The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 03, 1897, Image 3

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    3food Iiver. lacier
Th mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o1
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
Darts "ie same davs at noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at R A. M. Tuesdays
na Saturdays; arrives at v r. M.
For White Salmon leaves dilly at 1 P. M.:
arrives at 0 o'clock P. M.1
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil'
mer. Trout Lake and Qlenwood Mondays,
w eanesaays ana rriaavs.
Canby Post, No. IB, G. A. It., meets at School
House Hall, first Saturday of each month
t 2 o'clock n. m. AH G. A. K. members In
vited to attend. The ladles of the Relief
Oirpsmeetat same time In the adjoining
room. h. . tiux inn, iommanaer,
C. J. Hayes, Adjutant. .
meets second and fourth Monday nights of
each montn at f raternity nan. liroiiiers ana
sisters cordially Invited to meet with us.
E. V. Husbands, Sec'y.
Hood River Camp, No. 270, W. O. W. Meet
in I. O. O. F. hall second Wednesday of each
month. U. UKOSiUS, U. IJ.
H. Hknn, Clerk.
Waucoma Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., meets In
tsneir uastie Man on every xuesaay nigni.
W. H. Bishop, C. C,
Tk, H Aynes, K. of R. fc S.
Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A. O. U. W.. meets
nm ana uura saturaays oi eacn montn.
0. Id, MORSE, M. W,
J. F. watt, Financier.
H. Ij. Howe, Recorder.
Idle wilde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets
in f raternal nan every rnursaay nigni.
THOS. LACY, N. (i.
F. E. Jones, Sec'y.
Wedding Belle.
J. B, Hunt was down from Biggs
durlntr the weeK.
Don't fail to see the fine collection of
dressed dolls at the bazaar.
A letter is advertised In The Dalles
post office for 8am C. Smith.
A full line of glassware, stoneware
and crockeryat Wood worth & Han na's.
Win. Yates, P. M., is authorized agent
Tor ull newspapers and periodicals
Come and see our display of Xmas
goods. w. x. tx.
One Minute Cough Cure cures quick
ly. That's what you want! Williams
& Brosius. '
The hospital corps Is ordered to as
semble at their armory Friday evening,
.December lutn. .
Mr. A. P. Johnson and wife of Port
land spent Thanksgiving week with
Mr. and Mrs. Bushnell.
Columbia Packing Co. pays cash for
nil Kinds ot stocK and deals in wood
delivered to auy part of the city.
Hay and straw, by the ton or single
Dale, at woodworm. s uanna.'s.
Mr. D. Bradley and family moved
down from Wasco last Friday and aw
occupying the Husbands cottage.
Canby post and Relief Corps meet to
morrow. Election of officers. Every
member expected to be present.
Another carload of the White Rose
flour at Woodwortli & Hanna's.
For sale, cheap, a cook stove, heating
stove, 2 parlor chairs, 4 dining room
chairs, rocker, bedstead and springs, and
kitchen furniture. Apply at this office.
To rent, 2 houses; for sale,"2 desirable
places; all near town; easy terms. Also,
disk harrow and subsoil plow. An or
gan on installments. See T. R. Coon.
Capt. C. J. Hayes and his party of
surveyors returned to aooa liiver last
Friday. They went as far as Paisley,
in Southern Orcgen, 300 miles from
The Dalles.
F. H. Watts, general agent for the
Monumental Bronze Co., Dufur, Or.,
will make periodical visits to Hood
River. See his work in the cemeteries
and then see him for terms.
There were filed in the county clerk's
vfflee, Monday, 23 right-of-way deeds,
conveying to the East Fork Irrigation
Co. the right to construct a water ditch
across lands in Hood River valley.
Elders Ben). D. Jensen and James S.
Gedde8 of the Mormon church arrived
at Viento last week from Idaho. They
will remain two or three weeks and
while here will hold meetings in the
Elmer Upton, 12 years old, living
three miles south of town, caught his
finger in a door, last Sunday, and it
was mashed so badly that Dr. Shaw,
who was called, had to amputate the
finger above the seeoud Joint.
Write to Davenport Bros.' Lumber
Co. for delivered prices on all kinds of
lumber, rough or dressed. They have
a large and good assortment of finish
ing lumber on hand, good and dry.
Call and get our cash prices before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Mrs.Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says:
"After two doctors gave up my bov to
die.I saved him from croup by using One
Minute Cough Cure." It is the quick
est and most certain remedy for coughs,
colds and all throat and lung troubles.
-Williams & Brosius.
The ladies of the U. B. church will
hold their.bazaar in theLangille build
ing December 9tb, 10th and 11th. Mu
sic and a social time will be had each
evening. Fresh oyster stew and lunch
will be served at all hours during the
fair. A cordial invitatiou is extended
to all.
, Some person in the neighborhood
south of town has got so low down as
to become a chicken thief. At least it
is reported that parties living along In
dian ereetc have been losing their chick
ens in a manner to make them sus
picion it was not a four-legged skunk
that took them.
The splendid Family tourist Sleepers
of the (jreat Northern are now running
dully between Portland and Spokane,
on the Sponkane Flyer via O. R. & N.
These cars differ from the ordinary
tourist sleepers, being built on the same
plan as regular sleepers but upholstered
1n leather instead of plush. This new
line of cars connects at Spokane with
similar cars running to and from St.
Paul without change. "
Bushnell, the lightning sketch art
it, will appear at Pine Grove school
house thta Friday evening, at 7:30. for
' the benefit of the Sunday school. Pic
tures flow from his pencil like mngic.
A face wreathed in smiles appeal's, a
rapid stroke or two and the expression I
changes to one or anger. . JUiugmibie
cartoons, beautiful scenes and familiar
faces drawn before your eyes with re
markable rapidity. Remarks, humor
ous and otherwise, accompany each
picture. Admission 15 cents. Part of
proceeds go to purchase literature for
the Suuday school.
Would you like to have that old or
gan look like new? Would you like
that rusty looking bed-room set revar
nished or changed entirely in color ef
fect? Are your picture frames In need
of renovation or regildlng? Have you
dilapidated furniture or bric-abrac of
any kind that you would mane . more
pleasing to the eye and more in har
mony with the surrounaingsT if so,
call on or drop a postal to E. H. Pick
ard. Hood River. He will make you
suggestions and estimates gratis. His
prices are moderate and he will guar
antee you satisfactory results or no pay
It commenced snowing in Hood
River last Sunday evening, with the
thermometer at 27, and by Monday
morning about sixincnesof the beau
tiful snow covered the ground. It
then turned tosleet.which fell through
out the day Monday. The (Spokane
flyer, due here at 4:30 p. in., did not ar
rive till 9:30. Tuesday morning a Chi
nook wind blew tor a short time, but
we have had no wind since, and the
snow is ' here to stay, probably for a
month or two.
Dr. H. K. Hines has accepted an in
vitation from the Pendleton Encamp
ment ot the "f loneers or tne racinc"
to deliver an address in that city on the
evening of Friday, December 10th, on
"Dr. John McLaughlin and his place
in the early history of Oregon." It
will be interesting to know how such
a devoted Methodist minister, who was
himself well acquainted with Dr. Mc
Laughlin, will estimate him and his
work in our early history.
A fire got started in the residence of
Win. Kennedy, on the East Side, Fri
day. It happened that half a dozen
men were within calling distance, and
they put out the fire and saved the
uuiiumg. aii insurance aujuster came
up trom Portland Mouday,and in com
puny with Jas. Langille, went out
Tuesday and assessed the damages at
We were about to make an item of
the Columbia Packing Co. butchering
three nogs which dressed 072 pounds in
the aggregate, when we read in the
Fossil Journal about one hog that
dressed 802 pounds, and concluded we
wouldn't mention Hood Kiver's big
The new board of directors of the
Valley Improvement company organ
ized lust Saturday by electing the Col
lowing officers: President, H. H. Bai
ley; vice president, C. A. Bell; secre
tary, C. E. Copple; treasurer, George P,
Crowell; manager, F. Davenport.
Frank and John Rogers returned last
week frcm the Sound country, where
they have been working for their broth
er-in-law, Harry Gray. Mr. Gray lost
1UU tons of hay by the recent nooa in
the Snohomish river.
Revival services are still continued in
the M. E. church at this place. Un
usual success has attended the meeting.
Large congregations attend nighily.
and quite a number have begun a
Christian lite. 1
Mrs. E. C. Smith and daughter of
Chicago arrived at Hood River Satur
day night and are visiting her sister,
Mrs. John Parker, whom she had not
seeu for over eighteen years.
W. J. Baker is moving to town for
the winter and will occupy the upper
story of the Langille house. Mrs.
Lungille goes to Portland today for the
One more of those iialf-breed Jersey
cows left, giving two gallons of milk a
day; 3 years old. Will trade for wood
or beet. Columbia fackistg Lo.
Do not be kicking about the tough
beefsteak, but go to Dallas & S pann
ier's and get you a neat little steak
hammer and be happy.
A force of eight or ten men are at
work on the White Salmon steamboat
dock, and boats will be landing there
in a few days.
Little Jay Wolfard was thrown
npuinst a tree vesterdnv while oottsHnir.
and was carried home by Maltie Dukes.
Keep out the kold by fitting up your
doors and windows with that nice
weather strip at Dallas & Spangler's.
Mr. John R. Rankin went to Port
land Tuesday to prospect for the best
oute to Klondike in the spring.
The coasting is good, and youngsters
enjoy the sport till late hours these
moonlight nights.
Invitations are out for the tin wed
ding at Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Batebam's
Freddy, 12-year-old boy of Mr. Cbas.
Chandler, is quite low with typhoid
Fresh milk, areoated and deodorized
o cents a quart. jf . H. "Button.
The close season for stock within the
city limits commonced Dec. 1st."
Ira Kowland shot twodeers on Tracy
ill last Sunday.
Mrs. Alma Howe is visiting at Mrs.
John Parker's.
Mrs. Perry McCrory went to Viento
Our City Ticket.
The following is the list of nomiua-
natious for city officers so far as heard
from. Tammany society held a cau
cus Monday night, but failed to nom
inate' a full ticket. It is understood
they will endorse one of the candidates
on the citizens ticket for councilman.
Wm. Yates is mentioned for recorder
and J. E. Hanna for marshal:
Mayor E. L. Smith, citizens: F. H.
Button, Tammany.
Councilmen r. t. Bradford, L.
Henry. C. A. Bell, citizens; J. P. Wat
son, J. H. Ferguson, Tammany.
Itecorder J..K. JNickelsen, citizens.
Marshal Grant Evans, citizens.
East Hood Kiver. '
Numerous bands of horses and cattle
haye been driven to winter pasture
this week.
A building boom has struck the East
Mr. Gilmore is building himasub-
staucial house near Mr. Monroe's.
Mr. Sherman Young has completed
his house aud is now living in it.
Mr. Mascar will build an addition to
his house in the near future.
Mr. David Sears has about completed
the addition to his house.
Harbison Bros, are building a large
cattle shed.
Miss Marguerite Shelley expects to
return to Portland soon.
Mr, J. F. Mohr returned from The
Dalles Monday where he has been lor
several days.
Mrs. Boardman and son Bert made
a short trip to Portlund lust week.
Mr. Ross Turner went to Portland
just week to be treated ut the hospital.
Frank ton Notes.
Frankton is booming.
Mr. A. E. Imbler is making con
siderable improvements on his place at
Frankton. He has built a good sized
chicken house and a wood house 14 by
24, two stories. 1 He expects soon to
commence clearing his land on the
north side of the road.
Mr. S. Koplin will begin, as soon as
tne weatner win permit, tne erection
of a blacksmith shop, aceross the road
from his bouse. Mr. W. J. Campbell
win do toe carpenter worn.
Mr. B. Warren is still laid up with
the rheumatism.
' Elders Jensen and Carver preached
in the school house last Sunday. They
will preach again next Sunday at 2
Mr. Imbler received a carload of hay
from Eastern Oregon and is hauling it
up trom the planer.
Mr. Warren Miller is moving his
fence from the school grounds, which
will give more play ground.
Mr. Sam Smith has about completed
the work of moving his house, wood
shed, etc., and is fixing up things
about his place in a permanent man
Our school is progressing nicely. In
Prof. NefFs room the attendance has
greatly increased of late. -List
of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in Hood River
postomce December 1, 1897.
Bradford, C E
Miliigan, Jos
Moir, James
Smith, C R
Thomas, W G
Vealy, S W
Bowman, G W
Caples, CO
Fuller, B F
Jones, Arlig C
Watson, J W
W. M. Yates, P. M.
A Companion for All Ages.
A gentleman who used to read the
Youth's Companion when a boy, and
reads it with the same interest now
mat tie is a middle-aged man. was
asked the other day if he had not out
grown the Companion. "I don't be
lieve," said he, . "that I can ever out
grow it. , I find in it not only the
cheery, hopeful spirit of youth, but the
wisdom and experience or age. 1 like
it lust as much as when I was a bov.
tnougn perhaps in a ditlerent way.
But I know that it is the same Youth's
Con pa u ion with which I grew up, for
my. boys and girls like it as well as
ever I did. It is a good paper to grow
up with." The Youth's Conpanion
will. contain the best thought of the
best thinkers of America and Europe
during 18SJ8. New subscribers will re
ceive the Companion every week from
tne time tne subscription is received
until January. 1898, and then for a full
year to lanuary, 1899. Perry Mason &
company, zuo tJoiumous ave., .Boston,
In The Dalles, December 2, 1897. Mr.
C. A. Bell and Miss Lucy Allison.
The bride is one of Hood River's
fairest young ladies. The groom is the
popular proprietor of the Mt. Hood ho
tel and is at present mayor of our city,
The Glacier extends congratulations,
Declines the Nomination.
With due deference for a not incon
siderable sentiment in the church, of
which the undersigned is servant, he
respedfully declines the mayoralty
candidacy kindly tendered him bv the
citizens' caucus on Nov. 22d. With
grateful regards, J. L. Hershner.
A Chance for a Cannery.
Richard Kirbyson a couple of weeks
ago at The Dalles met J. S. Arnold of
Pamell City, Mo. After being inform
ed of what we could do here in the way
of raising fruit and vegetables, Mr. Ar
nold expressed a desire to start a can
nery. He suggested that a stock com
pany be formed with a capital of $2.-
000, and for this sum he would furnish
building, the necessary machinery
and an expert to manage the business
lor one year. He would also furnish
tomato seed free. The $2,000 to be paid
in two years. The man he would send
here to manage the cannery for the first
year, he claims, is one of the most com
petent for the business In the United
States. Mr. Kirbyson offers to give
the ground rent free.
How to Prevent Pneumonia.
At this time of the year a cold is very
easily contracted, and if left to run its
course without the aid of some reliable
cough medicine is liable to result in
that, dread disease, pneumonia. We
know of no better remedy to cure a
cough or cold than Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. We have used it
quite extensively and it has always
ven entire satislaction. Olagah.
nd. Ter. Chief.
This is the only remedy that is
known to be a certain preventive of
pneumonia. Among the many thou
sands who have used it foi colds aud
la grippe, we have never yet learned of
a single case having resulted in pneu
monia. .Persons who have weak lungs
or have reason to fear an attack of
pneumonia, should keep the remedy at
hand. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale
by Williams and Brosius.
for 8 years from dyspepsiu and chronic
constipation and was finally cured by
using DeWitt's .Little Jiiarly Kisers, the
famous little pills for all stomach and
liver troubles. Williams & Brosius.
Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va., was
frightfully burned on the face and netk.
Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, which healed the in-
ury without leaving a scar, it is the ta-
mous pile remedy. Williams & Brosius.
' Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg,Pa.,says:
'Mv ehild Li worth millions to me vi-l 1
would have lost her by croup had t not
nvested & cents in a bottle ot One Min
ute Cough Cure." It cures coughs, colds
and all t hroat and lung troubles. Will
iams & Brosius.
It is easy to catch a cold and just as
easy to get rid of it if you commence
early to uee One Minute Cough Cure.
It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneu
monia and all throat and lung troubles.
It is pleasant to take, safe to use and
sure to cure. Williams & Brosius.
J.A. Perkins of Antiquity, O., was for
30 years needlessly tortured by physi
cians for the cure of eczema. He was
quickly cured by using DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Saive,the famous healing salve for
pilesjiud wkin diseases. Williams & Brosius.
Dalles Notes.
The Dalles, Nov. 28, 1897. The
public schools of this city are in a flour
ishing condition. Three years ago,
when I was here, they had two large
school buildings empty; now they are
all full, aud the building of a fine brick
structure, to cost $22,000, is well under
way. I have visited some seven or
more of the schools while off jury duty
and have found the very best or work
being done, and in almost every in
stance a marked regard and respect for
the teacher.
I was about to compliment The
Dalles upon its being a very law-abid
ing and quiet city on the Sabbath,
with but few stores open and nothing
to disturb the peace ot the eabbatu
day, but just as I was about to write
this several heavy blasts were fired on
the railroad, which not only made it
evident that all were not observing the
day as they should, but also punctuated
my unstinted praise with an interroga
tion point.
Scarcely any traces are now left of
the disastrous fire which swept through
this place a few years ago. Thereare
a few brick walls and empty cellars left
vet to tell the tale, but for the most
part the city has been built up as well
or better than ever, and shade trees are
again growing oil all the streets, liv
ery one seems encouraged and times
are better than for years. The Con
gregational church has just paid off its
debt. tit V. iJATEHAM.
Scripture Cake.
Butter from Judges.
Suguar from Jeremiah,
Served with sour milk from Proverbs
Mixed with raisons and figs from 1st
Genesis the Alpha,
To denote eggs.
A visit from Lot in Leviticus.
Kings offer spices and flour.
1st Corinthians invite them
To the soda fountain,
With Solomon's advice
A piece of cake
And recipe for 10 cents
All to be found
At the U. B. bazaar.
i ' Church Notices. '
Congregational Church. The pastor
will conduct services next Sunday.
Sunday school at 10. O. E. society at
6:30. The Sunday school is making
arrangements lor a Christmas enter
Methodist Episcopal Church, Hood
River and Belmont charge H. K.
Hines, D. D., pastor; G. R. Archer, as
sistant. Preaching at Hood River ev
ery Sunday, at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. ;
Sunday school at 10 a. ni.; Jiipworth
League at 0.30 p.m.; prayer meeting
Thursday, at 7.30 p. m.
Freaehingfct Belmont on the second
and fourth Sundays of each month, at
11 a. in , and on tne nrst and third
Sundays in the evening. Sunday school
at jo a. m. every Sunday; iiipworth
League at 6.30 d. m.: praver meeting
Wednesday evening.
.Preaching at Pine Grove on the flrst
and third Sundays of each month, at
11 a. m., and at Crapper school house
on the same days, at U.30 p. m.
Dr. ill nes will preach at tiood Kiver
on the first, third and fifth Sundays
of the month, at 11 a. m., and on the
second, fourth and; fifth at 7.30 p m.
Mr. Archer will preach at Hood Kiver
on the second and fourth Sundays, at
11a. mi and on the first and third
Sundays at 7.30 p. m. At Belmont,
Pine Grove and Crapper's they will al
ternate. .
United Brethren Church Services.
Preaching each Sabbath morning and
evening. Sunday school at 10a. m.;
Senior Endeavor, 6.45 p. m.; preach
ing, 7.30 p. m.; prayer meeting Wed
nesday evening; cho:r practice, Friday
evening. Rev. J. T. Merrill, pastor.
Ive gentlemen or ladles to travel for re-
sponsible.establlshedliouBe In Oregon. Month
ly Si:5 and expenses. Position steady. Refer
ence. Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope.
The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago.
Hood River,
Painter & Decorator
ISH. I make a specialty of my trade, and or
ders will receive prompt attention. Satisfac
tory work at live and let live prices guaran
teed. Estimates gratis. Jy2
A Pony to Trade.
A eentle rldlne pony, to trade for wood.
Apply at the Glaclef office.
Mt.Hcod Saw Mills,
TOMLINSON BROS,, Prop' rs. .
Of the best quality always on hand at prices
lo sun Hie limes. jys
In the best and most artistic styles at the Old
Reliable Bhoefahop one door west of postofflce.
Ladles' fine work a specialty. All work war
ranted. , - , C. WELDS, Prop'r.
Kitchen Furniture,
I Pruning Tools,' Etc.
We have a new and complete Rtock of hard
ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will
I keep constantly adding. Our prices will con
tinue to oe as low as I'oruanu prices.
Repairing: Tinware a Specialty.
Lessons in Piano Music.
Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teaching
of Music. Iler prices are 50 cents a lesson. J10
All Work
Is now open for business, carrying a full line of '
Perfumery and
Always on hand.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded and Prices Reasonable.
At the old stand of the Glacier office, Hood River, Oregon.
H. A. YORK, Proprietor.
M. S. &
Of Hood River can furnish comfortable conveyances to all parts of the valley and vicin
ity. Heavy draylng and transferring done with care and promptness.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In the valley.
13x37- G-oods, ' 01otla.Iagr,
'; AND ..
General Ivercli.a.ra.d-Ise,
Flour, Feed, Etc., -Etc.
HOOD. RIVER, - - .- - - OREGON
TiMil nnlv in first-class Nursery Stock. Send
proprietors and make a specialty of the now
Has made his headquarters agaia with
With the best selected stock ever brought
mention. Come and see for yourself.
Columbia Nursery
Offers a large stock of Fruit Trees and all oth
er Kinds or nursery siock. Aiiirees are wen
grown, carefully dug, free from pests and true
to laDei. w nemer you want one u-ee or ,uuu,
it. will nv vou to examine this stock. Re
member, trees grown here give the best satis
faction. No trouble to show goods. Orders
filled on short notice. H. C. BATEHAM,
Hooa Kiver, uregon.
Three miles south, on Mt. Hood Road.
Harbison Bros.,, Prop'ks,
Manufacturers of
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and .all kinds of cereals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham
a specialty.
The Glacier
Post Office Building, Hood River, Or.
M. F. SHAW, M. D.
(Successor to Dr. Morgan)
Will do a general practice and devote special
attention to surgical cases and Diseases of
Office and residence, second door north of
Nickelseu's store. . . s3.
Is now located in Portland, at 113J4 Russell
street. Will make regular trips to Hood
River on the flrst of every month and remain
three days.
This Great Cough Cukh promptly cure
where all others fail. Coughs, Croup, Sore
Throat, Hoarseness, whoopinir Cough and
Asthma. For Consumption it baa no rival;
has cured thousands, and will CURB YOU if
taken in time. Sold by Druggists on a guar
antee.. For a Lame Back or ChPst. use
Have vou Catarrh ? This remedy Is iruaran.
teed to cure you. Price, Wets. Injector free.
For sale ly fi A. YOUK. -
and Patent Medicines,
Toilet Articles,
I. CO.'S
for Catalogue and Price List. They are solo
to Hood River. Too many Christmas Goods to
To tlb-e East,
Gives the choice of
Illll - 111;
Via Via
Spokane, Salt Lake,
Minneapolis, Denver,
St. Paul, x Omaha,
Chicago, Kansas City.
Lowest Rates to All
Eastern Cities.
No. 1, Oregon Short Line 4.30 a. m.
No. 3, Spokane ; 10. 10 A. M.
No. 4, Spokane 4. 83 1. m.
No. H, Oregon Short Line 1 1.4S a. m.
Leave Portland every live days for
Steamers monthly from Portland toYnko
homaand Hong Kong, via the Noi-lliem I'n
ciflc Steamship connection wiih u. li.AN
For full details call on O. R. & Auti t
Hood River, or add rest
' Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portlund, O
A Jersey Bull, Id months old. No hi-iindp.
A suitable reward will be paid for Infonnn
tlon of his whereabouts or his return 'to my'
Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema.
The intense itching and smarting inci
dent to these diseases is instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad caeca
have been permanently cured by it. It
is equally ef&clont for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples;
chapped hands, chilblains, fro.-t bites
and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box.
Dr. Cndy's Condition Powders, are
just what a horse naeds when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood puritiw and
vermifuge. They are not food, but
medicine and the best in tiso to jmt a
horso in prime condition. Price 23
cent3 per package.
Forsale by WiH'rnis & 1'n :tiim.