The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 10, 1897, Image 2

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    t .
3ggcL liver Slacier.
, Published every Friday by
8. F. Blythe.
Terms! of Subscription $1.50 a year when
Jiaiii In advance; J2 If not paid In advance.
Saturday, the- Oregon congressional
delegation, after a "week's consultation
at Portland, agreed upon the following
recommendations for appointments to
federal offices:
United States district attorney John
H. Hall of Portland.
United States marshal Zoetty Hou
eer of UmatUlrt.county. .
Appraieer of customs, Willamette
district, ' nt Portland Colonel Owen
Summers of Portland.
Register of United States land office
at Oregon fit 3 T. T. Geer of Marion
county. , - ' , - ". ' '. '
These appointments seem to have
l)een made with a view to strengthen
ing the political fences of our congress
men inure l him the fitness of the men
named for the different positions. The
selection of John H. Hall for United
States .district, attorney shows that
ex-Senator Mitchell is still u power be
hind the throne if he don't set there
himself. Roeth Hotter, a compara-
lively hew man In the race, gets the
ma'rshalsblp, while Col. O. Summers,
one of the leading applicants for mar
shal,'is selected for,, appraiser of cus
toms. Co. Summers', appointment Is
expected to satisfy the Grand Army,
while Houser's will make Ellis solid In
UmatiWa countyj where Judge Fee, his
rival for congress next spriugi resides.
T. T, Geer, who has been an aspirant
for collector of customs, is given the
insigniflcent plum of. register of the
Oregon City land office, which it is not
likely he will accept, Mr. Geer is one
of the strongest men' in the state before
the people, and If he .doesn't get the
(ollectorhhip, which it is supposed is
l eing reserved for Senator Patterson of
Marion, his chances are good for being
the next congressman from the district
now represented by Thos. !H, Tongue,
Bunk clearings evince the proof of
business: improvement In the Pacific
northwest.' In the reports for the past
two weeks Portland has been either
11 rot or second of -all t he cities of the
country in the percentage of gain In
clearings. The: reports show" that the
amount of business done in Portland is
equal to" and in excess Of ithat of three
cities, Seal tie, Tacoma and Spokane.
For the week ending September 3d the
bank clearings" of Portland amounted
to $1,027,136, while the combined clear-
iiwis of . 1 he three cities mentioned
amounted to only $1,913,354.
A gentleman at present a resident
of Hood River, and who is one of the
grand lirniy of independent voters, in
discussing in Crowell's store, Monday
morning last, the good times that seem
lo have come suddenly upon the coun
try, remarked that it was tiresome to
hear men claim it was all on account
of the Bingley laVy."" "The man who
can " claim all this . on account of
the turiff,". .he ''said, "is like the cock
that crows in the morn taking upon
hiraMMt all tue glory of the coming
ttnv.' : j-
The Church Record, published in the
interesis of the First Congregational
church of, Portland by Geo. H. Himes,
closed its first volume with the issue ot
September 5th.-- The Record is small,
but it gives every week, In1 the best
style of the printer's art, news that Is
valuable to members of the church."
A meeting of the new board of di-
rectors of the O. R. & N. Co. was held
In Portland last Friday, at which A.L!
Moliler, present manager, was elected
president of the company, to succeed
E. McNeill, v. .. "
... "The Country Is in No Danger."
William MeKinley, president of the
United States, and therefore command
er in chief of their armies and their na
vies, addressing at Buffalo a great con
gregation of the grand old veterans of
the civil war, of whom he Is worthily
onei exclaimed: 'JWhat defenders, my
countrymen, have we now? We have
the remnant of this oid, magnificent,
matchless army of which I have been
speaking and then as allies in any fu
ture war we -have the brave men' who
fought against us on Southern battle
fields. "The army of'Clraht and the
army of Lee are : together. They are
one now in faith,-in hope, in fraternity,
in purpose and' in an invincible patri
otism, and, therefore, the country Is in
no danger. In justice strong, in policy
- secure, and in devotion to the flag all
one." , j ... .-..-0
"The country is in no danger." :
Were it menaced by any foreign foe
there would spring to its defense, like
M inerva from the brain of Jove, full
armed, not alone the surviving legions
of Grant and Lee, but also soldiers in
twice' that number; for, America -has
now a population twice its large as,
when this country engaged in interne
cine strife in I he most stupendous war
of history.' .' .. x ;'; ''''"'".
"The country is in ho danger."'. "
Let us bear this , calm and truthful
remark of President MeKinley full in J
mind, .'fThe country is in no danger."
Taught by the events of the jlvil war,
all civilization learned to look upon the
republic of North' America ' as a great
military 'nation. ' This lesson learned'
thirty years ago is more impressive
now. The United States, increasing
in population, have increased in re
source, and if they stood naked to the
world, yet they are Invincible..'' . V
This country is in no danger.
President MeKinley never tittered a
truer statement. It was said in the
presence of men . who know what the
dangers of war are and who, though
they may have passed the time of act
ive service, have,, begotten for their
country men who would be swift to
rush to its defense. ' The country is in
no danger. This glorious truth carries
with it an important lesson. .
; The country is in no danger; there
fore, there Is no need of tremendous ex
penditure of the people's money for
coast defenses that in time will become
as obsolete and worthless as any of the
defenses erected by the nascent repub
lic at the beginning of the century and
now totally useless for any purposes of
defense. The country is in no danger;
therefore, there: is .no need of an in
crease of its already puissant navy,
The country is in uo danger; therefore,
all the need urged by strategists for
seizing and holding Hawaii, 2,000 miles
toward the setting sun, falls to the
ground.- ,
The country is in no danger; there
fore, we ought fully to cultivate the arts
of peace and concern ourselves not at
all about the arts of war or about that
territorial aggrandizement that breeds
strife and burdens the people.
The country is. in no danger; there
fore let us pursue, the paths , of peace
that our people may be happier, the
fruit of their toil more secure and that
they may be true to themselves as to
the . teachings of the Prince of Peace
and the dictates of humanity.- ,;-
The country is in no danger nor will
it be so long as all its ways are the
ways of gentleness and all its paths are
peace.- So long as we are just to our
selves and" just to others so long will
there be no "danger to ' tbe country from
aggression from any quarter, of the
globe. Chicago Chronicle. , : -j ,
Mrs. Mary C. Bills died at Mosier,
September 1st, agea H7 years.
, Certainly you don't want to suffer
with dyspepsia, constipation, sick head
ache, sallow skin and loss of appetite
You have never-tried DeWitt's Little
Early Risers for these coin plaints or you
would have been cured. They are
small pills but great regulators. Will
iams & Brosius. .','"..-.'-,..
A suit of the receiver of the National
bank of Arlington against the National
bank of Heppner was decided last week
in Judge Bellinger's court. The case
involved a 'number of mortgages on
sheep, that were ordered paid. Frank
Mcbariand of Heppner held a mortgage
to jnf amount or $z,6lS,o&.
To heal the broken and diseased tis
sues, to soothe the irritated surfaces, to
instantlv relieve and to permanently
cure is tne mission or uewitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. Williams & Brosius.
About two weeks ago J." B. Haverly
of Boyd got into a dispute with Tom
McCoy at The Dalles and was struck
over the.head with a billiard cue. Al
the time . it was thought no serious
damage was done, but it lias since rie
veloped that Haverly received injuries
of a serious nature, and it ."is reported
that his skull was fractured and there
is little hope of bis recovery.
Boys' and mens' suits from $1 50 Up,
at Woifard & Bone's. ;
Did you notice how pure and white
soap .roam washing powder looKsr
The Klickitat Agriculturist says for
est fires have been so severe in the west
ern end of that county that they inter
fered with travel on the roads., The
stage driver between .White Salmon
and Gleuwood had the hair scorched
from bis horses' sides in a successful
effort to put the mail through on sched
ule time. '
Moments are useless if trifled away;
and tbey are dangerously wasted if
consumed by delay in cases where One
Minute Cough, Cure would bring im
mediate relief. Williams & Brosius. M
The Observer says farming in Sher
man county is more profitable this year
and far more preferable than cruising
after gold in Klondike. The harvesters
are turning out 25,000 sacks daily.
Running sores, indolent ulcers and
similar troubles, even though of many
years' standing, may be cured Dy using
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Itsoothes,
Strengthens and heals. It is the great
pile cure. W iiliauis & Brosius.
' If you have ever seen a little child in
a paroxysm of whooping cough, or if
you have been annoyed by constant
tickling in the throat, you can appre
ciate the value of One Minute Cough
Cure, which gives quick relief, " Will
iams & Brosius. - ' ' v: ; - - .
The ''Bicyclist's Best Friend'' is a fa
miliar name for DeWiM.'s Witch? Hazel
Salve, always ready for emergencies.
While a specific for piles, it also instant
ly relieve and cures cuts, bruises, salt
rheuiri, eczema and all affections of the
skin; It never fails. Williams & Bro
sius. Small precautions often 'prevent great
mischiefs. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
are very small pins in size, but are most
effective in preventing the most serious
forms or nver and stomach troubles.
They cure constipation and headache
and regulate the bowels. Williams &
Brosius. . -, '.-' " : ''
No man or woman can eniov life or nc-
compnsii mucu in this world whue suf
fering from atorpid iiver. DeWitt's Lit
tle Early Risers, the pills that cleanse
that organ,quickly. Williams &Brosius.
It Saves the Croiipy Children.
Seaview, Va.-'-We have a splendid
sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
and our customers coming from far and
near speak of it in the, highest terms,
Majiy have said that their children
would have died of croup if Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy had not been
given. Kellam AOurren. The 25 ahd
50 cent ' sizes' for'sale by Williams &
BrOsiUS. - :' v
!' Fruit Evaporator.
' I havejust completed a two-ton Fruit Dryer
And am prepared to dry prunes for cash or on
shares at most reasonable rates.
. 2,...,.., .... u W. A. SLINGERLAND.
' " ' ', . - . .,
H001) . RIVER 1 FAIR.
Committees and Their Dwties Rules
and Regulations. .r ;
,-! " . COMMITTEES. ' ' ;'..'.
Music Miss Anna Smith, M F Isenbergand
John R. Nlckelsen. .- ; ;
Hall and Tables Goo. T. Prather.O L Stran
ahan and Bert Graham.
Potted Plants Mrs Geo P Crowell, Mrs O B
Hartley, Mrs A O Hershey, Mrs. J N McCoy,
Mrs A 11 Jewett. ' : '.i'"'- ': ':'''' ' ''."
' Cut Flowers Mrs C M Woifard, Mrs J E
Rand, Mrs C. K. Bone, Mrs John R Mickelsen,
MrsS JLaFranee. ; . :
Decorations John S Gray, Mr and Mrs
Edgar Locke, Mr and Mrs T J Waton,Mrand
Mrs H ICrapper, Mr and Mrs J H Dukes, Mr
and Mrs T J Cunning, Mr and Mrs Fred Bail
ey, Mr and Mrs A P Bateham. Mrs A B Can-
Held, Mrs A O Hershey. ,
Art and Fancy-work exhibit Mrs J F Watt,
Mrs C R Bone, Mrs J W Connell. Mrs H C
Bateham, Mrs J H Cradlebaugh.
Fruit Exhibits Hon E L Smith,
1 W Morton, Dr P G Barrett,' G R Castner,
A 8 Blowers, 8 F Blythe, Root Rand, J JLuck-
ey, Chris Dethman, C G Roberts, M V Rand,
Hon T R Coon, 1) K Cooper, JLi Henry, W A
Slingerland, H C Cook, L E Morse, .George
Selllnger. ,
Reception Mayor L N Blowers and wife,
Rev and Mrs J L Hershner, Hon and Mrs E
L Smith, Dr and Mrs J F Watt, Mr and Mrs
Wm Yates, Mr and Mrs F E Jackson, Mr and
Mrs Henry Hibbard, Mr and Mrs H H Bailey,
Mr and Mrs E E Savage, Mr and Mrs J F
Armor. - -..- ' ' " . I '
' Awards W J Baker, E. Locke, E. Schanno,
John H Cradlebangb, A H Jewett. . i
Transportation J W Morton, H C Bateham.
Advertising S F Blythe.
Dried and Canned Fruits J H Shoemaker,
F R Absten, N C Evans, G W Mcintosh, W T
Hansberry. ' ?
. Vegetables--T J Watson:, A O Hershey, D A
Turner, Benton Rand, F H Button.
. The duties of the several committees
are defined as follows: ... M",t
Music committee shall prepare music,
both vocal and instrumental, and. in
conjunction with the executive com
mittee shall arrange for evening enter
tainments. ' .f
Hall and tables committee shall se
cure the use of the armory building,
secure lumber and construct such tables
and benches as may be necessary. ;
The potted plant and cut flowers
committees shall procure -and furnish
such plants and flowers as they can,
and in connection with the decoration
committee, shall see to the arranging
of the same, ,
The decoration committee shall see
to the decorating of the hall with bunt
ing, flags, evergreens, etc. . ....
The art and fancy, work committee
shall solicit exhibits in these lines and
shall have charge of the same.
Reception committee shall solicit at
tendance at the fair so far as possible,
and shall welcome all strangers and
spectators. ; '':"'' ; '.''''.'.'
Awards committee shall examine
and compare all entries and award blue
ribbons to the best of each kind. They
shall have power, if disposed, to ap
point sub-committees on vegetables,
class B, and fancy Work, class C.'-
Transportation committee shall do
their utmost to secure the lowest re
duced rates by boats, trains aud liv
erymen. . :;';; w r
Advertising committee shall have
full charge of all printing aud advertis
ing deemed necessary by the executive
committee. '
The several soliciting committees
shall solicit- exhibits' of green fruits,
dried and canned fruits, flowers and
potted plants, art and fancy "work, veg
etables of all kinds, in their several lo
calities and of others so far as opportu
nity affords. .V ,'. ':, . . ' . ..,' ..'
1. The general supervision ; of the building
and entire exhibition is vested in the presi
dent of the board.
2. The fair building witt, be open to receive
exhibits on Tuesday,. October 5, from 7 a. m.
to 7 p. m., and nothing received later than
this will be allowed to compete, as the award
ing committee will begin their work Wednes
day morning, October6th. ., :. . . y
3. Every article must . be entered In the
name of the grower or owner. .. Placards and
advertising of localities will be allowed to a
limited extent upon application to the secre
tary. Five silver medals will be awarded:
One each for : the best general exhibitor the
following articles: Green fruits of all kinds;
dried and, canned fruits; vegetables of all
kinds; flowers, both cat and potted; art and
fancy-work.-'. ;.?'.-?.,.;.'..- '".
4. The committee on awards will attach
blue ribbon to the best entry of all classes and
report their decision immediately to the sec
retary, and names of successful contestants
will' be published, ' '
6. No exhibits will be allowed to be taken
away nntll after the fair closes.
9. All exhibits will be at owners' risk, but
the officers will use every precaution that
none are lost. ,...- ... . - - :
7. All entrleq will be free, as heretofore. ' -
8. Admission, 25 cents for the entire fair; la
dies and children free.
. Each committee will confer with the ex
ecutive committee and incur no debts or ot
ligations Without their approval and consent.
The pi R. & N. will give a rate of one
fare for the round trip, both from The
Dalles and Portland, including inter
mediate stations. Tickets .will be on
sale from October 6th to 7th inclusive,
with a return limit of October 8th. The
Regulator company will sell round-trip
tickets from The Dalles' at 50 cents;
Portland, $2. ' " ' '' ' ' '
J. W. Morton, Superintendent.
IL C. Bateham, Secretary. . j.
' Low. Kates to tlie Fuir.
The O. R. & N. Co. will make a one
fare rate rom all points on their lines
lu Oregon to the Oregon state fair,
which opens September 80th and closes
October 8t h.: A big harvest and a big
fairi.. A clean, vigorous, delightful and
comprehensive exposition of every thing
pertaining to the farm and the farmer.
Good races and amusements . of all
kinds. Special attractions every day.
, With the present crop prospects aiid
the extremely low railroad rate of one
fare for the round trip, 'the people of
rOregon can afford to pat ronize t lie state
imritiHi nenent8 an c asses. 1'opuiar
admission of 25 cents. . -.i.i
, In Memoriam.
Whereas, Death has recently remov
ed from our fraternal fellowship our
beloved brother, John Parker; there
fore.' .; -"', ' '. .
Received, That we, the members of
Riverside lodge, No. 68, A. O. U. W.,
sincerely deplore the loss of one of our
oldest and most highly esteemed mem
bers, whose loyalty to our order never
wavered and whose association to us
will ever remain a pleasant memory.
Resolved, That we tender to the be
reaved family our heartfelt sympathy
and assure them that the protection of
our nooie order win not cease with
Brother Parker's death, but will con
tinue so long as we, his brothers, may
survive him, t -. r . ,-
Resolved,' That the above resolutions
be spread on our journal and published
in the Glacier, and that an engrossed
copy be presented to Sister Parker.
E.. L. Smith,
.'- " ' M. H. Nickelsen, -.
-'.. H. C. Coe,
To Cure a Old in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. Williams & Brosius refund the
money if it fails to cure. 25c.
' Stevenson, Wash.
Samples for assay should weigh about four
ounces. Can be sent by mail and will receive
prompt attention. slQ
Nursery Stock for Sale,
I have for sale 6,000 two-year-old apple trees
of the best quality, consisting of Yellow New
town, Spltzenburg. Baldwin, Lawver. Hyde's
King, King of Tompkins County, Gravenstein
and Wealthy. N. C. EVANS,
slO - Hood River Fruit Gardens.
To Delinquents. .
At a meeting of Canby Post. G. A. II.. held
September 4, 1897, a motion was made aud car
ried instructing the quartermaster to notify
all members six -months in arrears for dues,
and if not paid before the regular meeting in
September, the delinquent members shall be
suspended. By order of the Post. !
For Sale.
A two-horse hack, a one-horse buggy, a disk
harrow, a carriage pole and whiiiielrees. Two
houses to rent. One in town to sell or trade
for outside property. Let's all makeour wants
known and be sociable.
Better than Klondike.
Fruit ranch, 2 miles from town of Hood
Biver. for sale. Ten acres in strawberries; fl
acres in orchard: good buildings, iiverythiog
In good order .-.Address :. M. A. CuOK, .
slO - ... , . . . Compton, Cal...
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 8,
18D7. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler ha. filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of bis
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver, at The .Dalles,
Oregon, on October 23, 1897, viz:
Hd. E. No. 4454, for the east southwest
lots 3 and 4, section 7 township 1 south, range
10 east, W. M. .- -
tie names me ionowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: David R. Cooper, Jas.
N. Knight, George Perkins, and Lewis- W.
Tomlinson, all of Mt. Hood, Oregon.
? , -. ,v JAS. F. MOORE,
Sl0ol5 . . . , , , , . Register. .
Land Office nt The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 8,
1897. Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his iuten
tion to make linal Droof In snnDort of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
ine itegister ana tteceiver, at Tne Dalles,
Oregon, on October 23, 1897, viz, .
Hd. E. No. 6055, for the south , northeast
and south , northwest V, section 8, town
ship 1 south, range 10 east, w. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Andrew I. Aaserod; Henrv
Rles, Wm. Bodenheiser,and David K. Cooper,
all of Mt. Hood, Oregon. JAS. V. MOORE,
Sl0ol5 ' Register.'
M. F. SHAW, M. D.
.-i (Successor to Dr. Morgan) .
Will do a general practice and devote special
attention to surgical cases and Diseases of
' Office and residence: second door north nf
-MMCKeisen s store. , S3.
Langille House to Rent.
,- The building known as the Langille house,
as a whole or in part. Inquire at Cloud Cap
Inn of . . H. B. LANGILLK.
For Sale!
, I have for sale a cow; a double set of har
ness; one good driving horse; a good light
wagon; a wind mill; also, quite a lot of house
hold goods, for sale or trade. I am not going
to put up a big barn and packing house this
year; ioo Dusy looiiing alter tne Dig trees i
save for sale this fall.
Work Horses for Sale.
': have work horses for sale. Will exchange
One for good farm wagon. E. L. SMITH.
-,!--. - s3 --w- - ' -.
? Cow for Sale.
"; ',, ,. ... , , t. ....... .., ,
t have a young and gentle 3-year-old cow
for sale at 825. Also, three yearling steers. !
, S3 , - J- V. HILLSTROM, Tucker, Or.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August
OA 10( -VTt.. 1 t.n. 1 .1 . .I
following-named settler has tiled notice of
his Intention to make -final proof ' in
support of his. claim, and that said proof
win ue maue ueiore K,eeiKTr ana fteceiver b.t.
The Dalles, Oregon, on October 12, 1897, viz:
Hd. E. No. 8814, for the east northeast i,
northwest M northeast ii anu northeast ii
northwest U section 19, township 2 north,
range 11 east.
He names the following witnesses to nrove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
W. F. Jackson, P. H. Stanton, L. M. Monroe
and Charles Welds, all of Hood River,Oregon.
sso8 i , ja. Muoun;, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. Auerust
80. 1897. Notice is hereby eiven that the fol
lowing-named settler has filed notice of his
tentiou to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on October 12, 1897, viz: , .
Hd. E. No. 4143, for the southwest section
80, township 2 north, range 11 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
v Virgil Winchell, F. H. Stanton, "Jj. M. Mon
roe and Charles Welds, all of Hood River,
Oregon,- - , JAS. F. MOORE,
sSoS , i' ... . t - Register.
.;;-' V DEALERS IN '-;'.' . ',.. ':-
Dry Goods, Grows, Cloii, Boils pi Siioes,
, ; We handle the celebrated
-, i . -.. "-. -
Every pair warranted.
Hood River Market.
Choice Fresh and Cured Meats,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Wood of All Kinds, De"Tart S? fi
' Highest Cash Price Paid for Stock.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House in the valley.
- , DEALER IN-.' ' .' . ' . '
. AND v; .'''.; '.. ..:'';-';
Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc.
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc., etc. Agent for
Read the Bulletin.
It Is the best. Prints all the news of the
world 14 hours ahead of morning papers.
Sent by mail to your address tor 50c per
month. The Weekly Bulletin $1.50 per year.
Sample C6pies on application. Address The
Bulletin, 622 Montgomery street, San Fran
cisco, Cal. .
S .'a Hood River,
Painter & Decorator
ISH. I make a specialty of my trade, and or
ders will receive prompt attention. Satisfac
tory work at live and let live prices guaran
teed.. Estimates gratis. Jy2
Carriages and Wagons
Make3 them Good as New,
TERMS All cash or all work; or part cash
and part work. For particulars, see
Jy30 . . East Side.
House to Let. ;
A five-room cottage, with good cellar, for
rent, one block from Dallas' tin shop. In
quire at Glacier office. s3'
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 8,
1897. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore W. R; Dunbar, United States Commiss
ioner for District of Washington, at his
office in Goldendale, Wash., on September
21, 1897, viz:.
Homestead Entry No. 8373, for the northwest
section 22, township 3 north, range II East
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Jack Perry, John P.Egan, Rachel Rowland,
and Henry Swanson, all of White Salmon,
Wash. . B.F.SHAW,
au6sl0 . i Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Ang. 18,
1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Register and Receiver at The Dalles,
Oregon, on September 28, 1897, viz:
. .-..;.' PHILITUS F. Fours,
Hd. E, 4428, for the southeast hi section 8,
uiwusiiip x souiii, range lu east, w. it.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Anna Rles, Peter F, Kundsen, Jas. Knight
and Wm. Rodenhiser', all of Mount Hood,
Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE,
a20s24 - - . .. . Register.
Land Office at .The Dalles, Oregon, August
28, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has filed notice of his
Intention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on October 16, 1897, viz:
, GEORGE B. WELCH, . ' .
Hd. E. No. 4508. for the lots Nos, 12 and 1.3 of
section 2if township 1 north, range 10 east,
W. M..
He names-the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
D. R. Cooper, George Perkins, Samuel Hess
and John Taylor, all of Mount Hood, Oregon.
s3o8 JAS, F. MOORE, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 18,
1897. Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on September 28, 1897, viz:
Hd. E. No. 4453, for the east northwest
and lots 1 and 2, section 7, township 1 south,
range 10 east, W. M. .
He names the fallowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
P. F. Fout, Anna Ries, James Knight and
Wm. Rodenhiser, all of Mt. Hood, Oregon.
20s21 .-. . JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
And dealer in all kind.
of ltnilrlinir . Tlf atAplulH
the Bridal Veil Lumber Company.
For Sale.
SOW feet of V and box flume, used at the !at ,
encampment. .V flume Is made of one 8-ln.
and one 8-1 n. board; box flume is made of one
8-ln. and two 6-in. boards. Price, J7 per 1000
feet of lumber, cash. F. C. BROSIUS.
.. .,, ..... -, ' . . ; : :
Wanted, to Trade.
I have a good, all-round work horse that I
will trade tor a milch cow.
Dry Your Prunes.
I am putting up a thr ee-ton Drier that will
be ready for the prune crop. Prunes will be
evaporated for outside parties at reasonable
rates. J. H. SHOEMAKER.
Choice City Property.
The dwelling house and two lot known as
the Delk property is offered for sale at a very
low price. For particulars inquire at tlie
Glacieb office. - Jy23
Lessons in Piano Music-.
Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teaching
of Music. II er prices are 50 cents a lesson. J10
. Hood Saw Mills.
Of the best quality always on hand at prices
to suit the times. iy'M
House and 3 Lots.
House containing 5 rooms, and three lota on
corner Of block, situated in Waocoma addi
tion. Will be sold cheap. For further partic
ulars inquire of L. HENRY.
In the best and most artistic styles at the Old
Reliable Shoe shop one door west of post office.
Ladies' fine work a specialty. All work war
ranted. C. WELDS, Frop.'r.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. Auor. 1.
1897. Notice is hereby triven that the follow- .
ing named settler has filed notice of her in
tention to mane nnal proor in support of her
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on September 28. 1897, viz: . -.-
Hd. E. No. 8480, for the lot 2 and southwest W
northeast and west southeast and o
acres and o9-ino lot 2, section 8, township I
south, range 10 east, W. M. '
She names the followlne witnesses to Drove '
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
P. F. Fouts. Peter F. Kundsen, Jas. Knight
and Wm. Rodenhiser, all of Mt. Hood,Oregonjv-
a20s24 JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 2,
1897. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on September 15, 1897. viz:
Hd. E. No. 8881, for the lots 3 and 4, section 81,
township 3 north, range 9 east. W, M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
H. H. Weston, G. L. Harpham, H. P. Harp
ham and Charles Clark, all of Cascade Locks.
Oregon. i JAS. F, MOORE,
aufislO '-'' Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 14,
1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has .filed noticeof his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
C. G. Green, Clerk Superior Court for Skama
nia county, Wash., at Stevenson, Wash,, on
Sept. 24, 1897, viz: V : - .
Hd. E. No. 8874, for the nwjf, seV, wjj, nejf
and nej4, nwV, section 11; township 3 north;
range 9 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses lo prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: ,
John P. Gillett, John M. Coulter, Sam Sam
son and George M. Berry, all of Chenoweth,
Wash. B. F, SHAW, ,
aiOocl Kg4iter."