The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 19, 1897, Image 3

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    !3food Iftyer Slacier,
The mail arrives from Mt. Hood at 10
dock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de-
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A.M.Tuesdays
and Saturdays; arrives at 6 P.M.
For White Balmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.;
arrives at 6 o'clock P. M.
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Canby Post, No. 18, G. A. R., meets at School
House Hall, first Saturday of each month
..- at 2 o'olock p. m. All G. A. R. members in
i vlted to attend. The ladles of the Relief
.Corps meet at same time In the adjoining
room. 8. F. -BLYTHK, Commander.
C. J. K AYES, Adjutant.
' Oleta Assembly, No. 103, United Artisans,
meets second and fourth Monday nights of
ach month at Fraternity hall. Brothers and
sisters oordially Invited to meet with us. v
V,'".. E- T- CARNS, M. A.
E. V. Husbands, Sec'y.
Hood River Camp, No. 270, W. 0. W. Meets
In I. O. O. F. hall second Wednesday of each
month. F. C. BUOSIUS, C. C.
H. Hknn, Clerk. '
Waucoma Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., meets In
their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night. i
W. H. Bishop, C. C.
Wjc. H AYNE9, K. of R. & S. .
Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A. O. IT. W., meets
nrot ana tuiru Saturdays or each month.
'',, C. L. MORSK, M. W.
3. V. Watt, Financier.
H. L. Howk, Recoider.
Idlewilde fodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. F meets
iu f raternal hall every Thursday night.
, - ... . THOS. LACY, N. O.
F. E. Jokes, See'y.
Mr. and M It. Bone are stop
ping at Arlington. Two weeks ago,
when Mr. Bone came to Hood River,
he opened all the doors and windows
of their residence here, to give the
house an airing. Forgetting to close
them on his return to Arlington, they
were left wide open. Last week he
eame down again, und when he left for
Arlington, Sunday, made sure that all
tne doors and windows were fastened.
He locked up so effectually that Mr.
Fox, who roonis in the house, had to
borrow Dallas' ladder and burglarize
his way to bis room in the second story
The ladies of the U. B. church aid
society will hold their bazaar about the
15th of December. They will have
both useful and ornamental articles,
and those couteuiplatintr making up
Christmas boxes for friends, either at
home or at a distance, will do well to
wait ana take a look before purchasing
elsewhere. There will be handker
chiefs and handkerchief cases, gentle
men's naim-made neckties, fancy nil
lows, etc. Later the place of holding
tne oazaar, witn lull particulars, will
ue given.
We can't all raise sweet potatoes, but
vve can raise tne Hubbard squash here
in Hood River to perfection, and it is
a good substitute for the sweet totuto
Baked in the oven and served with
butler and salt, it makes good muck-
am uck. it we had to send to Cahfor
nia or some distant country for the
Hubbard squash it would be more de
eirable for food, but as it can be raised
here without much trouble it is too
common and too cheap. This squash
is also excellent lor hog feed.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Watson have
relumed to Hood River and are occu
pying their residence on the old Coe
place. Mr. Watson has finished the
improvements on his Yaquina prop
erty and now comes back to his first
Can buy goods of us just as cheap as a man.
We have
0:n.e .- rice to . .AJL1,
figures. Our goods are
be. If anything- you
and all goods marked in plain
just what we represent them to
buy of us is not satisfactory from any cause, return to
us and we will make it all right. We do not sell you'
beet sugar or China nugar when you call for dry gran
ulated, expecting to get American cane sugar. We sell
goods to our friends and neighbors; we have very little
transient trade. We could do no business if you
bought of us once and quit.': Therefore, it is to our in
terest to have you satisfied, and to your interest to trade
' at home, where you can return unsatisfactory goods, :
and where any mistake will be corrected without
trouble. We also wish to impress this fact on your
minds, that .we are . i .,' ;
That We Are the People that Brought Prices
Down in Hood River. ' We have bargains for you
all the time; in proof of this we quote you today:
Tin cans and wax strings at Dallas'
Try our White Rose flour. W.&H.
A full line of stoves at Woodworth fc
Mr. Carmichaef returned Wednesday
irom Duiur.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Koplin went to
. Portland Monday.
New fall and winter goods at lowest
prices at Mrs. lioweiis.
R. M. Hunt is burning a pit of char-
. oai ior Lianas s spangier.
" Grant Evans' barber shop will here
after De closed on Sundays.
': Btoves cheaper than Portland prices
at woodworm b nanna's.
, Will Mercer was down from Sher
man county during the week.
A subsoil plow for sale for $5; a good
Harness cheaply. J. (J. Wheeler.
Wm. Yates, P. M., is authorized agent
ror an newspapers and periodicals
air. .Eiggeri uas recently completed a
; neat residence on his place on the East
Miss Hatlie Kent returned Wednes
day from an extended trip to Ilwacco,
Genuine Orleans molasses for mak
ing ginger bread at Woodworth &
Mr. Bam'l Koplin has opened a black-
smiiu snop at r ran k ton. uraiiKton is
booming. .
A oold rain fell. Saturday and Bun
' day and tbe surrounding hills were
'white with snow.
If you want to mend your own shoes
get a family cobbler set at Woodworth
& Hanna's. , , , ' : ; , ; ..
Mr. Henry Hibbard is about com
pleting a new residence ou his farm
three miles south of town. '
Mr. George Wilson', who is working
In a lumberyard at Wasco, was down
Sunday on a visit to his folks,
Columbia Packing Co. pays cash for
All kinds of stock and deals in wood
delivered , to any part of the city;
Mr. T. H. Cradlebaugh was in town The grand jury indicted J. G. Fisher,
ounuay. ne expects soon to go to nis cnarged with assault and battery on
mines at Bumpter and remain there P. F. Fouts, and his trial, Tuesday, re-
lor tne winter. . . suited in conviction, but Judge Brad-
Amos Underwood, the pioneer and saw suspended sentence during good
Indian nghler, has been nearly help-
Qreen Costa Rica Coffee per lb,
love, Hood River, the best spot on Flour YlGY haTVPl
earth. Mis. Watson is greatly hn- ' '
proved in- health.
The grand jury, after finding 13 true
bills, concluded its labors Saturday.
and after being highly complimented
by Judge Bradshaw ou their efficiency
atlfl fli linrplif'f flip mpinhtirfl wpfd Hiu.
charged. The Hood River members- Captain Kidd TobaCCO, Per Plug. -
K. Ti. Smith fnrpmnn aiifi V 1-T Put- I 7 OT.,
ton and M. B. Potter-returned home Biggest and Best TobaCCO, POr plUff
Mr. O. Fredenbunr of Mt. Hood ar- -DatUe JoX lODaCCO, per riUff
S&ax?p& Gold Dust Washing Powder, per pkge,
Wheat, per bushel,
Best Raisins, 16 lbs for -
Walnuts, 8 lbs for
visiteu some ncii placer diggings on
Applegale creek, Josephine county, and
brought home a (JO-cent nugget he saw
wasneu out. tie didn't nud anv coun
try that suited him better than Hood
River valley. -
At the meeting of Caiibv post, last
Saturday, it Deing tne regular meeting
ior nominating officers tor tne coming
year, the nominations were postKned
unui tne next regular meeting. Uecem-
ber 4th, when the post will meet at 12
o'clock, and nominations will be made
and election held the same day.
A Thanksgiving drncing party will
beglyen Friday evening. Nov. 20th.
conducted by Mrs. A. P. Bateham. to
be followed by others weekly during
the winter. These dances, as well us
instruction classes, will be given ut her
residence In Uhampllu building.
S. E. Burt mess did a good lob clean-
ing the street in front of his plaiie of
business tne nrst part of tne week, so
tar as lie went, out he didn't go far
enough. No one would have objected
if he had cleaned the street for the
lengtn ot tue uiock. . y
Capt. Coe received a letter during
the week from Auburn, N. Y., stating
tnat nis aunt, Mrs. uyna Dwlght. aged
oz, was burned 10 aeatn by tne over
turning of a lamp. She was the only
remainiug sister or uapt. uoe's mother.
Lard, Shield brand, Standard, Silver
Star, Swift's Premium, in 5-lb
Pails for - - :-
- 12c
0 h n ii wi a a it
. - and -v .
Is now open for business, carrying a full llne -of . "
and Patent Meclicmes,
Perfumery and Toilet Articles,
Always on hand. . . , ,.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded and Prices Jtcason'dble.
' At the old stand of the Glacier office, Hood River, Oregon.' . .
H. A. YORK, Proprietor. -
m. S. & X.
Livery and
Of Hood River can furnish oomfnrthle nonvpvnnr'PH nil nark M tho w-nTio?7 an t(aw ,
Ity. Heavy draylng and transferring done with care und promptnem. ;"-V
Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc. '"
We have a new and complete stock of hard
ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will
keep constantly adding. Our prices will con
tinue to be as low as Portland prices.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
; With those you paf at other ,!so-called" cash stores,
and see if the comparison is not in our favor. Do not i
stop and try to climb Into, every little red wagon that
cornea along because it is new, but stay in the lead with
us, and you will have' no trouble in keeping up with
the procession. ' " ' . '
" Yours, same as last week, " .
Xjea,d.ers Inn. Xj-w Prices.
lewi from .the effects of rheumatism for
-the past mouth. , , .
Mrs. Everett J. Kissel and child ar
rived from lioseburg Saturday and are
visitinir Mrs. Kjssei's narents. John u.
jjou)u ana wire
jieiore ouyiug your winter s supply.
get our prices on flour and feed. We
also have nice, bright wheat straw to
sell by the ton or bale.
Woodworth & Haxna.
F. H. Watts, general agent for the
Monumental Bronze , Co., Dufur, Or
will make periodical visits to Hood
River. See his work in the cemeteries
and then see him for terms.
Mr. D. Bradley, the Wasco photon
rapher, was in town during the week
lAAltl n F-M A knnn Ih ...I.I .1. i . .
, juuniiiu iui n. iiiiuhk winrii in iiifii.'t
ins ramny ior tne winter, tie lias
rented the Delk house and will move
in next week.
W? I" J f (i frt TtatrAn nl- 1? ynci ' T 1 1 r- t . ..
Dinnpr. miin or nrpnspn. 'I'iipv havo
fc. IfiriyA ftnn o-nnn naanrttiionf nf flniuh-
.. L. u t 1 . . 1 . J
icnasmsr eisewnere.
Captain Henry Coe, in this week's
Hood Kiver Glacier, gives an inter
"estlng bit of the history of the war with
the Indians along the Columbia. It
,is .excellently written and deserves lo
ho nreserven anionir t.lin hiut.nHrnl ron.
. I J
A ppospector arrived at Goldendale
lastwieek with a piece of quartz that
Is said to have assayed $000,000 to the
tooss wtw dropped into onr sanctum
and Teaa of this marvelous find showed
L. . . U l d,n t-rt
a birii ui klftu alt f JV.UU ail UUUW
Mr. Wm. Boorman and wife went to
Portland Wednesday, where they ex
pect to remain for the winter. Mrs.
t C. Sherrieb accompanied them and
will return in about ten days.
The fruit trees still retain their leaves
in many orchards, and the snow storm
Tuesday threatened great damage. In
some places willows and cotton woods
were split and broken down.
Dr. Eliot stopped at Hood River,
Tuesday morning, while on his way
home from a trip to Spokane and Pen
dleton and other Eastern Oregon
For the latest, best and most com
plete market reports you should read
The Chicago Chronicle. Daily by
mail, H per year. Sunday, $2." '
Dallas is the most enterprising cit
izen in town. His street lamp is lit up
these dark nights, and it. is a great
ueip to tne oeiutea pedestrian
Jas. Langille returned from The
Dalles Tuesday, where . he has been
employed on the new quarters for the
iOiuiueriai ciuo.
Sam' McCafferty and family have
moved down from the mills to the
planer and aie occupying Frank Dav
enport's house.
Edith Parker of Hastings. Nebraska.
died November 10th. She was the
eldest granddaughter of Judge and
Mrs. L. Henry.
Judge L. Henry went to Grant.Mon
:lay evening, and will spend a few
days hunting wild geese along the Des
chutes river. -
Mr. M. N. Foley has been laid up
with a bilious attack and came to town
Tuesday for the first time in two weeks.
Dallas has ' been engaged during the
weeK at the Congregational
The splendid Family Tourist Sleepers finiuiiinw h.o .npir tho i,t.a,..i'
daily between Portland and Spokane,
n the Bponkane Flyer via O. R. & N.
inese -cars ainer irom tne ordinary
, tourist, sleepers, being built on the same
plan as regular sleepers but upholstered
in leather Instead of plush. This new
Tine of cars connects at Spokane, with
similar ears running to and from St.
. Paul without rhnnirn.
' ; Rev. Chrts Nickelsen tells of the
piggestpuas so tar heard irom. Eight
x nin years ago, white helping to dig
potatoes -on the ranch now owned by
F. H. Button, he fouad two potatoes
in on hill, one of which weiglied 0
, pounds and theother 8 pounds. Two
hills of potatoes filled a bushel basket
Anotner potato, dug in same patch the
same day, weighed 6 pounds. The
uplids were weighed by George T.
Prather, on his scales. Joe Pureer, the
hampion potato digger, -was present
md can verify this story.
Bert McC'rory and family moved' to
Viento last week; Fred Howe hauling
their goods overland.
The first snow of the season covered
the ground, Tuesday, to the depth of
two or three inches.
Mrs. M. A. Jones, who has been
quite sick with iuiiamatory rheuma
tism, is improving.
Mr. B. Warren has been confined to
tiie house with rheumatism during the
past ten days. . . v
Mr. J. W. Morton has just completed
building a wagon, shed and tool shop,
22 x 36. . ... - .
Perry MeCrory is now running tJie
planer at Viento for the Oregon Lum
ber Co.
Mies Bemice Foley went to The
Dalles Saturday, .returning Wednesday.
(Dallas & Spangler sell the celebrated
DetU'r crossbill caws. None belter.
. Church Notices.
Services at the Congregational
church on Sunday, to be conducted by
ine pastor, eutiject at morning ser
vice, "Visions for Service."
Thanksgiving. The annual union
Thanksgiviug services of the churches
of Hood River will be held Thursday,
Nov. 25th. at the M. E. church. Rev.
J. L. Hershner of the Congregational
church will deliver the discourse, the
other pastors with their congregations
purucipauug in tne services. -
The series of meetings at the Congre
gational church closed last Thursday
evening. A very tender feeling per
vaded the meetings and eight or ten
persons expressed a determination to
lead Christian lives.
Christian Church Services. There
will be preaching in the Valley Chris
tian churchon Sunday at 11 a. m. and
7 p. m. by Elder J. W. Jeukins. Sub
jects of discourse," "Walking Worthy of
our vocation," and "The World's At
titude toward God's Declaration Con
cerning His Son," Matt. 3:17. : Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Endeavor societies
will meet at 4 and 6 p. m. All not
worshiping elsewhere are invited to at
tend these services. ..'
Thanksgiving services will be held
in the i Valley Christian churclvNov.
25th, at 11 o'clock a. m. There will be
a special song service and a sermon by,
the pastor. In the evening the Junior
Endeavor will give a Thanksgiving
missionary entertainment. A general
invitation is extended to all to attend
these services. . ' - i
J. M.Thi rswend of Grosbeck.Tex. ,says
that when he has a spell of indigestion
and feels bad and sluggish, he takes two
of DeWitt's Little Early Risersat night,
and he is all right the next morning.
Many thousands of others do the same
thing. Do you? Williams & Brosius.
J.C. of the best known cit
izens of Spencer. Mo., testifies that he
cared himself of the 'worst kind of piles
by using a few boxes of DeWitt's Hazel
Salve. He had been troubled with
piles for over thirty years and had used
many differens kinds of so-called cures;
but DeWitt's was the one that did the
work, and he will verify this statement
if any one wishes to write him. Will
iams & Brosius.
How to Cure Bilious Colic.
I suffered for weeks with colic and
pains in my stomach caused by bilious
ness and had lo take medicine all the
while until I used Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which
cured me. I have since recommended
it to a good many people. Mrs. F.
Builer, Fairhaven Conn. Persons who
are subject to bilious colic can ward off
the attack by taking- this remedy as
soon as the as first symptoms appear.
Sold by Williatus and Brosius. ..-'.".
Small pill.oest pill. DeWitt's
Little Early Rirerscure bilionsness,con
stipation ii sick headache. Williams &
Biofcius. -
- Cider Preservative. One package suf
ficient for one barrel. Used to arrest
fermentation in cider, and thus pre
serve its sparKiing qualities, rrice, zoc
per package. Williams & Brosius.
Disfigurement for life by burns or
scalds maybe avoided by using De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great
remedy for piles and for all kinds of
sores and skin .troubles. Williams &
Brgsius... ..'
You can't cure consumption but you
can avoid it and cure every other form
of throat or lung trouble by the use of
one minute i;ougn i;ure. wiuiams &
Brosius. - . ' -,
Vive Cameras and Photo Supplies.
A fine stosk on hand. Vive cameras
are much improved $5 size holds 18
glass plates or 50 cut films or any com
bination of same; $7.50 size holds
double. Nothing like-them for satis
faction in snapshots.
Williams & Brosius.
A juvenile bicycle,, Crawford make,
iu first-class condition. i At a bargain.
Williams & Brosius.
ive gentlemen or ladies to travel Tor re
sponslble.estahlished house In Oregon. Month
ly S.S6 and expenses. Position steady. Refer
ence. Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope.
The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago.
Hoot) Uivj:k, i
Painter & Decorator
ISH. I make a specialty of my trade, and or
ders will receive prompt attention. (Satisfac
tory work at live and let live prices guaran
teed. Estimules gratis. Jy2
Hay for Sale.
NpflTRros. have a fine lot of hay In Hood
Iiivcr for sale. Any one wanting hay will
cull un E. W. Wluuns for prke.
To t"tLe
Gives the choice of .
Columbia Nursery
Offers a large stock of Fruit Trees and all oth
er kinds of nursery stock. ' All trees are well
grown, carefully dug, free from pests and true
to label. Whether .you want one tree or 1,000,
It will pay you to examine this stock. Re
member, trees grown here give the best satis-
iacuon. f,o trouble to show goods.
Hood River. Oivffnn.
Three miles south, on Mt. Hood Koad.
filled on short notice. .
' Manufacturers of -: '
OregoB Lnmlier
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and all kinds of cereals 'ground.
i Whole Wheat Graham :t
. . a specialty.
HOOD RIVER. -.- - - - - - OREGON.
The Glacier .
; GRANT EVANS. Prop'r,
Post Office Building, Hood River, Or.
M. F. SHAW, M. D.
(Successor to Dr. Morgan)
Will do a general practice and devote special
attention . to surgical cases and Diseases of
Office and residence, second door nnr.h of
Nlckelsen's store. ii
Is now located in Portland, at Russell
street. Will make regular trips to Hood
River on the flrst of every month and remain
mree aays.
' Via . ., .-. ? :Via
Spokane; Salt Lake,
St. Paul," ; ' Omaha,
AND ; .-, r. - . AKp -
Chicago, Kansas City
Lowest Ratesto All
; Eastern Cities.
, . "i "j ... .. t
WKST B0DND. . . ..r
No 1, Oregon Sliort Iyi;n.e.-.HiS0 a. H.
No1. 3, Spokane..." ii). 16 a. m.
east nouNO. .
No. 4, Spokane... ...i...... 4."33t. M.
No. 2, Oregon Short Liite....H.4S a. m.
Leave Portland every flvo tlavs for
Steamers monthly from Portlnnd to Yoko
homa and Hong Kong, via the Northern Pa
cific Steamship connection wi th U. B.&JN
For full details call on O. R. -& X. Agen
Hood River, or address
Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, O
Drawing, and
Elocution Lessons.
Residence, Pierce Cottage.
- For Sale.
Best improved 6-acre tract in the vallev: well
watered; 1 miles from town; 300 fruit trees
coining into Bearing, mostly apples: good
buildings; IWo crates strawberries picked this
season. Cbet.p for cash.
Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice is herebveiven that, the annnnl
meeting of the stock holders of the Valley Im
provement uompany, ior tne election or a
board of seven Directors, and the transaction
of such other business as may legally he
brought before it, will De held In A. O. D. W.
). 1 1 1.. II I Ut.. . X, 1 UT 1
mi, im inuu xvi yci , uii juuuuar. iovtriiiuer
22, 1897, at 2 p. m.
n. ti. BAiLKY, resident.
Attest: W. H. Bishop, Secretary.
Lessons in Piano Music.
Miss Anna Smith has resnmfifi thn teachlne-
of Music. Her prices are 50 otiate a lesson. jlO
Mt.Hood Saw Mills,
Of the best quality always on hand at prices
to sun me times. jyin
In the best and most artistic styles at the Old
Reliable Shoe 3hop onedoor west ot post office.
Ladies' line work specialty. All work war
ranted. C. WELDS, Prop'r.
soot. in&uWi
ei.00 Bottio.-! vf$M y II Z M JX-1
. 0ne cent dose. W.tC IMi
This Great Cohoh Cnnm mrm
Where all others fail. Coughs, Croup, Sora
Throat, Hoarseness, whooping Cough and
Asthma. For Consumption "it las no rival; '
has cured thousands, and will CURB TOU If
takenin time. Sold by Druggists cn a guar
antee. For a Lame Back or Chst, usa
HaWTOUatarrh? ThisremeriviaDiwran-
teed to cureyou. Prlco,-60cta. Jnjestorfrce.
For sale by H. A. YOKK. , '
Choice City Property.
The dwelling house and two lots fcnov n n
the Delk property is oll'ei ed for sale lit n verv
low price. For particulars inquire1 lit tti'e
Glacier office. .-' jvftl
Better than Klondike-
Fruit ranch, 2 miles from town of-..Flood
River, for sale. Ten acres in tran -berries; U
acres in orchard; good buildings. U'-wtliiuj
in good order. Address M. A.-fHiOK,
slO C'onijiton, a!.
Nursery Stock for Sale.
I have for sale fi.000 two-year-old apple lives
of the best quality, consisting of Vniiair .New
town, Spitzenburg. Baldwin, Lawtv- Hyrie's
Kintt, Kins of Tompkins OwJity, ra wnstelA
and Wealthy. N. C. KVA Ns,
- a 10 r Hood River Fruit (iiu'den.
A Pony to Trider
A erentle ridincr dotiv. ta tivtd ior wooiL
Apply at the Glacier ofticc --. - -
For Sale.
T A'O places of 10 and 8 acres respectively: on
level plnteau; clone to Hood itiver. Nent
cleared, set to fruit trees and berries. Sublime
and glorious views; can sit In bay window and
see Mts. Hood and Adams. Liberal terms
and fair prices. Monthly rent of house alone
paying v per cent un selling price, inquire of
i li. X...S.M1111.
Tetter, Salt-KJieum and Kp2,tmv..
The intense itehini? and stnai'Miil' inci
dent to these diseases is instaafiy niliiyed
by applying Chamberlain '8.- Hye.-&ii&
Skin Ointment. Many -Very ?ovj1 csiixh
have been pormanontly curcxl by ii. It
ia equally efficient for itching piies anil
a ravorite remeuy tor soi-o mpplei ;
chapped hands, chilblains, frost ?:itc-s
and chronic sore eyes. 25 eta., pes: .box.
Dr. Cady's Cendilion PowdcrR, tn
just what a horse needs -when in hud
condition. Tonic, blood purlfkir c-ntl
vermifuge. They . are not lood but
medicine and tho best in neo to pt :i
horse in prime condition. Price 2S
cent3 per package. ... ;
Forxale by W.UIiijus A Hn-mis.