The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 05, 1897, Image 4

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    VJLV tBX2E3 Vy V .
I 1
says "JLook at me.'1
Schilling's JBest baking powder, and. tea are
What is the missing word? not SAFE, although Schilling's Best .baking
powder and tea art safe. . - , v '. ;
Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your 1 grocers'; take out 'the
ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in the
tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st.
Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket ; after that only one
word for every ticket .1.,.
If only one person finds the word, that person gets, f 2000.00; if several find
. it, $2000.00 will be equally divided among them.
Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket' will receive a set of -cardboard
creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one
envelope will receive an IS9S pocket calendar no advertising on it These
creeping babies and pocket calendars will be dirferent from the cues, offered in
the last contest ''... L ' . .A '
Better cut these rules out J
Address: MONEY-BACK,
United States Reserve Navy
There are 00 modern steamships fit
for cruising now available by the Uni
ted States Navy in case of war, exclu
sive of regular war vessels building or
in commission, and there. are rapid-fire
guns enough to equip 5 of them with
a week. These ships are ocean liners
and coast steamships carrying the Amer
. ican flag. ' . ; .
, This Is the prayer of the neryone who do ot
sleep well. Let them use Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters and their prayer will be speedily answ
ered. Insomnia Is the product of indigestion
and nervousness, two associate ailments, soon
remedied by the Bitters, which also vanquishes
malaria, constipation, liver complaint, rheu
matism and kidney complaints.
Oldenburg's dynasty is saved from
extinction by the birth of a son to the
hereditary grand duke.
A Weak Man
A man who has wasted the power of youth by
excesses and last living is only half a man; to
him the greatest pleasur s are only pastime, he
enjoys nothing, because his delicate senses are
stunted and all his vital powers weak. Are you
one of them? Go to the spring of life electric
ity; drink to your heart's satisfaction, saturate
your body with its vitalizing powers. It will
restore your manhood. It is life, and will re
new what you hav lost. - -
Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt,
Invented years ago; now as near perfect as sci
ence can make it; physicians recommend it as
the one remedv which will restore manly vigor.
It will prove a fruitful source of energy to your
ihattered nerve forces. T ly It.
Cannot Help Recommending: Is. , 1
' ' Fern Hill. Wash., May 20, 1S96;
Dear Bir I got a belt from yon over a year
ago which I find is all you recommend it to be,
and cannot help but recommennd it to my
friends. Yours truly, W. A. M'NAIR.
This shows what it does. The book, "Three
Classes of Men," is free, sealed, my mail. Get it.
Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt cures weak men.
Call or address, -
S3 West Washington St., Portland, Or.
: Please mention thit Paper. ; ? ,:
" Thousands of happy men pronounce tula
work the means of their physieal salvation.
It gives the latest scientific facts concerning
It describes tho only known method of at
taining fullest natural manly vigor.
It points out Home Treatment for all ex
cesses and sexual disbarments.
It shows bow to cure nervousness,' hope
lessness, despondency.
AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT" sent free, in
plain wrapper, sealed securely, to the address
of any sincere inquirer, by the Erie Medical
Company, 6jNiagara St., Buffalo, N. Y.
9 Drugs...
Patent Medicines
at Cut Rates... .
Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Portland.
Make tfionav bv nooesful
speculation In Chicago. We
if IILfll gi
buy and sell wheat on mar
trins. Fortunes have been
made on a small beginning by trading in fu
tures. Write for full particulars. Best of ref
erence given. Several years' experience on the
Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough know
ledge of the business. Send for our free refer
ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINS A Co.,
Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Offices in
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash.
Vegetable, Grass
ana Flower
Bulbs and Roses.
Fruit and Shade
TreesJ Spray Pumpso Bee Supplies
j Fertilizers j Catalogs Free J J a
mnr mil nnnnn nenfel Ratoe
BflOt DALL JiUUUO -To Zivr.
We carry the mostoomplete line of Gymnasium
I and Athletic Goods on the Coast.
Send for Our Athlstio Catalogue.
1S-S20 Market .. San Vranettoo, CM.
1 . . I
Money-back says
they are money-back.
i - e . 1., '1 .
A Device that Does Away; : With Road
'.. p?.'nP". 8nd .Tank. ' ' x
A recent improvement in SDrinklinc
wagons bids fair? to, revolutionize- road
and street sprinkling in the
where there is no water system to sup
ply water from hydrants. .Heretofore
it has been the custom to ' erect pump
ing plants, or to pipe water from dis
tant points to stations along the road at
' Buch distances that the load at one of
these stations would last until the
wagon reached the next station on its
trip. This plan makes necessary She
expense of piping, tanks, wells, horse
powers, etc., and has always been a
very considerable item of expense, and
more or less of. an obstaole to having
roads well watered. .
The improvement consists in attach-,
ing a gasoline engine and centrifugal
pump on a platform at the rear of the
sprinkling wagon so that water can be
taken from any convenient source. A
suction hose with foot valve is attached
to'the pump which ean be lowered into
a tank, creek, watering trough, or any
water source. 'The wagon driver then
starts the engine, and in from six to
ten minutes his wagon is filled. ,
' The illustration shows a wagon antf
pumping outfit' just' completed by the
Hercules Gas- Engine ,Qo. .of. San Fran
oisoo and now in use by the Supervisors
of Tulare county upon the roads near
Visalia.' ' "' ' - ; ' ;
. It oonsists of an improved type of an
ordinary sprinkling wagon, and a plat
form built at the rear of the tank upon
which stands a 2'H. P.. Special Her
cules Gasoline Engine geared to a 8
inch centrifugal pump. . From , this
pump runs a rubber suction hose and
discharge pipe Into the tank.v The.-tank
holds' 13,000 gallons of water which
will be filled by the pump in six min
utes under ordinary lift, or not to ex
ceed ten minutes lifting 20 feet, and
at a cost of about 8 cents for each rill
ing. The uses to which, this improve
ment can be put are not confined v to
road sprinkling, but it is applioable to
any purpose where water has to be
hauled, as, for instance, supplying
threshing machinery or conveying Water
from one point to another for any. pur
pose. The' simplicity of the: engine
makes its use perfectly safe and relia
ble, as .it is automatic in action, all
that is needed being to open, the valve
admitting the gasoline, and to give the
wheel a start with the hand. It is
durable and not at all likely to get out
of order, requirng neither engineer nor
machinist to keep it in condition for
WOrk. '" ;'1 ' ; ''
'Sprinkling country roads ' has been
considerable of a problem, and1 it is be
lieved that this improvement will go
far towards aii economical solution of
it. The Hercules Gas Engine Works of
San Francisco, furnish these wagons
and engines in any desired capacity, and
fully guarantee them in everyway.
SI 00 REWARD, 8100.
The readers of th is paper1 will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its stages
and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure now known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires ucointltntional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith in Its curative powers, that thev
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that ft
fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials,
AddresB, F. J. CHENEY, Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c. '
H all's Family Pills are the best.
The convicts with a good record in
the Kansas State Penitentiary now
wear suits of oadet gray instead of
striped suits. ' , ..
The high note of a ouckoo has been
determined by an English observer to
be usually from F to , E flat, the low
note from D to B. .'.-. v
I shall recommend Plso's Cure for Con
sumption far and wide. Mrs. Mulligan,
Plumstead, Kent, England, Nov. 8. 1895.
The bridge at Montreal. Canada, it
nearly two miles long.
Try schilling's Best tee and bgVUr powJar.
' (Office of Downing, Hopkins A Co., Chicago
Board of Trade Brokers, 711-714 Ch amber of Com
merce Building, Portland, Oregon. . , .
Facts established sooner or later con
trol, wheat .values. Speculation may
temporarily advance or depress values,
but in the end the laws of supply and
demand are sure to assert themselves
and control values. It has been a" self
evident proposition -for several weeks
past that conditions warranted higher
values. Speculative influences have
repeatedly driven prices downward, but
the market has rebounded with the
buoyancy of a cork upon the water.
The news announcements of tfie week
have been uniformly favorable to high
er values. Crop advices at home indi
cate less than an average acreage seeded
to winter wheat, owing to the pro
tracted drought, -which has been broken
only in certain sections of the winter
wheat belt. Receipts at primary points
are falling off and promise from this on
to prove smaller than last year.' Ex
port clearances continue large, 5,991,
000 bushels for the " week, which is
largely in excess of our exportable sur
plus weekly. The export demand shows
no signs of diminution. . On the con
trary, it is urgent and increasing, the
last few days of the week having re
sulted in very large sales for export.
Foreign advices continue extremely
bullish. The reports of our own con
suls in Europe more than confirm the
maximum estimates of European im
port requirements. Advices from Lon
don assert that Mediterranean ports are
outbidding England for Russian wheat
Tbe French chamber of deputies ' has
been petitioned, to reduee the import
duty on wheat, and some action in this
direction will probably be taken sooner
or later, although ; not necessarily 'at
present, Russian advices, although ak
ways unreliable and largely mythioal,
are extremely bullish and must neoes
sarily have some, foundation on' fact.
The Argentine crop is still an unknown
quantity. Reports are . conflicting.
Drought conditions have, .prevailed.
Loonsts have caused some damage, and
in the absence of reliable reports it can
not be assumed that( the crop will be a
large one in yield. Local speculative
conditions are extremely favorable for
higher values. ; Stocks on contraot grain
are very small, practioally .exhausted,
and there is no immediate prospect of
; their being replenished.-- We can dis
cover nothing in the situation at Home
or abroad warranting any deolines in
values,' and would regard any decline as
but ,, temporary, .'. unwarranted, and
therefore a good speculative opportun
ity to buy wheat, the final outcome of
which we aniticipate to bemuoh higher
prioes. ' K -' - ' ' "' ,
!.- . Portland Market.,, v,
Wheat Walla Walla, 7980c; Val
ley and Blueatem, 81 88c per bushel.
' Four Best grades, 4.00; graham,
$3.70; superfine, $2.40 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 84 85c; choice
gray, 82 38c per bushel.
:. .Barley Feed barley, $1920; brew
ing, $20 per ton., i,. - ,: . .;,''
Millstiffs Bran, $14 per ton; mid
dlings, $21; shorts, $15.50. ' '-.K "
ay Timothy, $13 12.50; clover,
$1011; California, wheat, $10; do
oat, $11; Oregdn wild hay, $9 10 per
Eggs 22 Jc per dozen.
Butters-Fancy creamery, 4550o;
fair to good, 8540c; dairy, 2585c
per roll. . : : ' '
Cheese "Oregon, ' 11 o; . . Young
America, "l2c; California, 910o
per pound. e. ''
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.50
8.00 per doezn; ' broilers, $2.00 2. 50;
geese, $4.005.00: ducks, $3.00g3.50
per dozen; turkeys, ; live, 910c per
pound. . . - . . .
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 3540c
per sack; sweets, $1.40 per cental.
Onions Oregon, new, red, 90o; yel
low, 80o per cental. - ,? :
'MHops 8 15c per ' pound for; new
crop; 1896 crop, 67o.
Wool Valley,'. 14 16c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 712o; mohair,; 20
g 22o per pound. , '
Mutton Gross, best fcheep, wethers
and ewes, $2.502.60; dressed mutton,
6o; spring lambs, 5Jc per pound.
' Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.50;
light and feeders, $3.004. 00; dressed,
$5.506.00 per 100 pounds, "f :"''V .
Beef Gross, top steers, $2.758.00;
jona. $2.25: dressed beef,.45)c per
Veal Large, 45c;' small, 5
to per pound. . ''"' r .' ''y-,'
if' , Seattle Market.
' .Butter Fancy native !' creamery,
.brick, 24 25o; ranch, 16 18c. '
Chefese Native Washington, 10
hlc; California, 9o. ; -y
Eggs Fresh ranch; 38c. 1
;' Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,
hens, lOo; spring chkkens, $2.50
8.00; ducks, $3.508,75. .
;' JWheat Feed wheat,' $25 per ton.
- Oats Choice, per top, $2Q.
Corn Whole, $22;'' .cracked, 'per ton,
$22; feed meal, $22 per ton."-';
Barley Rolled or ground, ' per ton,
$82;who!e, $22.' " ,' '
Fresh Meats Choice, -dressed beef,
steers, 6c; cows, 5o;' mutton-sheep,
6c; pork, 7c; veal',' small, 7. i
'" Fresh Fish Halibut, 6c: . salmon,
8ci salmorf trouV 7 10'o; '- flounders
and sole, 34j ling cod, 4 5; rock cod,
5c; smelt,' 24c. 1 ! . .,. ' ,
; Fresh Fruit Apples, 50c $1 per
box; peaches, 7580c; prunes, 85406;
pears, $1 per box...; . , r
'iftSah Francisco Market. ;
Wool Nevada 11 12c; Oregon, 12
'14c; Northern 1416o per pound. -'j,
Hops 1014c per pound. .. .
!';. Millstuffs Middlings, $2022; Cal
ifornia bran, $15.5016.00 per ton. , ,
' Onions New red. 70 80c; do new ,
silverskln, $1.001.16 per cental. ,
Butter Fancy , creamery,;; 2728c;,
do seconds, 2526c; fancy dairy, 24 ,
25e; good to choice, 2123o per pound. J
. Oheese Fanby mild, new, 1238; fair ,
to good, 7 8c per pound. .
Kews Gathered In . All the Towns of
Our Neighboring; States Improve
' meat In All Industries Oregon.
, Klamath Indians will haul over 30,
000 pounds of Sour out of Lake county
this fall.
The government snag-puller is at
work in Coos river. Most of the work
just now is being done above Paroline
bar. More work will soon be done on
the south fork. '
'Peter Wage, of Nehalem. expects soon
to put up a flouring mill on his place,
near Fishhawk falls, on the main Fish
hawk river, to grind for the farmers of
the Nehalem valley. - - v
'; Thursday 'another big shipment of
prime beef cattle was forwarded east
from the Baker City stock yards. This
shipment required 15 cars, there being
400 head of fine 8-year-old steers. ,
A farmer who farms the Boyer place
southeast of Woodburn, in Marion
county, this year rasied 8,040 bushels
of Burbank potatoes on 10 acres of
land." He had five potatoes in the lot
that weighed 15 pounds,
The civil service examination for po
sitions in the Astoria postofQce depart
ment will take place December 4, and
all applications must be filed by No
vember 18. Secretary Lewis says no
applications have as yet been filed. :
The largest cargo of lumber-' yet ; to
cross the,. Nehalem, bar , was taken out
by the three-masted schooner Prosper.
jshe carried about 275,000 feet,, and
made the round trip from San Francis
co to Nebalem and return in about 20
days. " -.' .' " ,
About 200 pounds of sugar beets,
grown in different parts of the Grand
Ronde valley, are to be forwarded to
Oorvallis for, analysis. The object cf
the additional .analysis is to ascertain
the amount of sugar and 'percentage of
purity in beets of later growth than
those heretofore sent.
Tho work of locating the Indians in
Harney' county has been completed.
One hundred and fifteen Red Men have
taken advantage of the government's
geneorus donation, , , The agent says
that the Indians are not allowed to rent
or lease their claims, except old, blind
and infirm Indians, and the renting or
leasing is done by the department.
'Among 'the' personal treasures of
State Seoretary H. R. Kincaid is a su
perb collection : of autographs ot the
famous men of America, gathered by
the secretary during his 18 - years of
service at the national capital. Many
of these celebrated signatures are at
tached to letters and documents, ad
dressed personally to Mr. Kincaid, in a
public or private capacity,.' and are
highly valued. ' ,
' J. E. Kennerly has completed his
contract on the Blue river mines wagon
road, in Lane county. ' It now reaches
the Kenniston : group of claims, and
lacks only about 200 yards of reaching
that of the Chaunoy Bale mine. The
Eugene Mining Company paid $100 on
the last' work done, the county paying
the balance. The miners have ,now
agreed to construct the road into the
heart of the district from' the last
named point. It is now thought that
the district will at least have one mill
in operation next summer, with a prob
ability of three. -,;
Washington. ,. ,
Offers of from 11 to 12 cents were
made for h6ps in Chehalis, Lewis coun
ty, last week, but no Bales were made.
, Whitman county won the Dodsnn
cup at the Spokane fruit fair, for the
best general district display. Lewis
ton, Idaho, was awarded second place,
and Walla Walla third. '
The treasurer of Adams county re
ports that , farmers are, paying delin
quent taxes as far back as 1892..: It is
expected that the county will be able
to pay off her enure debt. . .
' The King County Horticultural So
iety met in Seattle, and spent an af
ternoon in discussion of the fruit in
dustry in the state of Washington, dur
ing the' course of.' which. W H.. Brown,
inspector of insect peets for King coun
ty, exihbited tree, brandies and fruits
covered with various . forms of insect
life, and, explained ; the best methods
for destroying the pests. ; . . ,
The tax 'levy of the city of Colfax
has been fixed at 15 mills, all of which
is to be used for the purpose of paying
interest and reducing the indebtedness.
The total indebtedness of the city on
October 1 was $8i,'655.16, and the cash
on hand at that .time was $2,4535.79.
Since January 1, 1897," the receipts of
the city have been $17,409.13, of which
$16,895.45 has been expended, ' .
, A"decree has been entered in the su
perior court of Thurston , county, ex
tending the time for fiiing claims with ,
the state treasurer against the defunct
State Insurance Company, of Salem,
Or., until the 18th of November, next.
This decree was made on a showing of
some of the parties in interest; who
claimed that they were unable to file
their claims with the former limit.
w Coyotes are becoming so plentiful in
the Country , between Garfield and the
mountains as to be a menace to the
poultry, businessand. a general ; nul-;
ance.' . ., ' ' "'.' : ''' ' ' : ' :
: A number of farmers' and business
men in the Walla Walla valley 'have
conceived the generous idea of loading
several cars with potatoes and Other
products of the rich soil of that valley
for tarnsmission to Ireland, where the
potato crop is a failure, and fears are
entertained of a famine . among the
poorer people. .j
A Resume of Events in
'The world has come to know that the
muscles have much to do with the health
of the system, and the era of athletics has
so much developed them that the whole
man is a stronger being than in former years
But the worry of it all is that the muscles
are of the Uesh, rleshy. A little twist, or
slip, or jerk these happen in all work
ana then a sprain. Sprains disable and
are costly in time and money, but not if.
St. Jacobs Oil is used, for it cures surely
and promptly and the worry of it is over.
A Sad Beginning.
He poised the bivalve on his fork,
And then explained the reason: '
"This is," he said, with airy grace,
"My fust un of the season."
He ' smiled . and gulped the bivalve
s down
Oh, wasn't he a mad unl '
He pranced, he choked, he kicked,, he
. .- swore
, His fust un was a bad nn..,
t, ,.' Cleveland Plain Dealer.
' A New Hartford (Conn.) man one!
day set over 1,000 tobacco plants, and ,'
the next morning found that the cut1
worms had destroyed every ; plant but
one over mghtl " ' ' '
All Eastern Syrup, so-called, nsnally very
ligbt colored and of heavy body, is made from
eiucose. "Tea uaraen uripn" is roaae irom
Sugar Cane and is strictly pure. It is for Kale .
by first-class grocers, in cans only. Manufac
tured by the Pacific Coast Syrup Co. All jren- .
aine "Tea Garden IMpgV have the manufac
turer's name lithographed on every can. I
Cherry Creek, N. Y., has a blind and
ine-armed man who give lessons to 25
pupils on various musical instruments.
I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Eyannis,' Massachusetts,
was the! originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," t sarrU
that has borne and does now xTj r on every
"bear the facsimile signature of (ayf-ct4 wrapper. ,
This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been
used in the homes pf the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the hind you have always bought Jnj? f on in
and has the signature ofrty&&&4f wrap
per. . Jfo one has authority from me to use my name except
The v. Centaur Company of which Chas. JST. Fletcher is
President. ' ;"": V "'' :'' ..
March , S, . 1897. ' Q-
. Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substituto ,
which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies
on it), the ingredients of which 'even, he does not know.
"The Kind You -Have Always Bought" V!
Insist on Having ;
The Kind That Never Failed You. , : :
- ( A "A perfect type of the highest order of excellence In maimfactiire." '
- My i - - . few
Jfef Established '
Hercules Special
24 actual horsepower)
f-k-f I Am. . .
rrme, uaiy two.
lie Fainous . Rasslan Bronie 6rass
Vtplils linn hi b Che amount of anv other nui'
Vlplds ilonhla Che amount of ftnr other rra,RN
tor hay or pasture. Will stand the dry season
and grows as vigorously In September as in
June. It grows on dry hills where nothing else
will grow. It solves the problem of pasturage
In the northwest country. Price 20c per pound.
AQoress au orders to ai. iniKLut,
. Moscow, Idaho.
Byrup. Tastes Good. Use 1 1
, to'A by arniwleta P'f
lira. Joseph Peterson, Warren, Pa.
" I have suffered with womb trouble
over fifteen years. I had Inflammation,
enlargement, and displacement of tin
.womb. :
" The doctor wanted me to take treat
ments, but I had just begun taking1
Mrs. Pinkham's
Compound, and
my husband
said I had
better wait
ranch good
that would
do me. I
was so sick
when I began
with her medi
cine, I could
hardly be on
feet. I had
backache con
stantly, alsoheadache, and was so dizzy.
I could not walk around, and 1 could not
lie down, for then my heart would beat
bo fast I would feel as though I waa
smothering. I had to sit np In bed
nights in order to breathe. ' I was so
weak I could not do anything. I have
now taken several bottles of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,' and
used three packages of Sanative Wash,
and can say I am perfectly cured, 1 I do
not think I could have lived long if Mrs.
Pinkham's medicinehadnothelped me."
N. P. X. TT.
No. 45, '87.
TT7HEX -wi-ltltisr to
T? mention this paper-
'I ''"-
Baker & Go.'s
zm -At!
Absolutely Pure Delicious Nutritious.
Costs Less than One Cent a Cup. .
BAKER & CO. Ltd.
ry rf ry r'
Power that will save you money and
make you money. Hercules Engines
are the cheapest power known. , Burn
Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no smoke,
fire, or dirt For . pumping, running
dairy or farm machinery, they have no
equal. Automatic in action, perfectly
safe and reliable.
Send for illustrated catalog. -
Hercules Gas
Engine Works
Bay St., San Francisco, Cal.
sin stHMnrH
will cure you of Dye.
pepsia, Indigestion,
andstomach troubles
of all kinds. Price, fl. ' On receipt ol same we
will deliver it at your nearest express offloe free
of charge. , , ,
....FRANK NAU....
Portland Hotel Pharmacy,
Sixth and Morrison street,
r ldr s'tT e ij ft iVg" "1
, . ' Km. Willow's sooTHtse Stckvt alioula always be
! t nssd for children teething. It sonth.9 Me ohfld. wft-
' a eus th s'ums, alisye ail pain, sum wind roUv.and is 4
, L tas beat rewadr tor diarrhva. Twenty five teutt a 1
Ly J