A Resume of Events in the ' Northwest. EVIDENCE OF STEADY GROWTH Xewi Gathered lit All tlie lowm of Our Neighboring State" Improvo mont Noted In All Industries Oregon. An inspector of the postal department will be sent to Salem to establish rural mail servioe in Marion county. Many cherries are said to have fallen from the trees in Southern Oregon dur ing the last week or ten days. . Growers in Linn county are cultivat ing their hops well, and the present outlook justifies them in hoping for fine crops. i The Ooos bay creamery is receiving 12,000 pounds of milk per day, and it is expected the figures will soon be in creased to 15,000. The machinery for the Vale, Malheur county, flouring mill has been pur chased.; The mill will have? a capacity of 50 barrels a day. , Grasshoppers about the size of a flea are so thick in the Fulton neighborhood, Umatilla county, that they raiBe in louds whenever disturbed. Harold Parker will soon start from Huntington with. 80,000 head of sheep overland tor Gibson, Foss & Co., to be 'delivered at some point in Nebraska. It will take about five months to make the drive. The big ditoh which has been in course , of construction for several months for the Flick Bar Mining Com pany, in Baker county, has been com pleted, and mining will soon be com menced in earnest. , No steps will be taken to build a new courthouse in Coos county before the coming season. The defendant county has filed an answer to the complaint of those who are asking for an injunction to prevent the construction of the oourt house. t William Brenner, of Soio, and D. Wheeler, of Lebanon, are buying feed hogs near Scio for shipment to Nebras ka. .They have bought about 600 head, for which they paid from 2 to 2 cents a pound gross. Soio was a squealing center of industry last Monday, as wagon load after wagon load of pigs were brought in. ' The railroad company in Jackson county brought suit against the county to restrain the oolleotion of $18,000 taxes, alleged to be due the county. With the Oregon & California company is joined in the suit the Southern Pa cific Company, against which no taxes are assessed. As the Southern' Paoific Company is a foreign company, this would give the federal courts jurisdic tion, snouia mat company remain u party to the suit. , : - r ..... . - 1 ' Washington. ; ", The long-distance telephone has reached Asotin. . . Salary warrants in Whatoom county old last month for 98 cents. The grand lodge of Masons will meet in Seattle on the 8th of June. : 1 A shipload t)f rock from Bellingham bay has been received at Grays harbor 'tor the lighthouse. . Thurston county fruitgrowers hare organized under the name of the Olym pia Fruitgrowers' Association. George Alsip has strated up his brickyard in Ellensburg. ' He will make at least 100,000 bricks and more are needed. , v The annuiwl session of the State Teachers' Association will be held in New Whatcom from June 23 to July 8, inclusive. The Stanwood oreamery one day re cently received 11,895 pounds of milk, breaking its best previous record by 2,000 pounds. The question whether or not school districts shall furnish text books and upplies free to pupils will be voted on in Washington, June 12. . There are- five sawmills, with an average capacity of 80,000 feot daily, and five shingle mills, cutting 500,000 Bhingles every day, tributary to Elma, in Chehalis county. At a meeting of the directors of the city scohols in Walla Walla, it was de cided to add a month to the school term, which makes the term the same length as before it was reduoed in 1898. The schools will therefore, close on the 18th of June this year. The city treasurer of Everett at the last session of the council reported a de fioit of $2,897.94, for the first four months of the present year. The esti mated reoeipts for the remaining eight months are $14,550, estimated expenses, $19,720.50; defioit for remaining eight months, 5,170.50; total defioit for the year, $7,568.44. The mayor of Seattle, in his annual message to the council recommended that the social evil be regulated by re stricting fallen women to a prescribed district; he urged a further reduction in city expenses, and that the city's revenues be inoreased by licenses. The merit system in foroe under the new charter law receives the mayor's heartiest approval. The Skamokawa oreameryjlast month made 1,508 pounds of butter, and it is expected that double this amount will be made this month. The remnant of last year's crop is being marketed in Garfield. After the requirements of reseeding and Bpring seeding, it is believed that from 5,000 to 10,000 bushels remain unsold in the territory tributary to Garfield. At present prices this will be a pleasant pick-up toward summer expenses. It was thought that scarcely a bushel re mained in the farmers' hands. WEEKLY MARKET LETTER. Downing. Hopkins 'Companj-'f Review of Trade. The past week has added materially to the previously strong position of wheat values viewed from the position of supplies and demand. The crop prospect as a whole retrograded, but more particularly in California, where drought and hot winds have caused a reduotion in expected yield of at least 25 per cent, as compared with 'last year. Foreign crop prospects are much poorer, especially in France, where the estimted yield is 75,000,000 bush els smaller than last year, and conser vative grain dealers predict large im portations during the comings crop year. Values have been firmly held and while no material advance has oc curred, the market has gained in strength and ' receives better support than during the previous week. The export demand is fair and improving. Interior supplied are rapidly - dimin ishing, and it is now a patent fact that stooks will be reduced to the lowest possible point before the winter wheat harvest. Nothing but the absence of a generous speculative support prevents a materiaLadvance in values, but un der exisitng conditions, the scarcity of supplies in America and the increased wants of importing oountries, owing to short orops at home, crop failures in exporting countires other than America, the ultimate result must be higher values. The prospects of the spring wheat crop are good, but not sufficient ly so to offset the short winter wheat corp-, fexhausted reserves and increased wants, from abroad. The "tendency of the market even without speculative support seems Blowly but steadily higher. Market Quotations. Portland, Or., May 25, 1897. Flour Portland, Salem, Casoadia and Dayton, $3.90; Benton county and White Lily, $3.90; graham, $3.40; su perfine, $2.75 per barrel. Wheat Walla Walla, 7576c; Val ley,' 77c per bushel. . Oats Choice white, 8840c - per bushel; choioe gray, 8789c. Hay Timothy, $13. 00 14.00 per ton; cloved, $11.5012.50; wheat and oat, $12.00 18.00 per ton. Barley Feed barley, $16.50 per ton; brewing", $1819. Millstuffs Bran, $14.50, shortB, $16.50; middlings, $33.50. . Butter Creamery, 80c; dairy, 20 22Jrfc; store, 17 30o per roll. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 45 50c; Garnet Chilies, 6565c; Early Rose, 8540o per sack; sweets, $2.75 per oental for Meroed; new potatoes, l)o per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.50 8.00; gees8, $4.00 7.00; turkeys, live, 12c; ducks, $4.006 00 per dozen. - Efj;gs Oregon, 10 lie per dozen. Cheese Oregon, 1 1 c; Young America, 1230 per pound. . Wool Valley, 12 Jc per pound; East ern Oregon, 68c. , Hops 7c per pound. . Beef Gross, top steers, $3.50; cows $2. 50 3. 00; dressed beef, 5 6Jc per pound. ' : Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, $3.00 8. 50; dressed mat ton, 65c per pound. . Hogs Gross, choice, heavy, $4.00 4.60; light and feeders, $2.503.00; dressed $5. 00 5. 60 per cwt. Veal Large, 34c; small, 4 5 per pound. . Seattle, Wash., May 25, 1897. . Wheat Chicken feed, $2627 per ton. Oats Choice, $23 24 per ton. Flour (Jobbing) Patent excellent, $4.T5; Novelty A, $4.45; California brands, $4.90; Dakota, $5.65; patent, $6.40. Barley Rolled or ground, $20 per ton; whole, $19.' Corn Whole, $20 per ton; cracked, $21; feed meal, $21. Millstuffs Bran, $15.00 per ton; shorts, $18. Feed Chopped feed, $18.00 per ton; middlings, $22; oilcake meal, $30. Hay Puget sound, per ton, $13.00; Eastern Washington, $18; California, $15. Poultry Chickens, live, per pound, hens, 10c; spring chickens, $3.508.50; ducks, $56. " Butter Fancy native creamery, brick, 16c; ranch, 10 12. ' .- 1516. ; Cheese Native Washington, 11 11 4c; Eastern, 12c; California, 9c. Vegetables Potatoes, per ton, $12.00 14; parsnips, per sack, $1; beets, per sack, $1.25; turnips, per sack, $1.25; rutabagas, per sack, 50c; carrots, per sack, 75c; cabbage, per 100 lbs, $1.75; onions, per 100 lbs, $1.50. Sweet potatoes Per 100 lbs, $3.50; new potatoes, 1 s per lb. . Eggs Fresh ranch, 14 15c. Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef, steers, 7c; cows, 6c; mutton, sheep, 7o per pound; lamb, 5o; pork, 6)0 per pound; veal, small, 6 7c. ,, Fresh Fish Halibut, 45c; salmon, 68o? salmon trOut, 710c; flounders and soles, 8 4c. Provisions Ilamfy large, 1 1 4 ' hams, small, llc; breakfast bacon, 10c; dry salt sides, 7c per pound. Fruits Lemons, California, fancy, $2.503.50; choice, $2; Cal fornia fancy navals, $3.504. San Francisco, May 25, 1897. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, , 70c $1.10; Early Rose, 60 70c; River Bur banks, 65 80c; sweets, $1.25 per cental. Onions $3. 00 8. 50 per cental. Eggs Ranch, 18 15c per dozen, i Butter Fancy creamery, 15Jc; do seconds, 14 15c; fancy dairy, , 14c, seconds; 1313Jfjo. Cheeso Fancy mild, new, 7Jo; fair to good, 6 7o; Young Amerioa, 7)f86e; Eastern, 1415o. . There is no end of flavor in Schilling's Best tea. made right. There is. not even begin ning of flavor in average tea, make it how you will. At grocers' in packages. A Schilling & Company . San rrancisco 493 No More Indian Soldiers. The last of the Indian companies of the United States army, stationed at Fort Sill, O. T., is to be disbanded. This marks the end of the effort to make efficient soldiers out of the war like aborigines of the frontier. At first the experiment bade, fair to be success ful. Several companies, both of cavalry and infantry, were organized in com mand of white officers who had mani fested particular friendliness for the Indians. The young braves liked the jaunty uniforms, and promptly mas tered the intricacies of military evolu tions. They became men of mark in their tribes. But soon the rigid dis cipline and the enforced absence from their homes and families became irk some. They began to neglect their duties and to appear first indifferent, then sullen and mutinous. One by one the Indian troops and companies have been disbanded until there remained only the command at Fort Sill, com posed of fifty of Geronirao's Apache warriors. Though they will cease to be regular soldiers of the United States, these Indians will not leave the mili tary service. They will probably be retained, as other former soldiers have been, as soouts-in which capacity the red braves have had ample experience in our Indian wars, and, indeed, have proven themselves indispensabile auxil iaries. Boston Journal. Ants With Human Habits. The German traveler Von Ihering has discovered in Brazil a species of ants which have regular summer and winter resorts. In winter they live on the ground, in summer in big nests con structed on trees, in order to escape the danger of inundation when the snow melts and the rivers rise. No More Hot Boxes. ; One of the most wonderful of recent inventions is a roller bearing for car wheels which does away with the use of lubricants. There will be no more hot boxes. One wheel has had a test of 170,000 miles in the West without the application of a drop of oil. Some English reporters now take notes at night by the light of a tiny incandescent lamp attached to the waistcoat. Gladness Gomes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comtort in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with mill ions of families, and is everywhere esteemed bo highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely tlGed and gives most general satisfaction. 0REGONffLOODpURIFIER Used everywhere. SI a bottle; six for $8 Club together and. send for six bottles for 5 If your dealer does not have it and we will pay express. Address Oregon Blood Purifier, Port land, Or. BASE BALL JOODS WJ!' We carry the mostcomplete line of Gymnasium and Athletic Goods on the Coast. : SUITS AND UNIFORMS MADE TO ORDER. Send for Our Athletic Catalogue. . ! WILL & FINCK CO., 818-880 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. WHEAT Make money by sue' cessiul ((peculation in Chicatro. We buy and sell wheat there on mar- Kins. Fortunes nave Deen maue on a smau beginning bv trading in futures. Write for full particulars. Best of reference Riven. Sev eral years' experience on the Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorouch knowledge of the busi ness. Downing, Hopkins Co., Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Offices in Portland, Oregon, Spokane and Seattle. W ash. EUFTUItK and PILKS cured; no' pay un til cured; send for book. Uhs. Manskikld & Poeterfield, 338 Market St., San Francisco. IVY turtta nncne ft cloc rniLo km '1 u v.t. a-r rriti i--rt Hum W 1 liNN vuuu w;u) v- afcf.-..t-L.--l-'-4--., N.P.N.U. No. 703 S.F.N.U. No. 780 VICTORIA'S DIAMOND JUBILEE Completion of 60 Tears as Sovereign to .. Be Observed In Portland, Oregon. In all parts of the British empire the celebration on the 21st and 22d of June will be universal, and the British resi dents of Oregon are not going to be be hind any other state in showing their loyalty, by "practical charity and rejoio-. ings. The British-born residents of the United Kingdom residing in . Portland are getting in readiness to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the reign of hei majesty, Queen Viotoria, during the present year. On June 21st, 1897, Queen Victoria will have occupied the British throne just 60 years, the longest reign yet re corded for a British sovereign. Thie period has been one of the most pros perous the English people have experi enced. Her majesty is associated with the happiness of the nation in an in separable manner, so that the periods of her oareer are noted as events of the national life. The respect and affection of subjects born during her reign is to be shown by notable celebrations in every part of the world. In Portland the different British so cieties have had under contemplation, for some time arrangements for the oc casion. Members have been notified and committees appointed to confer on the subject. Mr. James Laid law, Brit ish consul for the port, called a meeting recently for the purpose of seouring con certed action. About BO persons re sponded, which will give a fair idea of the number of British-born people in Portland when the peroent of a certain class that can be induced to attend a called meeting of this nature is con siderd. . An organization was perfected, Mr. Laidlaw being made president; Donald Macleay, J. C. Robinson, William-Mao-master and William S. Sibson, vice presidents; E. Lea. Barnes, treasurer, and William B. Mackenzie, secretary. At a subsequent meeting a general committee of 25 was appointed. At subsequent meetings of the gen eral committee resolutions as under were adopted: "That the chairman appoint a finance committee- to collect funds to com memorate the event, the funds so col lected to be used for such purposes as a subsequent meeting shall determine., "That the object for which funds are to be collected by the committee shall be the endowment of a bed or beds in the Good Samaritan hospital, for the use of persons of British birth, and to be called 'Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee Bed.' " - In conformity with the foregoing, we have now to appeal to the British-born residents of the state of Oregon for funds to carry out the purposes set forth in the resolutions. We do so with the utmost confidence that our ap peal will meet with a hearty response from all parts of the state, feeling sure that no more noble commemoration of this diamond jubilee year can be had, nor one more characteristic of her majesty, Queen Victoria than to provide in perpetuity a place where the desti tute sick can receive the comforts and attendance they require free of all ex pense. The objeot is not a local one, but the benefits will be open to persons other wise eligible from all parts of the state, and we feel certain that amongst the thousands of British-birth resident in Oregon there is not one who would not freely contribute according to the meas ure of his ability. As an indication of what funds are required, it may be mentioned that the cost of endowment of one bed is $3,500. . JAMES LAIDLAW, Chairman, on behalf of the finance com 'mittee. t Subscriptions may be sent to E. Lea. Barnes, Esq., treasurer, Bank ot Brit ish Columbia, Portland, Oregon; to the secretary, William E. Mackenzie, room 208 Worcester block, Portland, Oregon, or to any member of the committee. , The plan outlined by the general com mittee consists of having a concert in the O. N. G. armory, Monday evening, June 21, Mr. Francis Sealy having been appointed chairman of the concert com mittee. It is also the intention to have a banquet at the Hotel Portland, Tues day evening, June 22, Mr. Percy II. Blyth having been appointed chairman of the banquet committee. All the net proceeds from the concert and the ban quet are to go to the hospital fund. It is hoped that many , British-born residents throughout the states of Ore gon and Washington will come to Port land and join in the celebration. Any information desired by out of town resi dents will be gladly furnished on appli cation to the seoretary or any member of the general committee. As this is the only means we have of reaching our friends outside the city, it is to be hoped that they will correspond early and give us their co-operation. A Gentleman's Weight. A stranger upon being presented to Speaker Reed asked his weight. "Two hundred , pounds," was the reply. "You must weigh more than that," said the candid visitor. "No gentle man ever weighs more than 200 pounds," responded the speaker, soli emnly. ' A French florist has offered 1,200 to any one who can produce a plant which will yield blue roses. A Perfumed Stage Effect. , At the Eoyal Opera at Budapest a new ballet has been produced called the "Bed Shoes." In the course of this ballet a dance called the "Eosenwalzer" takes ' place, the dancers representing white, red and yellow roses. While the dance is in progress a delightful per fume of roses fills the whole house. This is ingeniously effected by means of sprinklers, whioh send through the ventilators an exceedingly fine spray of rose water. ' ( WARMTH FOR COMFORT. An old cat loves a sunny corner and a fong nap, and this is natural and wise. The genial warmth of the sun lulls to rest, and while asleep, it may be curative to the cat's few ailments. Soreness and stiffness come upon ns suddenly and put the machinery of the body out "of gear. St. Jacobs Oil goes suddenly to work upon the trouble, and with its warmth, like warmth, to the old oat, it lulls the pain to sleep, drives out the cold, softens the stiffened muscles, lubricates the machinery, and in a short, time puts the whole body in good working order. Soreness and stiffness are not much to cure by the use of St. Jacobs Oil but, if neglected, they take the form of rheuma tism which gives a groat deal more pain. Strengthening Cherbourg. It is stated that 1,000,000 francs are shortly to be expended upon new de fense works on the isle of Pelee, at Cherbourg. 1 ' 1 ' A DANGEROUS LETHARGY. The forerunner of a train of evils, which too often culminate fatally, is inactivity, or leth argy of the kidneys. Not only is Bright'! dis ease, diabetes, gravel, or some other dangerous integral d. sense of theorgansthomsclvcs, to be apprehended, but drops cal diffusions from the blood, rheumatism and gout are all traceable to the non-removal Irom the blood by the kid nevi of certain impurities. Hostetter's Stom ach Bitters depurates the blood, renders the kidneys active and prevents their d.sease. According to the deductions of a well known astronomer, Ave receive as much light from the sun as could be emitted by 680,000 moons. HOME PRODUCTS AND Pl'KK POOD. All Eastern Syrup, so-caHed, nsnally very light colored and ot heavy body, is made from glucose. "If'ca (jxxrden Drips" is made from Sugar Cane and is strictly pure. It is for sale by first-class grocers, in cans only. Manufac tured by the I'acific Coast Syrup Co. All gen uine "Tea Garden Drips" have the manufac turer's name lithographed on every can. - The banks, of Newfoundland are formed by the sand, ioe and stone brought from the north by the ice bergs. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, J , 1 Lucas County. t ' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 0th day of December, A. D. lb3. , A. W. GLBASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intornallv and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. '. Philadelphia has a greater mileage of electrio railways than the whole of Germany, according to the electric world. I believe my prompt vise of Piso's Cure prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lu cy Wallace, Marquette, Kaus., Dec. 12, '95. Great Britain is coming more and more to the opinion that Eussia's occu pation of Constantinople is inevitable. Take now Oregon Blood Purifier and keep well this summer. ' Legal Status of Dogs. The owner of a valuable Newfound land dog in New Orleans sought dam ages from a railroad company for killing it. The case turned on the validity of an act of the Louisiana legislature, recognizing dogs as personal property only when placed on the assessment rolls. The supreme court sustains the law and refuses damages, since the dog was not assessed, incidentally defining the law in regard to dogs in general as follows: "The very fact that they are without protection of the criminal laws shows that property in dogs is of an imperfect or qualified nature, and that they stand, as it were, between animals ferae naturae, in which, until subdued, there is no property, and domestio ani mals, in which the right of property is complete. They are not considered as being upon the same plane with horses, cattle, sheep and other domestic ani mals, but rather in the category of cats, monkeys, parrots, singing birds and similar animals kept for pleasure, curi osity or caprice. Unlike domestio ani mals, they are useful neither as beasts of burden, for draft, nor for. food. " About twenty-two acres of land are necessary to support one man on flesh meat. "It is worth Its weight In gold to me," says Robert Kittles, of East Sound, Wash. If you are in doubt, Head Dr. Sanden's Book "THREE CLASSES OF MEN" It Is free, sealed, by mall. , . 1 A personal call may save you years of misery. It you cannot call, send for the book, with full particulars, free. Call or address: : SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO., Wegt Washington St., Portland, Or. When writing to Advertiser please mention this paper. Cheapest Power... J Rebuilt Gas and G&Z-.Gasoline Engines IX GUARANTEED ORDER. ' FOR SALE CHEAP State Your Wants and Write for Prices... ' Hercules Gas tSSS.'SSl ....Engine Works For tha Kidneys, t Liver and Urinary Organs. fThe oidReCahle. ifHERE Is only one way by which tr , any disease can be cured, and that P " is by removing the cause, what- r over it uiaiy uut i.re gi. i authorities of the day declare that near- j ly every disease is caused Dy deranged Kidneys or Liver. To restore theso, therefore. Is the only way by which health can be secured, Here is where 3 has achieved Its treat repu. j tauon. ii ACTS DIRECTLY UPON THE KIDNEYS and LIVER 3 and by placing them in a J healthy condition, drives J disease and pain from the J system. Large bottle or now style smaller ono, at your druggists. 1 It.3 reputation" Twenty years of success," in tour continents. Warner's Safe Cure Co , Lon don. Rochester, Fruukfort, Mcl- 2 bourno, Toronto. The use of the surgeon's knife is be coming so general, resulting fatally in such a large number of cases, as to occasion general alarm. Mr. William Walpole, of Walshtown, South Dakota, writes; "About three years ago, there came under my left eye a little blotch about the size ot a small, pea. It grew rapidly.and ehooting pains ran in every direction. I became alarmed and consulted a viS jrood doctor, ' who 5&$ pronounced it can Pfejvcer, and said that it te'H'rnust be cut out. This I would not consent to, having little faith In the indiscriminate use of the knife. Read ing of the many cures made by S. S. S., I determined to give that medicine a trial, and after I had taken it a few days, the cancer became irritated and began to discharge. This after awhile ceased, leaving a small scab, which finally dropped off, and only a healthy little scar remained to mark the place where the destroyer had held full sway. A Real Blood Remedy Cancer is in the blood and it is folly toexpect an operation to cure it. S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real remedy tor every disease ot the blood. ( Rnnks mailed free : address Swift Spe cific Co., Atlanta, "Coinolefe Manhood How to Attain It" A Wonderful New Medical Book, written for Men Only. One ci py may be had free, sealed, in plain envel ope, on application. ERIE MEDICAL CO., . 65 Niagara St., BUFFALO, N. Y. J Mrs. Winslow'b Boothing Syrup should alwaya he used for children teething. It sooihee trie child, soft b eiia the gums, allays all pnln, curea wind folic, and is L the best remedy for dinrrhcea. Twenty five cents a Dotue. it 18 tne oest or an. PHYSICAL MANHOOD This Is the age of physical per'ection. It is also the age of phys cal weakness. W hile one man avails lnmwelf of every opportun ity to develop and expnnd his manly vigor, another is put Bin g his chances to improve his mind and body, and eastly falls into the excesses which are alwavs in his path, to the destruction of his vital powers. ' Stanwood, Wash., November 20, 1896.. DR. A. T. SANDKNi Uear Sir Eefc re using your Belt I was troubled witli chronic dyspepsia, constipa tion; liver complaint, anc pam in the kid nevs, and I will say .with all seriousness and truth that I am greatly benefited and entirely cured, and will say that all suffer ing lrom the above will find great relief in the use of the Sandcn Klectric Belt. Re spectiully, R.B.DOUGLASS. Every man knows himself. He knows where he is weak. Knowing it, if he is jU6t to himself, he will try to recover the vital tower he has wasted. Uk M SMT bi lure Much Knife ! immature, & Has