The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 31, 1897, Image 2

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    Sfood Iftver Slacier.
Published every Friday by
. S. fcV Ulythe.
Terms of Sul scrl ittonSjl.GO a year when
paid lii advance, it not paid In advance.
The animal convention of the fruit
groXvers' assodation will be held in
Portland, January 10 to 13, inclusive,
nd a special rate of one and one-fifth
fare hus been authorized by the pas
senger department of the O. R. & N.
on the certificate plan. Exhibits of
this convention will be transported by
freight without charge over the O. R.
& N. Co. V lines and if necessary the
O. R. & N. will try (o arrange with
the express company for one-half rale
on exhibits. An elaborate programme
has bee-1 arranged and incidentally
there will be a full discussion of market
and transportation conditions, (he rela
tion Oregon and California fruit in the
Eastern markets the alleged disad
vantage of the Oregon shipper by rea
son of the organization in favor of Cal
ifornia and the best methods of remov
ing the same. "
Rev. Dr. L. Stoddard, rector of St.
Johns, the most aristocratic Episcopal
church in Jersey City, has started a
dancing school in connection with the
church and furnishes lessons at the
low price of 6 cents a lesson. His ob
ject, he says, is to promote . sociability
and keep young folks from indiscrim
inate association. Dr. Stoddard is a
very progressive, up-to-date clergyman.
He has Instituted in connection with
the' church singing classes, lecture
courses, physical culture for young
women, us well as for the boys and
men; shorthand classes and a cooking
school. There is in addition a room
set apart especially for bicycles.
The friends of free silver in Oregon
are endeavoring to form a union party
aud will hold a conference in Portland
January 7th. The democratic exec
utive com mi t tee will meet in Portland
January 8(h and is expected to fall an
easy prey to fusion. The fusion party
will hardly succeed in capturingenough
democrats aud populists to entirely ob
literate these parties, and without com
plete fusion they will not come as near
winning in the state as they did in '96.
William D. Carter; a pioneer printer
of Oregon, died at Sellwood, December
28, 18&7, aged 08 years. Mr. Carter was
a tine printer and a most excellent
man. It was our good fortune to have
known him intimately. Mr. Geo. H.
miun git co a sivciu 1110 1 1 i n
Wednesday's Oregonian, which shows
him to have beeu a man of sterling
worth and character.
An Idaho rancher has discovered
. that gophers will disappear from land
sown with the castor oil bean, and that
some - parasitic insects on trees will
leave where the bean is grown. These
. beans have for some '"le been, sown
on his land, among his brchard trees,
with excellent results.
A correspondent of the New York
Suu blames Grover Cleveland for the
abuses of the pension laws. He says
"gross frauds" were allowed to go on
during his two administrations "to
make political capital for domocratic
use against the republicans" 11
: It is announced that another big
daily paper will be started in Portland
and that its mission will be to secure
the return of John H. Mitchell to the
United States senate. If this is indeed
its true mission it gives promise of long
life. 1
The Salem Sentinel is a new paper,
independent republican in politics, pub
lished by C. R Irvine, late of the
Statesman. The Sentinel is newsy
and starts off with a good advertising
patronage. - ' .
The special illustrated edition of the
Times-Mountaineer will be issued about
the first of January. It is said it will
be one of the finest publications ever
put out by any paper in the state.
The senate has passed the bill. giving
all persons who were not at the time
owners of land acquired under the
. homestead law the right to make sec
ond homestead entries.
Congress has adjourned till January
6th. '
The Ylew of Mt. Hood Not Liked as a
Steady Diet
A Chicago man recently visited
Portland and happened to strike a clear
day when Mt. Hood could be seen iu
all its glory. He' was so enraptured
t hat he expressed himself as willing to
believe the story that -some Portland
people can live on the viev of the grand
old mountain, whereupon his host
' (which must have been "Jerry" of the
Oregonian) told the following true
A printer employed on a Portland
paper. a good many years ago, before
there was a railroad lip the Columbia,
had spent his brief summer vacation at
Hood River, and became so infatuated
with the line view of Mount Hood
from a point near there that he moved
his rather large family there and lo
cated t neurit) a. cottage, which afforded
magnificent view of the grand old
mountain. . The family greatly enjoy
ed the pure air, and the" country lite.
The boyi' fished and hunted, the girls'
picked berries, and every week supplies
reached them by boat, and they were
very happy and found the view of the
mountain growingon themday by day.
Finally, winter came on and a cold
spell followed; the river above the cas
cades was frozen up; the boats stopped
running, and there was no way of get
ting supplies to the family, and in a
few days they had nothing to subsis't
on, except the view of Mount Hood.
Then its appearance changed, and it
seemed like some ice-clad demon, whose
breath was as chilly as that of a step
mother, whose object was to slowly
congeal the blood in their young veins
and freeze them to death. 'They were
some distance from neighbors, aud it
was several days before relief reached
them, and they could not have existed
more than another day or two on the
view of Mount Hood, and after they
had been rescued they never wanted to
seethe mountain again. As soon as
the boats commenced running they
were brought buck to- Portland, but
even the view of Mount Hood 60 miles
distant gave them a pain, and soon
after they all removed to San Francisco
to tie out of sight, of - the 'grand old
mountain. ' '.''
Some Good Suggestions.
Hood River, Dec. 29, 1897. Editor
Glacier: Regarding the proposition
of a cannery at Frank ton, there is no
one thinking seriously of the scheme,
as such enterprises are always located
at a favorable point for transportation,
especially when one, is-available. On
the other hand, to build and properly
equip a small cannery, "but large
enough to be of use for . Hood River
valley," will require at least from $4,000
to $6,000, and I think $8,000 none too
much to make the venture safe. But
Hood River enterprise can, and I think
ought to, build in Hood River town a
large cold storage building to store ap
ples, pears and any other fruits or yeg
egtables that farmers, may raise for
market.. This would permit farmers to
haul their fruit to town when the roads
were good and place it where, when the
market and fruit were right, it would
be available. . Under such conditions
there would be no difficulty in selling
it in lots to suit the markets, f. o. b.
here. Buyers would be plentiful if
they knew they could see fruit in town,
and not be compelled to run all over
the valley, which is expensive in win
ter, and we know who pays all bills in
the end. Hood River can put up a
fruit dryer in town large enough to dry
the valley crop, and by this means turn
out a uniform article and grade, and
pack it, and this would be at market
where it could be seen and sold f. o. b.
It Is in the province of the Hood River
Fruit Growers' Union to own these, or
rent them if the stockholders do not
feel like owning them, as they can be
built if they would be used by the union
of growers. Furthermore, if we are to
have a union in fact as well as in name,
capital,' with experience back of it,
stands ready'to put up a cannery if the
Hood River Fruit Growers' Union will
use its efforts to satisfy, them that they
will have something to can. You all
see that it rests with the growers at
last, where it properly should, and I
hope always will. . Answer.
The Man Who Laughs.
Hood River, Dec. 27, 1897. Editor
Gjacier: During your . pilgrimage
among the children of men haven't
you met persons hose presence caused
you to feel better and think more of
your kind? And others, who never
had a Kindly word tor any one; every
thing wrong and every one dishonest
but themselves? - Watch the latter. .
Benjamin Franklin had a friend who
had a deformed leg which he used, as
he said, as a barometer and thermom
eter to size up human nature. If upon
first acquaintance remarks were made
disparagingly of his crooked leg he cut
short the acquaintance; but it any re
marks were made at all in favor of Ids
irood leir, he always sought further ac
quaintance with the friend who did not
criticise his deformed leg. -
Never scold, never worry the for
mer leaves a scar, the latter makes
wrinkles on the iace. If the inevitable
comes, bear it with as much patience
as possible. Whistle, ping anu laugh.
We would much rather be poor And
merry than inherit the wealth of the
Klondike with a discontented spirit.
A merry heart, and a cheerful spirit,
from which laughter rolls up as nat
urally as the, bubbles in the spring of
Saratoga, are worth all t lie money oags,
stocks and mortgages of the city. The
man who laughs Is a doctor with a dip
loma indorsed by the school of Nature.
His face does more good iu a sick room
than a pound of powders or a gallon of
biuer draughts, if things ko ngiH he
laughs because he is pleased: if things
go wrong" he laughs because it is cheap
er and better than crying. People are
always glad to see him: their Irands iu
stinctively go out half way to meet his
grasp, while ' they - involuntarily turn
from the touch of the dyspeptic who
speaks on the groaning key. He
laughs you out of your faults, while
you never dream of beinjt offended at
him. It seems as if sunshine comes
into the room with him, aud you never
know what a pleasant world you are
living in till lie points out the sunny
streaks on its pathway. . Who can help
loving the whole-souled, genial laugber?
JNot the Dunoon and the man who
classes noise with mirth, but the cheery,
contented man of sense and mind. A
good-humored laugh id the key to all
hearts. The truth is, people like to be
laughed at in a genial sort of way. If
you are making yourself ridiculous you
want to be told of it in a pleasant man
ner, not sneered at, and it is astonish
Isbing how frankly the toughing pop
ulation can talk without treading on
the toes of their neighbors. Why will
people put on long faces when it is so
much easier and more comfortable to
laugh? Teal's come to us unsought and
unbidden. The wisest art in lite is to
cultivate smiles and to find the flow
ers, while others shrink away for fear
of thorns. - W. P.. Watson.
Christmas at Fuirview Sarin.
Fairview Farm, Dec. 29, 1897.
Editor Glacier;. A merry Christmas
at Father and Mother Bailey's was en
joyed hugely by all. Every one, down
to Baby Cora, was well remembered by
Santa Claus with nice Christmas pres
ents. ' Those present . were: Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Bailey and their baby Cora,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey, Miss Dora
Gunser of Wairensburg, Mo.; Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Chandler, Miss Ruby
Chandler. The day was spent in sing
ing hymns and tongs''! itue was taken. dinner, which consumed, a goorT
deal of time.-, it teemed like' no one
was In a hurry to leave the table, but
when tiiey did every one agreed that
Mother Bailey was hard to beat in get
ting up a good Christmas dinner. In
the. evening, Mr. and Mrs. Cunning,
Elton Cunning, Emma Cunning ami
Mr. Angus came over to have a good
Christmas sing.. A jolly good time was
had, and when the time came for all to
go home, every one wished they might
have as merry a Christmas next year.
One Who Was There.
Roads at Mt Hood.
Klondike, Dec. 28, 1897. Editor
Glacier: The Mount Hood road has
beeu getting' better every year, but if
people will keep on opening new roads
every half mile apart they will soon
find that we will have no roads at all.
One new road now on foot will, if suc
cessful, ' cost the taxpayers many a
round dollar. It is not more than six
miles long, with rough hillsides, and
only three-fourths ot a mile at the most
west of the old Mount Hood road. The
Dalles Chronicle has this to say: "By
this road several bad bills will be avoid
ed, and it will make a difference of
several miles iu distance, making it
easier to reach the Inn." That's true.
Put all the hills in one that's right.
Yes, make it longer and harder to
reach the Inn. We might ask ourself,
who is going to do all the work ou this
easy road? Oh, pshaw! we can't keep
the old 'roads iu good order, and we
don't want six miles more. Ask your
self why. The petition has two names,
and men to work the roads are not in
the country. What are we going to do
about it let it go? We guess not.
The writer has been over the ground
time aud time again; no road there. H.
I Good Enough Reasons. .
Crook County Journal. '
The gold-bug wants the largest poss
ible use of silver that can be maintain
ed on a parity with gold. If the gold
bug could be assured that free coinage
at 16 to 1 would maintain the two met
als in concurrent circulation he would
vote for free coinage at a moment's
warning. Butall history and all human
experience contradict the assumption.
As the gold-bug reads history, when
ever any metal, . in any. nation the
world has ever ftnowu, was admitted
to free coinage, the resulting coins have
always -passed at their bullion value
and iio more. The gold in an Amer
ican eagle Is worth as much before it is
coined as it is after. The silver in a Mex
ican dollar is worth no mori after it is
coined than itwas before. It is the same
everywhere and always. Under free
coinage the coinage value ana bunion
value of the metals coined are always
equal. Now, as cheap money always
drives out ot circulation dearer money,
it follows, therefore, that free coinage
of silver, at any ratio lets than the
market ratio, means silver moiromet-
alism. These are some of the consider
ations that compel the Journal to be a
gold-bug. .
Deficits Under the Tariff Laws.
Chicago Ch'ronlcla.
For the information of people who
are disposed to do full justice to the
tariff law of 1894, the Chronicle sub
joins the "corrected figures" of the
statistician of the treasury department.
showing the deficit for the fiscal years
1 of 1 i . tim 'I . ' !.! J J .1
iou to invi, lii'-iusi ve, wiiu an auueu
column showing the laws under which
the dehcits.occurred:
Fiscal year. Deficit. '" Under -
18M... 9,K03,21..', McKlnley law
into .-. 4z,m,Hi(.........ijaw or imt
18H0 25,20:1,246 Law of 1594
1H7 1i,0o2,254 Law of 1894
18U8 (live months) 45,98ti,023 ....Dlngley law
The deficit was rapidly vanishing
under the law ot 1894 and Jade fair to
disappear entirely in annrher year in
spite of the fact that a decision of the
supreme court had cut ort some $30,
000,000 of revenue from incomes.
For An Income Tax.
In the house of representatives on
December 16, Congressman Shufortof
North Carolina, a populist, introduced
a joint resolution to amend the con
stitution ot the United States relating
to direct taxes. 1 he proposed amend
ment to be submitted to the states is
article xvi.
The provisions of the constitution of
the United States relating to direct
taxes and the apportionment thereor
among the several states in proportion
to the- census enumeration shall not
apply to income taxes; but the con
gress shall have power to lay and col
lect taxes on all hicomes, regardless of
the source from which the income is
derived or acquired; provided, how
ever, that all income taxes which the
congress may lay and collect shall be
uniform throughout the United States.
. How They "Took Him In." ".
ftev. Mr. Chalmers of, the Christian
church at Cleveland, Ohio, recently
disguised himself as a workingmau
and attended a fashionable church in
this city. He told his experience in
his next Sunday's sermon, as follows.
"For a long time the ushers refused to
take any notice of me. 1 was elbowed
about until, even though I was play
ing a part, l tea Humiliated. .Mean
time richly attired men and women
were coming in and being shown to
seats. .As plainly as they could, with
out ordering me out, the ushers gave
me to understand that I was not want
ed. Finally they designated for my
use the very rear pew in the church."
Kansas, 1897.
, ' From the Philistine.
- Just a haulln' out the stuff '
From the plains o' Kansas,
Railroads can't get cars enough
Fur to empty Kansas.
Ort to see che farmers grin, ',
Stroke the lilacs on their chin,
As the cash comes rollin'-in,
Over there In Kansas.
) Women slngln' songs o' glee,
'Bout ol' fruitful Kansas, ,
Babies crowin' merrily
Everywhere In Kansas.
' Purty girls a buyln' clothes, -Toggiif
out from head to toes. .
htyle? You bet your life she goes,
. Over there in Kansas.
' When the cares o' day Is done, '
On the plains o' Kansas.
An' the kids begin to yawn,
Sl epy like in Kansas,
Farmer wipes his glasses blurred,
-, Reads a chapter o the Word,
Then kneels down and,thanks the Lord
That he lives in Kansas.
For Ten Days Only.
I will offer for sale a tfyear-old -mare, good
roadster; cart; nearly new; good harness, with
half cash and half work. - '
A Gash
Drug Store?
This interesting story in serial form was commenced
in Vol. IX., No. 28, and has become so popular that all
back numbers are exhausted. Please keep current is
sues for reference, or cut out this ad, paste it in your'
scrap book, consult it often, and it will save you money
and tell you the prices of Drugs and Sundries at Hood
River, Oregon: ' . . t
Inhalers, Menthal.
Meal, Almond.
Mugs, Shaving
Muslin, Oiled '.
Nipples, all common styles....
Nipples, Mispah
Nipples and Tubes for bottles.....
Oil. Hair
Ongaline, for nails .....
Paper, Toilet, flat, best 1.'
Pencils, lead ;
Picks, Tooth, orange wood ,....'........
Picks, Tooth, quill '
Powder, Sachel, best per drachm.
Powder; Sachel, best per ounce
Powder, Caraelline
Powder, Talcum, baby's toilet
Powder, Violet, baby's toilet.....
Powder, Tooth, Lyons
Powder, Tooth, Stearns
Powder, Face, Stearns...
Powder. Face, Swansdo wn
Powdre de riz
Powdre de riz, Fay's -6 .,
. ; Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New .
Year, we ask you to come and get your present with !
EVERY purchase 25 to 50 per cent guaranteed saving.
Hood ZEi-ver Fli.a,rm.suc3r;
" The Corner Drug Store." v
Choice Fresh, and Cured Meats,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Highest Cash Price Paid for Stock.
Dealers in and Shippers of All Kinds
' of wood.
(Successors to A. S. Blowers & Son) ; ' '. .
Second door East
Hard Times Prices
Hereafter I will Boll for CASH only or Its equivalent. Regarding prices, will say 1 hit I
defy competition. I am not afraid to meet competitive prices at any time. Meet me on Port
land lines ana i win meet you wua jroruana
Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice Is hereby Riven to the Stockholders
of the Hood River Fruit Growers' Union, and
berrj growers in Hood River Valley and vl-J
-cinuy, mat me annual srocKnoiaers- meeting
will be held in A. O. U. W. ball In, Hood
River, on
Saturday, Jan. 8, 1898, at 10 A. M.,
To elect a Board of Directors, hear the annual
report of- the TraHurerand Secretary, make
gome changes in the by-laws, and transact
any other business that mav leerallv come be
fore the meeting. By order of the president.!
N. C. EVANS, Secretary.
In the best and most artistic styles at the Old
Sellable Shoe 3hop one door west of post office.
Ladles' flue work a specialty. All work war
ranted. C. WELDS, Prop'r.
Bargains in Heal Estate
20 acres line fruit land, Is also good' farm
land; all cleared or under contract. 400 fence
posts. 5,000 feet fence lumber. Cabin, etc.
Price $900. Make me a spot cash off er.
Fresh Milk,
Areated and deodorized, 5 cents a qunrt.
- . F. H. BUTTON.
For Sale.
Thoroughbred Jersey cow. coming 8 years
oldMhoroUithbred Jersey bull, one vear old In
"Slajrch (pedigree if required); 0 year old mare,
new cart nnu Hume, nu rceuMMittuie oner
refused, inquire tit the Glacieromce.orof
. dlO - , ti. C. BUBUNKLL.
25c on
25 on
15 cash, or
... 25 cash, or
... 20 cash, or
..2 for 5 earn, or
5 .cash, or
.5 to 20 cash, or 15 to 20 on
cash, or
cash, or
cash, or
3 for 5 cash, or
15' cash, or
5 cash, or
5 cash, or
.." 20
, " 15
cash, or
cash, or
cash, or
cash, or
cash, or
cash, or
cash, or
cash, or
cash, or
cash,' or
ZFa,c3s:i:in.g Co.
of Glacier office.
prices, uan ana see
Cows for Sale. ;:
Two fresh Cows, one three-quarters and the
other one-half Jersey, for sale by
$350 Cash and $250
On time will buy that house of six rooms.
with 2 lots, barn, wood shed, good well of
water, wu.n pump, ere., oe longing to . a.
Husbands. Key at the post office.
n28 Canta Cruz, Cal.
Pasture for Horses.
I have one of the best ranches in Sherman
county for the wintering of Horses. Plenty of
feed and water. For fun her particulars call
on W. Kennedy, at Ordway corral, or address
nl2 C. H. WILLIAMS, Moro, Or.
I desire to say to my Hood, River friends
that I visited Mr. Williams' ranch and founr1
he has 800 acres of stubble, over 1,000 acres cf
excellent bunch grass, 'with plenty of running
water. Horses now on his pasture are fat.
Blooded Hogs-for Sale.
Ten gilts and one boar; weight about 120
pounds each; as fine as any in the state. Reg
istered Polaud China. ; Price, $8 each.
d!7 . W.P.WATSON.
lve gentlemen or ladles to travel for re
sponslble.establisbed house In Oregon. Month
ly $65 and expenses. Position steady. Refer
ence. Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope.
The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago.
15c cash, or
Nursery Stock for Sale.
I have for sale 0,000 two-year-old apple trees
of the best quality, consisting of Yellow New
town, Hpitzenbiirg. Baldwin, Lawver. Hyde's
King, King of Tompkins County, Oravensteln
and Wealthy. N. C. EVANS,
slO- Hood River Fruit Gardens.
Mt. Hood Saw Mills,
Of the best quality always on hand at price.
to suit the times. Jy24
'AH work
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
, Wasco County.
Inez F. Broadbent. plaintiff, vs. Frederick M.
Broadbent. defendant, i
To Frederick M. Broadbent, the above named
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in the above en
tilled court and cause on or before the first
day of the next regular term thereof, fol
lowing the expiration of the time prescribed
in the order for the publication of the sum
mons, to wit: On or before the 14th day of
February, 1898. And if you fall bo to appear
and answer or otherwise plead In said cause;
the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to
the court for the relief prayed for in the com
plaint filed herein, to wit: That the bonds of
matrimony between plaintiff and defendant
be dissolved, that the plaintiff be awarded the
custody of the minor child mentioned In said
complaint, Merle H. Broadbent, and for such
other and further relief as to the court may
seem equitable.
This summons is served upon you by pub
lication thereof, by Honorable w. L. Brad- '
shaw. Judge of said court, which order bears
date of November 24, 1897, and was made and
dated at Chambers, In Dalles City, in Wasco '
county, Oregon, on the 21th day of November,
d.'tJU . Attorney for Plaintiff.
Lan'd Office at The DalleSypregon, Nov. 29,
1897. Notice Is hereby giveu"thaV the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make' final proof in support of his.,
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Register and Receiver at The Dalles,
Oregon, on January 11, 4898, viz:
Of Hood River, Oregon, H. Ei'No, 11907. for the '
southeast M northwest of section 9, town
ship 2 north, range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses lo prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
C. L. Gilbert, William Nichols and L. H.
Nichols of The Dalles, Oregon, and George T.
Prnther of Hood River, Oregon.
d3J7 J AS. F. MOORE, Register.
"C :."!
$1.00 Bottle.
One cent a dose.
This Great Couqr Curb Droumtly cure
Where all others fail, Coughs, Croup, or.
- Throat, Hoarseness, whooping Cough and
Asthma? For Consumption it has no rival:
has cured thousands, and will CURB TOO if
taken in time. Sold by Druggists on a guar
antee. For a Lame Back or Chest, use
Have vou Catarrh ? This remed v is vuaran.
teed to cure you. Price, 60 eta. Injector tree.
For'sule by H. A. YORK.
m Send us a - model or rough pencil
Jk SKETCH of your Invention and we will ,
ability. "Inventors' Guide or llowto Get ,
a Patent," sent free. ' . ' ,
Uwyen ind Solicitor! of American and '
JJ r Foreign Patents,
1 1425 N. Y. AVE., WASHINGTON, 0. C.
2? . When writing mention this paper.
Future comfort for present
seeming economy, tut fcuy the
sewing machine with an estab
lished reputation, that guar
antees you long and satisfy ;
tory service. J J J j
i i
'"' ' ' - . . AMD - '
(devices for ' regulating and
showing the exact tension) are
a few of the features that
emphasize : the high grade
character of the white. a
;. Send for our elegant H.T.
catalog.. .'!";'''
White Sewing Machine Co.,
mm l
k m w a m ww slum.
III mii'i r