The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 16, 1897, Image 2

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    fcod Jiver Slacier.
Published every Friday by
8. F. Blvtiie.
Terms of Subscription 81.50 a yenr when
Juiid la advance; if not paid in advance.
The Dingley bill passed the senate Is
now ju conference committee and may
be expected soon to become a law. Its
framers txpect it to yield revenue the
first year to the amount of $) 75,000,000,
und then-after $200,000,000 a year. It
is claimed by its friends to be drawn in
I lie In t tvHtts of labor and tbat it will
bring piisperityf but right in the face
of itci is being inaugurated the
grcatevt against a reduction of
wages that itu taken place since the
McKlnley tariff law was in operation,
wheit wages beuan to drop and the
price for every commodity except farm
products were high. If prosperity re
turns to the country under the new
tariff' law the republican party will en
joy a long lease of power. If the hard
limes continue, with prices raised on
everything by reason of the tariff, the
party cannot hope to hold the reins of
government after 1000. With a tariff
taw to defend that docs not bring the
promised prosperous times, republicans
will not huve the aid of gold-standard
democrats, without whose support, in
1890, they would have suffered defeat.
Had congress amended the Wilson
law, which was protective enough, by
adding purely revenue features made
necessary by the failure of the income
tax clatise,and then turned its attention
to the money question "and brought it to
some kind of settlement, the republican
party could have had the support of
the gold-standard democrats and their
position would have been impregnable.
National democrats will not be found
giving aid and comfort to the party of
protection when the tariff is the issue,
ns It is today and as it promises to be
iu the next national campaign. And
voters of all parties will not be so easily
frightened away from the cause of free
silver if times do not improve under
the gold standard and a war tariff.
. Mr. Bryan's speech last Monday at
Oregon City, to many impartial ob
servers who were predisposed to ad
mire him, conveyed more disappoint
ment than gratification. It wassimply
the rethresbing of old straw.' Nothing
brilliant nor no new points were
brought out, it being but the re
JieniKl o' his stereotyped fallacious
theories, familiar to every one who
read the papers during the last No
vember tttrjpaign. The speech, though
delivered under the auspices of the
Willamette Valley Chautauqua Asso
ciation and entitled "Bimetallsin,"
was only a, political harangue, in
which Mr. Bryan showed himself to
lw merely a calamity preacher and de
void of the dignity expected from a
man iu his position. He made no pre
tence of answering the proposition that
bimetnlism, with the free and unlim
ited coinage of silver at the arbitrary
ratio of 10 to 1, would produce niono
metuliwii. ' He preseutcd no plausible
definition of what bimetalism really
means, simply giving a lot of sophis
tical, high-sounding phrases that to
the inconsiderate appeared to be the
long-sought panacea, a :'
year, for work is. not continuous. To
guard against over-production, the
managers of the coal trust order a mine
shut down when, in their wisdom, it
becomes necessary. The average earn
ings of the miners, therefore, lulls con
siderably below 90 cents a day. Under
our tariff laws coal is protected from 40
to 60 cents a ton. This protection it
asked for on behalf of labor. Wh
should there bany necessity to strike
Bryan at Gladstone Park.
William Jennings 'Bryan, late de
feated silver candidate for the pres
idency, addressed an audience of 10,00
people at Gladstone Park, Oregon City
July 12th. The address was given un
der the auspices of the Willamette Val
ley Chautauqua Association, and th
subject his favorite theme, "Bimetal
ism." Colouel Robert A. Miller, pre
ideiit of the association, had the meet
lug in charge and introduced the
speaker to the assemblage. Mr. Bryan
reached the platform shortly after 1
o'clock and was given an euthusinstic
greeting by his audience and loudh
applauded at times throughout hi
speech and at its close. When Mr.
Bryan began talking his voice was no
liceably weak .and husky, but a few
minutes warmed him up and he could
be heard easily and distinctly to tin
remotest parts of the assembly. HU
address lasted a little over two hours
and was attentively listened to unil
the end, when he hurriedly left foi
Portland, where he spoke to a crwwd oi
15,000 people at Multnomah Field ai
7:30 b'clocK. He. left Portland at 9
o'clock on the O. R. & N. for Pendle
ton. Men who agree with Brvan on
the silver question, with one accord
pronounce bis speech at Gladstone
Park to have been the most con vinciuu
and unanswerable argument yet presented.-
! ' Home.
"What is home without a mother?"
Aye, aud what is mother without a
home? There are more mothers with
out homes than homes without moth
ers. The object or every loyal ciiizeo
should be to provide tbe opportunity
for every family to reside under its own
vine and tig tree, to create laws that
wolild enable all who desire to secure
and retain a home airainst all comers.
Those who are fortunate enough to own
homes should bend every energy to
keep l hem free from all encumbrance.
A mortgage, under the present condi
tion of lulling prices, is certain death to
homeowuersutp. .Live hard but refuse
to encumber yourself and family with
tins substance eater. Make Home us
beautiful and attractive as possible
with the means at your command.
leach your children to think it the
sweetest spot on earth. Instill in them ,
an ineradicable desire to some day '
make a home of their own, when time
has sent them into the world to Ki'ap-
pie with life's trials. The love of home !
is one of the most sacred and beneficial
of all loves that Hush and purify the
human soul. Bound View.
(Jow the Article Is Jluilo and It f.inny
; . Tints Bail I7ses '
' Pre putty is .aiade of whiting and
linseed oil. Whiting is made of chalk
which is imported from England und
ground in this country. Barytcs, mixed
with the whiting, is used as an adulter
ant of putty, and cotton-seed oil in
mixed with the linseed oil. ., .Cotton
seed oil is cheaper, and a slower dryer
than linseed; its use is advantageous
to small customers, for putty . mixed
with part cotton-seed oil keeps in order
longer. ' '
Linseed oil putty is used more by
decorators and painters and other large
, consumers who use up putty quickly.
Putty sells at wholesale from ono and a
half cent to two cents a pound. It is
put up for the trade in barrels of eight
jiundied pounds, kegs of three hun
dred pounds, tubs of one hundred
to ono hundred and ten pounds, in cans
. of one to one hundred pounds, and in
bladders; it keeps best in bladders, and
the bulk of the patty exported goes in
- that form. Putty made in the eastern
cities of the United States is sold on the
Atlantic seaboard and in tho south, but
not much eastern putty is sold in the
west, for there are putty manufactories
in the northern and western cities.
We export putty to Canada, Mexico,
the West Indies, South America and
the Sandwich Islands, says the New
York Sun. Manufacturers make col
ored putties to order, and white, brown
and black putties are kept in stock.
Putty has a variety of uses besides
those already mentioned, and the very
familiar one is setting glass. Brown
putty is used to point brown-stone
buildings and putty is sometimes
used in pointing up brick buildings.
Black putty is used in stove
foundries. . Plumbers nse putty.
Sometimes scene painters reduce it
and put it on canvas to paint over.
: There are three or four putty manu
factories in New Yor'it and Brooklyn.
A single firm of manufacturers in this
city has sold more than seventeen thou
sand tons in a yedr. These seem like
large figures, but they are less surpris
ing from the fact that there few articles
of more common use.
i Air. Hred W. VVlisou was tne orator
at Prineville on the 4th, and bis ad
The great strike of coal miners in the
Kurt is causing a great scarcity of coal
in some parts, and railroad companies
are boldly confiscating coal in train
loads when it can't be obtained by
other means for fuel for their own use.
At Cleveland, July 9th, a lake schooner
was loading a cargo of coal for Detroit.
An Erie Co.'s engine backed on a high
trestle leading to the car dumping ma
chine and hauled away thirty cars of
con), leaving the schooner without a
cargo. ; Railroad ' corporations have
rights above all others if i there-Is any
Jaw to justify them, under any circum
stances, in confiscating the property of
an independent shipper. '
The Oregon Union, while giving due
praise to the new president of the agri
cultural college, truthfully says: "Of
the many who have presided over the
agricultural college it may safely be
raid tbat none have done so with great
er benefit to the college and more credit
to the nisei vex than the retiring pres
ident, H B, Miller. An active, ener
getic, liberal minded man of rare busi
ness and executiveability, he has given
the Bchool a nush' forward which ran-
not but bo of great benefit to it in the
future." ' -' '
The editor of the Observer put in
three days traveling over . Sherman
county with Hon. Emile Schanuo,'
member of the state board of horticul
ture for this distrlot. 'iThe Observer
says there is not a winter killed tree in
the county and not a pest on the high
lauds except a few borers. The wooly
wphiB has appeared in the . Moody or
chard at DesChutes. V
. , The Baby's fate.
"Tell me what my baby's lot in life
will be," pleaded the fond young moth
er, crossing the gipsy's palm with sil
ver. "He is so different from other
bubies. Although he talks almost in
cessantly, and his language. sounds ex
actly as if it ought to be intelligible; 1 '
am utterly unable to understand one
word he says. , Then his head is extra
ordinarily large for a child of bis age,
and he often suffers from severe pains '
in it. He is bold and self-possessed in
the extreme, and is abashed at nothing
that frequently affects children, but.on
the other band, he often waken iu the
dead of nigtit shrieking with the fear oi
terrors of bis own dreaming. And du
ring his wakiiiK hours he is never sat
istied with what is given him, but cries :
for the sun or the moon and other im
possible things." "My poor dear," re
plied the gypsy, handing buck the sil
ver, while the tears ran down her with
ered cheeks like rain; "it Is entlrelv ,
unprecedented, but I can not keep 1
your money while I prognosticate ill
fortune for you. Try to liear the blow .
bravely. Your baby will grow up to ;
be a populist! There is no help for It."
1 County Court.
- The following matters were disposed
of by the county court at the July term:
Petition of G. J. Gessllng and others
for county road granted, and H. H.
Bailey, R. Howell and G. R. Cast net
appointed viewers to meet Aug. 2d.
Petition of Peter Kopke and other
for county road, granted on conditioi,
that petitioners pay the claims m
8colee Bros, and I). G. Boardman,
amounting to $18.50 damages.
The road petitioned tor by N. C
Evans aud others was declared a pub .
lie highway.
Consideration of the petition of Troy
Shelley and others . for county rout'
was continued for the term.-
Petition of John H. Koburg foraban
donmeut of county road granted.
. J. M. Huntington appointed deput,
assessor for Dalles City district at a sal
ary of $3 a day. ,
The county clerk was authorized I' ;
make such improvements in the clerk'.
office as will more safely preserve tin
records of . the oouuty. ,
There being a vacancy in the offlct
of stock inspector, A. S. Roberts wu
appointed to fill the same.
VIM) Formidable Lynx ' Patrolling the
Maine Woods.
Moose and deer stories are insignif
icant compared with the recent advon-r
tares of an experienced hunter on the
trip of Chairback mountain. lie was
tul alone and came upon a place where
a large doer had been eaten and not
very long beforo, for tho blood was en
tirely fresh. There were large tracks
i-round tho place,' and it was not many
minutes beforo the hunter found bigger
game than ho cared to tackle, for ong
of the most formidable Indian demons
that ever patrolled tho Maine woods
was beforo him, says the Bangor Com
mercial. The hunter is not given to woolly
yarns, but ha says he actually believes
that the animal could etretch himself
fiftoen feet. Ho would jump and clasp
a limb fifteen to eighteen feet from the
ground, and go into a big tree with the
ose and grace of anv cat. Entirely
alono and a long distance from any
help the hunter dared not five at him,
knowing from long experience in the
woods that if he hit but aid not kill tho
demon he (tho hunter) would be in luck
if he lived to get homo.
The strange and powerful animal fol
lowed him for quite a distance, first
being three rods ahead in the old log
ging road and then suddenly appearing
in tho rear. But the hunter piodded
steadily along, keening his. weather
eye on the ugly beast while not appear
ing to notice him or quicken his pace.
In about a half hour the big lynx dis
appeared and the hunter breathed a
few sighs of relief and didn't waste any
time in looking up his traveling com
panion after that.
dress is highly spoken of by the press
: and those who beard it. - Fred is one of
the brightest of Wasco county's young
Did you notice how pure and white
Soap Foam washing powder looks?
Archbishop Gross will be in The
Dulles July 25th, to assist in laying the
corner stone of the new Catholic church.
Don't nauseate your stomach with
teas and bitter herbs, but regulate your
ier and sick headache by using those
tuuious little pills known as DeWitt's
Lit lie Early Risers. Williams &Brosius.
E. M.' Shutt. editor of the Antelope
ilerald, has lately been reappointed as
ne ot the 36 United states commis
sioners Tor the district of Uregon tor a
erm of four years, which position be
Has held during the past five yqars.
"They don't make much fuss about
it." We arespeakingof DeV itl's Little
liurly Risers, the famous litHe pills for
oiisnpation, biliousness and all stoni
' on and liver troubles, lhey never
"gripe. Williams & Brosius. .
In the Glenwood neighborhood they
iiy the tiddler, so to speak, better than
the preacher. On Ihe Jbourth, out es
teemed friend, Rev. A. I. Guodfrteud,
jy invitation went out in thai sect ion
. ud delivered one of his most masterly
orations. He got $7. On the other
hand, young Frank Dunkin, by invi
aiion also, -weut lo Glenwood aud
culled off" at the dance, lie got $12.
Agriculturist. '..'.'...'
Jno. Griffin of Zanesville, O., says: ''I
.ever lived a day lor 30 years without
. suffering agony, until a box of DeW iti's
v itch Hazel Halve cured my piles." Fur
piles and rectal troubles, cuis, bruises,
. ieiter, eczema and all skin troubles,
UeWitt's Witch Hazel Halve is une
qualled. . Williums & Brosius.
' Some varieties of. strawberries that
, aere perfect last year are perfect fail
ures this year; others that were no good
lusl year this year are among the best.
In the field where the best berries were
last year we now Hud the poorest, and
. w here the poorest were last yeur we
now find tne best. . It takes several
. veins in the strawberry business lofitid
- out bow little we know. Soil, climate
and the seasons olteu make a wonder
ful cliauue in the same varieties.
(strawberry Culturist.
Burning, itching skin diseases in
stantly relieved by DeWitt's .Witch
Hazel Salve, unequalled for cuis,
oruiscs, burns. It heals without leav
ing a scar. Williams & Brosius.
A teacher is wanted to teach the
school in Columbus, Wash. Address
S. P. Brown, clerk district 36, before
August 1st.
Twelve Reasons Why. ,
The M. Louis Republic gives a dozen good
reasons why newspaper readers should read
this paper. Here t hey are:
1. The Republic is the greatest newspaper
2. It has a cable news service over the entire
civilized world, which no other St. Louis pa
per can seenre.
3. Special correspondents in all the large
cities und capitals of liurope,
4. .News Bureau in Hew York City and
Washington, D. 0.
6. Special correspondents in every city and
town in the Western United States.
6. Mwnber of the Associated Press, the
greatest news gatherer In the world.
7. Publishes daily the market reports of the
,8. issues a magnificent colored magazine
j cover ith the Sunday paper.
I 9. More noted writers und artists contribute
' to the Republic than any other paper.
10. Issues an unequaled four-page comic
. weekly with each Hi.ndav paper tree.
' il. Publishes pages of interest und value to
i womankind.
(2. Its 10-oent. dress pattern department Is
the most popular feature ever introduced by
t a newspaper. Thousands patronize It.
j The daily and Sunday St. Louis Republic Is
So a year, & for six months and Si. 50 for three
months. The Twice-a-Week Republic is Si a
year 104 papers, two each week. . , -
' or women to travel for responsible estab
lished house in Oregon. Salary iiHO, payable
15 weekly and expenses. Position perma
nent. Reference. Eneloso self-addressed
stamped envelope. The .National, Star Build
ing, Chicago. sep4
The Oregon Union, published at
C'orvallis by John J). Daly, is a new
paper with the molto, "Tariff for rev
enue, incidental protection and sound
money." - :
The striking miners of the bitum
inous coal legions can earn, at the
rates against which they protest, 90
cents a day. . They cannot earn this
munificent nmomit every day in thp ' Both women escnoed..
Pension Swindle on Negroes.
From all over the black belt of Ala '
bama come reports of the ' pensiou
swindles on the ignorant negroes. Em
issuries of the fakirs huve gone througl
the country informing the negroes thu
Congress hud passed u law pensioniiu-
all former slaves and their children
For a fee ranging from 5 cents to $:
the agents have enrolled thousands l
the neiroe8, who are now hourl-
awaiting the payment of their pensions. -
' . . ! I
. Women Highwaymen. !
vviinam jouson, a at en nana or a
coal barge, moored at Edgewater, N.J.,
reported to the Guttenhurg police re
cently that two women hud held' him
up in Meek's Woods late at night. He
says they jumped upon him unexpect
edly and one knocked him down with
i some blunt instrument. Then the
other searched his pockets. They got
nothing, ' Johnson had taken the pre
caution to put the ' week's wages tbat
be had just received iu one of his shoes.
The women did not pearoh his shoes.
She Canned a French Schoo' master to Flea
to the i orest and Subsist on Ilerbs.
A schoolmaster at Amiens, France,
married, but after a week of wedded
life his mother-in-law, who made her
home with them, became so insupport
able that, unable longer to endure her
tyranny, he resolved not only to desert
the conjugal roof but to break with
civilization and return to savagery. So
he fled to a dense forest not far from
Amiens, and there lived for three weeks
on roots and apples, says tho New York
World. .
lie said afterwards that whenever
the picture of his home and wife rose
in his troubled brain there stepped be
tween the scepter of his implacable
mother-in-law, guarding like the angel
. with tho flaming sword the gate of par-'
adise, and the thought would send him
flying into the depths of the forest
again to escape fancied pursuit and re capture.
At last hunger drove the vegetarian to
desire another roof than the trees afford
ed, and more tempting food than herbs
and apples, so he decided to seek refuge
with his own mother, and at her home
found awaiting him papers in a suit
for divorce brought by his wife on the
ground of desertion. Now the courts
have freed the unhappy schoolmaster,
who deemed conjugal happiness too
dearly purchased at the price of such u
. Gold In the Ocean. -That
gold should exist in the ocean is
un induction that Dr. Henry Wurtz
claims to have presented in 1806, and in
1873 the discovery was announced by E.m
Sonstadt. A careful computation with"
the best data obtainable, on tha basis
of 0.9 grain of gold per ton of sen
water, about the proportion assigned
by Sonstadt, shows that the great ocean
should contain gold to the amount of
ovcr?80,030,000,000,000,000. Tho getting
of some of this by electrolysis, Dr. Wurtz
now predicts, will be ono of the prob.
Jems ol the tuturc.
Two Fresh Cows.
Two fresh cows for sale. " Also, a fine lot of
young pigs. Inquire or ,
Read the Bulletin.
It Is the best. Prints all the news of the
world 14 hours ahead of morning papers.
M-nt by mail to your address for 50c per
nonth. The Weekly Bulletin 81.50 per year,
--ample copies on application. Address The
tnlletin, 622 Montgomery street, San Frau-
Isco, Cal.
Hood River.
pa mm
- .7
Goes hand In hand with honesty In merchandislntr. Newsoanr mlsrenniPni,.iin
might draw you to a store and perhaps sell you onoe, but it would be your last purchase there.
We now offer yon Royal Baking Powder, full M ounce cans, for 40e per can; best Syrup 40o
per gallon; 6-gal. kegs of Pickles, ioc per keg: Sardines. 5c per box: o pektfs. Matches 5c Our
would-be competitors can't buy the Baking Powder nor Pickles as cheap as we offer them,
but we are making a fair profit on them.
Painter & Decorator
ISH. I make a specialty of my trade, and or
ders will receive prompt attention. Satislac
ory work at live and let live prices guaran
teed. Kstimoles gratis. Jy3
For Sale.
R000 feet of V and box flume, used at the late7
ncampment. V flume is made of one 6-in.
nd one 8-ln. board; box flume Is made of one
ln. and two 6-ln. boards. Price. V per 1000
feet of lumber, cash. V. c. IIROSIUS.
. 9
"WEST 5z, CO.,
Choice Fresh Meats, ..
Hams, Bacon, Lard,
And All Kinds of Gsme.
HOOD RTV Eli, - - - - - - .. . - OREGON.
; Successor to E. h. Smith Oldest Established House 1n the valley. J
' and .
Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc.
Wall Paper, Points, Oils, etc., etc. Agent for the Bridal Veil Lumber Company.
JNCTPENTAIjLY It 1b an advocate oi democracy, with no leanlnx towrinl ponnllsm or tnt
ciaHsm. The triumph of the rer-uciic n parry in the t-ec : - pri-nfrVntiul o tlon. s a rennH
c the disruption of tne democrats cWolvott up n the luttet ih (lm,v oi rci-oiiCKintion m i reor
Conization on th llntsa of ihelr own. and not tonio oilier part.v s. m th To jmnuti tfemime
0 raocia.7, to dlHcoJtHH!inc populism, aud to resist liio nioii' oiiHtic rl -ni iH of hmjiioiIlmd
h m wlii ue the pultie:tl mie'oi of TH (,'HKONL ff.E in the fu u hk it u- m tn-en tr the pabt -
An it newspaper TriK CHK.ONICIjK wi)i centime to be c hm . ve aid' nt rpr.itiuie.
'Ht f neither Utor uorexpeautt to m;ie It- rrporis o- all notuw-. t iv vent ot 4 p r-m-ftxunt-uJ
cuvdmiif exhaustively the euiirely Qj.d of newtt. discovery invent on ..nnubtry aud
Vuv on cont a dav every famMv .vlthln flvo h und re i irtliea of 'htcao mnv tmv in t o aiy
if Us puolicnti u ;i C'iy of a ifreat 4llv newspaper, coat. a .r tho'.iaani.- of dulUfii 'muee
miracle of eheupiWbH and value O uinaU
tPt &k n IP If 1 f 8 fA IPtt B 1
;5 91
3 Hi
la M PAID.
Cc : fly only. One Year. . . .. ... .$3.0-0
- " . " Six fc'orr.hs. ...... 1.50
" Throe Months...' .75
" Ono d' onth .25
I Dally and Sunday, $5. DO por ymr
Sunday enly, Cno Yenr .... S2.09
" ' ' -. x ! ont:-! . . I.GO
" lt-.rcc !'. t-fiths - .GJ
' . - Ono fi.orui-i. .2i
Parts of a year, 5o p-sr tj;i .i.
Ail si'bfl-'Hntion- m st be tv-eompa-iie 1 tiy tt,
rtra on Chlt.ijro or Ntf.. ITor . -r r-j ri tieel lull
euutiicti. must al 'Maya bdatsaJjr h ria'A Sain:Ju
rm'j U-'tn't bv on itul ornxprejiH mori
O i. -i-iii.; in . . t Wiiila (rmu.n-llv su-
O ).0'i .iO.Jl fl-J-i O.l .tiji
For Sale or Exchange.
For sale on libpral terms,1 rent orexrhnnee
for property in S,z Perces Co., IdHho, Kdero
mento Co.. Cal., or Portland, Or., three of my
pieces in Hood River.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., June 28.
1897. Notice is hereby Klven that the follow
ing-named settler has flied notice of his
Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be Made
before the Register and Receiver U. H. Land
Otnce at Vancouver, Wash., on Sept. 22, 1S97,
viz: ' . .
I . JUOCJ-n D1AIU, . .1-
! Heir of William SMahl, deceased, H. E. No.
I 8229, for the nor'.hwest V. section 11, township
J 8 north, range ll east, W. M. '
He names the following witnesses to' prove
his continuous upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: 'v'
John Caynse of White Salmon, Homer
Twinapon of Lyle, Ira B. Hewett and Franlt
Thompson of Lyle, Wash.
Sliaa B. F. SHAW, Register.
Notice. ."
Persons wanting water for irrigating from
he Improvement Company for tlie balanceof
he season can make application to H. F.
Davidson, the Secretary, who Is ready to pre
pare contracts, "i C. A. BELL,
Jy9 . " f Manager.
; , j
f Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., June 25,
1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settlers have illed notice of their in
tention to make final proof In support of their
claims, and that- said proof will be made
before the Register and Receiver of the U. H.
Land ofllce at Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 10,
1897, viz: . I
H. E. No. 8177, jor the south ivest section 15,
ownsnip a norm, range 11 easi, w. ai.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Juno I",
1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Register and Receiver at The Dalles,
Oregon, on August 3, 1697, viz:
Hd. E. No. 8484, for the northeast section 8,
township 2 north, range 11 easi, W. M.-
lle names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Mrs. E. B. Fulton, F. Stewart, Hood River,
Oregon; J. N. Mosier, H. A. Handlen, Mosler,
Oregon. JAB. F. MOORE, Register.
G. T. Prathjcr,- " I H. C. Cok.
Notarv Public.
Real M:ls aid Insnrance,
93 Oak St., bet. 2d and-3cr.-
We have lots, blocks and aereajre in the
tmvu.of Hood River; nlser, fruit, hay and oerry
farms ahtC ii.T:-eiulms in the most desira
ble locations in the valley. If yon have any
thing in the real estate line U) sell or rent, or
if yott want to bny, gi ve us a call.
Deeds, bonds and mortgages promptly and
correctly executed.
We will also attend to legal business In Jus
tices' courts.
We are also agents for SOUTH WAUOOM A
,- ap27
, The Battle or Brandy wine.
The battlo of Braudjrwine was one
of the worst of Washington's numerous
defeats. The . name originated, it is
saidfrom a Dutch brandy distillery on
the banks ot tho stream Bren twine,
variously spelled, being a Dutch nam
for brandy, or "burned wine."4 . v '
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June 12,
1897. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his In
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on July 27, 1897, viz: :
Hd. E. No. 4259, for the southwest i southeast
4 ana soutn soutnwest Msec
inin 2 north, range il east. W. M
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
William Watson, Frank Ginger, Newell
Harlan and E. J. Huskey. all of Mosier, Or.
J18Jy23 JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
He names trie following witnesses lo Drove iumi smith id miiiiui-Bi ispi-iinn ! ii,u-n
. -f, said land,.; viz: .
Alexander) Miller. Joel White, Norman S.
Inmlin anfi William H. Dryer, all of White
ulmou, Wash. Also,
H. E. No 8707, for the north southwest
ectlon 27i, and north southeast section
J8, township 3 north, range 11 cast, W7 M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his conti nuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
William H. Dryer, David Strait, Johnson
McLanahan und Carl Miller, all of White Sal
mon, W ash. And ,
ll. E. I'fo. 8H28, for the east northeast and
east southeast Vt section 21, township 8
norths range 11 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his co ntinuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Cart Miller, Norman S. Hamlin, George E.
White and John P. Egen, all of White Sal
mnni Wush. .
JyUa8 B. F, SHAW, Register, :
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June
1, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled notice of
nis intention to maice nnai prooi in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Register and Receiver at
The Dalles, ' igon, on July 17, 1897, viz:
Hd. E. No. 4! 4; 'f tne Iot east H northeast
Hand south . northeast section 82,
township 3 no. .nge 10 east. J
He names thi Injr witnesses to prove
his claim to sai. Cw. jisc: i
S. F. Blvthe, tk--?Prather. F. R. Abstc-n '
and R. J. Ellis, all of Hood River, Oregon.
j-ljy9 JAS. Pi MOORE, Register.
Lessons in Piano Music.
Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teaching
of Music. II er prices are .50 cents a lesson. J 10
Mt. Hood Saw Mills,
Of the best quality always on hand at prices
to suit the times. Jy24
House and 3 Lots.
House containing 5 rooms, and three lots on
comer of block, situated in Wuucoma addi
tion. Will be sold cheap. For further partic
ulars inquire of . L.HENRY.
In the best and most artistic styles at the Old
Heiiable Shoe jhop one dtor west of post office.
Ladies' line work a specialty. All work war
ranted. , . C. WELDS, Prop'r.
For Sale.
An oak refrigerator. In good order. 88.60; a .
wool mattress, $3; set of smoothing Irons, pa
tmit, handle, $1, and other articles.
Jy2 , J. F. ARMOR.
Pigs for Sale.
I have a fine lot of young Pigs, Poland
China breed, for sale at $1.50 each.
Six-Room Cottage
For sale. Barn, woodshed and well of water,
with pump, on the premises of two lots. Part
ca-h; balance on time. No reasonable offer
refused. Also, good second-hand oraan Ap
ply to E. V. HUSBANPM.