YOUNG GIRLS. Their Conduct and Health Often MyitlUe Their Mothers. Young1 girls often feel, and conse quently act, very strangely. They shed tears without Apparent cause, are restless, nervous, and at times almost hysteri cal. They WEEKLY MARKET LETTER. Officials Claim the Camp for ' Uncle Sam. BOUNDARY LINE IN DOUBT seem self-absorbed, and heedless of things going on around them. Some times they complain of pain In lower parts of body, flushes of heat in head, , cold feet, etc. Young girls are not free from incipi ent womb troubles. .' Mothers should see to it that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is promptly taken; all druggists have It The girl will speedily be " herself again," and a probable danger be averted. . Any information on this sub ject, or regarding all female ailments, will be cheerfully given free by Mrs, pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Write her. Back Ache, Lame Back, Railroad Back, Stitch Id the Back, Lumbago and ail .back troubles are in stantly relieved by Fart of the Yukon District la Really In Alaska Effort! Will Be Made to Ke claim It Complications May Follow. Port Townsend, Sept. 6. A letter just received from John U. Smith, United States coramisioner at Dyea and bkaguay, intimates that government officials now on the way to the Upper Jfukon may by their official acts bring on serious international .complications with the Dominion government. He says: It is announced here by a deputy United States marshal that the United States government is to make claim for a large portion of the Yukon gold fields which have heretofore been supposed to be in British territory, and that the territory which is claimed as being within Alaska includes Dawson City. "The basis of the claim to be .made by the United States official to the dis puted territory is in the fact that tbe boundary line has never been deter mined, and that .the United Statef claim to possess information as to sur veys made by the Canadian government that fixes Dawson City and a large por tion ot the district in Alaska." lECTULT Its soothing, warming, Invig orating current penetrates the weakened - tissues, sends the life-blood bounding through your veins, relieves the pain, takes out the soreness, warms, tones and strengthens, re-enforces na ture and Cures Perminently. It Is worn while you sleep, and can be regulated. Read about it in the little book "Three Classes of Men," free by mail or at the office. A physician's advice free. Call or address SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO. 253 W ent Washington St., Portland. Or. Please mention this Paper wo OF Albany College, Albany, Or. Gives the most systematic and complete coarse in music of any music school on the' Pacific coast. Piano, singing in the Italian method, harmony, counterpoint, and all other Import ant branches of music taught. Diplomas given on completion of course. Tuition Is low for the high grade of work. Send for . circulars and catalogue. WALLACE H. LEE, A. M., President. ZIMR1 M. PARV1N, Musical Director Portland, Oregon ... A. P. Armstrong, LL.B.,Prin, J. A. Wesco, Sec'y THE BUSY WORLD Of BUSINESS Tars Attacked by Gold Fever. Santa Rosa, Cal., Sept. 6. A lettei has been reoeived by Deputy Postmas ter Griggs from his son, Joseph, who is a member of -the crew of the United States gunboat Concord. The letter is dated Juneau, 'August 25, and gives details of .the desertions of 45 men from the Concord during its cruise in Alas kan waters. It save: "Some of the boys got the gold fevei and ran away, but were brought back, and are now in double irons. The ship lost 45 good seamen, but if thev ar fools enough to go and starve this winter they are not fit for the ship." To Klondike by Balloon. Toronto, Sept. 6. Aeronaut Leo Stevens has successfully tested his new generator for manufaturing gas for his balloon, and says he will leave for Klondike the latter part of this month. He declares he will go to Andree's res cue providing his later experiments are successful. ; ' ALASKA'S SILENT CITY. Members o? the Lulgi Farty Say They Saw the Mirage. Seattle, Sept. 6. Alaska's Silent City has emerged once more from its mysterious hiding place, and revealed its presence to five members or the party that acompanied Prince Luigi up Mount St. Jilias. in the early morn ing of July 18, the party, while return ing from the ocean with supplies, sud denly saw the city mirrored in the oiear atmoepnere. rne vision was so clear that C. W. Thornton, who first noticed it, wrote in his notebook as fol lows: . "It required no effort of the imagina tion to liken it to a city, for the image wag so distinct and plain that it re quired, instead, a strong faith 'to be lieve that it was not in reality, a oity. Whereas the Silent City, of which Minor W. Bruce wrote, was seen from Muir glacier, the one obsereved by Mr. Thornton and company was observed from Malaspina glacier, more than 100 miles distant. It remained a perfect image for 80 minutes, and then slowly faded away, while in its place appeared a rocky ridge. A BRIDGE-JUMPER. Downing, Hopkins & Company's Review of Trade. We have had a week of ner vous, erratio markets, fluctuations covering a wide range, but finally set tling near the figures of a week ago. Receipts are comparatively light, with a good demand both home and abroad. Exports for the week were again very heavy (6,268,247 bushels), and that ratio will probably be increased short ly. The report of the Hungarian min ister of agriculture estimates the deficit in the world's wheat crop at about 826, 000,000 bushels. This a very bullish estimate and will make itself felt in the calculations of the grain trade. Thresh ing returns from the Northwest, while meagre as yet, are very disappointing, the yield falling below even the latest estimates, while the quality is very poor indeed, and there will be a great deal of low grade and rejected wheat on the market when the orop gets to mov ing more freely. We feel very bullish indeed on the general outlook, and be lieve that wheat will sell far above the dollar mark before Christmas. It is perfectly natural that we should have reactions; it is a sign of a healthy mar ket, but we consider we have, had ours after the late advance. There has been a very firm undertone to corn, and while it has reacted from the sharp rally that followed the break of last week, yet there is no sign of any real weakness and there is a feeling that it will seek a much higher level of prices-than those now prevailing. Re ceipts have been large, with a good de mand. The export demand still con tinues to make itself felt, and clear ances last week aggregated nearly 8,- 000,000 bushels, and would have been larger had there been vessel room to ship it in. Crop news contineus prac tically unohanged, the crop making fair progress during the week. Portland Markets. Wheat Walla Walla,1 84c: Val ley and Bluestem. 87c per bushel i lour Beat grades, $4.40: eraham. $3.85; superfine, $2.50 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 86c; choice gray, 85c per bushel. , Barley Feed barley, $18; brew ing, $1819 per ton. .Millstuffs Bran, $14 per ton: middlings, $21; shorts, $15.50. Hay Timothy, $1212.50; olover. $1011; California' wheat, $10 11; do oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $9 10 per ton. liggs 18 14c per dozen. Butter Fancy creamery, 47!55o: fair to good, 37 45c; dairy, 8Q85c per roll. '' t Cheese Oregon, lllc; Youne America, 12c; California, 910c per pound. Poultry Clnokens, mixed, $2.50 The Age of Deer. Romance has played a prominent part with regard to the longevity of deer, says a writer in Chamber's Journal What says the Highland adage? xnrice tne age oi a nog is that of a horse, Thrice the age of ahorse is that of man, . . Thrice the age of a man is that of deer, " Thrice the age of a deer is that of an eagle, Thrice the age of an eagle is that of an oak tree. This is to assign the deer a period of more than 200 years; and the estimate issiipporte J ym ny hijh'y cirjmmtan tial stories. Thus. Captain MaoDonald. of Tulloch, who died in 1776, aged 86 years, is said to have known the white hind of Loch Treig for 50 years; his father for a like period before him and his grandfather for 60 years before him So, in 1826, Macdonald of Glen garrys is reported to have killed a stag which bore a mark on the left ear identical with that made on all the calves, he could catch by Bwen-Mac-Ian-Og, who had been dead 150 years. Analogous stories, it may be noted, are told in countries on the continent of Europe, where deer are to be found in any number. But alas I the general opinion among experts would seem to be that 30 years or thereabouts is the limit of a deer's life. United States Senate Employes. Thirty years ago 70 employes of the United Slates senate were on the pay roll. Today the number is 854. The large increase is in proportion not only to the size of the senate, but as well to the increase in public business, due to the enormous development of the coun try. It takes more employes to trans act this business. But the number of high-priced employes has not increased in proportion to the increase in the to tal number. Thus, two years ago an $1,800 cieik in the postofflce was cut off and two men at $900 each were added to the carrier service. It was said that the clerk was not needed, but the additional carriers were.- Field Glass Range Finder. An improved range finder for field glasses has a flat dial plate, subdivided to correspond witfo the focus of the glasses, rigidly attached near the rear end of the adjusting screw to the frame of the glasses indicating the adjustment upon a dial. A small wheel upon the adjusting screw turns it so that it will readily focus the glasses for various dis tances, and enabling the user to also estimate correotly the speed of advanc ing or withdrawing objects. ' AIM OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD " CASTORIA " AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA." AS OUR TRADE MARK. J, JDR. SAM UEL PITCHER, oft Eyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the sama that has borne and does now T"" on every bear the facsimile signature of ajcUcotk( wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought njf yr, ." on the and has the signature o f '(-a&X wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. ) March 8, 1897. 2 Do Not Be Deceived. ' Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the ingredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF ' Si - The Insist on Having Kind That Never Failed TMI OCNTAUH COMPANY. TT MURRAY STRICT. NEW YORK CITY. You. Jfcf Established "A perfect type of the highest order of excellence In manufacture." Walter Baker & Co.'s & : Ff" BREAKFAST COCOA! Absolutely Pure Delicious Nutritious. Costs Less than One Cent a Cup. Be sure that you get the DOPCHESTEP MASS genuine article, made at WKncaiCK, iUASJ. ....By.... WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. 2.75 Per dozen; broilers, fl.252.25 J ton. John Casson and his son, Schley creamery, 10 live profitable employment to Bnodredi oroar gradnatea, and will to thouianda more. Send for oar eatalog ae. Learn what aud how we teaoh. VorUj, A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS LITERARY, normal, dusi ness. mnsipal. Rn. uien uttrinai nnn rtrRiiH.rn.rtrvpniireA. Mt.ta diplomas lor normal course, "fwenty-eight in.. siruciors, a.i siuaenis. vocation Deautllul, sightly, in the suburbs, with all the advantages of a great city and none of its disadvantages. Free from saloons and immoral places. Board ing halls connected with school. Government mild but iirin. Exprnses for year from 100 to T200. School opens September 21, 1897. Cata logue sent free. Address, Thos. Van Scov, D. D., University Park, Or. ALBANY COLLEGE High grade, classical and academic training. The coming year will record some new features: 1 A regular business college, under the leader ship of a regular business college man. 2 Ele mentary and advanced German taught by an American-born and American-educated Ger man. 8 Military tactics, involving the regu lations of a first-class military school In dress, habits and drill. Opens Sept. 16. Send for cat alogue. Wallace Howe Lee, president. DO YOU WANT EEDS Get them at headquarters. 1 carry by far the largest assortment on the coast. Remember the best is always the cheapest. Send for cat alogue. K. J. BOWIN, 201 and 203 Front St., Portland, Or. BASE BILL GOODS IS.S n e carry me most complete line or uymnasiam and A thletic Goods on the Coast. SUITS AND UNIFORMS MADE TO ORDER. Send for Our Athletic Catalogue. WILL & FINCK CO., 818-820 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. nUIUu H n u and Amateur Send for Catalogue Q 1 1 n n 1 1 r n nmmitt. WW X UUI I L1LU PORTLAND, OREGON fUTPTTJKK and PILES cared; no pay nn i. til cured : send for book. Dm. Mansfield Portkkfisld, 838 Market St., Sao Franoifco. Bis Life Probably the Penalty of Ilia Recklessness. New York, Sept. 6. William Orton jumped from the Brooklyn bridge this afternoon, and now, lies in a critical condition at the marine hospital. He rode on a truck going to Brooklyn shortly before 2 o'clock. When the truck was near the center of the bridge, Orton got off and quickly climbed upon the rail. The bridge was crowded with promenaders, but no policeman was near. : Orton stood on the rail for a few momenta, and throwing off his hat, jumped out into space. He turned over several times in his descent, and struck the water on his right side. When he came -to the Burface, the crew of the tug gratitude fished him out. Orton was in an exhausted condition, and, after a while said: "I did it; I did it; didn't I?" Then he sank off into a state of coma, from which he had not recovered at last ac counts. ' Fly Wheel Burst. Porstmouth, O., Sept. 8. A 40-ton fly-wheel at the Burgess steel and iron works was bursted by a 4,800-pound ingot stopping a roll. The mill was crowded with workmen. John Murphy was hurled 80 feet and badly bruised. The roof was wrecked. Beams two feet iquare were cut in two like straws. The mill was set on fire, but the flames were soon extinguished and the furnaoe de stroyed. The loss cannot be estimated, but the damages will close the mill un til a new fly wheel is secured. Chinese Marries an English Girl. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 8. John H. Taylor, an Americanized Chinese, was married yesterday to Carol Dis- more, a pretty woman 22 years old. The bride was born in Manchester, England. She first met her husband in the Mott street mission, after he had moved here from Oakland, Cal. In the public schools in Japan the English language is required by law to be taught. ': ' geeue, fitffit.ou; auoKS, f33.bU per dozen; turkeys, live, 10 11c per pound. potatoes. U.egon Burbanks, 40 45c per saok; new potatoes, 60c per sacK; sweets, $ 1.40 per cental. Onions California, new, red, $1.25: yellow, f 1 percental. , Hops 10c per pound , for new crop; 1890 crop, 5 6c. .. Wool Valley, 14l5c per pound: Eastern Oregon. 10 12c; mohair. 20c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 2.2Jc; dressed mutton, 6o; spring lambs, 6 per pound. liogs Uross, choice heavy, $4.50: light and feeders, $34; dressed, $3 4.25 per 100 pounds. : Beef Gross, top steers, $2. 75 3; cows $2.25; dressed beef, 45c per pound. , - Veal Large, 4c; small. 5c per pound. - Seattle Markets. Butter Fancy native brick, 20c; ranch, 10 12c. Cheese Native Washington, lie; Ualiiornia, 9jjC. Eggs Fresh ranch, 1920o. Poultry Chickens, live, per pound. hens, 10 lie; spring chickens, $2 3.60; ducks, $2.503.75. Wheat Feed wheat, $80 per ton. Oats Choice, per ton, $22. Corn Whole, $22; oracked, per ton. $22; feed meal, $22 per ton. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton. $22; whole, $22. Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef, steers, eo; cows, 5c; mutton 55o; pork, 7c; veal, small; 6. Fresh Fish Halibut, 4c; salmon. 45c5 salmon trout, 7 10c; flounders and sole, 8 4; ling cod, 45; rock cod, 5c; smelt, 24c. v San Franolseo Markets. v Wool Choice foothill, 912c; San Joaquin, 6 months' 810o; do year's staple, 7 9c; mountain, 11 13c; Ore gon, 10 13c per pound. Hops 510o per pound. , . Millstuffs Middlings,! $1922: California bran, $14 14. 50 per ton. Onions .New red, 7080o; do new silverskin, $1 1.10 per cental. Potatoes New, in boxes, 4060o. Fresh fruit Apples, 40 65c per large box; apricots, 20 40c; Fontain- bleau grapes, 20 85c; muscats, 40 50c; black, 80 50c; tokay, 4050o; peaches, 25 60c; pears, 40 50 per box; plums, 2040o; crab'apples, 15 85c. Hay Wheat,$12 15; wheat and oat. $11 14; oat, $10 12; river barley, $78; best barley, $912; alfalfa, $8.50 10 clover, $7. 50 9. 50. Cheese Fancy mild, new, 8c; fair to good, 7o per pound. Butter Fancy creamery, 22ic: do seoonds, 2122c; fanny dairy, 20c; good to ohoice, 18 20o per pound. Eggs Store, 15 18c; ranch, .20 24o; Eastern, 14 17; duok, 16o per dozen. Citrus fruit Oranges, Valenc'ias. $83.00; Mexican limes, $56; Cali fornia lemons, fancy, $3; do common, $12 per box. ' A large flock of pigeons has taken possession of a grove in Shasta county, Cal 1 Gave His Father the Promotion. A case of a son's thoughtfulness and affection for a father has come to light in the navy department, at Washing- rm r hundred rn ttrees UlsL THOUSAND I liUI I -and not a bug or pest on them. Send for our de- 6criptive price Hot FREE. BUELL UMBERSOH, Portland, Oregan Casson, are clerks in the office of Secre tary Long at salaries until recently at $1,200 each. The work of the young nian attracted attention, and he was notified of a promotion, with $1,400 salary. , young Casson refused to ac cept, saying that his father had been longer in the service and was more de serving. At the young man's request the promotion was . transferred to the father. DO WE NEED BIG MUSCLES? By no means. Persons of herculean build fre quently possess a minimum of genuine vigor, exhibit less endurance than very small people. Real vigor means the ability to digest and sleep well, and to perform a reasonable amount of dally physical and mental labor without un natural fatigue. It is because a course of Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters enables the enfeebled dyspeptic to resume the alloted activity of every day life, as well as to participate without discomfort in its enjoyments, that it is such a pre-eminently useful medicine. Vaccination has just been introduced into Afghanistan by the advice of Miss Hamilton an English physician, -who is in attendance upon the Ameer. . . . There is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure by local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu tional disease, and therefore requires consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh finre. man ufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address . A F. J. CHENEY i CO., Toledo, O. Sold bv druggists, 76c. ' Hall's Family Pills are the best. The ancients knew how to cheat.' Loaded dice have been found in the ruins of Herculaneum. OWER ml .FOR.. PROFIT Power that will save you money and make you money. Hercules Engines are the cheapest power known. Burn Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no smoke, fire, or dirt. For pumping, running dairy or farm machinery, they have no equal. Automatic in action, perfectly safe and reliable. Send for illustrated catalog. ' Hercules Gas Engine Works BaV St., San Francisco, Cal. " " Hercules Special 1 (24 actual horsepower) Price, only $183. I believe my prompt use of Piso's Cure evented quick consumption. Mrs. Lucv 12, '95. prevented quick consumption. Mrs Wallace, Marquette, Kans., Dec Lincoln county, Kentucky, has a new-found cave rivaling Mammoth cave in size and novelty. A Georgia jury brought in this ver dict the other day: "We find the de fendant almost guilty." Mr. Grocer: there are thousands of- people who Two Unique Colonies. t A farming community in which every one of the 145 workers may be expected to drop his hoe or plow handles or her broom or dish tray at any moment without warning, and writhe upon the ground in convulsive agonies, is rather unique among all colonization schemes. Such, however, is the Craig colony or epileptics at Sonyea, N. Y., with its group of 69 men and 76 women. At the national conference of charities and correction in Toronto, I had been strongly assured that no view of East ern philanthropists could be complete without a visit to the new, but famous Craig colony. ... Accordingly I pedaled my bicycle over country roads south from Rochester, through Genesee and Mount Morris, to diminutive Sonyea, whose residents are exclusively epilep tics or theifattendants. The new col ony opened in 1896 is possessed of 1,800 acres, and oocupies the buildings of an old Shaker sect, whose members were followers of Ann Lee and practiced her doctrine of celibacy. Whether the Shaker sect wasted away for lack of Want 00(1 tea many don't I progeny or not, the property was duly o "V J I ; 1 U .U. TVT . V 1. j . , . . . i auncu uj njo Dbnio ui xcw J. urn, uiiiiK. icd now, uctausc n nas been either costly or bad) and here is Schilling's Best good tea at a fair price. Don't you want to sell lots of such tea, and money back it if your customers don't like it? A Schilling & Company San Francisco 49t KLONDIKE Book on Alaskaand Gold Fields, routes, equipment, etc. Complete with illustra tions and maps, 60c. H. U. Wells, Portland, Or. nM cWswhiSe all else fails. t . L J Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use f 1 Jn.1 to time. Bold by dmtrglsta. f 'I and the legislators at Albany deter mined to collect here another set of celibates, the 900 or 1,000 epileptio patients who were scattered about in almshouses, in asylums for. the insane or feeble-minded, and indigent private homes. In none of these places Were they securing proper or curative treat ment I. Morris, in N. Y. Sun. ' A 16-inch gun casting was made at the Bethlehem Iron Works on August 12. It is intended for the tube of a 16 inch gun now being" built for the gov ernment, and is 19 feet 6 inches long, octagonal in shape and 74 inches in diameter. More than 100 tons of metal were used in the casting, the first and the largest of its kind ever made in this oountry. A large Mock of wild pigeons has taken possession of a grove in Shasta county, California. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored Weakness, Nervousness, Debility, ana ail the train of evilfl from early errors or later exeeBses ; the results oi overwork, sickness, wor . ry, etc. Full strength, i development and tone 1 given to every organ II nnd Dortion of th hmiv I Simple, natural methods. Immediate imDrovement seen. Failure impossible. 2,000 references. Rnolr- explanation and proof mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO,, IffiJ: TAPEWORMSS. HEAD complete, in from 17 minutes to two hours by "SLOOUMS TAPE WORM SPECIFIC." requiring no previous or af ter treatment, such as fasting, starving, dieting, and the taking of nauseous and poisonous drugs, causing no pain, sickness, discomfort or bad after effects. No loss of time, meals or detention from business. This reniedv has NEVER failed. CURE GUARANTEED. Over 6,000 cases suc cessfully treated since 1883. Write tor free information and question blank. Addrels, SLOCUM SI'BClriC CO., Auditorium bid. Spokane, Wash. , WHEAT 'Make money by suc cesslul speculation in Chicago. We huv and sell wheat there oh mar- ins. Fortunes have been macie nn a small eginning by trailing In futures. Write for, full particulars. Best of reference given. Sev eral years' experience on the Chicago Board ofi Trade, and a thorough knowledge of the busi ness. Downing, Hopkins fe Co., Chicago Boara of Trade Brokers. Offices in Portlaud, Oregon, Spokane and Seattle, Wash. v DRUNK Rcnova Chemical Ca.. 68 FULL t'heaiieal Ca.. iHrUKMAilON ARBS can be saved with out their knowledge by ANTI JAG, the marvelous cure for the drink habit. All druggists, or write Broadwai'. Mew York Cflv. GLADLY MAILED FREE. I ' CHILDREN TEETH I aV. f MltftV Wtnst.OW' SnnTHTWO Nvwirv nlinuM alwam Ka 9 fc used for children teething. It soothes tne child, soft- 4 p ens me gums, auays an pain, cures wind colic, m vuo oew. rttmeaT lor uiarrncea. iwontr nvo lllki.POft-l lie, and is 4 e cenU ft N. P. X. U. No. 37, '97- WHKX writing to ad vertigeii, pleftl mention tula paper.