Hood liver acier It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1897. NO. 50. VOL. VIII. ON THE AGGRESSIVE. THE DAY' IN THE SENATE. RAILWAYS IN MEXICO. T' Epitome, of the Telegraphic 'News of the World. TERSE TICKS FROM THE WIRES An Interacting Collection of Item Front the New and the Old World In a Condensed and Comprehensive Form Forest fires are said to be starting up again around Ashland, Wis. ' . The Santa Fe purchased the Atlan tic & Pacific railroad at a foreclosure sale for 112,000,000. The Transvaal will observe the queen's jubilee day as a holiday as a token of appreciation. 1 ;A big fire in Pittsburg, Pa., de stroyed $3,000,000 worth of property, and resulted in one death and the in Jury of four persons. The banking-house of J. B. "Wheeler & Co., in Manitou and Aspen, Colo., have gone into the hands of assignees. No reason is given by the directors. V. D. Case, of Pittsburg, Columbia county, and J. VV. Duncan, of Uma tilla, Umatilla county, Oregon, have been appointed fourth-class postmasters. A Washington special says that it has been definitely decided that Nation al Committeeman J. E. Boyd, of North Carolina, will be appointed solicitor of internal revenue. . Colonel 'John Hay, the newly ap pointed United States ambassador to England, was received with unusual distinction while presenting his cre dentials to the queen at Windsor castle. :i It has been found that Victor Koski was the man drowned off the ooast a few days ago with John Rock, while fishing near Astoria. ' Koski was a resi dent of 'West Astoria, 80 years of age and unmarried. " Johanna Spath, widow of Jacob Spath, : is suing Katz & Sons, sausage manufac turers, of San Francisco, for $100,000 damages. Her, husband was killed in the defendant's faotory and the widow charges (he firm with being responsible1 on account of negligence. President McKinley has sent to con gress a message concerning the lynch ing of three Italians at Hahnville, Va., August , 9, 1896. He recommends an appropriation of $40,000 lor the heirs of the persons without admitting the liability' of the United States in the premises. f i "1 j - , , ' In the German reichstag Count von KaniU, the agrarian leader, interpellat ed, the government on the Bubject of the proposed United States tariff. He asked if the government wished to con tinue the agreement of 1891, and said the Dingley bill implied leas the in crease of v American customs revenue than the successful expulsion of Euro pean imports from American markets. f A duel was'' fought at the entrance to Washington Park, Chicago, which might, have resulted fatally for one of the principals, had not the seconds load . ed the revolvers used " with blank car tridges. The principals were W. L. King, son of a noted lawyer who died some time ago, and Colonel Jeremiah Bask, a veteran of the. Confederate army who had. fought on board the Merrimac. ' After shots had been ex changed the duelists' honor had been satisfied, and they shook hands. Four lives were lost in a tenement house fire in Brooklyn, N. Y. .' C , Fire consumed the elevator and other property of the Iowa Elevator Company at Peoria, 111.; loss, $200,000. ' Trainwreckers threw a switch and wrecked a train on the Houston & Tex as Central and killed one man and in jured several. The schooner Annie was crushed in an ice floe off St. Johns, N. B. The crew of twenty-five men barely escaped with their lives. .": 1 , N. Burris, Son & Co. , of Norfolk, Va. , one of the most prominent and widely known banking firms in the South, has failed. ' The insurgents against Spanish rule in the Philippine islands are still 25, 000 strong ajid offering stout resistence in the mountains. The Hansard union of printers and publishers in London, whioh collapsed in 1891, has paid a quarter of a million sterling of its indebtedness. The mineowners of Leadville, Col., met and subscribed $50,000 toward draining the mines, and it is estimated that opening the mines will put 750 men to work. . ' The Frenoh fishing vessel Valiant, Captain Pierre, from St. Malo for Mi quelon, struck an iceberg on the Grand banks, near St. John's, N. F., on the 18th Inst, , and almost . immediately foundered. She had seventy-three fishermen on board, and all took to the boats. ' Only one of these boats has so far been heard from. - When it left the vessel, its complement was ten men. Three perished from exposure and hun ger. . The bodies of the first two were thrown overboard, but the -survivors, in their desperation, were driven to can , nibalism, and ate the third. The boat was picked up by a schooner. Th sur vivors are in -a shocking condition, and are so badly frostbitten that their arms must be amputated, Insurgent Operations in Havana Prov ' lnce Attended With Success. New York,. May 5. A special to the Press from Key .West says: Havana advices show that the insurgents are active in that province. Tapasta was attacked last week by a force of 400 insurgents, and held for an entire day. The Spanish garrison in one of the blockhouses retired completely, while the other held their ground and did not fire at the insuregnts or disturb them in any. way. The Cubans took posses sion of the vacated blookhouse, looting it of all the arms and provisions they could find, and then set it on fire. ;' The other, blockhouse, with a gar rison of 800 troops in and around it, kept quiet, no offensive operations be ing attempted by the Spanish in com mand. ' The Cubans camped within half a mile of the Spanish force, and plundered the stores of the town with out opposition. La Heiba was attacked by a force from Rodriguez' army, the first of the week, and the Spanish garrison driven out. There, is a small earth fort there and two blookhonses. They attacked the earthworks early in the morning, and carried them ' by a dashing oharge, the Spanish retreating into their block houses1 at the other end of town.- One of these was attacked by the Cubans, and three bombs exploded under its walls, shattering it badly and killing several inmates. The Spanish, surren dered, and were paroled by the Cu bans. Some firing took place between the insurgents and the other two block houses, but no attack was made on them, the Cubans apparently being con tent, with the victories they had gained. They entered the stores, took what they pleased, and loaded their plunder in ox teams in plain view of the Spanish. The' Spanish loss is said to have been about seventy-five killed and wounded. Word reaohed the palace yesterday that a garrison of 200 men at a small place in the southwestern pqrtion of the province deserted to the insurgents last week, carrying all their arms and ammunition and a field piece. " The insurgent captains, Rafael Men doza Sicarros, and Bicardo Haldez,who voluntarily surrendered a fortnight ago in Pinaridel Rio and were liberated un der Captain-General Weyler's amnesty deoree, have been arrested. They are to be deported in irons to Ceuta for confinement. ;' Advices from Sancti Spiritus report that the Spanish volunteers in the gar rison there are becoming mutinous, ow ing to the government's failure to pro vide adequate commissary supplies. From" thirty to forty are deserting daily. ; : Dr. Zertucha In Trouble. New. York, May 5. A .dispatoh to the Journal from Havana says: "Dr. Maximo Zertucha, Antonio Maceo's physician, who ia alleged to have be trayed the Cuban general to the Span iards, was arrested at his home near Guinea yesterday and t brought to Ha vana under close guard. It is under stood at the palace that Weyler has or dered ' his deportation to Chafarinas island, a Spanish penal settlement off the African coast." 5 A FORTUNE FOR A TRAMP. Jacob Loosing Is in Luck If He Can ' Be Found. New York, May 5. This story has to do with one Jacob Loesing, a tramp who ran away from his home in Havre, France, when a little boy of 16, and who has just been left $38,000 by a rich uncle who died. The man was taken to a lawyer's office nine months ago to be 'examined as a witness in an assault case. In the course of an ex amination these facts were brought out: The man was Jacob Loesing; he was born in Havre; his unole, who con ducted a large flour business at Havre, took charge of him and sent him to a boarding ehcool. When the boy was 16 years old he ran away, went to Paris, mastered the English language, earned a little money, made his way to Liver dool and came to this country on a cat tle steamer. Finding it was necessary to work, even in America, the runaway went West and obtained a position as porter in a hotel in Iowa. He drifted to San Francisco. There, sad to re late, .the;' wanderer was compelled to serve eighteen months in San Quen tin, accused of having broken into a laundry. When liberated he came to New York. All this Jacob told the lawyer. The latter did not place much confidence in the man's story, but after giving it careful consideration, he decided that there might be some truth in it, so he wrote to a counsellor at Havre and re ceived the reply that Jacob's uncle had died several months ago, leaving an es tate valued at $38,000. It was only for Loesing to go there and prove his identity. Money needed for expenses would be advanced.- But Loesing can not be found. , ' Drowned In Salmon Bay. Seattle, May 5. B. H. Waller, cook of the schooner Compeer, loading lum ber at Ballard for Central America, drowned in Salmon bay this afternoon. He had quit, intending to go to Alaska, and a new cook had been engaged for the schooner. , They started in a small skiff for the ship, the skiff capsized and Waller drowned. The new cook saved his life by clinging 4o the over turned boat. Zdhem Pasha - Begins the Expected Attack. . ME FIGHTING AT VELESTINO recks Successfully Repelled the Turks With Great ' Loss to the ' Invaders The News From Eplrus London, May 4 A dispatch from thens says: The reports of the Turk- i assaults on Pharsala are officially nfimieJ. - "v r ' The Fighting: at Yelestlno. Athens, May 4. Diapatohes from 'bursalu, the headquarters of the Greek rtny in Thessaly, give further particu trs of the recent fighting between .'urks and Greeks at Velestino, ten niles west of Volo, at the junction of he railroad connecting Volo with Lar ssa and Pharsala. The Turkish at acking force consisted of 8,000 infan cy, 600 oavalry and thirteen guns. The charges of the Turkish gun cavalry were firmly withstood by Evzones post ed on Karnavassa hill. An entire Turkish regiment was decimated. Four Turkish squadrons which attempted a oharge were received with a combined rifle and sharpnel fire which mowed :lown seve-al hundred. The Greek irregulars co-operated with the regu lars. Fifty Greeks were killed, and a major and five subalterns wounded. A detachment .-of Turkish : cavalry from Larissa approaohed the railway between Pharsala and Domokos, which town is about ten .miles south of Phar sala, in the Greek ' rear. The Greek artillery opened fire upon the enemy's cavalry at long range, and after heavy oannonading forced the Turks to retire, the Greek cavalry pursuing them.. . i The Turkish commander apparently wished to surprise the Greeks at Phar sala and sent two, army 'corps against them, one from Trikhala, the other from Larissa. :y Greek Positions Taken. Constantinople, May 4. Edhem Pasha has sent a telegram announcing that after a serious fight at Velestino the Turks had captured three forts and four entrenched positions, the Greeks retiring to Volo. " ' "I s . Greeks Again Attacking; Pentepigadia. Athens, May' 4. -A dispatch from Arta says that 10,000 Greeks, under Colonel Bairastaris, are again attack ing Pentepigadia. " The German cruiser Augusta Vic toria has arrived at Phalerum. Official Turkish Advices. Constantinople, May 4. Rifzi Pa sha, commander of the Turks at Jan ina, yesterday telegraphed a report to the effect that the troops had oocupied, after a fight the heights commanding Karavan-Serai. The Greeks fled, ac cording to the official Turkish accounts, by way of Kunuzades. Retreated to Arta. ' London, May 4. A special dispatch from Athens announces that the Greek, army has retreated in thorough order to Arta, where it is awaiting reinforce ments. , . Turks Besieging Arta. Athens, May 4. The Turks are pre paring to beseige Arta. - , : In Panlc-Strlcken Yolo. New York, May 4. A Herald dis patch from Salonica says: An English man who arrived here last night from Volo, where he had been four days, says that the scenes of panic and con fusion are indescribable. . Law and or der have disappeared and all semblance of authority is gone. The whole beach is strewn with baggage, and people are clamoring and waiting for ships that do not come. Rifles are being promis cuously served and cartridges, are thrown in heaps-in the streets and the people fill their pockets with them. - ; The Englishman ' saw the Greeks' flight at Velestino. Fugitives rushing in without money of provisions inter mingled with the soldiers who had thrown their arms away ' so as not to impede their fight He also saw -the ;aptain of an American ship who left Athens on the 28th. He said the peo ple were terribly bitter against the roy al family and would kill any of its i.nembers if they could get at them. They accused Prince Constantine of having betrayed the army and of being in collusion with the Russians. ' " The latest he heard was that the king had taken refuge on a Russian warship. The streets were full of armed people. The shops were being plundered. . ,' . ; ' Moustapha Bey's Advices. Washington, May 4. The Turkish legation reoeived this from Constanti nople: Edhem Pasha telegraphs v that, fter a fight which took place at one hour's distance from Veleatino, our troops took possession of three fort resses and three intrenchments. Hefzi Pasha, commander-in-chief of the Ot toman forces in Epirus, also announces that the Hellenes who were located at Karavan-Seai, not being able to resist the attack of our troops, were com pelled to abandon the town, and - that the troops commanding the pass of Comdjadis also have been taken by our troops. Several Important Questions Came Up ' ' for Consideration. Washington, May 6. After a recess covering practically ten days, the senate met today with a large accumulation of routine business and several import ant questions, including the Morgan Cuban resolution, awaiting attention. The attendance was unusually large. Among the bills introduced was one by Chandler of New Hampshire, for the issue of certificates of indebtedness up to $50,000,000 to meet deficiencies of revenue. It was referred to the finance committee. " ' 1 A resolution by Pettus of Alabama, was agreed to asking the secretary of the treasury for information as to the amounts paid as drawbacks during the last ten years. . - Vest's resolution, directing the com mittee on commerce to investigate and report on the causes of the Mississippi .floods was favorably reported from the committee on contingent expenses. i The Cuban resolution was called np by Morgan, who asked for a vote. Hale of Maine, just returned after an extended absenoe, desired time to pre pare his remarks. He assured Morgan there was no purpose to delay the reso lution for the mere sake of delay. Af ter proper debate, he said it would be voted on, as he was as anxibus as any one to have the resolution disposed of. Morgan endeavored to have a day fixed for a vote, but there were objections. , In the House. . Washington, May 5. In the house today Joseph B. Showalter, recently eleoted to represent the, Twenty-fifth Pennsylvania district, to fill the place of J. J. Davidson, deceased, took the oath of office. j : i , Bailey of Texas presented a resolu tion that the Nelson bankruptcy bill,' recently passed by the senate, be taken up by the house on Monday, May 10, and considered until disposed of. He asked unanimous consent for immediate consideration of the resolution. Brewster, Republ'can, of New York, objected. Simpson of Kansas rose to a question of personal privileges, and sent to the clerk's desk to be read an extract from the New York Mail and Express accusing him of being an ob structionist and predicting that he would be pulverized under the speaker's triphammer. . " A NEW COALINS STATION. - The United States May Yet Establish One at Santo Domingo. New York, May 5.- A Herald spe cial from Wahsington says: General Grant's project for the establishment of a naval coaling station in Samanii bay, Santo Domingo, may yet be real ized. According to Mr. Henry Smytbe, minister to Hayti, and charge d'affairs to Santo Domingo, under the Cleveland administration, the Domingo govern ment is ready to cede suoh a station to the United States without asking the payment of a dollar. ' Mr. Smythe has not submitted an official report on this subject to the state department for the reason that his resignation was accepted before he had time to prepare it, though he had oalled on Secretary Sherman, to whom he made an oral report. . . ; In a letter recently written by Mr. Smythe to a former friend in Washing ton, he says that he discussed with the Dominican foreign office a treaty which embraced the following heads and di visions: Commerce, navigation, extra dition and reciprocity of interests and concessions. ' ' ' - Under this lattet division he obtained the concession of a coaling station for the use of the American navy during the continuance of the treaty on the sole condition that "coaling facilities" be allowed the Dominican navy in American ports. The coaling station was to be located at any point in the bay of Samana, or in either of two fine harbors east of Santo Domingo or the Caribbean sea. STRANDED IN JUNEAU. Two Hundred Men There Are Unable - to Get Away, i , , Port Townsend, Wash., May 5. The steamer Al-Ki returned this evening from -an uneventful trip to Alaska, bringing but four, passengers and very little freight. A large number of stranded people are at Juneau. They went north without supplies, expecting to beg food from others while en route to the Yukon. They were given to un derstand they would starve if they started on the trip, so they remained at Juneau. The recent raise in fare from $15 to $32 from Juneau to Sound points preclude their leaving Juneau, and the resnlt is that there are upward of 200 men there, without money or the means of getting either to the mines or back to the Sound. No court will be held in Alaska for several months to oome. A Juneau paper says that there are so few cases for jury trial upon the district court calendar for the May term that the cir cumstances will not warrant the great expense which the summoning of a jury would entail upon the government Washington Supreme Court. . Olympia, Wash., ., May 5. The SU' preme court has granted a petition for a rehearing in the case of the State vs. MoCann, from King county, and in the City of Tacoma vs. Tacoma Light as Water Company, ;. Insurgents Won the Battle ; of Purgatory Hills. J SPANISH LOSS WAS HEAVY They Were Drawn Into Ambuscade, , ' Where a Withering Fire Was Poured Upon Them From All Sides. , New York, May ' 8. A Herald dis patch from Havana says: - . The engagement which the Spanish had with General Roderiguez. in the Purgatory hills, and which was report ed as a deoisive Spanish victory, turns out to have been the reverse. The Spanish columns encountered the insurgents and attaeked sharply, relying on their superior forces. The rebels retreated toward their camp, and suoceeded in playing their old trick of drawing the Spanish into an ambus cade. General Castillo arrived with reinforcements while Roderiguez was engaging the Spanish and fell on their flank. The fighting lasted five hours, and in killed, wounded and prisoners, the Spanish lost 280 men. News comes from Santiago de Cuba that 200 volunteers headed by a priest and a prominent physician have joined the insurgents because they were dis satisfied with the conduct of the Span ish authorities, nd believed that Gar cia would succeed in retaining his su premacy in -the eastern province, r The situation at Banes continues to command attention. Four cruisers and several gunboats have been": ordered there to land a force to march on the port in the direction of Holquin. The rebel foroe in and near Banea is esti mated at 8,000. : ; -'i ' . General Weyler came quietly back to Havana yesterday morning after a six week's trip to Santa Clara, during which, if he accomplished anything from a military standpoint, the fact has been moat effectually concealed. It is now reported that he is going to Spain soon, but the report is probably due to the fact that his son sailed April 80. It was reported last night that an in surgent chief of importance.had been sent to Pinar del Rio. He is believed to have been Quintin Bandera, but the statement lacks confirmation.-, W . From Matanzas and other towns in Havana, Santa Clara and Pinar del Rio comes the news that starvation and dis ease are on the increase. ' A Cuban Officer Captured. ; New York, May 8. A World dis patoh from Havana says: ' , , ; Advices from Sagua la Grande say that Rafael Fernandez, adjutant on the staff of the insurgent General Roban, has been captured. He is an American. He is confined in the military prison at Sagua. ' His case ia receiving atten tion at the hands of Consul Barker. Cuban Reforms to Be Applied.. Madrid, May 8. The queen regent, at the cabinet meeting today, signed a decree providing for the application of the agreed-upon reforms , for Cuba. The action was due to the receipt of a cable message from Captain-General Weyler announcing the western part of the island was pacified. AMERICUS CLUB'S BANQUET. Decorations Were Burned, but the Speeches Were Made. Pittsburg, May 8. The eleventh an nual banquet of the Amerious Club, in memory of General Grant, was held tonight, in spite of the fire in the ban quet hall which destroyed the decora tions and threatened for a time to put a stop to the ceremonies. The club had made great preparations for the event, and the decorators had been at work for several days and had adorned the ceiling with four rows of inverted pyramids, constructed of red, white and blue bunting. The pyramids, several hundred in number,, entirely covered the ceiling, and the points of them ex tended to within about eight feet of the floor. An electric light was suspended from the top of each, and a bunch of smilax festooned from point to point. The effect was very beautiful., The windows were artistically draped, and in the center of the north wall was a lifesize portrait of the hero of Appo mattox, v The club management wished to se cure a photograph of the decorated hall, and in the attempt, to secure a flash light picture an explosion occurred which . was followed by flames which practically destroyed the entire decora tion of the hall. Men were at onoe put to work to remove the debris, and the banquet was delayed only an hour, the dismantled condition of the room prov ing but a slight detraction from the evening's enjoyment. There were 824 diners seated at the table, with U. S. Trent as toastmaster. Fatal Sawmill Explosion. '. Pittsburg, May 8. A boiler explo sion at Alderman's sawmill in- the Kanawah valley, W. . Va., , last night, .killed two men and seriously injured five. The killed are: Perry Devers and George Conley. The injured are: W. Hickman, '"homas Hickman,' Will lam Balton, W'lliam Alderman, John McCauley. 1 lie three former will probably die. The mill was badly wrecked, and tha loss will be heavy. English Contractors Preparing to Build . Several Lines. City of Mexico, May 4. An import ant company has been . incorporated here, with a capital of $1,000,000, the larger part of the shares being 'taken by Pearson & Son, the English contrac tors having in hand the drainage of the Valley of Mexico and the port works at Vera Cruz, with a few Mexican share holders. The new company will be known as the Mexicati Land, Naviga tion & Railway Company. The first ob ject of the company is to build a rail way frorii some suitable point on the National Tehuantepeo road to a desira ble point in the state of Vera Cruz. The government gives a subsidy of ovei 8,000 acres of public lands per kilo meter of railway constructed. On some 400,000 acres of land thus acquired the company will settle European and other colonists. Among other plans of the company is to acquire railways in the southern part of .Vera Cruz, and also the railroad line has already been located, and construction will begin in two months. : THE LEVEES ARE HOLDING. Worst' Is Apparently Over North of . the Red River. New Orleans, May 4. Plspatcheg from all points along the river today show that the levees are holding. A fall of one-tenth at Providence strength ens the belief of engineers that the worst is over from the mouth :of Red river to the Arkansas line. The danger points now are from Red river landing southward. At Plaquemine .today the river rose four-tenths, and the levee, workers in that vicinity are having a hard time keeping the line in a condi tion of safety. The gauge here shows . 19.80 tonight. " Major Richardson, chief of the state engineers, came to the city at the gov ernor's order to act as advisory engi neer on the local work, and declared the defense well constructed. Here and elsewhere the day was devoted to hard work, and no mishaps have occur red. There is considerable alarm about Davis levee, but extensive reinforce ments will be begun there, tomorrow. The High Water at St. Louis. . St Louis, May 4. The continued high water has excited a great interest, as was evinced by the enormous crowds that flocked to the river front today. The river continues to rise, marking 80.95 at 4 P. M. At a number of places along the levee the' railroad tracks were under water. ; The termi nal association, whose tracks are partly under water, expresses no uneasiness. One of the officials stated it would take five feet of water before all their river tracks had been submerged, and , that they had engines which would work in three feet of water, therefore it would take a rise of eight feet beyond the present stage before the company would be incovenienced. - Situation at Matches. Natchez, Miss., May 4. With the exception of a half-tenth rise during the last twenty-four hours,' ., the river situation remains unchanged. The weather having cleared, the situation tonight seems more hopeful. . While the levees are in fair shape, they have many streams of water running through them, necessitating a large ditch to be dug to oarry off the water at Vidalia. They are being worked on by a large force and closely guarded. In many plaoes the river is within less than a foot of the top, and the current is very swift .:. . Circulation of Currency. . 1 Washington, May 4. The monthly statement of the controller -of the cur rency shows that on April 80 the total circulation of national bank notes was $232,802,244, a gain for the year of $8,700,899, and a loss for the month of $906,650. .: " , ,-, The circulation based on United States bonds was $208,768,549, a gain for the year of $5,865,410, and a loss for the month of $999,153. The circulation secured by lawful money was $24,033,695, an increase for the year of $3,835,589, an increase for the month of $92,508. The amount of United States regis tered bonds on deposit to secure circu lating notes was $232,749,300, and to secure public depostis, $16,313,000. , Gunboats Ordered Into Commission. Washington, May 4. The first result of the laying-up of the big cruiser Co lumbia is manifested in the prepara tion of orders by the navy department for the commisson of two new gunboats, Helena and Annapolis. The Helena will go into active service for the first time on June 1, and the Annapolis a week later, on the 7th. These boats will be kept on the North Atlantic sta tion for about three months, when, be ing thoroughly shaken down, they will be sent to one of the foreign stations, probably China, to relieve some of the larger cruisers now in need of over hauling. , , : Alaska Mail Service. Washington, May 4. The first regu-' lar mail service authorized for an en tire year in Alaska has been contracted for by the postofllce department, the service being from Juneau to Circle City, 900 miles each way. , The con tract calls for one round trip a month, beginning July 1, 1897. William F. Sailer; of this city, is the contractor, the contract price being $6,999. .