The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 17, 1897, Image 1

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It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
NO. 30.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
In Interesting Collection of Items From
the New and the Old World In a
Condensed and Comprehensive Form
Theat fell over 7 cents per bushel in
Chicago Monday. .
Senator White of California has in
troduced a bill in congress to strengthen
the eight-hour law as applicable to gov
ernment work.
The controller of the currency has de
clared a dividend of 10 per cent in favor
of depositors of the Moscow National
bank, Moscow, Idaho.
Judge Sanborn in the court of ap
peals at St. Louis has granted a post
ponement of the proposed sale of th
Kansas Pacific for 60 days.
One of the interesting items in the
agricultural appropriation bill is pro
vision for $10,000 for an agricultural
experiment station in Alaska.
Brigadier-General Otis, stationed at
Denver, has received a telegram from
Fort Duchesne stating that all the Ute
Indians have returned to their reserva
tion. A dispatch from Havana states that
Gomez is being hard pushed by a
Spanish column under command of
General Pando, in the ' province of
Puerto Principe.
George C. Green, a carpenter of Mo
desto. Cal., fatally hot his wife and
wounded his daughter, Mrs. W. E.
Liedman with a revolver. He then
turned the revolver upon himself, but
only inflioteJ a scalp wound.
The agricultural department issues
the following: A special wheat in
vestigation instituted by the depart
ment of agriculture indioates a crop of
580,000,000 bushels. These figures are
subject to slight modification in the
final report.
The legislative, executive and judi
cial appropriation bill, as reported to
the house by the committee on appro
priations, carries a total of $21,562,425,
being $780,861 less than the former
bill. The number of salaries provided
for is 10,000, being 198 less than the
number provided for in the current
Hans Frohman "curled" a pair of
eight-pound dumb-bells 14,000 times
in an hour and 46 minutes in a New
York gymnasium. When he had fin
ished his 12,000 curlin one hour and
20 minutes, it was proposed that Froh
man stop, but he insisted on continu
ing and executed the 14,000th curl in
the time stated.
It is announced St. Louis will soon
have a new $2,000,000 hotel. Several
Chicagoans will furnish the necessary
oapital. The hotel is to be the most
modern structure of the kind west of
the Mississippi. The company hopes
to close all contracts and commence
construction next season.
The United States supreme court has
rendered a decision in, the case of
Thomas Bram, under sentence of death
.in Massachusetts for murder committed
at sea. He was aocused of murdering
the captain, mate and captain'b wife
of a vessel bound for South America.
The opinion reversed the decision of
the court below on the ground that
Bram's testimony should not have been
admitted. t
A vessel has sailed from Portsmouth,
-N. H., for the Klondike.
The National Guard asks for an ap
propriation of $2,000,000. .
There is a possibility of a. rate war
between Western railroads.
A party has left (San Francisco to
Burvey a new route to the Klondike.
At Salinas, Cal.', two burglars olever
ly jailed the jailer and a deputy
A tremendous rich gpld strike is re
ported on Dog creek, a tributary of the
The son of a New York millionaire
died in the county hospital in San
The Georgia senate wants to send
state convicts to Cuba to light for the
Senator Perkins has introduced a
joint resolution, authorizing the presi
dent to appoint a committee to draft a
code cf laws for the territory of Alaska.
"The man who helped hang Frank
Butler, the ''murderer of the moun
tains," in Australia, was arrested in
San Franoisco, accused of larceny of a
One of the most horrible lynchings
ever known in Nevada' has occurred at
Genoa,' 14 miles from ' CarsOn. Aram
Uber, who last week shot and killed
Hans Anderson in a MUlerville saloon,
was taken by a mob of masked men and
hanged to a cotfonwood tree half a
mile from the jail. When taken, from
his cell, the victim had nothing on but
a shirt. This was , torn off by the
lynchers, and the nude body -was left
-dangling in the air for six hours. As
the body was being pulled up the mob
riddled it with bullets. When satis
fied that the man was dead the vigil
antes dispersed and returned to their
homes. , '
Meeting to Consider the Corbett Can
Washington', Dec. 16. The meeting
of the senate committee on privileges
and elections, which was called for to
day to consider the application of Hon.
H. W. Corbett, to be seated as senator
from Oregon, was postponed to a future
date upon the call of the chairman.
Senator Chandler, who is chairmari
of the committee, announced the sub
stitution of Senator Turley for Senator
Faulkner, as a member of the commit
tee, as the reason for the postponement..
He said it Was probable that no meet
ing would be held until after the holi
days, as Mr. Turley is unfamiliar with
the facts in the case. ,
The house today, after a session of
about two hours, adjourned out of sym
pathy for the president, whose mother
was buried at Canton this afternoon.
The time of the session was devoted to
consideration of the legislative, execu
tive and judicial appropriation hill. It
was decided to postpone consideration
of the item providing for the mainten
ance of the oivil service commission
ufatil after the other features of the bill
had been considered. It was apparent
from the remarks made today that the
subject would be exhaustively debated.
There is seemingly no disposition to
curtail the discussion, and it probably
will not be concluded before the holi
day recess. So absorbing is the topic
that almost the entire time today, de
spite the fact that the consideration of
the question had been technically post
poned, was consumed in the debate
upon it. ,
The senate, after a brief session, on
motion of Hoar, adjourned out of re
spect to the president. No business
was transacted beyond the introduction
of bills and resolutions.
Canadian Customs Regulations May Be
, . , Modified.
Ottawa, Dec. 16. A meeting of the
Yukon committee of the cabinet was
held last night. Although no report
has been adopted by the committee, it
is understood that customs regulations
to foreigners entering the Klondike
will be made as liberal as possible. .
The members of the committee and
of the cabinet recognize and appreciate
the handsome way in which the United
States government met the wishes of
the Canadian government in establish
ing customs ports as Dyea and Skag
way, to the great convenience of all
parties going to theinterior. In many
other ways the kindness of the United
States government is being mentioned
in this connection as the work of the
committee is progressing.
The committee will recommend a
change in the size of claims, and also
the grouping of alternate claims.
Seventy-Five Gold-Seekers to Sail Frcm
New York.
' New York, Dec. 16. When the
Bteamship City of Columbia sails down
the bay this morning for St. Michaels
Bhe will have on board 75 goldseeken
bound for the Klondike. Coal,, provi
sions and clothing are being hurried on
board, farewells exchanged and the last
touches added for the cruise of 19,500
The voyage to Seattle will be made
in about 70 days, the officers say.
Four hundred more Klondikers will
board the Columbia at that point. Otto
B. Stoelcker, a nephew of ex-seoretary
of the Navy Herbert, is in the party.
Captain Baker, who took the gunboat
El Cid to- Ri de Janeiro during the
Brazilian uprising, is in oommand.
At St. Michaels the passengers, will,
be transferred, to river steamers, and
the Columbia, will return to Seattle.
This party expects to be the first into
Dawson City in the spring. ' "
End of a Bather Romantie Courtship in
Walla Walla.
Walla Walla, . Deo. 16. The finale
of a somewhat romantio courtship was
witnessed .yes' Justice Huff
man's court, when the magistrate
United in marriage Mr. Thomas C.
Stearns and Miss Minnie M. Herman,
both of Eureka Flat.
A few weeks ago Sheriff Ellingsworth
was called out to Eureka Junction late
at night by the alarming news that
a man was trying to commit murder..
The sheriff brought Thomas C. Stearns
to the city; and Mr. Herman entered
complaint against him, but' upon in
vestigation of the faots, Prosecuting
Attorney Sharpstein ordered Stearns re
leased, as he thought it unnecessary to
prosecute him. ,
It appears that Stearns was a suitor
for the hand of Miss Herman, but her
father objected to him, and announced
his determination of breaking up th
match. It was then that Stearns, in
toxicated with jlove,' swore vengeance
upon the old man. and was arrested.
''. Whether or not this incident caused
.'the father to relent, is not. known, but
'Stearns . ingratiated, himself into his
good' graces, and' yesterday Mr. Her
man accompanied Stearns to the city
and gave his written oonsent to Auditor
MoGuire for the issuance of a license
for the marriage of his daughter, who
is but 17 years of age, to Mr. Stearns.
Part of the British Force Cut
'.; ;: . Off by Tribesmen.
Compelled to Cut Their Way Out Their
Losses Were Heavy The Enemy
Lost But Few. ' . .
Simla, Dec. 16. General Kempster's
rear guard, according 'to official dis
patches from the front, while transport
ing a number of wounded,' was cut off
by the tribesmen near Sher Khel and
was obliged to intrench for the night.
In the moring there was severe fight
ing, but the British finally rushed the
village flnc dislodged the enemy.
The Highlanders lost four killed and
14 wounded, and there were several
casualties among the Sepoys before the
rear guard of the British was finally
General Westmacott's brigade, - in
the march from the camp at Sher-Khel
into the Sturi-Khel country, was in
continuous action. The enemy closed
up on the rear guard and kept firing at
short range with great spirit. The Brit
ish losses were heavy, and included
Lieutenant West, of the Ghoorkas,
who was killed, and Lieutenant Chap
lar, who was wounded. Two other
officers reoeived injuries, and 40 men
were killed or wounded.
The whole march down the Dara val
ley since the 6th inst. has been marked
by incessant fighting, but the force has
behaved admirably. The route was
difficult in the extreme. through rain,
mud and snow. Along the river the
course was impeded by ravines and
bowlders, and the icy-cold stream had
to be forded . knee-deep 20 times.
Twelve thousand transport animals,
with numerous sick and wounded, en
cumbered the progress.
The casualties yesterday were about
50, and today about 10. The enemy
has been severely punished in the re
cent encounter.
The disaster to General Kempster's
rear guard was due to the animals
becoming entangled in the rice fields
nt dusk. To increase -the difficulty,
the jfrivers and carriers opened kegs of
rum and became hopelessly drank.
Many of the followers were benumbed
by the icy stream, and their feet were
bruised by the bowlders. Several men
are still missing.
Fires a Load of Shot Into the Body of
His Wife.
St. Louis, Dec. 15. A special to the
Globe-Democrat , from San Antonio
says: News was received today of a
terrible tragedy which occurred in the
settlement known as Fiddletown, 40
miles north of here. . Fred Barth, sr.,
a prosperous German farmer, without
warning took his shotgun and, placing
it at the baok of hiswife,fired a full
load of shot into her. "
Her daughter, upon hearing the shot,
run into the hall, and, seeing her
mother lying on the floor with hejr
clothes burning, bent over her to ex-,
tinguish the flames, when her father,
who in ' the meantime had secured a
razor, stepped up behind her, . and re
marking: .."Now I will finish, you
also," took hold of her and attempted
to cut her throat. His aim was too
high, and he cut her' from the ear
down to the chin.
The girl ran out and called for help.
When neighbors arrived they found
that the man had cut the throat of his
wife and had also cut both of his arms
at the wrists. He was bleeding to
death. ,
Barth was arrested and placed in jail.
He assigns no cause for the deed. He
is apparently sane. . " ' '
Stein's Pass Bandits Are Surprised by
Silver City, N.M., Dec.: 16. Word
has just been received here that Special
Wells-Fargo Officer Thacker, assisted
by a posseof deputy United States mar
shals under him, last night captured
the entire gang of trainrobbers who last
Thursday held up the Southern Pacific
at Stein's pass, in the fight inoident to
which one robber, was killed. At the
time of the Stein's pass hold-up, the
posse, which had been anticipating the
attack, was congregated at Bowie, about
30 miles away. The trail of the robbers
was immediately taken, and late last
night the five remaining members of
the gang were surrounded 25 miles this
side of the Mexican line. The robbers
were taken completely by surprise, and
surrendered without a single shot being
fired. The penalty for trainrobbery in
New Mexico is death.
The Sealing Bills.
Washington, Deo. 16. The adminis
tration bill to prohibit pelagic sealing
will not be further urged in the house
at present. There were signs of a hot
conflict when Representative Hitt
oalled up the bill the other day. It has
been deemed best to wait the action of
the senate, where a similar bill is pend
ing, and to push the senate measure
when it comes over rather than proceed
with the house bill while the present
antagonism exists.
Fear-Mad Men Bush From Dawson and
Victoria, Dec. 15. By the steamer
Topeka, from Dyea, news is received
that more than 1,000 ill-provisioned
men stampeded from Dawson during
the latter part of October, and impelled
by the haunting fear of famine are now
madly forcing their way over the moun
tains. '
Auk, the Indian mailcarrier who
brings this report, left the Yukon cap
ital fully 10 days after the Dalton
party. He says the vanguard of the
terror-stricken army is following less
than a week behind him. Auk de
clares that fully 25 per cent of the
stampeding army will never live to re
cite the terrors of their flight from the
Dyea parties headed by George F.
Ulmer hope to go to the relief of the
hungry men at Dawson. They will
make the United States government an
offer to deliver 50,000 pounds of pro
visions within 50 days after starting
for Dawson . for the sum of $75,000.
They already have 50,000 pounds of
provisions cached at Lake Bennett,
which they will take into Dawson this
winter. Ulmer will go south by the
next steamer to lay his proposition be
. fore the secretary of war by wire.
It is stated that material for the pro
posed railroad over Taku pass has been
shipped from the East.
The steamers Bella and Weare, it
now appears, did not land more than
100 tons of provisions on their arrival
in Dawson in the early part of Octo
ber, owing to their having been held
up at Circle City. '
The only bright view of the present
situation is that the trails crossing the
passes above Dyea and Skagway have
lately been greatly improved and with
in a month will be in excellent condi
tion. A Steamer for Alaska.
Tacoma, Wash., Dec. 15. Already
the rush to Alaska has set -in, the
City of Seattle having left Tacoma
this morning for Skagway. Her pas
sengers from the Sound will reach the
hundred mark. Several women were
on board. She carried a full cargo of
freight. '
Nothing of Importance Accomplished in
the House or Senate.
Washington, Dec. 15. Mr. Lodge,
of Massachusetts, made an effort in the
senate today to secure an immediate
vote upon his immigration bill, which
is substantially the same measure that
was passed by the 54th congress and
vetoed by President Cleveland. Mr.
Allen, of Nebraska, objected to an im
mediate vote, and suggested that the
final vote on the amendments and the
bill be taken on that day, January y,
at 3 P. M. This suggestion was accept
ed by Mr. Lodge, and the order tor a
vote at that time was made.
Davis, chairman of the committee on
foreign relations, called up the bill pro
hibiting the killing of fur seals in the
North Pacific ocean, but on suggestion
of Pettigrew, who desired to offer
amendments, it went over until tomor
row. The bill granting settlers the right
to make second homestead entries of
160 aores was passed.
' Butler spoke at some length on his
postal savings bank bill. Such a sys
tem would, in his opinion, insure
greater comfort in the homes of the
plain people of the land, as a great ma
jority of them would certainly become
depositors in such - banks.. This would
cultivate among them thrift and econ
omy, and enable them to provide for
themselves in illness and old age.
In the House. "SSSv
The blind chaplain of the house in
.his invocation today referred eloquent
ly -and feelingly to the death of the
president's mother. Cannon, chairman
of the committee on appropriations,
secured unanimous consent for the pas
sage of the urgent deficiency bill, which
he explained carried but three Items
$5,000 for the construction of a build
ing at the naval academy, $30,030 for
payment of temporary employes of the
house and senate, and $150,000 for the
payment of mileage of senators and
The. rest of the session was taken Tip
by a personal debate between Hepburn
and Norton, which ended by a vote
sustaining Hepburn, and the house then
' Her Aim Was Good. ; v ' . '
Sacramento, Dec. 15. At an early
hour Sunday morning a burglar entered
the residence of Sergeant of Police Mc
Manus and proceeded to ransack the
parlor. -. Mrs. McManus heard the bur
glar at his work, but decided not to wake
her husband. She picked up a re
volver from a table by the bed and
awaited developments. In a few mo
ments the burglar reached the swinging
doors'leading from the parlor into the
room adjoining the bedroom, and when
he opened the doors, she opened fire.
He made his escape, but the trail of
blood left showed that her .aim was
good. . , . ' ,
Oklahoma Bank Failure.
El Reno, O., T., Dec 15. The Stock
Exchange bank closed its doors this
morning, and J. M. Cannon has been
appointed receiver. The liabilities are
stated to be $50,000, and the assets are
claimed to be worth $70,000.
Was Discovered North of
Her Station.
I ' '
The Captain Did Not Know He Had
Lost His Anchorage Came Near Go
ing Onto Clatsop. Spit., .
Astoria, Or,, Dec. 14. -The Colum
bia river lightship, for the second time
in three weeks, was towed into the har
bor this evening, this time by the
light-house tender Manzanita, Captain
Gregory. She had a very narrow es
cape from wrecking on North beach
last night, and , both vessels nearly
went on Clatsop spit this afternoon.
. After the Manzanita made her sec
ond trip to the mouth of the river this
morning, the following dispatch was
"Fort CanbyDec. 14. At midnight
one of the Can by lifesaving crew went
to the-North head and burned signal
lights. The lightship was then 12
miles north of her proper position and
drifting inshore. At 1 o'olock this
morning, the ships' lights went out,
showing that the crew realized their
danger and had probably got up steam
and started their propeller. They are
probably safe."
The tug relief also went down early
this morning and, with the Manzanita,
beat about until daylight. It was 11
o'clock before they could pass out; the
Relief got out first. The lightship was
then 10 miles north of her station and
four miles off the cape. She was under
steam and slowly making her way to
the harbor. The Manzanita passed
her a hawser and took her in tow.
At 1 o'clock, while coming in, the
hawser snapped, throwing the Manza
nita into the trough of a nasty sea. All
hands feared the worst. The parted
hawser got tangled up in the wheel of
the lightship, rendering her helpless.
For a few minutes, it seemed that both
vessels must be thrown onto Clatsop
spit, near the jetty. By tremendojs
exertion and heroic work on the part oi
the crew of both vessels the hawser of
the lightship, was passed to the Manza
nita and the dangerous voyage again
commenced. Slowly they made their
way into the lower harbor, when again
the hawser broke, near Fort Stevens.
Once more a tow line was patched up,
and at 5:45, the lightship dropped one
of her small anchors abreaqt Smith's
point, where she now lies in safety.
The captain of the lightship stated
that he did not get adrift until mid
night, Saturday. The Cape lookout
reported him adrift at 4 o'olock in the
afternoon and at midnight, 10 to 12
miles north of his station. The light
ship lost 135 fathoms of chain and
mushroom anchor. She will be refit
ted tomorrow. '
The six vessels which were in the
offing last night put to sea when the
lightship's lamps were put out, and
none of them could be seen this morn
ing. , Sometime last night, the second
mate, two sailors and an apprentice
boy on the British bark Oehtertvre de
serted. They stole one of the ship's
small boats and made theii escape.
Early this morning the sheriff was no
tified and started up Young's bay in
search of the deserters. The boat was
discovered by another party, on the
Dwj'er, and put into Hungry harbor,
on the Washington shore, when the
men saw they were pursued. When
the pursuing steamer reached the shore,
the boat was found with a hole in her
bottom and brought back. ' The sheriff
will go for the men at 5 o'olock to
morrow morning. The men took to
the woods.
Collision in San Francisco Bay.
San Francisco, Dec. 14. A ferry
boat came in collision with the barken
tine Bay City at 8:25 this morning.
There was a heavy fog and strong tide
at . the time. The ferry-boat missed
her slip and went in toward Mission
street dock. ' Her Jdow merely soraped
the stern of the barkentine, but her
guard struck it heavily on the star
board quarter, tearing the . timbers, and
opening all the seams above the water-
line. The barkentine was to have
sailed tomorrow for Honolulu ' with a
general cargo, but it will take consid
erable time to repair the damage.
May Lynch a White Man.
All 1 A A
affray ocourred" at Seligman, Ariz , i
wherein Charles Carter was killed by
Bill Fott. The latter claims that he
was authorized by a constable to arrest, and when the latter resisted, he
shot him dead. Carter was very popu
lar, and had a number of friends, who
are threatening to lynch Fott. Trouble
is almost hourly expeoted, and the
sheriff of Yavapai county has collected
a large posse to protect the bo'dy of
Fott from violence at all hazards.
Murdered His Aged Father.
Cleveland, Dec. 14. Patrick Mo
Kenna, an aged man, and his son,
John, aged 36, while at the supper
table this evening,' quarreled. The
father threw a knife at the son, and
tne'iatter struck th&, old man with a
chair, inflicting injuries which caused
death in a few minutes. The man wag
the President and Other Members of
the Family at the Deathbed.
' Canton, O.. Dec. 14. Mrs. Nanc
Allison McKinley passed from this life
it a few minutes past 2 this morning,
with all her children and other imme
diate relatives at her bedside. She did.
not suffer any in her last hours, but
gradually passed from the deep, palsied
sleep, in which she had rested almost
constantly for the past 10 days, into
the sleep of death.
No word could be secured from the
house for some hours before dissolu
tion. At 2:35 an undertaker was sum
moned and the first publicity was given
of the death. .
The end was almost beautiful in its
peaoefulness. She seemed to sleep so
toundly that it was difficult to tell
whether she had yet breathed her last.
This condition' continued for half an
hour. The president and all of the
family were by her side.
There was no recognition,-however.
Her last consciousness was hours before
tier final taking away."
. The tenth day of Mrs. McKinley's
illness was marked by a number of
material changes such as improved the
condition of the patient, and as dark
ness approached it was felt by those
around her that she had finished the
last day of her, life's journey. She was
resting comparatively easy at that
time, but was a great deal weaker. At
the dawn of day it was felt that the
end was at hand, for about that time
she experienced one of the sinking
spells oommon to the illness, and for a
long time seemed so nearly inanimate
that it was thouglit no rally was possi
ble; but the rally came, and with it a
small amount of liquid nourishment,
the first she had taken since -Monday.
This was followed by such peaceful re
pose as to revive the hope, which was
realized, that she would live through
the day. ' '
In the afternoon another period of
anxiety was experienced by the watch
ers. Another sinking spell came, and
for a time it seemed as though it would
be the last. After that; she continued
weak and low.
The doctor called at 5:30 o'clock and
reported that he found a material
change for the worse, such as he regard
ed as certain to bring about final disso
lution during the night. He had not
even a faint hope that she could live
until morning.
Trying to Fix the Responslbity for the
Smith Murders.
Hazelhurst, Miss., Dec. 14. In an
open field, without a house in sight, on
a high hillside, with a crowd of eazer
men waiting to avenge the terrible
murder that has taken place, in Law
rence county, in case a oonviotion was
readied by the impromptu court, the
scene lighted by flaring pine-knot
torches held aloft in the hands of the
waiting mob, the three negroes, Giles
Berry, Will Powell and Tom Wallen,
were standing trial for their life last
night at Bankstone Ferry.
The negroes were arrested with
Lewis, who was lynched Friday, at the
place of the original crime, but were
released on their promising to appear
next morning as witnesses. They did
not put in an appearance when the
trial was ready to begin. Search was
made for- them by the mob, and the
negroes were caught and brought bacK.
Then the suspicion that they wjjre im
plicated in the original crina arcs
Aocording to their own story, they
were with Lewis the night before. The
three men testified that they slept in'a
cottonhouse a mile and a half from the
Smith house, where the terrible butch
ery took place, and that Lewis was
with them all night; at least he was
there when they went to sleep and waa
there when they awoke the next morn
ing. . i
Theri are about 200 men in the mob
constituting a committee of the whole
for the trial. Reliable reports today
from a messenger who was at the soena
say that the mob is very moderate in
its acts, and has cooled down consider
ably. Berry and Wallen, though badly
scared, maintain their denial of any
complicity in the crime.
A telephone message from Hon. Wal
ter Catchings, of Geogetown, states that
two other negroes have been arrested
on suspicion. '
Wesson, Miss., Dec. 14. The threa
negroes arrested in the ' Monticello
neighborhood in connection with Char
ley Lewis, the negro lynched for the
quintuple butchery of the Smith family,
after a long trial were declared not
guilty, but were given until Monday to
leave the county.
Convicted of Wife Murder.
Bakersfield, Cal., Dec. 14. David
Davidson, the Randsburg wife-murderer,
was today convicted of murder in
the first degree, with the penalty of
life imprisonment. He is said to be
the son of a prominent St. Louis phy
lician. The defense wis insanity, and
during the trial Davidson appeared ob
vious to his surroundings, but expert
declared that he was shamming.
Education of Def Children.
Washington, Dec.1 14 The house
committee on education has reported
favorably the bill to aid the educators
in the states and territories in teaching
articulate speech and vocal language to
deaf children before the are of sohool '