this
ci uniry lor years, ana is a regular prescription,
It ns c imposed of the best tonics known, com
bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di
rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
coinbintitton of the two ingredients Is what pro
duces men wonueriui resuiis in curing a.uarrn.
Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Proprs., Toledo, 0.
Bold by dr iggists, price 76o.
Halls Family Pills are the best.
' A drawing of the bison has been dis
covered in the rocks of the La Mouthe
cave in Dordogne, Franoe. '
After being swindled by all others, send ns stamp
for imrtlculai-s of King Solomon's Treasure, the
ONLY renewcr of manly strength. MASON
CHEMICAL CO., P. O. Box 747, Philadelphia, Pa.
Chicago is healthier than ever before.
In fact it is by far the heathiest large
city in the United States.
nr. . : . i. a i 1-
nit usri niiK 111 mc wuiui uur rigm uuiB
exclusive use of the word " CASTORIA," and
' PITCHER'S CASTORIA," as our Trade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA,"
the same -that has borne and does now bear the
tac-simile signature of CHAS. H. FI.ETCHER on
every wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S
CASTORIA " which has been used in the homes
Of the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Look Carefully at the wranner and see that it Is
(hi kind yon have always bought, and has the
signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. No one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
Piso's Cure for Consumption has saved
me large doctor bills. C. L. Iiaker, 4228
Regent Sq., Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 8, '95.
All Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually very
light colored and of heavy body, is made from
glucose. "lea Garden Drive" is made from
Bugar Cane and is strictly pure. It is for sale
by first-class irroeers, in cans only. Manufac
tured by the Pacikic Coast Syrup Co. All gen
uine "3a Garden Drivtt" have the manufac
turer's name lithographed on every can.
Magdaleen Cicute, who has just died
in the City of Mexico, was probably
the tallest woman in America,, her
height being six feet nine 'inches tall.
for the coming year on baking powder will be
very light if you buy Schilling's Best and use
only one heaping teaspoonful to a quart of flour.-
In a recent work on the birds of Col
orado, W. W. Cooke brings up the num
ber of species and sub-species found in
that state to 863.
, Trolley car ambulances are to be in
troduced in the city of Pittsburg, run
ning independently over all the street
car tracks as called for.
Miss Eleanor Ormerod declares that
the English cockroach is in danger of
extermination before the hordes of im
ported German black beetles.
Greater New York consists of 45
islands, just as many as there are stars
in our flag. It might be appropriately
called the Island City.
What is probably the largest locomo
tive in tne world Has just been com
pleted and weighs, with the tender,
over aso.OUO pounds, it is tor use in
The largest parish in London in point
of area is Lewisham, which has 5,773
acres; and the largest in population is
Islington, which has now 830,000 in
habitants. .
A writer in a magazine has made the
prophesy that in 800 years from
now the world will only know three
languages English, Russian and Chi
Many collieries in Silesia are pro
vided with bombs filled with com
pressed oxygen for use in cases of acci
dent or entrance into old galleries
where the air is foul.
Harvard this year, for the first time,
has a colored pereon as a candidate for
the degree of A. B.-, In the person of
a young colored woman from Miller-
ton, n. y.
The famous Louis XV drawing-room
suite, composed of a sofa and six arm
chairs, with old Beauvais tapestry, has
been sold in Paris to London dealer
for $70,000.
The tramways, omnibuses and nn
derground railways in and around Lon
don, within a radius of five miles, carry
eaoh year, it is oalculated, about 458,-
00,000 passengers.
At tne grape cure establishment in
Switzerland, France and Austria, pa
tients are usually turned loose in the
vineyards and allowed to gorge them
selves at pleasure.
Before a fire brigade can start for a
fire in Berlin the members must all
fall in line in military fashion and sa
lute their captain. This proceeding
wastes at least three minutes.
There is an enormous demand in
New York for Fifth avenue property
facing Central Park. Only the rioh
can buy, when bare lots are held at
from $4,000 to $5,000 a front foot.
Black and blue colors are not subject to
fashions this season nor in any season.
They hold their own and will not wash out,
They are pretty solid colors, and but for the
misery of wearlnsr them, might become
fashionable. Some men take pride in wear-
ins them as tokens ot their profession, as
soldiers do their scars. But bruises, black
or blue, or both, ought to have immediate
attention, for under them may be a nerve
hurt or a muscle badly wrenched. A black
and blue bruise is a bad thing, not only
from its tender soreness but the contused
blood is prevention of reeular circulation,
While sore spots like these will not wash
out, there is something that will rub them
out in no time, ana tnat is St. jacoDs uu.
It is peculiarly adapted to their Quick cure
A pennant can be won only by hard
knocks, with scars and bruises, but after
the ball is over, if any remain, this one
cure is the best. Bruises come from con
tusion in all avocations, and it is well to
remember at all times just what will cure
mem tne nest.
Russia's population has increased
during the last 100 years a fraction less
than 1,000,000 annually.
From Mia 3 May Sachner, of Oolum
, bus, O., to Ailing Women.
To all women who are ill:
It affords me great pleasure to tell
you of the benefit I have derived from
taking" Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. I can hardly find words to
express my gratitude for the boon given
to suffering women in that excellent
Before tak
ing the
I was thin,
sallow, and
ucrvuun. -
bled with
rhoea, and
my men-
etrual pe
riods were very
irregular. I tried three physicians and
gradually grew worse. 1 About a year
ago I was advised by a friend to try
Mrs,. Pinkham's Sanative Wq and
Vegetable Compound, which I did.
After using three bottles of the Vege
table Compound and one package of
Sanative Wash, I am now enjoying bet
ter health than I ever did, and attri
bute the same to Mrs. Pinkham's won
derful remedies. I cannot find words
to express what a Godsend they have
been to me. , "
In some parts of China the young
women wear their hair in a long single
plait, with whioh is intertwined a
bright scarlet thread. This style ol
ornamentation denotes that the young
lady is marriageable.
Bus Wachline Expiated Bis Crime '-In
Hillsboro, Or.i Feb. 7. Gus Wach
line, the oondemned murderer of John
D. Ledrick, expiated his crime on the
gallows at 13:10 o'clock this afternoon
The hanging of Wachline was made
a good deal of a holiday affair in Hills
boro. Not only were the residents of
the town alive to the occasion, but there
were many people in from the country,
particularly from Iowa Hill, where the
murdered man lived. In addition there
was a trio of negro singers from Port
land, a peripatetic fiddler patrolling
the saloons in an effort to pick up a few
dollars, and a phonographic outfit on
the streets, with all the latest songs
it a dime per tune. .The hanging
brought business to town, and In' emu
lation of city dailies the Independent
jnd Argus, weekly papers, issued "ex
tras" shortly after the execution.
Wachline passed his last night on
sarth much the same as he had since
he was sentenced to death. He spent
most of the time talking ,to the death
watch, and went to sleep about 8:30
o clock this morning. He was up be
tore 8 but refused any breakfast.
Three hours before the execution took
plaoe, the office of Sheriff Bradford was
beseiged with a crowd of men, all arix
ious to be close at hand when the
prisoner was brought from his cell : to
the scaffold. So great was the crush
that at times it was difficult to move
It was nearly 10 o'clock when Cap
tain A. M. Collins appeared with the
rope, and, walking out of the west win
low on to the scaffold, he adjusted it to
the crossbeam. In this he was assisted
by Sheriff Bradford, Sheriff, Phy, of
Union county, and ex-Sheriff 'Ford, of
Washington county. After the noose
was adjusted, the rope tested with
weight of sand and the trap found to
work without a hitch', the more active
preparations to enforce, the death sen
tence weie begun.
It was 11:15 A. M. when Sheriff
Bradford and the 12 jurors passed into
the corridor of the jail through the
door leading from the sheriff's office.
Ordering the door of the cell opened,
Sheriff Bradford said:
f" Wachline, come out."
The condemned man shuffled out
from the cell, coatless, both hands in
his trousers pockets, with an ugly, surly
look upon his face. The sheriff told
him he was about to read the death
warrant, but this drew forth "no re
mark. During the reading Wachline
seemed to rivet his eyes on the floor,
and when the ceremony was over walk
ed baok into his cell, sat down on a
chair, rested his head 'in his right hand
and seemed absorbed in thought. He
was then asked by one of his spiritual
advisers if he intended to- make any
statement on the soaffold. Wachline
signified his intention Of doing so, and
it was thought he would at the last
moment make a full confession.
Wachline was brought from his cell
to the scaffold through the sheriff's
office at 12:03 P. M., accompanied by
Sheriff Bradford and Deputies C. E
Deichman and J. H. Westcott. He
was placed on the trap, facing north,
and asked by the sheirff if he had any
thing to say.
The prisoner said yes," and then,
in an almost inaudible tone, continued
"All that I want to say is that the
statement 1 have made is true. I am
an innocent man. Let Jesus take me
I am."
This was a disappointment to the
crowd, which had expected a confeS'
sion. It was all he would say, and his
legs, arms and hands were quickly
pinioned, the black cap put over his
head, and the noose adjusted about his
neck. At a signal from Sheriff Brad'
ford, the trap was sprung at 12:10 P
M., and Wachline was hurled into
Life was pronounced extinct in 14
minutes, and one minute later the body
was out down and placed in the wait-
ng coffin. The body was afterward
removed to the undertaking establish
ment of G. W. Patterson, where it was
viewed by many men and women dur
ing the day. ' ,
Wachline was hanged for the murder
of John D. Ledrick, an aged German
farmer, who lived three miles south of
Bad Fire In Winnepeg.
Minneapolis, Minn.. Feb. 7. A
Journal special from Winnipeg says the
Mclntyre business block in the heart of
the' city was destroyed by fire this
morning. The building was four sto
ries high, and contained retail stores,
sample rooms, offices, secret society
rooms and the lecture rooms of the
Manitoba university. The total loss
was about $500,000; fully insured.
Bouses Buried by Snow. '
Waterville, Me., Feb. 7. Small
houses have been buried by 20-foot
drifts of snow. The Lockwood cotton
mills have closed, the operators being
unable to reach the factory. There
has been no train over the Maine Cen
tral for 24 hours.
Lima Peru, Feb. 7. According to
dispatches from Sucre, Bolivia, there
is much excitement there as to the pol
icy of Peru. The pressure on the gov
ernment to increase its armament, and
get ready for the pending conflict, as
serting the existence of a troaty be
tween Peru and Argentina is strong,
but the existence of such a treaty is de
nied in responsible quarters.
Fatal Naptha Fire. .
Baku, Eussian Caucasus, Feb. 7
The fire that broke out here last week
destroyed half a million pounds of nap
tha, and is still burning neroely. Many
deaths are reported.
A Famine in Russia.
London, Feb. 7. The St. Petersburg
correspondent of the Times says a fail
ure in the harvest has caused terrible
distress among the peasantry of the in
terior provinces, and especially in Cen
tral and Southeastern Russia.
To Cut Lumber for Boats Along; the
Lakes in Alaska.
The last obstacle has been removed in
the matter of the establishment of the
saw mills of tho Canadian Mill Com
pany at the lakes on the lines of routes
from Wrangel, Skagway and Dyea, to
Dawson and the Klondike. The scheme
is one of the most interesting yet
launched in connection with the In-
crease of trade to the north, and con
templates saw mills at different points
i 1 i . 1 ; . I l l 1 1 . i i . '- ii
along toe cuuin ui taxes mat ue in uio
direot path of all routes leading across
the mountains from tidewater to Daw
son. The prinoipal business of the
saw mills will be to cut lumber for the
boats to be used by prospectors and
miners going down to the gold fields.
When running to full capacity the mills
will be able to turn out 80 completed
boats daily.
The first use that the saw mills will
be put to, however, will be cutting
lumber to build two stern-wheel steam
ers, which are to ply on the lakes,
Each will be 75 feet long, 18 feet beam
and will draw 18 inches of water. Af
ter the completion of the steamers the
mills will be started cutting boat lum
ber and the daily capacity will be 40,
000 feet. The mills will have electric
light plants and run during the dark
hours of the short days or on a' night
shift if necessary. The boats will be
delivered at the head of Lake Bennett,
and the steamers can take long strings
of loaded boats and tow them a dis
tance of 72 miles. ' This will be much
to the advantage of 'those owning the
boats, as the peculiar topographical
conditions are such that head winds
prevail during the greater part of the
eeason when laker navigation is open
Each steamer will have a capacity of
125 passengers. The tow of the small
boats will do away with the necessity
of sails. Navigation opens on the lakes
about April 15, and the mills are ex
peoted to cut for the steamers early in
March. A general freight business by
barges will be conducted on the lakes,
the' barges as well as .the boats to be
towed by the steamers.
' Sate of Klondike Claims.
One of the biggest deals on record in
Klondike mining properties was con
summatexl in Seattle last week. - Six
claims, located on Bonanza, Sulphur,
Dominion, All-Gold creeks and Frenoh
gulch changed bands. The total
amount involved in the transaction
was between $150,000 and $200,000,
No definite terms have been made pub'
lie, both parties to the deal withhold'
ing this information. .
The purchasers are E. J. McCune, of
Salt Lake, Utah, and Eugene J. Short,
of Spokane. They are acting for them
selves and for Spoakne and New York
parties. Mr. McCune is a brother of
A. W. McCune, the millionaire Mon
tana and British Columbia mining
man, owner of the Payne silver mine,
in British Columbia. He Jb also asso'
elated In a number of mining properties
with Marcus Daly and W. Hoge,
well known in mining circles in Butte
and Anaconda.
Chris Neebur and Carl Hunt are the
sellers. Neebur is an Iowa boy, and
Hunt mined for several years in the
Kootenay and Oregon before going to
Alaska. Neebur was four years in the
Yukon country, -and Hunt spent three
years there. Both were in the Klon
dike early in the spring of 1897, before
the stampede from the states. : They
secured a number of valuable claims on
the principal gold-bearing streams in
the camp. After taking out a large
quantity of gold from No. 9, above dis
covery on Bonanza, " they sold a half
interest in the olaim for $20,000.
Nuggets of Klondike News.
The Alaska Mining Record has the
following "nuggets" anent Klondikers
passing through Juneau:
Frank Swanson, who is now in Ju
neau, made tne ' first sluice box tnat
was ever used in the Klondike district.
This was on Gold Bottom oreek. He
is a young man with a clear complexion
and a clear record, and is not a million
aire yet, but has a fain prospect of be
coming one this year. He brought out
about $20,000 in checks. '
Nigger Jim" came out with these
ast Yukoners, but stayed at ' Skagway
for a few days. He is said to be the
whitest man in Dawson and hence his
nickname. ' His real name is James
Daugherty or in the aristocratic past
D'Aughtre. He was in with AJex Mo-
Donald on several recent deals and
brings with him in checks about $160,
000. ...
Sam Stanley, of Junea, has not done
so badly in tne interior. He comes
out with about $10,000 in gold, and
has an interest in two of the finest
claims on the Eldorado.- ' ; '
Fred Stevens sold out the Dawson
opera house just before the big fire for,
it is said, $20,000, but he did not bring
all this out with him.
George Miller had sold,' when he left
Dawson, about 800 of his 1,000 head of
sheep, and cleared about $20,000 out of
the transaction. :
George Apple had the biggest chance
in his life to make a fortune when
candles went up to $1 each, and . then
became unpurchasable at any price.
He made moulds for the making of tal
low candles and there was plenty of
tallow, but he gave his ingenuity to
the bjnefit of the community. Still
he need not fear the grocery bill for
another 20 years. ,
It is not true that the correspondent
of the Kansas City Star managed to
marry "Nigger Jim," so the San Fran
cisco Call will have to take back the
charge that she is a young and beauti
ful woman.
The men who were invited and aided
to leave Dawson . are the men who said
they were fleeing from starvation.
None of the- men "who worked while
there have any kick coming. They all
return with well-fed expressions and
healthy wallets. . . ,
Editor's Note. All readers of this paper
I : If E
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relatives or irienas, can nave l nree jree xjotues oi tne Doctor s jNew Discoveries,
as represented in the above illustration, with complete directions, by sending full
address to Dr. Slocum's Laboratory, 88 Pine Street, New York City.
Foremost among: the world's sreatest
Medico-Chemists stands Dr. Slocum, of
Vnr Vsvlr nUiT TTia ata nrKlV. fe.-
years had been directed toward the discov
ery of a positive cure for consumption,
were finally successful, and already his
"new system of treatment" has, by its
timely use permanently cured thousands
of apparently helpless cases.
He has demonstrated the dreaded disease
to be curable beyond a doubt, in any cii-
rnate. v
Indisputable facts prove (hat the Doc
tor's New Discoveries are an absolute cure
for Consumption and all bronchial, throat,
lung and chest troubles; stubborn coughs,
winter catarrhal affections; scrofula, rheu
matism," general decline and weakness, loss
Michigan has a law fixing a heavy
penalty upon railroad companies for
employing persons addicted to the use
of intoxicants. ' 1
The socretarv of the navy has demanded more
Dattiesnlns. ana there can De no aoHbt tnat
congress will consider his recommendations.
protection is wnat our sea ports require, ana
fortifications will not adequately supply this.
Defense against all disorders of a malarial type
Is. hfiwftvpr ..riAriri ntplv nffnrripil Tiy Hnt.Rt.tpr'tt
Stomach Bitters, an efficient remedy, also, for
constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, rheuma
tism, ana nervousness.
In Mexioo City Hop Lee advertises
an American restaurant.
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet.
It cures painful, swollen smarting feet and
instantly takes the sting out of corns and
bunions. It's the greatest comfort discov
ery of the age. Alien's Foot-Ease makes
tiirlit-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a
certain cure for chilblains, sweating, damn,
callous and hot, tired aching feet. We
have over 10,000 testimonials of cures. Try
it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe
stores. Bv mail for 25c. in stamps. Trial
package FREE. Address Allen 8. Olm
sted, Le Itoy, N. Y.
The most popular female in the
United States is the blonde lady whose
face adorns the $20 gold piece.
"A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of
Excellence in Manufacture. "
Absolutely Pure,
(..Costs Less TiianOjiE cm a dip..
Be sure that yoagot the Genuine Article,
made at DORCHESTER, MASS.. by
Established 1780,
Mas. Winslow's Boothikq Sthup should always be J
nsed for children teething. It soothes the child, soft-
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for tracing and locating Gold or Silver
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anxious regarding the health of themselves,
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Instructions to all readers of this paper
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turing Chemist, 98 Pine street, New York,
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ficacy, we urge every sufferer to take ad
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Vfe wish to pain 150,000 neir ens- i
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Queon Victoria Lettuce, 16c j
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Worth 1.00, for 14 sent.
Above 10 ptft s. worth $1.00, we will Q
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upon receipt, or tms notioe ana 14c. '
Dostaire. Wl Invite vonr trade nrf 1
know when rou once try Salter's f
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Is it Wrong?
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Keep it Right
Moore's Revealed Remedy will do it. Three
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iounds per month.
lAKMLliltlll M
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experience. JIOO FREE. Address DR.
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N. P. N. C.
So. 7, '98.
WHEN writing to advertisers, pleftir
mention this paper. . . , .
Iffli i
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