i s r 3foodivlr (Slacier FRIDAY, MAY 1897. THE MAILS. Th mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o' elook A,. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de part ia same aay a. noon. For Chenoweth, leaves at K A. M. Tuesdays ana naiuraavs; arrives at 0 r. wi. For Whit Salmon leaves cUily at 1 P. M Arrives at o'clock P. M. From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda. Oil mer. Trout Lake and aienwood Mondays, Wednesdays ana rriaavs. 'SOCIETIES. Canby Post, No. 19, G. A. R., meets at School nouse nan, nrst saiuraay or eacn mourn at 3 o'clock D. m. AUG. A. R. members In vited to attend. The ladles of the Belief Corps meet at same time In the adjoining room. b. r. uix mii, commander. C. J. HATES, Adjutant. Hood River Camp, No. TO, W. O. W. Meet in i. i. u. . natt second w eanesnay oi eacn montn. r , v. bhusius, c. u. il. Hkmn, Clerk. Waueoma Lodge, No. SO, K. of P., meet In ineir castle uaii on every l uesaay nignt. W. H. Bishop, C. C, WX. HATMKg, K. of B. 4 S. Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. U. W., meets ant and third Saturdays of each month 0. L. MORSE, M J. K. Watt, financier. H. L. Howe. Reooider. w. ldlewilde Lodge, No. 107, 1. 0. O. P., meet In Fraternal hall every Thursday night. TH08. LACY, N. O. r. E. Jokes, Sec'y. JBBIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Ladles' shirt Waists at the Backet Store., Order your rubber stamps. M. II Xickeisea Is agent. Save the wrappers of Hoe Cake soap; toey are worm its eacn. w. s u, Horse and light wagon and harness for sale by f . t . cordea. Miss Edith Lindsay opened her school at Mosfer last week. Did you notice how pure and white eea roam wan til tig powder looks We presume vou use snap,and if so the best Is cneapest. Hoe i aue is strictly pure, with uo free alkali. Be sure and hear Narclssa White Kinney next Wednesday evening. You may not have another chance. A washing powder that is yellow will make clothes the same color. Avoid this by using Soap Foam. Wolfard & Bone. Lye packed in sifting top can is pure granulated potash. All others contain a large portion of salt. Ask for Bed Seal. California : strawberries are in the Portland markets, retailing at 25 cents a pound box. Don't let the rat lick the dishes, but make nice soft soap with Sea Foam. Di rections on the package. W. & B. ' Tillett gives away with ever bill of trees sold a sample of the coffee berry. Be sure and icet a sample and grow your own coffee. , Croup and whooping rough are child hood's terrors; but like pneumonia, bronchitis, and other throat and inns; troubles, can beq'Mekly cured by using One Minute Cough Cure. Williams & Brains. ' ' ' ' ' The three months spring term of school in the Hood Biver school will close next Friday. Unconditional surrender, is the nnlv terms the fitmous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Earlv Bisers will make with constipation, sick headache and stomach troubles. Williams & Brosius. H. A. York has Just receiver! a fine line of harmonicas, violin strings and bridges, at reduced rates. Prices, from Wc to 60c, When a cold Is contracted, cure it at once. One Minute f 'onifh Cure will set you on the road to recovery In a minute. Ifr. will enre 'pneumonia, bronchitis, croup and all forms of lung and throat troubles. WJlJ)nms & Brosius. Miss Mellle Biarhy left yesterday for Carson, Wash., where she will teach a two-months term of school. Personal. The srentlemen who an noyed the congregation last Sunday by continually coughincr will find instant relief by using One Minute Couvh Cure, a speedy and harmless remerly forthroat and lung troubles. Williams & Broking. The only east-bound passenger train, whereby it is possible to leave or arrive at Mosier, passes there at 12:27 a. m. It should be made a matter of public knowlege that DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will speedily cure pi les of the long est standing. It is the household fav orite for burns, scalds, cuts, hrnisps and ores of All kinds. Williams & Brosius Mrs. Avis Stewart arrived on the East bound passenger Tuesday after noon, and is visiting relatives in Hood River. Not only acute Inner trouhles, which may prove fatal In a few days, hut old ebronVe coiighsand throat troubles may receive Immediate relief and be perma nently cured by One Minute Cough Cure. Williams & Brosius. We learn from the Bural Northwest that W. J. Baker has received $2 50 a box at Hood Biver for most of his crop of Yellow Newtown apples. When the spring time comes, "gentle Annie," like all other sensible persons, will cleanse the liver and renovate the system with DeWitt's Little Early Risers, famous little pills for tbe liver and stomaeh all the year round. Will iams & Brosius. Write to Davenport Bros.' Lumber Co. for delivered prices on all kinds of lumber, rough or dressed. They have a large and good assortment of. finish ing lumber on hand, good and dry. Call and get our rash prices before pur chasing elsewhere. : - Mr. H. Pugh celebrated his 71st birthday April 25th. His son-in-law. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Adams, presented him with a $10 cane.' Thirty years is a long time to fight so painful a trouble as piles, but Jacob Mitchell, of Unionville, Pa., struggled that long before he tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, which quickly and permaneutly cured him. It is equally effective in eczema and all skin affec tions. Williams & Brosius. On account of several stores opening up in my line of goods, I find that I shall bave to branch out into some other line to make up any losses I might have by competition. There fore I am glad to announce to the pup r?liat I will take orders for boots and ' ioes made to measurement,' the cost f f which will be.; no more., than the ready made shoe yoy buy here in the stores. Come &nd hi-ws your measure ment taken and have'tv airof shoes fit you. E. V. Husbands. Last Friday evening J. F. Bennett, deputy organizer for the United Arti sans, organized a lodge of Artisans in Hood ltiver. The new lodge starts off under favorable circumstances with an enrollment of 87 members. The follow ing are the officers elected for the ensu- ; ingyear: Dr. E T Cams, M. A.; M F f ,iv Hunt M I's H: T I 'ni'ilH illun H V Husbands, sec; J. H. Ferguson, treus.; Mrs. Milton Wheeler, sr. con.; Mrs O T Prather, M. C; Mrs A P Bateham, jr. con.; A P Bateham, instructor; Dr. t U .Brosius. medical examiner. Jos. T. Peters, H. H. Bailey and C. A. Bell went up, to the ditch last Wednesday and received the second mile of flume for the Improvement Co. Bishop & Cox expect to finish another half mile of flume by tomorrow night, which will bring them to Ditch creek. Mr. Peters expressed himself as being well pleased with the work done on the flume. The officers of the Valley improvement Co say they will have water from iheir ditch running through the Btreets ot ilood lilver by the 10th of June. Jim Langille walked down from -his ranch at Mt. Hood last Wednesday morning, a distance of 14 miles, in four hours, and sas he stopped and chatted with every man, woman and child on the way, stopped long enouirh at one place to drink a bottle of beer, and when he arrived in town was able to jump up and crack his heels together three times before he struck tbe icroiind. Jim is a truthful man and we believe bis story, especially the part relating to the beer. The Davidson Fruit Co. have a force of young men and boys engaged in making up 4000 strawberry crates in the big barn across the street from the Mt. Hood hotel. Mr. Davidson has a few double-deck crates, in which the boxes are wide and shallow. We don't know how these boxes would be in top ping out, but they have tbe advantage t hai the work of the packers can easily be examined, and there is not much chaiice to work in inferior berries. Now Is the time to plant pumpkin seed. There is still some of the big pumpkin seeds left at the Glacier office. Our otter of last fall, to give a year's subscription to the subscriber raising the biggest pumpkin lroin this seed, we now uiakestill better by otter ing the paper for six months tor the next biggest pumpkin. The pumpkins must be biougbt to town and exhibited at the horticultural fair. None but sub scribers will be allowed to compete. Friday night of last week an attempt was made to enter tbe store of A. 8. Blowers & 8on. The burglar tried the lock of the door at the Oak street en trance and left a part of his skeleton key in the keyhole. The door was burred on the inside and could tiot have been opened if the burular had succeed ed in turning the lock. Mr. W. N. West was sleeping in the store, but heard iiothiug unusual during the night. . There was a trial in Justice Prather's court Tuesday. fcS. M. Meeks of Mosier was charged with stealing a horse, but was acquitted. It seems that the trial resul ed from an old family feud. Hon. John Michel! of The Dalles acted as deputy prosecuting attorney, and Attorney Bert Pbelos.alsoof The Uallea. appeared 'for the defendant. he O. B. & N. Co. are preparing in advance for high wtier, should it come, .til 1 1 are doing considrable- riprappiug whoever the roan-bed would be eu laiinered. A large amount of rock for that purpose is tieing secured between lown and Waynes' (Spur, which ac counts tor the loud blasting heard during the past'week. . . Little Freddy Bell, In some manner, manuged to wedge his loot bet ween the big ti m tiers at the boat landing Tues day afternoon, and was unable to ex tr.cale himself. The Regulator was lauding at the time and a deck hand secured a hand spike aod liberated the little fellow, who was only badly scared. Mr. Henry McOuire arrived home last Friday from the Palouse country, where be has been stopping during the winter. Guy Ward, a nephew of Mr. McGuire's came dotvn with him and will stop at The Dalles. Mr. McGuire thinks there is no place like Hood Itiver, and intends lo remain here. Ladies of the W. B. C. and members of the Grand Army will visit the schools in town today. Next Friday hey will visit the Frank ton school. Programmes will be prepared for these occasions, and it is hoped , the patrons of the schools will find time to attend. Bev. J. L. Heishner is absent at Lexington this week, attending the Mid-Columbia association of Congre gational churches. On Thursday even- ng lie delivered an address oil "The Mission of Congregationalism to the Community." Mr. Wm. Yates has withdrawu from the firm of A. 6. blowers & Co., and tiie firm name has beeu changed to . 8. Blowers & Son. Mr. 8am Blowers is now clerking in the store. Mr. E. W. Wiiiaus, who is authority on birds, says the little birds that are destroying the young truit are the pur ple finch. He says they are native to the country. Arbuckle's coffee, 15c; 5 packages matches for a nickel, rjee' our new stock of tin and granite ware, 60 per cent cheaper than ever sold in Hood itiver before. ' A. 8. Blowurs & Son; Very few parents realize the import ance of caring for their children's leeth. Lr. M. A. Jones gives special attention to the proper airungeuieiil and devel opment, of children's teeth. I The piling for the wharf at White Salmon has been driven, and after the river subsides, the sleepers will be put On and the floor laid. Postmaster Yates assumed his office last Saturday. The cflice will remain at the old stand, in the Morse and Early block. . An umbrella, with the Initials "E. ," on handle, was lost in the vicinity of town, - Finder will -please leave ut this office.' Quarterly examinations of teachers wilt be held at The Dalles, commenc ing next Wednesday, May 12ih. Mr. E. L Bood has finished a good ob painting -the interior of Blowers' store. C. E. Markham is agent for the cele brated "Acme" harrow. See his ad. Mr. John Lenz went to The Dalles Tuesday on the Begulator. ' Dwight Gore is laid up with a severe ly dislocated ankle. . Wild roses are in bloom. ; Mr. Frank Davenport gives notice in another column that his company has completed five miles of flume for the Improvement Co., and calls upon those who agreed to pay 10 per cent on their stock on the completion of each half mile of flume to come and settle. .Mr. ; Davenport has done his part ana sure- I V we lire nil llllHTSliru ciiuukii 111 nic ditch to do what we agreed to do towards paying for the work. Master Fred Bell had a party at the Mt. Hood hotel on his 7th birthday last Saturday. A dainty lunch was served and the little party enjoyed themselves immensely. The little ones present were: Esty Brosius, Jay Wolfard, Willie Fletcher, Ellsworth Hanna. Harold Hershner, Hazel Ollng er, Lydia Crowe, Belle Wolfard, Geneva Wolfard. Macgle jNickelsen, Jeia Hershner, Florence Hanna. M. F. Shaw, who has had twelve years' experience in the practice of medicine and surgery In the East, and who is a graduate from liellevue tin pital Medical college. New York City, has located in Hood Biver for the prac tice of his profession. Offlce and rest dence after June 1st at tbe Langille cottage. Matt Russell has returned from Wasco. He found that another man had arrived the day before and set up a narber shop. He will remain with Grant Evans for the summer. Mrs. Gatchet and daughter, Mrs. McMahon, mother and sister of Mrs. Dr. Cams, came up from Portland yes tery and will remain here several days. Why does an old maid wear cotton gloves? Because she hasn't got any kids. Buy your kid gloves at W oltard & Rone's, i This morntng Cuph Lucky brought to this office a handful or ripe straw berries, grown on the Zeigler place at White salmon. Parties wishing to buy or trade for horses or second-hand wagons t hou Id call on the Mtn. 8tage and .Livery co Dr. Jones is doing dental work at hard times prices. All work fully guaranteed. ; Hood Biver valley was treated to a good, soaking rain last night, Another Kar of Kansas Korn Knm- ing. Woi.fard & Bone. Meeting of Citizens. . A meeting of citizens is called for Saturday, May 8th, at 4 o'clock, to take steps to organize a militia com pany. Fall in, boys; let us organize in time for tbe encampment. ' Death of A. K. lsenberg. Alfred Keifferlsenbergdied Monday, May 3. 1897. aged 56 years. He was born in Pennsylvania, May 6, 1841. During the war he enlisted in the First Pennsylvania light artillery, Battery D. At the battle of Cedar Creek, Va., he was seriously wounded by a hoj-se falling upon him, and his injuries were finally the cause of his death. Last Friday, while at work in the field, his nose commenced bleeding, and tiled from 1 o'clock in the afternoon till 12 o'clock at night, when Dr. Brosius ar rived and checked the flow of blood. He was then very weak and kept grad ually sinking till his death Monday evening, ut 5 o'clock. He was a broth er of M, P. Isenberg, and )eaes a widow and one son, Mr. Lewis Tsen berg. Tbe widow was stricken with paralysis last fall and has since been an invalid, The family came to Hood River from Colorado three years ago. A. K. Isenberg wus a member of Canby post, G. A. R., of Hood Biver. The fu neral sermon was preached by Rev. J. W. Jenkins ip the Valley Christian church, and at the grave, in ldlewilde cerneiery, the burial services of the Grand Army were conducted by the poet. Deceasedwas a member of the Lutheran church. The funeral was largely attended by his neighbors and friends from all parts of the valley, attesting the esteem in which he wax held by all. . G. A. . Canby post held a good meeting last Saturday. Comrades McKenny of Boeeburg and Loveland of Vancouver were visitors. The resolutions from Reno post of Boseburg were read, as also a letter from tbe commandant of the soldiers' home, who claimed that the rules adopted by tbe board of trus tees were strictly in accord with the laws of congress. ' Tbe matter was re ferred to a special committee, consist ing of M. P Isenberg, f. J. Cunning and J. W. Bigby. Comrade A. K Isenberg was reported sick, but no one anticipated that the post would so soon be called upon to attend his funeral. Comrade 'J. B. Baud was reinstated and welcomed back to the, post. Com rade Spangler will be admitted by card at next meeting. Alter adjournment the officers of the post, as a committee on Memorial day, met with a like com mittee from tbe Belief Corps. Mrs. t tanning was chosen to preside over the meetings of the committee, and T. J. Cunning was chosen secretary. The committee adjourned to meet at tbe Mt. Hood hotel Wednesday, at 2 o'clock. '. The run of fish all along the river continues light. At Astoria canneries are running only from one to two hours a day, and at other points on the river none of 'them have received enough fish to just ify their starling up. Services at the Odell school house will hereafter 1 held at 11 o'clock in stead of at 3 o'clock, each Sunday. . TROY (SHELLEY, fastor. Wanted. We have lately added several lines to our stock. Among others, clothing and a more complete line of crockery. . Also, have added many items to our grocery stock, making it the most complete stock of Groceries ever carried In Hood River. Now, what we WANT is for you to know this. We WANT to please the public; we WANT customers; we WANT you to come and see us; we WANT your trade; we WANT to make it to your advantage to trade with us. . '. Yours to count on, , V WOLFARD Hood Biver and Died. In Hood River. Sunday. May 2, 1897, Merrill Rice, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Davidson. .. Funeral services were conducted at ldlewilde cemetery on Sunday after noon, many friends of the bereaved family being present. Church Notices. Services will be conducted at the Congregational church by the pastor, next Sunday ut, ll a. m. and 8 p. m, The public will be cordially welcomed, Congregational Church Rev. J. L, Hershner, pastor. Worship, with preaching, will be conducted every Sunday, at II a. in. and 7.3U p. in., un less otherwise announced. Prayer meeting and Sunday school conference on Wednesday evening. Christian Endeavor society on Sunday evening. All who attend these services will be made welcome. Methodist Episcopal Church, H. K., limes, u. I)., Pastor Weekly services Sunday, 10 a. in., Sunday school; 11 a. m., preaching; 2:30 p. m., Junior League; 7 p. m., Epworth League; 7:45 p. ru., preachlug. Thursday, 7:hi p.m prayer meeting. Everybody welcomed to these services. - Bev. H. Moys will fill appointments for the conference year as follows: He will preach at Pine Grove every first and third Sunday at 1 1 a. m.; at Bel mont at 7:30 p. m. Belmont, every second and fourth Sunday, at 11 a. m.; Crspper sehirt)! house, 2:30 p. m.; Pine Grove, 7:30 p. in. Fifth Sunday, at Mr. jnoon, at ii a. m. United Brethren Church Services. Preaching each Sabbath morning and evening. Sunday school at 10 a.m.; Junior Endeavor, 3 p. in.; Senior En deavor, 6:45 p. m.; preaching, 7:30; prayer meeting and choir practice Wednesday evening. Rev. J. T. Merrill, Pastor. The West field (Ind.) News prints the following in regard to an old resident of that place: "Frank McAvoy, tut many years in the employ of the L., N. A. & v. Ky. here, says: I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and diar rhoea Remedy for ten years or looter am never without it in my family. I consider it the best remedy or the Kind manufactured. I take pleasure in rec ommending it.' " It is a specific for all bowel disorders. For sale by Will iams and Brosius. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative BromoQuinine lab lets. Williams & Brosius refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Prices for Sprays. Solid concentrated sprays, according to the formula of the state hoard of horticulture, in stock constantly at fol lowing reduced prices Less than 25 lbs, ns. ioo ibg. 700 sis. Salt, sulphur and lime 6o Sulphur, lime and bluestone 7 Soap, potash, so da and sulphur 8 Rosin and sal soda 8 Whale oil soap, 80 per cent 8 Lime and , blue stone 8 8c - 4c ' 8c 6 4 7 8 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 12 10 9 6 6 4J4 6 6 4 . 2U 8 2 ton Acme Compound 15 Blue stone 7 Resin 7 Kal soda .'.v. 5 Sulphur gronnd 4 WILLIAMS & BROSIUS, Hood River Pharmacy. WANTED SEVERAL FAITHFUL MEN or women to travel for responsible estab lished house In Oregon. Salary it, SO. payable $15 weekly and expenses. Position perma nent. Kererence. enclose geii-aaaressea stamped envelope. The National, Star Build ing, Chicago. sep4 OREGON Poultry and Supply Co. (Incorporated) HANDLERS OF Fancy and Market Poultry, Game, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Dressed Hogs, Veal, etc. Farm and Garden Products, Green and Dried Fruits, Poultry Sup plies oi every description, Nursery Stock, etc., etc. 124 First St, Portland, Oregon. Horses for Sale.' I have three or four good work horses for sale or for trade. Apply to apisu. 1 j. w. ruiituas. OAK GROVE M.GlMiMRll, ' E. D. Calkins, Prop'r. Horses broken: single and double drivers for sale. L. Morris, trainer. Eight miles west of Centerville, Wash. ap23 The Glacier BARBER SHOP, GRANT EVANS. Prop'r, Post Offlce Building, Hood River, Or. Lessons in Piano Music. Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teaching of Music. Her prices are 50 ctnU a lesson. 110 fc BONE, White Salmon. (lac ler - Ii now open for business, carrying a. full line of Dm os Perfumery and , . Always on band. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded and Prices Seasonable. At the old stand of the Glacier office, Hood River, Oregon. H. A. YORK, Proprietor. O. FREDENBURG, Notary Public. MOUNT HOOD, - - OREGON. DENTISTRY. DR. E. T. CARNS is now located in Hood River. Fi rat-class work at reasonable rates. All work guaranteed. Oflice In the Leuigtlle House. JylB HARNESS Repaired and all kinds of 1 HARNESS GOODS Sold by E. V. HUSBANDS. Also, Boots and Shoes repaired. Columbia Nursery Offers a large stock ot Fruit Trees and all oth er kinds of nursery stock. All trees are well grown, carefully dug, tree Tom pests and true 10 laDei. w nei.ner you want one iree or i,uuu, It will pay you to examine this stock. lie member, trees grown here give the best satis faction. No trouble to show goods. Orders tilled on short notice. H. C. BATEHAM, Hood Kiver, Oregon. Three miles south, on Mt. Hood Road. Hood River Nursery WM.T1LLETT, Proprietor. I nlanted 850 trees bought of Wm. THlett last spring, and they are all doing finely, and I never lost a tree. WM. BOORMAN. T planted over TOO young apple trees last spring, bonghtofWm. Tillett. They all lived, and some nave made 4 feet growth. Best trees to grow I ever bought. Drop around and see hem. - J. J. GIBBONS. We Dlanted over 1100 trees bought of Wm. Tillett last spring. They have all made a good growth, and we have not lost a tree. AtLBjO, JQUUS. Droo in and see the trees I bought from Tillett 18 months ago, and you will see the best 10 acres of young orchard in Mount Hood district, or Hood River, either. u. u. uuuruu it sun , mi, nooa, PIONEER MILLS, Harbison Bros., Prop.'rs, Manufacturers of 1 Dressed and Undressed Flour, Feed and all kinds ofceieals ground. Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. HOOD RIVER, : OREGON. Mt.Hood Saw Mills, TOMLINSON BROS., Prop'rs. MAI PINE LUMBER Of the best quality always on hand at prices to suit the times. Jy21 Ray's Little Cathartic Pills. For constipation, headache, biliousness, In digestion, sallow complexion and diseases arising from disordered liver, stomaeh and kidneys. Price 25 cents, at the Hood River Pharmacy. , Wade's Worm Powders A pleasant, safe and efficient worm de stroyer. Price 25 cents, at the Hood Itiver Pharmacy. . Monroe's Cough Balsom A prompt and efficacious remedy for colds, coughs, influenza, croup, bronchitis, sore thr nit, hoarseness and all affections of the thr iat. lungs and bronchial tubes. Price 25c, 50c and $1, at the Hood River Pharmacy. . Child's Castor Laxative A vegetable remedy for regulating the stom ach and bowels of babies and children, con taining no opium, morphine or other li a root les. It Is harmless, pleasant to take and a m st valuable remedy. Price 2o cents, at the Hood Kiver Pharmacy. Ripans Tabules. . Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules: at druggists. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. v R pans Tabules cure biliousness. " Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. ' Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules cure constipation- - T. C. DALLAS, r- DEALER IN AND fi Kitchen Furniture, - PLUMBERS' GOODS. - Pruning "fools, Etc Repairing Tinware a Specialty. Paper Hanging. E. L. Rood, who has had 8 years' experience in the busine ss of painting and paper hanging, is now prepf ired to do this kind of work for citizens of i flood River. He ran furnish the paper and J ut it on your walls at Portland prices. AND and Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, To tlh.e :!East, Gives the choree f tjVO TRANSCONTINENTAL OT7TE S Vl Via SPOKANE, Minneapolis DENVER, OMAHA ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to All East-'.- ern Cities. . TIMETABLE FOH HOOD RIVEtt "' WESTBOUND. No 1, Union Pacific 2.3S A. No. 3, Spokane .57 A. east bound. JNo. 4,pokae... ft.i 1 P. M. No. 2, Union Pacific.' J2.U9 a. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every five days ior SAN FRANCISCO, E. McNEIL.!, President. . For full details -call on O. R. & N. Agcmt Hood River, oraJdres- W. II. HURLBURT, Goo'l Puss. Agent, 1 Portland. Or. THE- "REGULATOR LINE." Navigation Co. Through Freight and Passenger Line. Daily iiet. Dalles and FcrUeifl All Freight Will Come Through Without Delay. PASSENGER RATES. One way $1 a Round trip... 2 M Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. W. C. ALLAWAY. v ' General Arch. THE DALLES, OREGON O. T. PbatHk. Notary public. PRATHER & COF, 1 UdQlQ Q TI H TUQllTQIlPrl LiUUUU uuu muuiuuuu, 93 Oak St., bet 2d and 3d. - ve have lots, blocks and acreage In e town of Hood River:l, fruit, hny and neriy farms and timber claims In the most dpxirtt ble lof-ailonsin the valley. If yon I uive any thing in the real estate line to sell or lv.nt, or if you want to buy, give us a call. Deeds, bonds and mortgages prompUv and correctly executed. We will also attend to legal business in Jus- UWe are also agents for SOUTH WACOOMA property. . PRATHER & COE- ap27 Tetter, Salt-Rhoum and liczeina. The intense itching and smarth g iuci -dent to these diseases is instantly alloyed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bud catcs have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles cud a favorite remedy for soro nipples; chapped hands, chilblains, fro bites and chronic soro eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Cady's Condition Powdcra, aro just what a horse needs when In bud condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in use to a horsa in prime condition. Vnco 23 cents per package. . .'. -. .". I For salt! lv WMIrms & iSrcJ, N u Y A. -ji-