It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. VOL. IX. , , HOOD RIVEK, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1897. :4 vi'V.-'- r- '"'V:m ?4VNO.r:4' J CURRENT EVENTS OF THE DAY Epitome of the Telegraphic ' v News of the World; TERSE TICKS FROM THE WIRES An Interesting Collection of Items From the New and the . Old World In a . Condensed and Comprehensive Form Howard A. Soott, who murdered his Wife in October last was electrocuted in Sing Sing prison, !N., Y.w. . '.. .. A fast freight train on the Santa Fe railroad was ditched near Elma, Mo.,' and three tramps and a brakeman. were killed. - '. :- . The United States government im migrant station, on Ellis island, New York harbor, was destroyed by fire, but with no loss of life. . ' Assistant Quarantine Officer; . Blue declared that the disease on the City of Para, now at Angel island quarantine station, San Francisco bay, is yellow fever. , ' ' :-' : . - A serious landslide oocurred near Briega, canton of Valais, Switzerland.' Part of the forest there and a number of buildings have been buried. There was no loss of .life. , , '.'-: The state 'department" has been in formed by Consul-General Lee of the release of Remedios, an American, ar rested at Porto Cabanas, May 28. : The man was released Friday,, , , Sir Henry Irving unveiled a memorial statue to Mrs. Sarah Scott-Siddons, the famous English actress, on Raddington green, London, where her ' remains were interred 66 years ago. .. While Professors Marksburn and Richards were praotioing on a flying . trapeze at Fiesta Park,, Los Angeles, they fell to the ground and Richards sustained . internal injuries which will probably result fatally. ,s Firemen extinguished a fire at the home of Grant Prestel,' a laborer, at Dayton, O. They found : the charred bodies of Rose Prestel, aged 16, and Albert Prestel, aged 2 years.. The children played with matches and set fire to the house. . . ' The southbound express on the Grand Rapids & Indiana, was derailed near Riggeville, Ind. : The. rails are said to have spread, ditching the engine, ten der, mail and baggage cars. , The en gine was totally demolished,' instantly killing the engineer. - v- The Pacific Mail steamsihp City of Para, now in quarantine in San Fran cisoo, brings details of the loss in mid Pacific of the British ship Buckhurst, on April 4 last, she having picked up part of the crew of the' ill-fated vessel on May 2, , when BOO miles off the Nicaragua ; coast, and landed them at Punta Arenas. The. Buckhurst oaught fire, and the crew after .working ten days to quench the flames, were com pelled to abandon her. -i v A ; speoial, dispatch ifrom Buohal, Island of Madeira, off the west coast of Morocco, to. a London paper, says that on the arrival there of the British steamship Soot, whioh left. Table bay (Cape Town) June 2, for Southampton, 'it was announced that Barney Barnato, the South African diamond king, who was among the passengers, had com mitted suicide by leaping- overboard. His body was recovered.' Barnato was known all over : the world and , was worth at one time 100,000.000. ' An epidemic of oholera has broken out in'Bangkok.' . ('' : : s ' Proof is positive that Dr. Ruiz, the American, was murdered in & Spanish prison in Cuba. ' ; , ' '; ! ' '. A boiler exploded in the print works of Norcega Bros., Puebla, Mexico, kill 1 ing 60 or more persons, i , , 1 i ' ,. Fire destroyed $80,000 worth of prop erty in Cairo, 111. Twenty-five head of horses and a. number of dwellings were burned.'. V v', :;'''' .A cloudburst,; which caused the river Morge in France to rise suddenly, Vreoked over 600 factories and work shops and desolated many small towns. - It is said in Astoria, upon ! what is apparently good authority, that Mal colm W. Sale, of Young's River, whose disappearance ' in March last created somewhat of a senasation, is alive and well. ?' TV.. ,; -V. '.""V Earthquakes were experienced in the state of Oaxaoa, Mexico, and some dam age was done on the isthmus of Te huantepec, where slightly constructed houses were cracked. One shock lasted 40 seconds.' ' '.' 'i. ','':' '' ,.','.'. ''. Jerome SmeatherS, his wife and seven children were poisoned at Yelvington, Ky.,' With J'aris green, which acci dentally fell ia a bucket of water. One child is reported dead, two dying and possibly none will recover. , . . Owing to engineer and Conductor for getting orders a freight train , crashed into a work train, both going at a high rate of speed, near Hudson, Wisconsin, and ; four ." workmen were instantly killed, three bodies being burned. The department of state has' been) officially informed that an internation al conference will be held in Berlin from October 11 to 16, 1897, to discuss the leprosy question. There will be lectures and exhibits conheoted therewith- TO GO TO SPAIN. Calhotin, Not General Woodford, Will Be Minister at Madrid. New. York, June 16. A 'dispatch from Nashville, Tenn., says that ex- ( Commissioner Calhoun, who went to investigate the, Ruiz case and the gen eral condition of things in the island of Cuba for President McKinley, is the man who is most likely to be named for minister to Madrid, and not -General Stewart L Woodford. .. : - Secretary Sherman said today: . " "No, General Woodford's name has not been mentioned to me by the presi-. dent in connection with ' the post of minister to Spain. .-. I know General Woodford, and he would be an excellent man for the place, hut as I understand it, Mr. Calhoun, who has just returned from Cuba, is to be sent to Madrid as the representative of this country at the Spanish court. ', There have been a good many conflicting reports made in regard to this mission, owing to its im portance at this time and because the president has really had in mind several gentlemen for the place." ( "J Morgan Has a Theory. ' : New York, June 16. A dispatch to the World from ; Washington says: Senator Morgan in an interview last night said: .-, ; . ' . ' "I have information from most re liable authority that Cuba is under the control of a completely organized civil government,' stronger than it was ever before, and so established that it is im possible now for tWfV Spaniards to over throw it. ,The Cubans have, by the natural resources of that part of the island in which they are dominant, sufficient food and supplies to sustain them to the end. The tactics of Gen-' eral Gomez baffles the Spaniards effec tually. ': ' - , ' '; . . ' ' ' "In the meantime the situation is so grave in Spain that the government is obliged to keep at home all of its regu lar army of trained, seasoned, disci plined troops, an army of 80,000 men, 60,000 of whom might have been land ed on the island and swept it from one end to the other. But that is now out of the question.' 'These soldiers are wanted at home to meet f dangers that are threatening the throne. The Span ish government is afraid to put in con-, trol a man in accord With its past policy. '. . . ! : V . ' "It is impossible for me even to con jecture what President McKinley will do, although I am not at all inclined to impute to him unpatriotic motives. But whatever this government may do, I am satisfied that this is one revo lution which will not. go baokward., Work has already been accepted and established which . must result in the independence of Cuba. v'The senate's action defining the re lations between Spain and Cuba is a firm and irrevocable declaration that there is war in the island of Cuba. "The administration is subjected ' to the pressure of two classes of American oitizens concerning themselves about purely business matters. -. One is that which is said to have between $50,000, 000 and $100,000,000 invested in the island. , The other is the class which in this case, as well as in every case like it, avail themselves of the oppor tunity to make money out of the di lemmas and distresses of others, which would have as the basis of Cuban inde pendence the issuance of $50,000,000 of bonds, one-half to be devoted to re placing the losses sustained by Ameri cans and the other half to go into the pookets of the bondholders and, bond placers.;' This government I think . is now in a state of contention with these influences. No matter, how earnestly the president may believe in doing jus tice to Cuba or how great his desire to promote her independence, or his zeal to take care of our people and the rights of the island, he is handicapped by the crowd that are only seeking to make money out of the misfortunes of others." " ," " .,'" .. f . " I 1 . ' ' ' i '. . ( j""; A Cowardly Assassination. .' , ' ; Iraputo, Mexico, ; June 16. While William v R. . McNeel, a 17-year-old American, ' accompanied by W. ' , R. Smith, another American, was passing along the street here early at night, an unknown Mexican stepped up behind McNeel and fired a pistol, killing him instantly. ',' The cause of the murder is unknown.. McNeel had been here only a few weeks studying Spanish. He was from San Antonio, and was a son of Captain P. J. McNeel, a well-known Texas ranger. Nothing has been heard from the family of the murdered boy, and the remains will be buried here. The Mexican who did .the killing es caped.' - ' I ' ' ' . ' ...-..'-''.; V 'v The Ax Is Swinging- '..: ;.' Washington,; June 16. The effect of the recent ruling in the posoffice de partment order to consider, as vacant all offices which are due to expire be tween now and July 1, was apparent today when 158 fourth-class postmas ters were appointed in this administra tion. Seventy-two of the- vacancies 'were created by removals. : . , : ; . - i -( Peace Conference Adjourned. Constantinople, June 16. A further adjournment of the peace conference has taken place at the request of Tew fik Pasha, on the ground that, the sul tan has not decided on the retention or evaouation of Thessaly. . The other points for the arrangement of perma nent peace, - with exception of . the amount of indemnity, have been prac tically settled. ' DIED TRYING TO SAVE OTHERS Fatal, Accident on the 0. R. V & N. Near Portland. ENGINE RAN INTO A HAND CAR Charles A. Rathbone . Fatally Injured ' While Attempting to Rescue a Boy, Who Was Also Killed. , ' Portland, t)r.,' June 15. A west bound special train on the line of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com--pany collided with a hand car half a mile west of Rooster Rock at 4 o'clock yeterday afternoon, instantly, killing Robert Dunne, the 6-year-old son of Section Foreman Dunne, and injuring Charles A. Rathbone so that he died within half an hour. Both Rathbone and the boy were passengers on the hand car. Rathbone had reached the ground, and would have been saved had he not heroically attempted to rescue the child. ' The special train consisted of an en gine and the speoial car of Superin tendent O'Brien and party, who were returning from a tour of inspection over the road. The car was ahead of the en gine, and tne passengers were all in the forward or observation end at the time of the accident.,' The train was running about 20 miles an hour, and was just rounding' a sharp curve when the hand - car was seen coming - down the track with a party consisting of two men, two women and two children on board. It was Dunne and Rathbone, with their wives, and Dunne's two children. ', Engineer Whipple saw the hand car as soon as did the party on the observa tion oar, and instantly applied the air brakes. The train was within 100 yards of the hand car, however, when it 1 - was discovered; and it was impossible ' , to check the speed in time to prevent a i collision. Both Rathbone and Dunne i took in the situation at a glance, and would have got the party safely .off and - the car off the track had it not been for the women, who, paralyzed with fright, refused to move. The men got to the ground at the last minute. Dunne was just about to seize his wife, and Rathbone, whose wife had finally managed to jump off, was endeavoring to rescue the little Dunne boy, when' the crash came. " ; ' ' : 1 --i 'V ' . The boy was thrown 5 under the wheels of the car and instantly killed. The step struck Rathbone in the head while, oblivious to all else save his pur pose to save the boy, he was bending forward, and crushed his skull. , ' Mrs. Dunne and her daughter were thrown from the hand car, but were unhurt. The . train was brought to a standstill after the hand car had been pushed several rods, and the 'party in the observation car ran to the assistance of the victims of. the accident. - ' The child was lying in a cut near the track,' dead. Rathbone lay near him, still breathing, with a gash in his forehead, which told that he had not long to live.. The two women, as Roon as they' recov ered from the shock of the accident, were nearly frantic with grief. Rath bone was carried on board the train, and the body of the child was taken to the home of its parents at . Rooster Rock. - Mrs. Rathbone accompanied her dying husband, and was at bis side when he expired, shortly before the train readied Portland. ; V ,f ; The place where the acoident happen ed was a sharp curve, whioh ' Dunne had neglected to flag when he rounded it with 'the hand oar. , The men .on the car and their wives and the two children of the former had been on a pleasure exoursion to Corbett, three miles below Rooster Rock, and were re turning when the accident occurred. , Charles A. Rathbone, the man who was killed, was a farmer by occupation, and .resided at Rooster. Rock. He had but recently returned from his mine in Skamania county, and had been with his wite but a few days. Rathbone was a man of fine character, and' was highly esteemed by , every one who knew him.' :' .-: i , : " ' . " V -vt. Murder in Medford. . ; ', ; ,. Med ford," Or., June 15.' Word reached this city this morning that L. C. Quisley had been shot and instantly killed by "Doo'; Scraggs, at the Whip ley ranch, near Prospect, about '40 miles from here. vThe shooting oc curred yesterday, and Scraggs claims self-defense. : . He says that Quisley was in the act of carrying hay from his field, and when he attempted to stop him, Quisley : dropped . the hay and made a charge upon him with the fork, sticking the prongs into his leg, where upon he shot him with a rifle. ' Coro ner Kirschgessner and Deputy District Attorney White have gone to the soene and will hold an inquest, and until then the facts will not be fully known. - A Wreck on the Cotton Belt. . ; Stuttgart, Ark., June 15. A wreck ' oocurred on the Cotton Belt railroad nine miles southwest of here last night at 7 o'clock. - A local freight ' was ditched on account of a culvert burning out. The engineer and fireman jumped and saved their lives. Six cars were wrecked i and burned. Two tramps who were stealing a ride were injured, and one Tiding the rods under a car war smothered and burned to death, : , ' DEBATE GREW WARM. The Fiery Tillman Discusses the Sugar ; Question With Hoar. . - Washington, June 16. The senate de bate on the sugar schedule of the tariff bill proceeded today with only one diverting incident to relieve the monot ony into ' which the discussion has lapsed. This was a sharp exchange be tween Hoar and Tillman,' representing the two extremes of senatorial pro cedure. j Tillman referred to published charges of , irregularity in connection with the sugar schedule, and asserted that the senate would stand convicted before the American people if it failed to investigate the charges. Mr. Hoar calmly and impressively repelled this statement, his tone and language being calculated as a rebuke. He declared that the vague charges of irregularity were not ' only preposterous, but infa mous.' .-' -" " " ' r .- !--'' ''' Allison, in charge of the bill, made another speech in defense of he sched ule, presenting tables which he deolared proved that the sugar refiners received less protection under the senate sched ule than under the existing law. . Pet tigrew spoke at length in favor of his amendment to place on the free list articles controlled by trusts, severely arraigning the various trusts."; Allen urged legal procedure against the trusts. Only one roll-call occurred during the day, on Lindsay's amendment to plaoe all sugars on the same basis. ;, This was rejected, 26 to 29, V McEnery voted with the Republicans in . the negative, and Pettigrew and Mantle with the Democrats in the affirmative." . . The tariff bill was taken up with lit tle delay. Allison asked for an agree ment that the daily sessions begin at 11 A. M., but it was preferred to have the agreement conditioned on the under standing that daily adjournments would be at 5 P. M. Allison stated that there would be no difficulty fabout that, and an agreement for, early sessions was effected. ' ' '''' -.';..' , ; VENEZUELA TREATY. Final Ratification Has Been Completed j ' at the Capital. '.,'' '.- Washington, June 16. The final ratification of the boundary treaty be tween Great Britain and Venezuela was exchanged at the state department at 8 o'olock this , afternoon. ,, Because this exchange marked the closing chapter in the.negotiations begun in the last and deciding phase, almost two years ago, the occasion was marked with some formality. ! The scene was the diplo matio reception room in the state de partment, in which the original treaty between Sir Julian Pauncefote and Sec retary Olney was signed, and where, on February 2 last; the .present treaty was signed by the British ambassador "and the Venezuela minister. Today there were present in the room Sir Julian Pauncefote, Senor Andrade, the Venez uela minister, and his secretary of lega tion Acting Secretary of State W. R. Day and Assistant ' Secretary Cridler, who has been instrumental in framing the various treaties, protocols and other writings connected with the treaty, v , What remained to be done today was to exchange the copies of the treaties held by each party, and to sign what is known as the exchange protocols. For this purpose Senor Andrade brought along the same magnificent gold pen holder with its eagle quill and diamond studded heart that had been used last February to sign the original draft of the treaty. This pen is the property of a brother of the minister, and was made for this particular purpose. , It will be sent to Venezuela, now that it has. ful filled its function, not to be used again, but to be preserved as a relic ; , , When the signing was over and each of the parties held the exchange copies of ' the treaties, there was a mutual exchange of congratulations, and Mr. Cridler thanked for the pains he had taken to prepare all of the documents for the occasion. '.- . : -: - V ' ' "'''V' The treaty now becomes binding upon both governments, Great Britain' and Venezuela, and they must at once begin preparation of the cases to be sub mitted to the arbitrators, who will meet in Paris for organization, probably some' time next winter..' With today's cere mony the connection of the United States government with the negotia-. tions ceases, and , the two governments will be left to workout the boundary dispute to a conclusion, unless there should be some totally , unexpected in terruption in the workings of the ma chinery which has . been so carefully prepared to insure a settlement of this celebrated case,, , - "... ':: .y.:.:. Large Sale of Wool. . ' ' , Pendleton, Or., June 16. The largest sale of wool recorded on the coast ' this year was made by ' Fred W. Hendley,; who sold on commission 500,000 pounds raised at Echo, in this county. There are 1,200 sacks, and they fill 80 cars.' The wool was bought by E., Y. Judd, for the Hartford wool house, of which he is a member H. C Judd & Root.' The wool will come to Pendleton to be scoured, ' in transit. The buyers and sellers refuse to say what prices were paid, further than that the total amount paid was nearly $35,000, which would give close to 7 cents a pound. This price is .above that received for the same last year. ' Before this no sales had been recorded for several weeks. ' . ' Manchester, England, is experiment ing with a system of underground elec trioal traction. . IS UNDER SEALED ORDERS Mysterious Mission of the Cruiser New York. . NAVAL OFFICIALS RETICENT General Belief in Havana Is That Wey ler Will Be Recalled Cubans Wit In Several Small Engagements. ; . Boston, June 14. The United States eruiser New York, the flagship of the North. ' Atlantio .squadron, with Rear Admiral Montgomery Sicard on board, steamed out of the harbor at 5 o'olock this afternoon, not, a soul on board knowing to what port she is bound, for it will only be when the big white cruiser is well outside of Boston light, with her pilot over the side, that the sealed orders will be. opened and her destinatfn ascertained. . It" is generally- believed, ; however, that when she reaches Cape Cod, she will turn her nose to the southward and that her twin screws will not stop until she is somewhere in the ' immediate neighborhood of Cuba; for when she started she was fully provisioned and coaled, and could, if necessary, go to Gibraltar or a long distance without laying in supplies. . " ' ; The New York arrived ; here on May 26 to participate in the ceremonies at tending the unveiling of the Shaw monument. The battle-ship Massachu setts came with the flagship, while the battleship ' Texas had arrived some days previously. s The Texas left a few days ago, but the other two ships have been ' swinging at their ' moorings off the navy-yard until today. ' . " The rear admiral might have had some inkling of an important cruise from the fact that for the last few days the entire - crew has been hard at work getting the ship ready for sea, while her coal bunkers have been : filled to overflowing. Shortly after 4 o'clock, the guns of the cruiser boomed a part ing salute to Commodore Howison, of the , navy-yard. A. The anchor : was weighed and the cruiser swung around in the stream and started out to sea, although a furious gale was blowing. . , I Naval Officials Reticent. ' ' Washington, June 14. The navy de partment officials were singularly re served about the movements of the New York, and showed a reluctance to answer any questions. . Secretary Long, in answer to a direct interrogation, re plied: : . , : ..;'.'... ! .V.:'. "The New York is not going to Cuba; she will next be heard from at some point on the Atlantio coast well north of Cuba." , ; The secretary refused to answer fur-' ther,'. It was learned, however, ' that the cruiser is expected to report next at llampton Roads, ' Va. , and that she will be at sea about two days. It is surmised - that the navy department, which has been charged of late with the whole .duty of (looking after fili busters afloat, has been advised of the intention of some formidable expedi tion bound for Cuba to put out from some northern port. In such case, the department would, send out a smaller cruiser usually, but it is said that at this time it was a case of choice of the vessel able to get under way first ; : ',-' . Weyler's Term Is Short. , New York, June 14. A dispatch to the Herald from Havana says: It ia believed here since the long suppressed news of the affairs in Madrid have been made public that General Weyler's re turn to Spain will be the most import ant result of Canovas' success in retain ing" power. Private telegrams hav been sent to persons here in whioh it was 'distinctly stated ' that Campos, Doraingnez and ' Pidal had given their support to Canovas only with the plain stipulation that General Weyler should 'gO-' ' : ' f-'V- .'"'.-V' -! V--" In fact, it is felt here that General Campos, who is now in power in Spain "and fills the popular eye, would not on any account lend himself to the con tinuation of General Weyler's policy. The plan is to send General Marin here from; Porto Rico and then supplant him in turn by General Blanco or Campos. Opinion of One of Weyler's Generals. :i New York, June 14. A dispatch to the Journal from Havana says: An other of Weyler's generals, Lono, inspector-general of the civil guard in Cuba and military governor of Havana, has resigned in disgust, and expects to leave the island by the transatlantic liner sailing on June 80 for Spain di rect.'"' t" ;-" " i-' ':'' . 1 W Lono regards Weyler's early recall as quite assured and thinks Blanco or ; Lopez Dominguez will come out as his successor. , Both are unusually inti mate with Martinez Campos, to obtain whose support in the recent ministerial crisis Canovas is known to have made important concessions. , Weyler is re ported to have cabled Canovas insisting that Minister Dupuy de Lome demand from the .Washington government the extradition of Nunez, Cartaya and Ar teaga, alleged 'filibusters recently cap tured by the United States authorities on the Florida coast, alleging old crim inal indictments against three of them, said to be still ' pending in the oourti here. '- - . ' .. ' "' f V LABOR AND. IMMIGRATION, i , ;' ' !'''-.'.-. . . V-W-t -;;.iti'. Gompers Seeks tiie Views of the Unions . . Washington, June 15. r President Gompers -and the other members of the f, executive council of , ' the ' American f ederation ol .Labor havesent a greet ing on the immigration question- to the affiliated unions,' in order by5- this -' means to obtain the sense of organized labor on the immigration question in i its several phases. The greeting says:; . "The subiect has. been divided in ... such manner so that each member may have a fair opportunity to vote either in favor of or against the entire subject of immigration ' restriction', or upon the measure and scope of such restriction. Of course, those who are opposed to the restriction of immigration need give little attention to the manner by whioh" restriction may be secured, while those t who are favorable to restriction" oan - fully : discuss - and decide as . to the forms and measures of restriction. if : The following are the questions sub- mitted: ' . 7;.. ' ' . .... " . . . "First Does your organization favor amending the laws of the United States . to restrict immigration more ' than it is now restricted? ', 1 y.- " ; .-V' "Second Does ypur ; organization favor a provision in the law guarding') against criminal and pauper elements ,r entering into the United States? - ,f w ! "Third Should the foreign consular. , service and our immigration depart ment be entrusted with : greater powers to enforce immiaration laws? v-, ' ' V ' "Fourth Should the' violation of the alien contract labor law by em ployers be punishable by imprisonment? ' , "Fifth Should the steamship com- panies be held responsible for a term of t years for the character of their passen gers? V: A-V si-; ;t;.j,"J-:3if ,- "Sixth Should a stricter civil and -educational test be enforced as. to qual- , ification for naturalization? . . ' - .-. t . . "Seventh Should every immigrant be compelled to declare his intention to become a citizen of the United States? ' "What other provision' does your or- ganization favor, and suggest to further -: the restriction of immigration?'" ; ' ' " Organizations which expect to be rep-' resented at the Nashville convention- ,; of the American Federation of Labor , are urged to instruct their delegates eo . - that the convention .. may., fully express the judgment of organized labor on the ' subjects, and unions which will, not be . i i , i . i - - i represenieu are uirecieu 10 uisousa hiiu vote upon the question and to return a : vote to headquarters not later than October 80, 1897. '' .' -' V: : ' YELLOW FEVER. IN NEW -YORK '),' W ,':Vvr: :. A Passenger of the Advance Died at - :V-". .' 'i. , Swinburne Island. , . , ' . New York, June 15. Otto Wernerv son, one of the passengers of the steamer ,: Arlvonrn VLraa IrnnnfarTorl t.n tVio Su-in. . burne island hospital last night, suffer- ' ing from yellow fever, v "Wernerson was ' ... , r". v Buckhurst, which took fire and was ... abandoned in midocean, while on the voyage from Newcastle, N. S. W., for -Panama. ; Wernerson was ' taken sick -at sea two or three :days before the 1 steamer arrived at this port. He was ' removed with the . rest of the seoond- . cabin passengers to' Hoffman island for observation. The patient showed no ., marked symptoms r 'of the fever until iiih (ii i.iik K rvivnrN ill I. ih nn . km miiii. yesieraay. . loaay ne! grew rapiuiy worse, and died at 8 o'clock tonight. There are 428 passengers at Hoffman island. They will be detained the usual ' five days. "' - :" ,. ' Attempt at Tralnwrecklng. 4 .r J 1 New York, June 15. A strain of 11 , cars on the Sea Beach railroad, crowded with passengers from Coney Island, '' crashed into an obstruction on the tracks tonight at Fifth avenue and ' -Sixty-fifth street.near the Fifth avenue v: tunnel. The train was running slowly at the time, and fortunately no serious damage was done. It was found , that. 1 several heavy Steel rails had ' been . placed across the .'tracks, and strongly" braced with several other rails, and it? appeared to the detectives, who were at once put on the case, and to the train people, to be a deliberate attempt to wreok the train. " ' ' .-: ' .; f. v-.v; . . ; t;r. Ended In a Kow. . . Ran FranAinnn .Tnnfl 1 rii7ata . vices from one of those on - board the brig Percy Edwardswhich sailed from .' this port about two months ago for the Solomon islands, with a party 01 ; 100 -men, who expected to find an Adam- '" less Eden to colonize,- have been re ceived, to the effect that the expedition has collapsed at Fiji. - s -. .. ,' k After a general row over thea.distr.i- ; bution of the community '.property many of the colonists left the vessel and sought employment on shore, and the remainder resolved to take the brig" to New Zealand, ' where she is to be sold at auction and the proceeds to be divided. - -' Drowned From a Catlioat. ; k New York, June 15. Two men were . drowned from a catboat in , the Hudson off Fort Lee this afternoon. The party on the yacht were -Miss Emma. Quil-. mette, her brother, H. E. Guilmette. a V clerk in the offioe of ' Moore' & Schley, and W. Morton Smith, employed on" tne Man and express. ' xneir boat was upset by a Bquall. ! The launch Lorn-1 ade was some distanoe -awaV;' nd be- ' fore she reached the boat the-two rnen had disappeared ' Miss Guilmette was ' still floating, and was dragged on board the launch, where she revived.