The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 05, 1897, Image 1

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It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
NO. 24.
t VOL. IX.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World. . .
Vn Interesting Collection of Items From
'' the New and the Old World In
Condensed and Comprehensive Form
Great excitement has been caused in
'i Caracas by the discovery of a plot to
t start a revolution in Venezuela in order
to prevent the meeting of congress.
Five hundred arrests have been made.
The largest cargo of wheat ever load
ed in a vessel on Puget sound was
' placed on the steamer Glenfarg in Ta
1 1 coma, which cleared for St. Vincent.
The cargo consisted of 170,480 bush-
els of wheat, valued at $140,000.
The Ottoman government has notified
the powers that it objects to the appoint
ment of Colonel Schaeffer, an officer in
the army of Luxemburg, as provisional
commissioner of the powers for the
island of Crete. The German govern
ment supports the objection of Turkey.
The Spanish government signed con
tracts last week with an important
firm of British shipbuilders, by which
it acquires some cruisers fitted with
qtiick-fire guns, which , the firm had
nearly completed . for another govern
ment, whose consent, presumably, Spain
has seoured by this arrangement. .'
The steamship Milwaukee sailed from
New Orleans for Liverpool with the
.! largest cargo of cotton, if not the largest
general ' cargo, ever floated. It con
sisted of 23,850 bales of cotton; 80,200
bushels' of grain; 88,850 pieces of
staves; 2,800 oars; her entire cargo be
ing equal to 26,000 bales of cotton.
Boys oelebrating Hallowe'en at Fort
, Branch, Ind., started a fire which de
, stroyed Odd , Fellows' hall, the Foit
Branoh Times offloe, six business houses
and several dwellings. Total loss,
1350,000. --In the course of the fire 80
pounds of dynamite exploded, causing
much damage to surrounding property.
The Farmers' Alliance warehouse, in
Genesee, Idaho, was burned with its
contents, 100,000 bushels of grain.
" The warehouse was full lo overflowing,
and 90,000 bushels were stored, outside,
considerable of which will be saved. It
is thought that most of the grain was
insured. . The flames originated from
an engine.
Much surpirse and ill feeling has
been occasioned in official circles in
Madrid by the statement in the ac
counts of "the demonstration in Havana
' on Friday, which preoeded General
' Weyler's embarkation, that he hud de
clared while addressing the deputation
that he had been recalled in obedience
to the wishes of the rebels and the de
mands of the United States.
The British ship Moreton, which left
Tacoma about three months ago for
. Delagba bay, South Africa, went ashore
on the shore of Lorenzo Marques, on
the California coast. The news was
received at the Merchant's Exchange,
San Francisco. It is announoed that
the vessel was in a bad position, and
that the' water was flowing into her
, hold. It was expected, however, that
she would be floated at .the next high
tide. "The vessel was loaded with
lumber. ... " '
" It is understood that the diet of the
Greater Republic of Central America
has refused to agree with Secretary
Sherman in support of the arguments
put forward in Bupport of the appoint
ment of Captain William L. Merry, of
San Francisco, as minister of the Cni-
- ted States to Nicaragua, Costa Eica and
Salvador. It is claimed in Managua
that this step was taken to force the
United States, if possible, to fully
recognize the diet, although it
claimed that that body may. be over
turned any day by a successful revolu
tion in Nicaragua, Costa Rica or Sal
vador, or by the withdrawal from it of
any of the presidents governing the
state he represents. The reply of the
diet will probably be forwarded to the
.United States state department.
The Union knitting mill, in Hudson,
N. J. , was destroyed by fire, and many
of the 600 persons employed in the mill
:.. had narrow escapes from death. Ihe
loss is over $200,000, and the insurance
$100,000. ,
A dispatch from Simla, India, says a
cyclone struck the town of Chittagong,
in the Bengal presidency. Half of the
houses of that place were demolished,
all the roads in it? vicinity were blocked,
and several vessels sunk.
The statute under which for several,
years the police department of Denver
has at will seized, confiscated and de
stroyed gambling implements, was de
clared by Judge Allen in the district
court to be unconstitutional, and in
conflict with the federal statutes.
There is a movement on fqot to con-
solidate the wire manufactories of the
United States into a single corporation,
r" with a oapital of $100,000,000. To
evade the anti-trust law, the wire in
dustries will surrender their independ
ence, and sell their plants to a new
organization for oaeh at an apraised
, value, the money to be furnished by
a syndioate of New York bankers.
Pierpont Morgan ii said to be at the
bead of the scheme.
Reorganization Committee Gets the
Union Pacific '
Omaha, Nov. 3. The Union Pacific
road proper, including buildings and
all that goes to operate the system, was
this morning sold to the organization
committee for $53,528,682.76. The
amount does not include the sinking
fund in the hands of the government,
and taking it to be $4,036,400, the
amount stated in the government dec
ree covering the sale of the road, the
total paid for the property is $57,664,
932.76. There were 'no other bidders
and the road went to the reorganiza
tion committee without any opposition.
The sale of the road was in itself one
of the most tame and uninteresting per
formances possible to imagine. It was
advertised to take place in front of the
Union Pacific freighthouse, at : 11
o'clock, and it was just one minute
after that time when Master in Chan
cery Cornish, who was to act as auc
tioneer, took bis place in front of the
Ninth-street entrance.
For over an hour a crowd had been
gathering to witness the sale, and it
was only with great difficulty that Cor
nish was able to get sufficient room to
enable him to work. He finally jammed
himself back into the corner of the
doorway . and prepared for business.
The crowd was packed so closely around
the doorway and up in front of the
building that members of the reorgan
ization committee, men who came out
to buy the road,were unable to see any
thing or hear a word of what was going
on. They were compelled to stand back
in the hallway, from which one of the
members occasionally poked out his
face just to see that all was well. .
Cornish carried under his arm a
large portfolio. He nntied the strings
and drew forth a number of papers.
Selecting one of these he replaced trie
others, and, holding it out, said:
"Gentlemen, I am hereto sell cer
tain railroad properties in pursuance Of
a decree of the United States circuit
court I will now read a description
of the property to be sold, and when I
have finished reading I will be prepared
to receive bids."
Here followed the notice of the sale,
which was very long. He began the
reading of the notice, and, as he said,
did not read it so that many people
could hear. Close to his left stood
Lawyer Greer with a copy of the notice
in his hand, and ho followed the read
ing of the master in chancery very
closely. ' The reading of the notice
took an even 40 minutes. '
Cornish then drew forth a small doc
ument, and without announcing its
nature, began to read. It was a pro
test from Receiver Trumbull, of the
Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf road,
against the sale without the othpr Un
ion Pacific properties of the Cheyenne
& Northern road, and the line that is
claimed by both theDenver & Gulf and
the Union Pacific. After reading this
notice Cornish said:
"I am now ready to receive bids for
the railroad property, the description
of which I have just read."
.There was a moment's silence, and
then General Fitzgerald said:
"I bid $39,883,281.87 in the name of
Louis Fitzgerald and A. W. Kreich,
purchasing trustees."
There was another pause and Cornish
said: . . ,
"Are there any more bids?"'
There was none and the master con
tinued: "I will receive bids for the sale of
the bonds the description of which I
have read:
General Fitzgerald replied: " ,
"I bid in behalf of Louis Fitzgerald
and A.W. Kreich, purchasing trustees,
the sum of $13,645,250.89.
Cornish opened his mouth to say
"Are there any mow bids?" when a
voice from the crowd called loudly:
"Wait a moment, Mr. Cornish.
What are the amounts of those bide?
I cannot hear " them," and General
Cowan, the government attorney,
pushed his way through the crowd
.with great difficulty. The sale stopped
for a moment as General Cowan strug
gled to the side of Cornish. He was
shown the amount of the bids and
made a note of them. - Cornish again
said: ,
:"Are there any more bids?"
- There was not a sound, and the mas
ter oontinued: . '
"As there are no more bids i declare
the property of which I have just read
a description sold to Louis Fitzgerald
and Alvin W. Kreich, purchasing
trustees, they having made the highest
and the only bid." "
This is all there was to the entire
sale. Tne members 6f the committee
had nothing to say after the transaction
was over. :
A Pioneer's Bones.
Dubuque, la., Nov. 8. The bones of
Julian Dubuque, with those of two In
dian chiefs, unearthed a few weeks ago
by the builders of a monument upon
his grave, have been deposited in a
stone sarcophagus within the monu
ment. Dubuque ' was the first white
settler west of the Mississippi river,
and was known to the Indians as Little
Cloud. ' - ' i
The Durrant Case.
Washington, Nov. 8. Attorney-General
Fitzgerald, of California, today
submitted a motion to dismiss or affirm
in the oase of W. H. Ti Durrant. The
case involves the proceedings against
Durrant for murder. The case was
taken under advisement.
Hermann Liebes Refutes
Chamberlain's Charges.
Pribyloff Islands Are the Property of
the United States May Be Diffi
cult Matter to Settle.
London, Nov. 2. Hermann Liebes,
of tjie North American Commercial
Company, and one ot the lessees of the
Pribyloff islands, has made a statement
in refutation of the charges put forward
by Mr. Chamberlain, secretary of state
for the colonies, in his recent dispatch
to Secretary Sherman. Liebes says in
part: ' '
"There can be no doubt whatever
that the Pribyloff islands are legitimate
ly owned by the United States, and
the United States, had an undoubted
right to grant a lease of the seal fisher
ies upon the islands to the highest bid
der, viz: my company, and there can
be no further doubt that the United
States government ' lias an absolute
right to give the lessees permission to
kill every seal frequenting the rooker
ies. If America were to exeroise its
right to kill off all the seals upon
Pribyloff islands, the whole seal herd
would be exterminated in less than a
week, and pelagic sealing in Behring
sea would be brought to a summary
end. The object of America, however,
is to preserve and not to exterminate
the seals, though we may be ultimately
driven in self-defense to kill off the
seals, as. under present conditions,
sealing is not profitable.
"What was desired by America and
the lessees of Pribyloff islands is that
all parties interested, both in land and
ocean sealing, without a moment's loss
of time, confer with the view of seeing
whether or not some arrangement can
be made by which, by fair and equit
able terms by both parties, the heard
can be protected. I do not myself be
lieve that any solution can be found
which does not include as one of its
terms the absolute prohibition of all
pelagio sealing.
"This ought not to be a difficult mat
ter to arrange, having regard to what I
assert as an . undoubted fact, viz: that
pelagio sealing is not and cannot be,
under the present conditions, profitable.
A great deal has been said about Russia
and Japan. It is suggested that, as
they were not parties to the Paris
treaty and are not bound by any regu
lations, and are said to be concerned
only in the seal fishreies of the western
: nd not of the eastern coast of the
North Pacific, their presenoe at any
conference would be out of place and
would be only-desired by America to
secure from these countries a majority
voie against British interests. The
whole objection to Russia and Japan
being represented at any conference is,
I venture to think, most unreasonable.
There is no question of voting in the
matter; the conference is merely held
with the view of arriving, if possible,
at some solution by which the herd
shall be saved from extermination, but
so many difficulties and delays arise
that I very much fear that by the time
the conference has been held, there will
be no seals to confer about."
A District Attorney Is Stabbed by an
Francisco, Nov. 2. A special to
the Call from Redding, Cal., says that
a sensational stabbing affray took place
within the bar of the Modoc courtroom,
at Alturas, Wednesday. District At
torney Raker was stabbed with a
pocket-knife by ex-Judge Harris five
times During the progress of a trial
in the superior court, Raker and Harris
got into a wordy altercation, in which
there were mutual insinuations of im
morality. In the midst of the disor
der, Raker rushed at Harris, striking
out at the latter, and staggering him
with a blow on the head. Harris
then lunged at Raker with an open
poclietknife, striking Raker five times,
inflicting a wound at each thrust, lay
ing open his cheek and inflicting a se
vere scalp wound. It is probable that
the district attorney will recover.
Counterfeit Silver Dollars.
St. Louis, Nov. 2. Counterfeit dol
lars of greater weight and fineness than
those turned out from Uncle Sam's
mint are the latest in the counterfeit
er's art. - For the last week St. Louis
bank tellers have been accepting the
counterfeits in question without hesi
tation. It was only when they reached
the St. Louis subtreasury, that their
spurious character was detected.
United States Treasuar Small sent one
to the director of the mint for assay.
Aocording to Colonel Small, the coin
weighs 18 grains more than the genu
ine, which weighs 412 grains. Its
fineness is 94 per cent, while that of
the genuine is but 90 per cent.
End of a Hay Ride,
Mount Pleasant, Pa., Nov. 2. Dur
ing a hay ride last night a wagon con
taining 13 couples was upset, and all
t ie members more or less injured. Five
were dangerously hurt. , The party W8
composed of y oung people.
The New Captain-General Issues a
Havana, Nov. 8. On the arrival of
General Blanco, the new captain-general,
the streets and the vessels in the
harbors were gaily decorated. The
wharves were ; crowded with people,
and the troops and volunteers lined the
thoroughfares from the landing stage
to the palace. When Marshal Blanco
arrived at the palace he was met by
the civil and military authorities and
by commissioners representing the va
rious political parties, a id then pro
ceeded to the hall of conferences,
where, in accordance , with the ritual
and ceremonies customary on suoh oc
casions, he took the oath of fidelity to
Spain. . ' ,
Marshal Blanco had issued the fol
lowing proclamation to the inhabitants
of Cuba:
"I am again among you in good will
and a sincere desire to serve the gen
eral welfare and to establish a lasting
peace. I shall follow broad policy in
my endeavor to restore fraternity among
all of Cuba's inhabitants. I am sincere
in my intention to inaugurate a new
government polioy, the object of which
will be to secure and preserve peace. :
"I hope you will all salute and em
brace the Spanish flag, throwing aside
all prejudices and discarding alliance
with those who are staining the coun
try with blood. ' 1
"Clemency awaits all who observe
the laws, but however regretable jt
may be, I shall rigoronsly fight those
who obstinately or ungratefully con
tinue to carry on war."
The following proclamation has been
issued by Marshal Blanco to the armed
forces of the island:
"I desire to express my admiration
for you who in two years of liard cam
paigning have always bravely fought
the infamous revolution. This I soon
expect to suppress through your heioic
efforts, and with the concurrence of the
whole country, whioh will unhesitat
ingly side with us to fight the victims
of hallucinations, who aspire only to
what must bring complete destruction,
and which offers as the only compensa
tion treason to the history of their race
or the sale . of their country to for
eigners. "Let there be war, therefore, on the
stubborn enemies of the Spanish peo
ple and protection for those who ask
the clemency of Spain; and let this
war, which dishonors us and is mak
ing us penniless, be vigorously prose
cuted." -
There is no reference to autonomy in
either proclamation, and both have
produced a bad effect among all sym
pathizers with the insurrection. ,
Marshal Blanco when formally as
suming his new functions at the palace)
said to the deputations of the conserva
tive, autonomists and reformist parties
that in order to obtain peace through
the new polioy it would be necessary
for all political parties to unite. He
made no overtures of autonomy, nor
did he express any preference for any
of the Cuban politioal parties.
A Creek Murderer Like the Hero of a
Dime Novel.
Chelsea, L T., Nov. 8. Today John
Watka, the Creek Indian who shot
Jonas Deer, another member of his
own tribe, was legally executed for the
The men were rivals for the hand of
the same girl, and fought at a dance at
whioh she was present, to decide who
should gain her. Watka killed Deer
and . afterwards married the Indian
maiien. '
Ssveral days prior to the trial prepa
rations for his wife's future welfare
were completed, and the pang of part
ing over, Watka set out alone to the
public execution grounds. 'In due time
he arrived the orowd was in waiting.
The prisoner assumed his position on
bended knees, with arms tied behind
and a blindfold over his eyes. The
rifle was placed in the hands of a keen
marksman; there was a sharp' crack,
and the white spot marked over the
heart was discolored with the spurting
blood caused by the deadly bullet.
Late this summer Watka went to
Kansas City with a baseball : team of
his fellow reds and played a game at
one of the parks. He had ample oppor
tunity to escape, but returned to the
territory of his own accord that his sen
tence might be carried out.
Oxytuberoulln 'Will Be Distributed
" Free.
San Franoisco, Not. 2. It is pro
posed by the Cooper medical college and
persons who are convinced of the effic
acy of Dr. Hirschfelder'soxytubersulin
in the treatment of consumption to
manufacture the compound for free dis
trbution. No definite plans have been
deoided upon, but it is thought that the
best chanels of distribution will be the
health departments of the oities and
publio hospitals. Dr. Hirschfelder has
given his sanction to the movement,
and will reserve no proprietary rights.
Dr. Reilly, of the Chicago health de
partment, has written to Dr. Hirsch
felder, stating that he hopes soon to be
able to use the consumption cure for
the benefit of vhe poor of this city.
Switzerland has just decided to make
insurance against acoident and ikkness
compulsory on all citizens..
Government's Recent Order
Creates No Monopoly.
Intention of the Order Is to Protect Life
and Property in the Territory Any
Legitimate Business May Operate.
Washington, Nov. 1. Senator Mc-
Bride, of Oregon, saw the secretray cf
war and the president today regarding ,
the report that the new military reser-vation-in
Alaska would create a mon
opoly for the two transportation com
panies now operating between that ter
ritory and points in the United States.
He was assured there was no such in
tention in the order; that no one would
be excluded from the territory or pre
vented from engaging in any business
on the reservations. Secretary Alger
said he would telegraph the chamber
of commerce of Tacoma to that effect.
The intention of the order was solely
that of protecting life and property in
the territory, and any company or per
son entering the territory would be
given the same rights and privileges
allowed companies or persons already
ipeating there. : .
Senator MoBride said he had no
loubt there would be no trouble for any
persons operating in Alaska, and the
assurances of the president and secre
tary were sufficient to quiet all appre
hensions that might be felt either in
Oregon or Washington. !." '
The first formal protest against the
creation of the St. Michaels military
reservation reached the war department
from Tacoma as follows: .
"Hon. Secretary of War We ask for
a reconsideration of your order setting
ipart a military reservation at St.
Michaels, believing that should it
Jtand it must work to the detriment of
thousands of our citizens and give a
monopoly to the two companies now
located there. !
;-; "Citizens' Committee, Tacoma,
"By George Brown, Secretary."
Secretary ..Alger made the following
reply: ..'
"Telegram received. The military
reservation at St. Michaels was estab
lished in the interests of the security
of life and -property, the preservation
of order and the protection of legiti
mate'businees interests. No monopoly
was given or intended to any company
or persons. Any proper company or
persbn who desires to oonduct a legiti
mate business there will, on applica
tion to the war department jbe given
permission to do so."
A Prinoetonian Conies to the House
. of Grover.
Princeton, N. J., Nov. 1. A son was
born to the household of Grover Cleve
land, the former president of the
United States, at noon today. It is
said that the new-comer resembles his
parents in point of good health, but
neither Mother Cleveland nor the threa
family, physicians will say anything in
regard to the new-comer other than
that he is getting along nicely and is a
fine boy. All the afternoon Mr. Cleve
land has received at his home the many
callers who wished to pay their respects
to him in honor of the occasion. Prince
ton undergraduates have taken a great
interest in the new Princetonian.
On the college bulletin board in front
of Reunion hall was posted this notice:
"Grover Cleveland, jr., arrived to
day at 12 o'clock. Will enter Prince
ton in the class of 1916, and will play
center rush on the championship foot
ball teams of '16, '17, '18 and '19."
The Stage Upset.
Denver, Nov. 1. News has just
reached here that on Tuesday a stage
having 18 passengers was upset three
miles from the new mining town of
Grand Encampment, Wyo., and as 'a
result three men are lying at Saratoga
at the point of death, and a dozen more
are quite badly injured.
The following, is a list of the more
seriously injured: Thomas Saunders,
head crushed, arm and leg broken? not
expected to recover. Charles Cum
ming, driver, head and shoulders
crushed; thought to be fatal. Captain
Charles O'Connell, severe spinal in
juries. The, acoident was caused by reckless
drivings The passengers were mining
experts and representatives of mining
syndicates. N .
Andree's Balloon" Sighted.
Christiana, Nov.' 1. Dispatches re
ceived here from the land of Vardoe,
in the Arotic , ooean, say the public
there is fully convinced of the truth of
the report that a whaling ship sighted
Professor Andree's balloon floating,
September 28, near Prince Charles
promontory, Spitzbergen. The news
has caused considerable depression
among the friends of Professor Andree.
Brakmo, the Arctic explorer, pro
poses to sail for Prince Charles prom
ontory in order to investigate the story
told by the crew of the whaler. Cap
tain Sverdderup, of Dr. Nansen's ex
ploring ship Fram, does not believe the
report of the sighting of Andree'a bal
loon ii correct. '
Arrest of a German Brings Down the
Wrath of the Kaiser. :. ,:' .
Port au Prince, Hayti, Nov. 2. Seri
ous trouble has arisen between Hayti
and Germany. The German minister
to this republic, Cdunt Schwerein, has
hauled down his flag and, according to
current report, three German warships
are expected here to back up the ulti
matum of the minister, demanding an
indemnity for the alleged illegal arrest
and imprisonment of a German citizen. .
The affair has oaused considerable in
citement among the native population,
and some of the people have threatened
to kill the German minister and all the
Germans in the place and vicinity.
' The affair grew out of the arrest a
fe.v weeks ago of a German named
Linders. The Germans say that a
rlozen policemen'" entered Linder's
house and arrested one of his servants.
Mr. Linders went to the central police
headquarters to complain against this
action of the polioe, but was himself
arrested, charged with assaulting and
attempting to murder police officers in
the execution of their duty. Linders
was condemned to pay a fine of $400
and to undergo one month's imprison
ment, and was taken to jail. Claim
ing he was innocent, Linders demanded
and obtained a second trial, and was
condemned to pay a fine of $500, and
was sentenced to one year's imprison
ment. The German minister tele
graphed to Berlin for instructions and
giving details of the case. On October
17, the German minister went to the
president of Hayti and demanded, in
the name of the German emperor, that
Linders be set at liberty, and also de
manded for 1 every day he spent in
prison, 23 in all, an indemnity of
$1,000 in gold, adding that for every
day Linders was kept a prisoner after
that notification he (the German min
ister) would demand an indemnity of
$5,000 in gold.
At first, the Haytian president re-.
fused to grant the German minister's
demand, and Mr, Linders remained six .
days longer in prison. This caused the
German minister to notify the Haytian'
government that as Linders had not
been freed, he had hauled down his
flag and had sent the archives of the
German legation to the legation of the
United States,-thus breaking off all re
lations with the Haytian government.
'This caused great excitement, and dis
turbances would have occurred had
they not been avoided by sending Lin
ders,. who was threatened with lynch
ing, on board a steamer bound for New
York, from which port he was to leave
for Germany. It is said the German
minister, on the arrival of the war
ships, will insist on the payment of
the indemnity demanded as a result of
the imprisonment of Mr. Linders.
Six Men Lost Their Lives In a Dlsastes
atj Soranton.
Soranton, Pa., Nov. 2. The, worst
mine disaster in the Lackawana or
Wyoming coal fields since the Twin
shaft horror at Pittston, over a year
ago, was developed in the fire which
gutted the river stope of the Delaware
& Hudson Company's Vonsterch mine
in this city today Six men were suffo
cated by smoke.
The dead are: Thomas Hill, John
Farrell, John Francis Moran, Mike
Walsh, John McDonnell, Thomas Pad-,
den. . - : ' :
The stope extends down through
three vein". The missing men were
at-workinthe deck and surafce veins,
the former 100 and the latter 60 feet
from the surface. They had but two
avenues of escape. The shorter route
was by way of the stope, which was a
sea of flames for nearly 12 hours, and
is yet burning near its foot, and the
other route was via crosscuts to the .
gangways which led to an air shaft,
nearly a mile from the spot where the
men were working. Fire kept them
out of the stope, and the smoke which
backed out and into all the workings
prevented escape through the crosscuts.
The supposition is that the men were
suffooated. Chief Hickey, of the
Soranton fire department, and eight
firemen, narrowly escaped death in the
stope. ' '
Joe Yamaski, one of the seven men ,
entombed in the mine, was rescued at
10 o'clock tonight. The bodies of the
others were afterwards found and
brought to the surface.
But He Had a Gun and a Highwayman
Had a Narrow Escape.
Tacoma, Nov.. 2. -A shot from a
large revolver came near ending the
existence of a would-be highway robber
last night, and, had the aim of John
O'Kieff only been a little more accur
ate, the coroner would have had a job
today. Mr. O'Kieff is a stranger to the
coast, and yesterday received a large
sum of money through a local bank.
As he was going to his lodging-house
about 9 o'clock last night, when near
Wright Park, two men, both masked,
commanded him to throw up his
hands. This command he obeyed, but
with a gun. The close call one of the
robbers had is shown by his hat, which
was found. - 7 There is a bullet hole
through the 'crown, and it is powder
burned. . ' -
The new Chinese mint at Canton
coined more 1 than 14,000,000 ten-eent
piece last ylar. -4.