: The Flood (i acier H i. 1 1 r . . ' , ;, . : ';.... -,. It's a Cold Day, When We Cet Left."' .' V .' V0i:rtx; T a : v hood river, Oregon, fridat, October is, 1897. no. 21. Epitome of the! Telegraphic ' News of the World. TERSE TICKS. FROM,.THE WIRES in Interesting Collection of Items From the New and the Old World In a Condensed and Comprehensive Form General. Weyler announces ,that he will embark from Cuba on October 20. Benjamin Nelson was found dead on the floor of his cabin near Hendricks, Or. The'gnerftirgrand chapter of Royal Arch Masons is in session at Baltimore. Delegates are present from all parts of the world. Lela Jones, 4 years . old, .was killed at a logging camp, near Ferndale, Wash., by "being crushed under two rolling logs. She was playing about the dumps , where. the- ; logs are rolled into the Nooksack river. " - The whalers that wintered" in the Arctic last year are having hard luck this season." Only one of them succed ed in killing a whale this summer, and the fleet that will return this fall will bring only ' a small revenue to their owners.' ' Sunday was. the sixth anniversary of the death of Charles Stewart Parnell. Five' thousand nationalists paraded the streets of Dublin to the bleak Glasnev in cemetery, where they heaped high 1 the grave of their famous and talented leader with flowers brought from all the counties of Ireland. ' . Senorita Evangelina Cisneros, the Cuban girl who escaped from Casa de Kecogias, in Havana, is said to have arrived in New York city. American friends accompanied her -by train from New Orleans. On'reaching Jersey City, " Miss Cisneros was taken in a closed car riage to the headquarters of the Cuban sympathizers..'. ' ' ' ? Cubans of New York celebrated the 29th anniversary of the beginning of the 10 years' war by a mass meeting, presided over by Tomas Estrada Palma, president of -the. junta.; All the speak ers emphasized, amid' great' applause from the audience, the Arm resolution of the Cuban people to carry on the struggle until absolute independence of Cuba is accomplished. A dispatch from Long Valley, Idaho, says there has been a battle between settlers and 'sheepherders, and that three of the farmers were killed. The trouble is the outgrowth of the strained relations that have existed in that sec tion between the settlers and sheepmen for some time. It has been no uncom mon thing for stook to be maimed and haystacks to be burned, and even for settlers and sheepmen 'to exchange shots, but no one has heretofore been killed. The United States board of eeoera- phical names, which meets at Washing ton, D. C, at state intervals, has just rendered decisions determining the spelling of 149 geographical names. These include a number in Alaska, sig nificant at this time in view of the Klondike excitement. Many varia tions of nomenclature for the same place are' encountered, and the board's action' settles the uniform usage. As to Klondike, the decision is to spell it as here given, and not Clondyke. . The inlet, river and village at the head of Linn canal, '.which now appears in the newspapers almost daily under the form of Dyea, the starting point for the overland route, is an - Indian word which has sppeared in many forms. Admiral Meade, in 1869,,' wrote it Ty-Ya; Krause, in 1882, wrote it Dejah; Schwatka, in 1883, Dayi; Dall, in 1883, Taiya. The board adopts th form Taiia. Edward Langtry,' the former hus band of Lily Langtry, has been placed in an insane asylum. . At Dixon, la. , the dead Dody of Rob ert Parks was found in bis burning house. It is believed he was murdered for his money. During a quarrel at their home in St. Louis, George P. Peffer, a stenog rapher, shot his . father-in-law, Robert Delaney, through the brain, and then killed himself. Eddie Bosley, the 20-months-old child of Mrs. George Bosley, was killed at Bothell.Wash., by a Seattle & Inter national train. The child's head was seyered from its body. ' ' The Union Paciflo committee has acceded to the government's contention that its lien on the Union Paciflo road includes the Omaha bridge, and that it has inore.ased its cash bid so as to make th entire' concession approximately $5, 000,000..' This would make its guaran ty offer for the property, including the sinking fundnow in the treasury, about $50,000,000. -.',.' The United States circuit oourt has decided that tapioca flour must be taxed a duty of 2 cents per pound. This will increase the government revenue many hundreds' of thousands of dollars per annum. ' .This flour is used almost exclusively in all the Chinese laundries in the United States because of its cheapness, as starch, and it has been ' the most formidable obstacle to the , starch manufacturing industry in the United States. WEYLER OFF FOR MADRID. Spanish Ministry Orders Him to Quit v , .'-. .'! - Cuba at Onee. New York, Oct.' 13. A dispatch - to the World from Madrid says: :' The minister of war has cabled to General Weyler to embark for Madrid immediately, handing over his com mand to the Marquis de Ahmuda or General Linares. All high civil officers and the rinoipal lieutenants of Wey ler will be replaced promptly. The government telegraphed an order to cease instantly all rigorous methods of warfare practiced hitherto. ' ' ' ' v With the exception of conservatives and republicans who persist in. court ing Weyler, -the majority of the press openly applaud the new government for gazetting"decrees recalling Weylef and appointing Marshal Blanco governor-general of Cuba ' i. ... So determined was the cabinet to act vigorously that immediately after the council of ministers approved the above decrees, Count Xiuquena, minister of public works, carried them to the pal ace. The queen got up from dinner to sign them. The minister of war tele graphed the Transatlantic .Company t6 postpone the .departure of the mail steamer to allow General Blanco to embark Tuesday with a numerous staff. Six generals, officers who served under- Marshal Campos in the early. part of the. present war, and zO, 000 men as re inforcements, will follow in November. General Blanco is not expected to be in a position to form a correct estimate as to the 'situation, or to suggest the best course to follow before the middle of November. " i: V. ' . ; Military operations will continue as soon as fine weather permits against all insurgents not disposed to submit on-hearing of the contemplated reforms and the reversal of the policy of the last two years. , . General Blanco, new captain-general of Cuba, announoes that he will act with great energy against the insurg ents, and will employ all political means to restore equality of treatment in various sections" of the . community. He has the greatest desire to end the war and establish peace by the system adopted in 1879. The inhabitants of Palma, the birthplace of General Wey ler, are preparing , to give. him an ova tion on his return from Cuba. . '. , J The government has reoeived unfav orable intelligence of the revival of the insurrection in the Philippine islands. The situation there is serious. Six filibustering expeditions from Japan and China have landed arms and war stores on various parts - of the ooast.' Considerable reinforcements will have to be sent to Manila before the fine leason opens, when the rebels , are. likely to resume offensive operations, because the present governor, Marshal Rivera, has sent home half the Euro pean force, believing the rebellion to be subdued. ., Marshal. Campos declined , to go to the Philippines, believing his presence in Spain more necessary if the eventu alities of the colonial wars should' make military dictature necessary. , EIGHTY MILLIONS OF GOLD. Estimated Output of United Mines for 1897. States Chioago.Oct. 13. The Times-Herald today publishes reports from all the gold-producing sections of the country showing- an enormous inorease in the output for 1897. On the subject the Times-Herald says: , . . "Gold production in the United States tias increased with marvelous rapidity during the current year. The craze of the Klondike region should not obscure the great facts as they ex ist. . Klondike's total yield for 1897 seems roughly to be about $8,000,000. That is a comfortable sum, but it is a mere nothing when compared with the wonderful output of the yellow metal in the United States." The Times-Herald,' estimating the total output for 1897 of California, Colorado, the Black hills, Arizona, Montana, Idaho and Oregon, places the figures at $71,800,000, and says: "Washington, Wyoming, New Mex ico and Nevada will ' also be heavy producers, and their yield will be enormously increased. Counting this with the Klondike estimated production of $8,000,000, the yield of the United States for 1897 will exceed $30,000,000, one-third of the world's estimated out put for the year." ... Riot fft Koine. . Rome, Oct. 13. A large procession of tradesmen, headed by the pro-syndir ca of Rome and president of the cham ber of commerce, marched to the office of the minister of the interior this morning to protest and oonfer with the government regarding increased taxa tion. Premier Rudini received the oommittee and, promise thateverything possible would be done to promote friendly relations and greater equity between the tax collectors and the tax payers. : A large crowd of people collected, around the ministry, angry shouts were heard and some of those present as sumed a threatening attitude. The police attempted to disperse the violent portion of the crowd, and in the con flict six polioemen were injured and one rioter killed. Revolvers were freely used, and many persons in the crowd injured. Twenty leaders of the distur bance were arrested. The condition of the three wounded polioemen is serious,. THE SUBSTITUTION HADE Appointment of 1 Blanco as Governor Confirmed. . WEYLER'S LETTER TO SAGASTA Provincial Governors of Cuba Resign i Attempt May Be Made to' Buy Oft the Insurgent Leaders. Madrid, Oct. 12. The cabinet today held ' a four-hours' session,- during which the decision previously: arrived at regarding the recall from Cuba of General Weyler-was confirmed. El Heraldo makes an announcement that the captain-general of Porto Rico will be appointed acting governor of Cuba, pending the 'arrival of Marshal Blanco. : 1 . : In reply to an inquiry by i Premier Sagasta, Captain-General Weyler has cabled the following statement to the government: '. , .. , "The principle which constitute my character, as well as my well-known military history, are a Btrong guaranty that I have never created, nor will I ever create, any difficulties for the con stituted government, be that whatever it may. I have always been and in every case shall be the first man to ac cept, respect, obey and enforce the gov ernment's orders. I would not allow any demonstration to go beyond the expression of personal affeotion and approval of my policy. Weyler." In reply to a number of Cuban sena tors who had offered their support to the government. Premier Sagasta said that the government would devote itself first to the pacification of Cuba nd would then introduce in the island a model administration. The govern merit, the premier added, considered that the pacfication of Cuba would fa cilitate the restoration of peaoe in the Philippines, where the situation is now serious. . . . , . The Imparcial says the Spanish gov ernment will take rapid measures on account of the spread of the rebellion in the Philippines. It is said that General Riveria, former captain-general of Madrid, who succeeded General Polevija, as governor of the Philip pines, has resigned. Spain Is Hard Pressed. ,. . . London, Oct 12. An American diplomat here says the oondition of Spain is even worse than the corre spondents depict. Whoever is sent to Cuba, he adds, will attempt to buy off the insurgent leaders. The diplomat further says the Spanish government is so hard pressed for money that it is at tempting to sell all the public lands and buildings . that can possibly be spared.- Not only have the soldiers been unpaid since March, but the pen sion lists are in arrears. All social intercourse between the American minister at Madrid and the Spanish officials and the diplomatic oorps had been suspended for more than a year., This was partly due to the fact that Hannis Taylor, ' the former United States minister to Spain, was a persona non grata to most of the mem bers of the diplomatio corps. For 18 months Mr. Taylor had not been ,on speaking terms with the French and Austrian ambassadors, nor with , the papal nuncio. ., The rupture with the French ambassador was because Mr. Taylor protested against being omitted from the list of guests ' at a reoeption given by the ambassadors. i Sagasta Must Aet Promptly. New; York, Oct. 12. A dispatch to the Herald from Washington says: President McKinley and the cabinet have thoroughly discussed the Cuban question in all its phases, and it is the consensus of opinion that the Sagasta ministry should inaugurate reforms ; in Cuba without waiting for action by the new oortes,' which : will " not assemble before March; otherwise the adminis tration will be forced to act. The advisability of providing protec tion for the American consulate in Ha vana, and the necessity of obtaining from Senor Sagasta action in Cuba, were the principal themes of discus sion, but other than the conclusion that something should be done without de lay by Sagasta, there was no important development. . ', The authorities are of the opinion that Spain is simply following out her usual policy of delay. They look with suspicion even upon the changes of ministry which have , occurred, . but have been somewhat reassured by the announcement of Sagasta that he will answer Minister Woodford's represent ations tendering the good offices of the United States in ample time for the incorporation of his reply in the' presi dent's message, as requested by the minister. " . . Cubans Forced the Trocha. ' . New York, Oct. 12. The Herald's Havana special via ' Key West says a large body of insurgents succeeded in forcing a passage through the trocha in Camaguay. This invading army is said to be commanded by General Cal ixto Garcia. Other reports say Gen eral Gomez joined Garoia's forces in Camaguay and together started west ward. The report that the Cuban forces consist of the Oriental infantry, the Camaguay cavalry : and three bat teries caused a atir here. COOK'S INLET GOLD. No Bonanza, but Satisfactory Returns for Labor. .. Port Townsend, Wash., Oct. 13. As an evidence that gold is found else where than at- Klondike, the steamer City of Topeka, which arrived this evening from Alaska, brought down an aggregate of $200,000 in gold dust, all from Cook's inlet, the result of this summer's work. This amount is dis tributed among 85 men, who are com ing out to spend the winter in a land where climatic conditions are more fa vorable than those of the country they have just left. On the 22d of Septem ber, 116 men . left .Cook's inlet on the steamer Perry, for ' Sitka,' where they took the -Topeka for , Puget sound. Th'irty-one of the party stopped at Juneau, where they will spend the winter. No rich strikes are reported at Cook's inlet, but the men averaged $5 in diist every day they worked. On rare occasions, a man would pSn out $10 per day, and often as low as $3. Among the pasengers was Robert Michaelson, who is making his first visit to the outside world in that time. He brought out several thousand dol lars, how much he would not state. He owns several rich claims, which he will work next year. .Michaelson will spend the winter at his old home, Alcesies, S. D. ' H. A. Schemser has upwards of $10, 000, after a stay of seven years. He is going to San Francisco for the winter, and will return in the spring. He owns four of the best claims in the gronp. . T. J.Reilly, of New York, who went to Cook's inlet in March, 1896, and stayed there all winter for the rea son that he had not sufficient money to pay his way down, was aslo a passenger on the Topeka today. He is the owner of two quartz claims on Bear creek, in one of which the ledge is two feet wide, and assays $150 per ton. The other is eight feet wide, and assays $50 per ton. Reilly has with him $3,000 in dust, which he washed from a placer claim during the past summer. He will re turn in the spring with machinery for a stamp milL Provisions are reported as plentiful at reasonable prices at Cook's inlet. There was little or no sickness there during the past season. ' About 80 of the 500 men who were at Cook's inlet during the summer will winter there. Some Rich Stories. Seattle, Oct. 18. The steamer City of Topeka arirved tonight from Juneau. Among her passengers was John F. Maloney, of Juneau, who Came out from Dawson with the Galvin partv. In an interview w'th the correspondent of the Associated Press, Mr. Maloney said: : "Hunker ""creek and Gold Bottom creek, it is conceded, will equal if not rival the already famous Bonanza and Eldorado creeks. More especially is this true of Hunker creek. Location No. 88 on that creek is among the rich est in the Klondike distriot. Many of the claims on this creek will run $2,000 to the box. On No. 80 Eldorado, Alex ander McDonald's claim, one man, in a shift and a half (whioh is about 12 hours), shoveled in $20,000. On Skookum gulch, which enters Bonanza at No. 2, I saw $30,000 weighed out of two box lengths." Mr. Maloney saw a 16-quart brass kettle filled with gold dust in the cabin of T. Dinsmore, Harry Spenz, Bill Me Fee and others. : No. 13 Bonanza, owned by Oscar Ashley and. Billy Leake, will produce $1,000,000. Ten days after the boat left for down the river, taking the gold, the North American Trading & Trasportation Company had a quarter of a million in its safe at Dawson. This shows how rapidly the gold accumulates. Mr. Maloney says that over $2,000,000 will come out this fall.' ,' "There are stacks and stacks of gold,' he said, "each with the owner's name on it. Alexander McDonald will produce the largest amount. I hesitate to give figures, but the simple truth is that his various interests will yield from $2,000,000 to $4,000,000 this winter. These figures are staggering, but true." " ' """ "'' . -The statement is made that Henry Bratnober, agent for the Rotchilds, who has been spending several weeks at the diggings, offered over $1,000,000 for 10 claims adjoining one another on Eldorado, but the offer was declined. Skaguay Schooner Burned. ; Victoria, B. C. Oct. 13. The steam er City of Topeka, which arrived from Alaska today, brought Captain Hackett and the crew of the schooner Annie C. Moore, which was burned in Lynn oanal. She left here lor Skaguay with a load of hay and feed, but both schooner and cargo were completely de stroyed. - ' .,. ' : Killed In a Mine Butte, Monti Oct. 18. Joe Wallace was instantly killed, and David McEl voy fatally injured tonight, at the St Lawrence mine. . The men were min ers, and were coming up on the cage. The engineer failed to stop the engine, and the cage was carried up into the sheaves, throwing both men off. Wal lace's neck was broken ':"- ' ' ; Texas Justice. , Brenham, Tex.. Oct. 18. Bob Car ter killed James Burch in a saloon last night and. then surrendered. Today bis body was found riddled with bullets back of the jail. , the EVIDENCE OF STEADY GROWTH Mews Gathered In All the Towns of ' Our Neighboring StatesImprove ment in All Industries Oregon. , A new shingle mill has been started .at Coburg.,.. . . ,.'.,.. , ,.. ,, , t ; . v ,, A wingless lark is the latest Lane county freak. ' ' A sneak thief stole 100 jars of fruit from a house in Eugene. . A golden eagle measuring 7 feet 4 inches was killed near Astoria. Three thousand lambs were recently sold in Grant county at $1.50 per head. A band of 3,000 2-year-old wethers was sold in Wallowa county laBt week. The cannery in Marshfield is receiv ing on an average of 500 salmon a day A drive of 2,000,000 feet, of logs is being made down the McKenzie river to Coburg. It is reported that a rich placer strike has been made on Bear creek, 20 miles from' Wallowa. The lumber mill at Rainier, whioh has been idle for a long time, has re sumed operations. According to the returns of the ' as sessor the total of the taxable property of Jackson county is $4,523,821. There have been 18 houses built in Toledo during the past summer, and several more will be built this fall. A buck, two does and three fawn, killed with two shots from a shotgun, is the reoord made by a Gates Creek hunter. A shipment of 600 fine head of cattle, making a trainload of 22 cars, was recently made from Baker City to Omaha. ' ; , ; It is estimated that a pasture near Monroe, contains . 4,000 bushels of acorns. The nuts will be utilized to fatten hogs. . ' ' , County warrants in Jacksonville are selling at 2 per cent premium. This is said to be the highest paid for Jackson county warrants in 20 years. . Ah Ashland paper says that the free-picture-and-you-buy-the-frame racket was worked in Ashland last week, the workers cleaning up about $400. : Since the late rains on Camas prairie, grass is coming up nicery. Many of the farmers are plowing and others are putting in their fall grain. 1 , ' About 22,00 tons of rock has been dumped on the Coquille jetty this sea son, and a few thousand more will be necessary to complete the work for the year. -' '..';' The Western Union Telegraph com pany is putting in another arm and wire on its lines between Portland and Tacoma. It is said the company was unable to get men in Porltand to qo the work and was obliged to bring a crew of men from Minneapolis. Sheriff Kilburn and posse, of Baker county, had a hot .fight with two cattle thieves on Lower Powder river. Forty shots were exchanged. Fred Hull was shot through the arm, but escaped to Baker City. Earl Wheeler was not captured. Hull called a doctor to his lodging-house and was caught there. The thieves had 80 cattle, which they were driving to Idaho across Snake river, expecting to exchange them and bring back strange cattle to the butcher. The gang is suspected of having oper ated for a long time. ; Washington. A six-inch refracting telescope has been received in Tacoma by the Puget sound' university, , - Captain L. H. Coon has assumed the duties of collector of the port at Ever ett, succeeding W. R. Stockbridge. . Union' City is the name of the . new town just started in the vicinity of the new gold finds in Whatcom county. Kitsap county has sued 'Snohomish county for $600, alleged to have been paid improperly by Kitsap on the su preme judge s salary. . , , James A. : Roberts, a logger and woodsman, about 60 . years of age. dropped dead in a saloon in Whatcom, - probably of heart disease. s The dead body of a man found near the Indian reservation school, near Ta ooma, with' a "bullet through his brain, was identified as that of Charles Ley. , H. S. Ballou, a well-known real es tate dealer, dropped dead in Port An geles on the eve of his departure for California, the cause being hemorrhage of the lungS: There is an estimated shortage in the. oat crop around La Conner of 2,000 sacks or 60,000 bushels. Every farmer on the flat reports his shortage at from 800 to 1,2000 sacks, v ' Negotiations are well under way to secure the location of 100 families of Hollanders on the Book ranch, in West Aberdeen, where the land is said to b well lootaed for such a colony. . ... Governor Rogers has appointed R. C. McCroskey regent of the Washington agricultural oollege. ' MoCroskey will probably fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Regent Windus, A Resume of Events in ,v Northwest. ANOTHER BOLD HOLD UP. Two Men Stop and ' Rob an Oregon . City Car. ' Portland, Oct. 12. The East Side Railway Company's car, Ona, bound for Portland, was held up at Meldrum station, four miles this side of Oregon City, at e'last evening, by two high waymen, and from the 35 passengers on board $97 was taken. Both the robbers were armed with revolvers, eaeh had his face blackened, and each aoted with perfect calmness during the robbery. Not a single shot was fired by either the robbers : or passengers. An absurd civility prevailed, and when the work had been finished the high- r waymen bade their victims a courteous adieu and said they wpuld call again when broke. They then backed a short distance into the brush and secreted themselves until the car moved on. ; The work of the two men is well ii) l ; . ... t..;.u . i. ,. ... .... 4un t t a. N. passenger only a short time ago, but the result was more i satisfactory to the robbers. Who they are is unknown to the authorities, although some per sons on the car asserted that . they rec ognized the voice of one of them. The) pursuit was commenced as soon as the car could reach this city and the police could be returned to the scene, but so . far no trace of them can be found... . The Ona left Oregon City . at 6:20 There were about 85 passengers aboard, the seats nearly all being full. At Meldrum station there is a switch, which necessitates a slowing down for a distance. ' The track at this point is in a very light cut, and on both sides there is a considerable growth of- low underbrush and ferns. When the Ona was passing this place the motorman heard something running through the brush and ferns, which he supposed was cattle fleeing from the car. A moment later, however, he realized that the somethings were coining to ward the car, and that their speed was not due to fright. - A medium-sized man stepped on the -front step while the car was still go ing slowly, and, approaching the mo torman, peremptorily commanded him to stop the car. The motorman did not grasp the situation at first, but tnougnt a joKe was being perpetrated. The highwayman soon, disabused his mind by poking a revolver into his face as an additional emphasis, which induced the motorman to act promptly. The robber asked him if he had anv money, and, being answered in the negative, patted his pockets to ascer tain if the answer was true. He then ordered the motorman inside the car, and started in to "go through" the passengers. About the same time the man jumped on at the front, a seoond rob ber climbed onto the rear platform. He indicated his purpose by pointing a revolver down the aisle of the car to intimidate the passengers. Just as the car was coming to a halt the conductor managed to pass down the aisle to the center of the car, and, reaching the button overhead, turnecj off . the lights. He then stood near that place during the proceedings following. The man in front fouijd the work of taxing me surplus casn possessed Dy the passengers impeded by the lack of light. , He had taken the money from three passengers, when he decided to have the lights turned on again. He ordered the conductor to do this, using an oath each time. "Turn on the lights or I'll blow your brains out," . was repeated onoe or twice, to whioh the condnotor replied that some one outside had pulled the trolley off. At last the robber at the front end called out two or three times for the car to go ahead so that he could have the benefit of the moonlight Following his or der, the car moved on until it turned so that the light shone in fairly well, when he said that was enough, when it stopped again. How the car was moved is not clear, as the motorman says he was taken inside and kept there, and neither of, the two robbers in sight went to the front platform. . The robber from the front continued his work when the car came to a halt. He went down the aisle commanding the passengers to stand, and taking from them the money offered, and in Some cases feeling of their pockets to see if they had, given all. He passed alleged wittioisms with several, and kept up a talk the whole time he was in the car. . After the robber from the front had gone through the car, the one standfhg guard at the rear asked impatiently if he was through. Being told that all was finished, he again asked how much had been gotten. No. 1 said, "Oh, $15 or $16," and the two then backed out of the rear door. " They kept their pis tols pointed at the car after reaching the ground until they had backed about ' 10 feet, when they squatted in the brush until the car had gone on. . Explosion in a Mine. Baker City, Or., Oct. 12. This af ternoon, at 4 o'clock, an explosion of giant powder occurred in the 600-foot level of the Virtue mine, killing J. P. Maddox and injuring several other miners. - The cause of the explosien was the dropping of a lighted candle in the powder magazine, ., ' ' To Settle It Finally. Constantinople, Oct. 12. The sultan has appointed the minister of foreign affairs, Tewfik Pasha, as the plenipo tentiary of Turkey to negotiate the peace treaty with Greece.