The Hood River acier It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.. VOL. VIII. HOOD ' RIVEE, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1897. NO. 49. Epitome of the Telegraphic h News of the World.. ; TERSE TICKS FROM THE WIRES An Interesting Collection of Items Front the New and the Old World In : . Condensed and Comprehensive Form It is reported that the Oregon deiegn E 1 ; tion in congress has recommended Pro- ! feasor H. B. Miller, president of the state agricultural "college at Corvallis, ' for a diplomatic appointment to Ger- .. jnany. . . .. !:' Company Q, Oregon National Guard, I Allan J. Walker, captain, has beendis- i banded by order of Governor Lord. ffhe company's headquarters were at I iMyrtle Point, Coos county. The ' resignation of Captain Walker, made 1 necessary by his removal , from the I ' state, was the cause for making the or- j der. The president has sent to congress the .', report of the boundary commission ap- , : pointed to locate the boundary line be 1 . tween Mexico and the United States, west of the Rio Grande river. The i president's message merely transmits i . , the papers filed by the commission . with the state department, consisting of I printed volumes and maps. ; . , The Odd Fellows of Walla Walla ; ' royally observed the seventy-eighth an , . piversary of the order. Excursions from the surrounding towns swelled the crowd present. Business houses were closed and all buildings were beauti- jfully decorated for the occasion. The main part of the programme was the laying of the cornerstone of the new ( Odd Fellows' Home. ' A dispatch from Coulee City, WaBh., saysthat while Grift Jones, Charles . Deeter and Ray Weston were rounding . up a band of young horses on lower , Crab oreek, they undertook to swim the horses, below Rocky ford, aoross" the stream. While crossing the horses be 1 came entangled and unruly, and Jones ' and Weston were thrown into the water. . and drowned, while Deeter managed to reach the shore. ' Private John N. Stamm, of Walla Walla barracks, was accidentally shot during target practice, and it is not possible for him to recover. Sergeant Manes'' pistol snappsd while aiming at the target. He returned to where Stamm was standing, and was explain ing to him the reason why the car tridge failed to explode. In doing this ' he pulled the trigger, and the revolver was discharged, the bullet striking . Stamm in the groin, and passing entire ly through the body, perforating the. intestines, and coming out of the back. The governors of Oregon and Wash ington have received copies of the call ( for the annual meeting ot the trans- . Mississippi congress, to be held this, year in Salt Lake City, July 14 to 18, with a request that they designate a number of oitizens to represent the states, including, "at least one speaker, who will be prepared to present some general subjcet in which the state is in terested."' The objects of the congress are to secure closer trade relations and ' national legislation of benefit to states west of the Mississippi. .W.J.Bryan has been made president of the congress. 'A number of Japanese have left San Francisco for Mexico, where a colony will be formed on land granted them by . the Mexican government The body of Captain Evan Davies, of the British four-masted ship Delcairnie, who drowned over four months ago in the harbor at Astoria, has been picked up by a fisherman. The remains were positively identified by papers found in ' the pocket. '. The great coon and varmint hunt on Fox island, Washington, in which; sev eral hundred hunters participated, was anything but a suooess as a varmint-, killing bee, though all who attended were well satisfied, as the courtesies of ,-x the islanders made the outing a most -" enjoyable one. ' Seth L. Milliken, representing in the bouse of representatives the third dis trict of Maine, died at Washington. For some ; time he had suffered from a serious ' affection of the bronchial tubes, which last week developed alarmingly, and was accompanied by kidney and liver complications. A dispatch from Baker City, Or., '.-''', says that Powder river is higher than it has ever been known to be, and is doing great damage.. Only one bridge remains in the city, and if the warm ' weather continues, it will go out. The Sumpter , Valley railroad is flooded for miles, and trains will not be running for weeks. The northern residence por tion of the oity e inundated. Chief Justice Fuller, of the United States supreme court, has refused a writ, of habeas corpus in the case of El verton R. Chapman, a broker, who re fused to testify in the sugar speculation investigation as to whether senators : . had speculated in sugar stocks while the - Wilson tariff bill was before that body. ' The' sentence of the supreme court of the Distriot of Columbia to 80 days in' jail and $100 fine was affirmed, and , ' Chapman's application for writi of cer tiorari tad habeas corpus were denied. THREE MEN DROWNED. Fishermen Lose Their Lives Near Bonneville. Bonneville, Or.,' April 28. Three Finnish fishermen John Snnquist, Anton Johnson and a man named Suyne were drowned yesterday morning in the Columbia, in the narrow channel between the Oregon side and the island directly above this place. Only the body of Sunquist has been recovered. The men had been visiting their nets, whioh were set in an eddy, near the shore, and were tacking back to Bonne ville. There is a fearful current in the river in the channel, particularly at the present stage of water, and naviga tion is alway dangerous. When in one of the most hazardous places in the stream, the wind, which was blowing a gale, caught the sail and capsized the boat, dumping the three men into the rapid water. They . instantly disap peared. ; ''..' A man named 01in,who was walking along the traok of the O. R. & N. , wit nessed the accident, and endeavored to get a boat out to the rescue, but was unable to launch it in the rapid cur rent Seeing that all efforts to save the men would be in vain, he ran down the traok abreast of the Boat, whioh was drifting swiftly down stream, and caught it after it had lodged on a boom near the mouth of Tanner creek, below Bonneville. ' A taut rope extended from the boom into the water, which pulled and tugged in the current, as if there was an anchor attached to it. Pulling it up, Olin was horrified to see that it sup ported the body of a man, and lifted out Sunquist, dripping and lifeless. He immediately searched about in hope that the other two men had se cured themselves to the boat, but could find neither of them, and their bodies have not as yet been recovered. , Sunquist's presence of mind in secur ing himself to the boat might have saved bim in easy water, but it availed only to save bis body in the terrible water below the cascades. t ' .K; FORMAL SESSIONS. No Business Transacted In Either House of Congress. Washington, April 28. The senate chamber had a deserted appearance when the session opened today, many of the senators having gone to New York to attend the Grant ceremonies. Harris of Tennessee was at his desk for the first time in many weeks, and was congratulated on his recovery from a serious illness. In the absence of the vice-president and President Pro-tem. Frye Nelson occupied the chair. Dr. Milburn's opening prayer was an eloquent refer ence to the gathering of , thousands to pay tribute to the great chieftain, Grant, and he prayed that the glow of patriotism '. freshly kindled ; may strengthen our government and the union of states. When the Indian bill was reported from the house, an effort was made to send it to conference, but Gorman ob jected, saying it had been understood that no business was to be transacted. Thereupon,' at 12:25 P. M., on motion of Morrill, the senate adjourned. " In the House. - .'," Washington, April 28. The - house held a purely formal session today. Many of the members had gone to New York' to attend the Grant mounment exercises, and, under the arrangement made last week, after the reading of 'the journal, adjournment was imme diately taken. The president's message transmitting the report of the Mexican boundary line commission was, how ever, reoeived before adjournment. There was less than fifty members pres ent. , , , Accident in London. London, April 28. A tremendous explosion occurred on the undergound Tailway at 6:80 this evening, as a train filled with men from th ecity was mak ing its usual stop at the Aldersgate sta tion. . The glass roof of the station was blown out, and the platform was strewn with debris. Many of the gaslights in the waiting-rooms and on the platforms were extinguished, and the station was left in semi-darkness. 'A panic ensued. When comparative quiet had been re stored, it was found that a first-class coach had been wrecked, and that its occupants were lying about maimed and bleeding. Ten of the injured were found to be in a precarious condition, and were removed to the hospitals. A number of persons who were standing on the platform were also hurt. Much of the wreckage was hurled across the station. The cause of the explosion is not known, but it is believed to have been the result of an accumulation of gas which became ignited in some way. Many persons, however, believe the dis aster was not due to acoident, but was caused by the explosion of a bomb, which had been placed in the station with the intention of wrecking it. Fatal Boating Accident. San Francisco, April 28. Charles W. Lehmann, a young banking clerk employed by the German Savings & Loan Society, went yachting yesterday with a party of friends, and while be ing transferred form one of the yachts to another slipped upon the stern of the yawl and sank, probably striking his head as he went down. He caught the side of the frail craft and tipped it so that it filled rapidly and sank, throw ing the three owupanti into the bay. Larissa Evacuated by Con stantino's Army. LEFT THEIR GUNS SPIKED Greek Foroes Obliged to ' dive Way Before the Turks Osman Pasha's Flan of Campaign Details of Retreat. Athens, April 27. Larissa has been completely evacuated by the Greeks, who spiked their guns and carried away 'all the moveable cannon and munitions of war. All telegraphio communication with Larissa- is interupted, but it is under stood that the retreat ot the Greek army was conducted with the best of order. The exoitement and disquiet at Athens because of the sudden abandonment of Larissa continues, but the tranquility of the city is unbroken." The foreign warships have been sig naled off Phalerum. A special dis patch received from the frontier asserts that the Turks, while attacking Mati, 'were repulsed several times yesterday. lAt 6 o'clock in the evening, the Greek ! forces were obliged to give way. The Greeks retreated in good order on Ka raoles, where they are intrenched. The wounded remain at Larissa un der protection of the Red Cross flag'. . The evening papers counseled the people of Athens to receive the bad .news with patience and sang froid, con sidering that the army fought coura geously in defense of the national hon or, paying the price by heavy sacri fices. ' .: ;. ' A Semi-Offlclal Announcement Athens, April 27. The semi-official announcement was made this after noon; "In a fierce engagement at Mati yesterday the troops fought hero ically until 6 o'clock in ; the evening, and compelled the Turks . to retreat, whereupon the Turks were heavily re inforced, and our post ions were shaken and a retreat ordered. It is not' yet known if the retreat was general." A second dispatch from headquarters of the staff says: "Our troops are con centrated along the line of Pharsalosis, and in consequence of these operations the abandonment of Tyrnavos and La jrissa is considered inevitable." i The Retreat From Larissa. Athens, April 27. About 4 o'olock yesterday, the official in charge of the telegraph office at Larissa, observing a cloud of dust raised by the advanoing cavalry of the Turks, asked leave to dis mantle the office. " He was directed to leave it Since 8 P. M. Saturday, the Larissa office had made no response to calls from Athens. 1 A Reveni dispatch says Edhem iPasha, on learning that the Greeks had 'been ordered to fall back, attempted to deliver a crushing blow with consider able force, which had been resting thirty-six hours, and succeeded in breaking through the Greek lines in several places. : A report has ' reached here that a Turkish force of 12,000 men, having pushed its way through, the passes at Viodendros, Analipsis, Nezeros and Rapsani, has descended on Derilf. The Greeks have retreated to Makrychori. It would appear, however, that the position at Reveni itself, and at Bough nzi is unaltered. The Greeks, as a re sult of the orders of Crown Prince Con- 'sVantine, stopped just short of seizing Damasi. ' Details of the Retreat. London, April 27. A dispatch . to the Times from Milouna says: '. The Greeks abandoned Kritiri during the night and fled. The Turks are now marching on Larissa. Edhem Pasha will not allow his troops to enter the town, which, but little damaged, is sur rounded by a cordon of cavalry, An officer with a squadron of horse has been - dispatched for the protection of the Greek monastery in case of any dis order. ':. The Greeks, in their' hurried flight, forgot to cut the telegraph wires be tween Milouna and ' Tyrnavos. The Turkish cavalry has reached the envir ons of Larissa and has taken several Greek soldiers captive. These say a perfect panic prevails in the town. Edhem Pasha makes his headquar ters in Greece tonight. The sultan has lent him the Immiaz order in bril liants. The coast road between Elas sona and Milouna has been cleared, and thus a supply of provisions and ammunition is assured. The discipline of the army is excellent. Today it is rumored here that the Crown Prince Constantino has fled. , The Turkish loss so far has not been great, only about 400 at the mOBt. The Post's Athens correspondent says: A terrible panio took place on Friday night during the retreat, which became a miserable rout, the Turkish cavalrjr using rifles, bayonets and re volvers indiscriminately. The corre spondents of the London Times and the Reuter Telegram Company were nearly killed. Mr. Williams, who represents the Daily Chronicle, remained at Tyr navos. Other correspondents lost their ketches and their baggage. The Daily Telegraph's Elassona cor respondent says that Edhem Pasha's or ders with respeot to the inviolability of private property are strictly respect ed by bis troops. FLOOD, AT. OTTUMWA. Des Moines River Rose Suddenly and Broke the Levee's. Ottumwa, la., April 28. The Des Moines river, whioh last midnight was stationary at high-water mark, estab lished by the great flood of 1892, sud denly began to climb, and by 8 o'olock today had added fifteen inches to the record. The levees broke in - many places, railroad embankments were un dermined and hundreds of families were compelled to quit their residences in great haste. In Ottumwa, 600 fam ilies were compelled to move, a large number making their escape in boats. At Bradyville, eighteen miles north of this city, 150 families vacated their domiciles, and the principal streets are navigated in rowboats. At South Ot tumwa, the river flows parallel With the main street. It broke across this street this morning, and caused a panic and scramble for higher ground. Five thousand people reside in this suburb. Several hundreds deserted , their resi dences and removed their goods. The water stands four feet deep in Fairview. Farm lands are completely inundated. A large reservoir situated at the sum mit of Court hill is the source of consid erable fear. The recent downpour has swollen the sources of supply, and the reservoir is now so full that it threatens to burst and flood the pop ulous districts just below. Rich farming lands above and below this city are - inundated. The flood there has not reached a high stage, but has spread out in many places to a width of five to six miles. No. loss of life has been reported, but the damage to property will be very large. Railway traffic is almost at. a stand still. All the small stream b in South ern Iowa are out of their banks. Rail road bridges are gone and travel by high way is out of the question. The Bur lington line between Chicago and Den ver is cut in two by five miles of inun dated tracks. Through passenger and freight trains are being run over the Galesburg & St. Louis and the Hanni bal & St. Joseph roads to Omaha. ' The Rock Island also has five miles of traok under water west of here. Train set-vice was kept in motion with Keokuk until late this afternoon, when a large section of track went out at Cliffland, effeoutally blocking the Rock Island east and west. The Milwaukee & St. Paul roundhouse and yards are under water, and part of one approach to their bridge has been washed away. Trains are running only between Ottumwa and Marion. The Chicago Great West ern line is entirely shut off. So is the Iowa Central. The Wabash still has entrance from the south, but is shut off on the north end. Work on the levees has progressed since last Friday, but the sudden rise this morning destroyed a great part of the labor. Large forces are employed tonight in an endeavor to prevent fur ther breaks. The suburbs have thus far been the worst sufferers. West Ottum wa, a Jarge residence section, is entire ly flooded, and the water is still rising. (The inhabitants cling to their homes, however hoping that the worst is over. i . ..'.' The Report From St. Louis. St. Louis, April 28. The Mississippi river registered a decline here this monring, but above, at Keokuk, Han nibal and other places, a rise of 1.6 feet is shown and the Missouri is also booming. At Kansas City the advance for the past forty-eight hours has been fully two feet, while at Boonville it is one-half foot. There are places near Quincy where the water spreads over the low lands from bluff to bluff, mak ing the river from eight to ten miles wide. . The levees can stand a foot or two more of water, but the danger lies in the continual rising of surface water on the inside, whioh is now almost to the top of the banks. ' Memphis Relief Work Ended. Memphis, April 28. The Memphis flood sufferers' relief committee acting in conjunction with the war depart ment, ordered the formal closing of Camp Congo, at the home established for flood refugees early in the overflow season. AH planters were notified t" send in transportation for farmhands at once, as no further rations would be is sued. . . Condition at Hannihal. St. Louis, April 28. A dispatch from Hannibal, Mo., says: Flood con ditions are becoming alarming. The government gauge at 10 o'clock this morning registered eighteen feet and eleven inohes, being nearly two feet above the danger line. . The water is up to Front street, and cellars on Main street are filled. " ' Bridge Over the Kaw Damaged. Kansas City, Mo., April 28. One span of ' the Northwestern railroad bridge across the Kaw has been forced out of plumb by a great mass of drift wood.' Water Almost In Winnipeg. Winnipeg, April 28. The Red river continues to rise, and the flood situa tion is serious. The water is higher than in thirty years. Emerson, St. John and other towns between Winni peg. and the Dakota boundary line are under four feet of water, and the people aTe living in barns or the upper stories of their houses. The railroads , cannot run trains, and all communication is shut off with several points. Winnipeg will have the water in day met. . I SITUATION IN Weyier Will Attack Cubans by Land and Sea. SMALLPOX H$S' BROKEN OUT Four Americans In Cabanas Have Contracted the Dreaded Disease One Already Dead Lee Intervenes. New York, April 26. A dispatch to the Herald from Havana says: Smallpox has made its appearance in Cabanas prison. Owen Melton, an American correspondent and a member of the Competitor crew, contrived to send a note to friends here under date of April 18, in which he says: "Smallpox has appeared in cell No. 4, in' which there are four Americans. One prisoner has died and three others have got the disease. I nursed a friend named Gonzales, not knowing he had smallpox, and so I suppose I will have it. I can only hope for the best." This information was carried to Gen eral Lee and he promptly informed the United States government of the state of affairs, also wrote Acting Captain General Ahumada inquiring if there had been smallpox in Cabanas, and what steps had been taken to guard the health of the Americans imprisoned there. A reply was received making no statement of the prevalence of the disease, but stating that the Amerioans would be vaccinated at once. ' It is thought here that the appear ance of smallpox will make the Amer ican government press for the release of Melton and others, as it is understood Spain has practically decided to liberate them, i General Weyier is an obstacle to the release of any Americans. He said last week in Santa Clara that Amerioans were set at liberty without good cause. General Weyler's recent declaration that Santa Clara is paoified means that newspaper fighting there will be meager. Nevertheless he admits that within three days of his declaration of tran quility more than ninety rdbels were killed in the province. He says he will no longer require any troops to fill the places of his killed and wounded, which means simply that he has been told to expeot no more soldiers from Spain. '. The situation in Banes, a seaport town in Santiago de Cuba, now com mands much attention here. The gun boat Galioia and the cruisers Nueva Espana and Reina Mercedes are waiting outside the narrows until three columns sent by General Weyier have had time to move on the rebels by land. The insurgents have held the town since Roloff's expedition landed there on March 25. The harbor is one naturally capable of easy defense, and it is said the insurgents have placed torpedoes in the channel. It is most difficult to. learn any definite news of the recent operations there, but it is plain that the Spanish recognize the necessity of moving in foroe against the town and attempting to attack it simultaneously by land and sea, for the purpose of pre venting the rebels from continuing to hold the port. General Gomez, according to the last reports, has left Arroyo Blanco distriot and moved nearer Trinidad. There is a rumor that he may be elected presi dent of the republic to succeed Cis neros. Another idea is that he has decided to Contest the possession of Banes, and many who thought his siege of Arroyo Blanco was a ruse to entice Weyier into the oountry where moder ate force might be attacked to advant age, now believe that Weyler's move ment toward Banes will meet a steady resistance which will add to the evi dence already piled up to disprove Gen eral Weyler's declaration of pacifica tion. ' ' . ' Expectorated on the Floor of a Car. San Francisco, April 26. W. B. Bradbury, the millionaire, was before Police Judge Low yesterday on a charge of expectorating on the floor of a street car. He was arrested about two weeks ago, but in deferenoe to the request of his attorney the hearing was postponed until yesterday. ' The conductor of the car testified that he-had requested Bradbury to re frain from spitting on the floor of the car, and called his attention to a placard on which was printed a copy of the ordinance prohibiting public expectora tion. He said that the millionaire re plied by requesting him to tell Mr. Vining that he (Bradbury) had paid his fare and would do as he liked. The conductor's testimony was corroborated by Mrs. P. C. Jenkins, who was a pas senger on the car. Judge Low found the millionaire guilty, and imposed a fine of $5, with an alternative of twenty-four hours' ' imprisonment. Bradbury's attorney gave notice of appeal. , Presidential Nominations. Washington, April 26. The presi dent today sent to the senate the fol lowing nominations: ; Harold M. Sewall, of Maine, to be minister to Hawaii. : Thomas H. Phair, of Maine, collector of customs for the district of Aroostook, Me. ... James S. Harrimon,' of Maine, col lector of customs for the district of Belfast, Me. . A STABBING AFFRAY. Harry Riffle, of Walla Walla, Frobably Fatally Cut. Walla Walla, Wash. , , April 27. Harry Riffle, a prominent young man of this city is lying at the point of death as the result of a knife wound in his left side, inflioted by William . Howard, at a late hour last night. Riffle, in company with a friend, was riding along Alder street, when his horse became unmanageable.. The shaft of the buggy ran into the seat of a wheel cart standing in front of , Lot's barn. Riffle ran into the barn and asked a boy named Howard for a wrench. The boy replied that none was at hand, when Riffle began abus ing him. The boy's father, residing across the street, witnessed the affair, and went over. Riffle and the father engaged in a fight, and the latter drew a knife and !s tabbed Riffle in the side, four or five linches below the left nipple. The knife struck the seventh rib and glanced up ward penetrating the thoraic cavity. Riffle was taken to his rooms, in the hotel, and Howard was -placed under arrest. When seen today, Howard said he was very angry when he saw Riffle striking his son, and went to his assist ance, when Riffle struck bim. He had a knife in his hand, and, being excited, used it without thinking. Riffle is resting easily tonight, and there are faint hopes of his recovery. . . TWICE PRONOUNCED DEAD. Woman Talked From Her Coffin Aftec Being Prepared for Burial. Kendrick, Idaho, April 27. The people of the village of Southwick, lo cated fifteen miles from here, on the .edge of the timber, were horrified last Sunday by the apparent returning to life of Mrs. Fred Wendt, who was pro nounced dead on Friday morning from a severe case of hemorrhage , of the bowels. The body had been prepared for bur ial, and was lying in the coffin, when the seemingly dead woman opened her eyes and began conversing with those about her. She was in an extremely weak condition from loss of blood, and managed to show signs of life for eight hours, when she was again pronounced dead, and was buried on Monday. The case has excited considerable comment on account of the short time in whioh she was buried, some believing she might have been in a trance, and ' was buried alive. Oregon Punchbowl Washington, Aprfl '27. Senator Mo Bride bad quite a long talk with the navigation bureau of the navy depart ment, the other day. urging that orders be issued to the battleship Oregon to go to Portland, so that the presentation of the silver service to the ship might be made at the metropolis of the state. The officers of the department, how ever, said that they feared the vessel might strike something and be injured in going up the river. -The Oregon . will go to the United States buoy sta tion at Tongue point, and the probabil ities are that the presentation will be made at that place. Seattle Cyclists' Excursion. Tacoma, Wash., April 27. Five hundred members of the Queen City Cycling Club came to Tacoma on the steamer Flyer this morning for a spin over the prairie roads and bicycle paths to American lake, ten ' miles distant. ' They were escorted by over 1,000 Taco ma'wheeelmen, which gave the affair the appearance of an immense pionio. Lunches were spread at the lake. The Columbia River & Puget Sound Navi gation Company donated the use of the Flyer to the Seattle club, resulting in raising over $250 toward extending the Lake Washington bicycle boulevard at Seattle. - -- Kaw River at High Mark. ; Topeka, April 27. The Kaw river t at this point is at the highest stage to night that has been reached in eight years, and is still rising at the rate of two inches an hour. Two bridges at this point are in imminent danger. The Union Pacific and Rock Island roads report washouts north and west of here, but repairs have been made during the day, and traffic is again moving." .' . - Rose Nine Feet. Maryville, Mo., April 27. One Hundred and Two river rose nearly nine feet last night, and is now a mile ' and a half wide, flooding a large num ber of farms. Traffio through here, on the Burlington and Wabash roads, is suspended, and three miles of the Bur lington's track and a mile of Wabash track is washed out near lere. ' Episoopal Convention. Milwaukee, Wis., April 27. The biennial convention of the Episoopal church will be held here, commencing Tuesday, October 10. Bishop Niohol- son has been notified that the invita tion whioh he extended to the board to meet in Milwaukee when the semicen tennial of the diocese is to be celebrat ed, has been accepted. . Gold Ordered for Export. Washington, April , 27. The secre . tary of the treasury today received a telegram from Assistant Treasurer Jor dan, at New York, stating that $997, 000 gold has been ordered for export. This is the first withdrawal of any con siderable amount since July 22, 1896, whea.ta.OOQ.OOO was withdrawn. ,