.3(ood Iftver Slacier. FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1898. THE MAILS. The mall arrive from Mt. Hood at 10 o' clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de parts "ie same days at noon. Kor Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A.M.Tuesdays and Saturdays; arrives at 8 P. M. Kor white Salmon leaves dally at I P. M arrives at A o'clock P. M. From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil mer. Trout Lake and Olenwood Mondays w eanesaays ana t riaavs. SOCIETIES. Hood River Lodsre. No. 105. A. F. and A. M Meets Saturday evening on or before each mil moon. . j. tjtiuoiua, w . su. W. M. Yates, Secretary. Hood River Chapter, No. 27, R. A. M. Meets third Friday night of each mont h. F. C. BHOS1US, H. P. G. E. Williams, Secretary. Hood River Chapter, No. 25, O. E. S. Meets jsaiuraay alter eacn run moon. Mrs. EMMA BKOSIU8, W. M. .' Mrs. Rachkl Hkkshner, Secretary. Canbv Post. No. 18. G. A. R.. meets at School House Hall, first Saturday of each month at 2 o'clock d. m. All G. A. R. members In vited to attend. The ladies of the Relief Corps meet at same time in the adjoining room. s. F. dL. x lxiHj, commander. C. J. HAVES, Adjutant. Oleta Assembly. No. 103. United Artisans. meets second and fourth Monday nights of eacn monin at fraternity nan. jiromers ana sisters cordially Invited to meet with in. A. P. BATEHAM, M. A. S. S. Gray, Secretary. Waucoma Lodge, No. SO, K. of P., meets In their (jastie Han on every Tuesnay nignt. I ROBERT H. HUSBANDS, C. C. J. B. Hunt, K. of R. & S, Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. U. W., meets first and third Saturdays of each month. C. L. MORSE, M. W. J. F. Watt, Financier. f ' H. L. Howe, Recoi der. ' . " Idlewilde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets In Fraternal hall every Thursday nignt. , THOS. LACY, N. G. F, E. Jones, Sec'y. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Wm. Yates, P. M., is authorized agent for ' all newspapers and periodicals .'"The Christian Advent protracted meeting at Tucker closed Sunday night. All the choicest vegetables i "' the eea- sort at the Columbia Packing Co.'s . market. i One Minute Couch Cure cures quick )v. That's what you want! Williams & Brosius. Joint installalion 'of new officers of G. A. R. and W. R. 0. next Monday at 1 o'clock. v v , ,. Mr. D. Bradley is billed for at enter tain men t with his uraphophone at Mosier next Saturday evening. ' Mips Madge Warren returned home 'I npKiiiiv of lust, week, accnirman len hv .Miss Clara JSickelseu of The Dalles. The graphophone was quite an at traction at the literary and dance at White Salim n on JNew Year's eve W. A. Lk nan and F. J. Wright did ft good joj of fence building on . Twin Oaks larm one day last week. V No qurom being present at the court- . ell meeting Tuesday evening an ad journment was had till Friday evening. Mr. Frank Miller, who is now farm ing in Washington county, spent the holidays with friends aud relatives in Hood River. .-.' A social partv was given at the resi dence of Mr. E. Locke on New Year's eve. A large number of young people were present. , " - Atie Foley, who is employed by Smith Bros., the extensive wheat far mers of Sherman county, was home for the holidays. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Luckey returned to their home in Portland Tuesday. JSlwood Luckey- accompanied them and will stop iu the metropolis for a ..... i infill in. F. H. Watts, general agent for the Monumental Bronze Co., Dufur, Or., will make periodical visits to Hood River. See his work in the cemeteries and then see him for terms. Uncle Oliver Bartmess spent Christ mas week in Portland visiting the families of M.V. Harrison and John Zeigler.. Messrs. Harrison and Zeigler re in the grocery business in Portland and are doing well. Write to Davenport Bros.' Lumber Co. for delivered prices on all kinds of himlier, rough or dressed. They have a large and good assortment of finish ing lumber on hand, good and dry. Call and get our cash prices before pur chasing elsewhere. Mrs. Stark. Pleasant Ridge, O., says: "After two doctors gave up my bov to die, I saved him from croup by using One Minute Cough Cure." It isthequick st and most certain remedy for coughs, oldsand all throat and lung troubles. Williams & -Brosius. Mrs. Geo. Crowell has received a letter from Larimore, N. I)., conveying the intelligence of the death of her brother-in-law, Mr. Geo. E. Sheets. Mr. Sheets was well known here, hav ing been a clerk in Mr. Crowell's store, .and left here in May, 1896. It is easy to catch a cold and just as easy to get rid of it if you comnieiice early to use One Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneu monia and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasant to take, safe' to use aud ure to cure. Williams & Brosius. Mr. Lyman Smith had a shingling bee last Saturday and put a new roof 1. 1 .. i : o T i.1-.. . 1 till uis until, o. J. unrmiitx niiu wnc, Wm. Haynes and wife and W. J. Smith were present. A dinner of the kind . for which the Lyman Smith ranch is famous was on the programme. A stockholders meeting of the Hood River Water Supply Co. was held at Barrett school house last Saturday. The directors elected for the ensuing year were G. J. Gessling. J. F. Armor, Henry Hibbard, D. G. Hill, T. Bishop, H.. Prigge, Wm. Davidson. Reportsof the secretary aud treasurer were read and approved. ; - Waucoma lodge, K. of P., installed the following officers Tuesday evening: . C, Robert H. Husbands; V. 0., Wm. Potter; M. of W., G. 8. Evans; P., George Stranahan; M. of F., Wm. Isenberg: M. of E., J. R. Nickelsen; M. at A., G. T. Prather; I. G., W. H. Bishop; O. ., M. H. Nickelsen; K. f R. and 8., J. B. Hunt. The annual meetings of the North rest Fruit Growers' association and he Oregon state horticultural society vi 1 1 be lield in Portland January 11th, 2th and 13th. Next Wednesday even ig Mayor Pennoyer will, deliver an ldress of welcome to the state horti llturc society, which will be respond I to by President E. L. Smith. A ol many Hood River fruit growers e expected to be in attendance. Miss Sunderland and Miss Mercer gave Miss Bertha Sunderland a sur prise party Wednesday evening of last week. A good time was enjoyed by all present. Those present were: Bertha Sunderland, Iva Sunderland, Nannie Mercer, Annie Angel, Pearl rv foiHo ivfHva MnnH MnfMv Emily Palmer, Carrie Shutes, Nellie Clark, Lilly Shutes, Ethel Rigby, Grace Howell, Mr. Sherril, F. Clark, Geo. I. Siocum, Chester Shutes, Bert Rand, Earl Clark, Geo. Norman, Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Sunderland and Mr. Sundeiiand. A citizen up the valley,' whose early piety probably caused him to become bald, whs. examining the rose bushes in his yard and found some of them blighted. His little 5 year-old grand son was with him and seemed to be interested when told the bushes had been struck with blight. Afterwards, while sitting on his grandfather's lap, he looked up and asked, "Grandpa, did blight strike you on top of the head?" . There will be a meeting of the library board at the office of the president, Dr. Watt, today, Friday, at 10.30 a. in. The business of the meeting will be to consider ways and means of, raising funds to pay past obligations and pro vide for expenses to come. It is de sired that all old members of the board, as well as those who may have been recently eiecfed, be present. A fair audience at the Congregational church Thursday night of last week were delijrhtfully entertained by Mr, G. C.Busunell, the lightning sketch artist. The sketches were all mood, and the lecture accompanying the work ot the artist was instructive and amus ing. Music was furnished by Miss Marlon Cook at the organ. Mi. Busli ne!! will do to travel. From Capt. F. M. Jackson, who re turned trom The Dalles, we learn that a young man named Rice was arrested at that place Wednesday for passing a torged check on fease b Mays, the hecK purporting to nave been issued by F. E. Jackson of Hood River. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Cunning, Mrs. H.H.Bailey. Mrs. Fred Bailey, Mrs Hurry Bailey and Miss Gunser visited Mr. and Mrs. 11. L. ("rapper Thursday ot last week. All had a good tune and will come again if the soup holds out. Spokane Tom, Indian, was selling aN n tie lot of salmon trout on the streets Wednesday. He caught them up on Hood river. A short time ago be trap ped a beaver, the pelt of which he sold at The, Dalles for $3. A Hood River man butchered aslx' months old hog last week that dressed 2-0 pounds. Hood River beats the world lor big potatoes, big hogs or big tergiversators. Urook Louuty Journal. From the Sumner, Wash.. Herald we learn that Mr. W. is. Perry, for merly of Hood River, is building a truit dryer and cannery at that place. Mi. O. B, Hartley and Mr. E. E. SavHge were both taken quite sick with heart trouble during Wednesday night. Both are reported better. Mr. F. E. Jackson of the Racket store has been laid up with the grip for the past ten days but is getting better. W; R. Hardin of Denver lias the con tract for carrying the Hood River and White Salmon mail for $228.99 a year. The I. O. G. T. dramatic troupe will again visit Hood River the last of the month. Watch for date later. Ed Williams left .last Saturday to resume his studies at college in San ranciseo. Mr. J. P. Watson has been laid up for the past ten days with one of Job's comforters. R. M. Hunt finished burning a pit of charcoal, Wednesday, for Dallas & spangier. W. H. Pugh and daughter of Wasco, visited his parents in Hood River last week. The two children of Geo. Lov are quite sick, threatened with pneumonia. Mr. Chas. Temple, the jeweler, spent the holidays in Portland. Miss Bertha Sunderland returned to Portland, Monday The weather continues like spring. The Travers Club. : The Travers club held its first meet ng for the new year at the house of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Smith. The Girls' Essay club was present and the prizes giveu out as uie result oi ineir worn. lhe prizes were given by Mrs. Ellen Travers and the prize winners were: Miss Laura Hill, Macauley's History of England; Miss Gladys Hartley, Half Hours with Noted Authors; Miss Fay .Laf ranee, ijorna uoon. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Mordecai Jones. As Mr. Jones is a brother of Mrs. Travers, it was especially pleasant that he should meet the young people his sister is so kindly interested in. The house was full of sympathetic 1 fiends in the girls' work and the essays received many compliments. J eolo3 by Miss Sunderland and Mr. B. J. LaFrauce filled theintervals between the reading of essays, and Mr.H. York, whose violin playing enlivens so many social functions, was at hjs best. Blame the "Devil." Pine GrovE, Jan. 4, 18o8. Editor Glacier: Your correspondent from this neighborhood bas'more than once made the statement that somebody by the name of "Fisk" is doing something or other hereabouts. In his latest he says that "Mr. James Fisk made some very appropriate remarns" at our Christmas tree entertainment.' We were only a boy when Jim Pisk ran his notorious career, and can't reiirem her much about him, but we are quite sure that he is as dead as Pharaoli and at least certain that neither he nor any other person by the name of Fisk ives in this neighborhood. The per son who made those remarks was Rev. Jacob Feak. H. Weather Report for December. Maximum temperature, 52, on the 20th. Minimum temperature, 22, on the od. Mean temperature for the month, 134.75. Mean maximum temperature, 88J. Mean minimum temperature, 31.50. Total precipitation, 12.54 inches. -Oreatest precipitation in any 24 hours con secutive), 1.84 Inches, on the 13th. . Total snowfaJl. 8 inches. Depth of snow on 15th. 0 inches. Depth of snow at end of mouth, 0 inches. . Number of clear days, none. . Partly cloudy days, 4. , Cloudy days, 27. , Number of days on which .01 or more pre cipitation fell, la. Prevailing wind, east. Dates of sleet, 4th, 8th, 24th. Time used, local. Thunder on the 7th; robins on the .list. C.Xi. H.vu::ktt, Voluntary Obsnrver. East Hood River. Mr. Oscar Johnson came up from Portland last Thursday to look after his ranch near the Feak place. . Mrs. Troy Shelley is doctoring Mr. Ross Turner and he is gaining quite w u ueciaeal in ueauu Miss Tillie Mohr will return home for a visit this week. .Mr. Hardin will shortly change his location, as the place which be has rented for the past few years has now been disposed of by sale. - .;" Mr. Clarence Knapp will soon com mence to build him a new house on his place at Willow Flats. Mr. Gilmore's mother, who has been residing with her daughter at Mt. Hood, will now live with her son in his new home near Neal Creek. Christm'as week on the East Side has been a continual round of gaiety and pleasure. '. A dance, arranged by Messrs. Will and Chester Sears, was given at the new . house nn Mr. Lacey's place. About fifteen tuples were present. A party was given at the home of Mr. Troy Shelley and a good time is reported. An oyster supper was given at the home of- Mr. M. V. Rand, "There were plenty ot oysters in the .soup" and general good cheer prevailed. The spelling school at the Odeil school house ended as usual, in some oue missing fewer words lhaii any one else. . : . W. L. Ward, better known os "Long Ward," died at his home near Boyd, Wasco county, December 28, 1897, aged 71 years. Deceased whs a pioneer of Hoodj River valley and at one time owned the place now owned by F..H. Button. Prosperity comes quickest to the man whose liver is in good condition. De Witt's Little Early Risers are famous little pills for constipation, biliousness. indigestion and all stomaclraud liver troubles. Williams & Brosius. . James Joyce was killed at tunnel No. 3, while at work loading gravel cars, last Thursday, by the caving of the bank. Tom Curiell aud S. Malcom were badly injured. Mrs.M.B.Ford.RuddeU'sjll.Jsuffered for 8 years from dyspepsia, and chronic constipation and was Anally cured by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills tor all stomach and liver troubles. Williams & .brosius. A man named Harry Hessey, lately escaped trom jail at uregou Uity, was shot and killed at The Dalles last Fri day, by Night Watchman Julius Wiley. Hessey resisted arrest and bad leveled his revolver at Coroner Butts when he was shot by the night watch man. A reward of $40 had been offered for his capture. Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va., was frightfully burned on the lace and neck. Pain was instantly relieved byDeWitt's Witch Hazel Saive,which healed the in jury without leaving a scar. It is the fa mous pile remedy. Williams & Brosius. . Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg,Pa.,says: "My child is worth millions to me, yet 1 would have lost hpr by croup had I not invested 25 cents in a bottle of One Min ute Cough Cure." It cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Will iams & Brosius. J.A. Perkins of Antiquity, O., was for 80 years needlessly tortured by physi cians for the cure of eczema. He was quickly cured bjy using DeWitt's Witch Hazel teal ve,t he famous healing salve tor piles and skin diseases. Williams & Bro sius. When Yon Hare a Bad Cold You want the best medicine thatcan be obtained, and that is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. You want a remedy that will not only give quick relief but effect a per manent cure. You want a remedy that will relieve the-lungs and keep expectoration easy. You want a remedy that will count eract any tendency toward pneumonia. You want n remedy that is pleasant and safe to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the only medicine in use that -meets all of these requirements. This remedy is famous 'for its cures of bad colds throughout the United States and iu many foreign countries It has many rivals, but, for the speedy and perma nent cure of bad colds, stands without a peer and its splendid qualities are every where admired and praised. For sale by Williams and Brosius. Church Notices. Special Church Notice. Next Sab- beth at 11 a. m. Dr. Hines will preach on "The Witnessing Church," and in connection with the service will read the "general rules" of the Methodist Episcopal church. He cordially invites all to learn just what that church ex pects of its membership, in the Chris tian life and work.: The members and probationers in the church are all ex pected to be present. Elders James Geddes, B. D. Jensen and Geo. H. Carver of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will hold services in the Fiaiikton school house at 2 p. m. and in the Valley Christian church at 7 p.m. Sunday, January 9, 1898. A cordial invitation is extended to all. ' United Brethren Church Services. Preaching each Sabbath morning and evening. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Senior Endeavor, 6.45 p. m.; preach ing, 7.30 p. m.; prayer meeting Wed nesday evening; choir practice, Friday evening. Rev.-J. T. Merrill, pastor. . M. E. Church. Monthly appoint ments on Hood River circuit: 1st Sunday Hood River, 11a. m Htnes. Hood River, 7:30 p. m Archer. . Jielmont, 7:30 p. m Hines. . Pine Grove, 11 a. m.: Archer. 2d Sunaay-r Hood River, 11 a. m Archer. f Hood River, 7:30 p. m....... Hines. Jielmont,, 11 a. m Hines. Crapper, 2:30 p. m Archer. 3d Sunday Hood River, 11 a. m Areher. Hood River, 7:30 p. m Hines. Belmont, 7:30 p. m Areher. Pine Grove, 11a. m Hines. 4th Sunday Hood River, 11a. rn Hines. Hood River, 7:30 p. m Archer. , Belmont, 11 a. m Archer. - Crapper, 2:30 p. m Hines. SthSuhday Hood River, 11 a. m Hines. . Hood River, 7:30 p. m Hines. Mount Hood, 11a. m Archer. v List of Letters Remaining uncalled for in Hood River postofflce Jauary 1, 1898. Alderman, Nellie Root, Louis Hanly, J. D. Smith, O. Sam Hibbard, J. ' " Young, Ward "Knapp, Mrs; C. P. Young, Gracie V. M. Yates, P. M, The Holidays at Trout Lake. Trout Lake, Wash., Jau. 3, 1898, Editor Glaqier: Perhaps it may interest some of your readers to learn how Trout Lake celebrated Christmas and New Year's. This part of the world, as is generally known, is more or less snow bound in winter and not much . heard from, but nevertheless people here Know how to enjoy lite Christmas was celebrated by a dance at Julius Houk's residence, where all en joyed themselves and did full justice . . .. , , r i, . . . . . . s . .. iu i.iie uui 01 tare. ail were iuviwu iu celebrate New Year's at the residence of Hon. R. A. Byrkett. Upon arriving there we were assured or a good time when we found that Harry Sellinger was master ot ceremonies. As sleigh ing was never better in the history of Trout ijake, we were bound to have a sleigh ride on New Year's day, and a good long one. too. We left Uoat .Bros ralich at 1 o'clock, and after a good long run , the party came to a halt at Mr. (stuciiemairs place, where we re ceived our mail and refreshments and were soon ready for another spin tothe lower end of the valley, returning to btadieman's in time tor supper, sup per over, we lost no time in preparing the room for a dance. When we' had danced . to our heart's content and ready to go home, all declared it was the happiest New Year's day -of their lives. .. - ivo. 3. Use of School Houses. ' The state superintendent of schools writes to the county superintendent of Sherman county in regard to the mat ter of controlling a school building,' as follows: ' '-. . :. , Permit me to say that the board of directors hold the school property in trust tor the use ot the public schools. They have no jurisdiction over said property tarluer than that, it is their place to care for the school property and to provide for its use for school purposes. lhe board has no legal right whatever to lease the property or any part of the property to any other person or persons tor any other enter prise that would not be in harmony with the school work. This opinion has been rendered at ditterent times, and 1 have based it upon careful dis cussion of the matter with other per sons in authority in the building, to whom i should go tor advice. . it is ad nnssable at times for the directors to allow the use of the school bouse for Sunday school, church services or for lyceum purposes, but these all pertain to the moral welfare of the district. AH other arrangements in my opinion are null and void under the law. Beauty, Utility and Value Are happily combined in Hood's Sar saparilla coupon calendar- for 1898. The lovely child's head in an embossed gold frame, surrounded by sprays of nowers in mosaic, the harmonious pad in blue with clear figures,- and the cou pons by means of which many valu able books and other articles may tie obtained, make up the most desirable calendar we have ever seen. The first coupon article is Hood's Practical Cook's Book, a handsome, useful vol ume or 350 pages. Ask your druggist for Hood's coupon calendar, or send 6 cents in stamps for one to C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. , To Cure a Cold in One Day. "' Take Laxative Bromo Onlnlne Tablets. All druggists refund th( money 11 It fails tocure.25c WANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACT ive Eentlemen or ladies to travel for re- sponsible.estahlished house in Oregon. Month ly s5 and expenses. Position steady., Refer ence. Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago. M. F. SHAW, M. D. (Successor to Dr. Morgan) ' All Calls Promptly Attended Office and residence, second door north of Nickelsen' store. . 3. WMisaPeaclteWoi? If it will produce bright yellow fruit of de licious Quality every year when other varie ties fall, 85 per tree would be cheap. The Crosbey is such a peach, and yet theSrees may be had of H. C. Bateham for 25 cts each. One year's crop will pay for the trees and leave 100 per cent profit. . . - Ladies' Saddle. A Side Saddle for sale, or would trade for hay. Inquire at Glacier office. j7. For Jen Days Only. I will offer for sale a 8-vear-old mare, good roadster; cart, nearly new; good harness, with two sets of hames and tugs, for $75. Terms; half cash and half work. d3l G. C. BUSHNELL. SHOE REPAIRING- In the best and most artistic styles at the Old Reliable 8hoe 3hop one door west of post office. Ladies' fine work a specialty. All work war ranted. C. WELDS, Prop'r. Bargains in Real Estate 20 acres fine fruit land, 1s also good farm land; all cleared or under contract. 400 fence posts. 5,000 feet fence lumber. Cabin, etc. Price $900. Make me a spot cash offer. F. C. BROSIUS. Fresh Milk, . Areated and deodorized, 5 cents a quart. 1 ' F. H. BUTTON. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, January o, 1898. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup)Mrt of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore gon, on February 15, 1898, viz: THOMAS HARLAN, . Add.Hd. E. No. 4250, for the southwest southeast and south southwest section 2, township 2 north, range 11 east. , He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: William Watson. E. J. Huskey, Lee Evans, all of Mosier, and M. M. Bayer of The Dalles. J7fll , J AS. F. MOOBE, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. 'Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Dec. 81, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make tlnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver, at The Durtles, Oregon, on February 12, 1898, viz, BENJAMIN F. SHOEMAKER, Hd. E. No. 8819, for the north northwest section B.township 2 north. range 10 east,W.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Alfred Ingalls and C. II. Stranahan of Hood River and L. H. Nichols and Wm, Nichols of The Dalles, Oregon. J7111 . SA.S. F, MOOUE, K gister. Glacier ZDeio-tsclxa;' ufipotlb-ele Is now open for business, carrying a full line of Druas Perfumery and Always ' ' "''' Prescriptions Carefully Compounded and Prices Reasonable. At the old stand of the Glacier office, Hood- River, Oregon. H. A. YORK, Proprietor. M. S. & Of Hood River can furnish comfortable conveyances to all parts of the valley and vicin ity. Heavy draying and transferring done with care and promptness. , GEO. P. CROWELL, Successor to E. L.Smith Oldest Established House in the valley. '-' DEALER IN . - - , ' HDrr G-oods, ClotlxIzn.gr, G-eneral 2verdi-'a,3n.6llse, Flour, Feed, Etc., , Etc. HOOD RIVER, - - - - - OREGON TTLLETT & GALLIGAN, Propr's. Deal onlv in first-class Nursery Stock. Send proprietors and make a specialty of the now Yakima Has made his headquarters again with EC. ITIOKBldSElT, With the best selected stock ever brought mention. Come and see for yourself. , Columbia Nursery Offers a large stock of Fruit Trees and all oth er kinds of nursery stock. All trees are well grown, carefully dug, free from pests and true to laoei. w netner you want one tree or i,uuu, it will pay you to examine this stock. Re member, trees grown here give the best satis faction. No trouble to show goods. Orders filled on short notice. H. C. BATEHAM, - Hood Hlver, Oregon. Three miles south, on Mt Hood Koad. PIONEER MILLS, Harbison Bros., Prop'rs, Manufacturers of 0 Dressed and Undressed Flour, Feed and all kinds of cereals ground. Whole WheatGraham ; a specialty. HOOD RfvER. OREGON. The Glacier BARBER SHOP, GRANT EVANS. Prop'r, Post Office Building, Hood River, Or. DENTISTRY. " DR. E. T. CARNS Is now located In Portland, at 113 Russell street. Will make regular trips to Hood River on the first of every month and remain three days. .- , ' E. H. PICKARD, Hood River, Painter & Decorator PaPF.R HANGING. WALT, TTNTINO. GRAINING and NATURAL WOOD FIN ISH. I make a specialty of my trade, and or ders will receive prompt attention. Satisfac tory work at live and let live prices guaran- teea. .estimates grans. . jyz For Sale. Thoroughbred Jersey cow. comlnsrS years old: thoroughbred Jersey bull, one year old In March (pedigree if required): 6 year old mare. new cart and harness. No reasonable offer refused. Inquire at the Glacier office, or of dill U. C. JiUBUKJiLiL.. DALLAS & SPANGLER -DEALERS IN- STOVES AND TIMABE, Kitchen Furniture, PLUMBERS GOODS. Pruning Tools, Etc. We have a new and complete stock of hard ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will keep constantly adding. Our prices will con tinue to be as low as Portland prices. Repairing Tinware a Specialty. AND . and Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, on hand. ' L. CO.'S for Catalogue and Price ListT They are sol celebrated Apple. . to Hood River. Too many Christmas Goods to - 1 To tlb-e Eact,. Gives the choice of TWO TltANSCONTINEN TA L BO.TJ T.'B S Via Via Spokane, Salt Lake, Minneapolis, Denver, St. Paul, Omaha, AND . ASH Chicago, Kansas City. Lowest Rates to All Eastern Cities. TIME TABLE FOB HOOD RIVER WEST BOUND. No. 1, Oregon Short Line... 4.30 a. m. No. 3, Spokane 10. Hi a. m. EAST BOUND. No. 4, Spokane -. 4.88 r. r. No. 2, Oregon Short Line 1 1 .4S v. m. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every five days for SAN F CISCO. Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokfv homa and Hong Kong, via file N'i'rlHjii l' ciflc Steamship Co.in connection wilhO. U.&N For full details call on O. iR. & N. AtMiit Hood River, or addresc W. II. HURI.m iiT. Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, k Strayed. A Jersey Bull, 15 months oM. Nnhnmds. A suitable reward will be paid for Informa tion of his whereabouts or his return to my place. JOHN KOfiElKI. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent ' cure. It also cures itch, barber' itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. . Dr. Oady's Condition PoTyflcrs for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier andvermifuge. Price, 25cents. Soldby Forcale bv Williams' & UmiiiH. and