The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 16, 1897, Image 3

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    ' $food Iftver Slacier
FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1897.
The mall arrives from Mf. Hood at 10 o
elock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts -ie same aay s a noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at H A. M. Tuesdays
ina Saturdays: arrives ai o r. ai.
For White Salmon leaves dtlly at 1 P. M.
arrives at 8 o'clock P. M.
From White Halmon, leaves for Fulda, Oil'
raer, Trout Lake and Glen wood Mondays,
w eanesaay s ana r riaa vs.
Canby Post, No. 19, Q. .V. R., meets at School
Bouse Hall, Arst Saturday of each month
at 2 o'clock p. m. Ally. A. R. members In
vited to attend. The ladies of the Relief
Corps meet at same time In the adjoining
room. . r. iti a, commander.
C. J. Hates, Adjutant. -
Hood River Camp, No. e?0, W. 0. W.-Meets
in l. u. u, I, null secona weanesnay or eacn
month. . c isuuwius, v. u
H. Hjoix, Clerk.
Waucoma TyOdge, No. SO, K. of P., meets In
tneir uastie Hail on every Tuesday mgnt.
W. H. Bishop, C. C.
Wm. Hayses, K. of R. & S.
Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. TT. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
0. L. MORSE, M. W,
J. F. Wat, Financier.
H. U Howls, Recoider.
Idlew,lde Lodge, No. 107, 1. O. O. F meets
in raternai nan every i nursaay mem.
F. E. Jones, See'y.
Order your rubber stamps.' M. H.
Niokelsen la agent.
. D. Calkins has gone to Klickitat
and will return next week.
Save the wrappers of Hoe Cake soap;
they are worm iceueli. ' VV. oc ii.
Lou Morse is authorized ageut for all
newspapers and periodicals.
Did you notice how pure and white
eea foam wuaimig powder looks
LF. Davidson has rented IheBuoh
ler house and will move in next week.
We presume vpu usesoap,and if so the
best Is cheapest. Hoe Cane is strictly
pure, Willi no tree aiKait.
Geo. T. Pratber has rented his house
adjoining Nickelseu's store, to Dr.
Shaw, lately from Prinevilie.
A washing powder that is yellow will
make clothes the same color. Avoid this
by using Soap Foam. VVolfard & Bone.
Read the testimonials in Tillett'sad;
they will give you an idea where to
ouy trees uiai can ue rciieu upuu.
Lye packed in sifting top can is pure
granulated potash. All others contain a
' large portion ot suit. Ask for Red Seal.
Don't let (lie cat lick the dishes, but
make nice soft soap with Sea Foam. Di
rections ou the package. W. & 15.
It is said the Oiegon Lumber com
pany will put in a- large store at VI
Tillett gives away with every bill of
trees sold a sain pie ot the eonee lierry.
Be sure and gel a sample and grow
your own coffee.
Croup and whooping cough are child
hood's terrors; but like pneumonia,
bronchitis, and other throat and lung
trcuolett, cuti be qvickly cured liy using
One Minute Cough Cure. Williams &
The tlrst strawberry of the season
was brought in Irom J. B. Hunt's place
last Monday. It whs not lully ma
tured. Unconditional surrender, is the only
tonus the famous little p. Us known as
DeWitt's Little Early Risers will make
Willi constipation, sick headache and
bloiiiuch troubles. W illlams & Brosius.
Mr. Hobson, agent, for the Orego
nian, the fccnbuer'a history and other
works, was iu the valley durrig the
' When a cold is contracted, cure it at
once. One Minute Cough Cure will set
you on the roud to recovery in u minute.
It will cure pneumonia, bronchitis,
croup and all forms of lung and throat
troubles. Williams &, Brosius.
H. F. Davidsou sold his ranch last
Friday to a Mr. A. i. Imbler, from
Grand Ronde valley.
Personal. The gentlemen who an
noyed the congregation lust Sunday by
continually coughing will find instant
relief by using One Minute Cough Cure,
aspeedy and harmless remedy for throat
and lung troubles. Williams & Brosius.
A sou of Rev. Troy Shelley Is leach
ing school at Rldgeway,' iu the south
eastern part of this couuty.
it should be made a matter of public
know lege that De Will's Witch Hazel
Salve will speedily cure piles of the long
est standing. It is the household fav
orite for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises and
sores of all kinds. W illiauis & Brosius.
. G. M. Stroud, lecturer for the Ma
eon it) order, visited the Hood River
lodge last Saturday night.
Not ouly acute lung troubles, which
mav nrnve fklal in a few (In vs. but nlii
chronic coughs and throat troubles may
receive immediate relief and be perma
nently cured by One Minute Cough
Cure. Williams & Brosius.
A new road district has been formed
at Vlento, which comes in Ihe direc
tion of Hood River as far as Mitchell's
Point. C. M. Knapp , has been ap
pointed supervisor. "
When the spring time comes, "gentle
Annie," like all other sensible persons,
will cleanse the liver and renovate the
system with DeWitt's Little Early
Risers, famous little pills lor the liver
and s omach all the year round. Will
iams & Brosius. . . j1
" Write to Davenport Bros.' Lumber
Co. for delivered prices ou all kinds of
lumber, rough or dressed. They have
a large and good assortment of finish
ing lumber on hand, good and dry.
Call and get our cash prices before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Thirty years is a long time to fight so
nainful a trouble as uiles. but. Jacob
Mitchell, of Uuionville, Pa., struggled
that long before he tried DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, which quickly and
permanently cured him. It is equally
effective in eczema and all skin affec
tions. Williams & Brosius.
v R. O. Evans is now on duty as night
watchman for the town, being paid by
private subscription. Last Friday
night, about 12 o'clock, he discovered
that the wind had rekindled a pile of
leaves that had been burning in the
yard or Capt. ferguson, anu a blaze
sprung up that threatened the build
ings adjoining. He procured a bucket
of water and put the fire out. The em
ployment of a night watchman is a
good move on the part of our citizens,
and Mr. Evans will be found to be
alert and efficient.
The Glacier owes an apology of
long standing to C. L. Morse and L. E.
Morse and ihelr wives. C L. is well
known us Lee Morse and L. E. as Lou
Morse. Iu mentioning their names in
the paper we have often given the
wrong initials. - The last child born to
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Morse was credited
by this paper to Mr.-and Mrs. L. E.
Morse. Accompanying the excursion
to The Dalles last week was Mr. and
Mi. C. L. Morse. One of the excursionists-deputized
to report for the
Glacier gave the names of Mr. and
Mrs. L. E. Morse, where it should have
been C. L. Morse, and it was so print
ed. We noticed that The Dalles papers
also printed the names of Mr. and Mrs.
L. E. Mnrse in their. lists of Hood
River names, without mentioning C.L.
Morse. - Re-Mrse dictates this apol
ogy, and in future we will try to re
member that L. E. stands for Lou and
C L. for Ie.. '
The new; passenger schedule on the
O. R. & N. will go into effect next
Wednesiiay. There will be two throuyh
trains each way one on the Union
Pacific to the East, the other to Spo
kane, to connect with the Great North
ern. The fast mail train via the Union
Pacific, goli'g east, will pass here about
12 o'clock at blht. Ihe train for Spo
kane, which will briliir Portland mail
and the Oregonian, will arrive at Hood
Kiver about 6' o'cock in the evening.
The f'ist mail going west will pass here
at 4 o'clock in the morning, and the
Spokane train about in the morning,
isy this araugement hooii
Ri ver will
not get tne uregonian tin about
o'clock In the evening the same day it
is printed. '
A dog belonging to' A. M. Creed was
reported to the town marshal us hav
ing attacked several persons passing
the house. The marshal went into Mr.
Creed's wood shed, last Friday morn
ing, and gave the dog a dose of cold
poison, from the ettects or wnicn he
died. Mr. Creed, claiming that the
marshal had exceeded his authority.
called upon Justice Prat her for a war
rant for his arrest, but the justice de
cided that the plaintiff should give
bonds liefore he would proceed wit h a
trial. Mr. Creed informs us he then
went to The Dulles and called upon
District Attorney Jayne, who refused
to prosecute the case The affair caused
considerable comment. The dog was
said to have bteu valuable for driving
A letter from Sterling Dark to his
brother John, from McCoy Creek,
states that he and Broadltent have
been at the mines since the 1st of Feb
ruary, enifaued in "shooting rock."
The high water washed out the bars in
the gulch where the Mazama com
pany's claims are located. The stream
piled up logs at the end or ihe dump
90 feet high. He advises those who
will go to the mines this spring to
travel in balloons, as the trail Is cov
ered with fallen timber.
Mr. J. B. O Lock wood, superinten
dent of construction for the California
Bridge Co., who have the contract for
building the steel bridge across Hood
iver at this place, tirrived here yester
day. The piers were shipped yesterday
from Portland and are exitected to ar
rive today. Mr. Lock wood will send a
foreman here, who will employ a force
of Hood River men, and work will
commence at once. ,
Through the personal effort of Rev.
L. Hershner, the Congregational
churclihas been made a present of a
beautiful communion service (satin sil
ver, Rogers'), consisting of two goblets,
two plules, a tankard and a baptismal
IhiwI. The donor is a distinguished
friend of missionary churches, Mrs.
H. S.'Caswell of New York cjty.
The first English sparrow made its
uppearance in Hood River lust Monday
morning. l he bird was tlrst seen
perched on the Langille house, and
soon afterwards it flew down to the
street and commenced feeding within
four feet of where Mr. Edgar Hus
bands and Mr. E. W. Winans were
Mr. M. F. Sloper writes from the
mines iu - British Columbia to bis wife
hat there is not an idle man iu Grand
Forks. He did not accept the position
tiered him to drive stage, but procured
better one. Mrs. Sloper and the
children expect to leave here some
ime next month to join Mr. Sloper.
Delegations from the woman's corps
Hiid Grand Army will meet at Clapper
school house today at z o'clock, and
exercises of a patriotic nature will lie ou
the programme. .Next Friday they
Will meet at Barrett school house, and
ither schools will be visited every Fri
day till each school in the valley has
been visited.
It would be interesting to know how
many strawberry plants have been set
this last' week, but it would be safe to
say that there Iihs been more than in
any week in the history of Hood River.
n,very abietxMiied man seems to lie busy
and some even say they cau not find
good help.
The force employed at W. J. Smith's
box factory is busily engaged making
up strawberry crates and boxes. The
hallocks are being made from larch
lumber, revived from Bridal Veil, and
make a vtry neat and substantial box.
Mr. Wm. Buskirk has been quite
sick. His son, John Buskirk, came
down from The Dalles Tuesday, and
Wednesday, Mrs. Aud Winans came
down, aud the old uentlemun will ac
company them to The Dalles.
Mr. J. H. Zune. publisher of the A.
O. U. W. paper in Portland, was in
Hood River Sunday, and returned
home Monday. Mrs. Zune, who came
by boat, is still here, visiting her moth
er, Mrs. Monroe.
The Easter exercises at the U. B.
church on Sabbath morning will be
given altogether by the children, and
promises to be interesting. An Easter
sermon ou Habbath evening by Itev.
J. T. Merrill. .
Our reporter was a little too previous
last week in announcing that Mrs. D.
Clark had arrived from Portland.. She
did not arrive till Tuesday of this
Now is a good time to select nursery
trees and satisfy youself that they have
been uninjured by the winter. Surplus
trees at sacrifice prices. H. C. Batebam.
Davidson and Bone sold ten acres to
Rev. J. W. Jenkins during the week.
The land lies one-quarier of a mile
north of H. J. Hibbard's place.
An Easter programme will be pre
sented at the M. E. church Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock, consisting of
recitations, music, etc.
Mr. John Parker is in Portland for
treat men t for an aggravated case of
sore throat.
Our New Postmaster.
Mr. Wm. Yates has received the ap
pointment of postmaster for Hood
River, and his commission will follow
in due time. Mr, Yales is in every
way qualified for the position of post
master of our growing community,
and the Glacier predicts he will make
a model official.' Cant. J. H. Dukes
was his chief opponent for the appoint
ment, ana it was generally (nought tie
would be successful. Capt. Dukes was
endorsed by Canby post of the Grand
Army, of which he is a past command
er aud a respected member, and by a
large petition si trued by many of the
leading members of his (party. The
appointment of Mr. Yates, - like
that of Mr. Hermann '8. shows that
ex-Senator Mitchell and Congressman
Ellis have charge of Ihe Oregon ap
pointments and will look out for their
friends every time. Mr. Yates and
('apt. Dukes both supported Mr. Ellis,
and both favored Mr. Mitchell's re
election, but Mr. Yates was backed by
the straight-out Mitchell republicans of
Hood River and Wasco county. While
congratulating Mr. Yates we can sym
pathize with Capt. Dukes, knowing
now it is ourself. It takes a strong po
litical pull to get an office tnese days.
Easter at Congregational Church.
Easter exercises will lie held at the
Congregational church on Sunday at
11 a. m. The following Interesting
1 programme will be presented to the
1. March by school to song, "On
ward, Christiau Soldiers."
2. Prayer.
8. Song, "Sing it with Joy," Junior
4. Class exercise with song, "Easter
5. Anthem, "Christ, the Lord, Has
Klsen Today," by choir
6. Recitation, "Be Careful What
You Sow, Boys," Edgar Button
7. Recitation, "The Butterfly's Eas
ter Morning," Daisy Campbell.
8. Duet, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul,"
Mrs. lanneia ana Mr. u. Hi. .Kami
. Recitation, "Light and Life,"
JUiura Mill.
10. Easter Gems, by six boys aud
11. Solo, "The Beautiful Hills," Mr.
S. J. LaFrance.
12. Recitation, "The First Easter
Song." Ethel Howell.
13. Recitation, "Springtide and Eas
ier," urace Histes,
14. Solo, "There is a Land Mine Eye
Hatn Been," Mrs. A. is. Cauneld.
15. Recitation, "Easter," Belle Wol
fard. 16. Easter Acrostic, by 14 boys and
17. Male quartette, "Jesus Is Risen."
18. Recitation, "The Lord is Risen,"
Agnes Dukes.
19. Solo, "Easter Eve," D. E. Rand.
20. Offering.
21. Consecration and baptism of chil
dren, by pastor. , ' ,
22 Anthem, "Hear, Holy Father,"
by choir. . -" .
E. L. Rood's new grubbing machine
has arrived, and now he expects to
transform the looks of at least u portion
of the valley.
The Travers literary club will meet
with Mrs. E. L. Smith, Monday eve
ning, April 19. Subject for discussion,
"Washington Irving."
D. R. Cooper returned Tuseday night
from Portland. Sold his apples at a
good price, notwithstanding the market
was well supplied. His best sold at$2.2o.
Summer set ms to have come all at
once. A week ago we were having
stormy weather, wi in snow on the hills
near by. Sunday .last the weather
cleared, and every day during the week
has been clear and calm, with ihe ther
mometer ranging up into the 80s in the
afternoons. Cherry and peach trees
are in full bloom, strawberry beds are
showing the blossoms, and the oak
leaves are big as squirrels' ears.
Mrs. J. R. Mead and sister came up
on the train Monday night and went
nut to Mr. John Parker's, Mr. Mead
and Master Frankie joining them on
A report of the exercises on Arbor
day in district No. ft was received too
late for this issue It will appear- next
week. '
Mr. B. F. Beats has purchased the
Fuller place, on the bluff above Under-
wood's at White Salmon, aud moved
over during 'he week.
Melville Foley is an expert at setting
strawberry plants. Last week -he set
16,000 plants !! 2 days, the plants be
ing dropped for him. Tuesday, at
Alfred Boorman's, he set 7,000 plants.
Look out for the Japanese tea social
to be given at the Congregational
churchiii the near future. Date and
particular features next week.
Mr. B. R. Tucker has something to
say in his announcement in this issue.
M. H. Nichelsen is getting in a lot of
new goods.
Dr. M. A. Jones has decided to locate
In Hood River and practice his profes
sion of dentistry.
The grand Easter ball at Lauterbach's
hall, White Salmon, has been post
poned till the 23d of April.
Ladies' shirt waists at the Racket
A young man from Indian creek
started out last evening to hunt the
cows. Pie brought up at a house on the
state road, where it seems there is some
attraction for him, and staid all night.
Early this morning a search parly was
started out to hunt. lor Dim - ana nap
pened to strike the right house to find
Mrs. A. R. Byrkett arrived this
morning from Troy, Ohio. Mr. Byr
kett expects to come in another mouth.
Stock Salt, 50c per 100 pounds. ; , . N
Blue Stone, 6c per pound.
Macaroni, 40c per box.
Corn Starch, 6c per one-pound package.
Kingsford's Corn Starch, 10c pe? one-pound package.
Flour per sack, $1.10.
Hood River and
A Pleasant Ride.
The editor accepted an invitation
from Mr. S. J. LaFrance to take an
hour's spin with him in his buggy,
Monday afternoon, behind his fust
trotting horse, Frank. We were taken
out to where the Improvement Com
pany will cross Mr. LaFrance's place
with their ditch. The day was fine
and the roads were in splendid condi
tion. On the way we noticed that Mr.
R. H. Howell had graded tiie road In
front of his place in a manner that
might be followed by others along that
beautifpl thoroughfare to good advan
tage to the public as well as their own
places. '1 his strip of road, from O. L.
Stranahan's orchard west to Captain
Blowers' place, a distance of alwuit one
mile, is fast leing improved by .neat
residences and extensive sirawlierry
plantations on the south side. Mr.
A. P. Bateham has leased 10 acres of
Dr. Adams, north of the road, and is
laying off the ground preparatory to
setting strawberry plants. At Mrs.
Howe's pldce we lound George T.
Prather, O. L. Stranahan, Thos. Mc
Donald and Rev. J. W. Rigby engaged
pruning the orchard, having volun
teered for the work, while Mrs. E. J.
Haynes served dinner to the men at
the house. , The strawberry grounds of
Mr. LaFrance, Dorrance Smith, as well
as others in the neighborhood, are be
ing worked, and all seem to be in a
flourishing condition This piece of
road, or avenue, should have a name
Ii is one of the pret'iest parts of the
valley, and no common name would
answer. The residents should unite
on a name, so that when this part of
the valley Is mentioned every one will
know what part is meant.
In Hood River, April 2, 1897, to Mr.
and Mis. P. Sinnott, a daughter.
In Hood River, Wednesday evening.
April 14, 1897, at the residence of the
bride, Mr. C. J. Hayes and Mrs. Ann
Stranahan; Rev. J. L., Hershner offi
ciating. .
Only a few invited friends of the
well and favorably known couple were
present. After the ceremony a very
dainty lunch was served by Mrs.
Wright and Mrs. Mo'iney. The bride
aud groom, who were made the recip
ients of some very neat and appropriate
presents, will carry with them iheiiest
wishes of many friends for hapi iness
and prosperity. The Glacier ac
knowledges receipt of a liberal portion
of wedding cake. 1
Church Notices.
Rev. J. W. Jenkins will preach in
the Valley Christian church next Sun
day, morning and evening.
Congregational Church Rev. J. L.
Hershner, pastor. Worship, witli
preaching, will ie conducted every
Sunday, at 11 a. in. and 7 30 p. in., un
less otherwise announced. Prayer
meeting and Sunday school conference
on Wednesday evening. Christian
Endeavor society on Sunday evening.
All who attend these services will lie
made welcome.
Methodist Episcopal Church, H. K.,
Hi ues, D. I)., Pastor Weekly services:
Sunday, 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11
a. m., preaching;' 2:30 p. in., Junior
League; 7 p. m., Epworih League: 7:45
p. m , preaching. Thursday, 7:30 p.m.,
prayer meeting. Everybody welcomed
to these services.
Sunday school at the M. E. church
every Sunday, at 10 a. m. A wel
come to all. HUPT.
Rev. H. Moys will fill appointments
for the conference year as follows: He
will preach at Pine Grove every first
and third Sunday at 11 a. in.: at Bel
mont at 7:30 p.. m. Belmont, every
second and fourth Sunday, at .11 a. m.;
Crupper school house, 2:30 p. m.; Pine
Grove, 7:30 p. in. Fifth Sunday, at
Mt. Hood, at 11 a. ni.
United Brethren Church Services.
Preaching each Sabbath morning and
evening. Sunday school at 10 a. m.;
Junior Endeavor, 3 p. m.; Senior En
deavor, 6:45 p. m.; preaching, 7:30;
prayer meeting and choir practice
Wednesday evening.
Re'v. J. T. Merrill, Pastor.'
News Service Extended.
The St. Louis Republic recently made
arrangements with the cable companies
wtiereny direct news rrora ail sections
of the civilized world are received. It
now prints more authentic foreign news
than any other paper and continues to
keep up its record tor publishing all the
home news The outlook for the year
is one of big events, fast succeeding
each other aud they will tie highly in
teresting to everyone. The price of the
Republic daily is $6 a year, or $1.60 for
three months. The Twice-a-Week Re-
Eublic will remain the same ,$1 a year,
v mail twice-a-wesk.
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tab
lei 8. Williams &, Brosius refund the
money if it fails to cure. 25c.
On the morning of Feb. 20, 1895, I
was sick with rheumatism, and lay in
bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. . The
first, application of it relieved me
almost entirely from the pain and the
second afforded complete relief. . In a
short time I was able to be up and
abisut ugairi. A. T. Moreaux, Luverue,
Minn, bold by Williams s Hrosius.
or women to travel for responsible estab
lished house in Oregon. Salary t, SO, payable
S15 weekly and expenses. Position perma
nent. Reference. Enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope. The National, Star Build
ing, Chicago. . sep
White Salmon.
T1 IE2Z 32
i U now open for business, carrying a full line of
i Uyd and Patent Medicines,
Perfumery ana
Always on
frescrwtions vareruuu vomnounaea ana xrices jteaeonaoie.
At the old stand of the Glacier office, Hood River, Oregon.
H. A. YORK, Proprietor.
Notary Public.
DR. E. T. CARNS Is now located In Hood
River. Plrst-claAS work at reasonable rates.
All work guaranteed. Office in the Langille
House. Jyl8
Repaired and all kinds of
Sold by
Also, Boots and Shoes repaired. .
Columbia Nursery
Offers a large stock of Fruit Trees and all oth
er kinds of nursery stock. All trees are well
grown, carefully dug, free from pests and true
to label. Whether you want one tree or 1,009,
It will pay you to examine this stock. Re
member, trees grown here give the best satis
faction. No trouble to show goods. Orders
filled on short notice. H. C. BATEHAM,
Hood River, Oregon.
Three miles south, on Mt. Hood Koad.
Hood River Nursery
WM. TILLETT, Proprietor.
I planted 850 trees bought of Wm. Tillett
last spring, and they are all doing finely, and
I never lost a tree. WM. BOORMAN.
I planted over TOO young apple trees last
spring. boughtofWm. Tillett: They all lived,
and some have made 4 feet growth. Best
trees to grow I ever bought. Drop around
and see them, J. J. GIBBONS.
We planted over 1100 trees boughtofWm.
Tillett last spring. They have all made a
good growth, and we have not lost a tree.
Drop In and see the trees I bought from
Tillett 18 months ago, and you' will see the
best 10 acres of young orchard in Mount Hood
district, or Hood River, either.
D. R. COOPER & SON, Mt. Hood.
Harbison Bros., Prop'rs,
Manufacturers of
Oni Loiter
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and all kinds ofceieals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham
a specialty.
Mt.Hood Saw Mills,
Of the best quality always on hand at prices
to suit tne umes. jyai-
Ray's Little Cathartic
For constiDation. headache, biliousness. In
digestion, sallow complexion and diseases
arising from disordered liver, stomach and
Kianeys. irice cenis, at me tioou xviver
Wade's Worm Powders
A pleasant, safe and efficient worm de-
stroer. Price 15 cents, at the Hood River
Monroe's Cough Balsom
A prompt and efficacious remedy for colds,
coughs. Influenza, croup, bronchitis, sore
throat, hoarseness and all affections of the
throat, lungs and bronchial tubes. Price 25c,
60c and 81, at the Hood River Pharmacy.
Child's Castor Laxative
A vegetable remedy for regulating the stom
ach and bowels of babies and children, con
taining no opium, morphine or other narcot
ics. It Is harmless; pleasant to take and a
most valuable remedy. Price 2o cents, at the
Hood River Pharmacy.
Ripans Tabules.
Rlpans Tabules cure nausea.
Ripans Tabules: at druggists. '
Ripans Tabules cure dizziness.
Ripans Tabules cure headache.
Ripans Tabules cure flatulence.
Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia. .
Ripans Tabules assist digestion.
Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. '
R'pans Tabules cure biliousness.
Ripans Tabules: one gives relief.
Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver.
Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic.
Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. !
Ripans Tabules cure constipation-
Kitchen Furniture,
. . Pruning Tools, Etc.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Paper Hanging.
E. L. Rood, who has had 8 years' experience
In the business of paintingand paper hanging.
Is now prepared to do this kind of work for
citizens of Hood River. He can furnish the
paper and put It ou your walla at Portland
prices. -
Mill IIIIll I M
Toilet Articles,
band. .;
To tiie, aGtT
Gives the choice of
' vi
Via .
" . AND ' V ,' ' . AHD '
ST. P AUL. Kansas City
Low Rates to All East
ern Cities.
West hound overland, ' - 6:47 A. M.
East bnu nd overland, - fl:17 P.
Local pasHeuger.east hound, 10:55 A.
.Local passenger, west
2:24 p. M.
Leave Portland every Ave days tor
K. MnNEILIj. President.
For full details call on O. R. AN. Aot
Oen'l Pass. Agent,
Portland, Or.
THE-"- : - '
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
DallyM. Dalles ami Fortland
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
One way .'..$1 .10
Round trip 2 SO
Freight Rates Greatly
General Agent.
G. T. Pkathbb,
Notary Public.
H. C. Co.
Bui Mluni lam,
93 Oak St, bet 2d and 3d.
We have lots, blocks and acreage In the
town of Hood River; also, fruit, hay and nerry
farms and timber claims in the most desira
ble locations In the valley. If you have any
thing In the real estate lino to sell or rent, or
If you want to ouy, give us a call.
Deeds, bonds and mortgages promptly and
correctly executed.
We will also attend to legal business in jus
tides' courtjH
We are also agents for SOUTH WAUOOMA
Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema.
The intense itching and smarting inci
dent to these diseases is instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye and "
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficient for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples;
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes, 2octs. per box.
Br. Cody's Condition Powders, are
jnst what a horse needs -when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but
medicine and the best in use to put a
horse in prime condition. - Price 5
cents par package.
For sale by WiUh ins &. lirotiuv.