The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 12, 1897, Image 4

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Xews Gathered In All the Town of
Oar Neighboring States Iinprove
mest In All Industries Oresjon.
The brickyard at Weston has sold be
tween 600,000 and 700,000 bricks this
v A hunter the other day brought in
- to Salem a Mongolian pheasant, the tail
of which measured 21 inches.
A farmer of Goshen has 900 turkeys
in pasture at his farm. The turkeys
eat, twice a day, two bushels of wheat.
An Umpqua sportsman turned loose
five pair of wild turkeys on the head
waters of the Umpqua river the other
day. '"
Twenty Mongolian pheasants for
breeding purposes have been shipped
from the Wilammette valley to Harney
county. -
A sperm whale came ashore on the
Nehalem beaoh, near the Arch rocks,
last week. The whale was about 65
feet long.
The town oouncil of Marshfleld has
passed an ordinanoe which fixes - a
wharfage charge. for all steamers that
nee the wharf at the foot of A street.
Th two warehouses in Mission,
Umatilla oounty, have reoeive'd 400,
000 bushels of wheat this 'season.
About half of this has been shipped.
An artesian well that is being sunk
on Fred Heine's Cow creek ranoh, in;
Harney county, is now down 480 feet,
and the water has risen to within six:
inches of the'surface. ' j
The work on the railroad bridge,
across the Santiam river, between Spi
cer and Soio, is progressing. All of,
the piers have been completed, and the
other work is being pushed.
Joseph Vey, a sheepraiser of Butter
creek, Umatilla county, lost 900 of his
14,000 head of sheep while his bands
'were ranging on. the mountains be
tween Grand Rondo and Hilgard re-
; cently. , ' !
The sheepmen of Morrow county
have made up a fund of $1,000) for the
purpose of sending detectives into
Grant oounty to ferret out and prose
cute the persons who have been shoot
ing sheep. ' ,
, It was reported in Salem last week
that the surveying party now out in the
Cascade mountains, back of the San
tiam country, operating under State.
Senator Alonzo Gesner, of Marion
county, had made a rioh find of gold-'
bearing quartz.
The warehouses in : Elgin are getting
so full of grain trial a nigm lorce nas
' to be used to pile each day's receipts
up higher, so as to make room for the
next day's business. Unless more
shipping is done soon, it will be neoes
sary to raise the roofs, f
Three families of Norwegians ar
rived in Coquille a few days ago, ad-.
ding to ' the population, somewhat.
One family brought nine children with
them, while the two others reported 24
ohildien the grand total for the three
families being 88 children.
The sheriff of Crook county, has been
enjoined from collecting the 1 per cent
on delinquent, taxes ordered by the
county court. ' The court held that
county courts have no authority of law
for imposing any penalty on delinquent
taxes, other than the necessary costs of
levy and sale of property. ' ?
Washington. ;
The town of Grey,in Whitman county,
is to have a flouring mill. ' j
The Adams County bank paid out
180,000 for wheat last week,
, Yakima orchardists are offered 80
cents a box for apples this year.
Pasco horse dealers shipped 250 head
of "beef" horses to Linnton this week
for the cannery.
The Spokane city jsinking fund com
mission has recommended the issue of
$300,000 in municipal bonds to take up
outstanding warrants. , ,
Throughout Eastern Washington
thousands of sacks of wheat are lying
in the fields, because of the lack of
storage room in the warehouses.
In Sprague 6,000 bushels of wheat
are being marketed daily. The Sprague
roller mills do a business of f 300,000
annually, and the business men want a
The Northern Paoiflc Railway Com
pany paid to the Cowlitz county treas
urer last week $2,105.92, which was
one-half of the company's personal
taxes for 1897. -
The Moxee Company, in Yakima
county, is trying a sagepuller that re
quires four horses and two men to op
erate it, but the machine clears easily
.six more acres a day. 1
It is reported in New Whatcom that
' B. A. Seaborg, of Astoria, who owns
five Columbia river salmon canneries,
has decided to establish a large cannery
in Whatoom county, and is now pre
paring to oommence construction, but
has not determined whether to locate
at Whatoom or Blaine.
A mast and part of the deck of a ship
have washed ashore at the VVestport
bathhouse. They are supposed to be
; parts of the Orion, the vessel that was
run down a few weeks ago.
There are now 874 prisoners at the
Walla Walla penitentiary. At the
jute mill extensive repairs, are still
going on, 50 prisoners being employed.
The mill will start about the middle
of November, and will run all winter.
. Thirty persons are engaged in hauling
clay from near Dixie. About 1,000,
000 briok are on band at the yard.
Resume of Events in
Office of Downing, Hopkins & Co., Chicago
Board oi Trade Brokers, 711-714 Ch amber ol Com
merce Building, Portland, Oregon.
In describing the local conditions of
the Chicago wheat market for Decem
ber delivery it is simply a matter of
opinion whether to assert the market
is manipulated or not. The latter
supposition is the more reasonable.
Stocks of oontract wheat have been ex
hausted by the unprecedented expert
and interior demand. High values ob
taining have induced speculative short
sales, with the resulting condition of a
constantly oversold and congested mar
ket. Granting all of which to be true,
the general conditions which ordinarily
control values are so extremely favor
able to high prices that it is a matter
of great doubt as to whether specula
tion has played any important part in
advancing and maintaining values.
Export clearances of wheat and flour
for. the week have been large. The ex
port demand continues urgent and
promises to increase rather than di
minish. Stocks at market centers
show but a small increase for the season
compared with previous yearB, al
though the forward movement of the
crop has been unusually large. Reoeipts
at primary points are beginning to fall
off, and it is becoming more and more
apparent that the spring crop of the
Northwest has been over-estimated.
The continued drought assures only a
moderate acreage seeded to winter
wheat, and that under favorable condi
tions. Crop advices from Argentine
oontinue conflicting and contradictory.
Advices from Australia assert that
their orop will be below an average and
give no surplus for export. . France
continues to buy wheat freely. From
all reports, publio and private, it is a
certainty that European stocks are un
usually small and European require.-
ments abnormally large. The prospeot
for the immediate future seems to fully I
warrant present values for wheat, and
should any disaster overtake the Argen
tine crop it is probable that they will
be fully maintained if not materially
advanced during the balance of our crop
year. .
The situation regarding corn values
shows a decided improvement during
the week, although still possessing ele
ments of radical weakness. Stocks, al
ready larger than ever before recorded,
show no immediate signs of decreasing.
On the other hand, the cash demand,
both for home consumption and ex
port, shows a gratifying increase; Val
ues are now 15 cents per bushel below
an average for the last ten years, and
the new crop is certainly below an av
erage in yield. There is little to war
rant a decline in supplies.
" Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 75 76c; Val
ley and Bluestem, 77 78c per bushel.
. Four Best grades, $4.00; graham,
$3.70; superfine, $3.40 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 83 34c; choice
gray, 81 82c per bushel. - .
Barley Feed barley, $1920; brew
ing, $20 per ton.
Millstiffs Bran, $14 per ton; mid
dlings, $21; shorts, $15.50.
Hay Timothy, $12 12.50; clover,
$10U; California wheat, $10; do
oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $910per
Eggs 22 25c per dozen.
Butter Fancy creamery, 4550o;
fair to good, 85 40c; dairy, 25 35c
per roll.
Cheese Oregon, 11 s; Young
America, 12c; California, 910o
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.50
8.00 per doezn; broilers, $2.002.50;
geese, $5.00; ducks, $3. 00 4. 00
per dozen; turkeys, live, 10c per
pound. '
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 85 40c
per sack; sweets, $1.40 per cental.
Onions Oregon, new, red, 90c; yel
low, 80o per cental. .
Hops 813c per pound for new
orop; 1896 crop, 67o. '
Wool Valley, 1416c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 712o; mohair, 20
22o per pound.
' Mutton Gross, best bheep, wethers
and ewes, $2.502.60; dressed mutton,
5o; spring lambs, 5c per pound. " .
Hogs Gross, ohoice heavy, $4.50;
lightand feeders, $3.00 4. 00; dressed,
$4. 50 5. 00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $2.758.00;
cows, $3. a5; dressed beef, 45cper
pound. '
Veal Large, 46c; small, 5
Co per pound.
Seattle Market.
Butter Fancy native creamery,
brick. 23 25o; ranoh, 10 15c.
Cheese Native Washington, 10
12c; California, 9o.
Eggs Fresh ranch, 29 32c. ' "
Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,
hens, 10c; spring Chickens, $2.50
8.00; ducks, $3.504.00.
Wheat Feed wheat, $26 per ton.
Oats Choioe, per ton, $20.
Corn Whole, $22; cracked, per ton,
$22; feed meal; $22 per ton.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$22; whole, $22.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef,
steers, 6c; cows, 5o; mutton sheep,
6c; pork, 6,c; veal, small, 6.
Fresh Fish Halibut, 34c; salmon,
4 5c; salmon trout, 8c; flounders
and sole, 84; ling cod, 45; rock cod,
5c; smelt, 24c.
Fresh Fruit Apples, 25o$t per
box; peaches, 7580c; prunes, 85 40c;
pears, $1 per box.'
San Francisco Market.
. Wool Nevada 11 12c; Oregon, 13
14c; Northern 14 16c per pound. '
Hops 1014c per pound.
Millutuffs Middlings, $2022; Cal
ifornia bran, $16.00 16. 50 per ton.
Onions New red. 7080c; do new
silverskln, $1.001.15 per cental.
Butter Fanoy oreamery, 2728c;
do seconds, 2526c; fancy dairy,
24c; good to choice, 2123o per pound,
i Cheese Fanoy mild, new, 12c; fair
ta good, 7 8o par pound..
Feeding; Pen for Hogs.
Where hogs are fed near the house or
barn, the fowls are apt to go among
them and eat a large portion of the
feed. An Indiana farmer has solved
the problem by constructing a feeding
pen so that the hogs and pigs could go
In and out at pleasure, but fowls of all
kinds were excluded. In the Orange
Judd Farmer he tells how It is made.
Build a, feeding floor several inches
above the surface of the ground and
inclose with a tight board fence sur
mounted with pickets a foot or more
long. Make one or more openings near
the ground lor tne nogs ana nang a
door, a, from the top so that it will
swing pretty freely either way. Leath-
er straps or hinges that work easily
will answer. The hogs will soon learn
to go back and forth, but fowls will
fiot enter. If there are two sizes of
hogs, make a partition and in it con
struct a small swinging door just large
enough to admit the smaller pigs.
A Good Old Rotation. ' - ' '
The siyear rotation so long followed
in this section, the Shenandoah Valley,
has some strong points in its favor.
The crops during the six years are In
this order: Corn, followed by wheat,
the ground being harrowed and the
wheat drilled in. Immediately after
the wheat is cut the next year, the
ground Is plowed thoroughly, prepared
by harrow and roller, and sowed again
to wheat, this time accompanied with
about a bushel of timothy to six acres
and the same quantity of clover in the
early spring. Then three crops of hay
are mowed, making the six years. Very
often four crops of hay are made.'
I have not counted the second crop of
clover usually cut and hulled for seed
the first, season. Since Western seed
generally can be bougtit at low prices,
many think it better to pasture, or cut
this second clover for cows. It will be
noticed that this rotation, running six
years, calls for plowing only twice dur
ing that time, and gives three crops of
uay, which we think pays better than
other crops. Farmers who follow this
old-time way are not getting rich, but
they are probably holding their own
about as well as others who follow
newer and shorter -plans. Try all and
hold fast to that which is good, Is not
a bad motto.-'-Amerlcan Agriculturist.
New Destroyer of Fruit.
Re-enforcements to the seventeen
year locusts, the gypsy moth, the
browntail moth and all the rest of the
busy army of fruit
destroyers are to
be found In vast
quantities In the
"San Jose scales."
The San Jose scale
takes its name, not
the san josb scale fr()m the locality
to which it confines its depredations,
but to the one in which it first ap
peared. Since it made its debut in Cali
fornia It has shown an impartial fond
ness for every part of the Union. Flor
ida has not been too warm for it and
Massachusetts has pleased. New Jer
sey has not escaped and the Pacific
coast as far as British Columbia has
appealed to it. The scale, though ap
pearing only recently, has evidently
spent several decades In preparing to
descend upon the world. It is a micro
scopic insect, which pierces the green
bark of the tree with its proboscis and
sucks the sap. It has, doubtless with
an eye to this age of germicide solu
tions, rendered spraying an infested
tree useless, because it has a scaly cov
ering which remains on the bark of the
tree or the skin of the fruit and which
acts as an armor against such weapons
as washes. Fruit infested by the scale
Is unmarketable.'
Government Seed Shop.
Last spring the Department of Agri
culture distributed, at a cost of $130,
000, enough seeds of all kinds to plant
an area of 355 square miles, or 227,200
acres. Now, if there were some way of
finding out just how many acres were
actually planted with these seeds, and
how much the crop produced therefrom
Is worth In cash, we would probably
have a better argument than we can
produce now in favor of knocking the
Government seed business on the head.
Many a musty old humbug has been
suffered to exist simply because it was
Impossible to corral it with figures.
s .
Fall Sat Posts.
It Is not generally considered a good
time to set posts in the fall. No mat
ter how wel the soil Is compacted
1 around thwa,; rains will sink sow in
the soil that has lately been disturbed.
The winter frosts will also penetrate
more deeply, and in a winter when
there is much freezing and thawing
will gradually lift the post up. If posts
are set in fall for a fence the boards
must be nailed on so as to keep the
posts from being twisted, so that they
must be reset before a fence can be
Milk as Food on the Farm. '
To every city resident one of the ad
vantages of living in the country is that
those living there can easily secure
fresh and pure milk directly from the
cow. It Is a most valuable food pro
duct, whether used directly as milk or
cooked in custards and cakes, in the
various ways that milk and cream can
bei used. Probably most housewives
who have lived in the country find
when they remove to the city that the
absence of the best milk and' cream
which they used to have in abundance
was a stronger handicap to successful
cooking than anything else. At the
wholesale prices that are all tfiat milk
producers can get for milk it is a muoh
cheaper food than any other thaf comes
on their tables. If farmers ate more of
their milk product they would be better
off physically as well as financially.
What they then sold would probably
bring as much as does the larger por
tion that they sell now. -
Turnips Among; Corn.
There is no crop grown so easily and
with so ldttle cost as late-sown turnips
in a field of well cultivated corn. The
shade of the corn will keep the turnips
from growing much until the corn !s
cut. Possibly also their growth will
be checked by the demand of the corn
roots for plant food. , But In the Indian
summer that follows the first frost the
turnips will make rapid growth, as
they will then have all the land for
their own use. The turnip will endure
a pretty heavy frost, and grow again if
warm weather follows it. But in our
climate turnips cannot be left In the
ground all winter as they are In En
gland. ; 7
A Milk Strainer. -
One correspondent of the American
Agriculturist seems to think that a
wire screen In a milk strainer is not de
sirable, while an
other asserts that
if rightly placed
it will be found en-
tll-olv fifitlof atniv
In the illustration
lis shown a strain
er, with a wire
1 screen in the fun
'nel at a, just as in
an ordinary strain
er. The bottom
should be four
Inches in diameter.
Place a piece of
muslin over the
neck at c and slip
the collar b over it.
A perfect strainer
is formed. The
cloth must be kept
perfectly clean. Each time the strainer
is used remove the cloth and wash it
thoroughly, scalding in boiling water.
Renew frequently, for it is less ex
pensive to get new cloths than to .run
the risk of tainted milk. Also scald the
wire screen at each washing and care
fully scrub the tin portion. ; '
Orchard and Garden.
Fruit trees or plants will not take
care of themselves. y
Grapes thrive best in well-cultivated
and well-drained land. .
Having the orchard trimnied up
keeps the trees bearing well.
Cherry trees must be grafted early
if good results are expected. I
; Choose young, - thrifty trees?;) with
good roots and straight, clean tops.
Annual pruning largely avoids the
necessity for removing large limbs.
No fruit repays judicious pruning
and trimming better than the pear,.
' Make quality rather than quantity
the principal aim. ' ' ',
All trees that have roots or tops
bruised or mangled should be discard
ed. - ,
In setting out a tree, save some of
the top soil, especially to put around
the roots. ' '
It is not a bad plan to plant trees
along the roadside the whole length of
the farm. -
Nectarines and apricots can be
grown anywhere that the peach or
prune will thrive well.
Mulching prevents the early flow of
sap by preventing the ground from
warming up too soon.
"Agricultural Notes.
; Keep the wagon well greased.
Grain feeding of cows In summer
helps the fertility of the soil.
Remember that you were once a boy
yourself, unless you are a woman.
Fresh tor-dresslng of pastures is an
insult to stock if it Is turned on them.
A new variety not suitable to your
soil and climate Is worse than an old,
Inferior variety that is.
"Mary had a little lamb," and her
father sold it, but the money he got for
it did not pay for the Injustice he did
the child. ,
"Got cheated In a farm machine that
I bought of a farmer's supply house,'"
ays a farmer. Buy of a reliable hom
dealer next time. Rad our ads.
Tha the world is coming to an end sud
denly at a given time is not what is re
ferred to. There are different kinds of sen
sations, as very many people know who
feel sharp twinges of pain in the big nerve
of the thieh. Sciatica is a very painful
sensation, and the torment of it makes onej
think something is come to an end.; lint
just at the first sensation or twinge is the
best time to use St. Jacobs Oi). The less
pain the more easily it is cured, and the
Oil prevents its development by soothing
the nerve. At any stage it will cure.
- Sanitary Reform of Bombay.
The Indian government has formulat
ed an important scheme ior the sanitary
reformation of Bombay City. The
control of government and municipal
lands will be vested in a nominated
body, which will be empowered to lay
new Streets through orowded localities
and to erect dwellings at low rents for
,the poor. The scheme involves an ad
dition to the municipal rates of not
more than 2 per cent.
Not the poison that the covert assassin ad
ministers in the drink, the food, or some other
guise, but the poison of malaria shortens the
lives of m riaos. There Is a safe and certain
antidote. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which
pot only fortifies the system against malaria,
but roots out its seeds when they have germln
'ated. Dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatic,
Jiver and k.dney trouble are conquered by the
Bitters. ,
A Minneapolis genealogist reckons
up four billions of persons between
William the Conqueror and one of his
descendants now living.
Economy: save io cents on
a package of "cheap" baking
powder and eat the cake.
You couldn't do better for
your doctor.
Schilling's Best money-back
baking powder is at your
K Schilling &. Campmaf
San rraaclsco
A daguerrotype of Louis Philippe,
taken in 1840 by Daguerre himself, has
been presented to the Camavalet mu
seum in Paris. '
We are asserting; in the court onr right to the
exclusive use of the word "CASTOR1A," and
" PITCHER'6 CASTORIA," as our Trade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannia, Massachusetts,
was the originator of " PITCHBR'8 CASTORIA."
the same that has borne and does now bear the
fac -simile signature of CHA8. H. FLETCHER on
every wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S
CASTORIA " which has been used in the homes
of the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that tt is
the kind you have always bought, and has the
signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. No one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chas. H. Fletcher is President. -March
A St. Louis paper is marvelling over
the case of a septuagenarian whose
white hair turned blaok in a single
night recently.
AH Eastern Svruo. so-called, nsnally very
light colored and of heavy body, is made from
glucose. "Tea Garden Drips" is made from
Sugar Cane and is strictly pure. It is for sale
bv first-class grocers, in cans only. Manufac
tured by the Pacific Cost Sybup Co. All gen
uine "Tea Garden Drips" have the manufac
turer's name lithographed on every ean.
- It is said that the flesh on the fore
quarters of the beaver resembles that of
land animals, while that on the hind
quarters has a fishy taste.
"King Solomon's Treasure," only Aphrodlsiacal
Tonic known. (See Dictionary.) ts.OD a box, s
weeks' treatment. Mason Chemical Co., P. O. Box
747, Philadelphia, Pa.
' "Ancient" coins, many of which an
tedate the Christian era, are made in
large quantities in London, and find
sale all over the world.
I believe Piso's Cure is the only medicine
that will cure consumption. Anna M.
Boss, Williamsport, Pa., Nov. 12, '95. , ,
Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder.
will cure you of Dys
pepsia, Indigestion,
and Btomach troubles
of all kinds. Price. $1. On receipt of same we
will deliver it at your nearest express office free
of charge.
....FRANK NAU....
Portland Hotel Pharmacy,
Sixth and Morrison street.
How to Restore Lost Manhood and -'
- Perfect Development. v
This eat work, plainly written by a hieh
medical authority, hows how manly vig-or
can be regained and obstacles to marriaee
removed. It is a modern work for men who
suffer from nervous debility caused by over,
work, youthful indulgences or later excesses.
. It points out how to be cured of nervousness,
despondency, irapotency, at home, without
interfering with business. r
This great book, entitled "COMPLETE
will be mailed free, in plain, 6ealed wrapper,
to the address of any sincere inquirer by the
Erie Medical Company, if Niagara Street,
Buffalo, N.V. No C.O.D. scheme; no deception.
. , , , .
1 1 Bert Cough Byrup. TasmGood, Use 1 1 III I ( '1 3
M in time. Bo'hy drcKf lata. ft 1 1 I l 4 1 B
C ' 7" i'i'i J, mlm fArajjjAtq
To Cure Female 111b Soma True
. Reasons Why Mrs. Pinkham
Is More Sucoesful Than
the Family Doctors.
A woman is sick; some disease pecu
liar to her sex is fast developing in her
system. She goes to her family physi
cian and tells him a story, but not th
whole story.
She holds something back, loses her
head, becomes agitated, forgets what
she wants to say, and finally conceals
what she ought to have told, and thus
completely mystifies the doctor.
Is it any wonder, therefore, that th
doctor fails to cure the disease? Still,
we cannot blame the womai, for it is
very embarrassing to detail some of
the symptoms of her suffering, even to
her family physician. .
Tt was for this reason that veara
ago Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass.,
determined to step in and help he
sex. Having had considerable e:
perience in treating, female ills wit
her Vegetable Compound, she encour
aged the women of America to write
to her for advice in regaia to their
complaints, and, being a woman, it
was easy for her ailing sisters to pour
into her ears every detail of their suf
fering. Over one hundred thousand
women were successfully treated by
Mrs. Pinkham last year. Such are tho
grand results of her experience. 1 ,
There are 71,000 more women than
men in, the state of Massachusetts, and
this excess is all in persons over 14. '
W offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. ,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned.have known F. J. Cheney
for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly
hororable in all business transactions and
financially able to carry ont any obligations
made by their firm,
West & Truax.
Wholesale DrugRists, Toledo, 0.
Wajjhng, Kinn an & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggisis, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the svstem. Testimonials free. Price
75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Broken Down Men
Men Who Have Wasted the Vital
Power of Youth Who Lack ,
Vizor Can Be Cured by
This is an appliance which Is known all orst
the world for its wonderful tonic influence up
on the waning vitality of men and women.
Its touch is the tonch el life. Warmili.and en
ergetic health follows its application within
ten days. A permanent cure of all weakness
restoratien of new life is assured in the long
est standing cases within 90 days.
Dr. Banden will send you a book upon this
subject, with valnable information, free. If
possible, call and see his famous Belt. Try it -and
regain your manhood. Life has a new
charm to those who wear it. Call or address
?B3 West Washington St., Portland, Or.
Please mention fail Paper.
Vegetable, Grass
and Flower
Bulbs and Roses.
Fruit and Shade
TreesJ Spray Pumpso Bee Supplies
Fertilizers a Catalogs free
W Mrs. WwsiiOw's Soothixo Syrop ibould always be
) used tor children teething. It soothes the child, soft- i
a ens the rums, allays all pain, cures wind collo.and is 4
i the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty (It. cenw a (
oortie. iv is tne Dew a"
N. P. N. U.
No. 46, '97.
HEN writing to advertisers, plea
mention tnis papers
We lead and srigiuate
fashions in....
Second and Stark Sts.
Make money by succesful
speculation in Chicago. We
buy and sell wheat on mar.
Kins. Fortunes have been
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tures. Write for full particulars. Best of ref
erence given. Several years' experience on th
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ledge of the business. Send for our free refer
ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINS & Co.,
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ana grows as vigorously in September as a
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will grow. It solves the problem of pasturage .
in the northwest.tountry. Price 20c per panna.
Address all OJ,derB to At. J. SHliLUS,
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kaow t. cheapest, easiest 4
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Aaaats eaaue far Ituna Us.
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