The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 01, 1897, Image 4

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Only One Life Was Lost in'
the Avalanche.
Warm Weather and Continuous Itahift
Caused Section of Glacier to Break
Loose Thrilling Bace for Life.
Victoria, B. C, Sept. 28. The
steamer City of Seattle arrived from
Skaguay at noon, bringing the follow
ing special to the Associated Press:
Finnegan's Point, on Chilkoot trail,
Sept. 22. Sheep camp, nine miles
above here, was nearly wiped off the
face of the earth yesterday morning by
a section of a glacier breaking loose
from the main body, which came crash
ing down the canyon for H miles,
carrying death and destruction in its
wake. The first report that was
brought down last night by men who
had braved the perils of the flood and
precipice to get out, was that not less
than seven were killed and dozens
maimed and hurt, as well as thousands.
of dollars Worth of property destroyed,
but later reports, confirmed by hun
dreds of witnesses, have brought the
certain death loss down to one man
named Chovnski, of San Francisco.
Several were hurt somewhat but none
fatally. There may be other deaths,
ibnt so far no other bodies can be found.
I The loss of supplies will reach
.$25,000. Many have lost their all
after toiling for weary days to get them
i thia far on the way, and many profes
; sional packers that had been working
for weeks and months, working as men
; never worked before, lost their earnings
iin the twinkling of an eye.
The warm weather and heavy rains
of the past few days had formed a lake
on the glacier, and the wind, blowing
for 24 hours from the north, had finally
broken off a section, probably half an
lacre in extent, w hich, with the water
behind it, started on its fatal journe"y.
Persons who were camped at Stone
house say it looked like a volcano turn
ed loose over 100 feet in height and 25
ifeet in width. When it started it
made a noise as if 1,000 cannons had
been fired, and the startled inmates of
the tents sprang to their feet in all
stages of undress and rushed outside to
see what was the matter. One glance
up the canyon was enough. , Some
rushed into their tents to gather the
jmost valuable things they could lay
(their hands on, while others took to the
, foothills.
' From Skaguay the City of Seattle
brought 210 persons, 192 men and 18
women, who were unable to cross White
' nass and who preferred a return to civ-
mzaiion to rissing uuaui oy exposure
at Skaguay. T. P. MoCauley, a form
er member of the Btate legislature from
Taooma, was among the returning pas
sengers. He was north six weeks and
says during that time there were only
two days in which either rain or snow
did not fall. Many persons who started
over from Skaguay are too poor to return
without sifti'ifioing their all and have
camped for the winter on the trails in
many cases occupying xna same tents
with their horses.
' From now on the rush from Alaska
back to the Sound will be greater than
. was the rush to Alaska after the first
trip of the Portland.
The .City of Seattle brought
of a murder and suicide at Skaguay.
George Buchanan foreman of the Skag
uay Bay Improvement Company, shot
- and killed Mrs. Stella Kossuth, the pro
prietor of a lodging house and restaur
ant and then killed himself.. He was
tvinH it nnn I Ana a naw In tha Til rl-if svr
the 21st he, oalled her to his room and
as she was running from him shot her
in the back of the head. She died in
' 12 minutes.' He turned the revolver
on himself, and the bullet went crash
ing through his temple, killing him in
stantly. Buchanan was about 24 years
of age. Mrs. Kossuth ! was a widow,
about -28 years of age. Her mother,
Mrs. Crawford, formerly kept the Con
tinental hotel, at Skaguay.
1 Purser Thorndyke says there are over
1,000 men all in all on the trails, who,
if they could get to the coast, would do
so. There were others among the pas
sengers who lost their outfits at Sheep
Camp, and still others who had theirs
destroyed by the incessant rain that
had been falling. , Some few sold their
outfits, but those who could not find
buyers left their outfits along the trails
to be ruined. '
Those who came down predict that a
still larger contingent will oome down
by the steamers following them, as
winter is beginning in earnest. Ice is
forming on the river and on the lakes,
and if those at Lakes Lindeman and
Bennett do not soon start down they
will be also too late to do so this year.
On the summit snow is nearly six feet
deep, and at last reports snow was still
falling heavily there.
With some of those at Skaguay, the
state of affairs seems to find favor, for
there are some of the miners who will
make an attempt to get in with sleds
and dog trains when the lakes are
frozen. No one has gone in of late,
and, in fact, very few have attempted
to do so, for the trail is in such bad
condition that it is absurd to think of
doing so. "
The report oomes from Dyea that a
large number of boats were swamped
while running White Horse rapids and
in Miles canyon, - and that four men
were drowned. Nobody seems to know
the names of the men, but a packer
named Beynolds stated that it was a
fact that four men had lost their lives.
A Greenwood (Me.) farmer found a
sheep and a lamb in his pasture the
other day with their noses so full of
poroupine quills that they were unable
to graze. , . ..
Downing, Hopkins & Company's Revlevf
' of Trade.
A low range of values for wliat has
been established during the week as the
result of diminished speculation, in
creased receipts and accumulating
stocks, the market closing weak under
these conditions,' with still lower ten
dency. Clearances continue large.
Export sales have been only moderate,
and there seems to be a pause in the
European demand. The diminished
volume of speculation is probably the
weakest feature in the market at pres
ent, as the trade generally have accept
ed as a faot that Europe wants all the
surplus food products that we have to
spare. . The presence of a so-called
"bull clique" has been largely respon
sible for the decreased trade and done
muoh to check the advance. The in
creasing stocks would not prove suffi
cient to depress values, but in conjunc
tion with the lessened export demand
and absence of speculation the current
of the market has been turned and un
til conditions are changed a lower range
of values is to be expected temporarily.
Corn values have suffered a severe
decline, due in part to local speculative
conditions. The salient points of
weakness, in the market, however, have
been the large receipts, enormous stocks
and the insufficiency of the cash de
mand. The forward movement is now
falling off. Farmers have practically
ceased selling. The cash demand is
also improving and a stronger market is
probable next week. Crop prospects
are unfavorable. Serious damage has
occurred since the last government re
port was compiled, and the next report
will show a very large decrease in the
estimated yield. Present values are
below the average for years past and in
vite speculative buying. The shortage
in the world's wheat crop would in it
self warrant better values for corn, but
in connection with the serious shortage
in the potato crop, etstimated at
1,000,000,000 bushels, it is apparent
that corn will be in greater export de
mand than ever before. We regard
present weakness as but temporary, and
certain to be followed by much higher
values. ,
Portland Markets.
Wheat Walla Walla, 79c; Val
ley and Bluestem. 8182c per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $4.40; graham,
$3.70; superfine, $2.50 per barrel. -
Oats Choice white, 8788c; choice
gray, 86c per bushel. ' .
Barley Feed barley, $1920; brew
ing, $19 20 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $14 per ton;
middlings, $21; shorts, $15.50. .
Hay Timothy, $1212.50; clover,
$1011; California wheat, .... , $10
do oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $9
10 per ton. .
Eggs 1617,c per dozen. .
Butter Fancy creamery, 45 50c;
.fair to good, 85 40c; dairy, 80 85c
per roll. )
Cheese Oregon, ' llo; Young
America, 12)c; California, 9 10c per
pound. ' .
. Poultry Chickens, mixed, : $3.00
3.50 per dozen; broilers, $2. 00 2. 75;
geese, $6 7; ducks, $44.50 per
dozen; turkeys, live, 9 10c per
pound. ; . ., ,;. .
Potatoes. Oiegon Burbanks, 40
45c per sack; new potatoes, 50o per
sack; Bweets, $1.40 per cental. '
Onions California, new, red, $1.25;
yellow, 80o per cental.
Hops 1315o per pound for new
crop; 1896 crop, 6 7c.
Wool Valley, 14 15c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 1012c; mohair, 20c
per pound. ' x
. Mutton Gross; best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 2342c; dressed mutton,
5o; spring lambs, 5 Per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.50;
light and feeders, $3 4; dressed, $5
5.50 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, j$2. 75 3;
cows $2.25; dressed beef, 45c per
pound. -
Veal Largo, 4J"5o; small, 56o
per pound.
Seattle Markets.
Butter Fancy ; native oreamery,
brick, 23 24c; ranch, 14 16o.
Cheese Native Washington, 10
lie; California, 9)4s.
, Eggs Fresh ranch, 2021o. -s . :
Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,
bens, 10c; spring chickens, $2.50
8; ducks, $3.503.75.
Wheat Feed wheat, $30 per ton.
Oats Choice, per ton, $2223.
Corn Whole, $24; cracked, per ton,
$28; feed meal, $22 per ton. -
Barley Rolled or ground, : per ton,
$22; whole, $22. '
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef,
steers, 6o; oows, 5c; mutton sheep,
55o; pork, 7c; veal, small, 6.
Fresh Fish Halibut, 5 7c; salmon,
3j5c; salmon trout, 7 10o;flounders
and sole, 34; ling cod,' 45; rock
ood, 5o; smelt, 24c. '
San Francisco Markets.
Wool Choice foothill, 8 12c; San
Joaquin, 6 months' 7 9c; do year's
staple, 79o; mountain, 10llc; Ore
gon, 11 14c per pound.
Hops 10 18o per pound.
Millstuffs Middlings, $19.5020;
California bran, $13.5014.50 per ton.
Onions New red, 7080o; do new
silverskin, 85c$l per oental.
Potatoes New, in boxes, 85 85c.
Butter Fancy creamery, 27 28c; do
seoonds, 25 26c; fancy dairy, 23 24c;
good to choice, 2022o per jxrand.
Eggs Store, 1825c; ranch, .80
82o; Eastern, 2025; duck, 20o per
dozen. '
Citrus fruit Oranges, Valenciaa,
$1.50 3; Mexican limes, $5; Cali
fornia lemons, fancy, $3; do common,
$1.502.50 per box. 1 '
Fresh fruit Apples, 60 65c per
large box; apricots, 2040c; Fontain
bleau grapes, 1525o; muscats, 20
85c; black, 20 80c; tokay, 2080o;
peaches, 85 50c; pears, 85o$l per
box; plums, 20 40c; crab apples, 20
85c, '
Chimes Rune; by Electricity. .
Elcetricity now supplies the ; power
for ringing the chimes in Grace church,
New York, and the curfew hymn is
played by an automatic arrangement
breaking the current to huge magnets
connected with .ten bells, the largest
weighing 3,000 pounds.
. i
Malarial disease is invariably supplemented
by disturbance of the liver, the bowels, the
stomach and the nerves. To the removal of
both the cause and its effects Hostetters Stom
ach Bitters is fully adequate. It -'lills the bill"
as no other remedy does, performing its work
thoroughly. Its 'ingredients are pure and
wholesome, and it admirably serves to build up
a system broken by ill health and shorn of
strength. Constipation, liver and kidney com
plaint and nervousness are conquered by it.
The average taxation in . Egpyt is
about $4.50 a head.
We are asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word "CASTORIA," and
' PITCHER'S CASTORIA," as our Trade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA,"
the same that has borne and does now bear the
fac simile signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on
every wrapper. This is theoriginal " PITCHER'S
CASTORIA " which has been used in the homes
of the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bought, and has the
signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. No one has 'authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chas. H. Fletcher is President. , ,
Match S, 1897. SAMUEL PITCHER, M.D.
- y
A Parisian is said to have construct
ed a machine which makes it possible
to split a human hair into 36 parts.
All Eastern Syrup, so-called, rjstrally very
light colored and of heavy body, is made from
glucose. "Tea GtJ'e Drips" is made from
ugar Cane and is strictly pure. It is for sale
bv first-class grocers, in cans only. Manufac
tured by the Pacific Coast Syrup Co. All gen
uine "Tea Garden Drips" have the manufac
turer's name lithographed on every can.
Spain's finances may be stated in a
few figures. - The nation's indebtedness
is $1,765,000,000, and the annual in
terest to be paid is about $70,000,000.
There is more Catarrh in this section of the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the last few years was supposed to be
incurable. For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to cure by
local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be ft constitu
tional disease, and thereiore requires consti
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man
ufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., is
the only constitutional cure on the market. It
is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a
tspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system.. They offer one
hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure.
Send for circulars and testimonials. Address,
. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. ,
Sold by druggists, 73e.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.' ,
Piso's Cure for Consumption has been a
God-send to me. Wm. B. McClellan,
Chester, Florida, Sept. 17, 1895.
' The Oregon board of agriculture has
offered premiums for flax culture.
How Many Women Have Quietly
Obtained Advice That Mada
. Them . Well. .
My sister, if you find that in spite of
following' faithfully your family doc
tor's advice, you are not getting well,'
why do you not try another course?
Many and many a woman has quietly
written to Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn,
Mass., stating her symptoms plainly
and clearly, and take her advice, which
was promptly
i mt
fypmsm received. . ane
following let
ter is pretty
strong confirm
ation of this:
-"I had
been sick
' jfor six
months; one
doctor told me I would have to go to a
hospital before I wouldgetwell. . I had
female troubles in their worst form, suf
fered untold agonies every month ; my
womb tipped back to my backbone; had
headache, hysteria, fainting spells, itch
ing, leucorrhosa.
"My feet and hands were cold all
the time, my limbs were so weak that I
could hardly walk around the house;
was troubled with numb spells. I fol
lowed Mrs. Pinkham's advice. I have
taken four bottles of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, one bottle
of her Blood Purifier, one package of
her Sanative Wash, and am entirely
cured." Mrs. Louisa Place, 650 Bel
mont St., Brockton, Mass. '. ,
dieting, wash-
ing the Btomaeh,
pepsin; you may
have tried all these
remedies and only found relief from Indiges
tion, Catarrh of the Stomach. ; In trying DY8
PEPTIDURO you will find a CURE. Price,
$1. On receipt of same will deliver it to your
nearest express office free of charge. Agent,
....FRANK NAU....
Portland Hotel Pharmacy,
Sixth and Morrison street,
Get them at headquarters. I carry by far the
largest assortment on the coast. Remember
the best is always the cheapest. Send for cat
alogue. E. ,T. 1SOWEN,
, 201 and 203 Front St., Portland, Or.
'' Portland, 'Oregon '
A. P. Armstrong, ll.b., Prin. jf. A. Wesco, Sec'y
girea profitable employment to hnndrcdi of our gradaatea, and
V ') vill to thouiand more.. Send tpv our .catalogue.-, , v
Learn what aadow we teaeb. Verily,
2TUL . ' t. wll
KttlvwffwK-' c,ita'ogue'
1:4 Best Cough Syrup, luun Good. Us f '
' ft' 1 tlnm, Bold hr dninmt. f t
Engineer and Fireman Robbed High
waymen Captured. .
Portland, Or., Sept. 28. One of the
boldest attempts to hold up a train re
ported here for years oocurred Sunday
evening at 9:25 o'clock on the O. R. &
N. track just five miles beyond the
city limits. While the regular East
ern train, No. 2, was leaving the city,
two masked men succeeded in stopping
the engine by some signal, and after
taking the enigneer and fireman into
the brush beside the track, robbed them
of their watches and about $16 in
money. The brakeman went forward
as soon as the train stopped, and taking
in the situation, crawled under the
mail car and opened fire on the rob
bers, who got into the brush with their
two prisoners. Then he mounted the
cab, and, amidst a volley of pistol shots,
succeeded in backing the train out of
danger. No one was injured, and noth
ing was lost except what was taken
from the engineer, and fireman while
their captors had them under guard in
the brush by the track. , .
Conductor Allison- was made aware
of the trouble by the slackened speed of
the train. The brakeman , was ahead
of him in going forward, and had en
gaged in the combat with the highway
men before he reached the upper end.
He was approaching the scene of the
shooting, carrying his lantern, when a
ahot from one of the robbers broke the
globe. Realizing that something seri
ous was in progress, he retired hastily
to the interior of one of the coaches.
As soon as. the conductor found that the
train was backed far enough to be out
of danger he had it stopped, and him
self armed, with the brakeman and
some of the passengers who could mus
ter a firearm, a hostile array was form
ed to receive the onslaught of the high
waymen. .' -
The attack Hi t.ot come, however,
but instead of tne "robbers there came
walking down the track the engineer
and fireman. They were received with
joy, and told their story after it became
apparent that the robbers intended no
further demonstration against the pas
sengers. When the train halted, the engineer
and fireman were covered by the revolv
ers of the highwaymen and ordered to
get out of the cab. As the two had the
drop on the engineer and fireman, they
thought there was no other alternative,
and obeyed. As soon as they reached
the ground they were ordered in front
of the engine a short distance from
where it stood. Following the mandate
of the robbers, they walked in the direc
tion indicated until ordered to stop.
Both were searched for valuables. From
the engineer a gold watch and chain
were secured, and about $7 in money.
The fireman was also, relieved of $8.
This accomplished, the two prisoners
were permitted to return down the
track to where the brakeman had run
the train, while the robbers took their
departure in another direction.
, Robbers Captured.
The two highwaymen who held up
the O. R. & N. train were arrested
within 15 hours of the hold-up, and are
securely lodged in the city jail. The
bungling clumsiness with which they
conducted the robbery characterized
their movements from the time they
laid their first plans. '
They were arrested in a lodging house
on Seventh and Oak streets, where they
took up their quarters on arriving in
the city, and whence thev returned
after their crime. They give the pre
sumably fictitious names of George
Jackson and Charles Williams.. No
lives were lost in the oapture, nor was
any time wasted. The men when ar
rested gave every evidence of being des
perate characters, but before use could
be made of their numerous weapons,
the two were covered with revolvers,
precluding any attempt at resistance.
Jackson and, Williams, ' the former
being about 50 years of age -and the
latter not more than 82, came to this
city Wednesday, on the California
steamer, stopping the first night in a
hotel, and the next day taking a room
in the lodging house at 83 : Seventh
street. In their room, when captured,
were found two fine double-barreled
shot-guns, bearing evidence of having
been recently fired, and two large re
volvers. Some time prior to : Saturday
night the housemaid, in cleaning their
room, observed 1 a fair-sized packet,
marked "Handle with care." Satur
day night this disappeared from their
room, and found near where the train
was held up, containing 15 sticks of a
heavy high explosive, designated aa
Hercules, No. 1, powder. :
i The two men also went to a livery
stable Sunday, took a horse and single
bnggy at about 5 o'clock, and did not
return it until 11 o'clock, that night.
In this buggy was found next morning
a purse that Engineer C. H. Evans
identified as being the one taken from
him by the highwaymen at the time of
the hold-up. In the purse was a $5
gold piece, which it also contained at
the time of its departure from Mr.
Evans, but he is unable to identify the
piece of money as the one he possessed.
, The story of their capture is brief,
yet reveals careful and efficient work
by the officers, and a determined effort
on the part of the O. R. & N. offloiala
to bring the desperadoes to justice.
- The great Mohammedan school at
Cairo, El Azhar, meaning the "Splen
did," has clear records , dating as far
back as 975.' - . - ;
- ' .Fatal Runaway Accident.
Hartford, Conn., Sept. 28. F. W.
Valentine, a well-to-do lawyer, . of
Brooklyn, was instantly killed in a
runaway accident in the town of Pom
fort today. Henry L. Burt, a promin
ent druggist of Putnam, who was with
him, was probably fatally hurt. The
wives . of both men were severely
bruised. - .
About forty-five thousand sovereigns
pass over the Bank of England counters
every day.
The Missing Word
ras NATURAL: Schilling's Best lea
because it is fresh-roasted.
' The following 154 each got $6.50.
Mrs. Atkinson, Merritt
Mrs. Bladr.
1814 Harrison
Clara Lovejoy, Cool
Francis W. Lewis. Concord
W. Bucha an,
Ross Carew,
Wm A. Carter,
a Foliom
1503X Market
921 Sacramento
23d and Capp
Mrs. Kate Manning, Downey
Mrs. ti. a. uiDbs, JiK ureex
Mrs. Anna S. Dooley, Eureka
Alice Thompson, - "
O. C. Lewis, ' Folsom
Mrs. J. E. Kenning, Frultvale
Mrs. Ella Dahle, Garberville
Mlas Mabel lvey, Grass Valley
Mrs. N. Davey, Greenwood
Orey Dann, Hydesvillc
Mrs. W. Buncombe, Kennett
Anna A. Lewis, Keswick
Mrs. Ella Kraus, Los Alamites
Rosa Price, Madera
Miss Eva McCarthy, Magalia
Vivian Duncan, Maxwell
Flossie Flanagan, Mendociuo
Mrs. Q. Bradley, Middleiown
Sarah Stanley, Misiiion San Jose
I Layomarrlno,MokelumneHill
Ella Campbell, Monson
Mrs. N. Bishop, National City
Mrs. J. A. Simmons, Oleander
Mrs. Minnie Horn, "
Mrs. B. E. Johnson, The Palms
Frank Perry, Palo Alto
Mrs C. A. Harlan, Park field
G. W. Robinson, Pasadena
Miss Rose A. Coxhead, Per alia
Mrs. A. J. Coyle, Ferris
Mrs. Blch'd Graham, Petaluma
Mamie Goyan, Placervtlle
Mrs. W. H. Russell, Pomona
J. J. Rodgers, Portervllle
Mrs. A. U. Walker. Port Costa
Mrs. Geo. Ward, "
Mrs. C. HendrtekMm.Redlands
Miss M. O'Brien, Redwood (Jltr
Mrs. J. R. BalkwlH, Reed.ev
Mrs. F. J. Kalber. , Rio Vista
H, G. Marling, Rocklin
W. J. Meyers, Robnervtllc
Mrs. J. Grabaav San Kafae.
John Sauer. "
Mrs. L. During,
Bryant at.
Mrs. Ellis, Larkln and B'way
Mary C. Herliiv. 12.16 Broadway
Mrs. Holikamp, 8tm$ Filbert
Mrs. Rauriatb, Sill Buchanan
M. McKemie, 20 Clementina
T. I. Miller, 182 c Butter
Kate Redine, 70S Tennessee
Mrs. X. Salomon, 1636 Eddy
Mrs. Cha. Stock. 412 Iyy Are.
Mrs. W. Taylor,
Mrs. Thornton,
Mrs. A. Verdier,
Mrs. 8. Watson,
Miss Katls Wein,
1617 Clay
222 Filbert
944 Geary
429 Douglass
177 Cook
Mrs. Otis Bordwell, Alameda
Mrs. O. F. Woodrow, . "
Emm&T. Donnelly, Los Angeles
M rs. J no. B. Hansbe, "
Cecilia. Nolan, - "
Mrs. E. M. Shipman, "
Addle Williams,
Mrs. C. L. Boek,
Mrs. L.. ttruDje,
- Artbur Evans, E,
Mrs. Wm. McKay,
Chan. A. McDonald,
Ren Marvin,
Mrs. Geo. f. Moore.
I. Oakland
Mrs. Chas. B. Tenner,
Louise Hairelstein, Sacramento
Adeline Lima,
L. C. Ruble.
W. E. Sharman,
Mrs. B. Shaw,
W. F. Cord,
M. I. Corey,
George Frolick,
Alfred Manline,
Olive Smith,
Lillian ilanson.
San Diego
E. San Jose
San Jose
Miss Eva Series,
Henrietta Miller,
George C. Akerljr,
Mrs. Cora Bentley.
Mrs. F. H. Jiacke,
Mrs. J. D. Jones.
Mrs. J. A. Wlnans.
Mrs. Geo. W. Hamilton.
Mrs. A. M. Maclennan, Baden
Mrs. Chas. Hsnry, W. Berkeley
C. MeKUlioan, N. Bloor.fl.ld
Neil H. Eaton, Bradley
Mrs. J. B. Cunningham, Chlno
Miss Belle McCann. Wheatland
Mrs. earner, Wiseburc
The winners of the two $150.00 prizes for sending in the largest num
ber of tickets were: r v ' '
' Mrs. j. Busby, Salt Lake City. Utah 1100 ticket
Hra, Annie Packer. Sufford, Aris. 158 ticket r
Some people sent' coupons instead oi tickets. Wrong! we can't
count them. The "ticket" is the paper 4 x 2 ft inches.
You must lollow the rules exactly n the $2000. oc contest or we can't
count your words. -.
Address, MONEY-BACK, San Francisco. M
' Successful Half-Minute
And Gratifying Results on Governor Mount's Farm.
Under the Supervision of lr. A. W. Blrtlnc, of Purdue Univernlty, by Order of the
Bureau of Animal Industry of the V. 8. Agricultural leartmeut.
MONI-Pni;nMni e utes as is customary, a tank witn a capacity ot luu gauons was pro-,
nun rwiowniUVJa vided, and into this was run sixty gals, of water, three quarts ol
C"loro.T'apthoJenm. An emulsion was .immediately formed, 1 the (Ihloro-Naptholeura
mixing instantly with the water, leaving a mixture almost the exact color of milk. In the
first one hour and twenty minutes sixty-two sheep had been dipped, the extra fifty fciinutes be
ing consumed in draining the fluid from the animals, as the wool took up about two gallons, and
this had to be returned to the tank. Examinations of each sheep as dipped showed that the
Ticks were all killed, and ticks taken from undipped lambs and placed well under the wool close
to the skin on those previously dipped diel in three minutes' time. - -' ,.
The head of each animal was put completely under the water, while the rule is to keep the
nose exposed. Careful observation failed to show any nausea or sickness among any of the lambs
or sheep, a gratifying result, as most dips, especially tobacco and those of arsenical composition,
create great distress.
Governor Mount was informed by telephone as to the result. There were J 60 lambs and 160 old
sheep. ....
Dr. Bitting will forward his report to Washington the first of this week, when it will be offi
cially promulgated for the benefit of farmers and wool growers throughout the Country.
A cents Wanted in every town and county by the WEST DISINFECTING CO. to sell their
Diaenfecting Machines and Sheep and Cattle Dips. Big money and good territory given live
men. For further particulars address West Disinfecting- Co., 1204 Market St.. Kan Francisco
California. , . ,
N. Flow and Seeder Combined..'
Thoroughly works the Soil te a depth of 5 to
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Every farmer that has used it RECOM-
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is not only pure but it is NA TURAL
J. P. Dunn, M irons
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Geo Kebel.
Mrs. Katie Peterson,
Mrs. Jesse Heaverlo,
Elisabeth A. Bellls,
Mrs Fred H. Carr
Rosetta L. Sutton,
J. L. Rhead, Corinnsj
Nina Mickelson, . Draper
Mrs. T Peterson, Goshen
Mrs. Maggie Huber, Midway
Anno Fry, Morgan City
Mrs. Henry Bsumeister, Qgden
Mrs. Emma Streeker, Ogden
Cora Warwick, Pleasant Grove
Mrs. E C. Henrichseu, Provo
Horace Chalmer, SaltLakeCltj'
Clara L. Deigh ton, " "
Mrs. C.J. Trump, " " ...
Mrs. J. Busby, ' "
Mrs. E. Woodin, Albany Or.
Mrs. A. Wlliett.Bridal Veil, "
Mrs. W. Howell, Oregon City,
Hilda Johnson, Portland, "
Mamie Hanning. Virglma.Kcv;
Ella M.Smith, Waanoe.
Mrs. VV. Funk Wlnneiniicra, "
Mrs. Godward, Atlantic WyOk
tin ma Mass, Burnt fork, "
Mrs. Emily Rice, Cheyenne,
Ot:o Arnold, . Evanslon,
Mrs. Hariander, GLKa. r, Mont.
Mrs. G. Merritt.Boisc Cltr, Ida.
.W. Rainforth, Bonnerp t y.
Mrs.C. Carpenter. Florence, Ana
Sugene Klotske, Phoonix, "
Delia Willis, '
Mrs. S. C. Harsh, Cerrlllop, 3.M.
Mrs. John Walter, I-adnera
Stella P. McGary, Victoria
MEXICO'.-' ' -Salvador
Narcio, , Ensenada
Santa Cror
A MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE to farmers, especially
those who raise sheep for wool, is the dipping of the animals in the
spring and fall of the year. The purpose is not only to Kill the lick
which infest sheep, but to Destroy the Scab, a disease which irritates
the skin, causing intense itching, roughness and loxs of fleece. In
the far West dipping has been performed semi-annually lor years,
but in England and Australia it is required by law, The importance
of the process may be imagined when it is known that foreign gov
ernments will not receive scabby sheep, and the inspectors of the
government at different stock yards compel the slaughtering of ail
such afflicted animals, which, in many instances means consi.lerab a
loss to the owner, As the government offers neither apology liorre-
- muneration. : v
The Bureau of Animal Industry of the United States Agricultural
Department is making experiments wi th a view to destroying tl.e dis
ease, and with this object in view an arrangement was made for dip
ping at tie farm of Governor Mount on Thursday. Dr. A. W. Bitting,
of the Exi evimental Station, Purdue University, directed the work.
Each lamb or sheep was dipped one-half minute instead of two nin-
Is your sleep refreshlngor do you roll and
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You do not need medicine. You need the ton
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Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt. .
Call or send for the book with full informa
tion about Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt.
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