The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 25, 1897, Image 4

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to be divided among
missing word.
FINDERS is the
Schilling's Best tea is not only pure but Ut
i's -? because it is fresh-roasted. r
What is the missing word? !
Get Schilling's Best tea at your grocer's; take out the Yellow Ticket
(there is one in every package);' send it with your guess to address below
before August 31st. - '- '
One word allowed for every yellow ticket If your ticket (or tickets)
reaches us before July 1st, you are entitled to two words, for each ticket.
If only one person finds the word, he gets one thousand dollars. Ii
several find it, the money will be divided equally among them,':' j;
Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping
babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one
envelope will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it.
Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay $150 each to the two persons
who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between
June 15 and the end of the contest August 31st.
Cut this out. You . won't
for two weeks.
Since pneumatic tires have come into
use on cabs in Paris, it has been found
that owing to the reduced shock to ve'
hides, the cost of repair has been les
sened fifty per cent.
1 The dry volcanio ore along the Colo'
rado river, above and below Yuma has
been found to be rich in gold. It is
meoessary to roast the rock in order to
make it yield up its treasure.
The number of unmarried women in
England and Wales exceeds the num
ber of unmarried men by nearly 200,'
000. ..'
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding1 of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge, that bo many forms of
sickness are not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the svstem, which the pleasant
family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of families, and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is the
one remedy .which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
all important, in order to get its bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
Till reputable druggists.
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
fcted and gives most general satisfaction.
A New Flying Machine.
A new flying machine, similar in
prinoiple to that of Lilienthal, has been
devised by Herr Arthur Stenzel of Al
tona, Germany, says the Popular Soi
ence Monthly. It has parabolic wings
in imitation of bird's wings, ii driven
by the power of compressed carbonic
acid, and has been made to "go" when
attached for safety to a guiding cable.
With a force of one horse-power it
has advanced three meters at each beat
ing of the wings, of which there are
one and three-tenths per second. With
a horse-power and a half the machine
may be made to fly free from the cable.
The wings are remarkably elastio, and
the inventor thinks that this is one of
the factors of his success. They are
made of unsoldered steel tubes and
bamboo, and are covered with a spe
cially prepared india-rubber cloth. The
apparatus is directed by a rudder which
is not unlike a bird's tail. As yet no
' passengers have been carried on the ma
chine. r
is. W inflow's boothiko Syrup should always be J
for children teething1. It soothes the child, soft
W Mrs.
ft used for
ft eiu) the jyumg, allays all pain, cares wind colic, and in t
jj, the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty five cents a
k unmet, it in me ut-Bi ui mi.
Make money by suc
cessful speculation in
Chicago. We buy and
sell wheat there on mar
gins. Fortunes have been made on a small
beginning by trading In futures. Write for
full particulars. Best of reference given. Sev
eral years' experience on the Chicago Board of
Trade, and a thorough knowledge of the busi
ness. Downing, Hopkins 4 Co., Chicago Board
of Trade Brokers. Offices in Portland, Oregon,
Bpokane and Seattle, Wash.
pDPTURB and FILES cured; no pay un
I V til cured ; Bend for book. Das. Mansfield
I Fostirfikld, S38 Market St., San Francisco.
.P.N.U.No. 707 S.F.N. TJ. No. 784
the ? ---of the
see, it r again
y '
Geological Congress. ,
The seventh triennial meeting of this
body will be held in St Petersburg this
year. The previous session have been:
Philadelphia (inaugural), 1876; Paris
(first congress), 1878; Boulogne, 1881;
Berlin, 1885; London, 1888;., Washing
ton, 1891; Geneva, 1894. , In each
country special endeavors have been
made to make the reunion as' interest
ing and as agreeable as possible, extend
ing to visiting members . every facility
for studying the prominent . physical
and geological features of the country
they were visiting. j . s y j r(, J
The actual congress is to take place
at the Imperial Academy of Sciences,
St. Petersburg, from August 29th to
September 4th August 17th to 23d,
O. S. The questions to be, discussed
have not yet been decided upon, but
whatever they may be, a room will be
set aside for an exhibition of geological
maps, profiles, books, collections,: in
stuments, etc., and arrangements have
been made so that all objects intended
for this exhibition and addressed
"Russia, St. Petersburg, Exposition du
Congress Geologique International,."
will be delivered , at St. . Petersburg
without being submitted to any cus
toms inspection, and will be unpacked
in the presence of a delegate of the or
ganizing committee. Furthermore,
suoh instructions have been given to
the Russian representatives in foreign
countries, that on presentation of the
oard of membership the vise, of pass
ports will be facilitated, and moreover,
the same card shown at a Russian port
or frontier will render the customs in
spection as easy as possible. Then,
again, all geologists who have paid theii
subcription will obtain a non-transferable
ticket, giving them the right to
travel first-class on the Russian and
Finland railway free of cost. : The ex
cursion arranged, both to precede. and
succeed the meeting, include a visit
to the Ourals, or to Esthonia, or to
Finland, before the meeting, and to the
Caucasus and Crimea after the meeting.
Acoording to the deductions of a well
known astronomer, we receive as much
light from the sun as could bev emitted
by 680,000 full moons. . , ', , ;
The expense of the Vatican at Rome
would be covered if every Catholic in
the world contributed three-quarters of
a cent a year. ' 'f
Vacoination has just been introduced
into Afghanistan by the advice of Miss
Hamilton, an English . physician, who
is in attendance upon the ameer. ;; ''
In the tropical forests so large a pro
portion ot the plants are of the sensi
tive variety that sometimes the path
of the traveler may be traced by the
wilted foliage. ' ' : '
Only One !
Not more than five men or
women in a thousand are free
from tome form of Kidney,
Liver or Bladder trouble,
which is certain to run into
serious disease unless
checked. ' '
Stop and Think n
that there is but one known
remedy for these troubles i
Ask any druggist, physician
or friend what it lis, and he
will tell you, i. O ...
This great remedy stands
ABSOLUTELY "at the top,"
and Is so acknowledged by
the most advanced thinkers
of the world. . This sugges
tion Is all you require I , (
Beit Cough Sirup. Tastes Good.
in niu pom pt qrarrma
A. Resume of Events in
Towns- of
New Gathered In ' All the
foir elg-tiborlng; States-Ktmprove-
ment Noted In All Industrie Oregon. '
i , , " ' .-
Astoria now has a paid fire : depart-
Pendleton is considering the proposi
tion of buying in its own paper, as an
investment for funds.
The locks at the Cascades' were
opened for the season last week, as high
water is over for this year.
Baker City's praises are loudly sung
by all the visiting firemen who took
part in the tournament there.
Indian Agent Harper says that many
fish are being taken in the Umatilla
river by persons using dynamite,? vt r
"Winans . Bros, brought ,into. The
Dalles 1,200 pounds of salmon one day
last week. The run is light, but the
fish are of excellent quality.'
Seven emigrant wagons passed
through Lakeview. Three of them were
bound for Indiana, and the rest for Ne
braska. They were from Rogue river
valley. - : ( i
The bicyclists of Astoria are talking
of building a bicycle path, and it is
suggested that the county join them in
building a good road to John Day's and
Knappa. A.ry,.,
Lane county's jail has been Without '
an occupant since the March term of
circuit court, the longest period it hat
been empty during the present sheriff's
term of office. VO'.iLIX .
The Lane county court has let the
contract to build a 100-fcot strain beam
truss bridge, with crib pier, across
Salmon, Creek, for $890. Seven bids
were handed in by four bidders.
The grasshoppers are doing consider
able damage in the vicinity of Lexing
ton, Or. Gardens have been com
pletely ruined, and in many (.places
entire fields of wheat have been eaten
The graduating class at the Corvallis
college this year numbers 17, against 48
last year and 61 the year previous.
The reduction in the number is largely
due to an extension of the course from
three to four years.
There will be no grain raised in the
northern part of Morrow county this
year, and but a small amount of hay,
the grasshoppers having destroyed
everything in sight. ThQ Srtloii of
the county that they have not visited
will raise an average crop.
The Weston Leader says that a num
ber of pioneer'relics were exhibited at
the reunion tent there recently. Thomas
Spenoe's contribution was a pocket rifle
100 years old, made in Massachusetts.
It is a harmless-looking affair now, but
was considered a trusty weapon by Mr.
Spence's father,, who, armed with it
alone chased a band of Indian horse
thieves for three.days.
Washington. .
The free text-book proposition
voted down in Mount Vernon.
Steamboat men at Gray's harbor are
talking of putting a steamer on North
river, above the jam. rf -f j ;
The number of deaths in' Seattle dur
ing May was 88. Eight of these were
children and two were from drowning.
At the school election in Walla
Walla the proposition to furnish free
text-books was defeated by a vote of 81
to 14.
Winfield Scott Rich, of Cambridge,
Mass., has been engaged as principal
of the Spokane high school,, at a salary
of $1,200 a year.
All laws passed by the last session of
the Washington legislature, to which
no emergency1 clause is attached, have
become operative. " .
Bemis' shingle mill, in Cowlitz coun-
ty, that has been delayed on account of
the jam of bolts in the Toutle river,
will be started up at once.
An ordinance has been passed by the
Olympia council denying to all bjoyole
riders the use of the . sidewalks for
riding during the dry season. 1
Three Seattle' wheelmen made the
run from Seattle to Olympia and return
last Sunday, covering the entire dis
tance of 154 miles on their bicycles.
The Atlas Lumber Company, at Mur
ray, is putting an additional engine
into its sawmill. Last month the com
pany shipped more than 70 carloads oi
lumber East.
The Lewis county commissioners at
their latest meetings decided to post
pone indefinitely theroposition to is
sue funding bonds to take up the coun
ty's floating indebtedness.
Two rolls of steel wire cable were re
ceived in Shelton, Mason county, re
cently for Simpson's logging canipsT
Each roll is 4,000 feet long and weigha
5,000 pounds. They cost in SU Loui.
9 Ann i Si
"y0, . ..
Miners in the Swauk district in Kit'
titas county have begun work for the"
season and clean-ups are yielding well.
Two large dams on Baker creek, to hold
25,000,000 gallons of water, are to be
built this summer.
The state land commission has ar
ranged to put six land crnisers in the
field to overlook the new townships re-
tiohs therefrom. Some, of the cruisers
are already .taking to the field. $ f ;
Fish, Commissioners Crawford was ton''
fhe1 Sound and at the Baker lake hatch j
ery last week. The report that the
hatchery will close down on account of
the failure of the legislature to appro
priate funds, he says; ;s jnoorreot 'The
batohery is maintained out of the li
cense fund,
Downing, Hopkins & Company' Review
of Trade.
There were a number of considera
tions in the wheat market to unsettle
the ideas of traders. The uneasiness
over the July deal on account of the
small stocks has been one of the factors.
It was started by the discovery that
trades in July would not settle with
one of the prominent elevator concerns,
and the conclusion was at once reached
that this concern had bought enough
July wheafr to develop an interesting
situation with local contract stocks of
wheat so abnormally low.1; Not only
are local stocks and the American visi-'
ble away., below last year's1 level, but
the recent decreases have each week
been greater than expected. On account
of the good cash trade the local out
inspection has been heavy, and each
week a large percentage of the local
stock is moved out. . The position taken
by the board of trade directory on the
elevator question was inclined to add
to the uneasiness regarding the possi
bility of a July squeeze. .
Among the minor considerations
have .been the changes in the weather,
the reports 'of i locusts in the North
west, the good spring wheat flour trade.
f In. a general 'Way the market has been
unsettled and easily influenced in either
direction by a comparatively small
volume of trade;
Portland Market. . ;
Flour Portland, Salem, Cascadia
and Dayton, $3.75; Benton county and
White Lily, $3.75; graham, $3.40; su
perfine, $2.60 per barrel. .
Wheat Walla Walla, 70 71c; Val
ley, 72c per bushel.
Oats Choice white, 8840o jjer
bushel; choice gray, 8739c.
L Hay-Timothy, $10. 00 18. 50 per
ton; clover, $11.5012.50; wheat and
oat, $10.0011.00 per ton. .
Barley Feed barley, $16.50 per ton;
brewing, $18 19.
Millstuffs Bran, $14.50, shorts,
$16.50; middlings, $23.50. ,
Butter Creamery, 85c; dairy, 20
25c; store, 1730o per roll.
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks,4050c;
Garnet Chilies, 55 65c; Early Rose,
8540o per sack; sweets, $3.75 per
cental for Merced; new potatoes, $1
1.10 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, '$3.00
8.25; geese, $2.504.50; turkeys, live,
10c; ducks, $2. 50 8. 50 per dozen.
Eggs Oregon, 11 12c per dozen.
Cheese Oregon, 1 1 c; Young
America, 18o per pound, t
Wool Valley, 12c per pound; East
ern Oregon, 6 8c.
. Hops 7 8c per pound.
Beef Gross, V top steers, $3.50;
cows, $2.508.00; dressed beef, 5
6Jc per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 2c; dressed mutton, 4
5c per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice, heavy, $4.00
4.50; light and feeders, $2.503.00;
dressed $3.004. 75 per cwt.
Veal Large, 84c; small, 4
5c per pound.
Seattle Market.
- Chicken feed, $26
Oats Choice, $2122 per ton.
Flour (Jobbing) Patent excellent,
4.60; Novelty A, $4.80; California
Drands, $4.60; Dakota, $5.65; patent,,
$5.25. -
Barley Rolled or ground, $20 per
ton; whole, $19.
Corn Whole, $20 per ton; cracked,
$20; feed meal, $20.
Mil Muffs Bran," $15.00 per ton;
'shorts,' $18.' "
Hay Puget sound, per ton, $12.00;
Eastern Washington, $17; California,
.1 Feed Chopped feed, $18.00 per ton;
middlings, $22; oilcake meal, $30.
Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,
hens, 11c; sprihg ehickens, $2.503.50;
ducks, $5 6. . ''.('... ; i
Butter Fancy native creamery,
brick, 16c'; ranch, 10 12.
Cheese-Native ' Washington, 10
:11c; Eastern,!. I lo; California, 9c.
Vegetables Potatoes, per ton, $10.00
11; Yakimas, $1218; rhubard
2o per pound; onions, $1; carrots, per
sack, $1;, cabbage, native, per 100 lbs,
$1.752; new potatoes, l)l)o per
per lb.
Eggs Fresh ranch, 14 15c.
Fresh Meats -Choice dressed beef,
steers, 6c; ,cows, 6o; mutton, sheep, '
6o per pound; pork, 6)4C V pound;
veal, small, 6 7c
Fresh Fish Halibut, 84c;
salmon, 4 5c; salmon trout, 7 10c;.
flounders and soles, 8 4c. ,
Provisions Hams, large, 11c; hams,
small, llc; breakfast bacon, 10c; dry
salt sides, 6Jc per pound.
Fruits Lemons, California, fancy,
$3.008.50; choice, $2.50; oranges,
seedlings, $2.50; Mediterranean sweets,
$33.50; bananas, shipp ng, $1.75
2.75 per bunch; apples, $1.502 per
San Francisco Market. .
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 60 75c;
Early Rose, 60 70c; River Bur
banks, 5065c; sweets, $1.25 per
I cental. " r- ' -:- I
ZTJkk V?"?1" Xa
Vf WL, M f
1415ci: seconds,, 13 14c,, f H -
Ohoesfi Fflncvimild. new'8l8Vc:
Butter Fancy creamery, 16io; do
Cheese Fancy : mild, new,., 884s;
fair to, good, 7 &, Young America,
89cEastern,vl415o. W v---
Wool Choice foothill, 8 10c; San
Joaquin plains, 7 9c; do 12 months,
7 9c per pound.
Onions New, red, 60 70c.
Eggs Ranch, 12 15c per dozen.
Hay Wheat and oat, $7 10; best
?6; com
6.50(g io.OO; straw, 8550o per bale.
Tropical Fruit Bananas, $1.00
2.00 per bunch.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, navel, $2.00
2.50; seedlings, do, $1.252.00; com
mon lemons, 75c$1.50; fancy, $2.00
2.25 per box., , ;
1 ' Apples $1.252 per box; Eastern
$8.50 per barrel. ,T
Power for Blectrlc Car.
, The directors of the Hanover (Ger
many) tramway system have published
an important report, in which they nar
rate their -experiences with accumulat
ors as the source of the power for their
cars. In Hanover both overhead wires
and accumulators have been used for a
considerable time, so that the managers
are in a position to institute a reliable
comparison. Taking everything into
account, they pronounce in favor of the
storage cell. The cost of maintenance
they say has been determined with the
utmost exactitude possible for the year
1896, and the managers reach' the con
clusion that the additional .cost of ac
cumulators does not exceed one gros
chen, or .2 of a cent per mile. Consequently,-
it has been decided that the
entire system shall, as soon as the re
quisite arrangements can be made, be
driven by secondary batteries. :
Is as essential to physical health as to political
consistency. For weakness oi the back, rheu
matism, and disorders of the kidneys, the tonic
and dietetic action of Hostetter's Stomach Bit
ters is the one thing needful. The stomach is
the mainstay of every other organ, and by in
vigorating the digestion with this preparation,
the spinal column, and all its dependencies,
are sympathetically strengthened. The dys
peptic and bilious will find It a pure vegetable
stimulant and tonic.
Scientists say that the atmosphere
surrounding the globe is gradually di
minishing, and that in the course of a
few thousand, or perhaps a few hun
dreds of thousands of years, the supply
will be exhausted.
We are asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word " CASTORIA," and
" PITCHER'S CASTORIA," as our Trade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was theoriginator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA,"
the same that has borne and does now bear the
fac-simile signature of CHA9. H. FLETCHER on
every wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S
CASTORIA " which has been used in,the homes
of the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bought, and has the
signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. No one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chas. H. Fletcher is President. "
The most valuable fur is that of the
sea otter. One thousand dollars has
been paid for a single skin of this ani
mal not more than two yards long by
three-quarters of a yard wide. .
The craving tor drink Is a disease, a marvelous
cure for which has been discovered called "Anti
Jag," which makes the Inebriate lose all taste for
strong drink without knowing why, as It can be
given secretly in tea, coffee, soup and the like.
If "Anti-Jag" is not kept by your druggist send
one dollar to the Ken ova Chemical Co., Hti Broad
way. New York, and it will be sent postpaid, in
plain wrapper, with full directions how to give
secretly. Iuf urination mailed free. .
The railway metals between London
and Edinburgh, a distance of 400 miles,
are 210 yards longer in summer than
they are in winter, owing to the expan
sion caused by the extra heat.
At Burlingame continues to maintain its high
rank as one of the best schools for boys in Cal
ifornia. San Francisco Chronicle.
Representative Sayers, of Texas,
wants the government to offer a prize
of $50,000 for an engineering scheme
capable of controlling the Mississippi.
Beware of Olntme nts for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury,
As mercury' will surely destroy the sense of
smell and completely derange the whole sys
tem when entering it through the mucous sur
faces. Such articles should never be used ex
cept on prescriptions from reputable nhvsi
cians, as the damage they will do is tenfold to
the good you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo., O., contains no mer
cury and is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure
you get the genuine. It is taken internally,
and made in Toledo, O., by F. J. Cheney & Co.
Testimonials free. 1
Sold by Druggists, price 75c per bottle. 1
Hall's Family Pills are the best. :
1 The Canadian government has ar
ranged a system of cold storage on rail
ways, at ports and on steamers, for the
preservation of perishable goods. . i
' I know that my life was saved by Piso's
Cure for Consumption. John A. Miller,
Au Sable, Michigan, April 21, 1895.
Mr. Gladstone is the freshest, live
liest, most thoroughly up-to-date "back
number" existing in the world today. ,
the body, and, after it is worn six hours uvery nerve is saturated with Electric energy. It 1
squeezes the forces of vitality and makes every part of the body strong. Now, drugs tear
down one port to build up another, while Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt makes all parts
strong. It furnishes its own power, while drugs simply drain the power that is in the
UOUy. . (
:" Call and see Dr. Sanden today. '
Consultation and Teat of
. j The book is also free. By mail, it Is sent, closely sealed, free: ' 1 .'
' :'. ' ''" -. ..' ,: , --.,1!"! .;! -v I!; ':'
SANDEN ELECTRIC BFLT CO., W.n Washington St.. Portland; Or.
, When writing to Advertiser please mention this paper. " ' , .
St Saasome Street
" Mocsco, Cat...
-A" few' words from. Mrs. Smith,' of
Philadelphia, will certainly corroborate
the cla m that Lydia E. Pinkham'
Vegetable Compound is woman's ever
reliable friend. . ...
"I cannot praise : Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound too highly,
"For nine
weeks I was in
ted suffer-- -
ing with in
flammation and conges
tion of the
ovaries. I
had a dis
charge all (
the time.
When lying
j . ii .
tlia t!m.
felt quite
comfort- ';
able; but as soon as I would put my
feet on . the floor, the pains would
comeback. ' '. ;.
" Every one thought it was impossi
ble for me to get well. I was paying
per day for doctor's visits and 75 cents
a day for medicine. I made up my mind
to try Mrs. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, It has effected a complete cure
for me, and I4iave all the faith in the
world in What a blessing to wo
man it isl' Mbs. Jennie L. Smith, No.
824 Kauffman St., Philadelphia, Pa,: .
Of Mercury!:;
Mr. Henry Roth, of 1848 South 9th
Street, St. Louis, was given the usual
mercurial treatment f or . contagious
blood poison. He was twice pronounc
ed cured, but the disease relumed each
time, he was seized with rheumatic
pains, a,nd red lumps and sores cov
ered ms ooaj.
"I was in a hor
rible, fix" he
, says, "and the
more' tre at
tnent I receiv-
: ed, the. worse I
seemed to get.
A New York
specialist said
he could cure
me, but ' his
treatment did
whatever.' was stiff and full of
Ufy ' me no rgoa
pains, my left arm was useless so
that I was unable to do even -the
lightest work. This was my condition
when I began to take S. S. S., and a
few bottles convinced me that I was
being- benefitted. v I continued 1 the
medicine, and one dozen bottles cured
me sound and well. ' My system was
under the effects of mercury, and I
would soon have : been a complete
wreck but for S. S. S.'' -S.
S. S., (guaranteed purely vegetable)
is the only cure
for real blood dis
eases. . The mer
curial treatment
of the doctors al
ways does more
harm than good. Beware of mercury!
' Books on the disease and its treat
ment mailed free to any address by
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. '
How to Attain It."
A Wonderful' Kew
Medical Book, written ;
for Men Only. On
copy may be had free,
sealed, in plain envel
ope, on application. , ;-
65 Niagara 81, ,..
We carry the most complete line of Gymnasium
' and Athletic Goods on the Coast.
. '; ., . Send for Our Athletic Catalogue. ; .:
818-880 Market St., San Francisco, Cal.
i . 1 ...
It seems almost out of place to say that a
man may be a giant in physical develop
ment and yet that a stripling could outdo
him in a simple test of nerve. , But it's very .
often true. Look at the great, big, husky
fellow; he could knock down an ox with
his fist. Bat his 'big heart is sott, and he
lacks "grit." His sympathies are as strong
as his arm, but bis nerve falls often and he
is ashamed of himself. He does not under
stand it, and it does seem strange. - Dr. .
Sanden explains the reason in his book,
"Three Classes of Men." ,
This famous Belt corrects the trouble.' It
Is worn during sleep mostly, and as nerv
force or vital power is nothing but electric-,
ity, it gives the back the grit. It works al
together on the nerves and vital parts of
the Famous Belt Free. ,
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