V 3feodiver Slacier. FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1S97. THE MAILS. The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o' elock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de parts ,vi8 same days at noon. For Chenoweth, leaves at H A.. M. Tuesdays and Saturdays; arrives at 6 P. M. For White Salmori leaves dally at 1 P. M.; arrives at B o'clock P. M. From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil mer, Trout Lake and Gleuwood Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. SOCIETIES. Canby Post, No. in, G. X. R,, meets at School House Hall, first Saturday of each month t 2 o'clock p.m. AUG. A. B. members in vited to attend. The ladles of the Relief tJorps meet at same time In the adjoining room. s. f . ui.ixr.riu, uommanuer. C. J. Hayes, Adjutant. ' Hood River Camp, No. 2"0, W. O. W. Meets in I. O. O. F. hall second Wednesday of each month. . u. aiiusiua, u. u, H. HKNN, Clerk. Waucoma Lod(re, No. SO, K. of P., meets In their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night. W. H. Bishop, C. C. Wm. Haynes, K. of It. & S. Riverside Lodge, No. 08, A O. TJ. W., meets first and third Saturdays of eaeh month. C. L. MOUSE, M. W, J. K. Watt, Financier. H. L. Howe, Reooi der. Idlew.lde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets in Fraternal hall every rnursaay nigni. ' THUS. LACY, N. G. ' F. E. Jokes, Sec'y; BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. - Kansas whole or cracked corn at tbe Racket Store. ' New goods at Mrs. Howeils' milli nery store. M. H. Nickelsen has strawberry paper for sale. Home-made bread al-vays on hand at Mrs. Howeils' millinery store. Save the wrappers of Hoe dike soap; they are worth ic each. vv. s is Frank Carter was killed in a run away at Goldendale last Monday Did vou notice how pure and white Soap Foam washing powder looks? Wm. Yates, P. M., is authorized asjent for all newspapers und periodicals Never mind the liiirh water go to Dallas' and get 2-penny wire nails and nail your berry crates. We presume vou use soap,and if so the uest is cheapest, rioe t aKe is strictly pure, with no free alkali. A washing powder that is yellow will make clothes I he same color. Avoid this by using Soap Foam. Wolfard & Bone. Lye-pncked in sifting top can is pure ernnulated potash. All others contain large portion of salt. Ask for Red Seal. 'Sick headache can be quickly and completely overcome by using those famous little pills known as "'DeWitt's Little Early Risers." Williams & Brosius. Don't let the cat lick the dishes, but make nice soft, soap with Soup Foam. Directions on the package. , W. & B. A company of traveling acrobats got stranded in Hood River last Sunday. They posted hills intending to give a free performance and then pass the hat, but the city marshal stopped the show. Not only piles of the very worst kind can ne cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, but eczenia scalds.burns, bruises, boils, ulcers and all other skin troubles van be Instantly rel'evrd by the same remedy. Williams & Brosius. Tillett gives away with everv bill of trees sold a sample of the coffee berry. Be sure and eet a sample and grow your own coffee. Don't neglect a congh because the weather is pleasant; before the next" storm rolls around it may develop into n serious difficulty beyond repair. One Minute Cough Cure is easy to take and will do what its name implies. Will iams & Brosius. Dr. Jones is doing dental work at hard times prices. All work fully guaranteed. "They are dandies,"said Thos. Bow ers of the' Crocket, Texas. Enterprise, while writing about DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famo'is little pills for sick headache and disorders of the stomach and liver. Williams &Brosius. A daughter of- Judge Kent arrived here from South Bend, Wash., last week and will make her home with her father In Hood River. Don't thin vonr hlood with sassafras or poison it with blue-mass; but. aid na ture by using DeWitt's Little JtCarly Risers, the famous lit tie pills for consti pation, biliousness and stomach and liver troubles. Thev are ' purely vege table. Williams & Brosius. C. H. Stranahan returned last Fri day from Sherman county, whpre he has been engaecd in building a school house on the John Day m-er. Terrible Accident. It is a terri ble accident to he burned or scalded; but the pain and agony and the fright ful disfigurements can be quickly over come without leaving a, scar by using 'DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Will lams & Brosius. Very few parents realize the import ance of caringfor their children's teeth. Dr. M. A. Jones gives special attention . to the proper arrangement and devel opment of children's teeth. W.B.Johnson, Newark, O-.says, "One .Minute Couuh Cure saved my only child from dying by croup." It has saved thousands of others suffering from croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and. other serious throat and lung troubles. Williams & Brosius. Write to Davenport Bros.' Lumber Co. for delivered prices on all kinds of lumber, rough or dressed. They have a large and good assortment of finish ing lumber on hand, good and dry. Call and get our cash prices before pur chasing elsewhere. Some for ten, some for twenty, some for thirty years have suffered from piles and have been quickly and permanent ly cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.the great remedy for piles and all forms of skin diseases. Williams & Brosius. On account of several stores opening up in my line of goods, I find that I shall have to branch out into some other line to make up any losses I might have by competition. There-! fore I am glad to announce to the pup lic that I will take orders for boots and shoes made to measurement, the cost of which will be no more than the ready made shoe you buy hero in the stores. Come and have your measure ment taken and have a pair of shoes fit you. . E. V. UrsBAxnB. ' At the meetingof stockholders of the Improvement Co., last Saturday, a resolution authorizing the directors to bond the ditch for $6,000 was unan imously adopted by a vote of those present. Four hundred and eighty- three shares were voted out ot a total of 710. This $0,000 will enable the company to pay its debts and make all necessary preparations wi supply water to customers. The ditch will be com pleted in two or three weeks. It will be owned by the people of the valley and will lie worth $40,ouu tue clay tne work is completed. Mr. Charles Brown was married Sun dav at the residence of the bride's fain er, to Miss Nellie Underwood, daughter ot Ed Underwood, Justice Fisher per forming the ceremony. The bride is one of the prettiest and brightest girls in Skamania county and the groom is a thrifty and energetic young man. The young couple passed up on the train lust night to Castle Rock, and will make their home In Washington opposite that point. Dalles Chronicle. May 15th, the last day of school, ex ercises in the afternoon were especially devoled to our country and flag drill. The drill by the children was inierest- ingand the recitations and dialogues by the pupils of Miss Stevens and Miss Graham's rooms showt-d thoroughness and most excellent taste on the part of the teachers.- Members ot the W.K.C. were in attendance and much gratilied by the excellence of the drill. Robert Buchanan's Dramatic com pany is giving a good show at the ar mory. The first entertainment , was given Tuesday evening, and the com pany will appear four nights. The troupe is composed of ladies and gen tlemen who present plays that are moral and instructive as well as amus ing. Good musicians accompany the troupe. Dr. II. K. Hines and family will re move to Hood River tomorrow, coming on the boat, and will remaiu during the summer. ' They will be accompa nied by two young ladies from,. Uni versity Park, Miss Daisy Hopkins und Miss Lily Bisbee, who will be the guests of Miss Nannie Mercer. - C. J. Hayes, adjutant of Canby Post, has been in communication with Gen. Flagler, chief of ordinance at Washing ton City in regard to procuring a can non from the government for the use of I he post on celebration days. The cannon can begot from Benicia, Cul., by the membeisof the post and the citizens paying the freight. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Orendorff of Canton, Illinois, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Davidson Saturday and Sunday last. -Mr. Orendorff is a mem ber of the firm of Purlin & Orendorff Co., man ufacturers of the Canton Clipper plows. Mr. E. E. Potter of Elmira, N. Y.. is visiting his brother, M. B. Potter. He is a railroad conductor, in theem- nlov of the Northern Central rnilroarl. and came with the conductors' excur sion to the Pacific coast. There will be no preaching services at l he Congregational church next Sunday. The congregation will unite in the Memorial services Mt the M. E. church. Sunday school will be held as usual at 10 o'clock. Mr. H. J. Palmer of Prineville vis ited Rev. J. W. Rigby and family du ring the week. Mr. Palmer is one of the proprietors of the ("rook Countv Journal, one of the two good papers of i'rineviiie. Mrs. R. 8. Howeils will supply ice cream during the summer days at her millinery store, just below Blowers' store. Mr. Nelson Williams of Kennewick, 'ash., is in the valley looking for a small tract of land to purchase. There are said to be 0,000 bicycles In use in the city of Portland, costing In lie aggregate over $1,000,000. , The O. R. & N. Co. trow sell two-day round-trip tickets to Portland daily at ,) or 1 ..II ...!.. Mrs. Watson, of Mosier, has the rat tles of 48 rattlesnakes killed by herself uii ncr iuo uuius ui iuiiUi l Mrs. Pratt Whitcomb and daughter Gertrude came up from Portland Mon day on the Regulator. Paris Green Is chiefly arsenite of copper. The In secticide efficiency of Paris green de pends upon tlie amount ot arsenious acid present, which is somewhat varia ble, ranging from 54 to til per cent in an analysis of five samples obtained iu the market. The chemist of the Maine state college found 54, 55, 54, 55 and 40 percent of arsenious acid re spectively. It is a very stable com pound, does not readily sutter deterior ation and may be safely kept in ordi nary containers, in a cool, dry place. London Purple Is chiefly arsenite of lime, a residue ob tained in the manufacture or aniline dyes. It does not contain quite so much arsenic as Paris green, and by being a by product, it is not so constant in its constitution. According to an analysis by the chemist of the U, S. department of agriculture, It has 43 per cent arsenous oxide. A later analysis by the chemist of the Vermont agri cultural experiment station, it has Arsenic (arsenous ox) parts .', 40.78 Mine Vi.da Iron and alumina .. 1.31 Sulphuric acid 4ft Nitrogen 1.H5 Moisture 8.37 Paris green and London' purple are both dangerous poisons and are pecu liarly in the province of the pliarma- K'lBt, for he is the the poison retailer and usually the only one having the facil ities for guaranteeing their quality. We keep only the best qualities. . 1 ft. 6 ft. 10 lb. Paris Green... 80c. 25c. 20c. Loudon Purple 25c. 20c. 1 15c. WILLIAMS & J3ROSIUS, Druggists. The Best Remedy for Rheumatism. From the Fairhaven (N. Y. ) Register. Mr. James Rowland of this village. states that for twenty-five years his wife has been a sufferer from rheuma tism. A few nights ago she was in such pain that she was nearly crazy. cue sent Mr. Kowiana jor the doctor, but be bad read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and instead of going for the phy- sican he went to the store and secured a bottle of it. His wife did not approve of Mr. Rowland's purchase at first., but nevertheless appliad the Balm thor- ouglily and in an hour's time was able to go to sleep. She now applies it whenever she feels an ache or a pain and finds that it always gives relief. He says that no medicine which she bad used ever did her so much good. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Williams & Brosius. Another lot of the finest Summer Dress Goods ever . brought to Hood River. ' Chnmbray, Zephyr Ginghams, Grass Linen, Jacquard, Dimity, Lapet, Organdie, Valencia, Tamis Cloth, Bat iste, Percale, Prints, Swiss, Veiling, Lace, Scrim, Shirt Waists, Ladies' Summer Vests, Cream Flannel, Shaker Flannel. We sold the last invoice out Slick Everything on our shelves bran new. Meu's Neg ligee Shifts In Madras, with ties to match, only 50c. . Our line of Groceries is better than ever. If you have sour dough or butte. milk you can ' Make a Raise Cheap! We will fe'l you A m and Hammer Soda for 5c per pound and Flour for $1.05 er tack. And when It comes to h WEETNESS the rest of them' We w.ll tell y.m Ameriirn . G. Su i rel caper than tl e cheapo t. H.1V1.', alto, over $20j worth of Syrup ou ban Jr. - - . , uflJ1 We have a warehouse full of Fruit Jars. Want to get them out of the way so that we can get some more. Don't care about making anything on them. We a 'e headquarters for Flour and Feed. Sold a car load of flour and feed in eight days. This beats tbe record in Hood River by a '''': '. .. IB I Q- 2v In our crockery department we have added a fine line of Decorated Ware. A beauty, aand at prices but ' little more than you pay for common ware. ' Also Rogers' Silver Plated Knives, Forks and Spoons. You'll find us at our place of business during week days, and we would be pleased to have you call. WOLFARD Hood River and Clean this J O X T 1. . & BONE, White Salmon mum maLambm mAmm la now open for business, carrying a full line of . . . Perituiiery and Always on hand. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded and Prices Seasonable. At the old stand of the Glacier office, Hood River, Oregon. H. A. YORK, Proprietor. M. S. - & L. CO. S to 'L' mmm ui i uiou rviver can nirnisn comionauie conveyances to an pans 01 tne vaiicy anu vicin ity. Heavy draylnx and transferring done with care and promptness. O. FREDENBURG, Notary Public. MOUNT HOOD, - OREGON DENTISTRY. DR. E. T. CARNS Is now located In Hood River. Klrst-class worlt at reasonable rates. All work guaranteed. Office In tbe Langllle House. 1 Jyl HARNESS Repaired and all kinds of HARNESS GOODS Sold by ; E. V. HUSBAND j. Also, Boots and Shoes repaired. Columbia Nursery OfT.rs m. lursrc stock of Krtiit Trees and all oth- -or xlnds- of nursery stock. AH trees are well grown, carefully aug, iree ironi pesisana true to label. Whether you want one tree or 1,000, It will pay you to examine this stock. Re mamber, trees grown here give the best satis faction. No trouble U show goods. Orders fllied on short notice. H. C. BATKHAM, Hood River, Oregon. Three wiHes south, on Mt. Hood Road. i Hood River Nursery WM-TILLETT; Proprietor. I planted 850 trees bought of Wm. Tillett last spring, and they are all doing finely, and I never lost a tree. WM. BOOKMAN. I planted over 700 yonns apple trees Inst spring, bought of.Wm. Tillet.t. They nil lived, and some have made. 4 feet growth. Best trees to grow I ever bought. Drop around and see them. J. 3, GIBBONS. We planted over HOC trees bonghtof Wm. Tillett last spring. They have all made a good growth, uu we have not lost a tree. SHOEMAKER BROS. Drop i nd seo the trees X bought from Tillett 18 months ago, and you will seethe best 10 acres of young orchard in Mount Hood district, or Hood River, either. ' D. R. COOPER & SON, Mt. Hood. PIONEER MILL??, Harbison Bros., Prop'rs, Manufacturers of OmuLmto Dressed and Undressed Flour, Feed and all kinds ofccieals ground. Whole Wheat Graham . . a specialty.'. HOOD RIVER, - - - - - - - OREGON. OREGON Poultry and Supply Co. (IiK'orporated) . i s. HANDLERS OK Fancy and Market Poultry. Game, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Dressed Hogs, Veal, etc. Farm and Garden Products, Green and Dried Fruits, Poultry Sup ? plies ot every description. Nursery . Stock, etc., etc. v 124 First St., Portland, Oregon. Horses for Sale. I have three or four good work horses for sale or for trade. Apply to ap30. J. W. FORBES. The Glacier . BARBER SHOP, .GRANT EVANS. Prop'r, Post Office Building, Hood River, Or. T. 0. DALLAS, - DEALER IN STOVES AND TINWAEE Kitchen Furniture, PLUMBER)' GOODS. Pruning Tools, Etc. Repairing Tinware a Specialty. Child's Castor Laxative A vegetable remedy for regnlattuir the stom ach and bowels of babies and children, con taining no opium, morphine or other ha root-, ics. It. is harmless, pleasant to take and i most valuable remedy. Pi ioe 2o e.nts, at the liood River Pharmacy. ... i AND and Patent SVIedicines, Toilet Articles, ZE3 rS To tiie East,- Gives the choice of TWO TltAXSCONTINENTAL O .XT T Via Via SPOKANE, DENVER, Minneapolis OMAHA 'and " . .t ' !' ' ST. PAUL. Kansas City Low Rates to All East ern Cities. TIME TABLE FOH HOOIJ IUVEB , WEST BO'JXW. No 1, Union Pacific,....-: 2.38 A. M- N. 3, Spokane.1....,.. 9.27 a. jiu t, t) II p, JL JS'o. ii, Union racilic ..... 12.09 a. su OCEAN STEAMERS - Leave Portland every flvedavs.for SAflFRMf CISCO. E. McvNEJLI., iVhUk'tit. For full details oall on O. It. Jt N. Agent nood R:v.or,jrddres8 W. II. IiriU.HURT. Cien'l fuss. Agent, l'oiHaixl. Or. THE- 4 " REGULATOR LINE." Tie Dalles, Porflan & AstorM TOT J A. ' ' -'"' Through Freight and Passenger Line, Daily It Dallesgnfl MM All Freight Will Come Throw gh Without Delay- PASSENGER RATES, One way ...1...,, .........i...l f9 Hound tnp............,..,,...i..v..;.... t! AO Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. W. C. ALLA WAY, - Ucnvral Apcn TIIE DALLES, '-- OREGON OAK GROYE SB, Graia MM Ranch, E. I). Calkins, IV'- Horses broken; single and doi'hl'C drlwrn for sale. L. Morris, trainer. Etit 'Milew west of C'enterviKe, Wash. apS) Tetter, Salt-Khoum and Ssecma, dent to these diseases is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain ' a .Eye and Skin Ointment. Many yery bud cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching yik-a -and x favorite remedy for sore nipples; chapped hand3, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyeo. 2T eta. per box. "''Dr. Cady'H Condition Powers, are just what a horse needs when id bad condition. Tonic, blood puilfier and vermifuge. They are nor. food btit modicine and the best in tilq to put a horsa in prime condition. Price 2S csnt3 per package.. ; ,, , For sale ly William & lirotiua.