The Hood River r l ti ... .; It's a Cold Day When. We Get Left. VOL. IX. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1897. NO. 13. j icier 7 v. ' Epitome of the Telugraphio News of the World. TERSE TICKS FROM THE WIRES An interesting Collection of Items From the How and the Old World In a- Condensed and Comprehensive Form , . n their next report to congress, naval Officials will 'recommend that several large drydocks be built. , . , Frank' Manninger, an aged painter, ill, penniless and proud, starved to death in his room in West New York, n. J. . f' Angiolilla;"" the ist who murdered Italian """ anarch Premier Canovas, litis been tried by court-martial and sentenced to be garroted. " " A Canadian Pacific train struok ft carriage containing five persons at a , crossing near St. Therese, Quebec, kill ing two women and injur big three oth- , ers. j A special from Borne says it is report ed the pope will excommunicate Prince Henry of 'Orleans and the Count ol Turin, as dueling is forbidden . by the . Roman Catholio church. ' ' It is stated that President MoEinley has expressed himself in favor of the j admission of New Mexico to statehood. t A hill to that effect will be introduced ! at the next session of congress. ' ' A Southern' " Pacific freight tram struck a burning stump that "tumbled down the mountain side in Cow creek canyon in Southern Oregon, completely demolishing the engine and four can , and killing Fireman ' Robert McEwan and an unknown tramp. Secretary Sherman, Assistant Secre tary Howell, of the department, and the French, ambassador will join in a conference on the subject of reciprfcal tariff relations with Franoe in the near future, and it is fully expeoted that a new and satisfactory agreement Trill be reaohed. . , ';''.' Justice Stephen J. Field, of th United States supreme court, has es tablished the record for the longest service on that benoh. The servioe of Chief Justice John Marshall had been tl e longest jn the history of the court, oovering 85 years. Justice Field'! Bervioe exceeds that of Marshall. He was appointed in 1863 by President Lincoln, and is in his 81st year. He has reached the age of retirement, but he prefers to remain in active servioe on the benoh, and there is no present indication that he will retire. Thomas -Jefferson ' Sappington, an old-time resident of . St. Louis county, Missouri; '.who ' saved General U. ' S. Grant from capture by Confederates, died near Sappington, a suburb of St. Louis. In 1864, when Grant came back to make a short visit to his farm near the latter city, Mr. Sappington, who was a first lieutenant in the Seoond Mis souri militia, learned that a number of the most radical sympathizers with the South had planned to capture General Grant and take him South a prisoner. Mr. Sappington determined to thwart the scheme.' ' He hurried to St. Louis and met General Grant just as he wai starting out for his arm. The result was a disappointment to the men who were lying in ambush for Grant. ' Mrs C A. Shurte and her two chil dren were suffocated by smoke in their home at Arlington; Or. . Word has been received in New York from Calcutta that the Indian relief ex pedition which left San Franoisoo last June, has arrived safely. The cargo, it is said,' will be more acceptable even than expected. A wind, rain and hails torn which passed over' Northern ,Wisconsin did more than $100,000 damage to the to bacco farmers on Coon ' prairie, the heart of the growing section of the county. Fully four-fifths of the crop is destroyed. A rich gold flvd is reported from the Sparta district in Union county, Ore gon. "The find has caused no little ex citement, and a big amount of quarts has been boxed up for shipment direct 'to the mint. It is estimated that it ( will go at least' f 40,000 to the ton. ". ? For a month or more people living near Bald Knob, Ark. , have been find ing valuable pearls in a lake near that plaoe. Hundreds of people have been opening mussel shells in search of the pearls, and some of the gems have been found, some being sold for as much as $300.':.' : . --t ,t .- Either orazed by liquor or laboring under a delusion that he was being per secuted, John , Thomas, a prospector lately from Fort Steele district, started a fusilade with a revolver on the streets of Spokane., which resulted in mortally wounding two men and painful injuries to another man and boy. A sDecial to the Toronto Globe from Ottawa says that the Dominion govern- j ment has received several important ' decisions in regard" to the Yukon conn-1 try, and the working of the gold fields . there. It has been deoided to appoint an administrator for the district, who' will have entire charge of all the Can- adian officials there and be the chief, executor for the government ' THESE. HAVE BEEN THERE. Views of Canadian Official! Regarding 4 . .. the Klondike. New York, Aug. 18. A dispatch to the Herald from Washington says: Secretary Gage has received from Can ad i a report on the Klondike district. It' is a condemnation of the reports of William Ogilvie, the Dominion land surveyor,- and contains matters from other officers of the Canadian govern ment who have previously visited the region or are tnere now. At the outset the minister states that the report is published in response to numerous pub lic demands. ' "The object," he says, "is not to in duce any one to go to that country at the present time. . Until better means of communication are established a man undertaKes serious risks in going there unless he has sufficient resources to tide him over the long winter. Af ter September egress from the country is practically impossible until the fol : lowing June,' and a person that has not been successful in locating a paying claim has to depend for subsistence upon finding employment. . Wages are at times abnormally high, but the labor market is very narrow and easily over stocked. "It is estimated that up to the mid dle of May 500 to 600 persons had crossed the Dyea pass this year. . Sev eral hundred more will go by steamers up the Yukon. Whether employment will be available for all and for the considerable population already in the distriot is somewhat doubtful. It will therefore be wise for those who con template going to the Yukon district to give serious consideration to the mat ter before coming to a decision." An extraot from the report of A. E. Willis, assistant surgeon -general for 1895, is given, to indicate the climate of the Klondike, characteristics of the inhabitants, and the mode of living. He also describes the kind of men that should go to the Klondike. He says: "The climate is wet. During the winter months the cold is intense, with usually considerable wind. A heavy mist rising from open plains in the river settles down in the valley in ex treme weather. This dampness. makes the cold felt much more and is con ducive to rheumatic pains, colds and the like .In selecting men to live in this country I submit a few remarks, some of which will be of assistance to medical examiners in making their recommendations: . . .,. .' - "Men should be sober, Strong and healthy. Thy should be practical men, able to adapt themselves equally to their surroundings. Special oare should be taken .; to see that their lungs are sound, that they are free from. rheuma tism and rheumatic tendencies and their joints, especially knee joints, are strong and have never been weakened by in jury or disease. It. is important to consider their temperaments. . Men should be of cheerful, hopeful disposi tions and willing workers. Those of morose, sullen natures, although they may be good workers, are very apt, as soon as the novelty wears off, to be come dissatisfied, pessimistic and melancholy." Mr. Ogilvie, chief of the boundary survey, in a report of a trip down the Yukon, says regarding the weather: "It is said by those faimliar with the locality that the storms which rage in the upper altitudes . of the coast range during the greater part of the time from . October to March, are ter rific A man caught in one of them runs the risk of losing his life nnless he can reach shelter in a short time." . Mr. Ogilvie, on this same trip, had -much difficulty with the Indians, and they demanded $20 per hundred pounds for carrying his goods. On being told that the party had a permit from the Great Father in Washington to pass through the oountry, and that the In dians would, be punished if they inter fered, they reduced the price to $10. Mr. Ogilvie states there are about 460,000 acres of land along the Yukon and its branches that might be used for agricultural purposes. Mr. Ogilvie gives the miners a bad reputation. He says: .... - "I may say that it is generally very diffloult to get any exact or even ap proximately exaot statements of facts or values from miners. Many of them are inveterate jokers and take delight in hoaxing. The higher the official or social position of the person they hoax the better they are , pleased. I have several times - found that after spend ing hours setting information from one of them it would be all 'contradicted by the next one I met. - "Another cause of difficulty in get ting trustworthy information from them is that in a certain sense they consider every government offioial or agent their enemy, and that he is in the country to spy upon their doings and find out things . which the great majority of them are very much averse to have known." - Towards the South Pole. Antwerp, Aug. 18. The steamer Belgica with Carlathe Antartio expedi tion on board, sailed at 10 o'olock this morning. Crowds assembled to bid farewell to the explorers, who were heartily cheered as the Belgica left port. The expedition, it is expected, will land at Graham Land early in Novem ber. ' Tha crew of the Belgioa number 21 men. The United States cruiser San Francisco saluted the departing Belgioa. HlGHffflYMENJN THE PARK Yellowstone Tourists Held Up and Robbed. . FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS TAKEN Two Coaches Stopped by Masked Men, Who Relieve the Passengers of Their Valuables and Then Escape. Yellowstone Lake, Wyo., Aug. 17. Two masked highwaymen held up and robbed two of the Yellowstone Na tional Park Transportation coaohes in the park this morning, relieving the tourists of about $500. , Up to 6 o'clock this evening, the fugitives have not been apprehended. The coaches were robbed while en route from Can yon Hotel to Norris geyser basin and had covered but about three miles of their journey. . At the point where the hold-up took place was the crest of a high hill, where the freight road branches from the government road at a sudden turn. When ' the first coach came along, the robbers, with masked faces and cocked Winchesters, com manded the driver to halt. While one man kept the occupants of the coach covered, the other relieved them of their money. When all had been se cured, the driver was ordered to proceed at a gallop. Another coach was hailed as it drove up, the preceding one being hidden from view by the intervening trees. When the last coach had been robbed, the bandits departed for parts unknown. Two men answering the description of the robbers were tracked in a south erly direction along the eastern shore of the lake. Troopers will attempt to head them off by crossing the lake on the government steamer. Great hopes are entertained of their ultimate cap ture. None of the passengers in the coaohes were hurt. A BLOODY RACE RIOT. Three Men Dead and Three Injured , Near Little Bock. Little Rock, Aug. 17. The bloodiest race riot that has occurred in Arkansas in months took place at Palarm sta tion, 80 miles from Little Rock, this evening. Three men are dead, another fatally wounded and two others also in jured. The dead are:. Harrison Korr, colored, shot to pieces; Charles Peters, colored, killed outright; Charles Andry, white, shot through the heart. . The seriously injured are: J. T. Clark, jr., a telegraph operator, shot through the shoulder, probably fatally. D. R. Owens, deputy sheriff of Perry county, shot through the groin, seri ously. . . 1 ' . Owens had a warrant for Korr, charged with murder. When he at tempted to make the arrest at Palarm, Korr opened fire.' The first shot struck Owens in the groin, inflicting a serious wound. . Andry and Clark went to Owens' assistance, and five or six ne groes joined in with Korr. A pitched battle ensued, in which over 50 shots were fired. When the shooting was over, Andry and Peters lay dead. Clark had gotten into his office, and fallen from loss of blood. Owens was lying in a ditch near the station. Korr was found lying dead in the road a mile away, literally shot to - pieces. The other negroes fled, and have not been captured. The whole country is in a fever of excitement, and should Korr's associates be caught they will be lynched. ' " A WILD" ANARCHIST. Cut His Way 'With a Razor Through a Police Guard.. . ' Pittsburg, Aug. 17. James Elbert, supposed to be an anarchist, created station by slashing five policemen with a razor. One of the officers, George Mclntyre, had his face cut in a horri ble manner, and his condition is seri ous. The others, George - Cole, James McEvoy, W. E. Corless and William Kenny, are badly but not seriously cut After cutting his way through tht guard of 15 policemen, Elbert attempt ed to escape by jumping 30 feet from a rear window. He was Jiotly pursued by the officers, while blood streamed from their wounds. After a chase of several squares, Officer Corless brought him down with a bullet in the arm. The man fought desperately, and had to be clubbed into insensibility fbefore he could be taken to the station. El bert now lies in the jail, hospital in a serious condition. - Elbert is an Austrian. He had been working at the Armstrong oork factory, but was discharged because of his anar chist tendencies. , He had threatened Armstrong's life. To the Klondike by Balloon. . . , Oakland, Cal., Aug. 17. M. Ayer, a real estate man on Eighth street, proposes to establish a balloon servioe between Juneau and Dawson. K. A. Hughson is with him in the scheme. They will try to induce those interested in the scheme to "subscribe $2,000. Ayer, who has evolved the plan, is an I old ballon is t, and says the scheme is practicable. He says the trip from Juneau to Dawson City ought to be made in 34 hours. LIFE OF THE STRIKE Depends on the Decision to Be Rendered in the Injunction Case. Pittsburg, - Aug. 18. Today was fraught with exciting incidents in mat ters pertaining to the miners' strike. Mutiny in the' coal miners' camp, a murder in the deputies' ranks, filing of oriminal and civil suits against .the De Armitts and the hearing of the injunc tion case against President Dolan and others, kept both sides to the struggle busy and on the qui vive all day long. The hearing in the injunction case before Judges Stowe and Collier was perhaps one of the most important and interesting ever held in the federal court. ' It was a hearing in which both capital and the rights of la.bor were in terested, and the decision is expected to have a telling effect on the conduct of the great coal miners' strike, which has been on since July 5. , ; . ' '. ' From the testimony adduced and from the expressions of the court, it can be safely said that there will be some sur prises. That the injunction will be materially modified there can be 'no doubt, .which on its face would indicate a victory for the strikers. The prelim inary decree has been continued, pend ing a consultation of the judges, and an opinion will probably be handed.dow'n by noon tomorrow. As near as can be learned, the strikers, under the injunction, can ' march, but not at stated times, as long as they are not in company with any of these de fendants. ',. ;"' ' The hearing in the equity case of the New York & Cleveland Gas Coal Com pany against the United Mineowners of America was called at 1,0 o'clock. The affidavit on which the. prelimi nary injunction was issued was made by William P. DeArmitt, president' of the New York & Cleveland Gas Coal Company, and set forth . that his em ployes were under the contract, that terms were mutually satisfactory and both parties were ready and willing to fulfill their respective duties under it. The strikers by marching and - other methods prevented many of the men from carrying out their part of .."the agreement.. It also recited the com pany's contracts to supply coal to points in the United States from Pennsyl vania, and the Pittsburg pumping sta tion with coal, which demands a daily supply in order to keep up the service of water in the city of Pittsburg. ; OftV cers of the United Mineworkers of America were named in the bill and the purposes of the organization are set rortn, togetner witn tne History oi tne strike. . ...'' ,. ' '. - When court opened the attorney for the plaintiff filed a motion to make the preliminary injunction permanent. The defendants made a counter motion to dissolve it. ' Judge Stowe decided that both motions were out of order and DeArmitt was called to the stand. His testimony did not materially differ from the affidavits filed when the preliminary injunctions were secured. ' '',' ..''.'.. In addition to the civil suits entered against President W. P. DeArmitt . by his former employes for wages,: three criminal suits have- been brought against Samuel DeArmitt, brother of the president. Mrs. Anna Coto,- who was evicted on Saturday by Samuel De Armitt, has brought criminal suit, charging assault and battery. She says in heii charge that her husband was not at home, and that DeArmitt took her by the shoulders and threw her out ol the house. She says he held a hatchet above her head and threatened to kill her. , Her two ohildren, small boys, were also thrown from the house. John Coto, her husband, also sues DeArmitt for larceny. He claims that, after as saulting his wife and children and throwing his household goods from his house, DeArmitt took with him a small keg of wine and a $16 revolver, of Coto's, and has since refused to return them. -Writs and warrants Will . be J serve'd on DeArmitt fir the" morning. .V Two deputies, Robert Kerr and Frank Anderson, employed as guardians, of the New York & Cleveland Gas Coal Com pany, fought this afternoon, and as a result Kerr cannot live until morning. It 16 not known what the men ' fought about, but they met on a bridge cross ing Plum creek, and, after a few words,' Anderson was seen to hit Kerr, who retaliated, and : a rough-and-tgnrble fight, lasting .about five minutes, fol lowed. Anderson succeeded in drawing his revolver and, placing it close'irto Kerr's abdomen, fired, the hall .tearing through the victim's" intestines';' and lodging in his back. ' Physicians say he will die in a few hours; ? '.'. . '. . . In astern Pennsylvania.,,;-, i 'v.,t; Hazelton, Pa., Aug. 18. Twerityrfive. hundred miners of the Lehigh' and Wilkesbarre collieries, in 'the-Holfey-brook district, went pri ' strike 'this morning, and at a meeting tonight re solved in a body to stand together. This is the first defection among the miners of East Pennsylvania. V.;Apart. from the wage question, the men de mand the transfer of Superintendent Jones, and the feeling against Sim is so strong that he has an 'armed escort and his bouse is guarded day and jiight. ' :' ' Explosion In a Laboratory. Madison, Wis., Aug.; 4,7,cT-Professor Linooln, of the state university, when fat work in his chemioal laboratory, was thrown across the. room by an ex plosion, and when found two hours later was still 'unconscious. He will be disfigured by the accident. " the EVIDENCE OF STEADY GROWTH News Gathered In All the Towns of Our Neighboring States Improve ' ment Koted In All Industries Oregon. The spring fishing season on the Co lumbia has closed. , The pack will be a trifle over 400,000 cases. .'; . The city council of Marshfield is con sidering the advisability of imposing a tax on business houses for the purpose of keeping the city's streets in repair. : Subscriptions for- Astoria's annual regatta are pouring in, and the necessary mount will be completed in a few days. A carnival queen will be elect ed this year. - i . '""'";" ""'''.' During the month of July, in Jackson county, warrants to the amount of $3, 072.84 were drawn, while scrip repre senting $3,105 was redeemed during the same time.. . ... , Harvesting . is well under way and some wheat has already been hauled to market. The crop is turning out even better than was expected, and the esti mate of 3,000,000 bushels will, it is claimed, be too low for Sherman county. ' County Commissioner Kissell, of Gray's river, has discovered gold on that stream. - It assays' from $4 to $8 to the ton. With a paity of Astorians, Kissell will prospect the headwaters of the stream, , He is of the opinion that better finds will be made. ; . ' One of, the largest hay corps in the history of Lincoln county has just been harvested.. . The quantity is large and the quality is first-class. The excel lent haying weather that has prevailed has enabled the farmers and ranchers to care for the crop in good shape. An expert in coal mining, who has much to do with coal in the East, has given the Evans creek, Klamath coun ty, coal a thorough test, and pronounced it the pure anthracite. The mine now shows nine solid feet of coal, and the slate streaks which were found when the vein was first opened are pinching out. It is said that the boat can be put into the Valley towns for $6 per .ton... , .'......', ..,.,. A new scheme for getting rid of hop lice is credited to a Southern Oregon man. ! He goes out during the heat of the day, takes -a pole with hook on the end of it,.hooks it over the wijes on which the hops are supported, and shakes the vines with, all his might. He can shake off most of the lice in this manner, and believes it is just as effective as spraying, and much faster. As soon as the lice strike the dust on the ground they die."" One of the measures of interest to Oregon which died in the late session of oongress before it could get any con sideration was a joint resolution intro duced' by Senaotr McBride, directing the . secretary of war to cause an ex amination to be made of the harbor of Astoria and to submit a plan for -its improvement by incensing its depth, r width . and extent, together with esti mates of the cost of such improvements. It is proposed to appropriate $3,000 for the purpose. This proposition will probably have to go into the next river and harbor appropriation bill. ' ' .. : Washington'. .,' The school census of Chehalis' county showtf there are , 3, 18ff children of school age in.the county, a deorease in a year of 189. - .. The, board sof control' hirS called for liids to supply the state; for " use at the state penitentiary,, with 2,250 bales of jute, 750 by, steamer and" l,500;.by sailing vessel. ; , , ; j ... ... ik ' The assessed valufe of all 'property in King county is $48,2l8,409,',a's,: against $42,739,734 in 1896.f 'The.valueof .all property in the city of Seattle is $34, 106,632, as., against $30,142,648 in 1896, an increase of. $3,404,494. .. . J ', Whatcom county's hay crop this year will, be' simplv enormous. It isesti- ntatecf thi at one .ranchk havi ng ;.1.60 licres tfn ties' With -from. Maine,- pill produce 'about 509 tons. The .value of, this hay crop is estimated at between $4,000 nd $5,000. ...... ;:.:',':,,;.' The' concrete foundation for the 'light house, at Westporrt, is about completed. It'consists of a solid inass bf (concrete iOeeii Square and 12 feet . thick.-' The stone and;timber,for theitow,er is about all cut to proper sizes--dhd shapesi so that fthe building v.6f it " will' now go forward rapidly. " The' state board of land commission ers htis rejected the application to pur chase certain, ifan'ds in-Chinook, Pacific county,.) made by C. B. Johnson et-al., because of the fact that.. .land lying be tween, .the meander . line and ordinary low-water ..mark - was, formed by ac? cretion from water and ...belonged to the; state by reason of its sovereignty. ' " ' Almost:every field of . grain in Kitr, titas county is now said to be beyond any . possibility of damage. Cutting has begun, and next week will be un der 'way generally. There is a sbarcity of harvest hands over tlie" country; The yield about Waterville and Bridgeport is placed at fully 1,000,000 bushels 1 A. Resume of Events in ! Northwest. DROWNED IN THE SURF. The Undertow at Atlantic City Claimed Two Victims. Atlantic City, Aug. 17. Two ven turesome bathers were drowned in the surf today. They were Thomas C. Las well, aged 21, of Princeton, Ind., and an unknown man, supposed to be an excursionist from' Philadelphia. Laswell came here this morning with his friend P. M.- Parrott, also from Princeton, on his first visit to the sea shore. The young men went into the surf shortly before noon, and Laswell, who seemed to be unaware of the dan gerous undertow, was soon beyond his depth and cjilring for help. The life guards made a brave effort to save him, but the surf was so heavy that they .were, unable- to reach, the drowning man. Laswell struggled in the water for about 15 minutes in full view of about 10,000 people, gathered on the pier, board walk and beach. - . Parrott nearly lost his life .in at tempting to save that of his friend, and was taken from the water in ari ex hausted oondition. 1 Late in tne after noon the body of Laswell came ashore. It was turned over to - a local under taker, who prepared it for shipment to Indiana. - When Laswell checked his valuables at the bathouse where he obtained his bathing suit, he laughingly remarked to the clerk: "I will leave my. ad dress, so that in case I am drowned you can send my valuables home." The jest was a tragedy in less than an hour. - ' '' The second drowning occurred about 8 o'clock, and the body of the man had not come ashore to a late hour tonight. The surf today was the heaviest of the season, owing to a gale which pre vailed, and between 25 and 80 persons wero rescued, many of them women. A NARROW ESCAPE. Young Lady Caught on. a Railroad ", : , Trestle Near Chehalis. Chehalis, Wash., Aug. 17. A young lady who lives near Newaukum, while walking on the railroad track toward this town one afternoon a short time ago, had a very narrow escape from death under the. wheels of a passenger train. She was upon the long trestle south of town when the train came. She started to run, hoping to reaoh the end of the trestle before the train caught her, but, after running a short distance, she fell. As soon as the en gineer saMr'heT he "put on the brakes. When the train came to a! standstill, the nose of the cowoatcher touched her prostrate body. . She was assisted to raise and went on her way unharmed, except for a ' few trifling scratfthes. When the train got under way the pas sengers held a meeting and passed a resolution commending Engineer Jones warmly for the coolness and prompt ness with which he acted. THE COTTON CROP. Estimated at Nine and Three-Quarter Millions Bales. New Orleans, Aug. 17. H. M. Neill, the well-known cotton statisti cian, has issued a circular on the growing crop.: After referring to the correctness of : his estimate made in July, 1894, of the crop of that season, Mr. Neill says: "At this moment for this year the promise is equal to any previous year in every state but Texas, and even al lowing that Texas should fall short of her maximum product by 1,000,000 bales, the outlook now is for a crop of at least 9,"750,000, with 500,000 to. 1,000,000 more within the range of possibility. This figure of 9,750,000 is very conservative. If there are good rains in Texas, her crop will also be near perfection, and the possibilities for'the total crop would then be some thing enormous." Mines Must Close. Denver, Aug.' 17. It is probable' that tiie great silver mines of Creede, Colo., will be closed down on ' account of the low price of silver, unless the railroad and smelting rates are re duced. Several conferences have been held between the mine-owners and the smelter and railroad offlcvils, and it is said the, latter evinced a disposition to make every concession possible in order to keep the mines in operation. ' It is also understood that the miners at Creede are willing to accept a re duction in wages from $3 per day of eight hours to $2.75 in wet mines and $2.50 in dry, rather than have the mines closed, v ; The Work of Whitecaps. Cincinnati, O., Aug. 17. For three months, a band of whiteoaps has been causing terror in the vicinity of Ken sington, Ky., and a determined stand will be made against them.. About two weeks ago, they called at the home of Ward Bblan, superintendent of Ken sington sub-division, and by force com pelled him to go to the woods with them'. There they whipped and beat him in a most brutal manner. Later they iound a man named O'Hara camp ing on Kensington lake, with a woman, he-'claims.was' his wife, and they beat the man and woman shamefully. - Impure air is not always of the same weight; -there being- various grades of impurity. But an absolutely pure air always.weighs .31 bf a deg.rain per cubic inch. - The weighing of air is a good test of its purity.