The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 04, 1897, Image 2

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    5ood Jiyer Slacien
v. fvtbllahed every Friday by V
f s. f. litvuiu. . ; i : ':
Vfrirw of Subscription SLfiO a year When
pld ti advance; S3 If nut paid In advance,
The twenty-fifth, minimi reunion of
the Oregon Pioneer Association will be
held in tha exposition building, Port
land, June 16:b, The opening prayer
' wlli bo by Rev. J. S. GrifHn, a pioneer
tt ' 183!V Hon, John R. ' McBilde' of
Hpokano wll I doliver the unnual ad
dress." Reduvuii. rates will be given mi
nil tlie'railroada jind river boa is.' Geo.
"II. Mime, secretary, Stark street;
Portland. The pioneers, like the Grand
Army of the Republic', are fust passing
nway. Their, h unions are thoroughly
enjoyed by thorn, and U Is a good place
for those of tlx to v'Mt vh came after
(hem to this mow peaceful land rescued
(mm savage dominion and prevented
ifrom passing into the- possession of a
foreig power through tiie agenov of
these, old pioneers. Long may their
afK!latlon exist, that its members may
riijoy the blswhigs of a country they
ttaved to us, ... ,. '; -- .
, iiy ;the report of tiie conference com
mittee of tbo two houses 'on the dis
agreeing votes regarding amendments
to the sundry civil service bill the for
estry order will stand, but President
itJeKinley js authorized t,o modify its
terms if it should be desirable. This is
till that the friends of forest pieservn
tlon required.. The tracts reserved by
President' Cleveland's order were, se
. lectutl and defined in limits by a com
in ission appointed for that purpose un
der a resolution of congress! ; AH that
'President .Cleveland did was' to p
(rovo tbo report of "the commission
and to issue the forestry order oh their
recommendation.'- This- is xthe sub
stance of the , legislation now had on
Iho subject. ..It In satisfactory to all the
. friends of the forestry policy. There is
very little danger ithat President Mc
JCiuiey will materially alter the terms
of his predecessor's order. , ; :' '.
The Chit-ago Chronicle is now two
years old. It is numbered among the
great panels of the country..' Before it
. was one year old its' circulation ' had
leached' 11)0,000 daily, and before its
fieeorvrt .Hithday the paper was on a
paying basis, something unprecedented
in the history of journalism jn Amer
ica. Its price is only 3 a year by mail.
We consider it one of the best, papers
lor general news we ever read. ' Its edi
torial wriltUH are flint class; ' , .
The fourth unnual assembly, of , the
Willamette Valley Chautauqua Asso-
xulation will be held at Gladstone Park,
Oregon City t' July 13 24, 181)7. Wome
:it the most celebrated speakers of the
Tinted Wintes will be present Wm J.
: Rryun will speak at Gladsioue Purk
July llilh, one day precedinK the opeiit
ing of the assembly. Special rates will
be gi veii on all transportation lines..
' We are in receipt of a pamphlet from
the passenger department of the O. 11.
fc N., entitled 'The New Bonaii.u
land." i It describes the njiiiing belts
' of the Pacific Northwest and contains
hi map showing their locations. ; 7
' ' " ( Memorial Day. "
- Memmial day is always observed in
Hood River by our citizens in a fitting
tmuiner, and tliis year there was no
exception, though (be day came when
our strawberry harvest was at its full
tide. . The soldiers', graves In the dif
lirreiit cemeteries were decorated with
flowers early in the morning, and a
flag,, tearing the -soldier's name and
regiment, was placed at each grave.
The cemeteries were also visited by
luiiuy others to strew' flowers on the
graves of departed loved ones, ;:" 7-S' .
The Grand Army, Women's Relief
Corps and Sons of Veterans turned out
well to pay homage to tbe dead heroes
who served in tbe war. Thanks to the
good management of the geueral com
mittee, A'ith Mrs. T, J. Cunning at its
head, ably assisted by Mrs. O. L. Stran
jdiali and Mrs. S. II, Reeves, a good
programme ' was arranged and carried
ml i) a - very creditable maimer. .The
1. E. iihurcb, decorated, with clmicest
flowers, was fllled to : overflowing
with mi audience that came to listen
to the memorial sermon by Dr. Hines,
thlhdny morning, at U , o'clock. Dr.
' Kliot tiened the meeting with an elo
tuent prayer, and Rev. J. L.- Hershner
read from the Scriptures. The ven
tmbla Dr. Hi lies gave what e very one
pxpected ;bf him, an eloquent tribute
to tha patriots of bur country. The
full attendance of the Grand' Army,
Relief Corps and Sous bf Veterans was
especially pleased with -. the, address.
The meeting closed with prayer by
- Rev. J.' T. Merrill.. ; Good musio was
furnished. by the choir,
The exercises by the,' Grand Army I
.. ...1 n.ii.. n ,i. 1 i. 1 . .1 ..
afternoon were well earned out. A
monument "To the Unknown Dead"
' ' ., , . . ,
was piacvu upon mw pianouu. jvt. me
(ri'and Army, Relief Corps and Sons of
Veterans tiled into the church they
were followed by a number of little
girls, who decorated the monument
vvltb fliiwers while the veterans tood
at attention by their seats In the front
rows. -Then followed the reading of
orders by Adjutant C. J. Hayes and the ,
xnc"es by the Grand Anny itewi'd-
itijj to tbe rituat! TheTitual of the I
Relief Corps was given by the Indies in
tin impressive manner, iniswus mi-
i Jovvtd liy . recitations by the young
1 1.. .U J:j . .. -I -.I,. w
gave a solo, accompanied by her father
on the or,an. The smiug- of ,;Tbe
Faded Coat of Blue" by J. W. Emmel
was excellent; with Mrs. I E. Jackson
at, the'orgau. . Ag'nes puke rcclied
"Bring Fiowers," afier which litile
children brought wreaths and ' placed
them at the foot of the monument,
eaeli reciting a very appropriate piece.
Miss Nellie Clark recited "You Put No
Flowers on My 'Papa's Grave;", Bell
VVolfard, "Three Cheers for the Brave;"
Emma Cminliu, ''The Silent Grand
Army;" Ila Rooituah, 'Qn I lie Field
of Shiloh;" Peail Isenbei'g,. "Memorial
Day," all In a very acceplable manner.
The exercises closed 'by the difl'erent
ministeis of the vuliey, who were all
present, making short and patriotic
addresses. The old veterans, of whom
there was quile a full attendance, were
greatly pleased with the way every
thing was .j conducted and desire to
thank every one-, who took part and
showed a .willingness, 'to' do honor to
the memory of tiie heroes of the repub
lic on Memorial day. ' V., ,v , - .
The Soldiers will Come June 29th. "
May 25th, Gov.-: I ord, commander-in-chief
of the Oregon National Guard,
issued the following general orders: ,
The biigadief: commander is hereby
directed to assemble . tbe. following
named orgimizntions of 'the Oregon
Naiiouwl Guard in a camp of Instruct
lion at or hear Hood River for the pe
riod of six days, commencii g June 2S,
181)7:; .:'". . , ' :, ; -,;- :.
i Second regiment and detachment
of the hospital corps; Third battalion
and detachment of t lie hospital corps;
companies B and F,: First regiment;
battery Aj troop B, engineer corps and
signal corps. ; , , ' -
Recruits enlisted subsequent lo June
1, 1897, will not' lie permitted to partic
ipateiu the encampment, but will be
left at their stations. This will not
apply to re enlistments.' "
i Percliem of $l 'will be allowed for
each horte. to lie paid by the paymas
ter general upon verification by mus
ter rolls, as follows: General officer,
field officers, brigade, regimental and
separate- battalion, start' oltlcers and
battalion adjutants, one each; battery,
30 horses, including officers' mounts;
troop, one horse to each officer and man.
participating. . . :' ''
The quaitermaster irer.eral will fur
nish the necessary transportation. fr
troops, horses and maierial; provide
the necessary tentage, t-amp eU;paue,
forage, fuel and all 01 her supplies. upon
the requisition of the brigihle quarter
master, approved "by the brigade (jonr-
mauder. . ", - ' , ' , ... - '.
The commissary general will provide
tbe ration, and appliance frcookii g
i'd serving the same, upon reqnis tion
of the 'brigade, commissary of subsist
ence, approved by the brigade com
iminder. . , 1 , ' ?
,Tbe surgeon general, will upon the
receipt of, ibis order, report in pcrs n t
the brigade commander for- duty ' in
connection with the camp, and will
have charge of all sani'ar.v features f
the camp, and provide the .'.'necessary
means, aipliances and articles for the
prompt and efficient care of the sick or
wounded, at an expei se not to exeeeil
if 50.... Hewi l huve cbarL'e of the hos-
pi'ar corps participai mir, and be le1
spiiisilile for its insinii-tion. ' .
Target practice may be had during
the encampment, if in t he opinion of
the brigade commander such appears
advisable, to be conducted , under the
supervision of the brigade inspector of
rifle practice, who is authorized to ex
pend not more than $200 iii the con
struction of suitable butts and taoges.
Ammunition, paper targets and pasteis
will be supplied by the chief of ordnance.-:;.'
.'"- -- ::.,. ' ;
The strictest" economy Is enjoined
upon all. depurimeuts, to the end thai,
the expense, incident to tbe encamp
ment may be reduced- to actual neces
sities. .:'..'. ' ." : ' -
.The brigade commander is charged
with all details for the execution .of
this order not herein provided. Tbe
provisions of the 'military code and
regulations of 1 be ' Oregon National
Guard will lie strictly observed. . . . - -
1 ;'.'' ' ' ! ' ' ,:.'
, ',. Report of fraud Jury, ', . ..' "
. .We the grand jury for the lute term
of court respectfully submit the, follow
ing for our tinal report: 1 '
.We have leen in session five days
and have returned in'o court six irue
bills and four not true bills, and have
examined several other mallei's which .
we have not .deemed of sufficient im
portance to report. .
We have examined' the county build
Ings, including the county jail and
poor farm, and find 1 hem all in good
condition and well - eared for. We
have examined .-the" clerk's, sheriffs,
treasurer's, and other 'county offices,
with the books, records and papers
therein, and all are properly and cor
rectly kept in. so far .as we are able to
judge. ' ' . - -' ' '' '
, We And tbe county poor all well pro
vided for at tbe county farm, and we
Commend the county for .the manage
ment of such county farm. .. '
We have no special recommenda
tions to make as to the affairs of the
county, and iiedeve that lhey are prop
erly and economically managed. ' 1
:,: V W. H. H. 1WFUR, t
The Moro Observer gives the orchards
of A. C. Hutf,. of Sherman county, a
14-columu write-up and claims that
county is second to nonedn the production-of
good fiuit. Mr- A. C. Huff is
always in attendance at our bor icnl
'C,'.M'.U",S "d ,ukt's u l' "iwt i"
fiit rn u'hprripa iafii't rtrintrlmr fivirn ill
0 ," V K , Vn 3 1 T ,w
Portland May 81' The bulk of sales
1 .. tt ... . ... . .... ,1 1 . .. 1 . .. t ..
. wt.le at 5 eeli is Rural Spiilt.
Julian Epping. chief cleik of the
registry department of the Portland
post office, aionsf with Detective Charles
Ilolsapple and Georue and Charles
Watson, weiv arrested in Portland last
Friday,. charged with conspiracy to rob
the poslofhee. Epping is a re) ubhean,
iippoinie.d by Postmaster I'rotzman on
the - recommendation
or e.-ftenator
Pnuite nn IVrcminl IJhoWv
". .
Janie8 Xi, iiiUatlf, the retiring UnltPd
nmien tMuiiifKinni m riuutr, iiiiareiuir
1 by ' observation ivlnit many 'others
' U I 1 1, 1 !..' i U TP...... l.K
: 'd 'f insiilutions is very difleiet.c i
.' This ounirv and France are called
sister republics, "but as to fundamental
M i oui i en, lie puj a, . incjf -nic,. imi.
very closely related." A Frencliman
may consider himself a thoioughgoing
republican and bis tlevoilon to the
political rights of the people may le
appaiently ardent. Bui, says Mr. Eus
tis, "he does not seem able to form the
sliglitest conception of what are known
in England and tbe United States us
the tunaamentul rights ot
liberty." ' ' . ' -
It has long been known lothose wbo
have t een prought in iliieci . coiraet
wilb tlie French gtivernment and to
those wh 'i. have made a comparative
study of Frenuh and Americ in insiiiu
tions that France has the form without
the substance of w hat we understand
by reputibcau government. In fict,,
it has the form only to a limited extent,
as the laws and Mbe executive and
judicial methods open to common ot
servatlon are full of arbitrary, features
which. exist only under l tie most auto
cratic government.. Mr. Eusiis has
simply added the testimony of a 'rlis-liiigui-hed
and thoroughly trustvirth.v
witness to facts which to Ameiicans
who have not had .-opportunity' to b
serve or investigate , seem quite 'in
credible.': -,"' - '' --'.;'' "
, And what is true of the French is
not less true of the Spanish and other
Latin peoples wherever found. ' These
etples have uitempteil to 'establish re
publics in various plat.- They have
succeeded iu this hemisphere in estab
lishing republics In outward form, bur"
rowing theiir written i '.constitution
fiom tis ' ; ; -.' '.." .-
: The results of their expeiluien's
serve to show l hat a wiit ten const itu-
t ion
however Wisely trained ami llW-1
ever sound the principles upon which
it rests, is of little won It to a pe iplo
who are iot- thoro' imbued with
tbe spirit of personal .-liberty or who
lack a clear perception of their rights
and. tbe sturdy manhood to maintain
them.l Iheyshbw that the, people Of
every COU11IO must (lepenil upon their his intention to make final proof in
owu character, and that unless theytsupport of his claim, and that said proof
possess the character which enables
men to maintain liberty regulate'd by
law mere forms borrowed from those
who possess that character will be of
little avail. ' , '. :- ' - . - .:'
As a mutter of fad there is not one
Latin American republic today where
the people enjoy personal liberty in the
American Miiise of the term. We have
been too prone to look upon the mere
form of a written constiutiou borrow
ed fiom our own and lo take the sub
stance for granted.' We have been ton
piodtgal uf sympathy for, people -s bo
supposed they were struggling for lib
erty, but who are not abie to form the
slightest com ep-ion of ibe lumlamen
tal i igh i s of pel ho u al liberty...- :
V'e geneionsly that othef
pi-op es Vulue the riahis i t pni-sinu, i lib-;
erly as we do. Hetice weil'-en besiov
our syinp it hies upon , those who are
"supiemeiy ' indifferent" to those
riuhts, ts MrEustis says the French
are-.'. ' ..: ,' . - ..:'.- i, ... . -. .",,' ) .-. "V
. It Is upon ihis bi'tbil of ours that cur
jingoes have lately la-en building;. Men
want a war for tbe fat contracts; they
expect to gel out of it. And others re
ly upon I he. generous assumption of
i heir country men that, the- Cubans are
trying to establish such - a republic as
we have. Rei lug upon this asinitpv
iou ihey are 1 0 iiiK to get us into a
war for the liheratinu ota peopte who,
11 they were free fiom the government
of bpain, would fail under aWoise one
of tlieir own or into a slate of anarchy.
It is time for the American people to
shake 'If the fond delusion that t re-'
pub ics ciin be made out of any kind of
ti.ped mateiial and recognize' the fact
I bat multitudes have not nee 11 educat
ed np to self government. It is time
for them to biing their sympathies in
to subjection to their reason and not
permit themselves to be wrought up 16
fighting pitch of sympathetic excite
ment by every self-seeking demagogue
and lvck less agitator with tears In his
voice. Chicago Chronicle.: , - '
. ; Captured a Wliule. ; .,;.
Mr. M. A. .Cook returned Tuesday
from Long . Beauh,' California, und will
remain here for the next month.'. He
left, bis in usl aches in California, ami
some of bis ntosl intimate fiieuds did
not lecogu ze him at tiist sight. A few
tlays tiefore leaving Long Beach, Mr.
Cook was one of a party of three who
c'aptured s whale.- Tiie story is told in
a two-column article iu the Daily
of Ijoug Beach,' from .which we taKe
the followitig extract:
; "1 he whae was seen spurting and ring 111 the siioals opposile the
Duqtie i'ot luge at 5 o'clock last e erdog ,
by'M. A. Cook, W.lliaui Settles and
W. F. Boweis, carpenters ,wiio were
worki. g nil a barn 'on occau fiout.
Hammers dropped, saws .were, laid
aside, ; rope was procured,. ' the lasso
cbiled and the rest of l.he story is tol J
he was staked out for tbe night. The
fish measured 03 feet 8 inches from tip
to tip; 12 feet across the tail; 12 feet 0
inches across the back; jaw ) 4 feet; fins
(J feet ; 8 feet in diameter' and about ,25
feet in circumference.'' . t , ;
Mr. Cook brought along photographs
to.. verify (his big fisli story, and the
photos can be seen in the GLACIER
window. - - 'j.' 1
Weather Report for May.
Following is a i-ummary if the mete
orological repoit kept by P. G. Barrett
for the . U., S. Weather .Bureau.' The
station is ,5, miles southwest ot Hood
River: , .
' Maximum temperature, 80; date, 2S,
Minimum temperature, iiti; data 2...
Mean temperature, til.. 0.
Mean max, temperature, 72: mean mtn.
temperature, 60. 1 -
lotal precipitation, .81 Inches. .
Greatest precipitation In any H consecutive
hours, .So; uaie, 7. r
ToUil snowlall durlngthe month, 0 inches,
Depth of snow on ground on loth 0 inches.
Depth of snow on ground at end ot month, 0
Inches. ..,.-'(,. . .
No, of clear days, 10; partly cloudy, 13;
cloudy, 8; on which .01 or more precipitation
fell, 6. . " ' ' ' ...... , -
Prevailing wind direction, wpet, ,
Dates ot trost Light, 0; killing, 0.
, Dates ot hail, . . . . .
. Dates of sleet,-0. , ,
1. Dates of anrorus, 0. -
Time used on this form, local,
lleuiariis. Iiiuuder on 5th, UiXi and rfOtli.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Ijaxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. . Williams & Brosius refund the
.money if it fails to cure. 25e, . "
1 - ot' women to truvel for responsible estab-
llshed house In Oregon; Salary 4 80-. payable
nent. Reference. . Enclose self-addressed
?MO weeitiy anu expenses. . rusnnm ueniiu- i
stamped envelope,. The National, bur build
sep4 .
To Rldenn, of Hoodmver -ndrnlm
Having decided .0 locate lu Hood River, I
hereby announce that 1 am prepared to do
House Painting, lJaper Hanging, Wall Tint
ing, etc., at prices to suit the times.
(Soliciting a 9 hare of your patronage, I am
rospecuaily. i ' 1 -'
, : E. II. PICK ARI),
, - .. . . , Hood Kiver, Oregon. ,
To the citizens of Hood River and vicinity;
Owing to other business which ruaKes It
impossible to attend to Painting, etc., I have
decided toiqult that line of business in favor
of E. II. PtvJsard . who. I think, will give you
'entire satisfaction, Thanking the public for
past favors and patronage, I am, respect lully,
i m&i . ..,'., E. L. KOOD.
Irrigating; Notice.
Owing to the limited amount of water thaf
can be furnished for irrigation, tha Hood
Kiver Spring Water Co. has adopted the fol
lowing regulations: -''
Parties livintt south of Oali'street will irri
gate from 6 to 9 o'clock, p. m., and those liv
ing north of same street, from 6 to 9 a. m.
In irrigating, the regulation half-inch nozzle
must be rtscd, and the water applied in the
form of syrayor sprinkle and in no other
manner.- - .-
Terms for irrigation Per lot, or fraction of a
lot, 75 cents a month. ., i : . .
All water for irrigating m ust be applied and
paid for before using. ; -
Any violation of these rules will subject the
fiarties so offending to forfeiture of the privi
ege of irrigation. " - - 1
Pulverizing Harrow,
i Clod crusher and ieveler. Adapted to all
soils and all work for which a harrow Is
needed. Practically indestructible.. Cheapest
"teLSi.86118 fr- 'lbout tbe
v.-;. , C. F MAHKIIAM. . .
; 7. ; , j':' y',t ,, '' Agent for Hood Kiver.
Land Office at The Dalles,- Oregon, June
1, 1H97. Notice is hereby given that the
wilfbe made before Register and Receiver at
The Dalles, Oregon, on July 17, 1897, viz: . .
" - ; v RICHARD S. ANDREW'S, , '
Hd. E. No.v4352, for the lot 1, east northeast
H and southwest y4 nortlieast 4 section 32,
township 3 north, range 10 east. , .
Hp names the following witnesses to prove
his claim to said land, viz:
S. F. Blvthe, G. T. lirather. F.'.R. Absten
and R. J. Ellis, all of Hood River, Oregon.
J-Uy9 ,, J AS. K, MOORE, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 8,
189.; Notice is hereby given that the allow
ing named Settler has filed notice of his In
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will he made beiore
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on June 21), 189.;, viz:. , j , .. .
'..'..,; ... ARTHUR L;: DAGGETT,
Hd. E. No. 4119, for the lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, sec
tions, township 2 north, range 11 east, W. M.
He names the fallowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
J.J.Lewis, B. D. Fisher,. L. 3. Davenport
and Newel Harlan, all of Mottier, Oregon. 1
..-IU1418 V. JAS. F. MOORK, Register. -
Land Office Rt Vancouver, Wash., May. 4,
189,. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make flnal proof in. support of his
claim, and t hat said proof will be made before
C. G. Green, Clerk Superior Court for Skama
nia cotintv, Wash.J at Stevenson, Wash., on
June 22, 1897, viz: . i .
H. NiC80:i5, for the northeast northeast
section 15, and north northwests section
14, township 3 north, range 9 east, W, M,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
John M. Coulter, George M. Berry, John P.
Gillette and Sain Samson, nil of Chenowtth,
Wafeh. . . ., . B.F.SHAW, . . . Register.
In the best and most artistic styles at the Old
Reliable Shoe .shop one door west of postoftice.
Ladles' fine work a specialty.' All work war
ranted. C. WELDS, Prop'r.
Mt. Hood Saw Mills,
.: TOM LINSON BROS. j Prop'rs, :
Of the best quality always on hand at prices
' to suit the times. . . Jy24
Ray's Little ' Cathartic
PillS. -';;
For constipation, headache, biliousness, in
digestion, sallow 'complexion and diseases
arising from disordered liver, stomach and
kidneys.-Price 25 cents, at the Hood River
Pharmacy..,- .;',: .- .--' . '-.. ,. -; .
Wade's Worm Powders
' A pleasant, Safo and efficient - worm "dc
strojer. Price 5 cents,, at the Hood River
Pliarmacy. .... , , ' . 1 ;
Monroe's Cough Balsom
A prompt and efficacious remedy for colds,
coughs,- influenza, - croup, bronchitis, sore
throat, hoarseness and all affections of the
throat, lungs and bronchial tubes. ; Price 25e,
50c and $1, at the Hood River Pharmacy. ...
.- 1 ' l. 1 1 . 1--
G. T. Pbathv.u, '
Notary Public.
H. 6. C4k.
93 Oak St., bet 2d and 3d.
We have lots, blocks and acreage In the
town of Hood Kiver: also; truit, hay and ncrry
farms anu timber claims in the most desira
ble local ions in the valley. If you have any
thing in the real estate line to sell or rent, or
if you want to buy, give us a call.
Deeds, bonds aud mortgages promptly and
correctly executed.
We will also attend to legal business injus
tices' courts, . : ,
We arc also iigents for SOUTH WAUCOMA
:' 1 . ' ap27 .;
House and 3 Lots. ;
House containing 5 rooms, and three lots on
corner of block, ni Mated in Wnncnmn addi
tion. Will be sold cheap. or further partic
ulars Inquire of ' ' L. HbMtY..
Lessons in Piano Music.
Miss Anna S'mith has resumed the teachin
of Music, Her prices are W c.nts a Jesson,
..! by any concern in Wasco county.
T? TVTT7 TT"RT7T? that we pay cash for our goods and are the people ta whom
XbJlliU.iXU.XJLXV, wholesaler want to sell.
dollar. Call on us for a square deal. '
Our attention hits been called to the advertisements of a Dalles firm,
.other than our Agents, offering baker Barb Wire. :. ; ' i
Pease & Mays have been, our Exclusive Agents
1 1
.',... At The Dalles for many years for the sale' of our Baker Perfect Barb
Genuine Baker Wire can be bought only of them.
,.' s..' ; ' ,-'". , r l'' i,1 i'v. .,v , .''- , .
. ,.- ; This Wire is manufactured under our patents; the name is copyrighted ,
and our attorney is now preparing to, bring suits against the manufac
. ; , turer of this spurious Wire, aiid we desire to give notice that all .
:i";V '''Is ;' V:f'-Y.:-;:r 'r;:';-, 'h.J '''"'; '-.'' 'J; -V' ,'":. '''V': ;C
. , . . v. , ... ... . : 1 .-'.;'. .'"'v .- i . '';.
Cheap, undesirable ajMic'es of no merit are never imitated. ...
' -' The great superiority of ntr w ire1 has caused other wire to be stamped
'"Baker.." ;''.. . . ' . .. ' v .:..' .-, ; , ",
. You buy B iker Wire, not on account of the name, but because of the
superior excellence 'of the wire, vvhich bits been tested to your entire
' satisfaction. ' '
Then Purchase Your Wire of i PEASE & MAYS, -Our
Accredited Agents at The Dalles.
For no other Arm there has or
M. J. McMAN US, Manager.
205 Oregonian Building, Portland, Oregon.
a, r m X jcl p 1 e m' e n. t s
1 Grass Seedsp Fertilizers, Etc, Etc.
'.,,;.!,',;....,'.;',, ; . A new and complcle line of -.-;:
Canton Clipper Chilled and" Steel Plows and
Cultivators, J Planet Jr. Garden Tools, ;i p ; ;
'v- Studebaker Vehicles ancl t''VP
.Hardvood Repairs
'.''i ...'.'1 .'.'.' "'
. i T ' a ,r... ..M ct....A ,...,',.,;,.. 'm H.....I if.., ..t
: GEO.- P. tf CRO WELL, . il
' ' r ,, Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House in the vallcy.J ; : !
'"'-': : ' 7 ';'' .dealer ix ''.- t :V.: . ," '?. '.';::.',
' ' 1 ' - .t .' '' ;''...,' ''' ','' ' :'' ' .'T '..' ' ' '!' .;,'.';. '. ' ' ' ''''' ''' ' .:i '-' '':'' --'"' '' k ';,(.. ''.'V-: -
' ) Flour, Feed,
.v. ..,: ; KEEP CONSTANTLY ' ON ,';: HAND ', ....,l. . U
Choice Fresh Meats,
V';:y;';Hams, Bacon, Lard, ,
' , ' ALSO, DEALERS IN '; ' , " .
Wall Paper, miinta, Oils; etc., etc. Agent for
i 110
, ;;i : is fir
jCTDPNTALLT It Is an artotate o: dwmiicrjH'v. with no tpnntngr towHt-d pwnl I nm or Btnie so
cialism Ttie tfiumiih or tho repuoiic; n oartv in the recn.i pr-Biflcntiui m o-.-tton. am a reatili .
tr the disruption of tne demoomts. ilvolvcB upon the hitter -th? duty or reeouciliation an t rear
rrilaito on the linea ol ihulr own. and not some oilier jHirt.v ft, tnith. To pnimot (fetmme
C-'mocrav- to cHncouutrtnunHH populism. nn1 to tho monopolistic t (Ifnr.teH of repubiioau-
ni will te the p'iinuil miBHion ot -T II K CHHOM'.ME In the fu:u an U n heen In the past. .
Ak ft iie-p:ipir TdJS CUttONiCLB wiii ccnti nio to .be o innrlinivB and cntrpriJnK, v
ei "i $ neither 'abor nor expense to make Its ivporlB o' all notew. thy -vnt' of Hx p rior excet- .
ivo u loorertny exoanHiively the ouiiiely Uj.d of news. , Uitcovery. Invent. on. luduairy aua
t.v nne cfnt a 'av everv fain'W .vlthtn fivo hundrol mites of ;hlcao may have on t' o d-v
vf it puullc-iU n a eov of a ffreat 't ilk v newxpaper. costiu-f tuouaudn o UolJai-i t prodiiue-rf
inhacle of ciiaaptffa and value . a .iin'jd , ,
Oflly only. One Year ...... ..S3. OO
Six Pflonth3. . ..... 1. 53
Throe Months... .75
Ono Month. . , . . . .23
Cally and Suntjay, es.OO per ysar
' ! .ah nbiHptlous n-i be ivecompaiilel 'by th4
ra"tODCIitc.iiro or Ni for... or fiii-.tji-j.l lou-ir.
eiuaiuii oiusi always 0d ai Siaijjr s rMi fearatno - -
We never give short wefght or monnurn: we give (t ounces to the
nound. lib inches to the vard and 100 cents worth of v:iLne tor vour
can secure B-iker
lViful Viti
. v '
tgUUl. . .-;,.:;..
f Etc., ;;;:Etc.
And dealer In all kinds
of Building Materials,
the Bridal Veil Lumber Company.
11 bi&B
i Sunday only, One Year. .... .52.00
Six Wtonths. . . I.OO ;
' I . Throo Wionths.- f .DO
: - " One IVionth .23
Parts of a year, 50o per month.
c.ish.v R-smtt bv rmttal oroxpresa mouyordof.
. Ciiiriuy in lull ;rs. winle unuoarily.
o.j.ej fi-jj a.i aii.i.ttiju , ,