The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 11, 1898, Image 2

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    5food Iftver Slacier.
; Published every Friday by
.. . S. If. Blythe.
Terms of Subscription $1.50 a year when
paid lu advance; JM if not paid In advance.
Hon. T. R. Coon has been in corre
spondence with berry growers' societies
in the East and has gathered much
valuable information In regard to how
they do business and their prospects
for the future.
From the Lancaster, Ark., union it
wus learned that 6,000 crates of straw
berries were shipped last season and
they expect to have 20,000 the coming
season. Growers realized last year over
$1. per crute. Acreage has, been in
creased and the patches, having been
Well cultivated, were not affected much
by the drouth of last summer. All
growers belong to and ship with the
Lancaster horticultural association.
The ussociatioii does not employ any
ageii'ts to go out and hunt up markets.
Their first car last year was shipped
April 281 h. w. , , . ... ,: . ; (
8areoxie, Mo, horticultural associa-'
11111 ICUUi iCU. iUUV AUK vaiu'uua vi ohihf
berries were shipped last season and
the average net price received by grow
ers was 38 cents per crate. The drouth
affected the strawberry patches iu this
locality and not more than half a crop
is expected next season, but the in
creased acreage will bring the ship
ments up to about the same as. last
year. Sarcoxie sent out ten agents last
season. .
The secretary of the Columbus, Ky.,
association writes that 50 carloads of
strawberries were Bhlpped from that
iilui.t ln.r. apnann. unci although the
drouth killed out many of the old
patches, the increased acreage will
bring the shipments up to about the
same as last year, wheii growers real
ized from $1 to $1.25 a crate. This
union does' not send but agents. Their
shipping season begins about the first
of May.
From Milton, Oregon, it was learned
that growers were very much dissatis-
jiea wnn inst year s returns auu many
" have plowed up! their patches, and
very few new plants have been set. No
statistics concerning number of cases
shipped nor prices received could be
obtained. '
The congressional committee on pen
sions of the senate and house have
uniujuH utn pnloct Hactrrrluri tn
I. ......... .. .i f i.l....fn nninn
bills that can receive, consideration.
No private bill is to be considered if
the claimant has a pensional status un
der existing laws. Only invalid sol
, diers and .sailors, pensioned by special
' act, can ask increase by further special
legislation. No arrears of pensions bill
I. 'I . . ....
listed as soldiers or sailors may not ask
f for special legislation unless disabled
in action. - Bills for original pensions
exceeding the legal rate will not be
considered, nor will bills pensioning
children of soldiers or sailors be considered.-
The seventh restriction is to the
effect that dependency must be shown
by affidavit, except "when members of
congress introducing a bill can state in
writing that they have personal knowl-
...A. 1. j ,1,. niu J .
irrpsRiimn rmiht linhhia stutpmpTit. In
writing and the outsider 1 must take
Our townsman,' Dr. W.L.Adams,
was a delegate to the first republican
state convention held ill Oregou. The
convention wes held February 21, 185".
Very few of the members of , this con
vention are now living. . Leander
Holmes, who, along with Dr. Adams
and W. T. Matlock, represented Clack
amas county, was afterwards elected a
delegate to the national convention
that nominated Abraham Lincoln for
president, and sent his proxy to Ho
race Greeley.' Greeley used his influ
ence and his' vote against Keward and
Lincoln's nomination was thereby se
cured'. Holmes met Lincoln in the
white house, and after explaining how
be was instrumental in making him
president,. Lincoln said: "May the
'Lord forgive 'you,. Mr. Holmes, for
what you have-done.'' ' .
! A church member in Virginia refused
to contribute anything towards pur-
B (.
being remonstrated with he said he
thought it a low-down trick to try
;ti fool the people by pretending to
buy coal when everybody knew the
church was heated by steam.
The city council of Portland has
passed an ordinance to prohibit women
' from wearfng their hats in a theater.
Iliis law has been in force iu Eastern
cities for a year or more. Men are
. gradually getting equal rights with
............. i.. ,
''.'.':. :
At Fremont, Ohio, Addie M. Smith
was awarded $7,500 lor permanent in-
juries received in a runaway accident
. caused by a dog belonging to the estate
of ex-President Hayes having fright
ened the horse.
. The democratic central committee
for Wasco county will meet at The
. juiies tomorrow. ., . ,
Our delegation in congi ess has been
heard "from. , Congressman' Tongue an
swered Jerry Simpson in a speech of
three stickfuls and compared the times
under the Wilson tariff to our "pros
perity" under the Dingley tariff, charg
ing all the bard times to the former.
These odious comparisons, heard every
day in the debates in congress, make
gold-standard democrats wonder where
they are at.
A horticultural institute, under the
auspices of the Oregon agricultural col
lege, will be held in Hood River March
4th and 5th.
A story is going the rounds about a
hog that was taken to Tennessee before
the war dying in that state at the age
of 38 years. This must be a mistake.
Old soldiers who served in Tennessee
will tell you they left no hogs there to
die of old age.
The date for the state encampment
of the Grand Army of (he Republic at
The Dalles has been fixed on the 19th,
20th and 21st of April, 1898. Com
mittees, consisting of prominent citi
zens, have been appointed to make all
arrangements for the gathering of the
old soldiers, v " - . .
The Glacier was, in error last week
in stating that C. L. Morse would be a
candidate for" the nortiinatioiV for repre
sentative on the union ticket. Mr.
Morse is a populist and will seek the
nomination oil the populist ticket; but
he is'jn favor of union of forces of the
populists, democrats and silver repub
licans. A Prolific Family.
, Hood River, Feb. 8, 1898. Editor
Glacier: I have just received a letter
from Kentucky, giving the statistics of
the offspring of my mother, who is
still living at the age of 87, hale and
hearty. The score stands thus: Seven
teen children, 8 girls and 9 boys; 110
grand . children, and 76 great grand
children, making the grand total of
203. If any mothers in Wasco county
can beat this record let 'them speak
right out iu meeting. W. H. Perky.
... . Fanners' Institute.
..At a meeting of the city council.held
on the evening of the 8th inst., the
mayor was instructed to call a meeting
of citizens to arrange for a farmers' in
stitute to be held at Hood River on
March 4th and 5th, under the joint di
rection of the state agricultural college
and the industrial agent of the O. R. &
N. Co. Agreeably to tbe above in
struction, the citizens of the town of
Hood lliver and the farmers,, fruit
growers and all others interested are
requested to meet at A. O. TJ. W. hall
on Saturday, the 19th inst., at S2 p. m.,
to arrange lor the meeting of tbe above
proposed institute.
. E. L. Smith, Mayor.
Aid for Cuba. .
It is a well known fact that there
are thousands of our fellow beings in
our "neighboring island of Cuba that
are literally naked and starving, and
that we may and can help them. The
Junior League of the M. E. church
have taken the matter in hand and
have appointed Anna Jackson and
Maggie Nickelsen as collectors. Please
help them with what you can. V
. Mrs. W. II. Bishop,
Junior Supt.
' - The Prodigal Daughter.
The -prodigal son . niay return, but
how about the prodigal daughter? As
far as the world is concerned, there is
no mercy for the prodigal daughter.
The son may wallow in the mire and
tilth of pollution, feed upon the husks
of sin and infamy, and he will come
back in becoming raiment and knock
at the door of society; lie is eagerly re
ceived within its portals; marriageable
daughters simper and smile sweetly,
and fond mammas are very gracious
and kind in feeling it their womanly
duty to encourage the fellow to do bet
ter now that lie has sown his wild oats.
But the prodigal daughter ah, hush!
Breathe not her name within the pre
cincts of society; Keep her out; push
her to a suicide's grave, appeasiugyour
righteous indignation, return to pelting
and caressing the "dear boy" who lias
made a start to get back to the path of
rectitude. Teh to one he never comes
back He knows he can sin and still
keep his place in society.
An Expensive Luxury.
We wonder if the men who denounce
the administration for suggesting the
retirement of the greenbacks have ever
given a moment's thought to the en
quiry, What have these greenbacks
cost us? There are three hundred and
forty-six millions of them. To create
the gold reserve for resumption in 1879
bonds had to be sold to the amount of
$95,000,000. During 1894-95-6 $262,.
315,400 more bonds were sold to protect
the snme reserve. Thus to keep $346,
000,000 of, greenbacks in circulation we
pay interest on $357,000,000 of Indebted
ness incurred by them. Not only this
but we have already, since 1879, re
deemed the whole sum nearly twice
over while, practically, they are ajl un
redeemed and outstanding yet. Jrook
County Journal.
Beauty. Is Illooil Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. C'ascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im-
E unties from the body. Begin to-day to
anisli pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
C'ascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
Athrillof terror is experienced when
a brassy cough' sounds through the
house at night. But the terror Boon
changes to relief after One Minute
Cough Cure has . been administered.
Safe and harmless for children. Will
iams & Brosi us.
ivc gentlemen Or ladies to travel for re
sponHible.establtshed house in Oregon. Month
ly 805 and expenses; Position steady. Refer
ence. Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope.
The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, (Chicago. .
". Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Ufa 'Aitnr.
To quit tobacco easily and forever; be mag
netic, "full of life, nerve and .vigor, take No-To-Bao,
the wonder- worker, that makes weak men
strong. A 11 druggists, 50c Or 81. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and satrtple free. Address
Storling liemody. Co., Chicago' or New York.
Written for the Glacier.
. . Columbia.
Columbia, Columbia, thou theme of many
lays; " ' . ''
Columbia, Columbia, again I'll sing thy
' praise.
Thy face, O fair Columbia, art wreathed In
. smiles today;
I could not choose but praise thee, thou art
so gay, so g y. .
Thy rugged shores, Columbia, decked out In
autumn's hues, -All
penciled on tby bosom, In colors clear and
' true
The red, the green, the yellow, and rocks of
sombre gray,
And the haze about thy mountains, all charm
. my heart today.
An azure dome above thee, a limpid flood thy
breast. .'.
And thy low, sweet humming cadence that
lulls the soul to rest;
The white sea gulls above thee, the loon upon
thy tide, . '
And the stately swan that's fishing so near
thy farther side
Combined, all form a picture of beauty, peace
and grace
No poet's pen might picture, no artist's brush
might trace. , . . .
But ere we part, Columbia, thou for the dis
tant main,
I'll tell to thee a secret, my daughter bears
thy name. ... . .. ' '
And may He, fair Columbia, who points thee
on thy way, ' ,
Make her life fair and peaceful, as is thy
, . flood today. .
' Shabpieu.
To Cure . Coii!ttlpfti.uii Forever.. - '
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 256,
If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money.
15 Acres for Sale.
4 miles from town, on Hood river 5 acres
under cultivation, balance all slashed; 8 acres
In strawberries; plenty of water; house and all
kinds of fruit. Price 300. Address
.I'll .GEO. LOY, Hood River, Or. .
Hay for Sale.
Oregon wild timothy hay, baled, for sale at
$1C.5U per ton. Terms cash,
ill J. W. MORTON.
i A. Largo Pages Every fijl Kf '
0X Week fur Only JpX.OVJ
Thp semi-weekly Republic, the best general
newspaper printed in the world, containing
ail the news in eight pages twice a week, and
The Republic Model Magazine one year for
The Republic Sunday Magazine was the
newspaper success of 189. A home Journal of
the best class, 18 large pages every week, 4
pages of fun, 14 pages of the brightest and best
reading printed. It contains more high-class
pictures and cartoons t han were ever attempt
ed in any other publication, More noted
writers and artists contribute to The Repub
lic Magazine than to any other Western pub
lication. , V '
The Magazine will be sold only in connec
tion with the semi-weekly Republic, but is
mailed separately on Friday of each week,
Address all orders to -'.';. .. . ..
St. Louis, Mo.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash.i Feb. 8,
1808. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of bis In
tention to make final proof In support, of his
claim) and that said proof will be made before
W. It. Dunbar, United Kta.tes Commissioner
for District of Washington, at - his olllce in
Goldenaale, Wash., on March 21, 1898, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 8592, for the north of
southwest southwest of southwest 'sec
tion 85, and northeast ii of southeast sec
tion 84 all, township 3 north, range 12 east,
Will. Mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land.wiz:
Robert A. Btruthers, Chris Franlen. John
Knreand William O. A. Markmann, all of
Lyle P. O., Washington. :
fllmlS B. F. SHAW, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Feb. 7,
1S98 Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has riled notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver jit The Dalles, Oregon,
on Tuesday ,April 5, 1898, viz:
of Hood River, H. E. No. 3898, fdr the north
southwest southeast J4 southwest and
southwest southeast section 9, township
2 north, range 11 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous, residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Daniel Smith, Jason Rand, John Jackson
and John Monroe, all of Hood River, Oregon.
f llmiS . , JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
Land Office ot The Dalles, Oregon, Feb. 9,
1898. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver, at The Dalles,
Oregon, on March 24, 1898, viz:
Guardian of Francis C. C. Fox. Insane, H. E.
No. 4928, for the southwest northeast
southeast uorthwest northeast south
west a ana northwest southeast .section
6, township 2 north, range 9 east.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
James Chitty and William Kern of Viento;
Oregon, and H. H. Weston and James Gorton
of Cascade Locks.
fllmlS JAS. F. MOORE, Register. ,
"Up to date"
Just received from the Potter Wall Paper
Manufacturing Co. of Chicago.
New and beautiful designs. Harmonious
Over one thousand, patterns to select from,
in White Blanks, Gilts, Embossed Gilts,
Bronzes, Ingrains and Varnished Tiles.
All at prices that should be a surprise to
residents of Hood River and vicinity. Can
sell yon Gilts as low as FOUR CENTS per
Single roll; Borders and oi her styles at pro
portionate rates.
Tnjse contemplating papering will find it
to their interest to see the undersigned before
investing. Drop a postal, and I shall be
pleased to call on you with full line of sam
ples. E. H. PICKARD. ...
Farm for Sale.
On the east side of Hood river, on the coun
ty road, 6 miles from railroad statloni I offer
StiO acres all in a body; 80 acres in cultivation;
1,500 fruit trees, mostly winter apples; half of
them bearing; 30 acres in winter grain: The
East Fork Irrigating Co.'s ditch will run
through the place and every acre can be irri
gated. Fine spring for house use. My price
is 814 per acre for the whole place; timber or
uncultivated land In 20 or 40 acre lots, from $8
to 10 per acre. Inquire at Glacier office or of
, . JOHN LENZ, Hood River. ,
For Sale.
Two small farms close to Hood Rlverfal
improved. Seven acres set to strawberries.
Houses, barns, sheds, orchards, wells, etc.
Terms easy. Address T. It. COON,
To state right here, that which possibly has been left to
inference, that our time prices are such as you pay else-.
. where on any terms. We HAVE NOT raised our time
prices, and give jtbern prominence only to show the
, , saving TO YOU in -our cash prices, which are in va
riable reductions from the usual and in many instances
established manufacturers' prices. . ,
We have some new goods, just in
Tooth Brushes, from.. '. 5 to 25c, worth 10 to 50
Hair Brushes, from 55 to 95e, worth 75 to $1 50
Nail Brushes, from r. 15 to 25c, worth 25 to 50
Shaving Brushes, from 10 to 35c, worth 25 to ' 50
Combs in all styles, from 5 to 25c, worth 10 to ' 50
Soaps, for the toilet, from 5 to 15c, worth 10 to 25
' Who shows you finer soaps than, your druggist?
' ! ' . Our aim has always been to keep such soap as would
eive absolute satisfaction. Come in and see this new
, - , . lot, cheaper than you ever before bought. ,
"' v ' '.-, We can sell you Columbian Spirits, as good for
If' , ;, i . every use except drinking as alcohol, for 50c a quart
','- ; bottle. Try to get it elsewhere and note the price.
"The Corner Drug Store."
Z Vehicles of all kinds. Specialties: BelTas'
Canton Clipper Plows and Cultivators. Best quality of goods at a low price. It will pay
you In money to give me a call.
Col-mznobia, lEcIlslin.g: Co.
Choice Fresli and Cured Meats,
Fruits and Vegetables.
i Highest Cash .Price Paid for Stock.
Dealers in and Shippers of All Kinds :
Of WOOd. ' "
,' (Successors to A. S. Blowers & Son)
. : G E N E R A L ' .
' Second door East of Glacier office.
. Hereafter I will sell for CASH only or its equivalent. Regarding prices, will say that I
defy competition. I am not afraid to meet competitive prices at anytime. Meet me on Port
land lines and I will meet you with Portland prices. Call and see ; ,
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., January
25, 1898. Notice is hereby given that the
following named settlers have filed notice of
their. Intention to make final proof in support
of their claims, and that said proof will-be
made before W. R. Dunbar, U. 8. Commis
sioner for District of Washington, at Golden
dale, Wash,, on March 15, 1898, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 7976, for the south K
of northeast and south j of northwest
section 5, township 5 north, range 12 east,
W. M.
Who names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, suid land, vl: ' ,
Courtland Chapman, AbJ Lowell, Claus
Staack and Charles W. Moore, all of Fulda'
P. O., Washington. . , .
f southeast and east y2 of southwest section
la, lownsuip o riorui, range il easi, w. in.
Who names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, andcultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
- Bert C. Dymond, Abj Lowell, Alex. Cheyne
and George W.. Gilmer, all of I'ulda P. O.,
Washington. . ,
Homestead Entry No. 8495, for the southeast
section. 4, township 5 north, range 11 east,
Who names the following witnesses to prove
his.continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: . i
Courtland Chapman, Bert C. Dymond, Rob
ert Cline and Charles W. Moore, all of Fulda
P. O., Washington,
JU8m4 . B. F. SHAW, Register.
160 Acres of Land
Located on Hood river, 3 miles from town
of Hood River. Free from wind and frost.
Wilt sell whole or in part, from one acre to 11 0.
Inquire of . ; . . J. II.. FERGUSON.
- .'' y-i . ',..
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, January
o, 1898.Notice is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has tiled notice of his
intention to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that saldproof will be made before
the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on February 15, 1898, viz:
Add.Hd. E. No. 4259, for the southwest H
southeast and south southwest section
2, township 2 north, range II east.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
William Watson, E. J. Huskey, Lee Evans,
all of Mosler, and M. M. Sayer of The Dalles.
J7fll JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Jan. 10,
1898. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Register and Receiver at The Dalles,
Oregon, on February 25, 1898, viz:
Hd. E. No. 4621, for the north northeast ii,
and north northwest V section 8, township
1 south, range 10 east. W.M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
hiR continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Philetus F. Fouts"of The Dalles, Oregon; J.
N. Knight of Kingsley, Oregon; Peter L.
Knudsen and D. R. Cooper of Mount Hood,
J14H8 JAS. F. MOORE, Register.'
Bob Sleds.
Two good pairs of bob sleds a heavy and a
light pair for sale. Inquire of
J28 . : S. n. COX.
Nursery Stock for SS.
I have for sale 6,000 two-year-old apple treea
of the best quality, consisting of Yellow New
town, Spitzenburg. Baldwin, Lawver. Hyde'a, oi rompKins uounty, uravenstem
and Wealthy.
Hood River Fruit Gardens.
lit. Hood Saw Mills,
Of the best quality always on hand at price.
to suit the times. Jy24
Fresh Milk',
Areated and deodorized, 6 cents a quart.
. , , F. H. BUTTON.
Bargains in Real Estate
20 acres fine fruit land, is also good farm
land; all cleared or Vinder contract. 400 fence
posts. 5,000 feet fence lumber. Cabin, etc.
Price 8900. Make me a spot cash offer, v
The Glacier
Post Office Building, Hood River, Or.
'All work
$1.00 Bottle.
One cent a dose.
This Great Cough Cuhb promotly cure
Where all others fail, Coughi, Croup, Sara
Throat, Hoarseness, whooplnff Cough and
Asthma. For Consumption It has no rival:
has cured thousands, and will curb Tor it
taken in time. Sold by Druggists on a guar
N antee. For a Lama Back or Chest, use)
Have you Catarrh This remedy is aruaran
3ed to cure you. Price, 60 eta. Injector free.
' teed to cure you.
For sale by H
yu tx'uu us a muuei or miiKU -(f
SKETCH of your invention and we will .
ft EXAMINE and report a. to its patent
fa ability. "Inventors' Guide or Bow to Get
m a Patent," sent free. '
' Lawyers and solicitors of American md
2J ' Foreign Patents,
1425 N. Y. AVE., WASHINGTON, p. C.
w When writing mention this paper.
Future comfort for present
seeming economy, Sut buy the
sewing; machine with &n estab
lished reputation, that guar
antees you long- and satisfac
tory service & J J 0 J
(devices for regulating and
showing the exact tension) are
a few of the features that
emphasize the high grade
character of the white.
Send for our elegant H.T.
catalog. ;
White Sewing Machine Co.,
Skin Diseases.
For the speedy and permanent cure of
tetter, salt rhenm and eczema, jCham
berlain's Eye' and Skin Ointment ia
ing and smarting almost instantly and
its continued use effects a permanent '
cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch,
scald head, sore nipples, itching piles,
chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and
granulated lids. . ; .
Dr. Cady's . Condition Powders for
horses are the best tonic, blood purifier
andyermifugo. Price, 25 cents. Sold by
Forsale bv Williams & lirosius.- vv
and .jr, W . M