The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 04, 1897, Image 3

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    3food.Iiver Slacier
' The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de-
prw le same aays a' noon.
Kor Cnenoweth, leaves at 8 A. M. Tuesdays
and Saturdays; arrives at 8 P. M.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.;
. arrives at ooiock r. m.
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer. Trout Lake and Gleuyood Mondays
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Canby Post, No. 10, G. . R., meets at School
House Hall, first Saturday of each month
it 2 o'clock D. m. AUG. A. R. members In
vited to attend. The ladies of the Relief
Corps meet at same time In thoi adjoining
room. . hl,x commander.
0. J. Hayes, Adjutant.
Hood Elver Camp, No. 2:0, W. O. W. Meets
In I. O. O. V. hall second Wednesday of each
month. y.C. BROSIUS, C. C.
H. Hess, Clerk.
Waucoma Lodxe, No. 80, K. of P., meets in
Wieir uastie nan on every Tuesday nignt,
W. H. Bishop, C. C.
Wm. Haykes, K. of R. & S. ,
Riverside Lodee, No. 68, A O. U. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
U. L. MORSE, M. W.
1 3. V. Watt, Financier.
H. Ij. Howb, Roeoider. .;. ,
IdleuMde Lode, No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets
In Fraternal hall every Thursday nlaht.
F. E. Jones, Sec'y.
Fresh section honey at Crowell's. "
Kansas whole or cracked com at the
Backet Store- ' , ' . : , . '
.New goods at Mrs; Howells' milli
nery store. "
Home-made bread always on hand
., at Mrs. Howells' millinery store.
Save the wrappers of Hoe Cuke soap;
they are worth Jc each. W. & B. . 1
Did you notice how pure and white
Soap Foam washing powder looks?
Wm. Yates, P. M., is authorized asrent
for all newspapers and periodicals.
' Mr. Thos. McDonald returned last
Thursday from a visit of a week or
more in Portland. : v ,'.'.
1 We presume vou use soap.and if so the
liest Is cheapest. Hoe Oake Is strictly
pure, with no free alkali. '
Mr. Bert Langille came, up from
Portland and spent Saturday and Sun
day in Hood River to til up on straw
berries. ,.' '.' " ' : ., ' , ;
The O. R. & N. Co now sell two-day
round-trip tickets to Portland daily at
$2 25, good on all trains. ,
,Mre. R. S. Howells will supply ice
cream during the summer days at. her
millinery store, just below. Blowers'
: store. - - . ' v' j ' ' , ' ! ' ..
1 A washing powder that is yellow will
makeclothes thesamecolor. Avoidthis
by using Soap Foam. Wolfard & Bone.
' Lye packed in sifting top can is pure
, granulated potash. All others contain a
large poriion of salt. Ask for Red Seal.
1 V Sick headache can be quickly and
completely overcome by using those
famous little pills known as ''DeWitt's
Little Early Risers." Williams &
Brosins. - .,...
j Don't let. the cat lick the dishes, lint
make nice soft soap with Soap Foam.
Directions on the package. ;V. & B.
Joe Morris, who recently returned,
from Arlington, is helping Dallas. In j
the shop during the rush of work.
ifotonly pilesof the very worst kind
csn tie cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve, hut eczema. scalds.burns, bruises,
boils, ulcers and all other skin troubles
. can be Instantly relieved by the same
remeriy. Williams & Brosius. j
Tillett gives away witli everv bill of
trona anM a aumnlp nf Hip ooffpp hprrv
Be sure and get a sample and grow i
your own coffee. :, r ; "
Don't neglect a cough because the'
weather is pleasant; before the next
storm rolls around it may develop into
n serious difficulty beyond repair.- One
( Minute Cough Cure is easy to take and
'.' will do what its name implies, ,.; Will
iams & Brosius. . :
Rev. Chris. Nickelsen and wle re
turned from California last week. Mrs.
Nickelsen's health was not improved
by the trip. . '- : ','.
"They are dandies,"said Thos. Bow
ers of the Crocket, Texas, Enterprise,
while writing about DeWitt's Little
Early Risers, the famo'ia little pills for
sick headache and disorders of the
stomach and liver. Williams ABrosius.
Information concerning' the interna
. tional convention of Christian En
deavor can be had by addressing H. S.
Gill, Salem, Or., president of Oregon
, C. E. union. ; , '
Don't thin your blood with sassafras
' or poison it with blue-mass; but aid ma
ture by using DeWitt's Little Early
Risers, the famous little pills for consti
pation, biliousness and stomach and
liver troubles. Thev are purely vege
table. Williams & Brosius. .,
Terrible Accident. It is a terri
ble accident to be burned or scalded;
hut the pain and agony and the fright-
tui nisrigurements can oe qutcKiy over
come without leavine a scar by using
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Will
iams & Brosius. v r . ' ; ;;.
Mr. D. S. Crapper reports a one-year
. old strawberry plant with .140 berries
set and three blooms. This knocksout
the East Hide by 10 majority. Next!
W.B.Johnsou, Newark,;s, "One
.Minute Cough Cure saved tiiy only
child from dying by croup." It has
saved thousands of others suffering
from croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and
other serious throat aud lung troubles.
Williams & Brosius. ,. ; .. , .' ':
Write to Davenport Bros.' Lumber
Co. for delivered prices on all kinds of
lumler, rough or dressed. They have
a large and good assortment of 'finish
ing lumber on ' hand, good and dry.
Call and get our cash prices beforeipur
. chasing elsewhere. "":.' 'V- ::'.;'
Some for ten, some for twenty,' some
. for thirty years have suffered fmm piles
and have been quickly and permanent-
lv cured by using DeWitt's , Witch
Hazel Salve.the great remedy for piles
and all forms of skin diseases. Williams
& Brosius. . .. , ... - :
Al Zeak, sawyer at Davenport's mill
at the head of the ditch, broke his leg
in a peculiar manner last Saturday.
, He picked up a can-hook and stepped
out of the mill to help roll In a log.
The; can-hook slipped 'and Zeak fell
. backwards, and in the fall his left leg
was broken just above the ankle. Dr.
jsrosius was cauenanu ser me iracture,
and Zeak is doing well, ; ,v .
Dr. H. K. Hines, with his family,
arrived in Hood River last Saturda'y,
and will remain permanently among
us. r They are established for the sum
mer in a delightful cm up on the Wat
son place, only u few minutes walk
west of the M. E. church. He will be
in his pulpit Sunday morning, Sun
day morning the services will consist
of a short address on "Education as a
Christian Duly." At its close two
young ladies, students of Portland
University, Miss Lillian Bisbee, of
Heppner, Or., and Miss Frances Hop
kins, of Olympia, Wash., will deliver
addresses which delighted the great
audiences at t he ,: late -'"Commencement"
at the University. Not a young
manor woman in Hood River should
fail to hear them. Suitable music will
be rendered. ' . - , N
A wonderful piece of handiwork is to
be seen at Blowers' store. c A tramp
came into the store last Friday and
asked for a soft pine board, lie was
given a piece of packing box about six
inches wide ana two, teet in length..
In about two hours he returned with a
piece of work cut out witlrhls pocket
knife thai has puzzled every one who
has seen it to know, how it was done.
It is composed of more than 100 pieces
woven into a circle or lan snupe, with
a neat pocket on one side, and stands
about 15 inches high. He called it n
curd-holder, offered it for 25 ceuts, and
it was promptly purchased by H, L.
Howe. . - ' :
The sixteenth annual encampment
of the J. A. R. and W. R. C. will be
held at Independence June 15 to 18.
Reduced rates have been secured on all
transportation Hues, and hotels will
charge tmt $1 a day. k A big turn-out is
expected. As our strawberry crop will
lie out ot t he way a good representation
from Canby. post and W. R. C. will
likely attend. , , . , ,
Berry growers are finding out that
the heretofore despised mole Is their
friend. There is a i white grub that
works on the roots of the strawberry
plant, especially in new ground, and
its work always kills; but where the
mole is found to have passed along and
ubout the roots of u row of plants
there is no sign of the work of the
white grub. , ' ,
Fkdit! Jars. We are selling two-'
quart Mason jars at 85c; one-quart, 05c.
They wont last long at that price; get
what you want now. (Some ot the
'leaders in low 'prices" are charging
90c and doing considerable " blowing "
ubout it, but. we quietly pursue the
even tenor of our way and meet all
prices. We are here to stay,
V A. S. Bloweiss & Son, j
Mr. D. R. Cooper of Mt. Hood was
in town Monday. He reports that his
orchard gives promise of the biggest!
yield of apples he, has ever had. He!
says tho Mt. Hood settlement beats
the world tor apples and now he Willi
set five acres to strawberries and see if
he can't do the same with that fruit.
A sheepherder who came down from
The Dalles yesterday morning on the
Regulator was landed at White Salmon
on his way to Mt, Adams., After lead-
ng tiis horse, blindfolded, trorn the
boat ho- mounted the animal, when it
commenced to buck and backed into
the river and was drowned.
Rev. J. W. Jenkins moved his fam?
ily and household goods from The
Dulles last Saturday, and Monday
moved to his new residence on his ten
acres just south of the Newton Clark
aci. Mr. leiikins win be welcomed
to Hood River by the many friends he
lias made here. , ..
The report that Dr. Jones is in Hood
River fur a short time only is without
foundation. The doctor will be out of
town . at different times during the
summer, but his residence is perma
nent. He will continue to do all classes
of dental work at very reasonable prices.
Arrivals at the Parker House. Fri
day: Mr.. and Mis. Mead, Mrs. Tuttle,
Mrs. Mead and daughter, Koliert How
ard, Dr., Nichols, Mr. and Mrs.'Ladd,
all of Portland. Wednesday: Mr.
Leadbetter, wife and daughter, Port
laud... '. ' ' .' .. .
: Wanted Capable lady or gentle
man to travel, and appoint agents.
Salary $75 per month and expenses.
State age,experienceand give reference.
Address, M.E. Beatly, Hood River.Or.
' Mr. and Mrs. J.. L Atkinson came
np from Portland Tuesday and 'went
out to Willow Park, where Mrs. Atkin
son will visit for a week or more with
her-father, Mr. George Booth. Mr. At
kinson returned to Portland yesterday.
See our show windows for bargains
in shoes and hats. . You can save 25 to
50 per cent on these goods. By the
way, our soda weighs 16 ounces, not 12.
- .A" S.. Blowers & Son.
Lost May 29th, a purse, between
Blowers' store and Tucker, containing
$3 75. Finder will be liberally reward
ed by leaving at this office or returning
to William Johnson, Tucker. ' v t
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Con
gregational church will 'meet at Mrs.
Bradford's1' tomorrow, (Friday) after
noon at 2 o'clock. Re-election of offi
cers will take place. A full attendance
is desired.. ', ?' ,, :.
Dr. Shaw has moved his residence to
the, cottage vacated by Mrs. Langille,
Wu'ucoma avenue and Fifth streets.
His office will be at his residence. ;
Tho Langillo brothers expect, to open
Cloud Cap Inn about the middle of the
present month, which will be the earli
est date of opening since the inn was
built. - ;i;.1:-i.',;,-;;.;v.:-1''.. ,
' Lost May 81st, between Warren
Miller's place and town, a leather purse
containing about $2. Finder will be
rewarded by leaving same at this office.
J. A. Foster and J. Y. Bcthune, two
prints, on their way from Eastern Ore
gon to Portland, stopped over at Hood
River Tuesday. .. . ;
S. J. Wickhani and James vWinsor,
fathers of Mr. and Mrs. J.' Wickham,
arrived here Sunday from Linn county,
Iowa, and will make an extended visit.
Hood River apples retail in Portland
at 8 cents a pound, while strawberries
are selling at o cents. , . ;
J. B. Hunt will have. 200,000 straw
berry plants ready for setting July 1,
and will sell the same at $1 per 1000 if
sold before that date. .. J. :. ..
' Mr. Charles Early and family have
moved from Chenoweth to Viento,
where Mr. Early has charge of the
Oregon Lumber Co.'s store.
Wanted Lady or gentleman to rep
resent, well-established house; salary,
$50 per mdnih. Address, M, E. Beaty,
Hood River, Oregon. . t , ; . , .,-.
Childrens' Day will be observed at
the Congregational church on Sunday,
June 13, at U a. ni; - - ' r .
Strawberry Xotes. :
For four days, last week, E. N. P.en
! son brought in 50 crates of strawberries
I each day. From 11 acres he had picked,
i up to Monday evening, 130 crates. Mr.
Benson watered early and all through
i the picking seasou. . .f ; "
I J. T. Nealeigh broughfln a sample
of his berries ot the Ulark's beadhng,
37 in a' box, all double, with stem
leaves on both sides of the berry. , The
ground on which they were grown was
heavily manured with hen, manure.
Wm. Tillett brought to the Glacier
office a sample box of. Magoon straw
berries. They are very large and tine
and in shape are like Mt. Hood as seeu
from Hood River. ;Tbey are of fine
flavor, not so tart as the Clark's Seed
ling, but in shipping qualities we do
iot thiuk they will compare with the
Clarks. ; Thirty-eight filled the box. '
Underwood Bros, of White Salmon
are shipping a good many strawberries.
Their berries are not irrigated, and a
Crate shown us at the depot, one day
last week,- was hard to beat for beauty
of color and size. Land that will pro
duce watermelons without irrigation,
like those the Underwoods grow every
year, doesn't need irrigation to raise
strawberries. . ',..
A. P. Bateham is one, of the largest
growers of strawberries in the valley.
During last week his. plantation turned
out from 90 to 96 crates a day. He em
ployed over forty pickers and 18 and 20
'packers.- The large barn on the Coe
place he uses as a packing house, and
it makes a good one. He has every
convenience for the pickers and pack
ers. Those interested in. the work of
packing berries will. always learn some
thing by visiting his packing house. ,
Mr. R. M. Huut brought tothisof-
fice on- Friday of. last week a box of
strawberries, 62 in the box and weigh
ing oiie pound and a fraction over
three ounces. The berries were of
beautiful color. They were picked
from two rows from which' Mr. Hunt
trimmed the tops last season as soon as
the crop was oil and kept the runners
cut throughout the season. The rest
of his paich was not treated this way,
and he picks the largest berries from
these two rows. :' v '- f . j
, Mrs. R. Pealer presented the Gla
cier office on Monday with several
pounds of strawberries of the Triumph
variety, the handsomest lot of berries
we have seen thiseason. They were
large, of a beautiful red color, and the
stem leaves a deep green. Mrs. Pealer
informed us sue has two. or three rows
in her patch of this variety and that
they are more productive than the
Ulark's Seedling. She says they have
been shipped long distances and went
through in good shape. . '
The total daily shipments of straw
berry crates to date have been ns fol
.i1 ,.
. 8a
S7S ,
May 11...
May 2S:j.........
t 24...
' 25
' -" 2lj
. 27
. , 28...
: 2.,
- SO......
; ' ai
June 1.....
. t :
. 21
Total shipments to date,...
, 9438
Miss A. Niedermark will be in Hood
River next. Monday with a full line of
millinery goods.- -
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McCoy spent last
Sunday at The Dalles.
' - 1 Valley Center Happenings. ,
'Late strawberries ' will ; bring the
price this year. '.'.v .;': V'.''
Spring road work is finished, and a
good showing has been made for the
amount of work to be hud. j
- Work was commenced last week on
the East Side irrigation ditch. ; : .
Several from this vicinity intend to
be at the auction sale of horses, etc., in
Sherman county Saturday, - . 1
Mr. Porter returned from Portland
last week. : ; ' ' : , ;,.
' Mrs. Scobee, of Portland, is visiting
her sister for a few weeks. sC, .
Pine Grove school will close Friday,
this week, after a very satisfactory
term to both pupils and teacher. '.. .
Mr. Isaac Horner, proprietor of the
Burton house, Burton,' W. Va., and
one of the most widely known men in
the state, was cured of rheumatism!
after three years of suffering. . He says:
"I have not sufficient command of lanj
guage to convey any idea of what I
suffered, my physicians told me that
nothing could be done for me, and my
friends were fully convinced that noth
ing but death would relieve me of my
suffering. In June, 1894, Mr. Evans,
then salesman for the American Drug
Co.J recommended Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. ; At this time my foot and limb
were swollen to more than double their
normal size, and it seemed to me my
leg would burst, but soon sitter I begau
using the Pain Palm, the swelling be
gan to decrease, the pain to leave, and
now I consider that I am entirely
cured. For sale by Williams & Brosius.,
I :, .' -i ' ' -i .-.
. ' Born. ' .
' In Hood River valley, June 2, 1897,
to tho wife of G. A, McCurdy, a daugh
ter, ,.; '
;, ;;: Kied. " ;
In' Hood River, June 3, 1897, Infant"
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gerdes, aged
22 days. ' .,.;,.
Is Your Title Clear?
E. E. Sava?e is prepared to examine ab
stracts of title to real estate and give opinions
on same. Charges reasonable. marll'
Every one 1ops; hut we are willing t correct as far as we can any mistakes
we make. If we tall to please you it is not because we do not try, but because,
we do mt know how. we would like to see the business of Hood River Valley
done In flood ltlver, and so far as we can we will labor to that end. We do
' not. ask people to trade with us because of our ?ood lookH or because we live in
Hood River, but we .will try to make it to your advantage to trade here.
Then if you do not . ; - - . ." ,. :....,. ...',..
Hood River and
Church Jiotices. ,
Services at the Odell school house
will hereafter be held at 11 o'clock in
stead of at 3 o'clock, each Sunday.
Troy Shelley, Pastor.
' .Methodist Episcopal Church, H. K.,
Hines, D. D., Pastor Weekly services:
Sunday, 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11
a; m., preaching; 2:30 p. m., Junior
League; 7 p. m., Epworih. League; 7:45
p. m., preaching. Thursday, 7:ao p.m.,
prayer meeting. Everybody welcomed
to these services. ... '
Rev. H. Moys will fill appointments
for the conference year as follows: He
will preach at Pine Grove every first
and third Sunday at 11 a. m.; at Bel
mont at 7:30 p. m. Belmont, every
second and fourth Sunday, at 11 a. m.;
Crapper school house, 2:30 p. m.; Pine
Grove, 7:30 p. in.'. Fifth Sunday, at
jvir. noon, at Ji a. m..
United Brethren Church Services.
Preaching each Sabbath morning and
evening. Sunday-school at 10a.m.;
Junior Endeavor, 3 p. ra.; Senior En
deavor, 6:45 p. m.; preaching, 7:30;
prayer meeting and choir practice
Wednesday evening.-
. - Rev. J. T. Merrill, Pastor.
Saturday and Sunday, June . 12th
and 13th, a basket quarterly meeting
will be held at Pine Grove under the
auspices of the M. E. church.' The
quarterly conference will convene on
Saturday, at 8 p. m., at the school
house, presided over by Dr. Hines. :
Congregational Church Rev. J. L.
Hershner, pastor. Worship, ,with
preaching, will be conducted every
Sunday, at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m., un
less , otherwise announced. Prayer
meeting and Sunday school conference
on Wednesday evening. Christian
Endeavor society on Suuday evening.
All who attend these services will be
made welcome. . i '
A Sew l'et.
Mr. Harry Brown, living up on the
side of the mountain, near Parker's
mill, has lost his whole crop of straw
berries by the ravages of a little yellow
bug, something like a louse as seen
through a glass. The bug is so small
it can hardly 'be seen with, the naked
eye. The pest works on the berry near
the stem and causes it to turn a dirty
yellow. color, in ripening. , Mr. Brown
had just commenced to pick his patch
and had shipped half a crate of good
berries. Next , day, on Friday last,
soon after starting to pick, he discov
ered that something was wrong with
the berries. Upon examination with a
glass he found the berries alive with
these little yellow lice. He went over
to his neighbor, Jack Binns, aud found
his patch affected the same way. Both
Mr. Brown and Mr. Binns expect to
lose their entire crops. Not a single
berry has so far escaped, except the
half crate shipped the day before the
pest was discovered. Mr. Brown ex
pected at least 100 crates and got half a
crate. His berry patch was bis solo de
pendence for the support of bis family.
Being an invalid himself, his wife hud
done all the work in taking eare of the
patch.; A small box of the infested
berries. were sent to the ' agricultural
college at Corvallis. for inspection by
the professors, ' ; ' -
- ' Paris Green ; , '
Is chiefly arsenite of copper. The in
secticide efficiency of Paris green de
pends upon the amount of arsenious
acid present, which is somewhat varia
ble, ranging from 54 to 01 per cent, in
an analysis of five samples obtained in
the '--market.' The chemist of the
Maine state college found 54, 55, 54, 55
and 40 percent of arsenious acid re
spectively. It is a very , stable- com
pound, does not readily suffer deterior
ation and may be safely kept in ordi
nary containers, in a cool,dry place, i
' London Purple ..
Is chiefly arsenite of lime, a residue ob
tained ill ) the manufacture of aniline
dyes. It does not . contain quite so
much arsenic as Paris green, , and by
being a by product, it is not so constant
in its constitution. , According , to an
analysis by the .chemist Of the U. 8.
department of agriculture, it lias 43 per
cent arsenous oxide. A later analysis
by the chemist of the Vermont agri
cultural experiment station, it has
Arsenic (arsenous ox) parts.. 48.78
Lime, v 21.115
Iron and alumina 1.41
Sulphuric acid i .46
Nitrogen ., I.i5
Moisture v.. ...rI.... 8.87
Paris green and London purple are
both dangerous poisons aud ure, pecu-.
liarly in the' province of the pharma
cist, for he is Uie the poison retailer and
usually the only one having the' facil
it'its for guaranteeing ., their quuhly. i
we Keep only the best qualities.
' ' ; lib. 61b. .-, 10 lb,
Paris Grecii... SOe. 25c. 20c.
London Purple..... ; 25a. 20c. 15c.
Williams & Brosius,
' , Druggists.
fiflPYBIGUTS Air..
Anyone Bndtn? fl sketch nnd description may
quickly asoeitHiii, free, whether an invention is
i iirobiibly patentable. Communications strictly
confidential. Oldest agency forsecurlngpatcntii
in America. We have a Washington office.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special notice iu tbe ... , .. .
beanttrully Illustrated, largest circulation of
any scientific ionrnal. weekly, terms $3.00 a yea i
Sl-OOsix months. Specimen copies and 1Lam
Book on Patents sent free. Address
3(11 Hrondwav. Nnw YnvU. ' - '
White Salmon;
Is now open for business,
Perfumery and
. . . Always on hand. " .. -t . . - v
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded and Prices Reasonable-
At the old stand of the Glacier office. Hood River, Oregon. -v.
H. A. YORK, Proprietor.
M. S. &;
Of Hood Ttlver pan furnish comfortablo
ity. Hoavv draylnit and transferring done
o. fredenburg;
Notary Public. :.
DR. E. T. CARNH Is now located In Hood
River. Kirst-class work at reasonable rates.
All work guaranteed. Office iu the Langille
House. . , , : - i jyl
Repaired and all kinds of
Sold by ' ' " -.-' .
Also, Hoots and Shoes repaired.
Columbia Nursery
Otters a larjje stock of rult Trees and all oth
er kinds l nursery stock. All trees are well
grown, carefully dug, free from pestN and true
to lube.. . Whether you want one tree or 1,000,
It will pay vou to examine tens stock. Re
member, trees in-own hero trlve the best satis
faction. No trouble to show goods. Orders
filled on short notice. C. H.VTICU AM .
. . Hood River, Oregon..:.
Threo miles south, on Mt. Hood Road.
Ho od River Nursery
WM. TILLETT, Proprietor. )
I.Dlantad 1150 trees boueht of Wm. Tillett
last spring, and they are all doing finely,, and I
I never lost a tree. . WM. 1JOORMAN. .. 1
I olankvl over 7U0 voun? anple trees Inst i
spring, bought ui W m.'iilleit. 'J hey ull lived, i
and some have made 4 feet growth. Rest j
trees hi grow I ever bought. Iirop around
and 830 them. . J. J. GIBRONS. !
We nlanted over 1100 trees bought of Wm. t
mien last spring, i ney nave an made a
good growth, und we have not lost a tree. BllUS.:
Dro' In and see the trees I bnuirtit from
Tillett 18 months ago, and you will seethe
best 10 acres ot young orchard in Mount Hood
district, or Hood Kiver, either. j
- u. it. uourwtt ova, xut. jtukmi. . .)
Harbison Bros., Proibs, :
' Manufacturers of v-, 1
671 Dressed and
i Undressed
Flour. Feed and all kinds ofceicals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham
i . i- a specialty,' . .
HOOI RIV15R, - - ..... OREGON.
Poultry and Supply Co.
HANDLERS OF .' , ' ''.:
Fancy and Market Poultry, Game,
Egrs, Butter, cjheese, Dressed Hogs,
Ve il, etc. Ftirm itnd Garden Prouncts,
Gr en and Dried Prints, Poultry Blip- -:
nil is ol every description, Nursery .-'
Btici, et.c., etc. . '
124 First St., Portland, Oregon.
Horses for Sale.
? " .'.(..;- . '''
I has-e three or four good work horses Cor
sale or for trado. Apply to
, apS0. . , .1, W. FORBES.
' The Glacier
Post Office. Building, Hood River, Or.
Kitchen Furniture,
'.'.. " Pruning Tools, Etc '
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Child's Castor Laxative
A yeirotable remedy tor resulntltiv ttiestoin.
noli and howeln ol liables and eiuJdren, :on
talnintr no opluni, iiiorpbirie. or other Imreot.
les. It, m lmrinli'S. pleasant to liile and a
moat valiialile remeny. Price 12o cents, at tlu.
Hood Itiver-riiarmaoy: ... .
carrying a full line of ,t 1 ::-
and Patent Rrledicines,
Toilet Articles,
conveyances to all parts of tli vallcj'wWl vldi.
with care and promptness. i
... i-
Gives the ctioiue of ,
Minneapolis OMAHA
AND ' . . i- .. . AN If
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to All East
ern Cities.
wrvr iicu.r)
No 1, ifnloti Pacific;....,;...;..'.' 2.3H .1. M.'
No. ,i, hiokiinc 0.27 AL
',. .-'. ': east Hor.vit.. . v v
No. 4, rj)knil' ! II. P. itf.
JSo, K, Union 1'm-U'n: ....... ...... U.ou as m.
Leave i'ortlnml ewry ilv days fwr
E. McNICILL, Piciictit.
t .
For fall demllM call on O. H. A X. Agi nt
Hood Hiv.-, or address -
W. H. HURI.m;RT.
, cien 1 I'ums. Avent. 1
' ' . 1'ortluiMt, Or. .
- THE- '
TIib Dalles, Portlaiifl & Aslcr:a
Navigation Co.
Through Freight . and
Passenger Line.
All Freight WiJI Come Through
Without Delays
Oneway ...... . ... . . , $ 1 . i
Round trip ..
Freight Rates Greatly
. , Reduced.
C. AUAWAV; : '
Cionci'iil ji' .
f $20 an Acre.
Elehtv aere of land in Hood lltver "ll-.y
ffir siile at2(l nn af;re. flood Imtr4v,m "ltfc.
2 acres in strawberrleB; MM Apple t iv.,.. ,i-i I
pU-nty u other irult. o KiipMv a titmil v: uiort
acr(8 in cultivation. Plenty 4 wai.'i" fwr n rU
tralloii trorn priva ditch. Tins )lr,' l nt
ol the earliest in the valley lor striiwri s.
I' or runner pa.'ticniurs addr.'H.he Glanl."'.
'. Tetter, Salt-Illumm anl'Kca)jna.
Tbo i.ifcjnue iichinftUKlbmHito'KijK i
ciesfc to theao tlueasv. i is insi.i.nilv .UIm t l
bv applying Chamberlain's Ee at-
SH Ointment. Many very bud citscs
liaxa been nevmanontly cnid bv 1
. h equally oWcient for ttchjntr pfieti anl
I j, f ivvorite romedy for ot nipple ;
j c.hfinned hands,,. cbilblaiiit3, trott Liiti
! autf chrovuo boto eyes. 3i5tH. pel' box.
! Dr. Caily's rnii(im PiT?lcn, ar
i just whai a hntuo- ntwls wbea in bs. I
i irondition. . I'omat ' blood pniJiev . ftn-l .
j v-)nniuie. ,, THey .ore not. food but'
! moilictno anil tuo best, in line to;mt .
nawa in primo condition. Pric" Zi
cents per packftge. "' : ;"';- '-; k.
i For s;;lc by 'Viliti iiis A lire, it .