, lacier. 0 It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. VOL. IX. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER $1, 1S97. NO. 32. The Hooc River Epitome of the Telegraphic ' News of the World. TERSET TICKS FROM THE WIRES .n Interesting Collection of Item From the New and . the Old "World In a Condensed and Comprehensive Form Sheepmen in Southern Colorado are losing thousands of sheep by snow and extremely cold weather. 's The .Northern Pacific Railway Com ' pany has reduced wages of car repairers at Superior 25 cents a day.; . . The schooner Ballora Loherman, Captain Plummer, from 'South River, N. J., for Boston", foundered without v. warning Sunday morning off Highland Lights. No liveB were lost.: v ! Charles W. Winkler, a brakeman on the Columbia & Puget Sound railway, was run over by a coal car and killed in the Seattle yards. Winkler form erly lived in Butte City, Cal., where ; he has relatives. A bomb, made of gas pipe and filled with powder, was'exploded.in the Ger man theater, in Olatuez,1 Monrovia. Little damage Wjj.5 done, but ' the inci dent caused 'great excitement among the German residents. . The Turkish government, replying to the representations of Greece, has ex plained that the. firing upon the Greek gunboat Actium' by the Turks at Per vassa, on Saturday last, as the vessel was leaving the gulf of Ambraoia, was due to a misunderstanding. Aunt Judith Moore, the first colored woman admitted to membership in Henry Ward Beecher's church, is dead at her home in Brooklyn,' aged 74. It is said that Mr. Beeoher in his will re quested that she be care for. She is one of the original -members of the : Christian Endeavor Society. ,! : . Jacob. Sarigs, of Ooramiah, Persia, ' bow in Cincinnati,' giving talks on ' Persia and Armenia, has just received . a letter from friends in his Persian home, informing him that a band of raiders from Eoordestan had massacred all the inhabitants of a Persian Chris tian town, 800 souls, near Salinas, Persia. , Peter French, a .prominent cattle man and landowner of Harney oounty, Oregon, was killed by a man flamed Oliver. : It is reported that the deed was a cold-blooded murder. The vio " tim was shot in the back of the .head, the bullet-coming out betwt-en the eyes. A land dispute is said to Jjave been the oause of the trouble. J. ' ' ' ' . ' The Overman Wheel Company, of Chicopee Falls, Mass., has made an as signment for the benefit of its creditors. Henry B.. Bowman, president : of the Springfield National bank; has-been k appointed trustee. Albert : H. : Oyer , man is president of the company, ana the principal owner.and has given out i a statement showing that, -on Novem ber 10, labt, the assets were $1,818,000 and the liabilities $589,000. ( i Frank G. , Farley was accidentally shot and instantly killed by Ed. Alvord, in Tekoa, Wash. Both men were O. R. & N. conductors. ' At the ooroner's . inquest, the evidence showed that Al vord was turning the cylinder of a re volver So the hammer would not rest on a .cartridge. The weapon wasj(dis- charged, and Farley fell and expired without uttering a word. The jury ex onerated Alvord. r The long-continued . oold and heavy enow of the past month are beginning ' to have a seriouB, effect upon sheep in Wyoming; and it is feared that, unless there is a break in the weather soon, the losses will be heavy. Sheepmen . report that a number have already perished. - ' , Mr. Coffin,' the, acting controller of the ourrenoy has called attention to the . fact that the retirement of national bank notes during the first 20 days of Decem ber . reached, the sum of $8,000,000. , This is Buid to be the first time during : the last 10 years that the voluntary re tirement has readied this amount in any one month. ' - After a week of conference in Bos ton, Justices Putnam and ' King, the commissioners . for the United States and Canada, respectively,, in the arbi tration of the Behring sea claims, have completed their work for the present, and it is understood will soon begin the preparation of their reports to their respective governments. ; i . . ' The first meeting of the National Building Trades Council was held at St. Louis, and was marked by a scafh- ' ing denunciation of the American Fed eration of Labor for having passed a resolution at Nashville opposing the formation of the national council. The Federation of Labor opposed the new organization as tending to create a fur ther division in the ranks of labor.! ;, Fireman Martin J. Oakley was killed at a fire; in a five story tenement on East Forty-fourth street, New York ity , Oakley was suffocated by smoke and esoaping gas. ; Assistant Fireman ', Thomas Head, James Davis and Peter Connelly, of the same oompany, were rendered unconscious by inhaling' ; smoke and gas,' and were with diffi culty revived. They are in hospitals, , and their condition is serious ACTUAL STARVATION. Thousands of Cubans Are In the Direst Distress. . Washington, Deo. 29. The- most profound distress prevails among many thousands of people in Cuba. Starva -tion not only impends, but is an actual faot. The president has been informed of the facts from Bources whose reliabil ity cannot be doubted. He has gone to the length of his constitutional power in calling the State of affairs to the at tention of the American people. The state department has used all of its authority to mitigate conditions, and the letter to the public sent out by Sec retary Sherman the day before Christ mas pointed 'out the way to further alleviate the miserable condition of the oonoentradoes? Today the sum of $5,000 was received by Assistant Secre tary Day from certain charitably dis posed persons, whose names are hot disclosed, and this sum will be remit ted by telegraph tomorrow morning to Consul-Goneral Lue for disbursement among the more pressing cases. . It is hoped by the department of state that the Americi n people will come to the relief, and promptly, by subscrip tions of money, clothing and. supplies of various kinds. The newspapers are expected to ienci a generous aid in carrying forward this movement. The machinery for distributing has 'been provided by the state department, and Consul-General Lee has undertaken, with the aid of the American consular agents in Cuba, to give personal atten tion to the alleviation of distress by the distribution of the gifts of the , Amer ican people.' One line f steamers ply ing between New York and Havana- the Ward line it is said, has under taken to forward any, contributions of goods to General Lee, at Havana, and it is believed that the American rail roads will do their part by carrying the goods to the seaboard, r The Spanish authorities have con sented to remit all duties on relief sup plies so forwarded. The state' depart ment directs that they be sent direot to Consul-General Lee, , either money draft, or check, or jjoods, Consul General Lee tonight' cabled the state department just what is wanting at this juncture, and his list is as follows: -Summer olothing, second-hand or otherwise,, principally for women and children; medicines for fevers, includ ing a large proportion" of quinine; hard bread, corn meal, bacon, rice, lard, potatoes, beans, peas, salt fish, prin cipally codfish; any canned goods, especially-condensed milk for the starving children. Money will also be useful to secure nurses, medicines and for many other necessities. BURNED TO DEATH. Terrible Fate of a Woman and Her Aged Mother. . Pittsburg, Dec. 29..-During a fire at New Haven, a suburb -of this city, in the residence of Mrs. Mary Ann Browdy, this .evening, Miss ' Nancy Browdy, aged 46, was bunred to death, and the mother, aged 76, was so badly- burned that she cannot survive , the night. Miss Browdy, who came here about a month ago from Butte, Mont., to visit her mother, lost her life in try ing to save some personal property. She went to the upper floor after the flames had made good headway on the structure, and was suffocated. -, When the house had 'been gutted, the body of Miss Browdy was seen hanging over a joist, and, in the presence of about 500 people who had gathered at the scene, was literally burned to a crisp. The mother threw herself; into the burning building twice in an endeaVor to save her daughter, but ' each time was dragged baok,. not, however, until she was so badly burned that the physicians say she cannot recover. ' THE CZAR ADVANCING. Kinehau, a Remarkable Point , of Vant , age, Now Occupied. , ; St.-Petersburg, Deo. 29. The Rus sians have becupied Kinehau, north of Port Arthur.. - 4 -, . : ... Can Defy the World. San Franoisco, Dec. 29. E. L. Shep hard, who recently returned from China, where he had an official posi tion, , commenting upon the reported occupation of Kinehau by Russia, said today: . - , "Kinehau is an ' important walled city (not an open port), at the head of the gulf of Lau Tung, and it commands the mouth of 'the liver Yalu, where the battle ' between the Japanese and Chinese was fought,. and-the other im portant rivers which flow into the gulf. It is about equally distant between the mouth of the Yalu river and ' the, .ter minus of the great wall , of China. It commands the railway system reoently constructed from Tien-Teen to the cap ital of Manchuria, and is of pre-eminent importance as a strategic post. "The seizure of the point shows that Russia has practically taken possession of Corea, Manchuria , and the gulf of Lau Tung, and 'possesses a significance whioh. will cause consternation among the diplomats in the Old World. Its situation is such that its possession practically places Russia in a position to defy the world-." ii . i yi, . -, .- -i ;r v - ; The gizzard of a hen : recently killed at Covington, 'Ga. V contained . &1. brass tacks,' 81. birdshot, two pins, a tiny brass ring, a bit of steel and iome crushed brans oapa. II El TURN OF EVENTS England Presents an Ultima tum to King of Corea. AGAINST DISMISSAL OF BROWN Big British Fleet Lying Off Chemulpo , Japan Supports the More and Has .Warships in Readiness. . London, Deo. 28. A dispatch from Shanghai says: It is reported that 17 British warships are off Chemulpo, Corea, southwest of Seoul, supporting the British consul's f protest, really amounting to an ultimatum against the king's practically yielding the gov ernment of Corea into the hands of the Russian minister. The protest is spe cially directed against the dismissal of McLevy Brown, British adviser to the Corean customs, in favor' of the Rus sian nominee. ; The news has produced consternation, at Seoul, which is heightened Jay the knowledge that Ja pan lias a fleet of 80 warships awaiting the result of the British representation, which Japan fully supports. Japan is irritated by the arrival of Russian troops in Corea, and it is believed she will oppose them. i According to advices from Tokio, Ja pan has offered to assist the officers at Pekin jin drilling the Chinese army, and to consent to a postponement of the war indemnity. Many of the Pe kin officials.favor the proposal. According to a dispatch to the Daily Mail from Shanghai,- it is reported there from reliable sources that a Brit ish foroe landed at Chemulpo Saturday and caused the reinstatement of Mc Levy Brown. . The epe dispatch re fers to "a native rumor that' the union jack has been hoisted on an island in the mouth of the river Yang-Tse. - A correspondent of the Times says: , The government refuses to place the li-kin under foreign control' as security for the loan proposed . by the Hong Kong & Shanghai bank,, and asserts that, unless, the loan is procurable without this condition,' arrangements will be made for a Russian guaranteed -4 per cent loan of 100,000,000 taels, to be issued at 93 net. The security will be the land tax, 'which will remain! under Chinese administration. ; China, in return, will give Russia a monopoly of the railroads and mines north of the sea wall, open a port to the railway, mid agree that a Russian shall succeed Sir Robert Hart as direotor of the Chi nese imperial maritime customs. If these conditions be permitted, British .trade interests will surely severely sorter. - , ..- The Shanghai correspondent of the Times says: ffhe sloop Phoenix sailed today, under 'orders to join the British squadron. . The utmost secrecy is pre ferved with regard to the latter's movements, but gossip here : suggests that its destination is Tao Lien Wan, "A CHRISTMAS TRAGEDY. r An Aged Pennsylvania Couple Foully f .; , Murdered. '., "Indiana, Pa., Dec. 28. Milton Neal and his aged wife were shot to death by an unknown assassin at their home, near Jacksonville, nine miles southwest of here, some time during Christmas. Their bodies were found at 9 o'clock that night by their son Harry, who was passing the house and shopped to pay a Christmas-call on bis ' parents.' Neal was one of the most prominent and prosperous farmers in; the vicinity 'in which he lived. Officers are searching for the murderer, but as yet he has not been found. - , When young Neal tried to enter his parent's house, he found the doors locked. He forced his way through the cellar, and upon , entering the sitting-room, a horrible sight met him. In a chair near the window was the form of his mother, her face entirely blown away. - At her feet was all that lemained of her husband; a ghastly hole in his head told the tale of his murder. At' his fiide lay a double barreled shotgun, the implement of .leath. vTlie walls, ceilings and ar ticles of furniture in the room were spattered with blood, and on the ceil ing was a good sized deiK, in which was imbedded a piece of the ' woman's stall. For a time there was a suspi cion of sxticide, but as the facts devel oped," : the 'murder theory gained strength , The woman was killed with birdshot, the husbapdj with buckshot. There were no marks of powder on his face something which is said would have been impossible to avoid had sui cide been with, a . shotgun. There is nothing to indicate that the crime was committed for plunder," as in Mrs. Neal's pocket were $10 and $2 lay on a dresser. ; Friends say they have a olew whichsthey will begin work on at- once to trace the murderer , ' "... , ' Boat Upset by a Dog. i Elmira.'N.' Y., Dec" 2. Rudolph Boericke, aged 88. son of Dr. Boericke, of Philadelphia, and his brother Ed ward, " of Chicago, were rowing on Kouka lake, seven miles - from. Ham memdsport, Christmas night, when the boat was upset by their dog. Both' men were taken from the water alive, but Rudolph died immediately after he wai brougkt to chera. v ' ''-'. '"- ' ' " ' :- ;' SENSATION AT THE CAPITAL. Spain's Wrath Over Woodford's Note Uncalled for. ' Washington, Dec. 29. Officials here are somewhat surprised at the ex hibition of feeling at Madrid over the latest note of Minister Woodford de livered to the Spanish foreign offioe the day before Christmas. While the note itself will not be made public at pre sent, it is said that there is ho reason whatever why it should be withheld, save the fact that preceding steps in the negotiations have not yet sen the light of . newspapers and it is desirable when publioationis made to preserve a complete chain of events in their nat-' ural order. Possibly the correspond ence will be shortly called for by con gress, in which case it is not 1 likely to be withheld on the ground of public policy. '. i ' " . .,, . The last note presented by Minister Woodford was in answer to the Spanish note, called forth by Woodford's very first note upon his arrival at Madrid. In his initial note the United States minister pointed out the interest of his country in the early termination of the present struggle in Cuba and aske4 when such conclusion could be expect ed. The Spanish government in . its reply acknowledged our interest in the matter, but suggested after stating what it intended to do to ameliorate the con ditions in Cuba, that the United States could best exercise its gQpd offices by stopping filibustering. To this Wood ford responded . with his note of last week. It is said to bo a purely argu mentative statement of the position taken by the United States, and the facts set forth are those, so strongly drawn in the president's message to congress, of whioh it was. supposed the Spanish public had been, fully advised through newspapers. . ' r ,. The' most forcible statement in tlp note is based upon facts collected and published recently by the United States treasury department, exhibiting the great expense to which the United States had been put by reason, of its efforts to patrol the enormous coast line ih pursuit of a few filibustering expedi tions and the remarkable suocess of gov ernment officials in stopping these ex peditions as contrasted with the feeble efforts of the Spanish authorities to maintain a patrol around the island of Cuba. All these facts were included in Woodford's note, and while he put them in his own language in presenting them to the , Spanish foreign office; it is said the statements concern only the events which have already been touched upon. . ..' ; FOOLHARDY PROJECT. Captain W. C.OledrKe, of Boston, to Walk Across the Atlantic. . Chicago, Dec. 29. A special . to the Times-Herald 1 from New Yo,rk says: Captain W. C. Oledrive, of Boston, has planned to walk aoross the Atlantic Dcean. He will begin hiB journey July and will be acoompanied by . Captain W. M. Andrews, famous by reason of his voyage aoross the Atlantic in a small boat. ' It is nothing new for Cap tain Oledrive to promenade the waves. That has been his pleasure and profit these ; ten years. Captain Andrews, who is to be the companion of the wa ter pedestrian, will journey in a brand new 14-foot small boat and in this merely repeats a feat performed in 1878 and again in 1892. Captain Andrews is the man who has brought about the whole affair. Here is his own state ment: - ' " ' ' "Incredible as it'may, seem, next year we are, really going to walk and sail down Boston harbor, out onto the ocean and over to Havre, :. France, through the great bore of the river Seineand up to Paris? to be there to at-, tend the exposition of 1900 in our new. seagoing shoes and the smallest, fastest and best boat that ever crossed the At lantic ocean, the Phantom ship. : Every vessel we speak on the ocean will re port one of us walking and sometimes towing the boat in calm weather. "The seagoing shoes of Mr. Oledrive are the most wonderful part of the whole affair, ' They are a pair of cedar boxes five feet long with fins on the bottom and sides. They are very light and capable of sustaining 140 pounds, and as Oledrive weighs only 130 pounds they are as good to him as a steamer's deck." : . . ; ; , PENSION OFFICE ORDER. Its Design Is to Expedite Disposition of Fending Claims. Washington, . Dec. - 29. A new or der, the enforcement of which it is be lieved will expedite the disposition of pension claims now pending has been issued by Commissioner. Evans. It is as follows: ; 5 . ' ; "Hereafter claims for increase of pensions will not be considered within 12 months from the last action, allow ance or rejection." , ... . "The neoessity of the new order," said an official today, "grows largely out of oalls made on the offioe for state ment of the status of pending cases by means of congress. These calls have been answered to the exolusion of other olaims pending, which,' it is said, have been taken up in their order. It, is only fair to these cases which have not had any consideration that they should be taken up as promptly as pos sible. .'. Made Known to the State Department. END OF. A LONG CONTROVERSY Tlu Award Is Final, and Disposes of all Cases Before the Commission The Award Nearly Haifa Million. Washington, Dec. 27. The. findings of the Britiah-American commission chosen to - assess the damages for seiz ures of British ships in Behring sea have beep received by the state depart ment and the British embassy. The strictest reticence is maintained, howr ever, on the general character of the findinos. thofiffh it. in admittarl thfi totnl i award against the United States is 464,'- 000, which includes principal and in terest. . The finding afainst this gov ernment is no surprise. ' ; The controversy has. occupied tle at tention of the authorities here' and in London for the last 11 years. At the -outset the tone of the controversy was belligerent, suggesting a possible re port to arms. This was following the seizure, by the United States steamer Corwin, of the British sealers Carolina and Thornton, on August 1, 1886. The facts of the seizure were not known until some time later, and in the mean time, the Corwin had taken ' the On ward and Favourite. The same policy of; seizure and confiscation occurred during the next sealing season, despite the protests , of Great Britain, the United States steamer Rush taking the Sayward, Grace, Anna Pack, Dolphin, Alfred Adams, Triumph, Junita, Path finder, Black Diamond, Lilly, Arctic and Kate and Minnie, . and the cutter Bear taking the Ada. ' ' ' The olaims for these Beizures' took a wide range, beginning with the value of the vessels and outfits, an'd includ ing not only the value of sealskins con fiscated, , but also the skins which might have been taken if the ships had not been seized. This last feature of prospective damage caused the main contention. In the case of each Brit ish ship, the largest item of the claim was for estimated future catch. For instance, in the case of the Carolina tee claim lor trie snip was only f 4,000, while that for skins which might have been taken that year it she had not been seized was $16,667. Each ship estimated a prospective catch of from ,600 to 6,000 skins, the value being from $3.50 per skin in 1887 to $12.25 in 1 1889. The total of the claims, without interest, amounted to $439,- 161, and with interest at 8 per cent and other charges, the total reached $786,166. : , , - The only official statement : that could be secured here of the judgment reached by the commissioners is con tained in the following announcement given out at the state department: "The . award of the, Behring sea claims commission has been filed in the department. The claims as pre sented by the Brifish government on account of British vessels seized in Behring sea, aggregated, with interest, $1,600,000. These included several cases not embraced in the settlement proposed by Secretary Gresham. The award now made amounts" , to $294,- 181.91, to which will increase the total about 50 per centi The award is final, and disposes of all cases before it. Pay ment under the treaty mast r be made within six months." .-- . The departmental officials, it is as sumed,, will' proceed at once to prepare a bill or an amendment to one of the appropriation bills for submission . to congress, covering the necessary appro priation to pay the judgments, for, be ing bound by treaty not only to pay any judgments rendered, but to pay them'' promptly, the government' is in honor bound to . take the remaining steps toward a settlement ih short or der., ':: .. t ; y . .- There appears to be little doubt that the United States carried its point on the question involved, as the prospec tive damages were evidently soaled down to an insignificant amount, or rejeoted entirely. While the depart ment officials will make no definite an nouncement to this effect, intimations are given that the smallness of the award precludes the possibility of any allowance having been made on account of prospective "damages. -The -American claims commissions established the precedent that no prospective damages could be inoluded in a claim, and the present award .is evidently on the same line.- ; . '-, General J. W. Foster, who is now in general charge of Behring sea affairs, said tonight, as to the award, that he was not surprised at the result. Presi dent Cleveland having officially de clared that $425,000 was a just and equitable sum in settlement, and hav ing appointed as the American commis sioner to adjudicate the claims a close personal and political triend, it could hardly be expected that 'the latter WOtrid strenuously contend for an award of a ' less amount. r Mr. Foster was absent from the country ,in Japan when congress took action on Presi dent Cleveland's recommendation, but he regarded the commission as the proper method of reaching a settle ment, and tbeorj!y one whioh would satisfy the country. ' TO ACQUIRE MORE TERRITORY Senator Lodge Wants Us to Buy St. , Thomas, St. Orotx and St. John. Chioago, Deo. 23 A special to the Times-Herald from Washington says; Senator Lodge is preparing a bill fa voring the purohase of the three islands of St. Thomas, St Croix and St. John, owned by Denmark, in the West In dies. ; The Benate passed a resolution a year ago asking the state department to ascertain whether the islands were still for sale, at what price they were held, and whether any ! other country was after them. Denmark has replied that she is still willing to sell, nd that two Euiopean governments are now nego tiating for their purchase. These are supposed to be Great Britain and Ger many. The United States has been discussing the purohase for nearly 80 years. In 1868, negotiations went so far that a treaty was negotiated for the purchase, by whioh this country was to pay $8,000,000 for the islands, but it failed of ratification. ' It has been de termined by Denmark to either sell these islands or give them away, St. Thomas has a harbor , large enough to accommodate the navies of the entire world, and, in view of the advantages to be gained, Senator Lodge is sanguine of securing an appropriation that will enable the islands to be transferred to the jurisdiction of the Stars and" Stripes. ! The three islands have a total of 100 square miles of territory and a population of 40,000. INDIANS FIRED FIRST, j Special Agent Reynolds' Report on the Routt County Conflict. Denver, Dec. 28. The report -of Special Agent E. B. Reynolds, on the recent conflict between Inrlians and game wardens in Routt county, is a complete vindication of Warden Wiloox and his men. Mr. Reynoldg, after tak ing the testimony of six Indians and the 12 wardens who were in the un fortunate affair, said: -': ' "I am fully convinced, after having examined the case fully, and after tak ing the testimony of both parties, after meeting the men face to face and reading- their characters and noting their demeanor, that .the Indians fired the first shot." , . ; ' . - He further states that no blame whatever can by any possibility be at tached to the wardens.; He finds that, . after the first shot, the shooting became general, and when the smoke cleared away.it was found that several Indians had been ' killed. The 'wardens de clared there were six Indians, shot, while the Indians say there were but three killed. Mr. Reynolds agrees with the Indians on this point. ANOTHER SOCIETY SUICIDE. That of Miss Annie Virginia Wells, a Friend of Miss Herbert. ' 1 Washington, Dec; 28. The death of Miss Leila Herbert, daughter of the ex- ' secretary, of the navy, is givehas the reason of the suicide which occurred to day of Miss Annie Virginia Wells, an accomplished young society - woman, and daughter of Lewis S. Wells, a well known attorney. The. young woman shot herself through the heart with her brother's revolver at the residence of her father, 1311 N street. Miss Wells had met Miss Herbert a number of times, and waB very much attached to her. She herself had been confined to the house for four months by illness, and this, combined with the shock caused by the death of her friend, brought on melancholia, which resulted in suicide. The deed was - apparently unpremeditated, and, ooming imme diately after the Christmas festivities in the house, completely prostrated her aged mother. Miss Wells was 83 years of age, and very beautiful. ' HE INTENDED TO KILL. ' - But His Victim Died of Heart Failure Caused by Excitement. San Francisco, Dec. 28. A Japanese known as Je Tagoni fired four shots at Mary Oostello, a Spanish woman, ' in the lodging-house at 91 Sacramento street, this morning. None of ' the bullets struck the woman, but she drop ped dead. The body bears no sign of a wound, and the physicians say death was caused by heart failure, induced by extreme excitement. y ; ; About a year ago, Tagoni opened an employment agency, and engaged Miss Costello as an assistant. By promising marriage he induced her to live with him. Recently she left the place where they had resided. . After making many threats to kill her on sight, the Japan ese met her today and accomplished his murderous design, though in an unex pected and sensational manner. ... Digging Near Dyea. 1 Dyea, Alaska, Dec. 28. Consider able excitement prevails here at present over the reported gold finds on one of -the tributaries of the Dyea river, only a jnile above the, town. Prospectors have been flocking in, and have staked ; the creek off for a distance of 10 miles. The creek has been named Boom creek, and from 200 to 800 men are now on the ground" and at work. - ,: 1 The surface indications are excellent, running in places 25 cents to the pan, and increasing as the shafts go down.i. Many companies are forming, both to work claims and purchase properties. All the diggings are on American soil, and many more claims will be staked off within the next few days. - , .