The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 23, 1897, Image 2

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    (oed iiver Slacier.
Published every tfrlday'by
1 S. F. Blythe.
Terms of Subscription $1.50 n year when
paid in advance; $2 If not paid In advance.
Notes and News.
W. T. Sherman post, G. A. R., of
Mora, will give a camp fire at that
place May 8 h. All comrades are
invited. ' ' ,
Gen. Wade Hampton may retain bis
pi uce as commissioner of railroads, to
which lie was appointed by President
Cleveland. It. is said Secretary Sher
man 1ms sent Gen. Hampton word that
lie would not be removed.
The ColumMnn pays bids for furnish
ing fuet at Vancover barracks were
opened last week. There were 38 bid
ders, and the lowest on fir cordwood
'vs $1.44 h cord for 200 cords.; The sec
ond lowest bid was $1.49. ' '-.' -.,''
. The Ontario News makes the follovv
! lug wail: Poor woman! Overin Idaho,
where they have just received equal
' puttrage, the woman, before they can
vote, have to take an oath that they
are a "male citizen twenty-one years
old." . . '
The laws of. Oregon provide that
' every child between the ages of 8 and
14 years shall attend school at least VI
weeks in every school year, of which 8
weeks must be consecutive, provided
they are not taught at home and there
is a public school within two miles.
An Eastern country paper says:
When a business !man dies who has
1 bun in the habit of sending his job
" work out f town to get it done the lo
cal papers ought to let his folks get his
obituary notice published in the job
oHk-o that he patronized when oh earth.
At Atlanta, Texas, April 12th, high
winds from the uorth brought swarms
of buffalo gnats, which attacked the
stock, and from 200 to 300 head of
horses and mules died from the effects
of iheir bite. They did their work so
quickly that the stock was in a dying
condition when noticed. ' .
' War between the Greeks and Turks
has commenced, and heavy fighting
has been going on for the past week.
Iiiltle Grteeejseems to have the sym
pathy of all the civilized world in this
light, but the odds are against her, and
unless the great powers step in and
stop t he war, she has a big task 1 efoie
her. lloth sides shdw great bravery in
action, and both can claim victory
iroui defeat. The price of wheat has
not advanced materially, showing that
speculators do not expect a general Eu
ropean war.
Here is a specimen of civil service
, "relornii" Twenty-one special agents
employed in the general land office
were lecently dismissed from the ser
vice temporarily, owing to a lack of
money to pay their salaries. The ap
propriations to be made available July
1st will enable, the department to re
employ the dismissed officials, but
theie is some question whether the men
laid off will be reappointed-. A major
ity ofs them are said to be democrats,
and it is intimated that republicans
will be put in their places after July 1st.
The Dufur Dispatch shows up one of
Senator McBride's "relief" bills. D. J.
Holmes has a claim against the gov
ernment for $395 for his land claim in
cluded, in the Warm Springs reserva
tion. The Dispatch shows that the
land ii not worth $2o, that the survey
which included Holmes' ' land was
made at an expense of several thou
sand dollars to the government and
great trouble to the settlers, and that a
separate bill introduced by the senator
establishing the north line of -the re
serve, leaves Holmes' land two miles
The members of the Texas delega
tion in congress claim that not a single
district in that state has abandoned
the democratic position on ,he tariff
question. . Statistics have been com
piled showing that in the 12ih district
of Texas, which is represented by oue
of the bolters from the democratic po
sition on the Dingley bill, and is the
largest wool-producing district in the
world, the wool growers will receive
pi obably $60,000, more for their wool
under the' new rates, but the people of
the district will be compelled to pay an
excess of more than twice that amount
for tl e goods they consume on account
of the general increase of tarift'duties.
A. W. Patterson, who has been con
nected with the Gazette for the pust
six years, departed for Iudianapolis,
J nd., on last evening's train and w ill
visit his parents, whom ' he has not
seen since coming to the West, and
other relatives and friends. This fall
he will enter law school where ho will
remain. till he completes the course.
Alvah will continue to take an active
interest in newspaper work, however,
and may return . to Oregoil Sat .some
future datp, though he is undecided at
present as to locution. Heppner Ga
zette. .
School Money. v
In accordance with law, the April
apportionment of the county school
fund was sent out from the office of the
county superintendent . today. The
total amount ' distributed, $7,612.65,
after deducting 'tlie $50 for each of 60
districts- eufitfed to funds, gives '$1.15
per capita on the school enumeration,
u April 'OH, the amount d stributod
was $10,717, the per capita being $2.
't he greater percentage of delinquent
taxes this year lias caused the shortage
in the county fund, and us the delin
quent roll is now plm-ed with llieshfrirt
lor further collection, itls probable that
the August apportion of '97 will exwed
that of August '96. Mountaineer.
Work on the Ditch.
Hood Rivkk, April 22, 1897. Editor
Glacier: Work is progressing finely
all along t he line of the ditch. Bcgii
ning at the lower end of the work, 1
will mention those who have contracts,
that your readers may have an idea
what is being -accomplished towards
furnishing water to irrigate the large
acreage now beinir set to strawberries.
First conies E, Udell with his piece of
ditch, which he has completed from
the county road west to the lint be
tween O. L. Stranahan and Mrs. Aliifa
Howe. M. F. Loy, who lias the next
piece, has also made a splendid job and
will finish in a- lew days. Fred Howe
has the contract to make the ditch
from Cant. Blowers' place across S. J.
LaFranee's farm; he is doing a good
ioli and will be through by the 1st of
May or before. Next comes O. L.
Stranahan, who has three-quarters of a
mile of Hume to build. He says he
will show all the rest of the boys how
to build flume, and will finish by the
first . of May. D. Gibbons and George
Stranahan have their half a mile of
flume almost completed. Mark Dav
enport, with a force of eight men, is
building another half mile of flume,
which lie will have completed by the
middle of . next week. Next comes
John Purser, wilh his piece of ditch
from the Valley Christian church south,
who is making a good job. Alfred In
galls has the next piece of ditch. He
has been unable to do much with if, so
far, on account of t he ground being too
wet. ' Isenbergs & Co. have their con
tract completed, 'so the writer under
stands, and hiive made a very nice
piece of ditch for nearly a mile. Next
comes Mr. Kiser and his crowd with a
nice piece of work. Mark Davenport,
with quite a force of men and teams, is
doing splendid work on the main
ditch. Scott Booririan has quite a
force at work on the main ditch and is
getting along finely. From here we
jump up to where Bishop & Cox are at
work on the big flume. They are work
ing 11 men, are about completing the
second mile, building 300 to 400 feet pel
day, and' will be down to Ditch creek
in a few days. Davenport Bros , the
contractors," have plenty of lumber and
nails on hand, are running their mill
for all there is in it,, and say they are
bound to have their contract fulfilled
on time. C. A. Bkll.
The Work of the Union.
Hood River. April 21, 1896. Editor
Glacier: The directors of" the Hood
River Fruit Growers' Union have elect
ed as a distribution committee, W. J.
Baker, N. C. Evans and Joseph A.
Wilson. This committee will' make
distribution of berries to different mar
kets, to avoid, as far us possible, an
oversupply to any market. They will
see that all members have an equal
show in what seems to be the best mar
kets, from advices from dealers and our
agents. They will also examine ber
ries to see i hat poor berries poorly
packed are not shipped.
Mr. G. R. Castner will be the agent,
in Missouri river markets and Mr.T.R.
Coon the agent in Montana markets.
Shippers will receive account sales
for all shipments and check to cover,
on our receipt of same, we having
made arrangements with bank by
which I can draw On drafts as soon as
our bank receives them, by which we
avoid from five to ten days' delay r the
time usually taken for collection," thus
enabling growers to get their money at
tne, earnest possible moment. Every
member can see by the books what
every other member receives for all.
shipments, it not being managed as a
buna pool. , j.'i , c Iwans, Sec'y.
Only a Dream.
Belmont, ; April 14, 1897. Editor
Glacier: If you happen to be short of
itenis I might give you a short uote to
help fill up the paper. I have been
pretty sick lor the past two weeks with
chills and fever, but am better, so as to
tie up and boss the work again. W bile
I was sick 1 bad a dream. I dreamed
that I went to get up out of bed uud
fell on the floor, gasped three titiiesan4
was dead. I looked at myself and it
was me. My woman came to see if I
wauted anything, and when she saw
me she rallied the family and the
neighbors. But 1 told tbeui it was all
for the best, that they wouldn't have
to feed and clothe me. I told them I
wanted to be buried in Idlewilde, and
directed them lo put on in v best suit,
that it was good e oiigh, and get a dry
goods box or a boot and shoe no for a
Coffin, as it was hard times and no one
would know the difference after 1 was
buried. ( When we got to the burying
ground,' Mr. Prat her- stepped up and
said it was a disgrace to tue cemetery
and that I would have to be put in the
poor mail's comer. "Well," said 1, "1
would just as soon be put there as any
where, if you prefer." So they went
to nailing the tiox, and I told them not
to nail it very liht nor bury me very
deep, for I intended to come out in
about 40 days. Then I waked up and
found I was yet alive. Now, what I
want is for some good, inspired man to
interpret this d renin fr me, if they
will be so kind, and oblige
E. C. Rogers. '
Dying on the Range.
Blue Mountain Eagle. -. -The
question as to what would be
the best use that the horses of. Eastern
Oregon could be put to was for the past
three months ai:d is at present being
rapidly settled, as that class of man's
wealth has perished -this winter in
cbuntless numbers. Roaming over the
range in Grant county, and in fact all
of Eastern Oregon are numberless bands
of horses that are dying from starvation
ana exposure. The winter that we
have just passed through has been an
unusually long one, and at times most
severe in tiie mountainous regions,
and even cattle that have, been taken
care of, have suffered some. The ap
proach of winter, last taJI found the
range absolutely barren, -. there, being
but very little vegetation to sustain
life of any nature.
Tiie Eagle iM informed, by a resident
of Fox valley that more strange horses
have collei-feil in the valley during the
past wiiiterNirtMi have perished for the
necessary wherewith 10 sustain life.
Fiotii Slide creek word comes that
many a carcass of what was onco a
beautiful animal can be found on the
range in lhat locality, and especially
up in the mountains near I he head of
Slide ctvek. The few that are teft on
the range are so I bin in flesh that they
scarcely make .- shallow.
i.U.-y (t t iner.
"Where is Valley Center?" a stranger
asks, "and why is it so called?" We
will be pleased to act as guide for half
a day and show you where and why.
First, we must cross Hood river east
of town, and before we proceed further,
let us slop, and while gazing down into
the rushing, foaming waters of the
beautiful Hood river, reflect that suc
cess is obtained only by persistent ef
fort. When starling in life, we are
placed on the road at a point where
one ascends toward, happiness, light
and success, the other descends toward
despair, darkness and failure. So let
us remember, as we turn to ascend
the hill before us, that it is but a reali
zation of a figure of speech and thougli
the hill be long and steep our reward
on reaching the top is correspondingly
great. Reaching the top near Foss'
bridge, otie of the grandest views
that can be found in Oregon of Mt. Hood
is here obtained. The foot-hills merge
from dark green to light, from the
blue of the sea to that of the sky and
are crowned wilh the pure white of the
everlasting snow, from which, like
liquid silver, the liver descends, divid
ing the hills on either side and finally
emptying iis ice-cold, turbulent torrent
into l he mighty Columbia. On the
left, as far as the eye an see, stretch
mountains of beautiful green, w-ith
gently rounded crests covered with
blue and red and yellow flowers, while
here and there a bunch of pine trees
stands out in bold relief against, a
clear blue sky. .For seven miles a
beautiful level road runs about, mid
way of the river and the bills.' On,
either hand are comfortable homes,
well cultivated fields, orchards and
strawberries now in full bloom. Five
miles, and here" we pass the broad fields
of Mr. Mohrand Mr. Lage, the valley
widens and at . I he Pine Grove school
bouse a road turns west,still practically
level and free from rocks and bowlders.
It is. a striking fact lhat hardly a
rock as big as your fist can lie found on
the fields in the whole section of
country. Continuing west, we cross
the beautiful Neal creek at Harbison's
mills a more picturesque spot can not
be found in Hood River valley. 'Neal
creek divides this section of the country
known asJValley . Center nearly into
equalp.rts. Ii'is an ideal stream for
trout and the tangled under growth on
its bunks afford cover for many a fine
brace of grouse and pheasant.
A few miles back, as we passed (hem,
we noticed the thrifty and extensive
orchards of-Messers. Rand, Johnson,
Sweeney and Sears Then we come
to those of Harbison . Bros., . Chris
Dethman and E. L. Smith. . Continu
ing a short distance further, we turn to
our left and soon find ourselves in that
fertile and populous section near t he
Odell school house. Green fields of
jirass and grain meet the. eye at every
Mum, and the beautilul homes and
well-kept farms tell a story of thrift and
prosperity.- We cross several clear
spring brandies and find our road
again luinseaat We pass by the wide-
siretcliing hay fi-lds of Mr. HinrichsJ
and a halt mile turtheronj Mr. Rhoad's
place. Here we stop and examine a
spring Of water which has no equal in
f lie country. The spring burs's from
the hillsideafull grown siream several
feet wide and a foot or more deep. Its
waters are ice-cold the warmest days of
the year.
Across the road is the Lenz place,
one of the most desirable in the valley.
As we hear Neal c-eek again, we pass
the well-kept orchard 1 of Mr. F. H.
Stanton, and a mile further finds us
again at the Pine Grove school house,
having traveled. through the center
mid around the boundaries of Valley
Center.. G. C. B.
; , The Sheepmen Lose.
In the case" of the United States vs.
the ,'i'ygh Valley Land & Livestock
Company, in the United Stales circuit
court. Judge . Bellinger rendered a de
cision overiiiting the demurrer to the
complaint. The government brought
suit to restrain defendants from past
uring' sheep on the Cascade 'reserve.
Defendants demurred to the complaint,
on the giound that it hud been the de
clared policy of the government to allow
stockmen to pasture their herds on its
domain. It was also .iet up lhat the
government hud no recourse against
persons pasturing sheep or cattle on its
domain, because the lands were not
fenced, as the supreme court of this
stale had several times decided that,
unless owners of lands had them fenced,
they could not proceed against the
owners of stock pastured thereon.
The court held that the government,
In pursuance of an act of congress, hav
ing set aside the lands in question as a
reservation, it was no longer a part of
the public, domain, and. that the gov
ernment had the right to protect them,
and that the generally declared policy
of the government to allow -sheep and
cattle to be pastured on its dofnaiu does
not apply to lands set aside as a reser
vation. There are several other cases
of t.he same naiure in. the court, to all
of which I his decision will apply.
Defendants were allowed 30 days to
fun her plead. The suits against the
'sheepmen to restrain them from past
uring on the reservation were begun
last summer, but were not pressed, and
proceedings were delayed so that the
sheep were kept on the reservation till
tiie end of the season. It is hardly
probable that 'hey will be permitted to
drh'e herds of sheep on the reservation
this season. .- ., , ,-. . -
0. R. & X. Trains.
Two daily passenger trains are now
run between Portland and Umatilla.
No. 4, the afternoon train out of Port
land, is a new through train to Spo
kane, and arrives at Umatilla in the
evening, 'continuing to Spokane via
Wallula without change .of cars and
connecting direct with Spokane Falls
and Northern train for the Kootenai
and" Great , Northern east-bound fast
express. Great Northern palace and
tourist ' sleepers are' operated daily on
this trai-i. This train is the connec
tion for Heppner, branch trains from
Heppner Junction, ' and : all branch
lines north of Walla Walla. No. 2, the
evening train out of Port land, is still
the through east-bound connection of
the Union Pacific, but now runs via
Pendleton and not via Wallula,'' con
necting' with Oregon Short Line east
Ixnind Dyer at Huntington.'" Pullman
and tourist sleepers, also free reclining
chair cars, are operated oil this 1 rain (o
(Jbicugo via Granger and Omaha.
- "Vas. Marriage a Failurel"
Vas marriage a failure? Veil, now, dot de
pends Altogeddher on how you look at id, mine
Irlends. ,
Like dhose double-horse teams dot you see at
aer racers, f
Id depends pooty 'mooch on der pair in dcr
Eefdey don't pull togeddher right off at der
Ten dimes out of nine dey vas bedder apart.
Vus marriage a failure?
I asked mine Kat
Und she looked off me so dot
I feels pooty
Dben she say, "Mr. Strauss, shust come here,
eef you bleaze."
Und she take me where Yawcob und leedle
By dher shnug trundle-bed vas shust saying
- uneir orayer, . -
Und she say, mit a smile, "Vas der some (all
ures dhere!"
Yacob Strauss, in Boston Pilot.
It is,l'w should be, the highest aim of
every mercliant to please his customers;
and that the wide-awake drug firm of
Meyers & Eshlemau, SterJing, III., is
noing so, is proven by t he lollowiug,
from Mr. Eshleman: "In my sixteen
years' experience in the drug business
I have never seen or sold or tried a
-medicine that gave as good satisfaction
as Chamberlain's .Colic,- Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy." Sold by Williams
x jirosius.
Grand Easter Ball.
Come one. come all, to the grand
Easter Ball, to be given at Lauterbach's
nan, on tiie zdn of April. Admission
egg supper, 25c. C. D. MOOKE.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. Williams & Brosius refund the
money if it fails to cure. 25c.
On the morning of Feb. 20, 1895, I
was sick with rheumatism, and lay in
bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The
first application of it relieved me
almost entirely from the pain and the
second afforded complete relief. In a
short lime I was able to be up and
about again. A. T. Moreaux, Luverne,
Minn. Sold by Williams & Brosius.
Save lour Fruit, and Grain.
Few realize that each squirrel des
troys $1.50 worth of grain annuuily.
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exter
minator is the most effective and econ
omical poison known. Price reduced
to 80 cents. For sale by Williams &
Brosius, agents. .
1 desire to attest to the merits of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as one
of the most valuable and efficient
preparations on the market. It broke
an exceedingly dangerous cough for me
in 24 hours, and in gratitude therefor,
I desire to inform you that I will never
be without it and you should feel proud
of the high esteem in which your Rem
edies are held by people in general. It
is the one remedy among ten thousand.
Success to it. O. U. Downey, Editor
Democrat, Albion, Ind. i For sale by
Williams & Brosius.
About one in live of the juvenile pop
ulation of The Dalles is said to be
afflicted with I lie measles.
tea '
. coffee
baking; powder
flavoring extracts
and spikes
are good, of course, if they
are really money-back...
Ask year grocer for Schil
ling's Best.
60 .'''.' ,'''
For sale by WOLFARD & BONE.
or women to travel for responsible estab
lished house in Oregon. Salary 8780,payable15
weekly and expenses. Position permanent.
Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped en
velope. The National. Star Buildlng.Chicago.
D. Calkins,' Prop'r.
Horses broken; single and double drivers
for sale. L. Morris, trainer. Eight miles west
of Centerville, Wash. ap23
House and 3 Lots.
House containing 5 rooms, and three lots on
corner of block, situated in Waucoma addi
tion. Will be sold cheap. For further partic
ulars inquire of I L. HENRY.
Tucker, Oregon, April 12, 1897.
To Our Friends and I'atrorw:
We thank you for your past patronage and
will now announce that we are better pre
pared to serve yon than ever before. New
Sample Book for Spring and Summer of 18!)7,
Just received. See our samples and prices
before you buy a suit of clothes. We defy
competition and will compare goods and
prices with any would-be competitor at their
pleasure. We sell them cheaper than they
can buy them on the old system.
Yours for bargains,
i V ,' Tucker, Oregon.
Lessons in Piano Music.
Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teaching
of Music. II er prices are 60 cents a lesson. J10
The Glacier
Post Office Building, Hood River, Or.
Fruit Ranch for Sale.
Sixty acres of land on the East Fork of
Hood river; 8 acres cleared; 509 li uit trees in
full bearing, 11 years old; plenty of water for
irrigation; good house and barn. This place
Is in the apple belt; no pests on fruit trees
Apply to D. R. COOPHK,
Mt. Hood P. O., Hood River Valley.
$20 an Acre.
Etehty acres of land in Hood River valley
fhrsale at 3520 an acre. Good improvements;
2 acres in strawberries; 40.1 apple trees, and
plenty of other fruit to supply a family; nine
acres In cultivation. Plenty of water for irri
gation from private dtleh. This place is one
of the earliest In the valley for strawberries.
For further particulars address the Glacier,
,1s the season of newness. Now sap is in the trees, new buds on the boughs, new bird
lings in new nests, new flowers in the forests, new grass In the fields. Nature cleans house
when winter goes, and decks herself in new apparel. And she makes mankind feel the need
of a renewing, too. Perhaps you, or some of your family, are sulering from the malady pe
culiar to the approach of spring. Though not dangerous, it is unpleasant. Unaccustomed
languor and disinclination for exertion are among its symptoms. It is NEW BLOOD tho
system is craving.
NEW 'LIFE means ,l
New Happiness.
We have a beautiful window full of NEW BLOOD MAKING MEDICINES to show yon.
Take a look at them the next time you are passing, or even make a point of Coming round,
our way specially for that purpose. It will pay you to see tho sight, even though you don't
Compound Syrup of SarsapinillM, f... 1 bottle $1 00
Compound Syrup Hypophosphites, I 3 bottles ; 2 50
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, ' f 6 bottles 4 50
Kola Wine, and Deef, Iron and Wine. J 12 bottles 8 50
IMalt Extract---Kp"rurait'nebest,snpcriortomany' 25 cents per bottle! 2-25'
Your money back on any of these Blood Medicines if, after trying one bottle, you are not
benefited. ,
We have just received a full stork
selling as follows:
fcn's Suits from S12.50 down to S3 50
Youth'sSnlts, witl) long pants, age 13 to 18, 0 00
Youth's Suits, with long pants, age 13 to 18, 5 00
Boys' Suits, with knee pants 4 SO
Boys' Suits, with knee pants ........ ............ 8 25
These prices cannot be duplicated by any concern in Oregon. Call and see.
V::,..r'-A. '. S." 'BLOWERS fe CO.
Grass Seeds, Fertilizers, Etc., Etc.
A new and complete line of
Canton Clipper Chilled and Steel Plows and
Cultivators, Planet Jr. Garden Tools,
Studebaker Vehicles and
' - Hardwood Repairs -
for Wagons.
At the old stand, opposite Mt. Hood Hotel.
- GEO. P.
' Successor to E. h. Smith Oldest Established House in the valley .J
ZDr3T Goods,; Clot2.a:3n.g '
't '-:'".'. ..;''': ."'-''-'' -, : ';' ". AND . ' -.."-.--'
Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc.
Choice Fresh Meats,
Hams. Bacon, Lard,
And All Kinds of Game.
HOOD RTVEIt, - - .--
TTXT-rvtmrri a uttd a -ktt Ti
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc., etc. Agent for the Bridal Veil Lumber Company.
heads and spears. Also, all
other line Indian relics of
stone. Good prices paid for
fine specimens., - Write to
me and tell me what you
have.sendingrongh outlines
ofbest specimens. Stone pipes warned. Ad
dress. S. P. Hamilton. Two Rivers, Wis. 21
Small Fruit Ranch.
10 acres S miles southwest of town. House,
and barn and young orchard. Good straw
berry land. Price lf.,50. Address K. (J. Rog
ers, Hood River, Or. ' 1 1
Strawberry Ranch.
4 acres of land for sale: 1 set to strawber
ries; all in young fruit trees. Also, interest
in 30 acres, part, set to strawberries. All with
in halt mile of Hood River. Address Glacier.
For Sale.
One horse power pump for irrigating,
condition. Will sell cheap. Address
mar2) Cascade Locks, Oregon.
For Rent.
Strawberrv land In Hood River valley one
mile from depot, In excellent, condition for
putting out plants this spring. Running water
for irrigation. Terms reasonable. Address
mav20 . Cascade Locks, Oregon.
. '
of Men's and Boys'
Suits, which we are
Boys' Suits, with knee pants 2 60
Boys' Suits, with knee pants 1 75
Boys' Knee Pants, corduroy.. ,. 85c
Boys' Knee Pants, wool 60c
-. .
tvttj a t iwtd
And dealer in nil kind.
In the best and most artistic styles at the Old '
Keiiable Shoe jhop one door west of pontofHce.
Ladies' line work a specialty. All work war
ranted. C. WELDS, Prop'r.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., March 20,
1X97. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing-named settler has filed notice of her inten
tion to make final proof in support of her .
claim, and that said proof will tie made be
fore W. R. Dunbar. Commissioner U. 8. Cir
cuit Court for district of Washington, at his
office in Goldeudale, Washington, on May 8,
180. viz: . ,
Deserted wife of George H. Simmons, Home
stead Entry No. 8'(i6, tor the northeast of
northeast section 25, township 4 north,
range 10 east, W. M., and lots one and two
and southeast of northwest M section SO,
township 4 north, range 11 east, W. M.
She names the foil wing witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: ' ,
Jacob E. Jaoobson, William Fordyce, Rob
ert Fordyce and C. A. Colbnrn, all of whltn
Salmon P. O., Washington.
mariaiiO GEO. H. STEVENSON. '
, Register.
Is Your Title OlearP
E. E. Savage is prepared to examine ab
stract of title to real estate und give opinions
on siiuit:. Charges reasonable. mailt
--m .. ..-,...; y N