3ced 1$ ver Slaci er . FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1807. THE MAILS. Th mall arrives from Mt.tTood at 10 o' clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de parts le same aays ar. noon. For Chenowoth, leaves at 8 A. M. Tuesdays and Saturdays; arrived at 6 P. M, For White Salmon leaves cully at 1 P. M.; arrives at 6 o'clock P. M. From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil mer, Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. ' -, SOCIETIES. ' ' Canby Post, No. It, O. .. R., meets at School House Hall, first Saturday of each month at 2 o'clock d. m. All G. A. R. members in vited to attend. The ladles of the Relief Corps meet at same time in the adjoining room. S. F. BLYTHK, Commander. C. J. Hayes, Adjutant, .y. Hood Biver Camp, No. 2"0, W. O. W. Meets In I. O. O. F, hall second Wednesday of each month. F. C. BROSIUS, C. C. HJ.Hknn, Clerk. Wauooma Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., meets In their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night. W. H. Bishop, C. C. Wm. Haynks, K. of R. a S. Riverside Lodge, 'No. 88, A O. TJ. W., meets Bret and third Saturdays of each month. C. L. MORSE, M. W. f J. K. Watt, Financier. ., .. . . " H. U Howe, Reeoider. ' ' ' , K IdlewJde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. F, meets in Fraternal hall every Thursday night. THOS. LACY, N. G. F. E. Jones, Sec'y. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. ' " Fruit Jars have again declined, and we will give mr customers the benefit. We will sell 1-quart jarsat50c and 2-quart 70c per doz. Best syrup 40c ir gal., and all other goods at equally low prices. One price to all i9 our motto. A. 8. Blowers & Son. Kimball's Are Here! Pianos and Organs from, the Factory Direct. I am In Hood River with a sample line of the celebrated Kimball Plands and Organs, which I will sell to the public at wholesale prices, plus the expense of laying them down in Hood River. ' : v Old pianos and organs will be taken in nnrl. nnvitiAiit fnr nw niMtina ntiri . - i I j . . - - r i - easy terms given on the balance, if de sired. Thin is an opportunity of a life time to get a fine piano or organ, right at home from themanufacturerH direct, for less than retail deultrs and auerits at-k you fur a second Or third grade in- strument. ' - . , Call and see and hear these beautiful instruments and get full particulars at once, as I shall only lie here a few days. Every one is cordially invited . to call and see them ..- ' L. V. MOORE, .. Representative Kimball Kaciories. . Champlin building. W. T. Hibbard is again in the livery business. . '. ,. Khiisho whole or cracked corn at the Racket Store. - .- , . ; Save the wrappers of Hoe dike soap; they are worth lc each. , W. & B., Did you notice how pure and white Snap Fou in wunhitiw powder looks? Win. Yates, P. M.-, is authorized auent for all jiewspaeis and ' periodicals. We presume vou iisesimri.atid if so the , lest l cheapest. Hoe Cake is' strictly pure, with no free alkali. 1 A band of horses, wintered, in Sher lnan county, were returned to Hood River Monday in fine condition. . A washina: powder thnt is yellow will make clothes the same color. Avoid this by using Soap Foam. Wolfard & Bone. Lye packed iri sifting top can J pure , granulated potash. Allothers contain h . large portion of suit. Ask for Red Seal. Sick headache can he. quickly andj completely overcome by usinur those' famous little pills known as "'DeWitt's Little Early Risers." , Williams & Brosius. ; :.. ' . j Don't let. the cat lick the dishes, but make nice soft soap with Soap Fonm. Directions on the package. W. & B. Not only piles of the very worst kind can oe cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, hut eczema.scalds.burns, bruises, bulls, ulcers and all other skin troubles 1 can be Instantly relieved by the same remefty. Williams & Brosius. ! 1 ' Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Taylor came up from Portland, last week, and will camp for a month or so at their place. . They are well pleased with their new 1 , i-itvi of fWhatt ii t"i rt . linth hal'Q l,vl . 1 1 1 1 1 1 V I1H X ...... 1, H11U W.U UU.V 41U proved in health. ' . ;.; Mr. J M. Han na. a cattle buyer from Nebraska, arrived here last wpek. He is buying cattle' for the ranu-e and the Omaha market and has shipped ten carloads from Eastern Oregon. He is a brother of our townsman, James E. Hanna. - " , 1 W.B.Johnsou,Newark,0..8ays, "One Minute Couuh Cure saved my only child from dying, by croup." It has saved thousands of' others sufferimr from croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious throat and lung troubles. Willlams& Brosius. ; : Write to Davenport Bros.' Lumber . Co. for delivered prices on all kinds of lumber, rough or dressed. They have a large and good assortment of finish ing lumber on hand, good and dry. . Call and get our cash prices before pur chasing elsewhere. . -. AT Tncuinl, A Wllann or.11 a norlnnH of telegraph poles on Monday that had been lying at Trontdale, awaiting a market, for the past five years. . Some for ten, some for twenty, some for thirty years have suffered from piles and have been quickly and permanent ly cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great remedy for piles and all forms of skin diseases. Williams &-Brosl us. J. B. Hunt will have 200,000 straw berry plants ready for setting July 1, and will sell the same at f 1 per 1000 if old before that date. Hundreds of thousands have been in- - duced to try' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy by reading what it. has done . for others, and having tested its merits for themselves are today its warmest friends. ,Jor sale by , Williams & Brosius. . ' v Mr. Amos Underwood shipped a : crate of strawberries to his sister In Eddyville, Iowa. The berries went, through In four days and were received in fine condition. - .They created a food deal of favorable oomment. Mr. Inderwood has not seen his folks in the old home for 45 years, and he says the strawberries will be apt to bring some of them out to see the country where such strawberries are grown. Mr. Antone Wise sent the Glacier a box of Clark's Seedling strawberries that topped out with 28. A note ac companied the berries, In which ho says: "I have read in your paper about the prolific' strawberry plants, and want to tell you that I can beat them all out of sight. I have one-year-old Elauts that are fine. One has 258 set erries, another 245, another 222, and another 168, and there are plenty more that will beat those mentioned in the paper. Not wishing to boast, but as others have advertised, we should like them to know what can be produced on the mountain." Mr. Wise's plants heat the record for this season. - A lively runaway took place in town Tuesday. W. A. Slingerland left his team in charge of a lmy at NickelHeu's corner. One of the lines fell and the hoy got out of the wagon to pick it up, when the team started to run. They ran up Oak street, and by the time they reached West Bros.'s market they were under full headway. The Sorses passed the big oak tree standing in the middle of the street, with the tree be tween them. The pole of the wagon struck the center of the tree, the wagon stopped and the horses went on. A broken tongue was the only damage to the wagon, and the horses were over taken and brought back uninjured. It Is evident that the Clark's Seed ling is not the only variety of strawber ries grown hi the valley. We have of late' acknowledged receipt of several sample boxes of other varieties, and now it becomes our pleasant duty to mention a nice box of Oregon Ever bearing received from the grounds of H. C. Batehani. The berries are good size, fine flavor and color and not near so sour as the (Marks. But lis great point of merit is its long fruiting sea son; commencing with other lierries, it con i i nues fruiting most of the season. No -family should lie without a few plants of this variety. Work commenced last week in earn est on the East Side Irrigating ditch. Mr. C. K. Bone has purchased stock in this company and is a member of the board of directors, which Is good as surance that the work will now be pushed to completion.' Two. shove scrapers have been constructed, faced with plow steel, that are doing very effective work. This ditch will irri gate all tillable land o n't tie East Side, and when complete will cover more than three times the area of the Im provement Co 's ditch.. Mrs. P. A. LaFrance started on the return trip to her home In Elmira, N. Y., lust Monday, 'after a very enjoyable visit Willi relatives and frit n'ds in Hood River, all of whom wish her a pleasant trip, with the hope that she may come again. At Henpiier Junction she was joined by Mr. M. A. Potter and Miss n,diti foiter, and all will travel to gether to Elmira. Miss Edith will make her home with her uncle in El mira and attend school for at least one year... ,. .. ' .. .... . , Mr. T. C. Dallas has received a letter from Jas. L. Langille, dated at McCoy Creek, May 291 h. Jim and son Douir. arrived at the mines in good shape, go ing in by way of Toledo, where they on i fit ted and packed their supplies ou a iiorsc. iney louna tne water in flic Coy creek lower than it was at same date last year. They did some pros pecting and afterwards put In sluice boxen and will work off a piece of the bar till the water lowers. Mr. T. H. Clark will leave here about the 5th of July to Join them. : The Wiley B. Allen Co. of Portland have shipped to Hood River some fine pianos and organs, and will sell them at specially low prices, and on easy terms, for a tew days. The Wiley B. Alien i;o. is tne o iciest ana largest mu sic house in the Northwest. They sell unicKeniig, titiabe, Haraman, Har rington, Fisi her, Ludwig and other pianos, and Ji&tey, Crown and Mason & Hamlin organs. Call at Mt. Hood hotel to see the instruments aud get prices. ' - The nrina of Hnnrt P.lvpr QtrnwhorrlAa In Butte advanced 25 cents per. crate luesday. Un tnat date Mr. loon re ceived a carload of berries from the Hoi id River union, but having the field all to himself, was able to raise the price. The car contained 611J crates. A few days previous 300 crates of Hood River lierries blocked the market and reduced prices at that point. . The board of directors of the Hood River school district held a meeting last Saturday and engaged the teach ers for a term of five months, com mencing (September 20tb. Vrox. f. A. Snyder has .been secured as principal. and Miss Graham and Miss Stevens will continue in the intermediate and primary departments. ;;; A crate of berries picked and packed by J. J. Luckey Was.shipped by Jos. A. Wilson at midnight May 25th, and reached its destination, 133 miles east of Pittsburg, May 31st. : A letter re ceived troiu tne recipient states tnat the crate ariived "in excellent condi tion, bot a bruised strawberry. in the lot. .. ' .... . . The Glacier has been presented by Mr. F. E. Bailey with a pecan tree, started from pecan nuts he received last fall from Indian Territory. Mf. Bailey has about thirty young' pecan trees growing and thinks they will live aud flourish in this climate. . West Bros.' market is doing a good business these aay. Besides a Rood supply of choice meats always on hand, tnev deal in tresn vegetables and iruit. The firm did considerable in shipping ripe berries to near-by markets. , At the regular meeting of Canby post, last Saturday, Mr. T. J. Cunning was elected a delegate to attend the state encampment at Independence, in place of Mr. H. H. Bailey, resigned. The camp at Belmont where the Oregon National Guard will gather on the 2Ulb of June has been named Camp Jackson, iu honor of Lieutenant-Col-ouel Jackson, U. S. A., ' ' Van Johnson bad the honor of being first to pay his subscription to the Glacier since returns from the straw berry crop commenced coming in. Arrivals at the Parker House Wed nesday: Mr. and Mrs. Leadbetter, Portland. Thursday: Mrs. Means and sou, Miss King, Portland. , Prof. H. L. Howe did some artistic work on the blackboards and cards in Blowers' store windows. Tillett is growing a fine lot of nur sery trees for delivery next fall. H never had better success with trees than be is having this year. Mrs. McDonald of The Dalles visited Mr. and Mrs. Pcnler during the week. Honesty is the But It isn't good policy to blow too much about your honesty In the matter of weights and measures, or peo ple will suspect you. Yes, we are the Leaders in Low Prices, and here is . . o Mason half-gallon Fruit Jars cts per You can also take your time about coming for these Jars, because the next lot will probably be cheaper. ' We'll have plenty more when these are gone. We buy our goods iu the East for v i .. pot Wrhen we have the cash same as other, people, but whether we buy in the East for "spot cash'.' or in the West On Tick, We sell goods as cheap as any "concern In Wasco county" or any other county. That is one thing we ' like about us. Another thing we like about us Is that We are the People that brought Prices Down in Hood Biver. REMEMBER, ..That others only follow stay," but not to stay in nation. Come and see us BY THE WAY, Our Soda weighs 32 ounces for 10 cents, not 16. . . , WOLFARD Hood Biver and Best Policy, he of Leads" Gash' our lead. ' "We are here to a condition of business stag and bring your folks along. ' & BONE, White Salmon. dozen AND Is now open for business, Perfumery and Always on band. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded and Prions Reasonable. r At the old stand of the Glacier office, Hood River, Oregon. H. A. YORK, Proprietor. M. S. & STA 5 Xj e s Of Hood River can furnish comfortnble conveyances to all parts of the valley and vicin ity. Heavy draying and transferring done Willi care and promptness. O. FBEDENBUBG, i Notary Public. MOUNT HOOD, - - OREGON. DENTISTRY. DR. E. T. CARNS is now located in Hood River. Klrst-class work at reasonable rates. All work guaranteed. Office In the Langille House. Jyl9 HARNESS Repaired and all kinds of HARNESS GOODS Sold by E. V. HUSBANDS. Also, Boots and Shoes repaired. Columbia Nursery Offers a large stock of Fruit Trees and all oth er kinds of nursery stock. All trees are well grown, carefully dug, free from pests and true to label. Whether you want one tree or 1,000, It will pay you to examine this stock. Re member, trees grown here give the best satis faction. No trouble to show goods. Orders niled on short notice. H. 0. BA.TKHAM, Hood River, Oregon. Three miles south, on Mt. Hood Road. HoodRiver Nursery WM. T1LLETT, Proprietor. I planted 850 trees bought of Wm, Tillett last spring, and they are all doing nnelv, unci I never lost a tree. WM, DOORMAN. I planted over 700 young apple trees last spring, bought of Wm. Tillett. They all lived, and some have made 4 feet growth. Best trees to grow I ever bought. Drop around and see them. J.J. GIBBOIss. We planted over 1100 trees boueht of Wm. Tillett last spring. They have all made a good growth, and we have not lost a tree. Dron In and see the trees I boueht from Tillett 18 months ago, and you will see the nest iu acres oi young orcnara in mount iiooa district, or Hood Rl ver. either. D. R. OOOPER & SON, Mt. Hood. PIONEER MILLS, Harbison Bros., Prop'rs, Manufacturers of ' . Oregon Lite Dressed and Undressed Flour, Feed and All kinds ofceieals ground. ' Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. OREGON - Poultry and Supply Co. (Incorporated) II HANDLERS OF ' v , V . Fancy and Market Poultry, Game, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Dressed Hogs, Veal, etc. Farm and Garden Products, . Green and' Dried Kruits, Poultry Sur plies ot every description, Nursery ; Stock, etc., etc. 124 First St., Portland,. Oregon. Horses for Sale. I have three or four good work horses for sale or for trade. Apply to ap-. ,. - J. W.FORBES The Glacier BARBER SHOP, . GRANT EVANS. Prop'r, Post Office Building, Hood River, Or. T. C. DALLAS, DEALER IN . . : STOVES AND TflfflAEE, , Kitchen Furniture, , PLTJMBERb' GOODS. ); ' Pruning Tools,' Etc Repairing Tinware a Specialty, Child's Castor Laxative A vegetable remedv for regnlatlne th stom ach and bowels of babies and children, con taining no opium, morphine or other narcot ics. It is harmless, pleasant to take and a most valuable remedy. Price li cent, at the Hood River Pharinooy. carrying a fill line of and Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, L. CO3 I1M OliU UU o To tlb-e Bast, Gives the choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL EOT7TE S r . Via SPOKANE. ' Via : ''. DENVER, Minneapolis OMAHA ' AND . ' ' AND ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to All East ern Cities. TIME TABLE FOK HOOD ItrVEtt WEST BOUND. . No 1, Union Paeifie..... 2.38 a. M. No. 3, Spokane.-.....: 0.27 a. m. ' ; " . EAST BOCXO. . ' ' ' -' No. 4, Ppok an e.. 5.11 p. sc. No. a, Union Pacific, ....... ...12.09'a. it. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portlan d very five days for SAN FRANCISCO. . E. McNEILJj, Tre-sklent, For full dot-ails call on O. R. -A K. Agent flood Biver, or address - , ' j W H. HURLBURT, , , . Gen'l Pass. Agent, , Portland, Or. NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION. - Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June ' 1, 1897. Notloe i hereby uiveti , that, tbe following-named settler has tiled notice of , his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, And that said proof ' will be made before Register and Receiver at The Dallea, Oregon, on July 17,1897, vnss ; RICHARD S. ANDREWS, Hd. K No. 4852, for the lot i, east y, northrast Yi and southwest northeast section &i, township 8 north, range lOeast. i Re names the following witnesses to pi ovo bis claim to xald land, viz: 8. F. Blytbe, . T. Prather, F. R. Abate and' R. J. Ellis, all of Hood River, Oretson. J4jy9 JAS. F. MOORE, KegUtct ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May (, 189". Notice is heneby given that tne follow ing named settler has tiled notice of .hi In tention to make linal proof In support of bl claim, and that said proof will be madetoefor Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on June i. 1897,', vie: ARTHUR L. DAGGETT, Hd. E. No: 4119, for tiie lots 1, 2, 8 and 4, sec tion 8, township 2 north, range 11 cost, W. M. He names the fallowing wu,iiese ti ,prov his continuous residence upon afud cultiva tion of, caid land, viz: . J. J. Lewis, 8. D. Fisher, h. J. Davenport and Newel Harlan, all of Mosier, Oregon. ruUj!8 JAS. F. JlOttttE, Kegister. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, "Wash:, May 4, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the tollow-ing-named settler has tiled notice of h is Inten tion! to make1 final proof in suppoft of bl claira, and that said proof wllliie madebefor C, G. Green, Clerk Superior Court for kin nla county, Wash., at Stevcuson, ?., o , June 22, 1897, viz: JOHN A. EKSTROM, H. E. No. 8035, for the northeast orthcnt H section 15, and north northwest1, section 14,town8hip8 north, rangeSeast, W, M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and -euKiivar tlon of, said land, viz: . John M. Coulter, George M. Berry. John P. .. Gillette and Sara Samson, all of Chenow.th Wash. ... . " B.F.KHAW, . ., iyJU - i. UtssiHter. Feed Tetter, Salt-Bheum au4 Kfitema. : Tha intense itching and smai-tiagineJ-dent to thesediseases is instantly allayed by applying Chaaiberlaiii'a Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently enredby it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore uapplee; chapped hands, chilblains, few "bite and chronic sore eyes. 25ct3-yer box. Dr. Cady'g Condition Powders. a : just what a horse needs when in bud i condition. , Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but -medicine and the best in two to put a . horse in' prime condition. Price JH cents per package. , . for 8l by V Hllaina k litmiuc. '