The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 30, 1897, Image 4

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. : O-rvJ
Get Rid of It!
It Is a sign that you have Kid- 1
ney Disease; Kidney Disease,
If not checked, leads to Bright's
and Bright 's
Because the Kidneys break
. down and pass away with
the urine. -.. ..
. Heed the Danger Signal .
and begin to cure your Kidneys
to-day by taking
Contagious B1ood Poison has been ap
propriately called the curse of mankind.
It is the one disease that physicians can
not cure; their mercurial aud potash
remedies only bottle up the poison in
the system, to surely break forth in a
more virulent form, resulting in a total
wreck of the system.
Mr. Frank B. Martin, a prominent
jeweler at 926 Pensylvania Ave., Wash
ington, D.U.says:
I was for a long
time under treat
ment of two of
the best physi
cians of this city,
for a severe case
of blood poison,
but my condition
grew worse all
the while, .. not
withstanding the
mm tact tuat tney
'lr charged me three
.it t tiiinrlrArl Irtllnra-
lyY My month was
filled witii eatine sores: my tongue was
almost eaten away, so that for three
months I was unable to taste any solid
food. My hair was coming out rapidly,
and I was in a horrible fix. I had tried
various' treatments, and was nearly dis
couraged, when a friend recommended
S.S.S. After T had taken four bottles, I
began to get better, and when I had
finished eighteen bottles, I was cured
sound and well, my skin was without a
blemish, and I have had no return of
the disease. S.S.S.saved me from a life
of misery." S.S.S. (guaranteed purely
vegetable) will cure any case of blood
poison. Books on thedisease
and its treat
ment.' mailed
free by Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
and gladness shine forth from the eye of
the manly and strong. Confidence, self-esteem
and love of society come with 'the re
turn of nature's vigor. Electricity, the force
of vitality, makes men great. It bring.) back
the lire of youth It restores manhood.
Dr. Sandens Electric Belt-is the chosen
spring from which is drawn the vital en
ergy which infuse the veins of men and
develops the nerve and physical powers.
The vigorous standard of our race is im
proved by it. . '
Walla Walla, Wash., Feb. 21.
-Dear Sir Yours of the 17th inst.. Inquiring
about my proEress in using your belt, which I
got several weeks ago, is at hand, and I was
very glad to hear from you. I am pleased to
sav and I know you will be pleased to hear it
that I am cured. I cannot speak too highly
of your wonderful belt, and will take pleasure
In recommending it, as any one can appreciate
it when he has been restored to manhood as I
have. I don't need to go over my Bymptoms,
but would recommend any one suffering from
lost manhood, or any disease arising from the
liver, ktdnevs or blood, to use vour belt. I re
main yours truly, L. G. TREMPLE.
. 721 Alder St., Walla Walla, WaBh.
Do you wish to read the story of how vital
force is renewed by electricity? If so, get Dr.
Sanden's book "THREE CLASSES OF MEN,"
whleh will be sent, closely sealed, free from
ebsorvation, upon request.
Sanden Electric Belt Co.
- - 253 West Washington St., Portland, Or, -
When writing to advertiser mtntUm this paper.
1 Large bottle or new style smaller one
at your druggist's. ;
Blood Poison.
1 Lk
VJ Best CouRh Syrup. Tastes Good. Use A
ril In time. Sold by dniiiirlsts. -
XT.P.N.U. No. 699 S.F.N.U. No, 776
There are more wrinkles In the face of a
baby monkey than there are in that of an
old baboon. And speaking of wrinkles,
more of them can be wrought out in a fair
young face by neuralgia than in that of an
aged person. Constant pain will shrivel,
and neuralgia neglected will plow its fur
rows deep. It not only wrinkles, but takes
the bloom away and gives the skin a dull
and yel low look. St. Jacobs Oil is a prompt
and sure cure for neuralgia, and it should
be used, as while it soothes and cures, it
smooths out the tracks of pain and leaves
the skin healthy and fair again ; besides it
rids the sufferer of much torment and re
stores a happier disposition. Gook looks
come only with good health, and health is
found in the absence of pain. - .
The chaplains of the Oklahoma legis
lature receive $1.50 per day, or just
half the sum set apart for the men who
clean the spittoons. '.
This is often felt in every joint and muscle of
the body by turns, by people who, experiencing
the earliest twinges of rheumatism, neglect to
arrest the malady, as they may easily do, with
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, a professionally
authenticated remedy- for the agonizing com
plaint. Recollect that rheumatism unchecked
often lasts a lifetime, or abruptly terminates it
when the malady attacks the heart. The Bitters
also remedies chills and fever, dyspepsia and
liver complaint.
1 The Isle of Man possesses many priv
ileges and unique features. It has a
mnsio all its own.
9100 REWARD S100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
fearn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure knows to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucouB
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the
toundation of the disease, and giving the pa
tient strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors nave so much faith in its curative
powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold bv Druggists, 7oc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best
The ancients knew how to cheat
Loaded dice have been found in the
ruins of, Herculaneum.
All Eastern Syrup, 'So-called, usually very
light colored and ol heavy body, is made from
glucose. "Tea Garden Drips" is made from
Sugar Cane and is strictly pure. It is for sale
by ti rst-cl ass grocers, in cans only. Manufac
tured by the Pacific Coast Syrup Co. All gen
uine "Tea Garden Drips" have the manufac
turer's name lithographed on every can.
Before the great freeze in Florida the
annual orange crop was from 8,000,000
to 10,000,000 boxes. The estimate for
this season is 70,000 boxes.
Piso's Cnre for Consumption has been a
family medicine with us since 1865. J. R.
Madison, 2409 42d ave., Chicago, I1L
Instead of the regular county teach
ers' meetings, it is proposed in Pierce
county to have a Chatauqua meeting
to remain in session two or three weeks.
On the summit of Ben Lomond are
the smallest-, trees in Great Britain.
They are dwarf willows and when ma
tured are only about two inches in
height. ' r
From figures recently published at
Munich, Bavaria, it appears that there
are now in Central Europe 15,644 gas
engines, which aggregate 52,694 horse
. In Brazil, at a funeral of an unmar
ried woman, the mourning color is scar
let. The coffin, the hearse, the trap
pings of the horse and the livery of the
driver are all scarlet.
A German statistician says that of
every 10,000 chimneys three are struck
by lightning, while of the same num
ber of towers and windmills sixty and
eighty respectively are struck.
, The slowest breeders of all known
animals, a pair of elephants, would be
come the progenitors of 19,000,000 ele
phants in 750 years, if death did not
He Watson and his wife were held
np by footpads last night. She Good
gracious I Did they lose any of their
money? He not a oent. You see, they
were ooming home from the ladies'
bazaar. Ohio State Journal.
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the ,
transient nature of the many phys-j
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge, that so many forms of
sickness are not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system, which the pleasant
family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. , That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of families, and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value' good health. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
all important, in order to get its bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists.
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
Jsed and gives most general satisfaction.
News ' Gathered In All the Towns of
. Our Neighboring States Improve
ment Noted In All Industries Oregon.
A contract has been- let to bnild a
new courthouse at Coquille City, to cost
. The liabilities of Crook county, on
March 81, last, were 135,687, and the
resouroes $43,548.
For the first time in twenty-five years
the circuit court for Benton county con
cluded a session without a jury trial.
Superintendent J. F. Nowlen has been
examining Umatilla county schools.
He reports all to be in excellent condi
tion. County Treasurer Lindlev, of Jack
son county, last week forwarded the
last of the state tax money due, $2,-242.13.-
A1 number of stookraisers around
Paulina, in Crook county, stopped feed
ing their stock this week, and turned
them out on the range.
. The semiannual statement of Wallowa
county shows that on March 31 last
the county's liabilities were $30,182,
and its resources $13,493.
D. B. Kidder, of Baker City, is in
the Long Creek valley, Grant county,
making up a band of 5,000 yearling
wethers, paying for them $1.50 a head.
Those opposed to a new courthouse
being built in Coos couunty, have
served an injunction upon the mem
bers of the county board to restrain
the building.
' Klamath county has warrants out
standing to the amount of $62,301, and
the intererst thereon is $15,675. The
county's resources are estimated to be
of the value of $19,461. ,
Sheepraisers of Crook county have
had a very successful lambing season,
nearly all of the lambs being saved.
All sheep have wintered well and their
wool is in good condition.
The semiannual report of the county
officials of Lake county shows the total
outstanding and unpaid warrants to be,
with estimated interest, $42,434.86,
while the total of unpaid taxes due and
owing the county is $35,658.90.
Measles are interfering with school
work in The Dalles. About half the
pupils in two of the rooms at Academy
Park are out, either sick or afraid of
taking. the disease, while a number are
absent front the high school and the
Union-street primary.
An ordinance has been passed by the
oity oonncil of Ashland to prohibit card
playing or dice throwing for pleasure or
profit by minors, and is intended to
operate to prevent minors from playing
the nickel-in-the-slot machines as well
as other games. The ordinance fixes a
penalty for allowing minors to play at
such games, and is an addition to the
general ordinance against gambling.
' A Columbia river rancher will plant
forty acres to peanuts and sweet pota
toes this spring.
Work will soon begin on a new and
larger stookyards on the Northern Pa
cific, at Garfield.
Sheepshearers have arrived in Prosser
and it is expected that 20,000 sheep
will be sheared there this season.
The rush of prospectors to the Okan
ogan, Methow and Reservation mining
districts through Wilbur has com
menced. " -
A cattleman of North Yakima last
week sold to a Seattle buyer a carload
of cattle at $42 per head, making a
total payment of $798.
A bicyolist last week made the dis
tance between Olympia and Tacoma in
one hour and 58 minutes. This is the
best record made so far.
The owners of dairy cows in Kittitas
county had to feed the cows 140 days
during the winter just passed, instead
of the usual ninety days.
The annual rose carnival in Tacoma
will be held July 1, 2 and 3, and in
connection with the celebration there
will be a water pageant. -
Specimens of fire clay taken from
Silver- lake, near Castle Bock, have
been tested and pronounoed of good
quality for brick-making and pottery
, Cheney ministers are talking of form
ing a local union for more united work.
A majority of the ministers of the city
met last week, and discussed in an in
formal way the advisability of the pro
ject. . Cattlemen are scouring Walla Walla
county for beef cattle. What few cat
tle there are left are not in good con
dition, but they are expected to be in
such shape by May 1 that shipments
may be made.
The oity oounoil of Walla Walla has
under consideration ' an ordinance to
prohibit street meetings or demonstra
tions of any description, except parades,
unless a permit is given by the mayor.
The ordiance has passed to its third
reading, and the chance of its becom
ing a law is good. .-.
Hogbuyers in Eastern Washington
are buying Logs to ship to Missouri
river points; at the same time , Seattle
packing houses are shipping pork, pro
ducts into Eastern ' Washington, am
pork is being shipped from Nebraska to
Seattle, says the- Spokane Chronicle.
This, it is said, is ruining the hograis
ing industry in Eastern Washington.
Two years ago the Palouse oountry had
75, p00 hogs, the Potlatoh oountry 40,
000, the Big Bend country, 80,000.
New they have not more than one-third
that many, at most.
A Resume of Events in
Downing, Hopkins A Company's Review
of Trade.
The past week has been a -very active:
one in the wheat market, prices ad-!
vancing materially and substantially.!
Liquidation by the long interest has!
ceased and the speculative short sellers!
have been liberal buyers to cover pre-;
vions sales. The principal oauses for;
this reversal have been the renewed ex-i
port demand and the unprecedented!,
large sales of flour, mostly for hornet
consumption. In addition, crop pros-
pects in American are much less favor-,
able. The winter wheat crop now!
promises no importaijt inorease com-!
pared with that of Jast year. The ex-j
oessive moisture has generally retarded
the seeding of spring wheat, particular-)
ly in the Northwest, where severe
floods in the Bed river and Jim river!
valleys promise ; to seriously delayj
spring seeding, and is certain to pre-j
vent any large inorease in acreage sown!
as compared with last year. J
Hot winds in California have oau sedj
extensive damage and advanced prices
in San Francisco markets equal to 12c
per bushel
The total crop yield how promises not
to be sufficiently larger than that of
last year to meet the increasing demand
for American breadstuff's by importing
countries. In this connection it should
be remembered that since the war with
China, Japan has subsidized her mer
chant marine with the war indemnity.
The consequent reduotion in ocean
freight rates has led to large sales of
wheat and flour to Japan and China,
amounting to 28,000,000 bushels dnring
the present crop year. The opening
up of this new market for our wheat is
certain to have a stimulating effect on
values. Nothing but the lack of specu
lation , prevents an advance in prices.
The export demand, if continued, with
our present small stocks, may lead to
inoreased speculative aotivity and fur
nish the market with that support the
lack of which caused the recent de
cline. : -
Market Quotations.
Portland, Or., April 27, 1897.
Flour Portland, Salem, Casoadia
and Dayton, $4.00; Benton county and
White Lily, $4.00; graham, $3.40; su
perfine, $2.75 per barrel.
Wheat Walla Walla, 73 74c; Val
ley, 75c per bushel.
Oats Choice white, 8840o per
bushel; choice gray, 87 89c.
Hay Timothy, $14. 00 16.00 per
ton; clover, $11.5012.50; wheat and
oat, $12.0013.50 per ton.
Barley Feed barley, $17.50 per ton;
brewing, $18 19.
Millstuffs Bran, $14.60; shorts,
$16.50; middlings, $26.
Butter Creamery, 85c; dairy, 25
27c; store, 17M30o per roll.
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks,5565c;
Garnet Chilies, 6070o; Early Rose,
8085o per sack; sweets, $2.75 per
cental for Merced; new potatoes, 8o
per pound. , . ..
Onions $2. 50 2. 75 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.75
8.50; geese, $4. 00 5. 00; turkeys, live,
ll12o; ducks, $6.007.00 per dozen.
Eggs Oregon, 9c per dozen. '
Cheese Oregon, llc; Young
America, 12Jo per pound. ' '
Wool Valley, 12c per pound; Eastern
Oregon, 6 8c :
Hops 5 8c per pound.
Beef Gross, top steers, $3.50;
cows, $2. 25 3. 00; dressed beef, 4
6c per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, $3. 50 3. 76; dressed mut
ton, 6o per pound. . . .
Hogs Gross, choice, heavy, $4.00
4.25; light and feeders, $2.508.00;
dressed $4. 50 5. 25 per cwt '
Veal Large, 84c; small, 4fJ
6 per pound.
Seattle, Wash., April 27, 1887. -Wheat
Chicken feed, $27 per ton.
Oats Choice, $2324 per ton.
Barley Rolled or ground, $20 per
ton. .
Corn Whole, $20 per ton; cracked,
$2021; feed meal, $1920.
Flonr (Jobbing) Patent excellent,
$4.80; Novelty A, $4.50; California
brands, $4.90; Dakota, $5.65; patent,
$6.40. - -. -
Millstuffs Bran, $14.00 per ton;
shorts, $18.
Feed Chopped feed, $18.00 per ton;
middlings, $22; oilcake meal, $30.
Hay Puget sound, per ton, $11.00;
Eastern Washington, $15.
Butter Fancy native creamery,
brick, 20c; ranch, 14 15; California,
1417. ,
a. Cheese Native Washington, 12c -
Vegetables Potatoes, per ton, $15.50
16; parsnips, per sack, 75c; beets,
per sack, 60c; turnips, per sack, 60c;
rutabagas, per sack, 60c; carrots, per
sack, 40 50c; cabbage, per 100 lbs,
$1.50; onions, per 100 lbs, $3.25.
Sweet potatoes Per 100 lbs, $4.00.
Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,
hens, lOo; ducks, $6 6. 60. .
Eggs Fresh ranch, 1218o. ;
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef,
steers, 7c; cows, 6o; mutton, sheep,
8o per pound; lamb, 5o; pork, 6c per
pound; veal, small, 8c. . v
Fresh Fish Halibut, " 4)6o;
salmon, 68c; salmon trout, 7 10c;
flounders and soles, 8 4c. - i
small, llc; breakfast bacon, lOo; dry
salt 8 ides, 6c per pound. .
Fruits Lemons, California, fancy,
$2.503; choice, $; Cal fornia fancy
navals, $3 3. 50.
San Francisco, April 27, 1897.
Potatoes Salinas Burbanks, 90c
$1.10; Early Rose, 60 70c; River Bur
banks, 60 65c; sweets, $1.501.75
per cental. '
Onions $2. 60 8. 00 per cental. ';
Eggs .Ranch, 1012o per dozen, i
Butter Fancy creamery, 18)o; do
seconds, 1212Jo; fancy dairy, 12o;
seconds, 10llo.
Cheese Fanoy mild, new, 67o;
fair to good, 56o; Young Ameriea,
7 8c; Eastern, 14 140,
Champion Michael Advises Use of
Paine's Celery Compound.
James Michael is the champion long
distance bicyclist of the world.
He recommends all wheelmen te
take Paine's celery compound.
His experience is that of thousands
of others. With the opening of the
bicycle season many a young person and
hundreds of older people who have de
termined to take up bicycling as a
health-giving exercise find themselves
really lacking the proper "snap" or
stamina to begin on. Their bodily
condition prevents so spirited exercise.
They would like to ride, but they are
out of sorts, run down by a winter of
work or indoor life. ' Many who are
really sick, who have Buffered from
debility or wasting diseases for a long
time until they bad begun to think
their troubles had become chronic, as
nothing gave them relief, would turn
to bicycling for relief. But this splen
did exercise, like any other, requires
strength to undertake. The blood is
out of order, the nerves deranged; and
-nature's food for both is needed.
, All such persons will find to their
immense joy that Paine's celery com
pound, taken now, will make them well.
Paine's celery compound works won
ders in the spring. If yon have labored
nnder the load of repeated headaches,
neuralgic pains and days of nervous de
bility, now is your best time to get well.
Michael is today the most phenomenal
rider in professional ranks. As far
back as 1894 he was undisputed cham
pion of Great Britain, and in the fol
lowing year he went to France and j
scored twenty-five straight wins against
the picked riders of Europe, He has
defeated such famous men as Jacquelin, '
;Gougoltz, Huret, Rivierre, Bonhours, 1
Bourrillon and Barden of England, and
Leyten, the Belgian champion. j
Cheapest Power...
i't H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline,
i-a H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline.
. M H. P. Regan, Gas or Gasoline. ,
1-3 H. P. Oriental, Gas or Gasoline.
1-4 H. P. Otto, Gas or Gasoline.
1-4 H. P. Pacific, Gas or Gasoline.
1-6 H. P. Hercules, Gas sr Gasoline.
mo H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline.
Stats Hr WantM ant Writ
&XZ8Z, ....Engine Works
t&e, Qasolin nd Oil Enginti. l to 200 H. P. '
Its wearing qualities are nnsurpassed.aotually
outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Free
from Animal Oils. GIT TUB GENUINE.
and Dealers generally.
Has. Wxn&lows SooTanre ff vbxtp ihouM always be
a nMd trtr- hiMrn tMthinor II MMitha th& child- loft-
k eui the arums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is 4
L tha best remedy (or diarrhoea. Twenty fire cents a
l Dotcie. n is we Desc ui an.
The Universal Supply House, Established 1SS5
Groceries, Hardware,
Agricultural Implements,
Harness, Boots, Shoes, Pry Goods, Music, Etc.
Send 4e tw Large Illustrated Catalogues.
Hoxi 8vm.TGo.,lSFrontSt.,SanFranlaaolCal
He has just returned from Europe
and is now ready to join the racing men
on the Pacific coast, despite - the large
amount of work be has gone through
during the past months. .
Michael has made cycle racing a care
ful study, and is in a position to give
excellent advice not only to racing men
but to wheelmen and athletes in gen
eral. In reference to his own methods
the following letter will interest every
body. Boston, Mass; , Feb. 21, 1897.
After the exertion of my record rides
while with the Morgan & Wright team
in the south last winter, during which
I lost somewhat in weight, on account
of the unaccustomed climate, I was ad
vised to use Paine's celery compound.
I am pleased to say that it gave such
satisfaction that I was impelled to use
it again to brace up from the effects of
the two unusually rough ocean trips
that I have taken during the past
month. I believe that wheelmen who
have to undergo the hardships of "cir
cuit chasing" will find Paine's celery
compound of assistance in keeping up
their physical tone. :
Every one needs to take a spring rem
edy to purify their blood, arouse the
circulation and counteract the debilitat
ing effect of months of confining work,
worry and excitement.
The more intelligent portion of every
community are the ones who best rec
ommend Paine's , celery compound.
They have looked into this great rem
edy, followed its remarkable achieve
ments in the case of friends, neighbors
and relatives, and know just what to
expeot from its use as a nerve and brain
strengthener and restorer and an ideal
invigorator for a rundown system.
Rebuilt Gas and
...Gasoline Engines
for Prlees...
Hercules Gas
Make money bv suc
cessful speculation la
Chicago. We buy and
sell wheat there on mar-
gins, f ortunes nave been made on a small
beginning by trading in futures. Write for
rull particulars. Best of reference given. Sev-
Trade, and a thorough knowledge of the busi
ness. Downing, Hopkins 4t Co., Chicago Board
of Trade Brokers. Offices is Portland, Oregon-
Spokane and Seattle, Wash.
- II In sizes '
Finck's "C. C." Razor
3 4-8. 5-8 and 6-8. Prie. &4.BO.
Can be exchanged it not satisfactory.
Send for General Catalogue or Catalogue of
Sporting Goods or Barber Supplies.
80 Market St. San Francisco, Cal.
oALiCi liable Job Press, quarto
; one Favorite Paper Cutter, 81x41 In
cbes. Cheap for cash. Address, Catholic Sen
tinel, 250 Oak street, Portland, Oregon.
RUPTURE and PILES cured; no pay un
til eared; sen for book. Dfts. JhLissS'lltUt
'qbtebfixu, 338 Market St., Ban FrauclMe,