The Hood River lacier. It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. VOL. VIII. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1897. NO. 48. THE MS IF THE WEEK From All Parts of the New World and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS rehenslT KtTliw of the Import- Ht Happening! of the. Fast Week ' Galled From the Telegraph Columns. . A number ol Japanese have left San Francisco for Mexico, where a colony will be formed on land granted them by the Mexican government. The body of Captain Evan Davies, of the British four-masted ship Delcairnie, j- who drowned over four months ago in the harbor at Astoria, has been picked - up by a fisherman. The remains were positively identified by papers found in . the pocket. The great coon and varmint hunt on Fox island, Washington, in which sev , eral hundred hunters participated, was anything but a success as a varmint killing bee, though all who attended were well satisfied, as the courtesies of the islanders made the outing a most enjoyable one. Seth L. Milliken, representing in the house of representatives the third dis trict of Maine, died at Washington. For some time he had suffered from a serious affection of the bronohial tubes, , which last week developed alarmingly, and was accompanied by kidney and liver complications. Bernardino Asseuro, a Mexican set tler on the tract of land near Hollister, Cal., claimed by a Portuguese, was found murdered in the charred re , mains of his hut. Investigation shows that Asseuro was murdered with an ax, after which the body was laid on the Ibed, and - the hut fired, to conceal the crime. ' i The first wool of the season has been delivered to a warehouse in Heppner, Or. It is said the wool is lighter and of better staple and brighter than the clip from the same sheep last season. The rain has greatly delayed the shear ing in that section. Few sheep are be ing scld, owners holding firmly for a ';' r-, email advanoe, about 10 cents a head, more than buyers are willing to pay. I A diepatoh frotn Baker City, Or. , ; says that Powder river is higher than fit has ever been known to be, and ii doing great damage. Only one bridge remains in the city, and if the warm ' . weather continues, it will go out. The Sumpter Valley railroad is flooded for miles, and trains will not be running for weeks., The northern residence por tion of the city is inundated. Chief Justioe Fuller, of the United States supreme cgurt, has refused a writ of habeas oorpus in the case of El verton E. Chapman, a broker, whore fused to testify in the sugar speculation ' investigation as to whether senators had Rnpmilfl.t.nd in nnpnr stnckfl while the ' Wilson tariff bill was before that body. The sentence of the supreme court of . the District of Columbia to 80 days in ', jail and $100 tine was affirmed, and Chapman's application for writs of cer tiorari and habeas corpus were denied. The Yreka stage was1 robbed near Yreka, Cal., .by a lone highwayman. The passengers were not molested, and the express box which was broken open by the highwayman, contained only y$50. i The members of the Washington T '.-' state board of horticulture which met ; ' . . . in Taooma reoently say that the reports of damage to fruit trees by the severe cold weather last winter are greatly ex aggerated. An ; abundant yield is now !.. predicted. ' ' ' ''-;-' . Answering a question regarding the prospects of the government sending out invitations for a bimetallic confer- ence, Mr. Balfour reiterated, in the house of ..commons, that there, was nothing in the situation which would lead him to suppose that anything could be gained by Great Britain tak ing the initiative in promoting an in ternational bimetallic conference.' , The steamer Edith, chartered by the I Alaska Steamship Company to take ' ' passengers and freight from the wrecked Willapa to Juneau and Dyea, has re turned to '.Pprt Townsend. The , Wil lapa is reported as being a total wreck. ' Her hull broke on the rocks and sank to , the bottom of . the sea. The loss on j wiic i in p t emu umgu in cnnuin ay i " - $60,000; insurance on the boat, $28,- ooo. , ; L 1 ' Representative Tongue of Oregon is making an . effort to have anthracite . coal placed on the dutiable list, because . it comes in competition with the coal produced in Oregon and Washington. He prepared, and had circulated a peti J . tion to the finance committee of the senate, asking that this be done, and setting forth the reasons. This peti tion was signed by nearly all , the Pa t cific coast senators. The following proclamation has been .,,-: ' issued by the Greek irregulars, who ,i have begun the invasion of Macedonia at Baltino: " "Brothers and Soldiers ol ;. Christ and Liberty: We hoist the flag I. , of liberty, the Greek flag. Under its ; shadows let us unite, with the watch- word, 'Liberty or Death.' The justioe of our cause is recognized by all free k- people blessed by God. Let us push onward, brother Greeky God is with . us." TORE THROUGH LEVEE. Serious Break Occurs In the Louls , iana System. Natchez, Miss., April 21. The first break in the Concordia parish front oc curred yesterday morning, when the Glassoock levee gave way. This levee is located about twenty-eight miles be low Natchez and is near the lower end of the levee system of the parish. A large force of men were at work on the levee yesterday morning, raising and strengthening it, when suddenly the laborers saw the muddy water begin to bubble up at the lower end. Almost instantly, the seething water tore a great hole through the embankment. The1 water rushed through at a great rate and began spreading out in the lowlands adjacent. The water from this break will inun date the lower part of the parish, from Morville down to Brabston, covering a number of fine plantations. The flood from this crevasse will be met by the waters from the Biggs break, north of here, covering a vast area. It will en tail a vast amount of suffering to the people of the neighborhood, and relief will have to be extended to them. Tonight the crevasse is reported to be from 800 to 1,000 feet wide and still caving. Major J. H. Willard, United States engineer, tonight received a dispatch from the master of the steamer Flor ence, ordered last night to Coon's land ing, La., to rescue flood sufferers, ask ing him to send all skiffs obtainable by first steamer, as people are drowning and cannot be reached except by skiff. Coon's landing is about thirty-five miles from this city. A dispatch arrived at midnight from Ashwood, La., saying the water is rush ing rapidly into the swamps of Tensas parish, which are' inaccessible by steamer, and this dispatch aroused many apprehensions. Skiffs cannot be sent tonight. A dispatch from the Valley route operator at Hays, Miss., referring to the foregoing, says the calamity at Coon's landing is due to a break in the levee there and that another has oc curred opposite Eodney. . SITUATION AT BIGGS. Flood Destroying Thousands of Acre of Newly Planted Crop. , Memphis, April 21. Another break in the levee on the Louisana side is re ported from a point twenty miles be low Natchez, Miss. , The details at this writing are meager, and the extent of the break cannot be learned. The situation at Biggs, where the water is rushing through the crevasse in tor rents, is growing worse. Madison par ish is fast becoming inundated, and the water will extend to other parishes, destroying thousands of acres of newly planted crops. ' Vicksburg, Natchez and other river points are orowded with refugees, and everything possible is be ing done to alleviate the ' sufferings of the poorer classes. The situation throughout the delta tonight is about the same as yesterday. It was a beau tiful day in the flood-stricken section, and the planters hope that the water will be carried away in time to make good crops. At Memphis, the river is slowly falling, and at Cairo a decided fall is reported. - . Belief Work' at Vicksburg. Vicksburg, Miss., April 21. Relief work is the feature of the flood situation here. It is reported today that the Louisana levees are black with people waiting to be ferried over to the city. Lieutenant Crowley, of the quarter master's department, is here buying supplies for the flooded region in gen eral, and handsome donations are com ing in by mail and wire. . DUEL TO THE DEATH. Two Nes Perces Indians, Brother, Fought Near Lewiston. Lewiston, Idaho, April 21. Tom and Mike Wilson, two brothers, Nez Perces Indians from the reservation, fought a deadly duel eight miles from this place yesterday. nThe fight oc curred on the Lapwai road in Soldier oanyon, and was witnessed by a set tler's wife from a distance. They first fought on horseback; then dismounted and fought on foot J The attention of the settler's-wife was attracted by the angry screams of the ' combatants. When her husband returned in the evening, he went to the scene and found the dead body of Tom Wilson. . Both brothers had been drinking. Until a short time ago they were - highly re spected by the whites and Indians alike, but could not stand the prosper ity due to the distribution by the gov ernment of large sums in payment of ceded lands. ' Mike is in jail here. He claims his brotrlbr's horse fell upon him. An Ohio Town Burned. Cleveland, April 21. The business portion of Berea was nearly wiped out by fire this morning. The high wind prevailing made it almost impossible to check the flames, which seemed likely to encompass the entire town. The total loss will reach $80,000. Berea has no waterworks, and there was small hope of saving the town. A detach ment of the Cleveland fire department, with fourteen men, secured water from a branch of the river, about a quarter of a mile from the town. The cause of the fire was attributed to tramps, and Deputy Sheriff Asling escorted three of them out of town. IDEilllNUT Turks Are ' Pushing Their Way Into Greece. BATTLE IN MILOUNA PASS Greeks Are Stubbornly Resisting the Invasion The Bombardment of Pre vesa Warships Silenced the Forts. Foot of Milouna Pass, April 20. A fierce battle raged in the pass all night long. The Greeks entered and descend ed toward the valley, encountered four battalions of Turkish troops, who drove them back, and at the point of the bay onet rescued the force garrisoning the Turkish blockhouses, which the Greeks had encircled before entering the pass. , Neshad Pasha, commanding the Fifth division, occupied Mount Harnia, with a great force, while Hairi Pasha, com manding the Sixth division, prepared to enter the Tschaisahn pass, and Haida Pasha, with the Fourth divi sion, occupied Milouna pass. Before'dawn, Edhim Pasha rode out to direct the disposition of the divi sions. A general engagement ensued. The battle still continues along the en tire pass, over 20,000 men being en gaged. The combat turned on the pos session of the Greek blockhouse, which was most obstinately defended. Sev eral vigorous attacks were made by the Turks, without success, but, finally, about 9 o'clock, by a magnificent dash, they took the blockhouse at the point of the bayonet. The Greeks are still defending their positions on the summit of the hill. At the present moment four battalions of Mendukh Pasha's division are ad vancing to the frontier positions already taken. The Turks are fighting like demons. The Turkish artillery is doing splendid work under the command of Riza Pasha. The correspondent says: "I regret to have to announce the death of Hafiz Pasha at Milouna. The battle is still undecided, but the Turks, without call iug up the reserves, have taken almost the whole pass. It is impossible to give details as to losses. I saw many groups of wounded men, but they were mostly on the heights. Ambulances have been sent to bring them in. ' I cannot say whether the Turks intend to advance on Larissa." High Greek Officers Killed. Athens, April 20. In the fighting on the frontier, the Turks have occupied Ana and Milouna, but they have not succeeded in taking Kama. The en gagement at Milouna pass was of the fiercest character, and the losses were heavy on both sides. The Turkish sol diers destroyed two pieces of Greek ar tillery. The Greeks captured an en tire battery from the Turks. The Greek officers of high rank were killed. A large body of Greek troops is now marching against Menexe, and brisk firing is going on along the whole line as far west as Arta. GREEKS BOMBARD PREVESA. Turkish Fort Had Fired on and Sunk a Greek Steamer. ' ' Athens, April 20. The Greek com mander at Actium, opposite Prevesa, i telegraphs that the Greek steamer Macedonia, which was fired upon this morning by the Turkish batteries while leaving the gulf of Ambraoia, did not sink in deep water, but was able to run ashore near the entrance of the gulf. It appears that the bombardment of Prevesa did not begin until 11:80 A. M., whereas the Turkish' forces there opened a hot fire upon Actium at 5:30 A. M. A column was formed at the tele graph station, but the building was converted into a fort and was gar risoned by 500 men. The Turkish fire completely destroyed it, several of the garrison being killed and wounded, al though the Turkish aim was often wide. The Greek commander requested in structions by telegraph, and the min ister of war ordered him to bombard Prevesa immediately. - At 10 A. M., the Shafidaki fort fired a few shots on a Greek gunboat, which replied, effectually silencing the Turk ish battery. At 11 o'clock the Greeks began to attack - the Turkish forts out side the entrance of the gulf, partly to divert the enemy's attention, and part ly in order to prevent the massacre of Greeks at Prevesa. The Greek iron clad Spelzai has arrived to assist in1 bombarding Prevesa, and the gunboats' continue to bombard from inside the gulf.,, , According to the latest telegrams from Actium, 2,000 Greeks have crossed the gulf of Arta from Vonitza to Sala gora, and are now marching on Prevesa. Various reports are current as to the landing of the insurgent bands on the Chalkis peninsula. Bugles are sound ing in the various parts of the city; soldiers are hastening to their barracks, and bodies of troops, hurriedly equipped are being dispatched to the front, amid enthusiastic ovations from the crowds that fill the streets. Numerous con ferences have taken place today be tween the king and the cabinet, and aa the result of them, the two last classes of 1886 reserves have been called out, FOR CZAR'S WARSHIPS Illinois Steel Company to Bid on a Big Contract for Armor Plate. Chicago, April 20. The Illinois Steel Company has received through the Russian minister at Washington a proposition looking to the company bidding on armor-plate for the two Russian war ships. The contract is to be for 8,000 tons, and in case of award the Chicago concern would turn into its treasury in the neighborhood of $3, 000,000. ' . "': ' ' It is said the offers of the Illinois Steel Company to furnish the United States government with armor-plate at the remarkably low figure of. $240 a ton has startled the war departments the world over. ' Fojhe past two years the Russian government has been com ing to the United States for nearly all the armor-plate used in constructing its new ships of war, but the contracts have heretofore been awarded to eithef the Carnegie or the Bethlehem com pany; each of which have supplied the armor for a Russian man-of-war. ' The war scare in the far East has evidently started the most active preparations in the czar's naval department. , ' The contract which the Illinois Steel Company is asked to bid on is the largest ever awarded by the Russian government. It is hinted that it is the purpose of the latter to get in its con tract ahead of the United States. , j President Gates was seen today, but he refused to discuss the matter further than to say the report was correct, and that he had written the Russian minis ter at Washington, to whom the offer was made, for all necessary particulars for proceeding with the bids. The matter will be laid before the directors of the : company next Wednesday in New York. HOHENLOHE RESIGNS. The German ' Empire Will Have a - Change of Chancellors. . Berlin, April 20. Prince Hohenlohe, the imperial chancellor, a press corre spondent understands, in a letter dated from Baden Baden, April 13, forwarded his resignation to the emperor. A brisk exchange of telegraph messages followed. His majesty insisted upon the chancellor retaining office for the present, in spite of the cogent' reasons citeS in Prinoe Hohenlohe's letter, urg ing that his resignation at this juncture would seriously embarrass the emperor. Prince Hohenlohe again and again in sisted that, apart from other serious reasons, his health just now is of the worst. The prince subsequently went to Paris, where his wife had . preceded him. v As reasons animating him to resign, Prince Hohenlohe urges his. inability to carry out his solemn promise to sub mit to the reichstag and to the diet two bills, one placing the Prussian law reg ulating political meetings upon a more liberal and modern basis, and the other reforming the procedure of ' military trials.-' The prince's inability to oarry out his promise is said to be due to the ex treme reactionary attitude of Baron von der Horst, Prussian minister of the interior. At this moment it is impos sible to say how the crisis will end, but in the critical situation of Europe a change of chancellors would be danger ous. , WHEAT TAKES A JUMP. New York Goes Up Four Cents on Re ports of War In the East. New York, April 20. There was tremendous excitement in the Wheat market today. Prices advanced 4 cents a bushel in a little over two hours. Dealings ran up into the millions. The shorts were completely stampeded, and their orders to buy flooded the market from start to finish. War news and foreign buying were the factors which occasioned the tumult, i, The foreign buying was by far the heaviest seen in a long time. No limit was set' on the execution of foreign orders, which read "Buy wheat," and it was bought in at any figure. During the regular session May went from 1 to- 78 cents, and later on the curb to 79 ' cents. To other influenes was added the export de mand at the close. Liverpool taking tirty-five loads. The market was at a fever heat all day, and left off at its wildest point. Total sales were be-' tween 6,000,000 and - 6,500,000 bushels. " ' Hopes to Be Pardoned. Havana, April 20. A press corre spondent went to Cabanas today and saw General Rivera and Colonel Baca loa. He found Rivera in a Jarge,. dry and well-ventilated cell. At ' the mo ment of the visit the general was lying down, but he had been able to leave his bed the day before. His wounds are healing rapidly, and he is hoping to be pardoned as a special favor of the crown. Colonel Bacalloa is similarly situated, and the two officers have a servant who attends them. They have oomfortable beds and good meals sent in daily from a restaurant near by. Neither has any special complaint to make. Colonel Bacalloa is also confi dent of a pardon. The correspondent today saw Owen Melton and Alfred Laborde, . of the Competitor crew. ' They are loking well. Brigadier-General Moncada has been promoted to be second in command under the chief of staff of Captain-General Weyler. , Cubans Will Take Steps to . ' Frustrate It. M'KINLEY'S CUBAN POLICY. ' ' i An American Flag Was Destroyed by' Spanish Soldiers in Santa Clara Gen. Weyler's Latest Order. Philadelphia, April 19. A private meeting of Cubans and Cuban sympa thizers was held in this city today, at which it was decided to take steps to frustrate what the Cubans .claim is the real object of Major Luno Sandoval's visit to this city. . This is said to be the arrest of the members of the Cuban junta in this country. It has been stated that Major Sandoval came to Philadelphia to purchase munitions of war to be shipped in the general way to General Weyler in Cuba. Leading Cubans, however, assert that it is to gather information that will culminate in the arrest of General Estrada Palma and General Quesada in Washington. The former is the minister of the Cuban republic, and the latter charge d'affaires at the capital.. It is asserted that Major Sandoval has been commissioned , by General Weyler for this express pur pose, and is known to have in his pos session documents found on the steamer Laurada on one of her trips to Cuba, ah swing the parts played by Generals Palma and Quesada in her movements. , . Should the arrest of the junta lead ers result, and the issue be made in court as to the liability of such a pol icy, there will be a question of juris diction that will not only involve the interstate commerce laws, but also ques tions of belligerency and the customs ;omity of nations. M'KINLEY'S CUBAN POLICY. The War Must Be Fought on Civil ized Lines. New York, April 19. A Tribune Jispatch from Washington says: The policy of the administration in "reference to Cuba is not likely to be criticised as was that of its predecessor ,on the score of indifference to the rights of American citizens. Secretary Sherman will see to it that imprison ment of suspects entitled to the prp tection of the United States for an in definite period is no longer indulged in by Spanish officials in Cuba. He will even go further and make it plain to the Spanish authorities that they can not, in the closing of the 19th century, be permitted to carry on war on princi ples widely divergent from modern civ ilization. In short, notice has been served on the Spanish government informally as yet, but still in unmis takable .terms that this government recognizes a state of civil war on the island of Cuba which demands a treat ment of prisoners taken in action by either side somewhat different from that which seems to have been accorded them thus far. ( The immediate cause of this notice being served on the Spanish govern ment was, of course, the capture of Cuban General Rivera and the rumor that he would be forthwith tried by drumhead court-martial and shot. ' The president, immediately after the news of the fate in store for the pris oner was received, ordered the secretary to draw up a protest against the con templated action of General Weyler. Upon second consideartion, however, the protest took a less formal shape. Instead Of being diverted to the Spanish minister in writing, Senor de Lome was sent - for by the secretary of state and informed as to the views of the admin istration in the matter. This protest, it is assumed, was no less explicit than that which Secretary Sherman had pre viously drafted. At any rate it had its effect., for General Rivera is still living. TORE UP AN AMERICAN FLAG. An. Outrage by Spanish Soldiers in Santa Clara. New York, April 19. A Herald dis patch from Sagua Grande via Key West says a report has just reached there of an outrage perpetrated near i the town of Encircujada, by Spanish troops, who destroyed the property owned by the wife of the British vice-consul, Mr. Harris, of Sagua Grande, and tore up an American flag which the manager of the estate, George Harris, who is an American citizen, had draped over his bed. The estate of Mrs. Harris, called La Palma, is about two miles from Encir crujada. The troops , broke open the doors and removed articles of value. Finding the flag in the manager's bed room, the soldiers carried it out with many epithets and tore it into bits. Being satisfied with their vengeance on the bit of bunting, in the absence of its owner, they departed. The matter was reported to Mr. Har ris on his return, and he promptly laid it before the British and American consular officials in Sagua who will cause a thorough investigation. It is said : the Spanish assert that they had seen insurgents leaving the estate, but this is denied by the mana ger. The American consul at Sagua, his friends say, will make a full report oh the flag incident. He is Mr. Bar ker, one of the most vigorous American representatives on the island. INVADERS CHECKED. Greek Irregulars Defeated by the Turks .'.. . ' . . at Krania. v Larissa, April 19. Severe fighting has occurred in Macedonia between the , Greek irregulars and . the Turkish, foroes. A column of irregulars sent to the right from Pitgravitzo, after hav ing attacked and captured Sitovon, con-' tinued its advance toward Kritudes, Phisia and Kouruzi, with orders to hold Kouruzi at all costs, as it com mands the right approach to Grevno, the objective point. . This column, commanded by Chiefs . Zermos and Luzzo, . attacked Kritudes on Friday. The place was defended by , two companies of Turks. After a se vere fight, during which eighty Turks were killed and twenty-five taken pris oners, the position was oaptured by the Greeks, who also obtained possession : of 1,100 rifles and a quantity t of cart rigdes. The insurgents, however, have suf ered a severe check in another direc tion. A strong foroe of Turkish troops from Macovon, with a number of mountain guns, advanced on Krania, which had recently been oaptured by the Greeks, and attacked 400 irregulars of Greece, who occupied an intrenched position. It is reported the fighting ' was ferocious on both sides. The in surgents eventually were compelled to retreat north to the mountains. Some, however, succeeded in breaking through ; the Turkish lines and escaped to Bal- ' tino, just across the frontier in Mace donia, first captured by the Greek ir- ,. regulars and "used by them as a depot for provisions and ammunition. Accounts given by refugees ot Turk ish losses are believed to be exaggerat ed. They say 266 Turks were killed, while the irregulars only had eight men killed and seventeen wounded. The leader of the Greeks operating in that direction, Chief Milonas, was among' the wounded, and returned into Greek territory with a number of refugees. One of the latter says a portion of the Turkish force is composed of irregulars whose dress resembles that of the Greek insurgents. This, it appears, enabled the Turkish force to execute a ' flank movement unheeded by the leaders of the Greeks. The refugee referred to blames the Greek leaders for badly handling the men. All the refugees bore traces of having experienced great ; fatigue, and it is reported that Ethnike Hetairia, or the national league, hag ordered the Greek irregulars to retreat into Greek territory, regarding further bloodshed as useless, unless .the regular army of Greeks supports the irregulars. AGREEMENT REACHED. Columbia River Fishermen Will Take Four Cents a Pound. Astoria, Or., April 19. It is now settled that the Columbia river packers v will not get their fish this season at less than 4 cents, as was anticipated.' At a conference between a committee of the union, appointed for that pur pose, and the packers, this afternoon, it ; was determined by the -former that no fish would be delivered to any cannery for less than the 4-cent price. It now remains to be seen whether -the packers will pay the union rate or shut down. The probabilities are, ' however, that it will be decided to go ahead with the season's pack, but an effort will be made by the Cannery men's Association to stiffen Eastern prices so as to justify the 4-cent price for fish. ' ' ' A prominent packer is authority for the statement that no more fish will be offered under first-class labels after to day at a price that will not leave a fair ; margin of profit at 4 cents for raw ma terial. It could not be learned what action the association has determined to take, but it is generally reported that . its members have agreed to render such v assistance to one another as will enable the entire spring pack to be carried over until the desired improvement . takes place in the market. When it became generally known to night that the impending strike had been averted, there was great rejoicing. ' When the season opened, business experienced a sudden improvement, but fell off again as the agitation continued. Great uneasiness was felt, The situ ation, as it now stands, is all that could be desired, and indications are bright for a prosperous year. The Only dis agreeable feature of the situation is that the Chinese have secured an advantage over white labor. This con- dition has caused a great deal of un favorable discussion, and is condemned on all sides. Several hundred boats went 'out to night, the decision of the union setting all doubts at rest. ' The run of salmon continues light, but the fish is of ex cellent quality. It is predicted by fish experts that the run this year will be without precedent in the past ten sea- ' tons..-.; ' 7 Scarcity of Funds tn Land Office. Washington, April 19. The exhaus tion of the funds appropriated for the . general land office is largely crippling the work in the field, and further re- ' trenchment on the salary rolls was -made today. The fourteen examiners of the office . who have been investigat ing on the Chippewa Indian lands at $6 per day each, and twelve mineral land commissioners in Idaho and Montana, drawing $3,500 per annum each, were ordered dropped from the rolls. The ao tion takes effect the 20th inst. V .A-