3ood liver Slacier. Published every Friday by 8. F. Blythe. Terms of Subscription 1.50 a year when paid in advance; $2 if not paid in advance. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1397. m The School House Flag. When our new school house was liuilt it was found that no provision was made for ft flag staff on the build ing. Mr. 0. J. Crandall, the architect, nt bis own expense had a pole 33 feet long dressed and painted at The Dalles and shipped here for a flag staff for the school house, but in unloading the pole It was broken, and the pieces have since laid right where they were drop ped front the. wauon qii the school grounds. A temporary staff was put up on the building, but it was never satisfactory, as the flag could not be raised without some one climbing to the roof. Recently the teachers of the school applied to the Grand Army and Relief Corps for assistance in getting a flag staff, permission being granted by 1 lie school directors to have one erect ed. Special meetings of the G. A, R. and W. R. C. were held last Saturday! at which a committee was appointed to take charge of the matter. . The committee consisted of JV W. ' Rigby, L. Henry, A. S.' Blowers and O. L. Stranahan from the G. A. R., and Mrs. J. II. Dukes, Mrs. George Crowell and Mrs. T. J. Cunning from the W. R. C, who went to work at once' and made arrangements for the flag raising. The original pole was brought to town and spliced and made strong with Iron bands,. Tuesday it was hauled to the school house, where O. Ij. Stranahan gave it a coat of. paint and. cut a hole in the roof where it will be set and braced in the garret or the building. The pole will be raised tomorrow (Sat urday) at 10 o'clock, by memtjers of the, Grand Army and others, and at 2 o'clock the flag will be raised with ap propriate exercises conducted by the VV. R. C. and the teachers and pupils of tiie school. Everybody is Invited to the flag raising at 2 o'clock. Meeting of Executive Committee. The executive cpmmitteeof the Hood River fair held a meeting last Satur day, at which the following proceed ings were had: ' It was decided to have a baby show, and to award a medal to best baby. . to the awards committee, as follows: P. F. Bradford, sr., F. H. Button and Vm. Boonuan. This will relieve those who Iihvh ex hi lilts of thplrnwn from passing on the merits of . their own fruit. ..... ' The dates of holding the fair were changed to Thursday, Friday aud Sat urday, October 7th, 8th and Dth. Thurs . day will be entry day, and all exhibits must be In place on that day. ' r The chairmen of the different com mittees are invited to meet, with the executive committee at its next meet ing, Saturday, at 2 p. m. The secretary was instructed to in vite the fruit growers of Mosier, White Salmon and Mt. Hood to make exhib its, individually or collectively, and space will be reserved therefor. Classified Assessments. . . At t he last session of the grand lodge, A. O. U. W., there was adopted what is known as the classified assessment plan, dividing the membership into groups or classes of five years each and charging eacli class'the mortality rates of its class,, based upon the American expectancy tables.' The membership advancing from one class to the other until they reach their fiftieth birthday, ...1 .1 i . i l , x, e. viif ii id B iaie remains level tuereaner, giving protection at current cost. The Oregon grand lodge also provided for reducing the number of . assessments upon members over fifty years of age who have been continuously in the order for twenty years, thereby reduc ing the cost to the old man when his earning power decreases. This plan is a radical . departure from the beaten paths of co-operative organizations, and the result will be watched with inter est by all. ' ' ' ' ' ' . Surveyors Returned. Carjt. C. J. Haves. Scott Rnnrmnn and Elijah Udell arrived home Sunday from Eastern Oregon, where Captain Hayes is examining government sur veys. They came home sooner than they expected on account of the illness of Mr. Boormau, who was taken sick with malarial fever while the, party was engaged in examining surveys in the Blue mountains, near Grand Rondo valley. Mr. Boorman was quite sick, but with gtfod treatment at home be will soon be able to return to work. The party will leave The Dalles next Monday, going south to Warm Springs, where there is( some work to do, and from there they will go to Southern Oregon. . " .' .' , Got in Its Work. An explosion occurred in Bartmess' store last week, which caused consid erable excitement but was without fa tal results. It appears that Mr. Bart mess bought a keg of fresh cider and stowed it away in the store, and then forgot all about it. After he had start ed for Eugene, last Friday,, Mrs. Bart mess aud Alice Cleaver decided to have some cider. ' The premises were search ed for the family faucet, which, like all family faucets, could hot be found when wanted, and Mrs. Bartmess con cluded to tip the keg and draw the stopper while Alice held the cup. When about ready to draw the stopper the bung flew out, something like the illustration in the ad of Williams & Broslus, and about a gallon of the cider escaped and covered the two ladies and everything in reach. The cider got in its "work." Our Fair. Arrangements have been completed for holding a fruit fair at Hood River on October 7th, 8th and 9th. It will be a repetition of the fair held there in the fall of 1895, which was one of the grandest fruit exhibits ever held in the state. Hood River has the material with which to get up a magnificent fruit fair, and the coming one promises to,.be something worthy of attention, for there will be exhibited the finest apples, peaches and pears produced anywhere in the world. Mountaineer. Bryan in a Collision. Empokia, Kan., Sept. 8. Three miles east of this city tonight occurred one of the worst wrecks in the history of the Santa Fe road: At least twelve men are killed and ten or twelve badly wounded. The wreck was the result of a collision. The Mexico aud Califor nia train was pulled by two engines, and when they struck the fast mail the boilers of all three engines exploded and tore a whole in the track so deep that the smoking car of the west-bound traiu went on top of the wreck of the three engines and two mail cars. There it balanced without turning over. Pas sengers in this car, in escaping through the windows, came very near turning the car over, in which event the fatal ity would have been increased. The car caught tire and was burned to ash es iu no time. The front door of this car overhung a terrible volume of smoke aud steam, aud the rear door was so tight that it would not open In jumping out of the windows two or three passengers fell into the wreek underneath, and it is Impossible to tell what happened to them. The west bound train carried five coaches, all crowded. William J. nryau, -who .had beeu speaking at Burlingame, was in Hie rear car. ' Mr. Bryan was one of the most active men in the crowd of rescuers. He helped to go through the wreck, brav. Ing the most terrible dangers, assisting in carryiug out everyone of the dead and wounded men, and paying the greatest attention to their cure. His cool head was valuable in pointing out dangers ana directing how to avoid them, une- man wno was badly wounded called for Bryan and said: "I went to hear you today. I am dying now ana want to snake your nana ana say God bless you. If you possibly can, Mr., Bryan, get me a drink of water." Mr. Bryan went into the fast mail car, the eud of which was burn- lug, and got the water. He went into a car and brought out a cushion seat to make a pillow tor another dying man, He was everywhere and assisting everybody, ana was pertectiy cool aur ing ull the terrible scenes. What is reported to be a rich quartz strike has lately oeen aiscovered ou Willow creek, near Heppner. Certainly you don't want to suffer with dyspepsia, constipation, sick head ache, sallow skin and loss or appetite, You have never tried DeWitt's Little Early Risers for these complaiutsor you would have been cured. They, are small puis Dut great regulators. ,w iu iams & Brosius. . Mr. C. Moore of Camas Prairie has a contract Jo furnish butter to a Portland nrm at ou cents a roll. To heal the broken and diseased 'tis sues, to soothe the irritated surfaces, 'to instantly relieve and to permanently cure is the mission of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Williams & Brosius. Sheriff Driver will sell Wasco county property lor delinquent taxes on Octo ber 1st. Boys' and mens' suits from $1 50 up, at woitara & Jione's. Did you notice how pure and white Soap ioam was U ing powder looks? Moments are useless if trifled away; and they are dangerously wasted if consumed by delay iu cases where One Minute Uough Cure would bring im mediate relief. Williams & Brosius. The Columbia Southern railroad was expected to reach Wasco on the 15th, Running sores, indolent ulcers and similar troubles, eveu though of many years' standing, may be cured by using Jje wilt's w lien azei naive, itsootnes. strengthens and heals. It is the great pile cure, wunauis & lirosius. The Dalles schools at their opening Monday showea an enrollment of 611 pupils, a gaiU of 80 over the first day of last year. If you have ever seen a little child in a paroxysm of whooping cough, or if you nave oeen annoyed by a constant tickling in the throat, you can appre ciate the value of One Minute Cough Cure, which gives quick relief. Will iams & Brosius. The "Bicyclist's Best Friend" is a fa miliar name for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, always ready for emergencies. While a specific for piles, it also instant ly relieves and cures cuts, bruises, salt rheum, eczema and all affections of the skin. It never fails. Williams & Bro sius. ,-.,. Small precautions often prevent great mischiefs. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are very small pills in size, butaremost effective in preventing the most serious forms of liver and stomach troubles. They cure constipation and headache and regulate the bowels. Williams & Brosius. - No man or woman can enjoy life or ac complish much in this world while suf fering from a torpid liver. DeWitt's Lit tle Early Risers, the pills that cleanse that organ, quickly. Williams &Brosi us. It Saves the Croiipy Children. Seaview, Va. We have a splendid sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and our customers coming from far aud near speak of it in the highest terms. Many have said that their children would have died. of croup- if Chamber lain's Cough Remedy .had not been given. Kellam & Ourren. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for . sale by ,, Williams & Brosius. - " HOOD RIVER FAIR. Committees and Their Duties Rules and Regulations. COMMITTEES. Executive Committee J W Morton, Henry Prigge, H 0 Bateham, N C Evans, Dr J F Watt, A H Jewett, J 8 Harbison, Mrs E L Smith, Mrs O L Stranahan. N Music Miss Anna Smith, M P Isenbergand John R. Nickelsen. t, ' J ' Hall and TablesGeo. T. Prather.O L Stran ahan and Bert Graham. ' Its, 1 fl ' ' Potted Plants MTSTf8tfrowJl, Mrs O B Hartley, Mrs A O Hershey, Mrs. J N McCoy, Mrs AH Jewett. ' Cut Flowers Mrs C M Wolfard, Mrs J E Band, Mrs C. K. Bone, Mrs John B Nickelsen, .Mrs S J LaFrance. - Decorations John S Gray, Mr and Mrs Edgar Locke, Mr and Mrs T J Watson.Mrand Mrs H L Crupper, Mr and Mrs J H Dukes, Mr and Mrs T J Cunning, Mr and Mrs Fred Bail ey, Mr and Mrs A P Bateham, Mrs A B Can Held, Mrs A O Hershey. Art and Fancy-work exhibit Mrs J F Watt, Mrs CB Bone, Mrs J W Connell. Mrs H C Bateham, Mrs J H Cradlebaugh. Fruit Exhibits Hon E L Smith, J W Morton, Dr P G Barrett, G R Castner, A S Blowers, S F Blythe, Robt Rand, J JLuck ey, Chris Dethman, C G Roberts, M V Rand, .Jion T R Coon, D K Cooper, li Henry, W A Sllngerland, H C Cook, LE Morse, George Bellinger. Reception Mayor L N Blowers and wife, Rev and Mrs J L Hershner, Hon and Mrs E I, Smith, DrandMrsJF Watt, Mr and Mrs Wm Yates, Mr and Mrs F K Jackson, Mr and Mrs Henry Hibbard, Mr and Mrs H H Bailey, Mr and Mrs E E Savage, Mr and Mrs J F Armor. Awards W J Baker, E. Locke, E. Schanno, John H Cradlebaugh, A H Jewett, P F Brad ford, sr, F It Button, Wm Boorman. Transportation J W Morton, H C Bateham. Advertising S F Blythe. Dried and Canned FruiU J H Shoemaker, F R Absten, N C Evans, G W Mcintosh, W T Hansberry. ' t Vegetables T J Watson, A O Hershey, D A Turner, Benton Rand, V H Button. The duties of the several committees are defined as follows: Music committee shall prepare music, both vocal and instrumental, aud in conjunction with the executive com mittee shall arrange for evening enter tainments'. " ' . ' , Hall and tables committee shall se cure the use of the armory building, secure lumber and construct such tables and benches as may be necessary. The potted plant and cut flowers committees shall procure and furnish such plants ana flowers as . they can, and in connectiou with the decoration committee, shall see to the arranging of the same. The decoration committee shall see to the decorating of the ball with bunt ing, flags, evergreens, etc. The art and fancy work committee shall solicit exhibits in these lines and shall have charge of the same. " ( . Reception committee shall solicit at tendance at the fair so far as possible, and shall welcome all strangers aud spectators. . Awards committee shall examine and compare all entries and award pre mium cards to the best of each kind. They will also award silver medals to best general display in each cLiss. They shall have power, if disposed, to ap point sub-committees on, vegetables, class B, and fancy work, class C. Transportation committee shall do their utmost to secure the lowest re 'duced rates by boats, trains aud Jiv erymen. v.. Advertising committee shall Lave full charge of all printing and advertis ing deemed necessary by the executive committee' The several soliciting committees shall solicit exhibits of green fruits, dried and canned fruits, flowers and potted plants, art aud fancy work, veg etables of all kinds, in their several lo calities and of others so far as opportu nity affords. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. The general supervision of the building and entire exhibition Is vested in the presi dent of the board. 2. The fair building will be open to receive exhibits on Thursday, October 7, from 7 a. m. to 7 p. rn., and nothing received later than this will be allowed to compete, as the award ing committee will begin their work Friday morning, October 8th. i S. Every article must be entered in the name of the grower or owner. Placards and advertising of localities will be allowed to -a limited extent upon application to the secre tary. Five silver medals will be awarded: One each for the best general exhibit of the following articles: Green fruits of all kinds; dried and canned fruits; vegetables of all kinds; flowers, both cut and potted; art and fancy work. 4. The committee on awards will attach premium cards to best entry of all classes and report their decision immediately to the sec retary, and names of successful contestants will be published. ' 5. No exhibits will be allowed to be taken away until after the fair closes. . 6. All exhibits will, be at owners' risk, but the officers will use every precaution that none are lost. ' 7. All entries will be free, as heretofore. . 8. Admission, 25 cents for the entire fair; la dies and children free. 9. Each committee will confer with the ex ecutive committee and incur no debts or ob ligations without their approval and consent. The O. R. & N. will give a rate of one fare for the round trip, both from The Dalles and Portland, including inter mediate stations. Tickets will be ou sale from October 5th to 7th inclusive, with a return limit of October 8th. The Regulator company will sell round-trip tickets from The Dalles at 50 cents; Portland, $2. Admission Season tickets, 25 cents. X W. Morton, Superintendent. H. C. Bateham, Secretary. , A Cure for Bilious Colic. Resource, Screvln Co.. Ga. I have been subject to attacks of bilious colic for several years. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is the only sure relief. - It acts like a charm. une nose of it gives relief when all other remedies fail. G. D. Sharp. For sale by Williams & Brosius. , Desirable Property. . Block 10 In Hood River for sale. Good house and barn. Good orchard of choice fruit. Two blocks from depot. Price tf 1.600, in easy pay ments. Inquire of , G. W. BACKUS. Medical Lake Property. I have for sale, or will trade for property in Hood River valley or The Dalles, three well improved lots In town of Medical Lake, the noted health resort of Eastern Washington. For further particulars address , 817 CHAS. BLOOMER. . Medical Lake, Wash. L-f-K 1 C. M. COOK. MINERAL ASS AY ER, Stevenson, Wash. Samples for assay should weigh about fonr ounces. Can be sent by mall and will receive prompt attention. - slO Nursery Stock for Sale. 1 have for sale 8,000 two-year-old apple trees of the best quality, consisting of Yellow New town, Spitzenburg, Baldwin, Lawver. Hyde's u.ing, iiing oi xompKins iuniy, uravensiein and Wealthy. N. C. EVANS, , slO , Hood River Fruit Gardens. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Septem ber 18, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following named settlers have filed notice of their' Intention to make final proof in support of their claims, and that said proofs will be made before W. R. Dunbar, U. B. Commis sioner uir uisincioi wasningion, at uoiaen dale, Wash., on October 1, 1897, viz: 8AMUEL 8. ELLIOTT, H. E. No. 8878. for the Bouthwest hi of south east J4 section 18, and northwest i of north east k section 10, township 8 north, range 11 east, W. M. . He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion or sai a iana, viz: John F. Eagan. Peter Groshone. William A. hymnis and George L. Hixson, all of White saunon, wasn. Also, , GEORGE L. HIXSON. - H. E' No. 9,048. for the south of southwest northwest of southwest i, and southwest of northwest section 13, township 8 north, range 10 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of. said land, viz: UU11U X. ABgWi, f ItHlCIB AT. 1 Groshong nod William A. Symnis, all of T . . I, I I.' . . ,n I.' i .. r T .. T... wmieoaimon, wasn. Also, PETER GROSHONG, H. E. No, 8188, for the southeast section 7, township 8 north, range 11 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said laud, viz: , Samuel S. Elliott. William A. Svmms. George L. Hixson and John f, Eagan, all of wmw saunon, wasn. Ana ' WILLIAM A. SYMMS, H. E. No. 8091, for the northwest section 9, township 8 north, range 11 east, W. M. He names she following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion oi sum lima, viz: John V. Eagan. Peter Groshong. Samuel S. Elliott and George L. Hixson, all of White suiinon, wasn. is. i". biaw, sl7o22 1 - Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. utiiiu uiuvQ nb tauiuum, n Mil., it ,i i . it, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settlers have tiled notice of their in tention to make final proofs in support of their claims, and that said proofs will be made be fore the Register and Receiver U. 8. Land Omce at Vancouver, Wash., on October 28, 1897, viz: , SIMON K. KNUTSON, H. E. No. 8618, for the northeast i section 17, township 8 north, range 11 east. w. M. He names the followlnz witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion oi saia iana, viz: - Carl J. Paulsen, Jacob E. Jacobson, James H. Butler and Iver A.- Ham re, all of White saimon, wasn. Ana ; CARL J. PAULSEN, H. E. No. 8870, for the northwest northeast noruieast yt nortneast section it, townsnip 8 north, range 11 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion 01, saia lanu, viz: Jacob E. Jacobson. Simon K. Knutson.Nor- man 8. Hamlin and Johnson McLauahan, all 01 wniwoaimon, wasn. sl7o22 B. F. SHAW, Register. For Sale. A t wo-horse hack, a one-horse bueev. a disk harrow, a carriage pole and whlftletrees. Two houses to rent. One In town to sell or trade for outside property. Let's all makexmr wanta ikiiuwu uuu uv suuiuuie. SlO JOHN C. WHEELER Better than Klondike. Fruit ranch, 2 miles from town of Hood River, for sale. Ten acres in strawberries; 6 acres in orcnara; gooa Duuaings. .veryiniug in good order. Address M. A. COOK, slO . Compton, Cal. M. F. SHAW, M. D. (Successor to Dr. Morgan) Will do a general nractlce and devote snecint attention to surgical cases and Diseases of Women. Office and residence, second door nort h of x-NiuKeisea s store. f so. Langille House to Kent. The building known as the Lanerllle house. as a whole Or in part. Inquire at Cloud Cap Aim 01 Jl. Jl. 1jA.PI U111jj, For Sale. I have for sale a cow; a double set of har ness; one good driving horse; a good light wagon; a wind mill; also, quite a lot of house hold goods, for sale or trade. I am not going 10 put up a Dig Darn ana pacKing nouse tnis year; too busy looking, after tho big trees I have for sale this fall. WM. TILLETT. Work Horses for Sale. I have work horses for sale. Will exchange one for good farm wagon. E. L. SMITH. s3 . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver,Wash., Sept. 9, 18tt7.-Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has Hied notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar, United States Commissioner for District of Washington, at his office in Goldendale, Wash., on October 20, 1807, viz: GEORGE BRADFORD, ; Homestead Entry No. 8843, for tho lots 8 and 4, and south of northwest section 4, town ships north, range 12 east, w. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultlva ti&n of, said land, viz: Join R. .Vhttcomb, James Fitz, John R. Hensel and Thomas J. Whitcomb, all of Lyle P. O., Washington. sl7o22 , B. F. SHAW, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 30, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his tention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register aud Receiver at The Dalles, Ore gon, on October 12, 1897, viz: , WILLIAM K. JACKSON, Hd. E. No. 4148, for the southwest i section 80, township 1 north, range 11 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Virgil Wincheii, F. H. Stanton, L. M. Mon roe and Charles Welds, all of Hood Hiver, Oregon. , JAS. K. MOORE, 3o8 - . V .; Utguttr. A. S. BLOWERS fc SON. V DEALERS IN - Dry (xoofls, GrocBTiBS, CIotMng. Boots el Sloes FLOUR, FEED,. Etc. - We handle BRADLY & M Every pair Hood River Market v CONDUCTED BY THE Col"0-3CL"bIsu sEcfeinn.g: Co. WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND , Choice Fresh, and Cured Meats, Fruits and Vegetables. ' " ALSO, DEALERS IN Wood of All Kinds, yZiKXn. f - Highest Cash Price Paid for Stock. GEO. P. CROWELL, Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House in the valley. J ' DEALER IN ' ZDr3T G-oodc, Clotii.Ir3.g:, : and : - '. . ' Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc. HOOD RIVER, - - - -' - - OREGON UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER oufid'Va'tirlSf.: Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc., etc. Agent for the Bridal Veil Lumber Company. Fruit Evaporator. I have Just completed a two-ton Fruit Dryer ana am prepared to dry prunes for cash or on snares at most reasonaoie rates. s2 W. A. SLINGERLAND. E. H. PICKARD, i ; Hood Rivkr, Painter & Decorator PAPER HANGING. WALL TINTING. GRAINING and NATURAL WOOD FIN ISH. I make a specialty of my trade, and or ders will receive prompt attention. Satisfac tory work at live and let live prices guaran- wea. insinuates graus. jy? Carriages and Wagons REPAINTED. Makes them Good as New. TERMS All cash or all work; or part cash anu pari. wora. ror particulars, see .6. C. BUSHNELL, Jy30 . East Side, NOTICE FOR,PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles. Oresron. Aue. 18. 18H7. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be- tore itegister ana Receiver at rne Danes, uregon, on neptemDer as, ism;, viz: FHILITTJS F. FOUTS, Hd. E. 4428, for the southeast M section 8, Innrnahln 1 oi,,h nna lAi.tu, A.I He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: Anna Rles, Peter F. Kundsen, Jas. Knight ana wm. uoaenniser, an or Mount Hooa, uregon. diva, r . snjutlKjf a20s24 . Register. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. Sent. 8. 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler haa riled notice of Ills inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be- iore ine Kegisier ana receiver, at xne Danes, uregon, on ucioDer aa, viz: ANDREW PETERSON AASEROD, Hd. E. No. 4454, for the east yf, southwest i, lots 8 and 4. section 7 township 1 south, range 19 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land viz: David R. Cooper, Jas. N. Knight, George Perkins, and Lewis W. xomunson, an oi Mt. nooa, uregon. JAS. F. MOORE, . slOolo ' Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION., Land Office at The Dalles. Oreiron. Sent. 8. 1887. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made befbre tne ttegister ana Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on October 23, 1897, viz, JAMES N. KNIGHT, Hd. E. No. 5055, for the south hi, northeast hi and south , northwest hi, section 8, town ship 1 south, range 10 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Andrew I". Aaserod, Henry Ries, Wm. Rodenheiser.and David R. Cooper, all of Mt, Hood, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, slOolo u Register. Cow for Sale. " I have a. young and gentle 8-year-old cow for sale at 825. Also, three yearling steers. s3 J. P. HILLSTROM, Tucker, Or., NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . Land Office at The Dalles. Oreeron. August 80, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has' filed notice of his intention to make final Droof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on October 12, 1897, viz: , VIRGIL WIN CHELL, Hd. E. No. 8814, for the east hi northeast hi, norttiwest hi northeast hi and northeast hi northwest yt section 19, township 2 north, range 11 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: W. F. Jackson, F. H. Stanton, L. M. Monroe and Charles Welds, all of Hood liiver.Oregon. 3o8 , JAS. F. MOORE, Register. the celebrated ETCALF SH 0 ES, warranted. a ran ess For Sale. SOOO feet of V and box flume, used at the lata encampment. V flume is made of one 6-1 n. and one 8-1 n. board; box flume is made of one 8-in. and two 6-in. boards. Price, XT per 1000 feet of lumber, cash. F. C. BROSIUS. Choice City Property. The dwelling house and two lots known an the Delk property is offered for sale at a very low price. For particulars Inquire at the Glacier office. Jy23 Lessons in Piano Music. Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teaching of Music. Her prices are 50 oenU a lesson, J 10 Mt. Hood Saw Mills, TOML-INSON BROS., Prop'rs. M IND PINE LUMBER Of the best quality always on hand at price. to suit the times. ' Jy24 SHOE REPAIRING In the best and most artistic styles at the Old Reliable Shoe ahop one door west of postoffice. Ladies' fine work a specialty. All work war ranted. C. WELDS, Prop'r. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 18, 1S!)7. Notice is hereby given that the follow- I nig nuiiieu seiner lias nieu iiuuce 01 uer in tention to make final proof in support of her claim, aud that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on September 28. 1897, viz: , - '. ANNA RIES, " Hd. E. No. 8480, for the lot 2 and southwest hi northeast hi and west hi southeast hi "d 8 acres and o9-ino lot 2. section 6, township 1 south, range 10 east, W. M. She names the following witnesses to prov. her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: P. F. Fouts. Peter F. Kundsen, Jas. Knight and Wm. Rodenhiser, all of Mt. Hood,Oregon. a20s24 ' JAS. F. MOORE, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 14, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before C. G. Green, Clerk Superior Court for Skama nia county, Wash., at Stevenson, Wash., on Sept. 24, 1897, viz: J. FRANKLIN BROWER. Hd. E. No. 8874, for the nwj, sehi, wM, neW and ne'4, nw section 11; townsnip 3 north; range 9 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses fo prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: John P. Gillett, John M. Coulter, Sam Sam son and George M. Berry, all of Chenoweth, Wnsh. ; B.F.SHAW, s20s21 ..,,-..- ... RWjBter. '"- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 28, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore gon, on October 10, 1897, viz: ... GEORGE B. WELCH, Hd. E. No. 4508. for the lots Nos, 12 and 18 of section 27, township 1 north, range 10 east, W. M. . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: I k If t rWnya Diwhlwui ClnmHAl U ad and John Taylor, all of Mount Hood, Oregon. soob jab. f. auutui, itegisier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 18, 1897. Notice is hereby eiven that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final Droof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on September 28, 1897, viz: PETER K. KUNDSEN, Hd. E. No. 4453. for the east hi northwest hi and lots 1 and 2, section 7, township 1 south, range 10 east, W. M. He names the fnl lowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: P. F. FouUi. Anna Ries. James Knight and Wm. Rodenhiser, all of Mt. Hood, Oregon. aajsz jab, f . Muuitri, rvegiBter. House to Let. A five-room cottage, with good cellar, for Kant nna Kl.utk. Wt.v. ,)n J sttv, iiuiu iuu ouu,. ill- qilil'C at Glacier office. 83 '' . . ' . ' r- "rfi5''- ' -hh? Hi lwiHm .v. v:.