The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 20, 1897, Image 2

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    Published every Friday by
8. F. Bl.YTIIK.
Terms of Subseri ptlon $1.50 a year when
paid In advance; S2 If nut paid in advance.
During the fiscal year ending June
30, 1897, the United States exported
manufactured' goods to the value of
$276,357,861, against $228,571,178 in the
preceding year, and only "$151,102,376
in 1890. During the six months he-
ginning lust January, manufactured
exportH increased nearly $23,000,000
over the smiie period of 1896, and $50,
000,000 over 1895. Enormous as our
nhipmeut. of cereals has been during
the last fiscal ypar, the manufactured
exports excei dcd the value of outgoing
breadstuff's by $76,000,000, whereas in
the corresponding period ending with
June, 1892, breadstuff exported ran far
beyond the shipment of manufactures
by $141,000,000. An exchange, in com
menting upon these facts, remarks:
The reason for this, of course, Is the low
price of manufactured goods In this country,
and the reason for that Is the low price of
labor. Price of breadstuff's Is made In the
markets of t he world, and we export our per
ishable surplus for whatever price no can get.
Price of our manufactured goods Is made by
conditions of demand and supply, of wages
ana consumption at nome. w nen it is low
enough, our goods are bought freely abroad.
That is, our largo exports of manufactured
goods Is due to hard times. Probably pros
iierltv will out an end to them. . -
One of (he causes, and perhaps the
main one, of the business panic of 1893
was that of over production. A high
tariff had given the home market en
tirely to the American manufacturer.
No attempt was made by them to com
pete with England or any other Euro
pean nation for trade in the markets
of the world, and the inevitable con-
s quence. was an over abundance of
American goods at home, with no for
eign market to absorb the surplus. The
mills and factories were compelled to
close down, and the employees, who
had been living up to the income of
their wages, were thrown out of em
ployment and left without visible
menus of subsistence. Would it not be
for the greater good of all concerned
could these men' secure. steady employ
ment at average wages, rather than ac
casional work at but slightly higher
wages, if any? The low price of goods
would enhance the purchasing power
of their, wages, be of benefit to the
general consumer, and iucrease, the
demand for the goods. 1
Hoojl River will hold a fruit fair this
fa'l. . This is a good move, in the right
direction, but one that cannot be in
jured by vigorous pushing. We have
held two previous fruit exhibits, one in
1893 and another in 1895, both of which
were a success. With the best of man
agement, our coming fair ought to
eclipse an lormerenortsaiongiuat line,
us the fruit now ripening in the or
chards is of unusual excellent quality.
A fruit fair is the best kind of an adver
t isemeut of the fertility of our resources.
The little valley of Hood River is wide
ly known throughout the state and
parts of the middle west for its staple
productions, strawberries and apples.
It bus often been stated tha't our dis
play f fruit at the Columbian exposi
tion, Chicago, in 1893, excelled in
quality anything of the kind in the
horticultural' building. Our former
fruit exhibits surprised even ourselves
in showing what Hood River orchards
really could produce. Not a little hard
work is necessary to assure the 'success
of our fair, and as we all are directly or
indirectly interested therein, it is
hoped that all enterprising citizens will
lend their aid for that end.
Taxation or me colonies without rep
resentation culminated in American
independence. Members of the pres
ent administration are endeavoring to
secure the ratification, by the United
States senate, of the treaty whereby the
Hawaiian Islauds would become Amer
ican territory. . And their efforts are
nl tn Miicppprl. TTnvp thn rwinnlo of
r - r . .
Hawaii, excepting a few selfishly in
terested Americans, expressed a desire
for annexation? Then why repudiate
a fundamental doctrine of the declara
tion of independence by refusing to
give them an opportunity to say any
thing about it?
, The Oregou Railroad and Navigation
company is now one of the most pros
perously operated railroads in the
country. The recent auditor's report
shows the total net earnings- of the
company for the past twelve months
to be $1,939,307, an increase over the
preceding year of $1,015,321. Four
years ago this road was forced into a
receivership, but under the able man
agement of Receiver E. McNeill the
business was again put upon' a stable
and paying basis. ,'
The United States is the greatest
gold-producing country of the world,
having produced last year $62,000,000
of the yellow metal, out of an agregate
of $219,550,000 for the world. It is es
timated that by the end of the century
Ihe annual gold production of the
world will amount to $300,000,000.
Virginia democrats in their state
con ven tion held last week, declared
for silver, and nominated J. Hoge
Tyler for governor. The platform
makes the followingdeclarations: "We
affirm the platform of the national!
democratic convention, ad6pted at
Chicago in 1896 and upon which W, J.
Bryan was. nominated for, the presi
dency of the United States. We es
pecially indorse the doctrine of the
national democratic party upon the
four great issues which are before the
people of this country, viz: The tariff,
the income tax, the regulatingof trusts
and the currency."
The necessity of shipping nothing
but a first-class grade of fruit was never
bettetexamplified to Hood River fruit
growers than' during the past straw
berry season. Hood River had gained
the reputation for putting up first-class
fruit in first-class shape, but it was our
bad luck this yenr that the greater part
of our strawberry crop was not up to
the average in quality, and being
brought into direct competition in the
markets with berries from other fruit
growing sections, they suffered heavi
ly in regard to price. Mr, G. R. Cast-
ner, who was sent east to Omaha in
the Interests of the Hood River Fruit
Growers' Union, says the Eastern com
mission men declared they didn't rec
ognize our strawberries sent them this
year as the Hood River product, aud
wanted to know what was the matter
with us and what was the cause of it.
Strawberries grown at Sarcoxie, Mo.,
are said to be not inferior to the Hood
River berry in size, color and flavor,
though of course they are surpassed by
our berries iti shipping qualities, but as
they are raised only, a few hundred
miles or less from the marketing points,
the item of shipping anil freight
amounts to little, consequently it is an
easy matter with them to meet com
petition with fruit shipped a distance
of 2000 miles. Eastern commission
men all verify the fact that our straw
berries are the best packed of, any
placed oh the market, and are nearly
always' full weight, in fact, sometimes
overweight. Not all our strawberries
shipped from here last season were
under the usual average, and when
ever they were choice they readily com
manded the highest market price. It
is easily to be seen that when there is
an over supply of choice fruit on any
market ordinary fruit is of course un
saleable. Hood River must hereafter
put nothing but a strictly high grade
class of fruit on the markets, if profit
able returns are Expected to be secured.
And by judicious cultivation aud irri
gation of our strawberries the best of
results can be readily obtained.
Monday, August 16th, Justice Field
of the supreme court of Ihe United
States broke the record for continuous
service on the supreme bench, having
served 34 years five mouths and six
days, or one day longer than former
Chief Justice John Marshall, whose
record of service has hithertoo been the
longest of any justice since the estab
ishment of the national tribunal of last
Mark Hanna, in his efforts to effect
the election of a legislature that will
make him senator for six years, will
have eighteen United States senators
and eleven congressmen stumping
the state of Ohio this fall. He should
not despair of success.
Silver continues to fall. The present
intrinsic value of the silver dollar is
42 cents.
Pity There Are Not More.
, Springfield Republican..
A young man writes to Wade's Fiber
and Fabric of a remarkable experience
in profit on low wages. He had gone
to Boston last fall in search of work
and succeeded in ' getting a job paying
only $1 a day. He had no money and
only one suit of clothes, and doubted
his ability to lve in the city on such
wages. But he found a luncii room on
Washington street where 22 meat tick
ets were sold for $1, or at the rate of
4i cents a meal. The food was coarse
and service homely, but it was suffi
cient and he has con Untied to board
there ever since. He obtained a room
for$l a week. As the result of his la
bor aud economy from October 1 to
March 29, he had been able to buy two
suits of clothes and put $75 in the sav
ings bank. He now lias $125 in the
bank and hopes "to have cash enough
by next spring lo start a little business
of my own" all on a wage of $1 a day.
We shall -never hear of poverty and
calamity from that man. He is made
of the stuff out of which most of the
successful business men of the country
were constructed. They began life
generally in the same humble way.
The secret of their success was that
they uever allowed their expenses to
come quite up to their income, no
matter how small the income.
Registered as Other People Do.
Much ado is being made over the
fact that the president registered at his
hotel, as "William McKinley and wife,
Canton, O." As that is his name, as
he was accompanied by his wife and as
Canton is his legal place of residence,
it is difficult to understand how he
could have done otherwise without
practicing a deception.
The Clark county (Wash.) prune
crop promises to be larger this year
than ever.
Don't nauseate your stomach with
teas and bitter herbs, but regulate your
liver and sick headache by using those
famous little pills known as DeWitt's
Little Early Risers. Williams &Brosius.
Jacob 8. Coxey has been nominated
by the middle-of-the-road populists for
governor of Ohio.
"They don't make much fuss about
it." We are speaking of DeWitt's Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills for
constipation, biliousness and all stom
ach and liver troubles. Thev never
gripe. Williams & Brosius.
The Good Time Coming.
Philadelphia Ledger.
The quick impulse of returning pros
perity can scarcely be expected to reach
all branches of trade during the ordi
narily dull summer season, but it is a
pleasure to note various signs that
"there's a good time coming, and it's
almost here." We may, reasonably
conclude that the improvement is
due to a reaction that does not depend
upon tariff rates, and tlyit it is brought
about less by the tariff bill, to which it
will be ascribed, than by trade condi
tions, of which the settlement of the
tariff' question for four years is only one
factor. But whatever (he cause or
causes, it is certainly a fact that within
the last 30 days there has been an in
crease in the army of men employed in
mills and factories, and that in conse
quence there will be an increased cir
culation of money. The farmers of the
country, as a whole, will not only have
better crops than usual, but will dis
pose of them for belter prices. Europe
wants our wheat, aud we have wheat
to sell. It is not always that these con
ditions como together. When, how
ever the farmers have big crops which
they cau sell at good prices, all other
businesses are sure to be stimulated,
that is the reason for the hopeful view
takeu of the situation by the 1610 mer
chants from whom the Dry Goods
Economist has obtained an expression
of opinion on the trade situation. These
merchants represent every state and
territory in the union, except Alaska,
and their answers are very encourag
ing. Only 13 failed to express an opin
ion as to the outlook; of the 1697 who
wrote respecting trade conditions, only
107 took a gloomy view of the situation.
More thun 1000 say that business is
good or very good, and 421 that it is
: Another encouraging sign of the
times is to be found in the condition of
business enterprises, as indicated by
the record of failures. Liquidation has
lieen going on for some years under the
pressure of hard times, and Dun's Re
view for July shows that the business
of the country has reached a sound
basis. The failures of that month
show liabilities of only $7,117,727, the
smallest amount for any mouth since
1892. Tha liabilities vary greatly from
mouth to month, so that this is not an
infallible sign, but the amount for July
is so much below the average as to be
significant. . Four years ago the liabil
ities for a single month's failure reach
ed $60,000,000, and with theexception of
one month, wnen tney were 7iu,uuu
greater than in July, they have been
very much greater iu every mouth for
the past five years.
Business cannot be stimulated by
false representations regarding a ' re
vival, but if the representations are
true, then it it worth while consider
ing them; for the process of revival
once started, can be hastened by ttie
increase of confidence engendered by
the publication of the facts. This is
th4 reason, or excuse, for noting the
sIkiis that tell of returning prosperity.
Whistling for a favoring breeze may
not bring it, but t he whistling is not
without its use, if it prepares us to take
advantage of the breeze, when it is
really coming.
Miss Nettie Kemp of Hood River se
cured a teacher's certificate at the
quarterly examination at The Dalles
last week.
Did you notice how pure and white
Soap Foam washing powder looks?
Two young men, representing the
Field Columbian Museum of Chicago,
ransacked the Indian graves on M-m-aleuse
Island, Saturday, but on arriv
ing in The Dalles with their plunder,
they were very properly arrested and
taken iiefpre Justice Filloon, who per
mitted them -to go free after they had
agreed to replace the relics.
Jno. Griffin of Zanesville, O., says: "I
never lived a day for 80 years without
suffering agony, until a box of DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salvecured my piles." For
piles and rectal troubles, cuts, bruises,
tetter, eczema and all skin troubles,
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is une
qualled. Williams & Brosius.
Spokane is to have a grand fruit fair
beginning October 5th and closing Oc
tober 16ih. Wasco county should make
an exhibit, as the fair is well attended
and thousands of strangers, attracted
from the east by the mining boom, will
thus get an idea of what can be done
in this neighborhood iu the way of
truit raising. Chronicle. .
Burning, itching skin diseases in
stantly relieved by DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve, unequalled for cuts,
bruises, burns. - It heals without leav
ing a scar. Williams & Brosius.
The Vancouver Columbian says the
Regulator line has recently cut off a
number of small landings on the lower
end of their route, in order that the
steamers can make better time on the
through trip. The tourist travel by
this line has been very heavy this sum
mer, and the managers have done
everything possible to make the ser
vice first-class.
"I crave but One Minute," said the
public speaker in a husky voice; and
then hi took a dose of One Minute
Cough Cureand proceeded with hisora
tory. One Minute Cough cure is une
qualied for throat and lung troubles.
Williams & Brosius.
"John Sherman, crowded out of of
fice," is the appropriate inscription for
the political tombstone of the secretary
of state. Cozened into accepting an
office for which his training, tempera
ment nor years fitted him, and there
by made to relinquish his position in
the senate, the Ohio tricksters are now
pushing the old man into oblivion. It
is one of the cruelest spectacles of pol
itics. Chicago Chronicle. . .
. There is a time for everything, and
the time to attend to a cold is when it
starts. Don't wait till you have con
sumption, but prevent it by using One
Minute Cough Cure, the great remedy
for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and
all throat and lung troubles. Williams
& Brosius.-
' Sunday, Oscar An eel. a bov 11 vears
of age who resides at Eight-Mile, while
nrlng a shot gun, the breech exploded,
and lacerated his face iu such a man
lier that it is probable he will never
agaiu be able to talk. 1
VI re Cameras and Photo Supplies.
A fine stock on hand. Vive cameras
are-much improved $5 size holds 18
glass plates or 5U cut Minis or any com
bination of same; $7.50 size holds
double. Nothing like tlem for satis
faction in snapshots.
Williams & Brosius.
Land Transfers.
The following land transfers were
placed on record with the county clerk
last week: '
Conrad Repp to F. N.' Donibeckei;,
nwJnwHec 4, t 2 n, r 10 e, $600.
Geo. W. Mcintosh and wife to J T.
Peters, s swj sec 12, t 2 n, r 10 e. $500.
Chas. H. Carlton and wife to the
American Cigar Co., lots 25, 27, 28 and
29, block 6, Irwin & Watsou's addition
to Hood River, $10. ,
Chas. E. Leavilleand wife to Chas.
H. Carlton, lots 25, 27, 28, 29, block 6,
Irwin & Watson's addition to Hood
River, $1. ' "- : ; . , " ,
Nicholas Billen and wife to Mrs.
Emma Brosius 17 acres iu sec 22, t 2
n, r 10 e, $525.
Remarkable Cure of Chronic Diarrhoea.
In 1862, when I served my country as
a private in Company A, 167th Penn
sylvania Volunteers.Icontracted chron
ic diarrhoea. It has given me a ureat
deal of trouble ever since. I have
tried a dozen different medicines and
several prominent doctors without any
permanent relief. Not long ago a
friend sent me a sample bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy; and after that I bought and
took a 50 cent bottle; and notv lean
say that I am entirely cured. I cannot
be thankful enough to you for this
great Remedy, and recommend it to all
suffering veterans. If in doubt write
me. Yours gratefully, Henry Stein
berger, Allentowu, Pa. Sold by Will
iam and Brosius.
To Cure a (told in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. Williams & Brosius refund the
money if it fails to cure. 25c.
Austin Wilson went to Portland yes
terday for further treatment.
An open air C. E. meeting will be
held at Mr. Shelley's next Sundav
evening. A report of the San Fran
cisco convention will be given by E H.
Merrill, and a number of the conven
tion songs will be sung, with organ ac
companiment. At 3:45 Tuesday afternoon Dan Ma
loney and Jake Praul, a sheep herder,
met in front of the Baldwin saloon at
The Dalles, and after exchanging a few
angry words, Praul drew a five shot re
volver and fired three shots into Malo
ney's breast at short ranare. .All three
bails entered his chest, inflicting mor
tal wounds.
Last Service.
The last service of the present conference
year will be held by Dr. Hines in the M. E.
church Sunday next. At 11 a. m. he will
preach on "The Freedom of the Church of
Christ," and the Sacrament' of Baptism will
be administered, and members will be ad
mitted. In the evening his subject will be,
"Lessons of the Year for Pastors and People."
An especial invitation is extended to business
and working people and young people to be
present at these last services. They may be
he last services as pastor of this church, and
he would be happy to greet all his friends on
this occasion.
Annual Conference.
The Columbia Uiver Conference of the M. E.
Church meets at Pendleton next Wednesday
at 9 a. in. I shall leave for its session Monday
night. The members of the church, and es
pecially all the official members, are desired
to meet at the church Monday evening, at
7:30 o'clock. H. K. Hisks.
A Card. v
Hood River, Or., Aug. 19, 1897.
Mr. H. H. Bailey resigned Ms office as di
rector of the Water Supply Company of Hood
River for the reason that the com pany would
not pay the ditch walker the wages they
agreed to. He paid him out of his own pock
et and then told them they could keep It.
Also, for making part of their customers pay
full price for their water while others paid
only half price. That was not justice.
J. H. H.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 18,
1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Register and Receiver at The Dalles,
Oregon, on September 28, 1897, viz:
Hd. E. 4428, for the southeast M section 8,
township 1 south, range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Anna Ries, Peter F. Kundsen. Jas. Knight
and Wm. Rodenhiser, all of Mount Hood,
Oregon ,, ; . ; JAS. F. MOOKE,
a20s24 . . Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 18,
1897. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
ob September 28, 1897, viz: ,
Hd. E. No. 4458, for the east northwest M
and lots 1 and 2, section 7, township 1 south,
range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
P. F. Fouts, Anna Ries. James Knight and
Wm. Rodenhiser, all of Mt. Hood, Oregon. ,
a20s24 JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 18,
1897. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of her In
tention to make final proof in support of her
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on September 28. 1897, viz: . . .
ANNA RIES, ..' '
Hd. E. No. 8480, for the lot 2 and southwest
northeast "4 and west southeast "4 and tt
acres and .i9-lK) lot 2, section 6, township 1
south, range 10 east, W. M.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
P. F. Fouts. Peter F. Kundsen, Jas. Knight
and Wm. Rodenhiser, all of Mt. Hood,Oregon.
a20s24 - . JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
Pony For Sale.
A grod gentle riding pony for sale,
at Glacier office.
Cow and Calf.
I have a good cow and calf which I will sell
at a reasonable price.
11 You Want to Sell
Or bny, or trade anything, a little ad in the
Glacier (like this one) will cost subscribers
only 25 cents a month.
Fruit Farm for Rent.
A fruit farm at White Salmon for rent; one
of the earliest places on the Columbia river.
The orchard is now loaded with fruit apples,
prunes, plums, grapes, etc. A large strawberry
patch Is in a good state of cultivation. This
place Is close by Rankin's Ferry, and near the
steamboat landing. For full particulars ad
' ; 1 Rood River, Or.
Cow for Sale or Trade.
One half-breed young Jersey Gow for sale
cheap or will trade for lumber.
Hood River Mark
ColuL3CL"bia, a-c3sl3.g: Co.
Choice Fresh. Meats,
Hams, Bacon, Lard,"
And All Kinds of Game.
Honesty in
Goes hand In hand with honesty In merchandising. Newspaper misrepresentation
might draw you to a store and perhaps sell you once, but it would be your Inst purchase there.
We now offer you Royal Baking Powder, full 1(1 ounce cans, for 40c per can; best Syrup 40o
per gallon; 5-gal. kegs of Pickles, fioc per keg; Sardines. 5c per box; 5 pekgs. Matches, 5c. Our
would-be com petiturs can't buy the Baking Powder nor Pickles as cheap as we offer them,
but we are making a fair profit on them. - . .
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House in the valley ,J ,
V .'-.'". '"'.'''' DEALER IN "';.'.. L '
3DZ3T G-oods, Cltlxing
Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc.
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc., etc. Agent for the Bridal Veil Lumber Company. , ,
Read the Bulletin.
It is the best. Prints all the news .of the
world 14 hours ahead of morning papers.
Sent by mall to your address for 50c per
month. The Weekly Bulletin $1.50 per year.
Sample copies on application. Address The
Bulletin, 622 Montgomery street, San Fran
cisco, uai. -
' , Hood River,
Painter & Decorator
ISH. I make a specialty of my trade, and or
ders will receive prompt attention. Satisfac
tory work at live and let live prices guaran
teed. Estimates gratis. - , Jy2
Carriages and Wagons
Makes them Good as New.
TERMS All cash or all work; or part cash
and part work. For particulars, see . ,
East Side.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Aug. S,
1897. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in supportof his
claim, and that said proof will be'made be
fore W. R. Dunbar, United Slates Commiss
ioner for District of Washington, at his
office in Goldendale, Wash., on September
4l, ioui, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 8373, for the northwest
section za, townsnip a nortn, range 11 East
W. M. , , . -
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultlva
tion of said land, viz:
Jack Perry, John P. Egan, Rachel Rowland,
and Henry Swanson, all of White Salmon,
Wash. , , B.F.SHAW,
au6sl0 Register."
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., July 19
1897. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner United states
Circuit Court for District of Washington, at
his office in Goldendale, Wash., on Aug. 81,
1897, viz: ......
Homestead Entry No. 8721, for the west of
BuuLii-u,i, yA ttt-cuoii zo, townsnip 4 nortn,
range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Mat '.Velken. J. E. Jacobson, O. A. Thomas
and C. L. Colborn, all of White Salmon.Wash.
Jy23a29 B. F. SHAW, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 2,
1897. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of h's in
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on September 15, 1897. viz:
Hd. E. No. 3881, for the lots 8 and 4, section 81,
township 3 north, range 9 east, W, M. -
tie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
H. H. Weston, G. L. Harpham, H. P. Harp
ham and Charles Clark, all of Cascade Locks,
Oregon. , - . JAS. F. MOORE, ,
auBslO Register.
- I : '- . ; ' ','' '.'-''
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 14,
1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
C. G. Green, Clerk Superior Court for Skama
nia county, Wash., at Stevenson, Wash., on
Sept. 24, 1897, viz:
Hd. E.; No. 8874, for the nwj, se, w, ne
and nej,', nwji, section 11; township 3 north;
range 9 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
John P. Gillctt, John M. Coulter, Sam Sam
son aud George M. Berry, all of Chenoweth,
Wash. B.F.SHAW.
ft20ocl Register. .
For Sale.
3000 feet of V and boxhume, used at the lata
encampment. V flume Is made of one 6-in.
and one 8-in. board; box flumie Is made of on
8-1 n. and two (Mn. boards. Price, S7 per 1000
feet of lumber, cash. F. C. BROSIUS.
Two Fresh Cows.
Two fresh eows for sale. Also, a fine lot of
young pigs. Inquire ht
Wanted, to Trade.
I have a good, all-round work horse that I
will trade for a milch cow. '
a8 - VV, J. BAKER.
Dry Your Prunes.
I am putting up a three-ton Drier that will
be ready for the prune crop.- Prunes will be
evaporated for outside parties at reasonable
rates. J. H. SHOEMAKER.
Horse for Trade. ,
Ihaveagowd sized horse for sale, or will
trade for a light wagon. , .
Choice City Property.
The dwelling house and two lots known as
the Delk property is offered for sale at a very
low price. For particulars inquire at the
Glacier office. - jy23
Berry Ground to Rent.
In good condition. Planted or to plant.
Come soon, if you wish vour choice. Apply
Jy30 Tucker, Oregon.
Pasture for Stock.
I will pasture a limited number of horses
and cattle on and after August 1st. Horses,
Sl.50 per head per mouth, In advance; cows.
SI per month. All stock must be taken awav
by Nov. 1, 1897. I will not be responsible for
accidents nor losses of any kind.
' iy3 ' "' W" MORTON-1
Lessons in Piano Music.
Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teaching
of Music. Uer prices are 50 cents a lesson. J10
Mt.Hood Saw Mills,
Of the best quality always on hand at prices
to suit the times. Jy24
House and 3 Lots.
House containing 5 rooms, and three lots on
corner of block, situated in Wancoma addi
tion.1 Will be sold cheap. ' For further partic
ulars inquire of ,.L. HENRY.
In the best and most artistic styles at the Old
Reliable Shoe shop one door west of post office.
Ladies' fine work a specialty. All work war
ranted. C. WELDS, Prop'r.
G. T. Pbather, r H. C. Cob,
Notary Public.
Beal Estate ail ton,
93 Oak St., bet, 2d and 3d.
V. 1 .. .. 1.1 1 .1 1 . 1.
town of Hood River; also, fruit, hay and oerry
farms and timber claims in the most desira
ble locations in the valley. If you Imve any
thing in the real estate line to sell or rent, or
if you want to buy, give us a call.
Deeds, bonds and mortgages nromntlv and
correctly executed.
We will also attend to legal business in Jus
tices' courts. -We
are also agents for SOUTH WAUCOM A