The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 28, 1897, Image 1

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' ' ' It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
' 1 1 - ; - . .- J , ' : '. '. ; Li '" ,
Epitome of the v Telegraphic
News of the World.
An Interesting Collect ion of Item From
the New and the Old World In a
Condensed and Cotnorehenslve Form
Governor Ellerbee has announced
that he will appoint Congressman
John L. McLaurin to be United States
senator, in successin to the late Sena
tor Earle. '
The deoree of the Turkish govern
ment calling for the expulison of all
Greeks from the Ottoman empire, has
been suspended, in view of the peace
J. B. Hunter, cook on the steamer
Joseph B. Kellogg," died suddenly on
that steamer as she lay tied up a Kelso,
Wash. A physician was called, who
pronounced it death from rheumatism
of the heart.
The Cretan chiefs have sent a docu
ment to the Greek government declar
ing;that they are almost unanimously
in favor of politioal union with Greece,
but asking the advice of the govern
ment as to the best course to pursue
consistently and with due regard to na
tional interests.
President McKinley sent a cablegram
to Queen Victoria, congratulating her
on the celebration of her 79th birthday.
The message was as follows: "To the
Ambassador of the United States, Lon
don: The president desires you to con
vey to the queen his Bincere congratula
tions and those of the Amerioan people
upon the celebration of her 79th birth
day." ' -x
Governor Lord has appointed J. V.
B. Butler, of Monmouth, to succeed
himself; Judge John J. Daly, of Dallas,
vice J. C. White, and - E. C. Pentland,
of Independence, vioe P. Haley, mem
bersof the board of regents of the state
normal school at Monmouth, Or., each
t hold for six years. Judge G. C.
Blakely, of The Dalles, has been ap
pointed a member of the Oregon state
board of pharmacy, vioe M. M. Davis.
The 70-year-old widow of Colonel
Samuel Colt, the millionaire firearms
manufacutrer, has been sued by Nor
man Colt, of Seattle, and James B.
Colt, of Washington, D. C, for a big
slice of the estate which has been in
control of herself or her son since the
colonel's death in 1862. Mrs. Colt is
accused of alienating her husband's
affection from his nephevf s by fraud
and deceitful statements, while he was
in a weak mental and physical state.
Plaintiffs also aver that the million
aire's death was hastened ' by an over
dose of medicine. ....
Seven years ago James Brazell made
a proposition to the English govern
ment to send out 15,000 prospectors
covering an area of 10 miles through;
British Columbia, in nothwesterly
direction from Rossland. The cost of
such an expedition was such that the
English and Canadian governments
would have nothing to do with it, the
hazzard being one that the home sec
retary would not countenance. The
proposition,- however, has ; met with
the approval of a syndicate of English
capitalists, who eends forth 150 men
from San Francisco, with James Bra
zell at the head.,
William J. Bryan has accepted an in
vitation to speak at Gladstone Park,
near Oregon City, on the 12th of July,
the day before the annual Chautauquan
assembly will open. His subject will
be "Bimetallism." .
.Jollowihg the reoommendation of
Commissioner Hermann, of the general
land office, the attorney-general has in
structed the United States district attor
ney for Oregon to suspend for the pres
ent the legal proceedings pending in
that district growing out of sheep pas
turing within the limits' of the Cascade
range forest reserve.
Captain Miller has information that
the war department h'as appropriated
24,000 for a transporation fund for the
"army pOBt at Spokane,' which, makes' a
total of $196,000 this year. The sun
dry civil bill carries $50,000 more, all
to be spent this year. The intention is
to transfer two oompanies to Spokane,
probably from Fort Sherman. As fast
as the barracks buildings are built,
other companies will come from Forts
Walla Walla and Sherman. ; ;
A special to the New York Journl
from' Havana says: The opening of
private letters by Weyler's postofflce
employes has been made the subject of
energetic protests by more than one lo;
cal consul. The representative .of a
leading South American republic went
personally to the palace to complain
that his mail, both official and private,
had been tampered with, while Dr.
Brunner, of the United States marine
hospital service, detailed here as as
sistant sanitary inspector, attached to
the American consulate, received sev
eral letters from his wife, the envelopes
of whioh had been clipped off at the
postoffloe before delivery. They were
, delivered operi, no attempt whatever
having been made to conceal the fact of
violation. . Upon the doctor'; com
plain General Lee sent a sharp note
of protest to the captain-general's office.
Venezuela, Mexico and China to Protect
Subjects In Cuba.
New York, May 26. A dispatch to
the Journal from Havana says:
In a demand recently made upon
Spain through the Venezuelan consul,
Persident Crespo's government insists
that citizens of that republic residing
in Cuba shall, in case of arrest upon
political charges, be accorded equal
privileges with citizens of the United
States here, including exemption from
trial by military tribunals and assur
ances of a speedy judgment by civil
courts. Venezuela claims this right
under the favored-nation clause in her
own treaty with Spain, and the point
bas been allowed.
Now Mexico is understood to be
pressing Madrid and Havana authori
ties to have her oitizens here accorded
the same privileges. One Trujilio, a
Venezuelan, recently arrested as a po
litical suspect, was released yesterday
at the demand of Consul Punango, on
condition that he leave Spanish terri
tory. , .
China's Havana representatives have
received instructions from home that
in future the lives and property of Chi
nese residents in Cuba must be re
spected, otherwise China may coricede
belligerent rights to Spain's enemies
in the Philippines.
Private advices from Caracas indi
cate that President Crespo stands ready
to follow suit in case the Washington
government should finally recognize
the belligerent rights of the Cubans.
Indeed, it was whispered here tonight
that a vessel was formally cleared from
Maracaibo some days ago for the re
bel port of Banes in Eastern Cuba,
loaded with arms and ammunition for
Calixto Garioa's army.
General Weyler Interviewed.
New York, May 26. A dispatch to
the Journal from Ceinfuegos, Cuba,
says: ,
In an interview with Captain Gen
eral Weyler,upon his arrival here from
Placeras, in reference to Senator Mor
gan's resolution, the general said:
, "I am not surprised with the aotion
thus far taken, nor shall I be if the
house concurs in the - senate resolution
and sends it to the president. Your
jingoes are in the saddle, and evidently
bent upon forcing the country into
some foreign complications in order to
distract attention from the fast-ap-proaohing
internal crisis:
"The few scattering bands of Cuban
dynamiters, railroad wreckers, horse
and cattle thieves, ;' plantation burners
and highwaymen now in the field here,
who hold no port and possess no seat
of civil government, have no right to
expect recognition. Such ' distinction
at President MoKinley's hands, isBued
in the face of my own proclamation
officially declaring the greater part of
the island to be already pacified, would
hold the Washingotn executive np to
the ridicule of European powers, and
prompt a healthy outburst of sympathy
for the Spanish cause, especially from
neighboring Old-World governments,
also possessing colonies in the West In
dies. In brief, recognition may aid
the Cnban junta in placing a few bonds
in the United States, but it will at the
same time assure the successful issue
of our proposed new Spanish loan in
Paris, London and Vienna, and enable
us to carry on the war with renewed
"Personally, I shall be glad.: If rec
ognition comes, our position will then
be more clearly defined. It will work
a virtual abrogation of our special trea
ty with the United States, plaoe Yan
kees residing in Cuba in an identical
position before the courts with other
foreign residents, and I shall be trou
bled less by constant complaints and
often ridiculous demands from Ameri
can consuls. It would also relieve the
Spanish government of all responsibil
ity for the destruction of foreign prop
erty not actually within the line of
Spanish defenses, and further simplify
matters by assuring us the right to
board and search American vessels
whenever suspected."
Continuing, the captain-general ex
pressed delight at the proposition to
have consuls here furnish free trans
portation to all Americans who desire
to go to the United States, but said he
considered the plan to distribute to res
ident Americans as an indirect and un
justified attempt to interfere in local
affairs. .
The Luetgert Murder.
Chicago, May 26. While lying un
der a bed in the home of Frank Bialk,
the former night watchman at the
Luetgert factory, one of Captain Schut
tler's detectives is said to have lis
tened to a conversation between the ac
cused wife murder and the watchman.
The admissions made by Luetgert on
this occasion are said to have caused
the immediate arrest of the men, and
the story of what his employe will be
told tomorrow in Justice Kersten's
court. Other portions of Bialk's testi
mony will be nearly as Interesting. He
will swear that Luetgert ordered him
to remain away from the vat room on
the night of May 1, that twice during
the night he sent him out for a bottle
of medicine. Upon his return with ,
these articles Luetgert each time op
ened the barred doors, reached through I
the opening, took the bottle and hast
ily closed and barred the door.
Several witnesses were examind in
the case today, but nothing of import" ,
noe was developed
Spain Will Most Likely Re
: fuse to Believe It.
Calhoun Says Spanish Officials in Cuhs
Have Hindered Him in His Invest!
. gations General Iee's Report. '
Chioago, May 25. A special to thi
Times-Herald from Washington says:
; "?he state department has received,
according to a minor official, a semi
official report from Mr. Calhoun, whe
was sent to make special inquiry into
the circumstances of the death of Ruiz.
The report is that Dr. Ruiz was mur
dered, though it will be impossible to
establish this fact to the satisfaction of
the Spanish government.
, Calhoun has read the report of the
autopsy, made by Dr. Burgess, who
says the wounds in the head oould not
have been inflicted by Ruiz himself.
Dr. Ruiz was evidently struck from be
hind, probably with a bar of iron,
which fractured his skull and caused
" The report of Mr. Calhoun, it is said
goes further, and declares that the
Spanish officials, instead of doing any
thing to assist the investigation, are
placing every obstacle in the way, and
using every effort to so frighten the
witnesses that it will be impossible to
secure full testimony.
Consul General Lee's Report.
, Washington, May 25. A telegram
Was received at the state department
from Consul-.General Lee saying the
number of Americans in need of relief
in Cuba may reach 1,200. The con
sul at Matanzas reports 250 there, and
the counsul at Sagua 450. -
, The Morgan Resolution.
Madrid, .May 25. Newspapers, here
consider the adoption by the United
States senate of Morgan's belligerency
resolution will tend to strengthen Pre
mier Castillo, checking the proposed
liberal attack on the ministry.
Exciting Experience of a British Fruit
Steamer Off Cape Maysi.
Philadelphia, May 25. After being
chased twice by Spanish gunboats and
passing through a" perfect storm of
shot, which splashed . in the water
across the vessel's ; bow, the British
fruit steamer Ethelred passed through
the exciting ordeal unscathed, and ar
rived at this port tonight, after a five
days' run from Port Antonio, Jamaica.
When the Ethelred left here May
12, it was the intention of Captain
Hart to accompany her, but he was ar
rested as he was about to step' on the
gangplank to go aboard. As it was,
his invalid daughter was a passenger.
It is supposed that agents of the Span
ish government in this city had notified
the Spanish authorities at Havana that
Hart would be on the vessel, henoe the
effort to hold up the Ethelred in Cu
ban waters.
The first encounter with the Spanish
cruisers occurred off Cape Maysi on the
trip down. Just atter dusk, on Sunr
day evening, May 16, a gunboat with
out any lights shot out from under the
Maysi capes, . and, crowding on all
steam, steered directly for the fruit
vessel. . ' . '
After steaming for an hour without
gaining an inch, the gunboat turned a
searchlight on the other vessel. AH
steam possible was crowded on the
Ethelred, which was beginning to show
a clean pair of heels to the Spaniard,
until a cloud of smoke' belohed from
the cruiser's side and a second later a
solid shot cut the water a half mile
ahead of her bow. Then came a sec
ond and third shot, each nearer than
the others. Captain Israel kept on his
course, and after an hour's chase the
Spaniard dropped from the raoe.
The second chase.j, happened , last
Thursday in the exact spot where the
first attempt to hold tip the vessel oc
curred. . Just as the Ethelred' rounded
Cape Maysi, a big Spanish gunboat f
the newest type started from the cape
and gave chase to the Ethelred. For
two hours the chase was kept up, en
livened now and then by a solid shot
throwing up a sheet of white spray just
ahead of the swift vessel's bow. It1
began to look as if the Spaniard meant
to chase the Ethelred dear to the Dela
ware capes, when another steamer was
sighted and the gunboat sheered off
and gave vigorus chase to the newly
discovered steamer.
Railway Across Nicaragua.
Managua, Nicarauga, May 25.- For
the last three weeks Charles Smith, J
representing a syndicate of - English
capitalists, has been quietly but active
ly engaged in enlisting the interests of
willing officials in behalf of a foreign
freight railway across . Nicaragua
against the American Canal Compa
ny's contract. For two months prior
to coming here he was in Costa Rica
pormoting the same project.
Last of Greek Soldiers Leave Crete.
Canea", Island of Crete, May 25.
Colonel Staikos, with the last detach
ment of the Greek expeditionary foroe,
embarked for Greece this meriting.
Agreed on by the Conferees and Will
Carry 850,000,000.
'. Washington, May 26. The conferees
on the sundry civil appropriation bill,
have agreed. The most important
amendment to the bill was that revok
ing the order of President Cleveland,
of February 22, 1897, setting apart
21,000,000 aores of land as forest res
ervations. This is changed to provide
that lands embraced in reservations not
disposed of before March 1, 1898, shall
again be subject to such operations as
they were previous to the order of Feb
ruary 22, or as they may be modified
by the president. The general proviso
ions for the government forest reservai
tions are retained as provided in the
senate amendments. A provision is
inserted allowing settlers to take other
lands in the publio domain.
The appropriation for Pearl harbor iq
reduced to $10,000.
An amendment for improving Salt
mon bay, Wash., is stricken out. The
appropriation for a government exhibit
at the Omaha expostion is left at
$200,000, the $75,000 increase made
by the senate being stricken out. An
amendment Xr the investigation of the
sugar production remains in the bill.
Appropriation for the improvement
of the Lower Mississippi river is in
creased to $2,983,833, and made imme--diately
available by contract or other
wise in the discretion of the secretary
of war. The net reduction from the
senate amendments is $500,000. The
total of the bill as agreed to is $53,
622,651. '
The Proposed Duty on Taa. .
1 Dubuque, la., May 26. Tne whole
sale' grocers of Iowa who have been
caught on the short side of tea ! have
sent a delegation to Washington to see
what Senator Allison can do for them.
Before the tariff of ten cents a pound
on tea was publicly suggested by the
senate committee these grocers sold for
future delivery in such quantiites that
one Chicago hquse stands to lose $100,
000 if compelled to furnish taxed tea,
and Iowa houses will also lose heavily.
The importers have discounted the
future and have sold their stocks at a
liberal advance on former prices. '' One
Chicago and New York house is report
ed to have cleaned np $250,000, and
other importers are supposed to have
done equally well. The grocers tried
to cover, with the result that the de
mand for immediate shipment raised,
in Japan 1 cents. Some of the gro
cers, rather than stand this, decided to
countermand their orders and take
their chances of securing a modification
of the tariff bill.
The delegation sent to Washington
was appointed at a conference in Chi
cago last week and headed ' by F. A. ,
Hancock, of Dubuque. They 'will ask
that the tariff bill be amended to pro
vide for a rebate on the tax on all tea
imported to fill orders taken before the
senate bill was reported. ;. . - 1
Burled in the Mississippi.' "
St. Louis, May 26. Thet'ashes of
Rudolph Rosin were cast into the Mis
sissippi' river last evening, from, hear
the center of the Eads bridge. Rosin
had spent most of his life in the vicin
ity of Cincinnati. About a . year ago
he visited his birthplace in northern
Germany - and while there was taken,
sick and died. During his illness he
prepared a will in which he provided
that his body should be cremated and
his ashes returned to his Cincinnati
relatives, and kept by them until May
28, 1897, the anniversary of his birth,
and then thrown from the Eads bridge
of St. Louis into the Mississippi river,
. Last evening a well-dressed man
walked on the bridge from St. Louis.
He carried a small black box. . When
near the center he stopped, opened the
box and emptied what appeared to be a
few handfuls of ashes into the river
below. v Without priest or prayer, eY
that remained of Rudolph Rosin was
thus cast into the great river.
Dunham Arrested Again.
San Jose, Cal., May 26. Sheriff
Lyndon is' in receipt of telegrams from
Lagrange,' Tex., which indicate that
possibly - Dunham, the murderer so
much wanted, may be under arrest
there. ' Last night a telegram' was re
ceived from Sheriff Lossein, of La
grange, saying Dunham is'in jail
there. This afternoon the following
came from the sheriff at Lagrange:
"Description of Dunham corresponds
with your description given the Pink
erton agency. ' His identity was given
away by Furgason, a chum of his, to
whom he made the statement of being
the murderer from California." ;
A Warrant has been wired to La
grange. Florence Is Happy. '
San Francisco, May 26. The decis- '
ion of the United States supreme court
was received by Mrs. Hinckley, of this
city, today with undisguised satisfac
tion as it virtually settles her title to :
the Blythe estate forever. The appeal
taken to the supreme 'court by the
"Kentucky" Blythes from this state
was their last effort to secure their al
leged rights as against Mrs. Hinckley,
who, being an alien, had 'no legal right
to inherit property, in this country,
according to the construction of the
law of inheritance. , v k .
A Frenoh statistician has culculated
that the eye travels about 6,000 feet in
reading an ordinary-sized novel. No
wonder the eye gets tired.
Armistice Declared Between
'Greece and Turkey.
A Mixed Commission Will Establish a
-Ventral Zone The Powers Consider
ing Terms of Peace-Lamia Deserted.
London, May 24. The armistice
agreement between Turkey and Greece
stipulates that a mixed commission of
officers of superior rank shall establish
a neutral zone between the two armies,
and that no advance on either flank
shall be permitted. It is understood
Turkey wants the commission to be
constituted of foreign military attaches,
with the two armies. V
! Crown Prince Constantine, it is said,
sent a personal appeal to the czar to
not allow the Greek army to bo crushed
by a force four times greater than it
self, and that, as a consequence, the
;zar insisted on the armistice.
The Papers Signed.
Athens, May 24. An armistice be
tween the Turkish and Greek troops in
Thessaly, to extend 17 days, was form
ally concluded today.
Constantinople, May 24. An armis
tice was formally concluded today for
seven days between the Turkish and
Greek troops on the frontier of Epirus.
The Armistice Is General
Constantinople, May 24. The arm
istice concluded today is general, and
includes the land and sea forces of both
combatants. ' The ambassadors of the
powers met this afternoon to consider
terms ot peaoe. Y
vVhat Greece Will Pay. '
Athens, May 24. M. Ralli, the pre
mier, in the course of an interview to
day, said: ..' ,!
' "The indemnity which Greece will
pay to Turkey will be in proportion to
the resources of Greece and her finan
cial position. The cession of territory
is out of the question. Greece cannot
accept a modification of the strategic
frontier which would render easy raid
ing of Greek territory by armed bands,
and which .would compel Greece to
maintain a numerous army in order to
prevent incursions."
Turks Sorry to Quit.
London, May 24. The correspondent
of the Standard at Constantinople says:
The armistice has caused widespread
discontent among the Turkish troops
in Thessaly and Epirus, and the mili
tary commission has ordered the most
prominent . grumblers to be sent home
under escort. The priests who' are, with
the . army have been instructed to
preach special sermons exhorting the
soldiery to be loyal and obedient. An
imperial order prohibits the: sale of
drawings, photographs or poetry deal
ing with the war, or with , the exploits
of the commanders, the objeot of the
prohibition being to prevent an indi
vidual general becoming a popular hero.
. The Conditions of Peace..
London, May 24. The Rome corres
pondent of the Mail says he learns on
good authority that the powers have
agreed upon the chief conditions of
peace namely, an indemnity of 5,'
000,000, guaranteed by a control of the
Greek customs, and the rectification
of the frontier, the details as to which
have not yet been settled.
Negotiations Will Be Direct. '
Constantinople, May 'x 2 4. Although
it is not definitely deoided, it is thought
peace negoitations will . be conducted
between Turkey and Greece direct, and
afterward, following the precedent of
the treaty of San Stefano, the treaty
will be submitted to a European confer
ence, probably to be held at Paris.
Lamia Is Deserted. .,.'.,
Lamia, May 24. This town is de
serted, with the exception of the pre
fect, newspaper correspondents, tele
graph operators and a few others. ;
Greeks Ignored Flag of Truce.
Berlin, May 24. A telegram re
ceived from Constantinople this after
noon says the effort of the Turkish
commander in Epirus to treat with the
Greeks for an armistice resulted in a
failure, owing to the Greeks having
ignored the flag of truce and having at
tempted yesterday, with two battalions
of troops to make a fresh incursion into
Turkish territory. The Greeks, it is
further stated, also shelled the Turkish
In conclusion, the Constantinople
dispatch says the Turkish government
disclaims all responsibility for what
may follow.
The Caneans Co-Operate.
London, May 24. A dispatch from
Canea says the Caneans have deoided
to co-operate with the admirals com
manding the fleets f the foreign pow
ers in organizing the government
For the Paris Exposition.
Washington, May 24. The senate
committee on international expositions
decided to report favorably a resolution
providing for an appropriation of $850,
000 for proper representation of this
government at the Paris exposition of
1900. '
Two Persons Perished and Three In
jured in New York.
New York, May 25. Two persons
were killed and three seriously injured .
in a fire which was started shortly aft
er 4 o'clock this morning in the four
story and basement brownstone build
ing, at 149 West Twenty-third street.
Several persons narrowly - escaped
death. The dead are: ,
Mrs. Catherine Mossway, 83 years
old; died at hospital from suffocation
and burns.
Beatrice Mossway, 4 years old,
daughter of the former, suffocated in
her room. '
The injured are: Mrs. 'Mary C. or
Carrie Bowles, boarding-house keeper
at 28 Hollis street,' Boston, dangerously
hurt; Miss MacDonald, slightly burned
on the face; F. . S. Phaps, slightly
burned on the face.. .
While a tenant named Lamont was
crawling the narrow sill to reaoh the
adjoining, house, the body of a woman
struck a large sign which hung on the
outside and to which he clung for sup
port. . The sign was torn from its fas-:
tenings and fell with a crash to the
street. The woman was Mrs. Bowles, .
who had precipitated herself from the
third floor to the street below when she
found that egress from the house by
way of the stairs was choked by the
flames. , She was pioked up and taken
to the hospital.
The origin of the fire is not known, ,
but it is believed that a belated tenant
lit a matoh in the hallway to see his
way and carelessly tossed: the still
burning match away. The fire started
at the foot of the stairs, and the light
wall acted as a flue to carry the flames
to the roof instantly. ? .
A Number of Workmen Seriously Hurt
t ' "' -; in Newcastle. ' s .
Newcastle, Pa., May 25. This morn
ing, the big Rosena furnace, in this
city, owned by Senator ; Mark Hanna
and ex-Senator Cameron, let go, and
the next instant a heavy volume of
coke, iron ore and coal came crashing
through the roof of the casting house,
burying in the neighborhood of 80 men
under the debris. . Manager Reis was
taken out with skin hanging in shreds -from
his hands and arms, and his legs
were terribly burned and bruised. A .
number of , others were badly burned
and bruised. '-,
A second accident of the day hap
pened about SO minutes later. - It was
a cave-in at the big 70-foot cut of the
Newcastle Traction Company, which is
making a track to the new Cascade ;
Park. Michael Kurdy was buried un
der at least 75 feet of sand, gravel; clay
and rooks, and was dead when taken
out Peter Herinsky was terribly
erushed about the shoulders and hips,
but will probably live.
'Drowned Near Rltzville.
Ritzville, Wash., May 25. Coming
as it did upon the heels of the tragio
suioide of Mrs. Vehrs Yav, the sensa
tional drowning this afternoon of Dan
Sinclair, one of Ritzville's most promi-"
nent citizens, in Cow creek, has-: given
the staid old residents of thia town a
shock that they will long remember.
Sinclair, in company with five young
men, started at 9 A. M. for a general .
day's outing, their destination being
about 12 miles from ,town. Upon ar
riving at the' creek the party ate lunch,
and all went in bathing. Sinclair, who
was unable to swim, had waded ' out a
few yards from shore, and -accidentally
stepped off into a deep and treacherous
pool, and, before his excised opmpan
ions could rescue him,(had sank for
the last time. The news was brought
to this place, and everything possible
was done to reoover the body, but with
out avail. Giant powder will be used
tomorrow in an effort to raise the body.
Sinclair was 24 years of age, and
leaves an aged , father and mother to
mourn his loss. - v
- . Fight at a Koad house.
Denver, May 25. One man was
killed and another - fatally wounded at
Joe Lewe's roadhouse," about' five miles
south of the city, at 6:45 this evening.
Lewe has had trouble with Jacob Ki s
thard,' a neighbor, over the water in an
irrigating ditch in which both' are in
terested, v Today Kisthard and his two
sons were working on the ditch, .when
some of Lewe's employes went to the
ditch to protect his interests. With
them went some of his guests, inclnd-'
ing Samuel H. MoCall, a well-known
gambler, and John MoKenna. A quar
rel ensued, during which Samuel Kis
thard drew a pistol and shot McCall
and MoKenna. ' Kisthard came to
Denver and surrendered to the police.
McKenna ' is not dead, but cannot re
cover. t
Murder Over Cards.
Pittsburg, May 25. A fight over
cards today at Snowden, a mining
town, resulted in the murder of Albert
Grier by George Douglass, colored. A
game of poker was in progress, when
Douglass was bluffed by James Smith -into
laying down three queens againut -a
bobtail flush. This enraged him and
a fight ensued. Douglass then went
to his house and returned with a gun.
The crowd rushed indoors to escape
him, and he fired through the door,
hitting Albert Grier and killing him
instantly. Douglass fled, pursued by a
crowd, but was captured in the woods,
and they were about to lynch hi
when officers rescued.