The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 17, 1897, Image 3

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    tftocd Jiver Slaciei
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de-
pKrwneiumeaays noon,
for Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A.M.Tuesdays
ana aturaavs; arrives at r. m.
For White Salmon leaves daily at 1 F. M
arrives at 6 o'clock P. M.
. iu. 11 l: .iiiiiiwia. .own ivi f u.uca. Mil
mer. Trout Lake and Qlenwood Mondays,
B)ai 17V. i .. I ... Aa.rAa A ITiiMn nil.
w eanesaays ana rriaavs.
Canby Post, No. 16, G. A. R., meets at School
House Hall, first Saturday of each month
at 2 o'clock d. m. All G. A. II. members In
vited to attend. The ladles of the Relief
Corps meet at same time In the adjoining
room. . t . OLiiau, Lomnunaer,
C. J. Hayes, Adjutant.
Oleta Assembly, No. 103, United Artisans,
meets second and fourth Monday nights of
eacn momn at f raternity nan. uroiners ana
sisters cordially Invited to meet with us.
E. T. CARNS, M. A,
E. V. Husbands, Sec'y.
Hood River Camp, No. 270, W. O. W. Meets
in I. O. O. F. hall second Wednesday of each
niontn. v, u., u. c.
H. Henn, Clerk.
- Waucoma Lodge, No. SO, K. of P., meets In
raeir uasue nan on every mesaay nignt.
W. H. BisHor, C. C,
Wst. Haynks, K. of R. S.
Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A. O. U. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each monfti.
, C. L. MORSE, M
J. F. WATT, Financier.
H. L. Howe, Ueeoider.
Idlewllde Lodge, No. 107, 1. O. O. F meets
in f raternal nail every Thursday nignt.
F. E. Jones, Sec'y.
N. C. Evans made a trip to The
. jjanes uuesaay. -Garden
wheel hoe, nearly new, $4.
G. C. Bushnell. ,
The best assortment of Christmas
goods at Nickelsen's.
One-horse cultivator, (rood as new,
far $1.50. G. (J. Bushnell.
Win. Yates, P. M., is authorized agent
for all newspapers and periodicals
$15 cash buys a Democrat spring wa
gon, newly painted. U. C Bushnell.
One Minute Cough Cure cures quick
ly. That's what you want! Williams
fc Brosius.
A grand Christmas ball will be given
at K. of P. hall on the night of De
cember 24th. '
Lost A ladies' watch chain, with
horseshoe charm. . Finder will please
leave at ulacier omce.
Ton and half clover hay, $10 per ton.
Must sell out by January 5, 1898. G. C.
Mr. Philip Spangler has recovered
from his late illness and is agaiu at his
place of business.
Wolfard & Bone will give each of
their patrons a Christmas present of
ine vaiue or one aonur. lteaa tneiran.
The goods remaining unsold at the
bazaar ure now at the furniture store,
where they are being sold very cheap.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scobee and Mrs.
.Boardman of the East Bide went to
Portland Tuesday and will return to
day. Dr. Barrett informs us that the rain
fall, for November was nearly 11 Indies.
- Hfir riii rinvnin I tornim lr from tliuArli
to the 14th, 8 inches fell.
. nr. IT v Tv,.,:,l f in
. . . J. . M-rt V. USUI I .4 1 1 V. 1 II 1 11 1 I J ..111
return to Hood River in the early part
;f January. He has written to a friend
to secure a house for him.
r. n. wans, general agent wr tne
Monumental Bronze Co., Dufur, Or.,
will . make periodical visits to Hood
Kiver. See his work in the cemeteries
.and then see him for terms.
Our old friend I. N. Wilson, now
Jiving at Walnut Hills, III., got the
Texas fever lately. It cost him only
$40, but he came home with what his
friends consider a permanent cure.
Don't spend all your money buying
Xmiis presents for others but save it
and buy yourself something needful,
useful as well as ornamental by having
your teeth fixed up by Dr. E. T. Cams
on his next trip, January 1st. Office at
Mt. Hood hotel.
Write to Davenport Bros.' Lumber
Co. for delivered prices on all kinds of
lllmlu.1 miltrll or A puuaol Thotr haira
a large and good assortment of finish
ing lumuer mi uauu, oou anu ary.
Call and get our cash prices before pur-,
chasing elsewhere.
Mrs.Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says:
"After two doctors gave up my bov to
die.I saved him from croup by using One
Minute Cough Cure." It is the quick
est and most certain remedy for coughs,
colds and all throat and lung troubles.
Williams & Brosius.
Mr. C. E. Mark ham has now struck
4 loh l,i flu It html o ti ha libln.r Ha la
engaged hunting while geese, ducks
and other gume. which he sends to the
' Ban Francisco market. With his part
ner he some days secures 75 and 100
ducks and geese.
tiro iviiiv .iioutimuou Jk iui,d9 uy
J 1 . . . I T, 1 i 1 . T J , T , . t
vunuy xisu, vt. a. ja. anu j.
'will be held on Monday, January 10th,
; at i o'ciock in tne afternoon.- 1 lie date
was at first changed from the first Sat
urday to the second Saturday in the
month on account of a ditch meeting,
and now it Is changed again on ac-
miiit nf t.hA frnir. crrnurprn' mppH nr mi
- - -...g " -
. I. . J t , , T
'xue second eaturaay in January.
. Two little four-year-old boys up the
.... 11 nMA ...I.I -
-v-uuey aiu iniwiiK " ucvp luterrsi ill
(becoming Christmas and wondering
.what tianta Claus will bring them.
Their grandmother was Instructing
them, .the other day, about the true
meaning of Christmas, telling the story
of the birth of Jesus, etc., when one
said he didn't care to bear much about
Jvuna Knnt.ii. tflnna wus tliu rriun hu
' liked best.
' "' Hood River was treated to good ex
hibitions, Saturday Monday evenings,
with the projectoscope, Edison's latest
'Invention. The Misses J. and L. Har
mon gave the show.- Saturday night
they paid the town license of $5 and
charged 2o cents admission.' Monday
night they paid no license and charged
no admission but took up a collection
at the close. They had good houses
.both nights.. "
The case of R. Rand & Son against
.Tomlitison Bros., in Justice Prattler's
4-ourt, last riaay, enaeu oy a compro
!jinise. After the jury had been out two
lay It failed to agree and was dis--charged.
The suit, was compromised
by each party agreeing to pay their
own lawyers and one-halt' the expense
of the suit, $10 each, and defendant
will deliver to plaintiff 1,000 feet of
tieiiw lumber at the .'ill. ; i .
Some of the boys about town and
from the country have lately had a
lesson that it might be well for them
to heed. One of their number was
caught pilfering from Nickelsen's store.
He was arrested, and Justice Prather
sentenced him to 80 days in jail, but
afterwards the sentence was suspended
durimr eood behavior. What the boys
may consider sport has been carried too
tar In some instances or late, and it is
hoped, for their own good, they will
behave better in future.
A correspondent writing from "Klon
dike" (Mt. tiood precinct) semis tnese
items: The school house now building
for district JNo. 43 will soon be up and
readv to be turned over to tne district.
Those doing the work are O.H.Rhoads,
Paul Aubert, C. W. Murphy and J. P.
Hillstrom. We had a heavy rain in
this part of the valley last Monday and
tne roads are in a tern me condition.
Will some one kindly iell us why we
have a justice here in tnls lonely Mt.
Hood and no constable?
A meeting of the council was held
Tuesday evening. L. Henry was elect
ed mayor pro tern. The seat or vv. jn,
West was declared vacant; mils were
allowed as follows: R. O. Evans, ser
vices at town election, $55: C. A. Bell,
for meals, lights and fuel furnished
election board, $2; the election board,
$1 each. The votes cast at the recent
election were canvassed. Adjourned to
meet first Monday in January.
vTlie annual meeting of the Congre
gational church was held on Wednes
day, with an encouraging attendance.
The customary reports, upon the whole
very encouraging in cuaracter, were
submitted aud received. Capt. J. H.
Dukes, G. R. Castner and J. F. Armor
were chosen trustees. Geo. P. Crowell
was chosen treasurer and G. T. Prather
clerk. The ladies' aid society aloue
earned nearly $200 during the year.
In these days of. Christmas cheer
everybody feels kindly toward bis
neighbor. If he is owiug anything he
makes it a point to pay up and get
quare with the world before the close
of the year. He calls on the printer
first and gets a receipt tor his subscrip
tion. We will be kept pretty busy fill
ing out receipts for the next two weeks.
Call early and avoid the rush.
On account of the protracted meet
ing at Belmont the literary society at
Barrett school bouse has adjourned un
til tne second baturday evening in
January. George Strauuhan is pres
ident. The leaders in debate at next
meeting will be B. F. Shoemaker and
tl. Ualligan. We did not learn the
subject for debate.
Mr. F. R. Absten has a persimmon
tree in bearing. . He brought several of
the persimmons to this oflice, where
they can be seen by -those who never
saw any of this iruit, as well as by
those who were raised on persimmons
'back iiiust." Air. Absten procured
lie tree from bis old home in Vir
The little seven-year-old daughter of
Mrs. Heavener whs scalded about two
weeks ago by upsetting a collee-pot on
the stove. The child's band aiid arm
were badly burnt, and it has suffered
ntensely. Dr. Watt has charge of the
case, and the child is now in a fair way
to recover. '
Do not overlook the Columbia Pack-
ng Co; when purchasing your Christ
masstipolies.: Cranberries, celery, caul
iflower, sweet potatoes, to go with your
(Jhristmas turkey, will be found there,
as well as all kinds of meats.
If all the rain that has fallen in the
past three weeks had come in the shape
of snow we would now be pretty well
snowed under. Such a long-continued
pell of webfoot weather is "unusual"
at this time of year.
Mr. G. C. Bushnell of the East Side
is making sale of his stock aud farming
mplements and will remove to fort
and in January. In the spring he
will take a position as surveyor for the
O. R. & N. Co.
Rev. W. H. Wikoft of Berkeley.Cal.,
Pacific coast agent of the Congrega
tional church building society, spent
last Friday a id Saturday here, trans-
net i ng business with the Valley Chris
tian church.
Rev. J. L. Hershner will speak next
Sunday evening on "Mother McKin-
ley," the venerable mother ot fresideut
McKinley, who died at Canton, Ohio,
last Sunday. ,'.;"
Mrs. Mullens of Tacoma canvassed
here on Wednesday to organize a hive
of the Maccabees, a ladies' beneficiary
organization iu connection, with that
Mr. S. M. Fleener of Scio, Oregon,
visited Hood River last week. He ex
pects to remove to Hood River soon
and make this his permanent home.
Mrs. Rogers, who has been visiting
the valley and giving lessons iu
music, returned to her home at Trout-
dale Tuesday.
The Ulee club at Urapper school
house will have a Christmas tree on
Christmas eve. Mr. T. J. Cunning is
the teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Smith came up
from Astoria last Saturday aud are vis
iting relatives aud friends lu Hood
Mr. C. L. Morse went to Portland,
Saturday, to attend the meeting of the
populist state central committee.
The annual meeting or the Hood
River Fruit Growers Union will be
held on the 8th of January .
Dr. Brosius was too busy selling
goods at the new prices to bring in a
change for bis ad this week.
JUrs. K. Snow has returned from
Portland after a lengthy visit with the
family of her son Fred.
Kev. J. w. Jenkins will preach in
he Valley Christian church Sunday
morning and evening.'
A flue assortment of rocking chairs
for Christmas, all sizes, from $1 up, at
the furniture store.
Weather Report for November.
Maximum temperature, fif)3, on the 18th.
Minimum temperature, 21, on the 2M h.
Mean temperature for the month, 41.65.
Mean maximum temperature, 45.ij0.
Mean minimum temperature, 87.60.
Total precipitation, lO.Hi incites.
Greatest precipitation in any 2t hours (con
secutive), 1.84 inches, on the ltith.
Total Biiowian, iu incnes.
Depth ot snow on 15th. 2 inches.
Depth of Hiiow ut end of month, 4 inches.
Number of dear days, none.
Partly cloudy days, 1. ,
Cloudy days, 29.
Number of days on which .01 or more pre
cipitation full, i". .
Prevailing wind, west.
Dates of from, 20th, 21t, 220, 2oth, 28tll, Mill,
ith. ....
Dates of sleet, 29th, XOth. - -.-P.
(i. Babke'CT, Voluntary Observer.
Rids for clenrins land on Mr. Butts' p!nce
Cull, without delay, on T. H. COON.
Your friends and they will stand by you. We are '
grateful to our friends for their liberal patronage of the
past year, and in order toshow our appreciation of their
- kindness, we will make each of our customers who buys
goods in our store between this time and the 25th of
December a CHRISTMAS PRESENT of the value of
One Dollar. As all the people of the valley are our cus
tomers the presents will aggregate SEVERAL HUN
DRED DOLLARS. The manner of distribution will
be as follows:
Each customer will be given a certificate good for one
dollar on the department on which it is issued. The
different departments represented will be: The Gro
cery department, the Shoe department, the Hat de- ;
partment, the Clothing department, the Books aud '
Stationary department, the Crockery department and f
the Jewelry department. No certificate will be hon
ored in any department except in that on which it is ,
issued, and ouly one wii be issued to each family. 1 '. ...
X ti addition to the above we will'distribute among
our boy customers under 15 years of age One Hundred
. Combination Safes, worth 50c each. These will : be
;. handed out as lon as they last. Distribution of Safes
to commence Wednesday, December 22, at 10 o'clock
A. M. - Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a pros-
. peroUs New Year, we are, .
Yours to count on,
waders Izx
A Call for Help.
MrsA. K. Oiler of ;Lyle has written
the ladies', aid society of the U. B.
church requesting the society to collect
and send clothing to the destitute fam
ily of William Smith at that place.
Everything of that description was
burned with their house three' weeks
ago, including their winter's supplies
and fifty dollars in money. The father
is now unable to work. The family
had taken a child two years old to pro
vide for, whose lather hud just died.
They have two other children, about 5
and 8 years of age. Mothers of this
valley, you know what they. need.
Bring anything that will help make
them comfortable this winter, made up
or unmade. Mrs. Oiler , says they are
worthy and in dire need. Actat once.
Deliver goods at S. E. Bartmess' store,
and the society will help prepare and
forward them at once. Look around
and see what you cau spare, and do' not
'How to Prevent Pneumonia..
At this lime of the year a cold is very
easily contracted, and if left to run its
course without the aid of some reliable
cough, medicine is liable to result in
that dread disease, pneumonia. We
know of na better remedy to cure a
cough or cold than Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. ' We have used it
quite extensively and it has always
given entire satisfaction. Olagah,
Ind. Ter. Chief.
This is the only, remedy that is
known to be a certain preventive of
pneumonia. Among the many thou
sands who have used it foi colds and
la grippe, we have never yet learned of
a single case having resulied in pneu
monia. Persons who have weak lungs
or have reason to fear an attack of
pneumonia, should keep the remedy at
hand. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale
by Williams and Brosius.
' At the town election in Antelope,
last week, 48 votes were cast. No pri
maries were held and 40 candidates for
councilnien were voted for, every man
having a chance to vote for himself.
The three judges of election "held the
age" and were "elected" counciimen.
Wood is a scarce article at $9 a cord
lu Grass Valley, Sherman county.
Mrs.M.B.Ford,Ruddell's,Ill. .suffered,
for 8 years from dyspepsia and chronic
constipation and was finally cured by
usma DeWitt's .Little Ji,ariy Kisers, the
famous little pills for all stomach and
liver troubles. Williams & Brosius.
The editor af an exchange says he is
a true Christian, an adamantine pillar
of the church and loves sacred songs,
but when night after night lie hears a
neighboring family that owes him three
vear's sutiscrintion sinyiiiy. "Jesus naid
It all," he feels like shedding his Chris
tianity for a lew moments to go over:
with a club and give them a receipt iu.
Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va., was
frightfully, burned on the face and neck.
Pain was instantly relieved byDeWitt's
Witch Hazel Kalve.whieu healed the in
jury without leaving a scar. It is the fa
mous pile remedy. Williams oiiirosius.
The Methodist minister appointed at
Stevenson has occupied his pulpit only
three times during the past year, and
now the people of that place ask the
Methodists to give up their claim to the
church to the Congregalionlists, who
have signified a desire to hold services
there regularly.
Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg,Pa.,says:
"My child is worth millions to me, yet I
would have lost her by croup had I not
invested 25 cents in a bottle of OiieMiu
ute CoiiKh Cure." It cures cotmrhs, colds
and all throat and lung troubles. Vill-
lams s Brosius. , ?
The state convention of the people's
party of Oregon is called to meet at
Portland, Marc h 23, 1898.
It is easy to catch a cold and just as
easy to get rid of i.t if you commence
early to- use One 'Minute ''Cough Cure.
It cures coughs, colds, bronchi tis.pneu
monia and all throat and lung troubles.
It is pleasant to take, safe lo use and
sure to curts Williams & Brosius.;" "'
J. A. Perkirts of Antiquity, O., was for
30 years needlVssly tortured by physi
cians for the cure of eezemn. He was
quickly cured hyxisiug PeWltt'.s Witch
Hazel Saly&t he famous heatingsalve for
piles and skin disease.. Williams & Uro-s'.us.
ILo-w Prices.
From (J rand Forks. .
Grand Fobks, B. C , Dec. 5, 1897.
Editor Glacier: Please spare me a
small space in your valuable paper to
answer the many questions asked me
about this country. This country is
comparatively new; the nearest rai
road point is 37 miles. Everything is
freighted in on wagons, with duty
added, making rrroceries high, while
woolen goods are cheaper than on the
American side. Vegetables nre as
cheap as in Hood River. Hay brines
J18 to $25 per ton; grain $20 per ton
as to climate, it can not be beaten in
summer. August is the hottest month,
with a few flies and mosquitoes added.
The winters are dry nnd cold, with no
wind. At present the ground is fro'zen.
witli four inches of snow. The roads
are like a plank floor. Sleighing and
surprise parties are the order of theday.
Miners are here in numbers too numer
ous to count, and as soon as there is
transportation to this country Klondike
.will not he in it.- But the city of Grand
Forks, handsomely situated in a valley
lying in the forks of Kettle river, with
te lovliest mountain scenery in the
surroundings, will in the near future
be'a paradise to behold. Still, I would
not encourage any one to come who is
hot used to frontier life. I am well
satisfied with the country; am doing a
livery business at the old stand. A. B.
Jones and family and Thomas Lacy
are doing well and are well satisfied
with the country. Mr. Lacy has se
cured a ranch, and as soon as arrange
ments can be made will move his fami
ly. I will close by saying there is no
place like Hood River.
M. F. Slopeb.
After bearing some friends contin
ually praising Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Curtis
Fleck, of Anaheim, California, pur
chased a bottle of it for Ids own use
and is now as enthusiastic over its
wonderful work as anyone can be. The
25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Will
iams and Brosius. - 1 '
Prosperity comes quickest to the man
whose liver is in good condition. De
Witt's Little Early Risers are famous
little pills for constipation, biliousness,
indigestion and all stomach and liver
troubles. Williams & Brosius. .
The Fossil school examination last week
developed many failures and proved that the
children have been getting a lop-sided educa
tion during past years. But no one need be
discouraged. Let the knowledge of your
shortcomings be but a prelude to victory.
Don't give up until you fall three times, and
then God help you; you'll be nt for nothing
but an editor. Fossil Journal.
ive gentlemen or ladles to travel for re
sponsible.establlshed house In Oregon. Month
iy.S A and expenses. Position steady. Refer
ence. Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope.
The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago.
. : E. H. PICKARD, "
' Hood River,
Painter & Decorator
ISH. I make a specialty of my trade, and or
ders will receive prompt attention. Satisfac
tory work at live and let live prices guaran
teed. Estimates gratis. Jy2
Kitchen Furniture,
f Pruning Tools, Etc.
We have a new and complete'stock of hard
ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will
keep constantly adding: Our prices will con
tinue to be as low as Portland prices. (
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
'All work
rp -par "P"1
wim JL JJ
Is now open for business, carrying a full line of
Perfumery and
Always on hand. '
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded and Pricm Reasonable, ,
At the old stand of the Glacier office, Hood River, Oregon.
H. A. YORK, Proprietor.
M. S. fc
Of Hood River ean furnish comfortable
ity. Heavy draying and transferring done
Successor to E. L.Smith Oldest Established House in the valley.)
' DEALER IN ' '' ' '
nDr3T ' G-oods, Clotli.iX2-g:,
' '." '.' ( -AND- ' , ' . ',': .V,;; .
Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc.
HOOD--: : ; Et
Deal only In first-class Nursery Stock. Send for Catalogue and Price List. They are solo
proprietors and make a specialty of the now
With the best selected stock ever brought
mention. Come and see for yourself.
Columbia Nursery
Offers a large stock of Fruit Trees and all oth
er kinds of nursery stock. All trees are well
grown, carefully dug, free from pests aud true
to label. Whether you want one tree orl,000,
it will pay you to examine this stock. Re
member, trees gnown here give the best satis
faction. No trouble to show goods. Orders
filled on short notice. H. C. BATEHAM,
Hood River, Oregon.
Three miles south, on Mt. Hood Road.
Harbison Bros., Prop'rs,
- Manufacturers of '
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and all kinds of ceieals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham
- a specialty.
The Glacier
Post Office Building, Hood River, Or.
M. F. SHAW, 21. 'D.
(Successor to Dr. Morgan)
Will do a general practice and devote special
attention to surgical cases and Diseases of
Oflice and residence, second door north of
Nickelsen's store. s3.
Is now located in Portland, at IV Russell
street. Will make regular trips to Hood
River on the first of every month and remain
three days.
60c ts.
(1.00 Bottle,
One cent a dose.
This Great Cough Cure promptly cure
where all others fail. Coughs, Croup, Bar.
Throat, Hoarcenesa, whopping Cough and
Asthma. For Consumption it has no rival;
has cured thousand., and will CURB TO0 if
taken in time. Sold by Druggists on a guar
antee. For a Lame Back or Chest, use
Have vou Catarrh 1 This remedv is iruaran.
teed to cure you. Price, 60 cts. Injector free,
tor sale by II A. YOKK.
and -&mw m H a tl V wfl
and Patent Medicines,
Toilet Articles,
L. CO.'S
conveyances to all parts of the valVeyawd vlc(H&
with care and promptness. v
- D
Has made his headquarters again with " ' ". .'. " ':''.,."-''"
to Hood River. Too many Christmas Good to
, .
Totlie EsLCt,
Gives the moioe of
ZE3 O U T S 3
lien By. SM Llii
Via '' Via.
Spokane, Salt Lake,.
Minneapolis, Denver
St. Paul Omaha,!
' AND : ANU .
Chicago, Kansas City.
Lowest Rates to All
Eastern Cities.
No. J, Oregon Short Line-.- A. M.
No. 3, Spokane Jtt.MS x. xu
No. 4, Spokane...... 1. 4 33 1. it.
No. 2, Oregon ShortLiue..,ll.48 aJ i.
Leave Portland every Ave days fur
Steamers monthly from Portland Yoki
lioma and Hong Kong, via tielMHtJwin J'm
cltlc Steamship connection with O. K..VN
For mil details call on O. R. & JC. Ayri t
Hood River, or addresn
Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, O
A Jersey Bull, 15 months old. No hr: n
A suitable reward will be paid for Infipj mo
tion of bis whereabouts or his return to inf
Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Kcxotn.
The intense itching and smarting Inci
dent to these diseases is Instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's- Eyo and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
havo been permanently cured by It, ' It
is equally efficient for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples;
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box.
Dr. Cady'd Condition Powders, art
jnst what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food'bot
medicine and the best in nee w put a
horse in prime condition. Price 25
cents per package.
' ForaUf by Willi wn A Urate '