3(ood Iftver Slacier FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1897. THE MAILS. The mall arrives from Ml. Hood at 10 o' clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de parts ie same davs at noon. For Chenowoth, leaves at 8 A. M. Tuesdays mm oiumavK arrives aL o r. M. For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M, arrtvefrat o'clock P. f. From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil mer, xroui ijaice ana uienwooa Mondays, vv ouuesuays ana r nuars. SOCIETIES. , Canby Post, No. 18, G. A. R., meets at School House Hall, first Saturday of each month a 2 o'clock D. m. AUG. A. R. members In. vlted to attend. The ladles of the Reliel Jorpg meet at same time In the adjoining ruuin. b. r . ox, x iitci, tomniiinaer. J. J. iayes, Aajuuim. ftlofa. A BSOmlllw Wrt 1AQ TTt,1i1 A ntlonna meets second and fourth 'Monday nights of acn montn at Fraternity hall. .Brothers and i8ters cordially invited to meet with us. E. T. CAKNS, M. A. Xi. v. xi ushainum, oec y. Hood River Camp, No. 270, W. O. W. Meets jn i. u. u. nail second Wednesday of each imonin. . u. illtusi U S, U. U H. Hknn, Clerk. Wauooma Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., meets In ,iiieir uasue xiau on every i uesaay nignt. W. H. Bishop, C. C. TVm. HAynes, K. of R. & S. Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A. O. XT. W., meets urst ana third Saturdays ot each month. O. L. MORSK, M. W, " J. K. Watt, Financier. H. L. Howk, Recorder. - - Idlewilde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets 1 tn Fraternal hall every Thursday night. , - . THUS. LACY, N. G. .. . F. E. Jones, Sec'y. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Tin cans and wax strings at Dallas' Thanksgiving day, November 25th Hot and cold baths at the barber ehop. Dr. Cams was in town d urine: the weeK., Mr. W. G. Clelland is down from Wasco, A full line of stoves at Wood worth & Jianna's. J. W. Wallace came down from vvasco Monday. New fall and winter Roods at lowest prices at Mrs. riowells Grant Evans' barber shoo will here ner De dosed on Sundays, Stoves cheaper than Portland Drices at, wooawortn 6s tianna's. r .mawara j arret t went to rortiana sgatorday for a two weeks visit. Mrs. A. P. Baleham will commence a series of dances Thanksgiving week Wm. Yates, P. M.. is authorized aeent tor all . newspapers and periodicals Genuine Orleans molasses for mak ing ginger bread at Woodworth & Raima's. If you want to mend your own shoes .jgei a lamuy coDDier set at Wooawortn s iianna's. Columbia Packing Co. navs cash for mi Kinas or stocK ana deals in wood delivered to any part of the city. Before buying your winter's supply, get our prices on flour and feed. We also have nice, bright wheat straw to sell by the ton or bale. r , ,. WOODWORTH & IlANNA. Miss' Grace Graham sprained her wrist, a few days since, in getting out of a buggy. The sprain, thouirh nain- tui, aid not intertere witn her duties in the school room. . Mr- John Kobenr brought to the Glacier office, last Saturday, five po tatoes iliac weignea is pounds. The potatoes were planted on the 15th of June, after the high water, F! H.- Watts, general airent for the Monumental Bronze Co.. Dufur. Or.. will make periodical visits to Hood River. See his work in the cemeteries and then see him for terms. Write to Davenport Bros.' Lumber Co. for delivered prices on all kinds of lurnlier. rough or dressed. Tliev have a large and good assortment of finish ing lumber on hand, good and dry. Call and get our cash prices before pur chasing elsewhere. The A. O. U. W. lodge has taken a new lease on the Old SCllOOl building, Heill'V. Jackson and Watson wpro this time for three years, and will build appointed a committee to find a place property tor and mark the buckets for the fire Mr. F. II.. Watts of Dufur, who is the general agent of the Monumental Bronze Co., was in Hood River last week. Whil6 here he superintended toe erection or two Deautitui monu meuts oue in K of P. cemetery, at the grave of Mrs. C. D. Nickelsen, the other in Idlewilde cemetery, for the remains of the parents of H. L. an .bred .Howe. These monuments are the best ever put up in Hood River cemeteries. The Northwest Lumbering Co. putting in a mill 12 miles above the mouth of Little White Salmon, where there is a tine body or cedar and hr urn ber. The mills will have a capacity of 60,000 feet of lumber a day and 100,000 sningies. rue machinery is ueingiaua ed from steamers at Underwood's land ing. All of which is making lively times on the Washington side. Mrs. John Parker went to Sherman county on Thursday of last week. where she will visit with her sister Mrs. Chas. Haynor, for a' couple of weeKs. Jas. .FarKer went overland with team to The Dalles, and from there his mother accompanied him to Monkland. He will leave the horses to be wintered at Mr. Hayuor's place Circuit court met Monday. The docket is said to be the longest ever Known in the county. JUI. L,. Smith m. ii. rotter una a: xi. .Button were drawn on the grand jury, of which E Li. smith was appointed foreman. The wharf of the Regulator company was moved, Monday, turther up the river and further out in the stream to accommodate the steamers during low water. W. A. Liockmau and IS. Is, Ohnger did the moving. Mr. and Mrs. R. Pealer went into their strawberry patch on the last dav of October and picked half a gallon of nne, large ripe strawberries ot the Clark's Seedling variety, C. D. Moore returned Saturday from a trip to Camas Prairie. He reports an inch of snow on the ground when he left H. D. Cole's ranch Friday. In the item last week about H. C, Bateham's Magoon strawberries, the most important part was left out. He dug 635 sets from 24 plants. If the livestock, poultry or produce market interests you read the Chicago Daily Chronicle, Its reports are the best and most complete, W. A. Lock man has gone to The Dalles, where he expects to work dur ing the winter for Louis Oaks, in the aruviiig business. Prof. J. T. Neff. member of the board of teachers' examiners, went to The Dalles Wednesday. Mr. C. R. Bone, who is stationed at Arlington, buying wheat, was in town Saturday. P. F. Bradford of White Salmon kil led two bears on Tracy hill one dav last week. J. H. Zane editor of the A. O. TT. W. Reporter, was in town during the week. S. E. Bartmess has a large stock of doors and windows. Call and get prices. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Turner returned Wednesday from a trip to The Dalles. A subsoil plow tor sale for $5: a good harness cheaply. J. C. Wheeler. 'the weather is quitespnnghke. Last week there was snow on the hills. Mrs. Alice. Jemn went loThe Dalles Saturday, returning Monday. Mrs. a. li. Ulark arrived from Port land Wednesday. Common Council. The common council met Tuesday evening in the office of the recorder. There were present 0 A. Bell, L. Henry, F. E. Jackson and J. P. Wat son, as councilmen; George T. Prather, recorder, and M. H. Niekelsen, treasurer. C. A. Bell was elected mavor to fill the unexpired term of N.L. Blowers. Committee reported thev had secured three dozen water pails. Warrants were ordered drawn in favor of R. O. Evans for $1 and F. E. Jackson for $6.60. 1 lie Delk building, Second and River streets, was selected as polling place for town election, December 7th.- m. W. Winans, J. N. Reynolds and W. B. Shute, judges; A. P. Bateham and J.R. JMicKelsen, clerks. To say a few words to the people of Hood River valley. We believe in advertising. We would not hide our light under a bushel.: We want to keep this fact con stantly before you: That we are. LEADERS IN LOW PRICES! When others sell at reasonable prices they only follow our lead. We have by far the. largest and best selected - ' : .' stock ever brought to. this place. We are agents for the celebrated "Kast Iron Clothing." We keep a full line .of Rubber Goods, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Hats, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Crocker?, Groceries, Flour and Feed. We are agents for Simonds' Saws; there's none better. We are selling dry goods as cheap as they can be bought anywhere. We quote: . .. Calicoes, navy blue, chocolate and dark colors, at Scperyd. Badger State L. L. Muslin at 5c per yd. Long Cloth, navy blue, at 10c per yd. Cotton Bats, at 12c per lb. Armorside Corsets, best made, at $1.00. . '- --..,'.' . - - Gfcerg6s .. I.- . - ; We quote: Arbuckle's Coffee, 8 lbs, Green Costa Rica Coffee at Lion Coffee, 8 lbs Pure Cane Syrup, extra heavv golden, warranted free from glucose, at Canned table fruits, at Battle Ax Tobacco, at $1.00. 12'c 1.00 per lb 50c qer gal. 10c per can. 25c per lb. These are not "new prices," but our every-day ' prices. We have an excellent sun-dried Tea at 30c per pound; better Tea than our competitors are asking 50c for. We have a carload of wheat which we will sell for 75c per bushel, as good wheat as our competitors sell jpr $1.00. We also have the prettiest line of In town, which we have now displayed. Thoughtful people will thank us fortius, as it will enable them to select their purchases at leisure and thus save worry auj annoyance f buying atihe last moment. "''V " -r.' " .. ' ' . Yours truly, . '!'. WOLFARD & BONE, Xjesid-ers pjxi. IiO"w Prices. an addition for kitchen and rooms. They expect to have enter tainments frequently and make things lively during the coming winter. r La8t Friday evening the ladies of the Eastern Star and invited friends gave a reception to Mrs. F. C. Brosius on her return from the EaRt, and at the same time gave a farewell to Mrs. F. Chandler, who expects soon to start for Montana. The entertainment was given at the residence of Mrs. Brosius. '' Capt. Coe's article In this issue, relat ing the situation at Hood River during the perilous times of the Cascade mas sacre, is a valuable contribution to the history' of the northwest. Forty-two years have, passed and gone since the scenes lie Writes of were enacted, but it makes a good local item, all the same. 'Miss May Hallett, a pupil i-i Miss Graham's department of the public schools, was taken sick, Monday fore noon, and fell in a faint. The aftair caused considerable commotion in the ehooI, and for awhile the girl was thought to be dead. Dr. Watt was called, and she was soon restored to consciousness and taken home. department. Boxes in which to keep the buckets will he placed at the fol lowing places: Dallas & Spangler's nore, JNickelsen's store and Wolfard & Bone's. Adjourned. Bom. In Hood River, Nov. 5, 1897. to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Pickard, a daughter. an At White 1897, to Mr. a daughter. You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneu monia or consumption, Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. Williams& Brosius J.M.Thirswendof Grosbeck,Tex.,says that when he has a spell of indigestion and feels had and sluggish, he takes two of JJe Witt's .Little Early Kisers at night, and he is all right the next morning. Many thousands of others do thesame thiug. Do you? Williams & Brosius. J.C. Berry ,one of the best known cit izens of Spencer. Mo., testifies that he cured himself of the worst kind of piles by using a few boxes of DeWitt's Hazel Salve. He had been troubled with piles for over thirty years and had used many differens kinds of so-called cures; but DeWitt's was the one that did the work, and be will verify this statement if any one wishes to write him. Will iams & Brosius. . There is no need of little children be ing tormented by scald head, eczema and skin eruptions. DeWitt's Witch Iiooli, i?,ivf,r' Nov. 6, 197, -to Mr. JrHazel Salve gives''instant relief and 8" furt'uesi a daughter. cures permanently. Williams Brosius. Salmon, Wash and Mrs. G. A, Nov. 9, Thomas, In Hood child of Mr. aged 3 days. Died. River, Nov. 8, and Mrs. E. 1897, Infant 1.1. Pickard, Frankion Notes. W. S. Boorman's family are getting better. John Rogers is expected home soon from the Sound. P. F. Cordes has made him a dug-out on the bluff in front of his residence. Miss Madge Warren was up from Vi- The splendid Family Tourist Sleepers ento. returning to herschoolMonday, of the Gneat Northern are now running Mr. Ralph Ellis has made cohsid ivriwNu uuu uij.naur, eraoie improvement on on the Sponkane Flyer via O. R. & N These cars differ from the ordinary lourist sleepers, being built on the same plan as regular sleepers but upholstered in leather instead of plush. This new line of cars connects at Spokane with similar cars running to and from St. Piitil without change. The three yeiw-old boy of J.' A. John iscm;7pf Lynn Center, 111., is subject to attacks of croup. Mr. Johnson says he 3(4 satisfied that the timely use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, during a severe attack, eaved his. little boy's Si fe. He. is in the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Bros, of that place; and they handle a great jnany latent medicines for throat and Jmig diseases. He had all these to chose from, and skilled physicians ready to respond to his call, but se lected this remedy: for use In his own family, at a time when his child's life was in danger, because;he knew it to be superior to any ether, and famous the untry oy&fr its cures of croup. Mr. Johnson BfcyKjh is is the. best selling cough mediafue they handle, and that It gives splendid satisfjte-.tion in all cases. Sold by Williams and Brasilia. ids house.'of late; O. H. Rogers doing the work. C. H. Rogers made a living trio to The Dalles, Monday, going overland with horse and buggv. aud returning same day. .Davenport's team, in charge of his two boys. Earl and Onv. while coming down the Rogers hill Wednesduy, ran away on account of the brake giving way. The wagon was loaded with hay. H.arl ran after the team, and climbing on the wagon, managed to stop them at Warren's place. v The boys ot .Belmont had quite a scare the night after Halloween. E.C. Kogers gave them chase, telling them lie would shoot if they didn't give up his buggy, which they were running off'. But when he came to shoot he found he had left his gun at home, so the boys got off with only a bad .frights The busiest part of our little burg is centered at the Koplin ranch at pres ent, where there is a line -rider press. You can most any day meet different ones with a wheelbarrow load of .ap ples going to have them ground into cider, and barrels rolling along 'the road, apparently without aid, in that direction to be filled with cidw. ' Warning. Persons who iiiflerfrom coughs and colds should heed the warn ings of danger and save themselves suf fering and fatal results by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. Williams & Brosius. How to Cnre Bilious Colic. 1 suffered for weeks with colic aud pains in my stomach caused by bilious ness agd had to take medicine all the while until I used Cbamherlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cured me. I have since recommended it to a good many people. Mrs. F. Builer, Fairhaven Conn. Persons who are subject to bilious colic can ward off the attack by taking this remedy as soon us the as first symptoms appear. Sold by Williams and Brosius. , Vive Cameras and Photo Supplies. A fine stock on hand. Vive cameras are much improved $5 size holds 18 glass plates or 50 cut films or any com bination of same; $7.50 size holds double. Nothing like them for satis faction in snap shots. Williams & Brosius. A juvenile bicycle, Crawford make, in first-class condition. At a bargain. Williams & Brosius. County Court. Commissioners met last week aud had a very light session. . r . Petition of G. J. Gesling and others for county roafl; granted, i E. B. Wood and others, petition for road. J. Middleswart, ' W. Husbands ami Geo. Ireland appointed viewers. J. B. Rand, petition for change in roaJ. F. H. Button, Wni. Foss and Seaman Cox appointed viewers. Cider Preservatives One package suf ficient for one barrel. Used to arrest fermentation in cider, and thus pre serve its sparkling qualities. Price, 25c per package. Williams & Brosius. , Small pill.safe pill.oest pill. DeWitt's Little Early Rirerscure bilioiisness,con sti pillion a sick headache. Williams & Brosius. ' Disfigurement for life by burns or scalds may be avoided by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. Williams & Brosius. . You can't cure consumption but you can avoid it and cure every other form of throat or lung trouble by t he use of One Minute Cough Cure. Williams & Brosius. E. H. PICKARD, : Hood River, Painter & Decorator PAPER HANGING. WALL TINTING. GRAINING and NATURAL WOOD FIN ISH. I make a specialty of my trade, and or ders will receive DromDt attention. Satisfac tory work at live and let live prices guaran teed. Estimates gratis. Jy2 M. F. SHAW, M. D, (Successor to Dr. Morgun) Will do a general practice and devote special attention to surgical cases and Diseases of Women. Office and residence, second door north of Nickelsen's store. . . S3. DENTISTRY. DR. E. TV CARNS la now located In Portland, at HBVJ Russell street. Will make regular trips to Hxd Ilivcr on the first of every month and remain three days. , , . tar AND Is now open for business, carrying a full line of and Patent Medicines, Perfumery .and Toilet Articles, . Always on hand. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded and Prices lieasonable. At the old stand of the Glacier office, Hood River, Oregon. H. A. YORK, Proprietor. CO.'S STAB ZLj zn s Of Hood River can fnrnlah comfortable convevanneR to all iftrt of t.h vullcv anrl vicin ity. Heavy draying and transferring done with care and promptness. - . DALLAS & SPANGLER DEALERS IN HaidTxraie, AND TINWARE, Kitchen Furniture, " " PLUMBERb' GOODS. . Pruning Tools, Etc. We have a new and complete stock of hard ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will keep constantly adding. Our prices will con tinue to be as low as Portland prices. Repairing Tinware a Specialty. To tlieEa TWO Gives the choice of " TllANSCOm'INENTAL Columbia Nursery Offers a large stock of Fruit Trees and all oth er kinds of nursery stock. All trees are well grown, carefully dug, free from pests and true to label. Whether you want one tree or 1,000, It will pay you to examine this stock. Re member, trees grown, here give the best satis faction. No trouble to show goods. Orders filled on short notice. H. C. BATEHAM, Hood River, Oregon. Three miles south, on Mt. Hood Road. PIONEER MILLS, Harbison Bros., Prop'rs, Manufacturers of Oregon Lmnlser Dressed and Undressed Flour, Feed and all kinds of cereals ground. Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. The Glacier BARBER SHOP, GRANT EVANS. Prop'r, Post Office Building, Hood River, Or. Hay for Sale. Neff Bros, have a fine lot of hay In Hood River for sale. Any one wanting hay will call on E. W. Winans for prices. ' - Via . Via Spokane, Salt Lake, Minneapolis, Denver, St. Paul, Omaha, AND : AND Chicago, Kansas City. Lowest Rates to All Eastern Cities. TIME TABLE FOB HOOD 1UVER ; WEST BOUND. No 1, Oregon Short Ijine..... 4.30 a.m. No. a, Spokane. .10.10 a. m. - V" ... EAST BOUND.!.; No. 4, Spokane.....:.,. 4.88 . . M; No. a, Oregon Short Line U.4.3 A, M. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every five days lor - SAN FRAIf CISCO. Steamers monthly from Portland to Yoko homa and Hong Kong, via the Northern lJn ciflc Steamship Co.in connection with O. K.&N For full details call on O. R. & N. Agent Hood River, or address W. H. HURLBDRT, ' - Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, O Will Close Nov. 15. W, E. Neff will close his gallery November 15th. Any one winning work done will please call b' lore that date. Gallery open only on Saturdays. 08 - Piano, ' Drawing, and Elocution Lessons. COOK. MISS MARION Residence, Plerc Cottage. For Sale. Best improved 8-acre tract in the vnllev: well watered: ta miles from town: 300 fruit trees coming into bearing, mostly apples: good Duuaings; sia craies straw Dernes picked tnis season. Chet.p tor cash. . s24 D. II. CLOUGH. Stockholders' Meeting. Notice is hereny given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Valley Im provement Company, for the election of a board of seven Directors, and the transaction of such other business as may legally be orougm Deiore it, win De neia in A. u. v. w. hall. In Hood River, on Monday. November 22, 1897, at 2 p.m. jh. xx. isAiLtFj i , i-resiaeni. Attest: W. H. Bishop, Secretary. Lessons in Piano Music. Miss Anna Smith has rftsnmfid t.h tftahiner pf Music. II er prices are 50 cents a lesson. jlO ! An agreeable Laxative and Nebvb tonic. Bold by Druggists or sent by mail. 25o., fiuc and $1.00 per package. Samples free. TTA TQ!7ft The Favorite Wewa POTOS MJ for the Teeth and JUreath, So. Captain Sweeney, U.S A., San Diego, Cal., eaysi "Shiloh'B Catarrh Remedy is ttio llrit medicine I have ever found that wruld do mo any good." Price 50 eta. Sold by Prufietoia. , SHILOH'S CURE. This Gheat Cough Ctma promptly cures Where all others fail. For Consumption it has no r.val; has cured thousands, and will crra you, if taken in time. frieeSScta., 60 ILC J. For sale by H. A. YOKK; ; Choice Property. The dwelling house and two lots known ns the Delk property is offered for ilc at a vi rv low price. For particulars Inquire at tne Glacxkh office. j.2ii Mt.Hood Saw Mills, TOMLINSON BROS.," Prop'rs." IE AND PINE LUMBER Of the best quality always on hand at prices 10 sun, ine limes. jy-" SHOE REPAIRING; In the best and most artistic styles at the Old Reliable Shoeahop one door west of post office. names' nne work a specialty. All work war ranted. C. WELDS, Prop'r. For Sale. T tro places of 10 and 3 acres respectively: on level plateau; close to Hood River. Neat houses, stablest, chicken houses, ete. Both cleared, set to fruit trees and berries. Hublime and glorious views; can sit In bay window and see Mts. Hood and Adams. Liberal terms and fair prices. Monthly rent of house alone paying v per cent on selling price, inquire or S24 JS. xi. SMITH. Wanted. A girl to do eeneral housework. Glacier olllce. Apply at o2i) Better than Klondike. Fruit ranch, 2 miles from town of Hood River, for sale. Ten acres in strawberries; li acres in orchard: good buildings. K' crvthiug in good order. Address M. A. CuOK, slO '. Campion, t.'ul. Nursery Stock for Sale. I have for sale 0.000 two-year-old apple fives of the best quality, consisting of Yellow New town, fcpitzenburg. Baldwin, Lawver. Hyde's King, King of Tompkins County, Grjwensleui and Wealthy. N. C. KVAX.-i, slO Hood Hirer Km it Uiu ileiis. Langille House to Kent. e l as a whole or In Inn of part. I. B. LANGILUC. ' Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema, The intense itching and smarting inci dent to these diseases is instantly allay c d by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. fc is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples; chapped hands, chilblains, frost biivn and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per bus. Pr. Catly's Condition Powders, aro just what a horse $eeds 'whop hi bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier ttr.d vermifuge. - They are not food bet medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition . Price 25 cents per package. . Foraile by Williams & Hroi-ius.